Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris 11A - Revisi BP
Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris 11A - Revisi BP
Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris 11A - Revisi BP
When your friend needs help or has difficulties, what will you do? You offer him/her help
or suggest that he/she do something, right? Now, in this unit you will learn how to suggest
and offer in English.
2 I Suggest that . . . .
Lets discuss the following questions. Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 2.
1. At Yudas house.
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik bekerja secara 2. He is going to clean carpets with a vacuum cleaner.
berkelompok. Tiap kelompok terdiri atas tiga atau empat 3. She teaches him how to use a vacuum cleaner.
peserta didik. 4. To have a good result, meaning that he doesnt leave dust
2. Tiap kelompok memahami pertanyaan dan men- and dirt in the carpet.
diskusikannya. Mereka menulis hasil diskusi di selembar 5. She suggests that Yuda move little items out of the way
kertas. before cleaning the carpet.
3. Selanjutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta kelompok
berlomba-lomba tunjuk jari menyebutkan hasil diskusi
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memuji kelompok yang berani menjawab
dan memberi balikan positif.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberi penjelasan seperlunya Practice the following dialogs with a friend.
tentang hal-hal yang didiskusikan peserta didik.
4 I Suggest that . . . .
Dialog 2
1. It takes place at a greengrocers. TASK 2
2. She needs salt and fried rice flavoring. 1. Bettys house
3. She says, Mrs. Artika, do you need salt? I have salt at 2. stay at home
home. You can have it. 3. floods in many areas of Jakarta
4. She says, Sure, thanks. 4. television
5. She says, You dont need to, thanks. 5. the government can find a solution to the problem soon
TASK 1 Put a tick in the correct words to complete each short dialog
Listen to and complete the dialog based on what you have below.
heard. Soal yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik dan jawaban:
1. Angga : What will we do on Sunday morning?
Percakapan yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Arya : ________ jog around the town square.
Mr. Tantowi : Hey, (1) where are you going? Why dont you
Amelia : Bettys house.
Mr. Tantowi : I suggest that (2) you stay at home. Lets
Floods everywhere. Can we
Amelia : Really?
Mr. Tantowi : Yes. I just watched (3) the news on 2. Vina : ________ porridge for breakfast, Mom?
television. Its about floods in many Mother: Yes, dear. Thanks.
areas of Jakarta. Would you like
Amelia : O, gosh. When will Jakarta be free from Shall we
I suggest
Mr. Tantowi : (4) Nobody knows. We will just try our
best to live with the conditions. 3. Winda : Where will you continue your studies after
Amelia : Yes. We do hope the government (5) can graduation?
find a solution to the problem soon. Donny : ________ that I continue my studies in Bandung.
My mother recommended
Soal yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik:
Mr. Tantowi : Hey, (1) ________________________? You may
Amelia : Bettys house. Should we
Mr. Tantowi : I suggest that (2) ____________________.
Floods everywhere. 4. Sarah : We havent done our work. ________ doing our
Amelia : Really? work this afternoon after school?
Mr. Tantowi : Yes. I just watched (3) _________________. Derby : Thats a good idea.
Its about floods in many areas of Jakarta. I think
Amelia : O, gosh. When will Jakarta be free from I propose
Mr. Tantowi : (4) ________________________. We will What about
just try our best to live with the conditions. 5. Ronny : You look very busy, Dad. ________?
Amelia : Yes. We do hope the government Mr. Harry : Yeah. Please help me clean the car windows.
(5) ________________________ to the
Will you help me
problem soon.
What can I do for you
TASK 2 Shall we help you
Complete the statements based on the dialog in TASK 1.
1. Amelia is going to
2. Mr. Tantowi suggests that Amelia
3. Mr. Tantowi suggests that because of Identify the grammatical errors in the sentences below.
________________________________. Then, write the correct sentences.
4. Mr. Tantowi gets the news from the
________________________________. Jawaban:
5. Amelia hopes that 1. Can I help you make the dough?
________________________________. 2. Lets decorate the room for Chintyas birthday party.
3. Weve found a lost child. Shall we call the police?
Jawaban: 4. We have no sugar left. Why dont you buy some from the
TASK 1 nearby grocery store?
