Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris 11A - Revisi BP

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Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 1


After learning this unit, you

1. be able to understand how
a. suggest,
b. offer,
c. use subjunctives,
modals and
2. be able to:
a. suggest,
b. offer,
c. use subjunctives,
modals and

Based on the knowledge and

skills you have learned, you
are expected to:
1. be appreciative for the
opportunity to study
2. be confident and polite in
suggesting and offering.

When your friend needs help or has difficulties, what will you do? You offer him/her help
or suggest that he/she do something, right? Now, in this unit you will learn how to suggest
and offer in English.

2 I Suggest that . . . .
Lets discuss the following questions. Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 2.
1. At Yudas house.
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik bekerja secara 2. He is going to clean carpets with a vacuum cleaner.
berkelompok. Tiap kelompok terdiri atas tiga atau empat 3. She teaches him how to use a vacuum cleaner.
peserta didik. 4. To have a good result, meaning that he doesnt leave dust
2. Tiap kelompok memahami pertanyaan dan men- and dirt in the carpet.
diskusikannya. Mereka menulis hasil diskusi di selembar 5. She suggests that Yuda move little items out of the way
kertas. before cleaning the carpet.
3. Selanjutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta kelompok
berlomba-lomba tunjuk jari menyebutkan hasil diskusi
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memuji kelompok yang berani menjawab
dan memberi balikan positif.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberi penjelasan seperlunya Practice the following dialogs with a friend.
tentang hal-hal yang didiskusikan peserta didik.

Contoh jawaban: 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memeragakan

1. A procedural text is a text telling the listeners or readers percakapan yang tersedia secara berpasangan.
about a series of steps in doing or making something. 2. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengoreksi pelafalan dan intonasi
2. The examples of procedural texts are how to make paper peserta didik yang kurang tepat.
craft, how to repair a bicycle, etc. 3. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas kosakata
3. I suggested that my younger brother attend a study club baru.
with limited members. I said, You had better attend a study 4. Selanjutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik
club. However, members should be limited. Otherwise, it will memahami penjelasan dalam Supporting Feature.
not be efficient. 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi penjelasan tentang hal-hal
4. When I saw my mother need help. I said, Would you like yang belum dipahami peserta didik.
some help?

Answer the questions based on the dialogs in TASK 4.

Identify the sentences showing suggestions and offers in
the text in TASK 2.
Dialog 1
Suggestion Offer 1. He has a backache.
2. She will smear balsam on Yudas back.
_________________________ _______________________ 3. Because he looks very tired.
_________________________ _______________________
_________________________ _______________________
4. She suggests Yuda have a rest.
_________________________ _______________________ 5. It is continue.
Dialog 2
Jawaban: 1. Because the wall paint has faded.
Suggestion Offer 2. He is a bricklayer.
3. On Sunday.
You had better clean the What can I do for you? 4. Orange.
carpets using the vacuum Ill teach you how to use it. 5. It refers to Mr. Cahyo.
cleaner which I bought three
days ago.
Before cleaning the carpets,
you should move little items
such as toys, shoes, etc. out of
the way.
You should move it slowly.
If you have difficulty in using
the vacuum cleaner, you can
Complete the sentences based on the situations.
read the manual. Use subjunctives.
Contoh jawaban:
1. she find references from the Internet or books
2. he speak with native speakers or watch English films
3. he arrive at school early next time
4. the children not go far out to sea
5. she be careful during the trip

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 3

Contoh jawaban:
1. You dont need to answer the phone, Mom. I will answer it.
2. Would you jump in? The bus seems to be late.
3. Would you like to use my raincoat? We have a few.
Write sentences using I suggest/recommend . . . . based on the 4. Id like to accompany you to the dentist. Dr. Tika will
following pictures. examine you and prescribe you medicine.
5. You may use my laptop.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati

gambar-gambar yang tersedia dan memahami situasi
dalam gambar-gambar tersebut
2. Peserta didik menulis kalimat menggunakan kata
I suggest/recommend . . . yang diikuti subjunctive Listen to and complete the dialogs based on what you have
berdasarkan situasi dalam gambar. heard.
3. Selanjutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peser ta didik Percakapan-percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/
membahas jawaban bersama-sama. Peserta didik Ibu Guru dan jawaban:
diminta tunjuk jari dan menyebutkan jawabannya. Dialog 1
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik yang belum Arya : Congratulations! You won (1) the speech contest.
aktif untuk berpartisipasi aktif. Yuda : Thank you. Ive received cash as the prize and I will
(2) treat you.
Contoh jawaban: Arya : Thanks. Anyway, what will you use the money for?
1. Rico has got a toothache. I suggest that he see the dentist Yuda : I want to deposit part of the money and donate the rest
this afternoon. to people in need.
2. Amelia is going to make a cup of coffee. I recommend that Arya : (3) Why dont you donate it to the victims of the
she not put too much sugar in the coffee. volcano eruptions? They have to live in evacuation
3. The tree is tall enough. I suggest that Yuda be careful when places and actually need help.
climbing it. Yuda : Thats a good idea, but (4) how do I donate? The
4. The cat eats fried fish. I suggest that mother not put fried victims live far from us.
fish on the table. Arya : You may transfer your money to Satu untuk Sesama
5. Riska studies under blurred light. I recommend that she account. You know, Satu untuk Sesama is a trustable
study under bright light. program in helping victims of natural disasters.
Yuda : (5) Do you know its account number?
Arya : Here it is. My father just transferred money to the
Dialog 2
Mrs. Artika meets Mrs. Detti at a greengrocers.
Answer the questions based on the dialogs in TASK 8.
Grocer : Excuse me, Maam. Can I help you?
Jawaban: Mrs. Artika : Sure. I need salt and fried rice flavoring.
Dialog 1 Grocer : Im sorry, Maam. I (1) have run out of salt, but
1. It takes place at Reihans house. I still have (2) fried rice flavoring.
2. It takes place in the afternoon (after school). Mrs. Artika : What a pity!
3. She feels thirsty. Mrs. Detti : Mrs. Artika, do you need salt? I have salt at
4. He offers a drink. home. You can (3) have it.
5. She wants to drink a glass of orange juice. Mrs. Artika : (4) That would be nice, thank you.
Dialog 2 Mrs. Detti : Please come to my house.
1. It takes place at school in the classroom. Mrs. Artika : Sure, thanks. So, I can give you (5) fried rice in
2. It takes place before a test. return.
3. She offers a sheet of paper. Mrs. Detti : You dont need to, thanks. Ill not be eating at
4. She says, Yes, thank you. home at lunch time today. My sister has invited
5. She offers more paper. me to eat at a new restaurant near her house.
Mrs. Artika : I see.

