Drawing Ellipses - Mike Sibley
Drawing Ellipses - Mike Sibley
Drawing Ellipses - Mike Sibley
The Ellipse
How accurately must I draw an ellipse?
Very accurately! The eye of the viewer can detect any irregularity in a
shape that it fully understands. A "square" that does not have sides
of equal length, a "circle" that is not circular and an "ellipse" that
deviates from perfection is immediately noted as being not what it
claims to be - or, more precisely, it is not what the eye expects to see
in that situation and is detected as being "foreign". In short, a
"circular" circle is accepted in passing and the overall reality of the
scene is maintained. The same is true of the ellipse.
What is an Ellipse?
First attempts
Keep your template or computer-drawn examples handy - they'll help
you to draw the right curves in the following exercises. In time you'll
be able to discard them and draw with understanding but, for now, I'll
allow you to use a crib sheet! We'll start by repeating what you've
leaned so far but in reverse.
(1) Draw a square in perspective on a vertical plane (you will
probably find it slightly easier to draw vertical ellipses at first). A
square about 8cm high by 4cm (3"1") will be about right. Keep it
small so you don't need to move your arm during the exercise and
you can see the result without moving your eyes.
(3) Now let's get started. We'll begin in the top left
segment but, if you're left-handed, you might prefer to start top
right. Study again the curve that your template produced then try to
repeat the geometry in your top left segment. Starting almost flat to
the top line of the square begin to curve down towards the side's
halfway point, gently lessening the curve as you go. Aim to meet the
side in the same "flat" manner that you started. Getting this first
curve right is the main trick - everything that follows is just going to
be a copy of it.
Hint: As you draw your curve, it often helps to look at the spot you
are aiming for rather than the line you are drawing - look ahead of
your pencil point to its destination.
Now turn your paper clockwise through 90 and copy the curve you just drew but in reverse...
...Turn your paper through 90 again and copy the curve you
just drew as a mirror image.
Finally turn your paper again and once more copy, as a mirror image, the curve you just drew.
The more you practice, the easier ellipses become to draw. I doubt
that's it's possible to really draw a perfect ellipse first time but your
first attempts will get closer and closer to the finished shape.
2. Define a vanishing point (VP) and draw a vertical line through it.
4. Divide these squares in half both ways as you did in the earlier
Construct ellipses within both squares - turning the paper if it helps
you to draw them.
Now connect the outside edges and add tone to form a three-
dimensional cylinder.
Note how the ellipse "flows" into the side. There is never a sharp join.
This time drop the horizon so both squares are above it.
If you invert it, the ellipses are now below the horizon.
If you need to draw really large ellipses it will often assist you to draw
a smaller version first - small enough so you can see the whole ellipse
without having to move your eyes. You can then enlarge this onto
your final drawing surface (using any means you prefer from
projection to mechanical resizing) or use it as a visual template to
guide you when you draw it full size.
...but here the churn and wheel had to be as perfect as I could draw them.
Ellipse examples...
Never undervalue your work - what you charge indicates to others its
worth to you.
Consider these two statements: "I like it but it's so cheap it probably
isn't as good as I think it is" and "I don't know why it's so expensive
but it must be worth it!". The price dictates the opinion.
Charge too little and you simply say "This is the value I put on my
work and, personally, I don't think it's very good".