Testing Direct Digital Controls (DDC)
Testing Direct Digital Controls (DDC)
Testing Direct Digital Controls (DDC)
Document Number EN-MPS-713
Revision 0
Approved by Ric Morris
November 29, 2004
Active Divisions/Departments
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................. i
Purpose................................................................................................................................ 1
Scope/Applicability............................................................................................................. 1
Responsibilities ................................................................................................................... 1
FEMC .............................................................................................................................. 1
Project Engineer or Designee....................................................................................... 1
Certified Technician ..................................................................................................... 1
NSF.................................................................................................................................. 2
Title II Inspector........................................................................................................... 2
DDC System Check Out ..................................................................................................... 2
Hardware Control Panel Check ....................................................................................... 2
Software Check................................................................................................................ 3
Systems Check................................................................................................................. 4
Engine Jacket Water Heat Recovery and Cooling System........................................... 4
Waste Heat Hydronic System....................................................................................... 4
Exhaust Gas Heat Recovery......................................................................................... 5
Building Heating Hydronic System ............................................................................. 6
Heating Water System .................................................................................................. 7
Hot Water Single Zone Air Handling Units ................................................................. 7
Exhaust Fans ................................................................................................................ 8
Blower Coil Unit .......................................................................................................... 8
References........................................................................................................................... 9
Records ............................................................................................................................... 9
Procedure to standardize the testing of the Direct Digital Control (DDC)
systems for construction projects.
The DDC system for each project must be thoroughly checked out to ensure
P r o jec t E ng i ne er or D e s ig nee
C e rt if i ed Te ch n ic ia n
T it le II In sp ect or
Independent Inspector for the NSF, who witnesses the testing, start-up, and
conducts his required inspections for the NSF.
Each control panel has a fixed number of digital inputs/outputs and analog
inputs/outputs. Every condition should be checked against its intended
First, check the wiring. Perform all loop checks. Confirm all circuits
terminate at the device shown on the drawings using wire type specified.
Confirm shields are properly terminated and loop resistance is within proper
Second, check each input and verify the desired output occurs. This includes
verifying the control valves, actuators, dampers, and other devices function as
intended for the desired resolution as a reaction to the input from the level
sensors, flow sensors, and other input devices. The Sequence of Operation
shall be verified, as well.
For example, if the Inside Air Temperature sensor sends an input signal of a
temperature two (2) degrees lower than the setpoint or the desired temperature
range, then the appropriate heating functions should occur to increase the
inside air temperature.
Device Instance
Device Address
Temperature Control Panel #
Card #
Object System Tested Verify Wiring Tech
Object Descr. Reading Reading Units / Installation Initials Comments
Software Check
Systems Check
Below is a list of systems and equipment point check out, which must be
completed in order to confirm the DDC system operates as intended. These
systems may not apply to all projects, and some projects could have additional
systems. The vendor (or RPSC, if self-performing) will submit a project
specific systems checklist.
and its respective inputs and outputs to the DDC system to include the
9 Pumps Start/Stop
9 Pump Status
9 Pump Lead/Lag
9 Pump Switch
9 Differential Pressure Switch
9 Variable Frequency Drives Modulation
9 Variable Frequency Drives Speed
9 Differential Pressure Sensor (System Loop pressure)
9 End of the Line Differential Pressure
9 Loop Hot Water Supply Temperature
9 Loop Hot Water Return Temperature
9 Loop Flow Transmitter
9 Heat Exchanger Entering Temperature
9 Heat Exchanger Leaving Temperature
9 Heat Exchanger Flow Transmitter
9 Heat Exchanger Motor Operated Valve Operation
9 Heat Exchanger Motor Operated Valve Position
9 All Alarms Reporting
E x hau st Ga s H ea t R ec ov ery
B u i l d in g H e at in g H y dr on i c Syste m
He at in g Wa ter System
H o t W at e r S i n g le Z one A i r H a ndl i n g U n it s
The differential pressure switch provided for filter status will be appropriately
configured so as to close a contact to the DDC system if the pressure drop
across the filter bank exceeds the manufacturers recommended limit.
The low limit thermostat will be set at 35F (adjustable).
Ex hau st Fa ns
B lo w e r C o i l U n i t
The differential pressure switch provided for filter status will be appropriately
configured so as to close a contact to the DDC system if the pressure drop
across the filter bank exceeds the manufacturers recommended limit.
The low limit thermostat will be set at 35F (adjustable).
See project plans, specifications, and submittals.
Hardcopies of completed test results are maintained within FEMC Document
Control in project specific files, and electronic copies are available on station.