Make expressions of offering based on the following situations,

using suitable modals. Answer the questions based on the dialogs in TASK 11.
Dialog 1
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami 1. A speech contest.
kembali modals yang dapat digunakan untuk 2. He would like to deposit part of the money and donate the
menawarkan sesuatu. rest to people in need.
2. Selanjutnya, peserta didik memahami situasi yang 3. Because the victims have to live in evacuation places and
tersedia dan menulis kalimat yang berisi ungkapan really need help.
penawaran dengan menggunakan modals. 4. He suggests Yuda transfer his donation to Satu untuk
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas jawaban Sesama account.
bersama-sama. 5. Aryas father.

4 I Suggest that . . . .
Dialog 2
1. It takes place at a greengrocers. TASK 2
2. She needs salt and fried rice flavoring. 1. Bettys house
3. She says, Mrs. Artika, do you need salt? I have salt at 2. stay at home
home. You can have it. 3. floods in many areas of Jakarta
4. She says, Sure, thanks. 4. television
5. She says, You dont need to, thanks. 5. the government can find a solution to the problem soon

TASK 1 Put a tick in the correct words to complete each short dialog
Listen to and complete the dialog based on what you have below.
heard. Soal yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik dan jawaban:
1. Angga : What will we do on Sunday morning?
Percakapan yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Arya : ________ jog around the town square.
Mr. Tantowi : Hey, (1) where are you going? Why dont you
Amelia : Bettys house.
Mr. Tantowi : I suggest that (2) you stay at home. Lets
Floods everywhere. Can we
Amelia : Really?
Mr. Tantowi : Yes. I just watched (3) the news on 2. Vina : ________ porridge for breakfast, Mom?
television. Its about floods in many Mother: Yes, dear. Thanks.
areas of Jakarta. Would you like
Amelia : O, gosh. When will Jakarta be free from Shall we
I suggest
Mr. Tantowi : (4) Nobody knows. We will just try our
best to live with the conditions. 3. Winda : Where will you continue your studies after
Amelia : Yes. We do hope the government (5) can graduation?
find a solution to the problem soon. Donny : ________ that I continue my studies in Bandung.
My mother recommended
Soal yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik:
Mr. Tantowi : Hey, (1) ________________________? You may
Amelia : Bettys house. Should we
Mr. Tantowi : I suggest that (2) ____________________.
Floods everywhere. 4. Sarah : We havent done our work. ________ doing our
Amelia : Really? work this afternoon after school?
Mr. Tantowi : Yes. I just watched (3) _________________. Derby : Thats a good idea.
Its about floods in many areas of Jakarta. I think
Amelia : O, gosh. When will Jakarta be free from I propose
Mr. Tantowi : (4) ________________________. We will What about
just try our best to live with the conditions. 5. Ronny : You look very busy, Dad. ________?
Amelia : Yes. We do hope the government Mr. Harry : Yeah. Please help me clean the car windows.
(5) ________________________ to the
Will you help me
problem soon.
What can I do for you
TASK 2 Shall we help you
Complete the statements based on the dialog in TASK 1.
1. Amelia is going to
2. Mr. Tantowi suggests that Amelia
3. Mr. Tantowi suggests that because of Identify the grammatical errors in the sentences below.
________________________________. Then, write the correct sentences.
4. Mr. Tantowi gets the news from the
________________________________. Jawaban:
5. Amelia hopes that 1. Can I help you make the dough?
________________________________. 2. Lets decorate the room for Chintyas birthday party.
3. Weve found a lost child. Shall we call the police?
Jawaban: 4. We have no sugar left. Why dont you buy some from the
TASK 1 nearby grocery store?
1. where are you going 5. Dewi suggests that Carla ask for her mothers permission
2. you stay at home before joining the activity.
3. the news on television
4. Nobody knows
5. can find a solution

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 5

2. Peserta didik mengidentifikasi kalimat yang menunjukkan
saran atau tawaran dan menulis kalimat tersebut dalam
tabel yang tersedia.
Complete the following short dialogs using your own words. 3. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas jawaban
Use expressions of suggesting or making an offer. bersama-sama. Ketika seorang peser ta didik
menyebutkan jawabannya, peserta didik yang lain
Contoh jawaban: menyimak. Bila peserta didik lain memiliki jawaban yang
1. Lets have a rest. lain dapat tunjuk jari dan menyebutkan jawabannya.
2. Would you like a cup of coffee? 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memuji peserta didik yang berani
3. Why dont you ask a repairman to repair it? menjawab dan memberi balikan positif.
4. What about visiting a museum?
5. Do you need any help? Jawaban:
Suggestion Offer

If you dont want to consume much Would you like tea or lemon
cholesterol from eggs, you should tea?
choose chicken eggs. Will you taste one of them?
I suggest that you allow 12 inches
Match the words in column A with their correct meanings in of space.
column B. You had better keep them for at
least fifteen days.
1. h 2. g 3. j 4. f 5. c
6. b 7. d 8. i 9. a 10. e

Complete the dialog with the suitable words from the box.
Complete the following sentences with the correct words from 1. i 2. d 3. f 4. a
TASK 17. 5. h 6. c 7. e 8. b
You may change the forms of the words.
1. steps 2. mixture 3. delicious
4. salty 5. ingredients 6. wrapped
7. tasted 8. at least 9. considerable
10. shells Complete the dialogs with the correct words from the boxes.
Then, practice the dialogs with a friend.
Dialog 1
1. d 2. c 3. a 4. f 5. b
Read the following text. Dialog 2
1. b 2. e 3. d 4. f 5. a

