Inter Vehcle Communication

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Recent studies shows that about 60% of roadway

accidents could be avoided if the driver was warned just one-
half second before the collision occurs. Actually, traffic
accidents have become the main cause of mortality, quite
above illnesses. Emerging technologies appears to provide
faster, safer and more reliable communication techniques.
Bring together, this communication can be used in order to
reduce collisions, as well as to support and improve the quality
of the traffic. There are different kinds of systems to assist
drivers in the roads. This paper is focused on the inter-vehicular
communication (IVC). IVC has attracted research attention from
the transport industry of Japan, EU and US. Within this area
there are also a lot of different services that can be provided,
and different strategies to implement them. The main goal of
IVC is to upgrade on-board devices (i.e. GPS, sensors) and,
thus, to extend the horizon of drivers. IVC applications can be
categorized in three main groups. Cooperative assistance
systems focus on coordinate the vehicles in critical points like
junctions with no traffic lights. Communication-based
longitudinal control tries to exploit the look-through capability
of IVC to reduce accidents and platooning vehicles to increase
the capacity of the road, while information and warning
functions give support with real-time warning messages to
avoid collisions. A protocol from this last group is presented in
this paper as an example of IVC.

The communication can

also be categorized as follows. When the communication occurs
between vehicles, it is called Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V)
communication. It takes place in cooperative driver assistance
or in decentralized floating car data sharing (i. e. traffic
monitoring). If the communication is between a vehicle and a
infrastructure, that is, Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I)
communication, then vehicles can communicate using a fix

infrastructure along the road to give support some services like

Internet access, inter-vehicle chat, mobile advertisingetc.

A number of projects are based on IVC

technologies. The most important are named and briefly
described as follows. FleetNet is project whose goal is to
provide Internet to vehicles. Wireless Local Danger Warning
(WILLWARN) is minded to prevent accidents. Car2Car is a
consortium of six European car manufacturers. It focuses on the
V2V communication and it is based on wireless LAN. It aim is to
establish an open European standard. The main purpose of
Network on Wheels (NOW project) is to solve problems related
to data security and communication protocols. Finally is worth
to mention CHAUFFEUR project. This project offers an optimal
way to use the roadways. The idea here is that a leading car
driven by a human sends information to a group of followers,
which repeat exactly the same the driver-pattern conduct of the
leading car. This is called platooning of vehicles. Not only does
it make a better use of the roadway capacity, but it also saves
power as the group become aerodynamic. Most of these
projects use the standard IEEE 802.11 for communication. But
also GSM, UMTS, GPRS protocols are used in some of these




>used in vehicles to register all important
parameters such as velocity, acceleration, etc.
especially during abnormal situations, such as

>This data is used for reconstruction.

Forward radar-

>Used to detect any forward obstacles as far as 200

Positioning System-

>Used to locate vehicles

>Accuracy can be improved by knowledge of road t

Computing platform-

>Inputs from various components is used to generate
useful information

Communication system-

>Communicating vehicles can use both infrared

and radio waves
>Radio waves include VHF, micro, and millimeter

>Bluetooth operates at 2.4 GHz , and is reliable up

to a speed of 80
Km/h and range of 80 m

>It can take up to 3 seconds to establish the


Availability, reliability, safety, integrity and security are among the main
requirements for IVC systems. However wireless communication is typically
unreliable due to packet collisions, channel fading, shadowing and the Doppler
shifts caused by the high speed of vehicles. It is then a big challenge to deal
with sensor nodes that travel at a high speed.

Fig. 1. The critical latency requirement. [2].

The latency requirement can be critical, because of the high

speed of the vehicles. In figure 1, we have the typical collision
scenario where A and B are driving at 180 Km/h. Then A sees
an obstacle and decides to break. In this case, IVC systems
must support a warning mechanism that warns B with enough
time to stop in time.

Fig. 2. Allowed delivery latency for V2V communication.

Precise mathematic calculations have been made in [7] to show the graphic in
Figure 2. Here we can see that the latency requirement grows exponentially as
the vehicle move faster.

Security requirements are also important. A vehicle could transmit false

warnings, in order to show up as an emergency vehicle. Also, messages can be
used to track a vehicle and get private information about the driver and
passengers. Security mechanisms such as authentication, integrity and privacy
protection must be supported.

The IVC networks must also support scalability. The network

can become dense in a very short time, if a lot of vehicles get
stuck in a traffic jam.

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