1. where are you going 5. Dewi suggests that Carla ask for her mothers permission
2. you stay at home before joining the activity.
3. the news on television
4. Nobody knows
5. can find a solution
If you dont want to consume much Would you like tea or lemon
cholesterol from eggs, you should tea?
choose chicken eggs. Will you taste one of them?
I suggest that you allow 12 inches
Match the words in column A with their correct meanings in of space.
column B. You had better keep them for at
least fifteen days.
1. h 2. g 3. j 4. f 5. c
6. b 7. d 8. i 9. a 10. e
Complete the dialog with the suitable words from the box.
Complete the following sentences with the correct words from 1. i 2. d 3. f 4. a
TASK 17. 5. h 6. c 7. e 8. b
You may change the forms of the words.
1. steps 2. mixture 3. delicious
4. salty 5. ingredients 6. wrapped
7. tasted 8. at least 9. considerable
10. shells Complete the dialogs with the correct words from the boxes.
Then, practice the dialogs with a friend.
Dialog 1
1. d 2. c 3. a 4. f 5. b
Read the following text. Dialog 2
1. b 2. e 3. d 4. f 5. a
6 I Suggest that . . . .
2. You : Hi, Itok. Why dont you go to the canteen? Its
4. Because there was a blackout at his home last night.
good to have lunch there.
5. She suggests Donny do his homework in the afternoon
Your friend : Im broke. I only have Rp2,000.00 left and its
or after school.
for my bus fare.
Dialog 2 You : Im sorry to hear that. Well then, let me treat
1. In a supermarket. you this time. What do you think?
2. Shes a sales promotion girl. Your friend : Please dont bother yourself. Im O.K.
3. She offers a new milk product for kids. You : Come on. Its no trouble at all. Lets go!
4. No, she doesnt. She says, I know, but sorry, my kid Your friend : Thank you, Farel. Youre really kind.
already has his favorite milk. and No, thanks. You : Dont mention it.
I dont think he likes it.
3. You : You look busy preparing many items. Where
5. It refers to the milk Selly offered.
are you going?
Your sister : To the beach.
You : Have you prepared sunblock cream?
Your sister : Sunblock cream?
You : Yes. You should smear it on your skin in
order to protect your skin from sunlight.
Your sister : I dont have such a cream.
Arrange the sentences to form a meaningful dialog. You : Dont worry. You may use mine.
Then, practice the dialog with a friend. Your sister : Thank you.
Jawaban: 4. Your cousin : What do you think of this boarding house?
The correct arrangement of the sentences is 47210583 It is large and beautiful, right?
619. You : Yes, but . . . do you really intend on staying
Your cousin : Yes. Its very accessible since its on the
main road.
You : Thats the point! I dont think this boarding
house is suitable.
Complete the following statements based on the dialog in Your cousin : Why do you say so?
TASK 23. You : Its near an intersection and it will be very
noisy. Im not sure you can focus on studying
1. Tasya is looking at if you stay here. You should choose a quieter
________________________________. place.
2. Tasya has a problem with Your cousin : I think thats reasonable. Thanks. Lets find
________________________________. another boarding house.
3. Tasya has used
________________________________ on her face as 5. You : Hi, Helmi. I heard you dont have a science
treatment. textbook. You can use mine.
4. Viona suggests that Your friend : Hi, Ganis. Thanks for your offer, but Im going
________________________________. to borrow one from the library.
5. Dr. Indriyani has a clinic, located beside You : You dont need to. Here, this is for you. I dont
________________________________. need it anymore.
Your friend : I really appreciate it and Ill use it very
Jawaban: carefully. Thanks.
1. the mirror You : Youre welcome. I hope it helps you.
2. acne on her face Your friend : Yes you bet!