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca nyaring

teks, baik secara individu maupun klasikal.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengoreksi pelafalan dan intonasi
peserta didik yang kurang tepat.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami Answer the questions based on the dialogs in TASK 22.
penjelasan tentang collocation dalam Supporting Dialog 1
Feature. 1. Where does the dialog take place?
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan hal-hal yang belum 2. When does the dialog take place?
dipahami peserta didik. 3. What is Donny doing?
5. Untuk memperdalam pengetahuan peserta didik tentang 4. Why didnt he do it at home?
collocation , peserta didik dapat diminta mencari 5. What is Sheilas suggestion?
collocation yang lain. Bila perlu, peserta didik diminta
membuat daftar berisi collocation dan mempelajarinya. Dialog 2
1. Where does the dialog take place?
2. Who is Selly?
3. What does she offer?
4. Does Mrs. Cecep accept the offer? What does she say?
5. Mrs. Cecep says, I dont think he likes it.
What does it refer to?
Identify the suggestions and offers in the text in TASK 19.
Dialog 1
1. In a classroom.
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami 2. In the morning.
kembali teks di TASK 19. 3. He is doing his homework.

6 I Suggest that . . . .
2. You : Hi, Itok. Why dont you go to the canteen? Its
4. Because there was a blackout at his home last night.
good to have lunch there.
5. She suggests Donny do his homework in the afternoon
Your friend : Im broke. I only have Rp2,000.00 left and its
or after school.
for my bus fare.
Dialog 2 You : Im sorry to hear that. Well then, let me treat
1. In a supermarket. you this time. What do you think?
2. Shes a sales promotion girl. Your friend : Please dont bother yourself. Im O.K.
3. She offers a new milk product for kids. You : Come on. Its no trouble at all. Lets go!
4. No, she doesnt. She says, I know, but sorry, my kid Your friend : Thank you, Farel. Youre really kind.
already has his favorite milk. and No, thanks. You : Dont mention it.
I dont think he likes it.
3. You : You look busy preparing many items. Where
5. It refers to the milk Selly offered.
are you going?
Your sister : To the beach.
You : Have you prepared sunblock cream?
Your sister : Sunblock cream?
You : Yes. You should smear it on your skin in
order to protect your skin from sunlight.
Your sister : I dont have such a cream.
Arrange the sentences to form a meaningful dialog. You : Dont worry. You may use mine.
Then, practice the dialog with a friend. Your sister : Thank you.
Jawaban: 4. Your cousin : What do you think of this boarding house?
The correct arrangement of the sentences is 47210583 It is large and beautiful, right?
619. You : Yes, but . . . do you really intend on staying
Your cousin : Yes. Its very accessible since its on the
main road.
You : Thats the point! I dont think this boarding
house is suitable.
Complete the following statements based on the dialog in Your cousin : Why do you say so?
TASK 23. You : Its near an intersection and it will be very
noisy. Im not sure you can focus on studying
1. Tasya is looking at if you stay here. You should choose a quieter
________________________________. place.
2. Tasya has a problem with Your cousin : I think thats reasonable. Thanks. Lets find
________________________________. another boarding house.
3. Tasya has used
________________________________ on her face as 5. You : Hi, Helmi. I heard you dont have a science
treatment. textbook. You can use mine.
4. Viona suggests that Your friend : Hi, Ganis. Thanks for your offer, but Im going
________________________________. to borrow one from the library.
5. Dr. Indriyani has a clinic, located beside You : You dont need to. Here, this is for you. I dont
________________________________. need it anymore.
Your friend : I really appreciate it and Ill use it very
Jawaban: carefully. Thanks.
1. the mirror You : Youre welcome. I hope it helps you.
2. acne on her face Your friend : Yes you bet!
3. many kinds of creams
4. Tasya go to a skin and beauty specialist
5. Bagaz Pharmacy

Create dialogs based on the pictures and situations.

Then, practice the dialogs.
Contoh jawaban:
Create and perform dialogs based on the following situations. 1. Mrs. Tantowi : Ugh . . . the wind is blowing hard.
Mr. Tantowi : Yes. I hope there will not be a typhoon.
Contoh jawaban:
Mrs. Tantowi : Look at the tall coconut tree. Im afraid it
1. You : Excuse me, Sir. Id like to say that Im not
will fall on our house. Why dont you cut the
happy with your goats.
Your neighbor : What do you mean?
Mr. Tantowi : Yes, youre right. Ill ask someone to cut the
You : Its not the first time your goats have
tree when the wind doesnt blow hard.
destructed my plants.
Mrs. Tantowi : If you ask someone to cut the tree, make
Your neighbor : Oh, thats the problem. Im deeply sorry,
sure that he is skillful in cutting a coconut
I didnt tend to my goats.
You : You should not let your goats run hither
Mr. Tantowi : Sure.
and tither. Moreover, you should erect
high fences around their pens.
Your neighbor : Yes, youre right. Thanks for the
You : Youre welcome.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 7

2. Mrs. Artika : Youre very pale.
Amelia : Yes, Mom. I think I have a fever. Im very dizzy.
Mrs. Artika : Ill take a medicine for you.
Amelia : Thank you, Mom.
Mrs. Artika : You look seriously ill. You should stay at home. Read parts of the song lyrics.
Amelia : But Mom . . . I have to submit my work today. What is the message?
Mrs. Artika : Dont worry. Nindy, your classmate, always Contoh jawaban:
passes our house on her way to school. Ill It is about someone who faces many dangers and difficulties in
ask her to submit your work. reaching her dream, but she decides on taking the challenge.
Amelia : O.K. Thank you, Mom. She will walk step by step. She also suggests that other people
Mrs. Artika : Dont mention it. not give up.

