Fleet Sync Programming
Fleet Sync Programming
Fleet Sync Programming
? Introduction
This document covers the following subjects. Installation and use of the KPG49D 3.xx or better
programming software. A FleetSync Feature list and a operational description of some of the
Kenwood Fleetsync protocol features along with programming and interface information for the
Communication ports in the 80 series radios.
The TK-780/880/980/981 mobiles and the TK-280/380/480/481 portables setup is the same in
most cases and will be referred to as the 80 series throughout this document. This document is
meant to help the user get familiar with programming the radio and using the FleetSync features.
This document also contains a series of simple programming exercises to help the user become
familiar with programming the basic features of FleetSync. For more detailed information about
the 80 series programming and operation, Refer to the Service Manual of the radio. For sales
related applications refer to the FleetSync Application Guide.
Table Of Contents
What is FleetSync 2 Exercise 5 Emergency Decode 16
FleetSync Installation Option 2 Testing FleetSync Emergency 17
FleetSync Feature Sets 3 Man-Down Alert Encode 18
FleetSync Radio Versions 4 Man Down Alert Decode 18
FleetSync Mobile PC Interface 5 CA-3 Tilt-Switch Installation 18
KPG-49D Programming Software Installation 5 FleetSync Selective Calling 19
Programming For RF Communications 6 Exercise 6 Selective Call Encode 20
Exercise 1 Simplex Channel 6 Exercise 7 Selective Call Decode 21
Programming FleetSync Parameters 7 Testing Selective Call 23
PTT ID Encode Using FleetSync 8 FleetSync Status Messages 23
Exercise 2 PTT ID Encode 8 Exercise 8 Status Messaging Encode 24
Decoding FleetSync PTT ID 10 Exercise 9 Status Messaging Decode 25
Exercise 3 Caller ID Display Decode 10 Testing Status Messaging 26
Testing FleetSync ANI 12 FleetSync Messages 27
FleetSync Timing Parameters 13 FleetSync Short Messages 27
FleetSync Emergency 14 FleetSync Long Messages 27
Exercise 4 Emergency Encode 14 Troubleshooting 27
FleetSync Emergency Decode 16
o Important Notes:
The 80 series mobiles and/or accessories can be ordered from Kenwood pre-configured, tuned and
tested via the labor codes shown below in this document. See Kenwood price pages for more
information. All modifications and interfaces can be done by the user but requires some soldering.
NOTE: As of the time of writing this document Kenwood is actively engaged in Licensing
the peripheral products that the FleetSync Enhanced features require. We are currently
providing the FleetSync technical documentation and Engineering OEM kits to companies
interested in manufacturing FleetSync compatible products. We will notify our Reps and
Dealers as these products become available.
FleetSync is a basic feature of all 80 series radios. The 80 series radios can be Enhanced in order to
add PC control, Short and long text messaging and the GPS input /outputs of the radio. In most
FleetSync Applications only the base will need to be Enhanced.
Basic Enhanced
Digital PTT ID * *
Selective Calling * *
Group Calling * *
Supervisor Calling * *
Broadcast Calling * *
Status Messaging * *
Over The Air Stun,
Kill and Revive * *
PC Control 1 *
Short Text Messaging
(48 Characters) Note 1
Long Text Messaging
(1024 Characters) Note
FleetSync GPS
(AVL) Note 1 *
Note 1 Additional Equipment Required
Version 1 Version 2
Caller ID N/A Standard
( PTT ANI Decode )
Selective Call ID Stack N/A Standard
(Last 3 Calls)
PTT ID Side Tone N/A Standard
PTT ID TA Inhibit N/A Standard
ID List Capacity 32 100
Status Message Capacity 32 50
ID / Status Access Rotary C&D Keys
PTT ID Type On / Off Own/Sel
l The 80 series mobile radios have 3 Serial Data ports. COM 0, (Mic Jack), COM 1 (Internal),
COM 2 (Internal). The Comm ports are configured using the KPG49D programming
software. See Labor codes above or call our Technical Support line for a copy of the interface
l The Com ports can be selected for five options:
a. None (no function)
b. REM (Remote control) This selection is for remote control of the radios functions.
c. DATA (FleetSync control) This selection is to control the FleetSync commands from a PC.
d. GPS ( GPS data input ) Com 1 only. Mobile operation
e. Data + GPS ( GPS data out put ) Com 1 only. Base operation
l Com 0 is interfaced to the PC serial port using the KPG-46 radio programming cable.
