1 John 5-7

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This is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true

God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. ~Jesus

John 17:3

1 John 5:7 and Hebrews 1:8

Question:I am a minister (Grace christian church) and my basis for believing trinity is
1John 5:7. This verse does not say one God in three persons but it speaks of the unity
of the three: The Father, The Son & Holy spirit. Aside from this, Hebrews 1:8 we find the
Father calling the Son: thy throne O God....What is your comments on these verses

PB Tanierla (Philippines)

Answer: Hellp PB,

Concerning 1 John 5:7, the Greek manuscripts were corrupted much later by a false
insertion about the Father, word and spirit. Though it appeared in the 1611 King James
Bible, it has been rejected as a forgery by every modern translation. It is now regarded
as universally false. You might want to listen to this audio as well concerning the verse
and how it came to be inserted.


As far as Hebrews 1:8, the text in Hebrews is showing us how Jesus is superior to the
angels. If we are talking about God Almighty, the Father, this should not even be a
point worthy of discussion for obvious reasons.

To be the Son of God means that you are not God! No one in biblical times thought
that God could be born! (Luke 2:11), much less that God could die (Rom. 5:10).

As Sean Finnegan has well stated concerning the comparison of passages:

Psalm speaks of the Davidic king's marriage to a foreign princess from Tyre. The court
poet sings of God's choice of a king, of his role in establishing God's rule, and of his
splendor as he waits for his bring. The psalmist calls this king (perhaps Solomon) God
because he represents God as God's agent to rule over God's people. The king is not
called God in an ultimate sense because, as God, he has a God (see Psalm 45:7 or
Hebrews 1:9). So, this Psalm is being applied to Jesus in Hebrews 1:8-9 in order to
make the point that he is superior to the angels because he is God's representative to
rule as an anointed one. Besides, if one concluded that Hebrews 1:8 means that Jesus
is God, then the Davidic King of Psalm 45:6 is also God, which would make a
"Quadity" rather than a Trinity.

See also: "Does Jesus Have a God?"


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