3. many kinds of creams
4. Tasya go to a skin and beauty specialist
5. Bagaz Pharmacy
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik bekerja secara B. Write a dialog using expressions of suggesting or making
berkelompok. Tiap kelompok terdiri atas empat atau lima an offer.
peserta didik. Contoh jawaban:
2. Tiap kelompok memikirkan masalah yang dihadapi Silvia : Dad, why dont you have a rest for a while?
peserta didik remaja saat ini dan berdiskusi untuk Mr. Taufik : No, dear. I have to finish planting the paddy before
memberi saran atas masalah tersebut. noon.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta tiap kelompok menyebutkan Silvia : But you can stop for a while to drink tea, Dad. Here,
hasil diskusi mereka. I made you tea.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat merangkum dan memberi Mr. Taufik : Thank you, dear. Please put it there. Ill drink it
simpulan atas hasil diskusi peserta didik. Bila perlu, when I have finished.
Bapak/Ibu Guru menambahkan saran yang bermanfaat Silvia : You should drink it when it is warm. Ill bring it to
untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut. you then.
Mr. Taufik : O.K., Ill go for it. Please stay there.
Contoh jawaban:
Problem: Many teenagers are involved in fighting.
Government holds campaigns and gives information about
the importance of maintaining peace.
Teachers and principal should control the students
activities, especially during school hours and break time.
Teachers and parents give advice to the students about bad
effects of fighting and good effects of peace.
Parents create peace among family members to show the
importance of peace.
Parents support their children to learn more about good
moral and religious values.
Work in pairs.
Write a text containing a suggestion or an offer about how to
make or do something.
Contoh jawaban:
Have you ever received missed calls from unknown people?
It must be very disturbing, especially when you received the calls
at night. If you have such a problem, I suggest that you do the
First, when you receive a call, know who the caller is. If the
number is unknown, you should ignore the call. However, if it
rings many times, you may answer it. Perhaps its from your
friend or relative who has a new phone number. If the call is from
someone who does it for fun, you may ask what his purpose is.
Tell him that you are busy. He should know that you dont like to
be disturbed.
8 I Suggest that . . . .
You have a pair writing assignment. You are free to choose a certain topic. You suggest
your mate that you will write about bullying, its danger and the way to stop it. You ask your
mates opinion about it. He/she doesnt agree because it seems hard to write about bullying.
Then, you ensure him/her that you can find many sources from the library or the Internet. You
invite him/her to go to the library during the break. Your mate agrees with your idea. How
would you ask for an opinion? How would your friend express his/her opinion? Please study
this unit and do the exercises so that you know how to ask for and give opinions.
Work in pairs.
Read the opinions and figure out what they are about.
Soal yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik dan jawaban:
No. Opinion About
1. No wonder you love staying at home. Its very comfortable here. You enjoy the beautiful flowers at House
the garden from your room.
2. This is the most delicious food I have ever eaten. The flavor is so strong and I love that. Food/restaurant
I agree if the government rebuilds this place so we will have a place to spend our Sunday morning
3. again. People need this place to jog and exercise, while children can play slide, swing and merry- A park
4. In my opinion, the story is marvelous. The plot runs unpredictably. This is what I call a real A storybook
detective story.
5. I strongly believe that people should visit this place. Here, through dioramas, we learn a lot of
things. We would know how our heroes struggled against imperialists and defended our A museum
independence from them.
Listen to and complete the dialogs based on what you have heard. Anneke : Personally, I have a similar thought. So, whats your
Percakapan-percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/ idea?
Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Bayu : Well, the previous contests were (4) exclusively
addressed for students in our school. I think it is the
Dialog 1 time to extend the contest.
Bayu : Anneke, did you receive an invitation to attend Anneke : What do you mean?
an OSIS meeting tomorrow? Bayu : I mean, lets make the contest open for students from
Anneke : I did. The agenda is to discuss a (1) poster-making any schools and even for (5) public participants. If
contest to celebrate (2) Youth Pledge Day, isnt it? we do it, the contest will be (6) more competitive.
Bayu : It is. So, it will be the third poster-making contest. Anneke : Personally, I dont think its a good idea. It will cost
I believe it will be similar to the previous ones, in spite much, you know, to (7) advertise the contest and
of using (3) different themes. In my opinion, it isnt provide prizes for the winners, and I dont think we
interesting. can afford it.
