Worldwide Production and Processes: 7. Umicore Autocat USA Inc
Worldwide Production and Processes: 7. Umicore Autocat USA Inc
Worldwide Production and Processes: 7. Umicore Autocat USA Inc
Emission control catalysts eliminate dangerous engine pollutants from a wide Responsiveness to customer requirements is essential in todays competitive
range of fuels, including gasoline, diesel, natural gas and alternate fuels. marketplace, and Umicores global logistics process and just-in-time delivery
Umicores catalysts transform pollutants into harmless gases within a catalytic system ensures that required parts are shipped in an efficient, flexible and
converter before releasing them into the environment. cost-effective fashion. Our commitment to providing value-added services
and eliminating waste out of our processes helps to provide a superior
A typical catalyst is comprised of a stainless steel housing surrounding a
ceramic or metallic monolith to which a catalytically active material, or product in a cost-effective manner.
washcoat, has been applied. The catalytically active material, produced
by Umicore, consists of a combination of various oxides and metals like
platinum, palladium and rhodium, which interact with the exhaust gas,
transforming it into harmless compounds.