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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue3, March-2013 1

ISSN 2229-5518

A Process for Selective Extraction of Cardanol

from Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (CNSL) and its
Useful applications
Dr.Kathir.Viswalingam* and Dr.F.Emerson Solomon1

Abstract Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (CNSL) is an useful product of cashew Industries. The cashew plantation and productions are high in
the countries such as Africa, Australia and India etc. Cardanol is an important and very useful product of cashes nut shell liquid. This paper
deals the extraction process of Cardanol and its industrial applications .

Index Terms CNSL. Cardanol. Cardol. Industrial


E xtracting Process of CNSL and its byproducts

A process for extracting cashew nut shell oil has been
developed at Laurenco Marques, Portuguese Africa by
iv. Incision of the shell walls of the nuts and centrifuga-
tion of the seed against a breaking wall,
Sociedade Imperial De Caju E Oleos LDA, a Portuguese body v. Separation of the kernel from the cracked cashew
corporate and has been patented in India in September 1961 shells and peeling of the skin by heating with hot air
(Indian Patent 78612, September 25, 1961)15. The invention and mechanical rubbing of the kernel and effecting
disclosed in the above patent relates to an improved unitary
the removal of the peel under the action of an air
continuous industrial method for extraction of shell oil from
cashew nuts which is valuable from industrial and therapeutic stream; and
point of view and for separation of cashew kernels having vi. Classifying the peeled nuts and subsequent packing
exquisite flavour and vitamin content without any contamina- under inert gas in tightly closed containers.
tion by the oil (which is acrid and produces painful inflamma-
tion of the skin) and untarnished by treatment. This method is Extraction of Cardanol and Cardol from CNSL
have greater advantages in respect of producing quality prod-
ucts at cheaper rates and higher production levels than the It is known that CNSL mostly contains two important constit-
primitive extraction methods which entailed more labor, high- uents anacardic acid -an acidic substance; and Cardol - a non-
er costs and lower output. acidic material. The main objectives of extraction of Cardanol
from CNSL are
The CNSL process sequence in basic steps:
to provide a simple and economical method for isolating
i. Wetting of the cashew nuts by dipping in a hot water
the so called cardol complex from anacardic acid,
vat at 20-25C to strike a moisture balance between
to provide an improved method of extraction of the de-
the shell and kernel of the cashew nut and removal of
carboxy lated product 'Anacardol' or otherwise known as
superficial moisture from the nuts and then steaming
'Cardanol' from cashew nut shell liquid,
of the nuts to open up the pores of the shells,
to provide a method of forming and extracting cardanol
ii. Subjecting the conditioned nuts dipping in a vat con-
from CNSL by direct treatment of the oil and not by the
taining cashew nut shell oil where temperature is
indirect route of separation of anacardic acid and then
kept at 170C to 185C or preferably at 180C, for a
treating the same,
predetermined period when most of the oil issues out
to provide a simple laboratory apparatus for the extrac-
of the shells,
tion of the above materials, Which may ulti mately be
iii. Vibrating the nuts discharged from the oil bath and
practised on a commercial scale and
subsequent centrifugation in order to remove the ad-
to indicate the commercial application of anacardol.
hered oil,
According to the invention CNSL is subjected to fractional
*Dean- Research, BIST, Bharath University,
1Professor, Department of Bio Medical Engineering,
distillation at 200 to 240C under reduced pressure not ex-
ceeding 5mm. mercury in the shortest possible time which
173, Agharam Road, Selaiyur- 600073,
Tamil Nadu, India.
gives a distllate containing cardol and the residual tarry mat-
IJSER 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue3, March-2013 2
ISSN 2229-5518

