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Chapter 6 sec 1 +2

Cell theory = all living things are made of cells. The smallest unit of a living cell. Cells come
from preexisting cells.

Cell Biologists
1600s - Hooke - Used term cell
Van Leeuwenhoek - animalcules and saw microorganisms/bacteria
Jansen - compound microscope (2 lenses)

1800s - Brown - used the term nucleus

ade of cells
Schleiden - botanist (studied plants) m
Schwann - zoologist (studied animals) m ade of cells
Virchow and Remak - cells come from cells
Virchow stole idea from remak

Cytoplasm = the entire contents of the cell except for the nucleus bounded by plasma
Cytosol - jelly-like material surrounding organelles, contains enzymes that catalyze cellular
Cytoskeleton - framework of flexible microtubes and microfilaments provide shape, internal
organization for movement within cells within cytoplasm

E.R. = a network of layers of membranes in eukaryotic cells that form tubes throughout the
cytoplasm . the system connects organelles in the cell so that proteins are transported and
finishes the protein, modify (smooth and rough)

Golgi = an organelle made of membranous sacks. It prepares protein by putting it into the
vesicles that are attached to the golgi body and transports it to its destination

Vacuole = Storage for the cell - food, water and waste

Vesicle = a package that is shipped from the golgi that has proteins in it and is shipped to the
plasma membrane. Temporary storage for the cell, portable

Mitochondria = the powerhouse of the cell, creates and stores energy. Cell respiration takes
place here (its plants and animals way of producing energy for themselves, converting food to

Chloroplast = a double membrane within a cell that has absorbing pigments and help convert
sunlight to energy for plants - photosynthesis
Cell respiration is in the mitochondria

Golgi = sends materials to the cytoplasm by using the vesicles

Nucleus - Protects the genetic material

DNA/Chromosomes - Information for making proteins
Ribosomes - Make proteins
Endoplasmic Reticulum - Transports and finishes proteins
Lysosomes - Clean up cells
Mitochondria - Store and create energy
Golgi Apparatus - Ships protein antibodies to cytoplasm
Cytoplasm - Space for work to be done
Vesicles - Cellular package containing products such as a protein
Vacuole - Store waste, food, and water
Pores/gates channels - points of entry and exit for materials
Cell membrane - semi permeable membrane that keeps things in and out of the cell
Lysosomes - the custodians = clean up the cells
Golgi - ships proteins to the cytoplasm
E.R. - Transports and finishes proteins
Ribosomes - make proteins
Nucleus - Control room = Contains genetic material
DNA/Chromosomes - information for creating proteins
Mitochondria - Powerhouse of the cell - Creates and stores energy
Cytoplasm - Space for work to be done
Vesicles - Cellular package containing products such as protein
Vacuole - Stores food, water, and waste
Pores/gated channels - Points of entry and exit for materials
Cell membrane - semi permeable membrane that keeps things in and out of the cell

Endoplasmic Reticulum
Golgi Apparatus
Pores/gate channels
Cell Membrane

Why are cells so small?

Cubed shaped
Allows it to maintain surface area to volume ratio
Surface area = L x W x number of faces (cell membrane)
Volume = L x W x H (cytoplasm - cell interior)
SA:V - higher ratio = more efficient

Cells are small because the exchange of materials requires a large surface area to volume ratio
= food, oxygen, and water enter waste products leave through the cell membrane.

The rate of exchange depends on the cells surface area while the rate nutrients are used
depends on the cell's volume.

As a cell grows its volume increases much more rapidly than its surface area causing the ratio
to decrease.

Ex. madison has grown but Route 1 hasnt.

Multicellular Organizations

Cooperation among cells

Each cell has individual life and may break away from the cluster at some point
Some unicellular microorganisms live in groups called colonies
Those members are usually related
Some bacteria that attach to solid objects form colonies called biofilms
They may contain several unrelated types of bacteria that require similar
Some individual cells take on roles
Volvox during the spring and early summer forms a colony shaped like a hollow
ball and inside the colony may be other developing colonies
Each cell has a nucleus, two flagella, contractile vacuoles, a light-sensing structure, and
a cup-shaped chloroplast
Gelatinlike layer that surrounds each cell, separates it
Strands of cytoplasm connect the cells
If a cell is punctured the cells dies but the colony continues to live there
Organisms must have enough surface area for the living cells within to exchange food,
wastes, and other substances with their environment