Look at the picture carefully. There are two situations described in the picture. First,
there are students sitting an exam. They are just like you, studying hard to achieve your
dreams for the future. The other situation shows three young people who have achieved their
dreams to become what they dreamed of, that is be a doctor, teacher and engineer. What
about you? What are your hopes and dreams? What would you like to be in the future?
In this unit, you will be encouraged to express your hopes and dreams. Besides, you will
also learn how to congratulate and read a speech. Study the explanation and do the
exercises actively.
Exchange the list that you have made in TASK 15 with your friends.
Talk about your hopes and dreams, in turns.
State your reasons why you hope and dream about them.
Contoh jawaban:
You : What is your hope, Arif? Everyone in life has hopes and dreams for their future.
Your partner : I hope I pass the final examination with good Suppose you have an opportunity to deliver a speech in
grades. a graduation day and you express your hopes or dreams through
You : Why? your speech.
Your partner : Well, I hope I will be accepted by a reputable Read the speech below.
university. What about you? What is your hope?
Your partner : I hope I English skills.
You : Why?
Your partner : I hope I can communicate with people around the
world more fluenthy. Then, whats your dream?
You : I wish I will become a famous writer or novelist,
like J.K. Rowling. Find the meanings of the following words.
Your partner : Why do you dream to be a writer or novelist? 1. encouragement = ___________________
You : Well, I like writing and I wish my book will make 2. awesome = ___________________
people who read it feel happy. Now, tell me 3. freshmen = ___________________
about your dream. 4. upperclassmen = ___________________
Your partner : For myself, I dream to be a news anchor. 5. spirit = ___________________
You : Interesting job! Whats your reason then? 6. performing art = ___________________
Your partner : I want to spread any recent and factual news to 7. to snap pictures = ___________________
others. 8. to leave behind = ___________________
9. to bring forward = ___________________
You : I see.
10. path = ___________________
1. dorongan, pengorbanan
2. mengagumkan
3. siswa/mahasiswa tahun pertama
4. siswa/mahasiswa tingkat atas (tahun kedua dan ketiga)
5. semangat
Identify the main idea of each paragraph of the speech in TASK 18.
Paragraph Main Idea
1 The speaker thanks the principal, all teachers, administrators Complete the statements based on the text in TASK 21.
and parents as well as his/her schoolmates. Jawaban:
2 The speaker recalls his/her and schoolmates experiences during 1. the proverb Honesty is the best policy
the first days at the senior high school. 2. more trouble when the truth is found out
3. win a place in the hearts of people
3 The speaker and his/her schoolmates have learned a lot of for
their future at the school. 4. hide one act of dishonesty
5. always to tell the truth
4 The speaker says that school time has come to end at the
school graduation today.
5 The speaker states his/her expectation and hope for his/her and
schoolmates future.
Listen to and complete the text based on what you have heard.
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan
Suppose you will present a graduation speech.
Respected Chief guest, teachers, parents and my (1) dear
Write the speech you are going to present.
Today I like to say a few words relating to the (2) proverb Contoh jawaban:
Honesty is the best policy. This old saying (3) holds true for Good afternoon, our beloved principals, teachers,
ever and ever. Lies may get you out of trouble initially, but in the administrators and parents.
end you will be in more trouble when the truth is (4) found out. We are here, gathered together to celebrate the
Therefore, it is better to tell the truth (5) all times to save you accomplishment of the Class of 2015. To my fellow schoolmates,
from problems later. weve made it. Finally! We are graduating! Congratulations!
Congratulations not only to us, but also to our principal, teachers,
administrators, parents, families and friends! Our success is your
success, for you have given us the freedom to dare, the courage
24 Mid-Term Test
10. Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
When the fisherman went home to his wife, he Questions 14 and 15 refer to the following monolog.
told her everything that happened and how, on hearing Children should not be living in constant fear. They
the fish spoke, he had let it go. Didnt you ask it for shouldnt be afraid. On the contrary, they should look forward
anything? asked the wife. No, I didnt. What should to every day at school and enjoy school life. According to
I have asked for? replied the fisherman. a research, bullying has always existed in Indonesian
I am surprised you dont realize what you should society, but it has only surfaced due to the recent
have asked for. We live very wretchedly here, in this proliferation of media technologies (Craig, 2009). Since
nasty dirty hut. We are poor and I am so miserable. You bullying is prevalent in our society, it is important that
should have asked for a nice cozy cottage. Now go everyone should be made aware of this social evil. There
back and tell the fish that we want a snug little cottage, should be campaigns to increase awareness. Everyone
said his wife. should be working together, to stop it.