Com 1 and 2 are interfaced using a RS232 to TTL level converter. The KCT-31 FleetSync
interface cable can be purchased from Kenwood specifically for this purpose.
l FleetSync Demo software is available from Kenwood for Text messaging.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Program at least two radios preferably a mobile which we will use as a base and referred to as Base
throughout this document and a portable referred to as Radio 1. Check RF communications between
them. The audio should be clear and free from noise. Check the audio in both directions.
Fleet ID Alias
Base 100 1000 Base
Portable 100 1001 Radio 1
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
The 80 series radio is capable of receiving and decoding the FleetSync PTT ID data. The received ID
can either be displayed on the radios front panel or sent to a external device for viewing.
For this exercise we will create a data file for a mobile radio which will be used as a Base radio.
1 Read the Bases data we previously programmed in section Programming the radio
for RF Communications Exercise 1.
> Using the ALT and Arrow Keys
> Select Program
> Read From Radio
> Select OK in confirmation window
> Select Yes in DTMF confirmation window
2 Setting FleetSync ID Base
> Using the Arrow Keys Select FleetSync
> Enter Fleet Number 100
> Enter ID Number 1000
Note: Each radio will have their own combination of Fleet and ID number.
Figure 7
Press PTT on Radio 1. The Receiving Base radio will display CID and Alias of transmitting radio.
Radio 1 CH 1
Note: If Alias does not display and you see the 7 digit Fleet/ID number in the receiving radio, that alias has
not been setup properly or is missing from the radio FleetSync/ID List.
The following is a brief description of the features in the PARAMETER Menu. See Fig 9
a. GTC Count : This feature tells the mobiles to change to the data channel to rx an incoming
b. Random Access Contention: On a busy system there may be times when data transmissions
are held off until the channel becomes clear. When the channel does become clear the radios
that were held off will try to access the system and in doing so may have a collision. This
parameter enables a random timer that will help the radios avoid that collision.
c. Number of Retries: This parameter sets the amount of times the radio will resend the data if
the radio does not receive an ACK with in the Max ACK wait time.
d. TX Busy Wait Time: This is the maximum time the radio will wait for a clear channel
before giving up. NOTE: If this parameter is set too low this timer may expire before
the Random Access Contention timer allows a transmission.
e. Maximum ACK wait Time: This parameter sets the time the radio will wait for an ACK from
a called radio which in turn sets the interval between retries. NOTE: This time must be
greater than the ACK delay time.
f. ACK Delay Time: This sets the amount of time the radio will wait to send an ACK to a
originating radio. NOTE : This Timer must be set shorter than the Maximum ACK Wait
time and the Repeaters Hang timer if ARQ mode is used.
g. TX Delay Time: This parameter sets the lead in time giving the radio time to capture the
receiving radios receivers and bring them out of scan. This timer is mainly used during the
initial key up.
h. Data TX Modulation Delay Time: This Timer works after the TX Delay Timer expires and
gives the radio time to capture the target radios receiver. This timer is used every time not
just after initial Key up.
Figure 9
When a Emergency mode is activated, the radio will transmit an Emergency Message to a predetermined
Group/Channel. Since the transmitting radio requires a confirmation (ACK) that the Emergency was
received, a specific Fleet/ID will be targeted to receive the Emergency Message.
Figure 11
l None: The radio will respond same way that it responds to all other Status Messages. No
audible alert will be heard.
l Alert: the radio will respond by sounding an Alert tone and toggling the display between
EMERGENCY and the originating radios ID. The radio will stay in this Alert Mode until
the radio sees an input such as button push or a PTT from the mic.
l Horn: the radio will Alert the same way as described above and also give an HORN
OUTPUT. This out put can be used to honk a horn or turn on a light and so on. check the
radios service manual for information on the Horn Honk output.
The 80 series radios can receive and send the emergency status to one of its serial port to a external device
to be displayed to a dispatcher. See the FleetSync Applications guide for more details on external
Emergency decoders.
Figure 12
After programming the radio for RF communications, FleetSync ANI data and Emergency, we can check
to see how the Emergency function works.
Press and Hold the Emergency key (Orange Button) on the Portable radio for more than one second. The
radio will Transmit and send a Emergency Status. After 20 seconds of transmitting the Emergency, the
radio will revert to receive mode.
Note: In this exercise the Active/Delay/Pre-alert times were left in their default settings. For more
information on these settings refer to help screens in the KPG49D software.