Division of Labor
A muscle cell is specialized for movement
The cells form an organism's outer covering or epidermis
In multicellular organism, a group of cells with the same specialization usually work
Each specialized mass or layer of cells is called a tissue
They form the covering/epidermal
Most animals and plants have many types of tissues
Different tissues may be organized into organs (eyes, hearts, and fruits)
Organs may be incorporated into systems of organs
Circulatory system includes a heart, blood vessels, and blood
All made from cells and cell products

In most, cells are small compared with the size of entire organism
Inner cells cant obtain nutrients directly from the outside environment or pass their
wastes directly to the outside environment
In all but smallest animals, circulatory system is needed to transport materials
Most animals have more than one system involved in transport of materials through the
Same thing with plants
Instead they exchange gases with the atmosphere through the stomatal openings in the
Transport system takes water and minerals from where they are absorbed in the roots to
where they are needed in the leaves
In general, specialized systems account for most of the complexity of multicellular
Most of the systems are necessary for these three reasons
A division of labor occurs among cells
Many individual cells cannot work together without regulation and coordination
Most cells are not in direct contact with the outside environment

Common themes
Specialized cells
Divisions of Labor

Unicellular organisms
What can unicellular organisms do?
All life functions on their own
Metabolism (take in energy)
A colony is made up of a group of unicellular organisms working together
Each cell can function alone, but together they thrive in the environment
Biofilm of bacterial cells & Volvox colony
11 Body Systems
1. Human Organism
2. Population
3. Community
4. Ecosystem
5. Biosphere

The Endosymbiotic Theory - H ow prokaryotic organisms came together to form eukaryotic

cells. Organisms live within each other
Ancient Bacteria/Chloroplast + Mitochondria
Reproducing mitochondria and chloroplast is similar to bacteria (binary fission)
Symbiosis (Algae + Coral)

Levels of Structure in the Biosphere

Biosphere - Earth
Ecosystem - Alaska
Community - All organisms in Alaska
Population - All wolves in Alaska
Organism - Wolf
Organ System - Digestive System
Organ - Stomach
Tissue - Muscular Tissue
Cell - Muscle Cell
Organelle - Nucleus
Macromolecule - DNA or Nucleic Acid
Molecule - Deoxyribose C5H10O4
Atom - Carbon
Subatomic Particle - Proton
Elementary Particle - Quark
Study Session Review
Tissue vs Colony
Both made of many cells working together
Can show cell specialization in both
Tissue - one common purpose ex. Muscle Tissue (Always part of a
multicellular organism) - Always a eukaryote
Cells can not live alone
For Categories of Tissues are
Colony - division of labor ev. Volvox (unicellular organisms that chose to
live together) - Can be either a eukaryote or a prokaryote
Cells are capable of living on their own
Similarities - made of cells in an area
Shared purpose - work together
Symbiotic relationship
Cell Specialization
They have certain jobs ex. Reproductive cell, movement cell, photosynthesis
Tissues and Colonies have divison of labor
Why do cells have to be small?
Maintain high Surface Area to Volume ratio
Lots of opportunity to move material in and out of cell
Smaller volume uses fewer nutrients
Produce less waste
Surface Area: cell membrane - that allows the waste out and the nutrients in
Surface Area: 6xLxW = units 2
Volume: LxWxH = units 3
Bacteria that live together
Endosymbiotic Theory ESSAY QUESTION
Endo - inside
Sym - together, similar, same
Bio - Life
2 billion years ago, there was just prokaryotes
Photosynthetic autotrophic prokaryote - inside the other cell
Heterotrophic prokaryote - bigger cell
Over lots of time, cells are bigger (nuclei, mitochondria, ER, golgi) Eukaryotes
Evolved 1.5 billion years ago
Eukaryotes came from when one larger prokaryote ate a smaller prokaryote kept
it inside divided the smaller and larger cell
EVIDENCE: Chloroplast/mitochondria have own DNA/Ribosomes -
reproduction looks like prokaryotes reproduce
Have double membrane (indicates they were engulfed)
Internal framework of cell
Microtubules and Microfilament
Cytoplasm - gel like contents and organelles
Cytosol - just the gel

Both are eukaryotic cells have a nucleus, vacuole, membrane bound organelles
Plant Cells Animal Cells

Cell wall No wall

Large central vacuole Smaller Vacuole
Chloroplast No chloroplast
Autotroph Heterotroph

Eleven Systems

Cells are small to maintain high SA:V ratio

Smaller Cell has a higher SA:V
Larger Cell has a lower SA:V
SA - movement in and out of cell

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