This code handles an event when a radio button is checked that converts a time entered in a text box in seconds to minutes. It sets labels to display that the time is in minute format, multiplies the seconds entered by 60 to convert to minutes, and displays the result in a label, clearing any previous output.
This code handles an event when a radio button is checked that converts a time entered in a text box in seconds to minutes. It sets labels to display that the time is in minute format, multiplies the seconds entered by 60 to convert to minutes, and displays the result in a label, clearing any previous output.
This code handles an event when a radio button is checked that converts a time entered in a text box in seconds to minutes. It sets labels to display that the time is in minute format, multiplies the seconds entered by 60 to convert to minutes, and displays the result in a label, clearing any previous output.
This code handles an event when a radio button is checked that converts a time entered in a text box in seconds to minutes. It sets labels to display that the time is in minute format, multiplies the seconds entered by 60 to convert to minutes, and displays the result in a label, clearing any previous output.
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Public Class Form1
Dim hour As Single
Dim sec As Single Private Sub RadioButton1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RadioButton1.CheckedChanged Label2.Text = "The time in minute format is:" sec = TextBox1.Text Label3.Text = sec * 60 Label4.Text = "" End Sub