OMU Commissioning

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Last login: Sat Mar 29 09:40:00 2014
Linux:~ # rcsmb status
Checking for Samba SMB daemon running
Linux:~ # cd /mbsc/upgrade/
-bash: cd: /mbsc/upgrade/: No such file or directory
Linux:~ # cd /bsc6000/mbsc/upgrade/V900R014c0spc500
-bash: cd: /bsc6000/mbsc/upgrade/V900R014c0spc500: No such file or directory
Linux:~ # cd /bsc6000/mbsc/upgrade/V900R014C00SPC500
-bash: cd: /bsc6000/mbsc/upgrade/V900R014C00SPC500: No such file or directory
Linux:~ # cd /data/bsc6000/mbsc/upgrade/V900R014C00SPC500
-bash: cd: /data/bsc6000/mbsc/upgrade/V900R014C00SPC500: No such file or directo
Linux:~ # ls
. .. .gnupg .kbd bin
Linux:~ # cd /bsc6000
-bash: cd: /bsc6000: No such file or directory
Linux:~ # cd /data
-bash: cd: /data: No such file or directory
Linux:~ # cd ..
Linux:/ # cd /bsc6000/mbsc/upgrade/V900R014C00SPC500
-bash: cd: /bsc6000/mbsc/upgrade/V900R014C00SPC500: No such file or directory
Linux:/ # cd /data/bsc6000/mbsc/upgrade/V900R014C00SPC500
-bash: cd: /data/bsc6000/mbsc/upgrade/V900R014C00SPC500: No such file or directo
Linux:/ # pwd
Linux:/ # ls
. BSC6000 boot etc lib media opt root srv tmp var
.. bin dev home lost+found mnt proc sbin sys usr
Linux:/ # cd /BSC6000/mbsc/upgrade/V900R014C00SPC500
Linux:/BSC6000/mbsc/upgrade/V900R014C00SPC500 # chmod +x ./
chmod: cannot access `./': No such file or directory
Linux:/BSC6000/mbsc/upgrade/V900R014C00SPC500 # chmod +x ./
chmod: cannot access `./': No such file or directory
Linux:/BSC6000/mbsc/upgrade/V900R014C00SPC500 # ls
. install patch remoteclient upgraderule vercfg.xml win
.. mysql pos third_part_script vercfg.sgn versioncfg.ini
Linux:/BSC6000/mbsc/upgrade/V900R014C00SPC500 # cd /install
-bash: cd: /install: No such file or directory
Linux:/BSC6000/mbsc/upgrade/V900R014C00SPC500 # ls -l
total 164
drwxr-xr-x 10 root root 4096 May 6 22:05 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 May 6 22:04 ..
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 May 6 22:05 install
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 May 6 22:05 mysql
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 May 6 22:05 patch
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 May 6 22:05 pos
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 May 6 22:05 remoteclient
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 May 6 22:04 third_part_script
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 May 6 22:04 upgraderule
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 578 Jun 12 2013 vercfg.sgn
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 110661 Jun 12 2013 vercfg.xml
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 4066 Jun 12 2013 versioncfg.ini
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 May 6 22:04 win
Linux:/BSC6000/mbsc/upgrade/V900R014C00SPC500 # cd instal
-bash: cd: instal: No such file or directory
Linux:/BSC6000/mbsc/upgrade/V900R014C00SPC500 # cd install
Linux:/BSC6000/mbsc/upgrade/V900R014C00SPC500/install # ./
-bash: ./ No such file or directory
Linux:/BSC6000/mbsc/upgrade/V900R014C00SPC500/install # ls
. .. setup
Linux:/BSC6000/mbsc/upgrade/V900R014C00SPC500/install # cd setup
Linux:/BSC6000/mbsc/upgrade/V900R014C00SPC500/install/setup # ./
[2015-05-06 22:19:01] software integrality verify begin...
[2015-05-06 22:19:11] software integrality verify end...
[2015-05-06 22:19:11] patch integrality verify begin...
[2015-05-06 22:19:20] patch integrality verify end...
# The run mode of the product
# GO:GSM only
# UO:UMTS only
# Please select one mode to install.
Please input a valid run_mode :GO
# The name of office
# The name suggest range from 5 to 32 characters.
# The characters suggest be letters, digits, "-"or "_".
Please input a valid office_name :huawei
# The OMU language version. eg: eng/chs
Please input a valid version :eng
# The "admin" user's password of OMU service.
# The password must range from 6 to 32 characters and consist of only letters an
d figures.
# Do not forget the password.
# You can change the password later, but this password should be provided first.
Please input a valid admin_password :
Please input a valid Confirm password :
# The ftp user's password of OMU service
# The password must range from 6 to 32(characters) and consist of only letters a
nd figures.
# Do not forget the password.
# You can change it later, but this password should be provided first.
Please input a valid ftp_password :
Please input a valid Confirm password :
# The extranet IP address,subnet mask, and default gateway.
# example:;
Please input a valid virtual_extranet_config :
extranet config is invalid. Please Input "ip/netmask;gateway".