ter, for example, in the case of a small quantity of oil, say 200 Solubility in Organic Solvents.
ml/ the distillation period is about 10 to 15 minutes. A semi-
commercial or commercial scale distillation of CNSL may Improved Processability.
however take longer times. It has been found that there are
Low Fade Characteristics for Friction.
certain difficulties of operation with regard to single-stage
fractional distillation method, i.e. frothing of the oil which Resistance to 'Cold Wear'.
renders difficult the fractionation of cardol and also formation
of polymerised resin. These difficulties can be over come in the Good Electrical Resistance.
two-stage distillation, if care is taken not to prolong the heat- Better Water Repellence.
ing; this is to avoid the undue formation of polymerised resins
and possible destruction partially or completely of the cardol Improved alkali and acid resistance.
or anacardol. When CNSL is distilled at a reduced pressure of Compatibility with other polymers
about 2 to 2.5 mm. mercury, the distillate containing anacardol
and cardol distils firstly at about 200C to 240C. This first dis- Antimicrobial Property.
tillate is then subjected to a second distillation under the same Termite and Insect Resistance.
identical conditions of temperature and pressure when the
anacardol distils over at a temperature of 205C to 210C and Structural Features for Transformation into High Per-
the cardol distils over at a temperature of 230C to 235C. In formance Polymers.
practice it has been found that the preliminary decarboxyla-
Polymerisation Characteristics of CNSL
tion of the oil is essential, since there will be excessive froth-
ing, which renders the distillation procedure unproductive CNSL can be polymerised by a variety of methods:
and uneconomical. A specific feature of this invention is that
both cardol and anacardol may be obtained by a three-step Addition Polymerisation through the side chain dou-
process. The first step of the process is to get the decarboxylat- ble bonds using cationic initiators such as sulphuric ac-
ed oil by heating the oil to a temperature of 170C to 175C id, diethylsulphate etc..
under reduced pressure of 30-40 mm. mercury. The next two
Condensation Polymerisation through the phenolic
steps are the same as above for the production of both cardol
ring with aldehydic compounds.
and anacardol. This invention is significant in the sense that it
can be applied not only to the cashew nut oil but also to cash- Polymerisation after Chemical Modification to intro-
ew nuts themselves or nut shells. duce speciality properties.

Chemical Composition of CNSL Oxidative Polymerisation.

CNSL is a mixture of four components: all are substituted Various Combinations of the above.
phenols - anacardic acid, cardanol, cardol and 2-methyl
cardol. The first two are monohydric phenols whereas the other
two are dihydric phenols. In the nut, CNSL occurs mainly as Industrial Significance of CNSL
anacardic acid(~90%) and cardol around slightly lower than
Low Cost Phenol
10%. During the hot-oil bath process for extraction of CNSL,
anacardic acid gets decarboxylated to cardanol. So in the tech- Versatility in Polymerisation and Chemical Modifica-
nical grade CNSL, the main components will be cardanol and tion
cardol and of course, some polymerised CNSL.
Possibilities for Development of High Performance
CNSL can be extracted by the expeller method but the oil has Polymers
to be heated after extraction to convert anacardic acid to car- Property advantage over phenolics in certain applications
danol. The expelled and heated CNSL will have less amount of such as impact resistance; flexibility, faster heat dissipation etc.
polymerised CNSL. However, if there is a requirement for Reactivity CNSL undergoes all the conventional reactions of
pure monomers, the best source will be solvent extracted phenols.
CNSL. Each component again is a mixture of four structurally
related monomers, the difference being only in the degree Applications of CARDANOL:
ofunsaturation. Thus, cardanol is a mixture of a four compo-
Oil Soluble Resins
nents: saturated (~5%), monoene (~49%), diene(l6.8%) and tri-
ene (29.3%). (This makes the chemistry of addition polymeri- The meta substitution and the long hidrocarbon chain in its
sation essentially complex). Thus, CNSL contains a total of 16 molecule makes the resins prepared with Cardinol, highly
components, which makes it a complicated system. soluble in oils and imparts superior properties such as high
electric insulation and resistance against chemicals to its films.
Advantages of CNSL based Polymers It is to manufacture both solid and semi solid resol or novolac
type of resins depending upon the nature of catalyst and the
Improved Flexibility and reduced brittleness. aldehyde compound.
IJSER 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue3, March-2013 3
ISSN 2229-5518