Adopted from: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa Adopted from: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa Inggris untuk
Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI Semester 1, Jakarta, SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI Semester 1, Jakarta, Kementerian Pendidikan dan
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2014. Kebudayaan, 2014.
Narrator : What does the woman suggest her Narrator:
husband ask the fish? 14. What is the writers opinion about the childrens life at
Jawaban: C 15. What does the writer suggest concerning bullying?
12. Jawaban: E
13. Jawaban: C
Have you ever celebrated your birthday? If you have, who did you celebrate it with? Did
you invite your friends? Now, in this unit you will learn how to invite and respond to
an invitation, spoken or written.
Contoh jawaban: Complete the following statements based on the texts in TASK 5.
1. Yes, I have. Jawaban:
2. A karang taruna meeting. Text 1
3. It was a written invitation. 1. the principal (Mr. Henry Sulistyawan)
4. I accepted the invitation, because I like participating in 2. music teacher
an organization. 3. teachers
4. the students art performance
5. the agenda of the meeting is very important
Text 2
1. a baby shower 2. Mr. and Mrs. Adams
Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 2. 3. Yennita Swastikas birth 4. daughter
Jawaban: 5. contac or call Kartika
1. At school (in the school alley).
Text 3
2. Her birthday.
1. All students of Grade XII 2. school hall; morning
3. Seventeen years old.
3. secretary 4. sweet memory
4. By asking, Tania, will you attend my birthday party?
5. the farewell party
5. Prita.
6. On November 2, 2014 at 3:30 p.m.
7. At Violette Restaurant, Jalan Pejaten Raya no. 12.
8. She should contact Prita.
Complete the text with the correct words from the box.
1. d 2. f 3. b 4. e 5. a
Read the following texts.
Contoh jawaban:
Find the meanings of the following words.
1. cordially = ________________
2. to invite = ________________ 2014 FAREWELL COMMITTEE
3. fun bike = ________________ SMAN 17 Jalan Kalimantan No. 17
4. to celebrate = ________________
5. anniversary = ________________ To: Nurul Azizah, Class XI Science 2
6. city square = ________________
7. insurance = ________________ We invite you to attend our meeting that will be
8. grand prize = ________________ held:
9. voucher = ________________ day/date : Saturday, December 20, 2014
10. mountain bike = ________________ time : at 2 p.m.
Jawaban: place : OSIS meeting room
1. dengan ramah 2. mengundang agenda : Preparation for the farewell party
3. sepeda santai 4. merayakan We look forward to your participation.
5. hari jadi 6. alun-alun kota
7. asuransi 8. hadiah utama Secretary,
9. voucher 10. sepeda gunung
Complete the dialog with the correct words from the box.
Then, practice the dialog with a friend.
1. f 2. c 3. e 4. a 5. d
Brenda : Anneke, some friends and I are going to celebrate Create invitation cards based on the following situations.
New Years Eve at my house. We are going to have Contoh jawaban:
a barbecue party. (1) ________. 1.
Anneke : Id love to, but I cant.
Brenda : (2) ________? Bazaar Committee
Anneke : Yes. (3) ________. SMA Siaga Bandung
Brenda : Wow, its cool!
Anneke : It is. Actually, we will go there not only to spend We cordially invite Mr. Hendrawan, the principal
New Years Eve (4) ________. to open the bazaar which will be held:
Brenda : I see. (5) ________. day/date : FridaySaturday, November 2830,
Anneke : Thank you. Have fun with our friends too. 2014
time : 10 p.m.
TASK 2 place : school hall
Answer the following questions based on the dialog in TASK 1. Dewa Putranto
1. What are Brenda and her friends going to do at New
The Head of the Committee
Years Eve?