Please input a valid virtual_extranet_config :
extranet config is invalid. Please Input "ip/netmask;gateway".
Please input a valid virtual_extranet_config :;192.168.1
extranet ip address ( is invalid.
Please input a valid virtual_extranet_config :;192.168.
# The OMU system type. eg: Single/Dual
# Single:Install stand-alone system
# Dual:Install dual-OMU system. The dual-OMU system can effeciently increase the
reliability of the OMU system.
Please input a valid install_type :Single
product_type : BSC6900
office_name : huawei
install_path : /BSC6000/data/mbsc/bam
version : ENG
virtual_innernet_ip :
virtual_extranet_config :;
Please affirm input information. input Y to continue; input E to exit. ->y
Check OS user authority begin...
This class is check user authority.
The standard is :
- user require administrator authority;
Check OS user authority end.
Check disk free space begin...
This class is check the space of disk.
The standard is :
1- The required minimum free space available on installation disk must be la
rge than 2G;
2- Other disk use rate less than 90%;
Check disk free space end.
Check MySql installation begin...
This class is check MySQL.
If MySQL be installed, the standard is:
- Service name must be 'mysql';
- Install path must be /usr/local/mysql;
- Data path must be /usr/local/mysql/data;
- The MySQL's version is 5.0;
Check MySql installation end.
Check installation files begin...
This class is check the install page file.
The standard is :
1- files BAM.CMM,BAM.ver, exist;
2- files weblmt.ver/weblmt.res/ exist;
Check installation files end.
Decompress installation files begin...
[22:26:271430922387] Decompress file bam.ver begin...
[22:26:351430922395] Decompress file bam.ver end.
[22:26:351430922395] Decompress file bam.bin begin...
[22:26:451430922405] Decompress file bam.bin end.
[22:26:451430922405] Decompress file begin...
[22:27:221430922442] Decompress file end.
[22:27:221430922442] Decompress file weblmt.ver begin...
[22:27:261430922446] Decompress file weblmt.ver end.
[22:27:261430922446] Decompress file weblmt.res begin...
[22:27:281430922448] Decompress file weblmt.res end.
[22:27:281430922448] Decompress file begin...
[22:27:511430922471] Decompress file end.
[22:27:511430922471] Decompress file weblmt.mml begin...
[22:27:591430922479] Decompress file weblmt.mml end.
[22:27:591430922479] Decompress file bam.cmm begin...
[22:27:591430922479] Decompress file bam.cmm end.
Start create Upgrade dir...
Start copy version files.
Decompress installation files end.
Decompress uninstallation files begin...
Decompress uninstallation files end.
Save BAM configuration begin...
Save BAM configuration end.
Install MySql begin...
[22:28:231430922503] Decompress file begin...
[22:28:251430922505] Decompress file end.
create_install_path_link succeed!
register mysql service succeed!
start mysql succeed!
Install MySql end.
Detach database begin...
Detach database end.
Attach database begin...
[22:28:461430922526] Start attach db, bam_a /BSC6000/data/mbsc/bam/version_a/dat
[22:32:081430922728] Start test db...
Attach database end.
Security configure begin...
Security configure end.
Save BAM configuration begin...
Save BAM configuration end.
Set the password of user root for accessing the Mysql database begin...
Set the password of user root for accessing the Mysql database end.
Update version number begin...
Update version number end.
Initialize work mode and language begin...
Initialize work mode and language end.
Copy patch begin...
Copy patch end.
Decompress patch begin...
Decompress patch end.
Update patch version information begin...
Update patch version information end.
Replace OMU file begin...
Replace OMU file end.
Run database patch begin...
Run database patch end.
Run tool patch begin...
Run tool patch end.
Update BAM service files begin...
Update BAM service files end.
Set BAM services state begin...
Set BAM services state end.
Install OMU succeed!
Please input Enter to exit.
Linux:/BSC6000/mbsc/upgrade/V900R014C00SPC500/install/setup # cd //
Linux:// # cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam
-bash: cd: /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam: No such file or directory
Linux:// # cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam
-bash: cd: /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam: No such file or directory
Linux:// # pwd
Linux:// # cd
Linux:~ # pwd
Linux:~ # cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam
-bash: cd: /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam: No such file or directory
Linux:~ # ls
. .. .gnupg .kbd bin
Linux:~ # cd..
-bash: cd..: command not found
Linux:~ # cd /BSC6000/data/mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam
Linux:/BSC6000/data/mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam # ./omutool extervip
The network segment of the External virtual IP address is differe
nt from that of the Gateway IP address.
Please enter a new Gateway IP address or press Ctrl+C to quit:
Linux:/BSC6000/data/mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam # /etc/rc.d/omud status
Checking for service omud
Linux:/BSC6000/data/mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam #

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