Work in groups of three. A. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Think of a problem which students may have and give suggestions
to the problem.
1. A 2. D 3. E 4. C 5. B
6. D 7. C 8. A 9. E 10. B

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik bekerja secara B. Write a dialog using expressions of suggesting or making
berkelompok. Tiap kelompok terdiri atas empat atau lima an offer.
peserta didik. Contoh jawaban:
2. Tiap kelompok memikirkan masalah yang dihadapi Silvia : Dad, why dont you have a rest for a while?
peserta didik remaja saat ini dan berdiskusi untuk Mr. Taufik : No, dear. I have to finish planting the paddy before
memberi saran atas masalah tersebut. noon.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta tiap kelompok menyebutkan Silvia : But you can stop for a while to drink tea, Dad. Here,
hasil diskusi mereka. I made you tea.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat merangkum dan memberi Mr. Taufik : Thank you, dear. Please put it there. Ill drink it
simpulan atas hasil diskusi peserta didik. Bila perlu, when I have finished.
Bapak/Ibu Guru menambahkan saran yang bermanfaat Silvia : You should drink it when it is warm. Ill bring it to
untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut. you then.
Mr. Taufik : O.K., Ill go for it. Please stay there.
Contoh jawaban:
Problem: Many teenagers are involved in fighting.
Government holds campaigns and gives information about
the importance of maintaining peace.
Teachers and principal should control the students
activities, especially during school hours and break time.
Teachers and parents give advice to the students about bad
effects of fighting and good effects of peace.
Parents create peace among family members to show the
importance of peace.
Parents support their children to learn more about good
moral and religious values.

Work in pairs.
Write a text containing a suggestion or an offer about how to
make or do something.
Contoh jawaban:
Have you ever received missed calls from unknown people?
It must be very disturbing, especially when you received the calls
at night. If you have such a problem, I suggest that you do the
First, when you receive a call, know who the caller is. If the
number is unknown, you should ignore the call. However, if it
rings many times, you may answer it. Perhaps its from your
friend or relative who has a new phone number. If the call is from
someone who does it for fun, you may ask what his purpose is.
Tell him that you are busy. He should know that you dont like to
be disturbed.

8 I Suggest that . . . .

After learning this unit, you

1. be able to understand how
a. ask for opinions and
give opinions,
b. create a poster.
2. be able to:
a. aks for opinions and
give opinions,
b. create a poster.
Based on the knowledge and
skills you have learned, you
are expected to:
1. be appreciative for the
opportunity to study
2. be confident, appreciative
and honest while speaking.

You have a pair writing assignment. You are free to choose a certain topic. You suggest
your mate that you will write about bullying, its danger and the way to stop it. You ask your
mates opinion about it. He/she doesnt agree because it seems hard to write about bullying.
Then, you ensure him/her that you can find many sources from the library or the Internet. You
invite him/her to go to the library during the break. Your mate agrees with your idea. How
would you ask for an opinion? How would your friend express his/her opinion? Please study
this unit and do the exercises so that you know how to ask for and give opinions.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 9

13. condition = __________
14. common = __________
15. difficulty = __________
Read the words and write the meanings. Jawaban:
Look in your dictionary if necessary. 1. relentlessly 2. violent
3. to trust 4. barely
5. case 6. unwilling
Di TASK 2 peserta didik akan menemukan kata-kata berikut. 7. cruelly 8. to harass
Kegiatan/latihan ini bertujuan memudahkan peserta didik 9. abuse 10. to treat
memahami isi teks di TASK 2 tersebut. 11. overweight 12. beating
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mencari arti kata- 13. circumstance 14. prevalent
kata berikut menggunakan kamus. Mereka boleh bekerja 15. plight
secara berkelompok.
2. Setelah selesai, beberapa peser ta didik diminta
membaca kata-kata tersebut beserta artinya dengan
pelafalan dan intonasi yang tepat.
3. Peserta didik lain diperkenankan menyampaikan
jawaban mereka jika berbeda dengan jawaban
Answer the questions based on the text in TASK 2.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi pujian dan balikan positif. Jawaban:
1. Because her classmates used to make fun of her relentlessly.
Jawaban: 2. Because her father is a street vendor.
1. baru saja 3. She was depressed, left school and stayed at home.
2. mengolok-olok 4. Yes, they are. It is mentioned in paragraph three, In
3. tanpa henti Indonesia bullying exists in every form, from teasing to
4. PKL extreme abuse.
5. kasus 5. Bullying is considered normal in some societies, the people
6. menggoda who get bullied feel it will make a big deal, and they are so
7. keras, jahat scared that they dont trust anyone and do not want to share
8. pemukulan their plight with anyone.
9. dengan keji/kejam 6. The effects of bullying on children.
10. kelebihan berat badan 7. Children should not be living in constant fear. They shouldnt
11. penyalahgunaan be afraid. On the contrary, they should look forward to every
12. enggan, tidak mau day of school and enjoy school life.
13. memercayai 8. It refers to Julies male classmates.
14. keadaan yang menyedihkan/sulit
15. pusat perhatian
16. memengaruhi
17. dianiaya oleh
18. parah
19. keadaan Work in groups.
20. sama sekali, pada umumnya Discuss the answers of the following questions.
21. menantikan Contoh jawaban:
22. perkembangbiakan 1. Yes, it does. Yes, Im sure. One day, I saw my friend sat
23. lazim alone and looked very upset. I came to her and asked what
24. memperlakukan had happened. He explained that his colleagues left him as
25. mengganggu he didnt treat them during the break the day before. He felt
that his friends had used him.
2. I would act or behave as if nothing happens. I will not listen
to or watch the intimidation. Furthermore, I would try to
enjoy my days.
3. I would support him/her and say that the one who bullied
him/her is nothing. I would also say that I am his/her real
Find the synonyms of the following words in TASK 1. friend. So, we can share our sadness and happiness
Read the words aloud. together.
1. continuously = __________ 4. First, I would get proof that bullying happens around me.
2. fierce = __________ I can take the pictures. Secondly, I will work with the OSIS
3. to believe = __________ to discuss the problem. Then, we report the results of our
4. just = __________ discussion to the school counselor. Also, we will work
5. problem = __________ together to stop bullying, for example by making posters
6. reluctant = __________ about bad effects of bullying and consequences for one who
7. harshly = __________ bullies his/her schoolmates.
8. to bother = __________
9. misuse = __________
10. to deal = __________
11. fat = __________
12. hitting = __________