2. Where will they have it?
3. What does Brenda say to invite Anneke to join the
4. What is Anneke going to do in Bali? 2.
5. Brenda says, Wow, its cool! To: Mr. Barata
What does the underlined word refer to?
Wed like to invite you to attend the meeting
which will be held:
TASK 1 day/date : Saturday, November 15, 2014
1. c 2. a 3. d 4. f 5. b time : 1 p.m.
agenda : discussion about our trip
1. They are going to have a barbecue party. We do hope your presence in the meeting.
2. At Brendas house. Thank you.
3. She says, Lets have fun together.
4. She is going to spend New Years Eve and attend her The class leader,
uncles wedding. Bobby Anggara
5. It refers to Annekes plan to spend New Years Eve in Bali.
OSIS Chairperson of SMA Kusuma Joel
Find formal invitations your parents have received.
Then, rewrite the invitations using your own words.
Source: http://www.thumbs.dreamstime.com.,
downloaded June 16, 2014
Sending letters has been done since the early century and letters have played important
roles in our histories. Today, though there are many types of social media available for
communication with others, such as facebook, twitter and e-mail, letters still have a place in
our societies. In this unit, you will learn about personal letters and have many opportunities to
write letters.
Write your feeling on your diary. 1. to recall the name signing of a person,
Contoh jawaban: 2. to regard a mark or stamp representing his
3. sincere name, marked by himself or by
4. to remind an authorized deputy
November 15, 2014 to communicate, to make known, to
5. signature
Dear Diary, 6. salutation take from one place to another
7. to skip the act of coming to a decision, or
Ive just received a letter from my best friend Carla. 8. to convey finalizing or settling a purpose
She congratulated me on my birthday and thanked me for 9. recipient to remember
becoming her loyal friend for 10 years. Yeah, 10 years! 10. determination to jump from one point to another,
I dont even believe in myself that weve been close each omitting or disregarding what
other for a decade, even when we lived a thousand miles to look at attentively, to look upon or
away from each other. You know, I could have never been consider in a particular way
close to someone, but to Carla is different. For me, she is a person who receives
not only a friend, but also my sister who will always be with genuine, earnest, honest
me. an act, phrase, gesture, etc. that
serves as a greeting
Through her letter, Carla tries to recall our memories to cause to remember, to put
when we were together. I met her for the first time when we a person in mind of something
were freshmen at senior high school. However, she hasnt
changed much. I love her because of her cheerfulness,
foollish jokes which always make me laugh and care for me
though sometimes shes a little bit careless.
She also wrote that she wont stop loving, respecting
and admiring me. So do I! She said that she would be here
with me in just a couple of months and I cant wait for that
time when well be together again! I love you, Carla!
There are fifteen mistakes in the following letter. Complete the statements based on the lettter in TASK 10.
The mistakes include the grammatical and structure errors.
Identify the mistakes and then rewrite the correct letter.
1. to apologize
Share your work with the class.
2. he has shown hurtful and totally unnecessary behavior and
Jawaban: attitude to Farid
3. his bad day
Jl. Gunung Raya 34 4. he missed the bus
Banjarmasin 5. was not allowed to join the class
Dear Uncle, 6. a math test
(1) October 12, 2014 7. Farid will forgive him and they can continue to maintain their
How are you, auntie and your (2) little one? Its 8. Farid has any thoughts about the matter
been quite some time, but nevertheless, a perfect
occasion is approaching for us to catch up and
(3) celebrate.
I will be (4) turning 17 on November 9, 2014 and
my parents are organizing a birthday party at our place
and (5) inviting my friends and family. We would like to
(6) have you and your family at the party. Here at the Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
details of the party! Jawaban:
Venue : Our home, Jl. Perdana 34 Kotabaru 1. E 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. D
Time : (7) 6:30 p.m. 9 p.m.
Date : (8) Sunday, November 9, 2014
Please note that there will be a (9) various party
games and food for the kids and adults! I would like
to share the joy with (10) you all.
Do convey to us your plans (11) so that
we can pick you from the bus station. Pass our TASK 1
(12) regards to Aunt Nirmala and (13) lots Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.
of love to my little cousin.