The Receiving radio will display EMERGENCY on the display and a Emergency Alert will sound. The
display will alternate from EMERGENCY and the Alias of the radio that initiated the call.
Note: If the Alias does not display and you see the 7 digit Fleet/ID number on the receiving radio, that alias
has not been setup properly or is missing from the radio FleetSync/ID List.
The Man-down decode function works exactly the same as the Emergency decode functions. See the
FleetSync Emergency section of this document for more details on the decode options.
FleetSync protocol will allow a radio user to select and alert a specific radio or a specific group of radios
that a call has been received. This can keep the other radio users in the same talk group from hearing
unwanted radio conversations. This FleetSync feature is similar to and should be used in the same way as
Two Tone paging. The radio once alerted can sound a alert tone or initiate the Horn Honk feature. NOTE:
Because of the limitations of low speed signaling such as LTR or CTCSS this feature does not lend
itself well to being used as a direct connect private call feature.
There are 4 types of selective alerts. Broadcasts, Fleet, Supervisor and individual calls. A broadcast, Fleet
and Supervisor will incorporate 0 as a wild card in the target ID. In the KPG-49D programming software
when a 0 is entered the word ALL will be displayed (see Fig 13). For example in a Broadcast alert the
target ID will be Fleet ID 0 Individual ID 0. In a Fleet wide alert the target ID would be Fleet ID 100 and
individual ID 0. This ID would alert all units within Fleet 100. A supervisor call would use a Fleet ID of 0
and the supervisors individual ID such as 1001. In this example all units with the individual ID of 1001
would be alerted no matter which Fleet the users resides in.
When decoding an Selective call alert, the radio can be programmed for either a AND or OR condition.
This controls the muting of audio. If the radio is programmed for the OR condition then either the low
speed signaling protocol (LTR/CTCSS) OR the FleetSync selective call signaling will cause the radio to
open squelch and Alert. If the radio is set for the AND condition the radio will remain muted until both the
low speed signaling protocol and the FleetSync selective call signaling is decoded. Once both conditions
have been met the radio will alert. The radio will alert for the duration of the Message Mode timer then
reset itself back to its normal operation. If the Message mode timer is set to OFF the radio will stop all
scanning and alert until the user resets the alert with the Monitor button. See the Application guide for
more detailed information on suitable applications for this feature.
Figure 13
Figure 14
Figure 15
3 And/Or Signaling
> Using the ALT and Arrow Keys go to Edit
> Using the Arrow Keys go to Optional Features
> Using the Arrow Keys go to Signaling
> Using the Space Bar Select AND
Note: If signaling is set to AND QT/DQT AND MSK must be present before a
radio will open squelch.
> Press the ALT Key to return to Edit Menu
Figure 17
Radio 1
Press the A button on the radios front panel. Using the B and C Keys select BASE, Press PTT
ID *
Radio 1 ID
When the radio receives a Selective Call, it will display the radios Alias in the front panel. In addition
to displaying the Alias, the receiving radio will store the Alias in one of the 3 Caller ID Stacks Indicated by
IO1, IO2, IO3.
Note: If Alias does not display and you see the 7 digit Fleet/ID number in the receiving radio, that alias has
not been setup properly or is missing from the radio FleetSync/ID List.
Status Purpose
10-79 User assigned
80-87 Reserved
88 Emergency turn off
89 Horn Honk
90 Stun
( no tx )
91 Stun
( no tx no rx)
92 Revive
93 Ack stun on
94 Ack stun off
95-97 Reserved
98 Mandown
99 Emergency
Figure 18
3 Writing the data to the radio
> Using the Arrow Keys go to Program
> Using the Arrow Keys go to Write to Radio
> Select OK in confirmation window
> Select Yes in DTMF confirmation window
Radio 1
Press the A button on the radios front panel. Using the B and C Keys select BASE.
Press the A button. Using the B and C Keys select a Status Message.
Press PTT
When the radio receives a Status Message, it will display the radios Alias in the front panel and the Status
Message. In addition to displaying the Alias and Status, the receiving radio will store the Alias/Message in
one of the 9 Status Message Stack.
Note: If Alias does not display and you see the 7 digit Fleet/ID number in the receiving radio, that alias has
not been setup properly or is missing from the radio FleetSync/ID List. If the receiving radio displays a 2
digit number instead of the status message, the alphanumeric message was not entered in the Status ID List.