Biodiversity and Its Conservation
Biodiversity and Its Conservation
Biodiversity and Its Conservation
Large and diverse communities of biota have thus, occupied distinct climatic
zone forming ecosystems. The concept of biodiversity first appeared in 1980. It
is, in fact, the shortened form of two words biological and diversity. It
was coined by W.G. Rosen in 1985. Biodiversity ( G.K: bios= life, diversity =
forms) or biological diversity can be defined as the vast array of species of
micro-organisms, algae, fungi, plants, animals occurring on the earth either in
the terrestrial or aquatic habitats and the ecological complexes of which they are
a apart. It is so because environmental conditions of the area as well as the
range of tolerance of the species determine whether or not a particular species
can occur in that area.
India with about 45,000 species of plants and twice as many species of
animals is one of the 12 mega diversity countries of the world. The major area
where numerous species are believed to be unknown to science are tropics and
coral reefs. Scientists estimate the number of species present in tropics by
comparing species richness between tropics and temperate areas. For most
groups of organisms, inventories are nearly complete for temperate areas
On this basis, scientists have calculated that the total number of species
in the world is anywhere between 5.50 million. The most intriguing question of
biodiversity is that more than 70% of all species are animals while plants
accounts for only 22%. Amongst animals, insects are the most numerous (
about 70%) with present estimate of 7 out of 10 animals. Further the knowledge
about protists, archaebacteria and viruses is quite fragmentary.
1. Genetic diversity
- It is the diversity in the number and type of genes as well as
chromosomes present in different species and the variations in the
genes and their alleles in the same species. On average a
bacteriophage has 100 genes, Drosophila melanogaster 13000 genes
and Homo sapiens 30,000 40,000 genes.
- Variation in the genes of a species increase with increase in size and
environmental parameters of the habitat. Genetic diversity is useful in
adaptation to changes in environmental conditions. It helps in
speciation or evolution of new species. Lower genetic diversity within a
species or variety may be useful for uniformity in yield as well as
higher yield. However it is liable to undergo degradation and prone to
mass scale destruction at the hands of fungal or insect attacks
2. Species diversity
- It is the variety in the number and richness of the species of a region.
The number of species per unit area is called species richness. Number
India has attained a unique distinction as it has been assigned the status
of megadiversity nation.
The country has 10 biogeographical regions namely, Trans Himalaya,
Himalaya, Desert, Semi-arid, Western Ghats, Deccan peninsula, Gangetic
Plain, Coasts, North-East and Islands.
India has 89 national parks, 492 wild life sanctuaries, 14 biosphere
reserves, 6 wetlands and 5 world heritage sites. The country has also 27
tiger reserves.
The largest biogeographical region is Deccan peninsula and the most
biodiversity rich region are Western ghat and north-east.
or region e.g. plants in Britain birds in California or mollusks in. New York.
However, when the species area relationship is considered for a very large area
like whole continent, retrogression coefficient or slope of the line comes to have
Z value of 0.6 1.2, e.g. frugivorous birds and mammals of tropical forests of
different continents with a steeper line of 1.15.
1. Source of food
There are over 3000 species of food plants, out of which only 150 species
are commercialized, 85% of the food output is produced by less than 20
species. Two third of food is being produced by three carbohydrates rich
crops-wheat, corn ( maize) and Rice. Utilisation of more and more food
plants has to be made.
2. Source of fats and oils
The major plants are soyabean, coconut, cotton seed, peanut and
sunflower besides a number of others like sesame, safflower, mustard and
oil palm. Few species of oil are being investigated e.g. Bitter colocynth,
jojoba seed yield high performance lubricants.
3. Fibres
The major sources are cotton, flax, jute, hemp, sun hemp, rosella, agave
and coir. Search for new superior fiber yielding plants is a continuing
4. New varieties
Domesticated commercial species are improved for various traits,
especially disease resistance by crossing them with wild relatives. Rice
was made resistant to four main diseases crossing it with wild species (
Oryza nivara) from India. Similarly, Potato has been made resistant to
late blight ( trait from Solanum demissum) Potato Mosaic Virus Y ( trait
from solanum stoloniferum), Fusarium and five races of cyst nematodes (
trait from Solanum spegazzini)
5. Drugs and medicines
A number of drugs are based on plant products. Rosy periwinkle (
charanthus roseus = Vinca rosea) yields alkaloids ( Vicristine and
vinblastine) which are useful for treatment of leukaemia. The same are
now being synthesized chemically. Some other plant derived drugs are
Morphine ( Papaver somniferum for pains), quinine ( from bark of
cinchona ledgeriana for malaria), taxol ( from bark of Yew; Taxus
brevifolia and Taxus baccata for treating cancers), reserpine ( from
Rauvolfia serpentine for treating blood pressure and schizophrenia) etc.