10 What do You Think about That?

Listen and repeat. Listen to and answer the questions based on the dialog in TASK 5.
Practice the dialog with a friend.
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu
1. Where do you think the dialog takes place?
Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah mengenalkan percakapan yang 2. What are the speakers talking about?
memuat ungkapan menyatakan dan menanyakan pendapat 3. What does Fifi propose for the event?
dan pikiran, serta contoh ungkapan dan respons yang 4. According to Fifi, what is the event held for?
digunakan. 5. Why does she propose the activity?
1. Peserta didik diminta menutup buku dan kemudian 6. Does Yuda agree with Fifis idea? How do you know?
menyimak percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh 7. What day will they celebrate Heroes Day?
Bapak/Ibu Guru. Setelah itu, mereka diminta membuka 8. According to Fifi, when should they carry out the activity?
kembali buku mereka dan membaca teks percakapan (day and date)
yang ada dengan lafal dan intonasi yang benar. 9. Who may attend the activity?
2. Peserta didik diminta mengidentifikasi gagasan utama/ 10. What will they do afterwards?
topik percakapan tersebut.
3. Peserta didik diminta mempraktikkan percakapan
1. At school.
dengan teman sebangku.
2. They are talking about next months activity.
4. Dengan bimbingan dan arahan dari Bapak/Ibu Guru,
3. They go to a war memorial.
peserta didik memahami penjelasan dan contoh-contoh
4. To commemorate Heroes Day.
ungkapan menyatakan dan menanyakan pendapat dan
5. Because for years, they only have a flag hoisting ceremony
pikiran, serta responsnya.
to commemorate the day.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memberi contoh
6. Yes, he does. From his response, I agree with your idea, Fifi.
ungkapan-ungkapan lain untuk menyatakan dan
7. On Monday.
menanyakan pendapat dan pikiran.
8. On Sunday, November 9.
9. The principal, teachers, OSIS staff members, including Fifi,
Yuda and Dewa.
10. They will arrange a meeting to discuss the program to visit
a war memorial.

Work in pairs.
Read the opinions and figure out what they are about.
Soal yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik dan jawaban:
No. Opinion About

1. No wonder you love staying at home. Its very comfortable here. You enjoy the beautiful flowers at House
the garden from your room.

2. This is the most delicious food I have ever eaten. The flavor is so strong and I love that. Food/restaurant

I agree if the government rebuilds this place so we will have a place to spend our Sunday morning
3. again. People need this place to jog and exercise, while children can play slide, swing and merry- A park

4. In my opinion, the story is marvelous. The plot runs unpredictably. This is what I call a real A storybook
detective story.

5. I strongly believe that people should visit this place. Here, through dioramas, we learn a lot of
things. We would know how our heroes struggled against imperialists and defended our A museum
independence from them.

Listen to and complete the dialogs based on what you have heard. Anneke : Personally, I have a similar thought. So, whats your
Percakapan-percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/ idea?
Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Bayu : Well, the previous contests were (4) exclusively
addressed for students in our school. I think it is the
Dialog 1 time to extend the contest.
Bayu : Anneke, did you receive an invitation to attend Anneke : What do you mean?
an OSIS meeting tomorrow? Bayu : I mean, lets make the contest open for students from
Anneke : I did. The agenda is to discuss a (1) poster-making any schools and even for (5) public participants. If
contest to celebrate (2) Youth Pledge Day, isnt it? we do it, the contest will be (6) more competitive.
Bayu : It is. So, it will be the third poster-making contest. Anneke : Personally, I dont think its a good idea. It will cost
I believe it will be similar to the previous ones, in spite much, you know, to (7) advertise the contest and
of using (3) different themes. In my opinion, it isnt provide prizes for the winners, and I dont think we
interesting. can afford it.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 11

Bayu : Well, we can (8) look for sponsorships. At the
moment, many individuals or institutions concern
about education. We only need to make a (9) good
Anneke : Really? If thats so, I agree. One more thing, Id also Complete the statements with the suitable expressions of
suggest that the themes should be interesting and up opinions from the box.
to date. Read the statements, in turns.
Bayu : No doubt. O.K. then, lets (10) share our ideas in the Jawaban:
meeting tomorrow. 1. From my point of view, youd better meet Anneke and
Anneke : Deal! apologize to her. You have hurt her feeling.
2. We believe that this is the correct answer. We would know
Dialog 2 about it after Mr. Surya checks the answer.
Dimas : Rikha, have you finished your Indonesian homework? 3. We totally agree that smoking should be banned in public
Rikha : (1) To analyze a poem? Oh, Im stuck in the middle. places or they are given special place to smoke.
Dimas : Me too. What poem do you choose? 4. I would like to point out that underaged children should not
Rikha : Chairil Anwars. You? ride a motorcycle. Its for their own safety.
Dimas : W.S. Rendras. 5. Father doesnt agree if we watch a movie in the evening. He
Rikha : (2) In my opinion, this task is really difficult. I was said that its not safe for us.
trying to analyze it (3) word by word, but at the end 6. I strongly disagree when we hang out and then we are busy
I didnt think it was (4) the true message of the poem. with our cell phones. We should chat about everything.
Dimas : Youre right. Well, I just read it over and over, then 7. I think you have misjudged Arifin. In fact, hes a good and
simply (5) drew a conclusion. However, I realized that kind boy. Maybe you need to know him better.
the message was not that simple. Oh, what should we 8. We doubt that the principal will allow us to hold a music concert
do? at school. In many cases, viewers were out of control.
Rikha : I have an idea. You know my cousin Amanda, dont 9. It is sometimes argued that turning on the head lamps for
you? motorists would not be effective. On the contrary, it is
Dimas : Yes. I (6) coincidentally met her in the shopping proved that it saves people from accidents.
center last week. Why? 10. Personally I think the sign Turn left, please go ahead is not
Rikha : Well, she studies (7) Indonesian literature at the effective, since many motorists stop at the left side. It blocks
university. Why dont we ask her to help us? riders who want to turn left.
Dimas : (8) A very good idea! I absolutely agree. So, when are
we going to meet her? We only have
(9) three days left before submitting our homework.
Rikha : Im going to call her now and ask her to meet us
tomorrow. What do you think?
Dimas : (10) No big deal. Make five opinions about happenings around you.
Rikha : O.K. Let me call her now. Read your opinions, in turns.
Contoh jawaban:
1. I think we should use the electric power efficiently.
2. Frankly speaking, I dont agree if we build a trash near
the neighborhood.
3. According to me, itd be better if we spend our time by
Complete the statements based on the dialogs in TASK 8. talking with friends than play with our mobile phone.
4. In my opinion, we should go to school by bicycle if we
are underaged. We may not ride a motorcycle by then.
Dialog 1
5. I absolutely agree if we improve our speaking skill by
1. an OSIS meeting
speaking English every day.
2. to discuss a poster-making contest to celebrate Youth
Pledge Day
3. three
4. it will be similar to the previous ones, in spite of using
different themes
5. students from their school
Listen to your teachers statements.
6. students from other schools and even public participants
Respond to each statement properly.
7. more competitive
8. it will cost much to advertise the contest and provide prizes
for the winners 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan kegiatan ini kepada peserta
9. look for sponsorships didik, yaitu mereka harus merespons pernyataan-
10. interesting and up to date pernyataan yang disampaikan Bapak/Ibu Guru dengan
Dialog 2 tepat.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru menyampaikan atau membacakan
1. they have difficulties in analyzing a poem
pernyataan-pernyataan berikut satu per satu.
2. is really difficult
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi kesempatan kepada peserta
3. agrees
didik yang kurang aktif untuk merespons pernyataan
4. analyzing it word by word tersebut. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan pernyataan
5. they didnt think that the results were the true messages of yang sama kepada dua atau tiga peserta didik.
the poems 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas setiap
6. cousin pernyataan dan respons-respons yang disampaikan
7. proposes to solve peserta didik.
8. Indonesian literature 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi nilai dan balikan kepada
9. they only have three days left peserta didik yang aktif.
10. call Amanda