I look forward to (14) hearing from a. so much b. sorrow c. passed
you soon. d. death e. carefully f. illness
g. admired h. heartfelt i. comforters
(15) Cheers, j. great loss
Dear Gilang,
It was a real sorrow to hear of your (1) ________
this morning. I knew your mother was ill, as your brother
told me several weeks ago. However, as he at that time
did not seem to think the (2) ________ was very serious,
Complete the statements based on the letters in TASK 8. the news of your mothers death came to me as a shock.
Jawaban: You have my sincere and (3) ________ sympathy,
1. October 12, 2014 my dear fellow, in your sorrow. I know you will feel it
2. Vanessas uncle deeply, for you always thought so much of your mother
3. to invite Vanessas (the sender) uncle and his family to and loved her (4) ________. I feel it also as a personal
attend her birthday party loss to myself for your mother was always very kind to
4. Vanessas (the sender) 17th birthday me. I (5) ________ her as a good and noble woman. Her
5. Vanessas (the sender) parents (6) ________ must be a terrible grief to your father too.
6. Vanessas house, at Jl. Perdana 34 Makassar Please pass my sincere sympathy to him.
7. two and half hours Words, I know, are poor (7) ________. The heart
8. there will be a various party games and food for the kids knows its own sorrow and in such sorrows we are
and adults always alone. However, it is not mere words when I say
9. Vanessa or her family can pick them up from the bus station that I feel with you in your (8) ________.
10. her uncle to pass her regards to her aunt and little cousin Your sincere friend,
Letter 1
1. Who asks for apology?
2. Why does she need to apologize?
6 Your friend, 10. Mila doesnt expect Mila is expecting Rogers reply.
that Roger will reply Based on the sentence
her letter. I am expecting a friendly reply
Mila Artika from you soon.
Dear Tania,
We have known each other for such a long time, and
been friends for many years. I am writing you this short
letter to thank you for being such a great friend.
I am in the eleventh grade now and still have a year to
go. I work hard here. My results are also very good. I may
even think about going to university after finishing high school.
What have you been doing lately? Is everything okay
with you? Write to me when you have time.
Thanks again and I hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes,
Jawaban: A Jawaban: B
Jawaban: A
40 Final Test
10. Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Dear Mr. Richy. I invite you to join our monthly Questions 14 and 15 refer to the following monolog.
mutual work that will be held on Sunday, November 30, Dear Jovina,
2014. The mutual work starts at 6 a.m. Please bring
equipment needed, such as a sickle or hoe. We gather How are you, Jov? How are Uncle Pandu and Aunt
at the field near my house. I appreciate for your Ratih? I hope you are fine. I miss you all since we have not
participation. Thank you. met for a long time.
Narrator : Which picture shows the equipment Jovina, I just want to thank you for your support over
Mr. Richy will carry? the years. As a result, I was nominated best young writer
2014. Not only had I won a trophy, but also a scholarship to
Jawaban: B continue my studies in England. This is what I dreamed of
since I was a kid. You know, this happened because you
11. Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: continued supporting me to write, write and write.
Respected Mr. Johan and my dear friends. I remembered how you taught me and showed me good
Please allow me to say a few words relating to books. That was an exciting experience that I will never
an expression which says Be yourself. I would like to forget. Thanks, Jov.
tell you a bit about this phrase because I see that many Well, its all for now. Please send my warm greetings to
of us have started to lose confidence. At first we feel uncle and auntie. Hope we can meet soon to share my
happy and proud if we could achieve good marks as if happiness.
we did the jobs ourselves. In fact, we got the marks
because we cheated! It seems nice and fun, but it Big hug,
gradually ruins our future. We will encounter difficulties
in the future because the problems we face will be Diana
complex. Even worse is that we do not have any friends Narrator:
who can be cheated. As a result our achievements will 14. What does Diana send the letter for?
mean nothing. Of course we do not want that to 15. Where will Diana continue her studies?
happen, right? So, let us rebuild our confidence. Let us
work and do our jobs our best. There must be some 14. Jawaban: A
way. This is what I can say today. Thank you for 15. Jawaban: E
This is the end of the listening section.
Narrator : Which picture shows what the boy is doing?
12. Jawaban: C
13. Jawaban: D