Carcinogenesis 2001 Chang 1527 35
Carcinogenesis 2001 Chang 1527 35
Carcinogenesis 2001 Chang 1527 35
15271535, 2001
Areca nut extract and arecoline induced the cell cycle arrest but
not apoptosis of cultured oral KB epithelial cells: association of
glutathione, reactive oxygen species and mitochondrial membrane
M.C.Chang1, Y.S.Ho2, P.H.Lee2, C.P.Chan3, J.J.Lee4, chewers in the world (4). Chewing BQ shows strong association
L.J.Hahn4, Y.J.Wang5 and J.H.Jeng4,6 to the incidence of oral cancer, leukoplakia and oral submucous
1Team of Biomedical Science, Chang-Gung Institute of Nursing, fibrosis (OSF) (1,5). Areca nut (AN) components and arecoline,
2Department of Biomedical Technology, Taipei Medical College, a main areca alkaloid, have long been considered to be the
3Department of Dentistry, Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, major etiologic factors in the pathogenesis of oral cancer and
4Laboratory of Dental Pharmacology and Toxicology, Graduate Institute of OSF (1,35). AN extract induces the DNA breaks, unscheduled
Clinical Dental Science, National Taiwan University and Department DNA synthesis and differentiation of oral keratinocytes (68).
of Dentistry, National Taiwan University Hospital and 5Graduate Institute
of Environmental Medicine, National Cheng-Gung University, Taiwan Arecoline also displays genotoxic effects as assayed by both
the bacterial test systems and cultured mammalian cells (1,3,4).
whom correspondence to be addressed
Email: [email protected]
The mechanisms why AN ingredients lead to these toxic
events are also not fully clear. AN extract and arecoline are
There are 600 million betel quid (BQ) chewers in the cytotoxic and genotoxic to various kinds of cells and inhibits
world. BQ chewing is a major etiologic factor of oral the growth of oral mucosal fibroblasts (OMF), gingival
cancer. Areca nut (AN) and arecoline may inhibit the fibroblasts (GF) and keratinocytes (1,3,6,810). Growth of
growth of oral mucosal fibroblasts (OMF) and keratino- cells is strictly regulated by the cell cycle progression.
cytes. In this study, AN extract (100800 g/ml) and Cells also typically exhibit cell cycle arrests in response to
arecoline (20120 M) inhibited the growth of oral KB genotoxic stress for allowing more time for DNA repair (11
cells by 3690 and 1575%, respectively. Exposure to 13). Dysregulation of cell cycle control is one major cause of
arecoline (>0.2 mM) for 24 h induced G2/M cell cycle arrest cancer induction (14). Impairment of cell cycle by toxic
of OMF and KB cells. Areca nut extract (>400 g/ml) chemicals usually leads to growth retardation, cytotoxicity and
also induced G2/M arrest of KB cells, being preceded apoptosis (12,1417). However, little is known about whether
by S-phase arrest at 7-h of exposure. No evident sub- cytotoxicity by AN ingredients is a result of the induction of
G0/G1 peak was noted. Marked retraction and intracellular cell cycle dysregulation or apoptosis. It is, therefore, interesting
vacuoles formation of OMF and KB cells were observed. to know whether AN extract or arecoline may induce apoptosis
Glutathione (GSH) level, mitochondrial membrane poten- of KB oral epithelial cells.
tial (m) and H2O2 production of KB cells were measured Recently, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS)
by flow cytometry. GSH level [indicated by 5-chloromethyl- (12,18), depletion of cellular glutathione (GSH) (1922) and
fluorescein (CMF) fluorescence] was depleted by 24-h expo- regulation of mitochondrial functions (2326) have been shown
sure of KB cells to arecoline (0.41.2 mM) and AN extract to influence the cell cycle progression, apoptosis and chemical
(8001200 g/ml), with increasing the percentage of cells toxicity. As AN components have been shown to autooxidize
in low CMF fluorescence. By contrast, arecoline (0.11.2 in the alkaline condition and produce ROS (27,28), it is
mM) and AN extract (8001200 g/ml) induced decreasing interesting to know whether AN component-induced cell cycle
and increasing H2O2 production (by 2,7-dichloro- changes are linked to the production of ROS, the changes in
fluorescein fluorescence), respectively. Hyperpolarization mitochondrial functions and cellular redox. We, therefore,
of m (increasing of rhodamine uptake) was noted by critically evaluate the effects of AN and arecoline on the cell
24-h exposure of KB cells to arecoline (0.41.2 mM) cycle kinetics, apoptosis and related changes in the ROS
and AN extract (8001200 g/ml). AN extract (100 production, mitochondrial membrane potential (m) and GSH
1200 g/ml) and arecoline (0.11.2 mM) induced little levels using oral KB epithelial cells.