12 What do You Think about That?

Pernyataan-pernyataan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu
Guru: Your friend : Thats absolutely right. The bare lands
1. I believe that as long as you study hard, you would be able will be prone to landslides, floods and
to do well in the final test. global warming.
2. In my opinion, illegal logging is the cause of big destructions You : Therefore, we must stop illegal logging.
to the Earth and ecosystems. 3. You : Have you watched the movie The Raid 2?
3. Have you watched the movie The Raid 2? Personally, it is Your friend : I have.
one of the worlds great action movies. Dont you think so? You : What do you think of it? In my opinion, it
4. What do you think about bullying at school? is one of the worlds best action movies.
5. Whats your opinion about corruption? Your friend : Well, I must admit that it is really good,
Contoh jawaban: the actors and actresses, music, sound
1. I agree, Sir/Maam. It will not be a problem if we prepare effects, etc. I have even watched it twice!
ourselves for the test well. You : Really? Do you have the DVD?
2. Thats absolutely right. The bare lands will be prone to Your friend : No, I dont. But, Yuda has.
landslides, floods and global warming. 4. Your friend : Recently, we heard or read news about
3. I have watched the movie and I must admit that it is really cases of bullying at school.
good, the actors, music, sound effects, etc. You : Yeah, it is pitiful.
4. It is totally wrong. There is no junior or senior at school and Your friend : Whats your opinion about bullying at
we must not harm others. On the other hand, we should school?
respect and love each other. You : I really hate bullying. It is totally wrong.
5. In my opinion, corruption is a crime and those involved are There is no junior or senior at school and
criminals. They have misused peoples trust and money for we must not harm others. On the other
their own purposes. hand, we should respect and love each
5. You : Dion, do you notice what the hottest
topic in the recent news on TV or
newspapers is?
Your friend : Traffic accidents?
Listen to the statements in TASK 11 again. You : No, I think it is corruption. Dont you think
In pairs, develop them into longer conversations. so?
Do it in turns. Your friend : Youre right.
You : Anyway, what do you think about
Your friend : In my opinion, corruption is a crime and
1. Peserta didik membentuk pasangan, sebaiknya
those involved are criminals. They have
bukan teman sebangku.
misused peoples trust and money for
2. Bapak/Ibu membacakan kembali pernyataan-
their own purposes.
pernyataan pada TASK 11 dan peserta didik
You : I absolutely agree. They should receive
lifelong sentences.
3. Peserta didik dan pasangannya bercakap-cakap
berdasarkan pernyataan-pernyataan tersebut.
Lakukan secara bergantian.
4. Selama kegiatan berlangsung, Bapak/Ibu Guru
mengamati keaktifan peserta didik dan membantu
apabila mereka menemui kesulitan.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi beberapa pasangan Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
peserta didik untuk memeragakan percakapan
seperti yang telah mereka lakukan.
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai.
5. A 6. B 7. D 8. E
Contoh jawaban:
1. You : The final test will be due soon. Have you
prepared yourself for it?
Your friend : Well, as usual, I study all the materials.
I believe that as long as we study hard, Arrange the sentences to form a meaningful dialog.
we would be able to do well in the final Then, practice the dialog with a friend.
test. Jawaban:
You : I agree. Hmm . . . I have an idea, what if The correct arrangement of the sentences is 28136127
we do a question and answer test to 11031451194.
check our understanding of certain
Your friend : Id love that.
2. Your friend : What do you think of illegal logging?
You : I must say that the activities are big
crimes. People involved in illegal logging
dont realize that what they have done
leads to big destructions to the Earth, its
ecosystem and ourselves.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 13

Contoh jawaban:
1. You : Fifi, whats your opinion about the statement
that girls should not have higher education?
Your friend : I absolutely disagree with that statement.
Answer the questions based on the dialog in TASK 13. Everyone is equal, either boys or girls. We,
girls, deserve to get higher education too
because we have brains and passion to
1. Peserta didik membaca dan memahami kembali achieve our goals. As a boy, whats your
percakapan pada TASK 13. opinon?
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru membacakan pertanyaan berikut satu You : Well, I have the similar opinion. I know that
per satu dan memotivasi peserta didik untuk tunjuk jari girls also desire to be people who are useful
dan menjawab pertanyaan tersebut. to others and do meaningful things in their
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi kesempatan kepada dua atau lives.
tiga peserta didik untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang Your friend : Youre right.
sama, lalu bersama-sama membahas jawabannya.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi nilai dan balikan kepada 2. You : Recently, we often hear or read news about
peserta didik. traffic accidents which incur many
casualties. I wonder how the accidents
Jawaban: happen.
1. The activity to perform in the coming city carnival. Your friend : In my opinion, the major cause of those
2. At the end of the recent year or at the beginning of the new accidents were due to road users
year. carelessness. Many drivers kept on driving
3. Around two months. even though they were very sleepy or drove
4. That they perform traditional dances. their vehicles at high speeds.
5. She disagrees because they have performed dances three You : Well, I partly disagree with your opinions.
times during their previous participations. I think the government is also responsible for it.
6. They perform a fashion show, but all models should wear If only the government provides comfortable
dresses made from environmentally friendly or recycled and road-worthy means of transportation,
materials. roads without holes and sufficient traffic signs,
7. To contribute in campaigning to save the Earth. I believe, it might reduce the number of traffic
8. They should concept the dresses and materials they will use. accidents.
9. Tigors sister. Your friend : That makes sense.
10. They are going to meet Tigor.