25% of all drugs are currently being obtained from 120 species of plants.
Traditional systems of medicine all over the world uses thousands of local/
wild plants for treating various maladies. Innumerable synthetic products
can be manufactured from plant chemical. They are called
6. Aesthetic value
The world is facing accelerated rate of species extinction, largely due to human
interference. There are four major causes the evil quartet
local species. Island ecosystems are most vulnerable due to small size
There are two types of conservation strategies in situ ( on site) and ex situ (
off site)
Hot spots
They are areas with high density of biodiversity or megadiversity which are also
Protected areas
National park
They are tracts of land with or without lake where wild animals / fauna can take
refuge without being hunted other activities like collection of forest products,
harvesting of timber private ownership of land, tilling of land etc are allowed.
Biosphere reserves
They are multipurpose protected areas which are meant for preserving genetic
diversity in representative ecosystems of various natural biomes and unique
biological communities by protecting wild populations, traditional life style of
tribal and domesticated plant ( animals genetic resources)
ii) Buffer zone: It surrounds the core area. Limited human activity is
allowed like resource use strategies research and education
iii) Transition zone: It is the outermost or peripheral part of biosphere
reserve where an active cooperation is present between reserve
management and local people for activities like settlements, cropping
recreation, forestry and other economic uses without disturbing
ecology. Transition zone has different parts like forestry, agriculture,
tourism and restoration region. Restoration region is degraded area
which is selected for restoration to near natural form.
MAB program
Offsite collections
They are live collections of wild and domesticated species in botanical gardens,
zoos etc. Currently, they are more than 1500 botanical gardens and arboreta (
gardens with trees and shrubs) laving more than 8000 species. Many of them
have seed banks, tissue culture facilities and other ex-situ technologies. The
number of zoological parks is more than 800. They have about 3000 species of
mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. Most of them have well managed
captive breeding programmes. Captive breeding is resorted to in those cases
where the number of surviving individuals is so small that there is no realistic
Gene Bank
They are institutes that maintain stocks of viable seeds ( seed banks), live
growing plants ( orchid), tissue culture and frozen germplasm with the whole
range of genetic variability.
(i) Seed banks: Seeds are of two types orthodox and recalcitrant.
Orthodox seeds are those which can tolerate reduction in moisture content
( up to 5%), anaerobic conditions and low temperature of -10oC to -20oC
or even lower for prolonged periods e.g. cereals, legumes. At intervals
seeds are allowed to germinate from plants and develop fresh seeds for
Recalcitrant seeds are those seeds which get killed on reduction of
moisture and exposure to lower temperature e.g. Tea, cocoa, jackfruit,
coconut. They can be stored for shorter duration after treatment with
fungicides in room having air and normal oxygen.
(ii) Orchards: Plants with recalcitrant seeds are grown in orchards where
all possible strains and varieties are maintained e.g. Litchi, oil palm,
rubber tree etc.
(iii) Tissue culture: It is carried out through callus formation, embryoids,
pollen grain culture and shoot tip culture for those plants which are
either seedless, have recalcitrant seed, variable seed progeny or where
clone is to be maintained. The method is useful in maintaining a large
number of genotypes in small area rapid multiplication of even
endangered species and for hybrid rescue. Shoot tip culture maintains
virus free plants. It is used for international exchange of germplasm in
vegetatively multiplied cultures e.g. Banana, Potato.
(iv) Cryopreservation: Preservation at -196oC ( liquid nitrogen) can
maintain tissue culture, embryos, animal cell/tissue, spermatozoa
indefinitely. The cryopreserved material is revived through special
technique when required
For protection of Indias rich biodiversity and associated knowledge against their
use by foreign individuals and organizations without sharing the benefits arising
out of such use and to check biopiracy.