Ophthal Applications
Ophthal Applications
Ophthal Applications
13/6/14 4/8/14
Awaiting the start of the first FY1 rotation after graduation, which also
included one week of shadowing before the start of FY1.
3/8/16 1/8/17
Planned career break in order to pursue a full-time MSc in Clinical
Ophthalmology at University College London.
GP rotations:
London Enfield and Haringey (29) Rheum/Ophthal
London Greenwich (10) ENT
London Ilford ENT
London Riverside (Chelsea and Westminster) Ophthal and ENT
London Royal Free Ophthal
London St Georges ENT, neurosurg
London Tower Hamlets ENT
London West Middlesex ITP (ENT/Eyes)
London Whipps Cross ENT
West Midlands Black County (Sandwell) Ophthal
West Yorkshire Bradford Ophthal
West Yorkshire West Riding ENT
West Yorkshire Penine ENT
West Yorkshire Leeds ENT
South Yorkshire Doncaster ENT
York Ophthal, ENT
Wessex Portsmouth Ophthal, ENT
Wessex Dorchester Ophthal, ENT
North West- Pennine ENT
North West Salford and Trafford ENT
North West Tameside and Glossop ENT
KSS West surrey - Ophthal, ENT
KSS West Sussex ENT
Nottingham ENT
Cambridge ENT
Bury St Edmunds Ophthal, ENT (2nd year)
Ipswich Ophthal, ENT (2nd year)