Read the poster and answer the questions.

Talk with your friend based on the following topics, by stating Jawaban:
your opinions towards the topics. 1. On the street.
At the end, share your opinions with the class. 2. It warns people to save their lives by stopping and sitting
when reading and sending messages via mobile phones.
3. Stop and sit when reading and sending messages via
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peser ta didik mencari mobile phones.
pasangan untuk bercakap-cakap, sebaiknya bukan 4. It refers to the readers.
teman sebangku.
2. Setiap pasangan bercakap-cakap tentang topik yang
tersedia. Mereka diminta untuk menyampaikan pendapat
masing-masing terkait topik tersebut, serta responsnya
(setuju atau tidak setuju).
3. Selama kegiatan berlangsung, Bapak/Ibu Guru Look at the poster.
mengamati keaktifan peserta didik dan sekaligus Write the suitable message for it.
memberi nilai. Bapak/Ibu Guru juga dapat memotivasi Contoh jawaban:
peserta didik yang kurang aktif.
4. Setelah selesai bercakap-cakap, setiap pasangan
mencatat pendapat masing-masing dan responsnya,
setuju atau tidak setuju, mengenai topik tersebut di buku
5. Pada akhir kegiatan, Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta
didik untuk menyampaikan hasil percakapan tersebut di
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi nilai dan balikan kepada semua
peserta didik dalam kegiatan ini.

14 What do You Think about That?

Homework A. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
Create a poster. Jawaban:
You are free to choose the topic. 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. D
Contoh jawaban: 6. C 7. E 8. D 9. B 10. A

B. Make a simple dialog about asking or giving opinions.

You are free to choose the topic.
Contoh jawaban:
Anneke : What do you think about this meatball soup?
Yuda : It is delicious, but meatball soup in Pak Kumis is more
delicious than this.
Anneke : Meatball soup at Pak Kumis? I never heard that before.
Yuda : What if we go there next Saturday, after school? We
have P.E. in the morning, so it will be nice if we enjoy
meatball soup there.
Anneke : That would be great! I cant wait till Saturday

Read the song lyrics.

What is the message?
Contoh jawaban:
The song is about human who are easily deceived by what they
see or think. Sometimes they cant see the real thing. No bodys

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 15


After learning this unit, you

1. be able to understand how
a. read a speech,
b. have a discussion,
c. learn how to expresss
d. learn to congratulate,
e. write hopes and dreams,
f. create posters.
2. be able to:
a. read a speech,
b. have a discussion,
c. learn how to expresss
d. learn to congratulate,
e. write hopes and dreams,
f. create posters.
Based on the knowledge and
skills you have learned, you
are expected to:
1. be appreciative for the
opportunity to study
2. be active, responsible and
disciplined in achieving
your hopes and dreams.

Look at the picture carefully. There are two situations described in the picture. First,
there are students sitting an exam. They are just like you, studying hard to achieve your
dreams for the future. The other situation shows three young people who have achieved their
dreams to become what they dreamed of, that is be a doctor, teacher and engineer. What
about you? What are your hopes and dreams? What would you like to be in the future?
In this unit, you will be encouraged to express your hopes and dreams. Besides, you will
also learn how to congratulate and read a speech. Study the explanation and do the
exercises actively.

16 My Hopes and Dreams!

Explain the meanings of the following words. Lets discuss in groups.
Read the following questions carefully and offer your answers
based on your understanding.
utama pendiri
Note down all the opinions and summarize the suitable answer
muncul pelajar, sarjana
for each questions.
kitab menyatakan, menegaskan
Share your group work with the class.
maju pemilihan umum
parlemen harapan
mereformasi mengosongkan, meninggalkan
secara ekstensif sosok, tokoh 1. Peserta didik membentuk kelompok yang terdiri atas
dekade jamak, keberagaman empat atau lima orang.
di kalangan yang melawan/menentang 2. Setiap anggota kelompok memahami pertanyaan-
kekerasan keturunan pertanyaan yang ada di buku, lalu menyampaikan
membangkitkan warisan pendapatnya atas setiap pertanyaan tersebut.
bidang, dunia kasih sayang 3. Setiap kelompok merangkum jawaban yang sesuai
untuk setiap pertanyaan tersebut.
4. Selama kegiatan berlangsung, Bapak/Ibu Guru
mengamati jalannya diskusi peser ta didik dan
membantu apabila mereka menemui kesulitan atau
memotivasi peserta didik yang kurang aktif dalam
Read the text, in turns. diskusi tersebut.
Underline the sentence expressing a hope. 5. Setelah selesai berdiskusi, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta
setiap kelompok menyampaikan jawabannya.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta beberapa peserta didik Contoh jawaban:

membaca teks berikut secara bergantian. Bapak/Ibu 1. Pluralism means the existence of many different groups of
Guru membetulkan pelafalan dan intonasi yang masih people in a society, for example people of different races, or
kurang tepat. of different political or religious beliefs.
2. Peserta didik mencari ar ti kata-kata baru yang 2. Indonesia consists of more than two hundred millions people,
ditemukannya. Apabila tidak tahu artinya, peserta didik of different cultural and language backgrounds, races,
membaca kamus. political views and religious beliefs.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami isi 3. We should appreciate and respect the differences among us
teks, lalu menceritakannya secara singkat. Peserta didik so we can live side by side in harmony.
lain menyimak dan menambahkan informasi temannya 4. It means that we should appreciate and respect each other,
yang kurang lengkap. not based on ones religious belief or origin.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peser ta didik meng- 5. Yes. Recently, there was an incident of religious intolerance,
garisbawahi kalimat-kalimat yang mengungkapkan which occured in Yogyakarta.
harapan atau impian. 6. We should develop tolerance among us and respect other
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membuat kesimpulan people though we have different races, religious beliefs,
atas teks yang telah dibacanya. political views and so on.
7. We should stick as one, Indonesia, and live in peace and

Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 3.