Cardanol resin varnishes have good electrical insulating prop- es are comparatively cheaper and compatible ith other waxes
erties and resistance against water and chemicals. They give such as bees wax, carnauba wax, paraffin wax etc. etc.
superior quality Stamping Varnishes. Because of their high
insulation and dielectric losses, these varnishes are preffered
Mineral Oil Additives
to compositions based on usual Phenol such as Cresol or Sub-
stituted phenols. Mineral oil additives based on Amino Cardanol ethers of hy-
dronated Cardanol and salts of its Sulphonated ethers are
Surface Coatings and Paints
found to improve the viscosity index of mineral oil, inhibit
Cardanol resin Varnishs in addition to water and Chemical sludge formation and antioxident properties.
resistance have good air drying and baking properties. These
Food Can lacquers
compositions are suitable for wood finishes, food can lacquers
textile bobins and high quality paints. Stoving paints can be Co-polymers of Cardanol with other film forming materials
prepared which could be baked at 60C. The Cardanol based give good quality lacquers giving golden yellow films both of
resins have good compatibility with other synthetic resins air drying and baking type. These have been found to be very
such as alkydes, epoxies chlorinated rubber, Phenolic etc., and effective for food can application.
can serve as raw material for variety of paints.
Adhesives based on Cardanol Resins give superior water re-
Lamination Industry sistance and bonding properties to the plywood.

By partly replacing the Phenol or Cresol in alcohol soluble Adhesives

resins used for Lamination one could prepare resins which Many types of adhesives and cements can be prepared with
imparts greater flexibility resistance to Chemical and water, Cardanol. When it is reacted with Epichlorohydrin and modi-
and superior electrical insulation to the lamination sheets fied with Phthalic Anhydride a coating compound is obtained
which has excellent film properties and adhesion. An excellent
Surface Active Agent quality of Friction dust could be prepared from Cardanol
which finds use brake linings and Clutch facings.
Sulphonated ether of Cardanol has been found to be wetting
agent and finds use in Textile Industry, ethoxylated Tetrahy-
drocardanol Sulphonate performs better at high temperature
than the detergents based on Dodoeyl benzene. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Authors are thankful to the Management for the financial as-

Chlorinated Cardanol is reported to have good insecticidal, REFERENCES

pesticidal and germicidal properties. Cardanol Formaldehyde
resin is also used as a solvent for well known pesticides such
[1] Cashew by J. G. Ohler, KIT, 1988, ISBN 90 6832 074 2.
as Pyrethrin and Rotanes. Paranitro Tetrahydro Cardanol finds
[2] Food Chain: The International Journal of Small-scale Food Pro-
use as a coupling compound in sprayable pesticides such as
Parathion. cessing: 2001, Special issue dedicated to cashew processing and
marketing, ITDG
Rubber Compoundings [3] Food Chain: The International Journal of Small-scale Food Pro-
cessing. 1999, Empowering Small-scale Cashew Processors in Sri
Oil soluble Cardanol resins are used in Rubber Compounding. Lanka, ITDG
They impart high tear strenght and resistance against Petrole-
um based solvents. Pure Cardanol acts as a Deoxident and
Plasticizer when incorporated in rubber. Its ethers are also
used as plasticizers for synthetic rubbe to reduce the shore
hardness and improve the ageing properties.

Azo dyes
Three pentadecyl phenol and sulphonated products of Car-
danol are being used as intermediates for Azo Dyes.
Wax Substitutes
Waxing solids with high melting points could be prepared
from Cardanol resins and suitable Amide such as Stearamide.
When 3 pentadecyl phenol is reacted with 1:4 Dichlorobutane
a wax with a melting point of 90/93C is obtained. These wax-
IJSER 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue3, March-2013 4
ISSN 2229-5518

IJSER 2013

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