Cafés Monte Bianco - Questions and Additional Data

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Cafs Monte Bianco: Building a Profit Plan

(Chap. 5 R. Simons)
Evaluate the attractiveness of the different strategies

1) Using the information provided by the case for private-brand coffee (grade D),
estimate key accounting variables for:
(a) Profit wheel
(b) ROE wheel
(c) Cash wheel

2) Operate the same checks assuming to adopt a mixed strategy as follows:

- Production of Coffee Preminum TYPE "A: Kg. 1.792.000
- Production of Prvate Brands: Kg. 4.000.000.
(Assume that this mix has been determined on the economic evaluations-product with a higher
margin - and market assessment).
It also assumes, an hypothesis regarding the prevision of Discretionary cost of R & D, Sales and
Administrative Expenses:
- 1: keep the same absolute value of 2000;
- 2: maintain the same value as a percentage of sales of the year 2000.
Estimated therefore the key variables of the profit cycle, the cycle of ROE and cash strategy "mixed

3) After estimating the key variables in the Profit Wheel, ROE Wheel and Cash Wheel of the
Mixed strategy", compare it with those of the Private-brand coffee strategy;
5) Based on your analysis, what recommendations would you make to Giacomo Salvetti?

Additional Assumptions
To supplement the information contained in case you use the following additional assumptions:

a) Finished goods inventory at December 31, is equal to zero (the initial stock is valued
at variable cost);
b) There is no change in accounts payable and inventories of raw materials from the
beginning to end of the year;
c) Borrowing costs are the same as those of Table 1;
d) The tax rate is the same as those in Table 1;
e) Cash outflows for tax payments take place in June and December;
f) Dividends are not distributed;
g) The distribution of sales is constant in the various months of the year and between a
product and the other;
h) In the case of mixed strategy is assumed that the costs of R & D, sales and
administrative levels are maintained in the current year as shown in Table 1.

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