DNA fragmentation on KB cells within 24 h. These results
indicate that AN ingredients are crucial in the pathogenesis Materials and methods
of oral submucous fibrosis (OSF) and oral cancer by Chemicals
differentially inducing the dysregulation of cell cycle con- AN extract was prepared as described previously (8,9,29). Arecoline hydro-
trol, m, GSH level and intracellular H2O2 production, bromide, propidium iodide, rhodomine 123 and 2,7-dichlorofluorescein
these events being not coupled with cellular apoptosis. diacetate (DCFH-DA) were from Sigma (Sigma Chemical Company, St Louis,
MO, USA). 5-chloromethylfluorescein diacetate (CMF-DA) was purchased
from Molecular Probes (Eugene, OR, USA). Reagents for flow cytometry
were obtained from Becton Dickinson, Worldwide Inc., San-Jose, California.
Introduction Cell culture medium and reagents were from Life Technologies (Gibco, Life
Technologies, NY, USA).
Betel quid (BQ) chewing in a popular oral habit in India,
South Africa and numerous southeastern Asian countries Culture of OMF and oral KB carcinoma cells
(14). It has been estimated that there are ~600 million BQ OMF were cultured by an explant technique as described previously (9,30).
Briefly, oral buccal mucosa tissues were minced to 111 mm3 small
pieces and cultured in DMEM containing 10% FCS, 100 U/ml penicillin and
Abbreviations: AN, areca nut; BQ, betel quid; DMEM, Dulbeccos modified 100 g/ml streptomycin at 37C in a humidified atmosphere of 95% air/5%
Eagles medium; FCS, fetal calf serum; GF, gingival fibroblasts; OMF, CO2. Cultured OMF in passage numbers between four to eight were used for
oral mucosal fibroblasts; OSF, oral submucous fibrosis; PBS, phosphate these studies. Oral KB carcinoma cells, from American Type Culture Collection
buffered saline. (ATCC), were cultured in DMEM with 10% FCS.
Fig. 3. Morphological alterations of OMF and KB cells following exposure to AN extract and arecoline. (a) Control OMF, (b) OMF exposed to 0.8 mM
arecoline for 24 h, (c) OMF exposed to 800 g/ml of AN extract for 24 h. Intracellular vacuoles can be noted (arrow head). (d) Untreated oral KB carcinoma
cells. (e) Exposure of KB cells to 0.8 mM of arecoline for 24 h (100, original magnification).
cells by AN extract and arecoline. Interestingly, some KB cells Effects of AN extract and arecoline on cellular H2O2 production
in the M1 population showed higher levels of GSH content Cellular GSH is the principal detoxifying system, capable of
following exposure to AN extract and arecoline. The mean scavenging ROS and maintaining the redox state of cellular
GSH fluorescence in the M1 population of untreated KB cells thiols (36). Depletion of cellular thiol may potentially lead to
was about 118. Following exposure to 0.20.8 mM of arecoline, cellular oxidative stress (37). It is thus interesting to know
the GSH fluorescence of the M1 population increased to an whether AN extract and arecoline may induce oxidative stress
average value of 154178 (Figure 4b). AN extract also on oral epithelial cells. Exposure to 8001200 g/ml of AN
increased the intracellular GSH level of M1 population cells extract for 24 h led to intracellular accumulation of H2O2.
from 121 (in control) to 154 and 548 by 400 and 1200 g/ml Mean DCF fluorescence of KB increased from 114 (control)
of AN extract (data not shown). to 330 and 423, respectively, by 800 and 1200 g/ml of AN
Areca ingredients arrest cell cycle
mediated by either necrosis and/or apoptosis (16,44,45), that accompanied by ROS production. Following administration of
varies with the test chemicals and cell types used. Apoptosis [3H]arecoline into female Chester Beatty rats, five major
is a critical component of the cellular responses to injuries to arecoline metabolites namely arecoline 1-oxide, arecaidine 1-
cell membranes, mitochondria and DNA, or to a dysregulation oxide, arecaidine, N-acetyl-S-(3-carboxyl-1-methylpiperid-4-
of the cell cycle (44,45). Here we noted that the induction of yl)-L-cysteine and an unidentified product were detected (51).
G2/M cycle arrest of KB cells by AN extract and arecoline is Differential reports about the effects of AN and arecoline on
not linked to the induction of apoptosis within 24 h. AN GSH and ROS levels may be because of the difference in the
extract also stimulated the KB cells to synthesize more IL-6 types of cells or organ that exhibit disparities in metabolic
(unpublished observation), a cytokine known to suppress the systems. This point should be further clarified.
p53-induced apoptosis to leukemia cells (46), failure to activate Mitochondria are the major source for endogenous cellular
apoptosis after DNA injury may be one route to carcinogenesis ROS production (26,52). Mitochondria have been shown to
by BQ (45,47). AN ingredients have been shown to exert participate in the process of chemical-induced cell injury that
various types of DNA damage (1,3), lack of apoptotic induction leads to cellular dysfunctions. In addition to ATP synthesis,
by AN may be one of the factors responsible for carcinogenesis. mitochondria are crucial for the modulation of cell redox
Oxidative stress and genotoxic insult may induce cell cycle status, osmotic regulation, pH control and calcium homeostasis
checkpoint functions (13). The GSH redox status is crucial for (26). However, mitochondria are prone to the attack by
a number of biological processes, including transcription of oxidants, electrophiles and lipophilic cations (26). Inducing
specific genes, regulating redox-sensitive signal transduction, the oxidative stress and depletion of mitochondrial GSH by
control of cell proliferation, apoptosis and tissue inflammation toxic chemicals may impair the mitochondrial functions and
(48). In the present study, exposure of KB cells to AN extract bioenergetics, leading to dysregulation of cell cycle control
and arecoline led to depletion of GSH in most of the KB cells. and apoptosis, and necrosis (3840). However, there is scant
Similar reduction of cellular GSH on oral fibroblasts and information available on the role of mitochondrial functions
keratinocytes by AN extract and arecoline is also reported during the toxic processes of AN on the oral tissues.
(6,10). Depletion of GSH by AN and arecoline may explain Rhodamine123 (Rho), as a fluorescent lipophilic cationic dye,
why exposure to AN components leads to cell cycle arrest and has been shown to accumulate in the mitochondria of living
cytotoxicity. This may explain why decreasing of GSH levels cells and has been used for evaluating changes in m of
and concomitant epithelial atrophy in OSF patients with BQ living cells (53). Rho123 incorporation may reveal both
chewing habits is usually observed in vivo (5,49). Interestingly, changes in mitochondrial activity and mitochondrial number
we also found that a fraction of KB cells have higher level of (23). In the present study, AN extract and arecoline induced
GSH content following exposure to AN and arecoline. This hyperpolarization of m. This may be a result of dispersion
reveals the possible presence of cellular heterogeneity. Never- of Rho123 fluorecence from mitochondria as observed by
theless the reasons are not fully clear. Probably, this elevation Hoyt et al. (54). Similarly, proliferation of dysfunctional
of GSH content was an adaptive response of KB cells to AN mitochondria is associated with G2/M arrest in Colo-205 cells
and arecoline via stimulating the GSH synthesis, decreasing treated with herbimycin (55). Membrane hyperpolarization is
GSH degradation, or increasing GSH transport into the cells also shown to inhibit the mitogenesis of lymphocytes and
or decreasing the GSH exit from the cells. spleen cells (56,57). Induction of mitochondrial membrane
Depletion of cellular GSH by AN ingredients may prone hyperpolarization thus may partly be responsible for the growth
the cells to further attack by other oral environmental toxicants, inhibition and cell cycle arrest by AN components. However,
leading to oxidative stress (36,37). In the present study, KB the precise action of AN and arecoline on mitochondrial
cells showed increased ROS production after AN treatment. structure and function of KB cells is not entirely clear.
Accordingly, the induction of ROS production in CHO cells Taken together, the present study reveals that arecoline and
by AN extract was recently reported (35). By feeding the AN ingredients can be crucial in the pathogenesis of oral
lactating mice with 1% AN diet, pronounced increasing in the cancer by inducing the dysregulation of cell cycle control,
hepatic levels of cytochrome b5, cytochrome P450, GSH and GSH homeostasis, mitochondrial function and ROS production.
malondialdehyde is noted, whereas GSH levels are decreased Additional studies on evaluating the source of ROS, the
(50). This indicate that GSH depletion and ROS production metabolism of AN components, and the changes in functional
play crucial roles in the toxicity of AN. As ROS production mitochondrial activity will provide more information for future
by AN components occurs generally at pH value higher than chemoprevention of toxicity of BQ ingredients. As exposure
9.5 (27,28), the ROS was possibly produced intracellularly by to AN components induces marked cellular oxidative stress,
metabolic activation. On the contrary, Sundqvist et al. have this highlights the use of various antioxidants in prevention of
found that inducing the GSH depletion of buccal keratinocytes BQ toxicity in vitro and in vivo in the near future (9,58).
by AN components is not linked to oxidative stress, as
revealed by no concomitant increasing in GSSG formation (6).
Interestingly, although exposure of KB cells to arecoline led
to marked GSH depletion, no marked intracellular oxidative The authors thank for Miss H.F.Jeng and Y.S.Chang, and Mr W.Tsai for their
stress was noted. Moreover, intracellular H2O2 production was technical assistance. This study is supported by a grant from National Science
Council (NSC88-2314-B002078-M14).
decreased. The reasons for this event were not known until
now. This result further supports that effects of AN are not
merely because of arecoline. This is generally consistent with References
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