Jawaban: There are grammatical errors in the sentences below.
1. Abdurrahman Wahid, the 4th President of the Republic of Circle the mistakes and then rewrite the sentences correctly.
Indonesia. If there arent, just ignore the sentences.
2. He was one of the founders of Nahdlatul Ulama, also Gus
Durs grandfather.
3. It represented a bridge between the world of traditional
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca dan
Islam and modernity.
mengamati kalimat-kalimat soal.
4. Twenty-one months.
2. Peserta didik diminta menemukan kesalahan tata bahasa
5. Soekarno, Soeharto and B.J. Habibie.
dalam kalimat-kalimat tersebut dan melingkari kata-kata
6. His contribution to reform Islamic thoughts and practices.
yang salah.
7. Gus Durs demeanor to fight for the rights of the ethnic
3. Peserta didik menulis kembali kalimat-kalimat yang salah
Chinese community in Indonesia.
tersebut dengan benar.
8. In February 2000.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi tahu peserta didik bahwa ada
9. Over thirty years.
kalimat-kalimat yang tata bahasanya sudah benar. Untuk
10. He hoped that in the following years our politicians would
kalimat-kalimat itu, peserta didik cukup mengabaikan-
pay more attention to issues that threatened our pluralism

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 17

5. Setelah selesai, Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik 4. I hope that your achievement will lead to you success.
membahas jawabannya.
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan kepada peseta didik. I hope that your achievement will lead you to success.
5. The principle hopes that the students never breaking
Jawaban: the school rules.
The principle hopes that the students never break the
1. Fantastic! You are talented so.
school rules.
Fantastic! You are so talented.
7. Youve displayed your performance best. Well done!
3. I know youll make it. I proud of you.
Youve displayed your best performance. Well done!
I know youll make it. I am proud of you.
8. Id like to congratulating you on your new house.
4. Good job! Kept up the good work!
Id like to congratulate you on your new house.
Good job! Keep up the good work!
10. Congratulations on to win the gold medal in the Math
5. Well done! Your perform is very impressive. Olympiad!
Congratulations on winning the gold medal in the Math
Well done! Your performance is very impressive. Olympiad!
6. I want to becoming a lawyer.
I want to become a lawyer.
7. Im hoping to something good to happen this week.
Im hoping for something good to happen this week.
Answer the questions based on the dialogs in TASK 7.
8. I hope the traffic is not heavy so I wont miss the
flight morning.
I hope the traffic is not heavy so I wont miss the morning 1. Peserta didik diminta membaca kembali dan memahami
flight. isi percakapan-percakapan yang ada di kegiatan
10. I hope I have a chance meet to Anita before she moves. 2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik untuk menutup
buku mereka.
I hope I have a chance to meet Anita before she moves.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru membacakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan
pemahaman untuk percakapan-percakapan tersebut
satu per satu, secara lisan.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik untuk tunjuk jari
menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut. Peserta
didik yang lain menyimak jawaban temannya dan
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat mengemukakan jawabannya apabila jawaban temannya
memberikan soal berikut. kurang tepat.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan evaluasi tentang
penguasan pemahaman isi suatu teks atau percakapan.
1. I hope my grandparents will visiting me next holiday.
2. I want to learn how to make snacks traditional. Jawaban:
3. The children is hoping for a good weather today. Dialog 1
4. I hope that your achievement will lead to you 1. About how Tigor will go to school because the car wont start.
success. 2. In the morning, before school.
5. The principle hopes that the students never breaking 3. He will check the car to find whats wrong with it.
the school rules. 4. He suggests Tigor call his teacher to tell him that he will be
6. I will do my best in the next competition. late or use his sisters motorcycle.
7. Youve displayed your performance best. Well done! 5. According to his father, she wont be using her motorcycle
8. Id like to congratulating you on your new house. because she doesnt have a class that day.
9. Im glad you will represent our school in a speech Dialog 2
contest. 1. Mr. Ganis announcement about Yuda as the new class
10. Congratulations on to win the gold medal in the Math captain.
Olympiad! 2. The USA.
3. His father.
Jawaban: 4. Bryans mother passed away.
1. I hope my grandparents will visiting me next holiday. 5. A farewell party.
I hope my grandparents will visit me next holiday.
2. I want to learn how to make snacks traditional.
I want to learn how to make traditional snacks.

18 My Hopes and Dreams!

3. Bapak/Ibu Guru membacakan kembali pertanyaan-
pertanyaan tersebut sebanyak dua atau tiga kali dan
peser ta didik menyimak sambil mencocokkan
Listen to and complete the dialogs based on what you have 4. Setelah selesai, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik
heard. saling menukarkan hasil pekerjaannya. Bapak/Ibu Guru
Percakapan-percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/ dan peser ta didik bersama-sama membahas
Ibu Guru dan jawaban: jawabannya. Peser ta didik mengoreksi jawaban
Dialog 1 temannya.
Bayu : What song did you sing just now? It is good for (1) my 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai atas hasil kerja
ears, but I have never heard it before. peserta didik. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat bertanya kesulitan
Yuda : Of course, you have never heard it before. I (2) wrote it yang dihadapi peserta didik saat mengerjakan latihan
only a week ago. ini. Bapak/Ibu Guru sebaiknya memberi cara-cara praktis
Bayu : Ha? You wrote it? Are you kidding? untuk mengatasi kesulitan peserta didik.
Yuda : No. I like writing songs, but I always keep them for
myself. Jawaban:
Bayu : Why dont you (3) popularize them? The song Ive just Dialog 1
heard is (4) easy listening. Moreover, the lyrics are 1. The song Yuda has sang which he wrote.
(5) educative and touching. I am sure many people will 2. Last week.
like it. 3. It is easy listening and the lyrics are educative and touching.
Yuda : (6) I hope so, but I am afraid it will cost much money. 4. Bayus uncle.
Bayu : Well, let me ask my uncle. He knows several (7) record 5. Yudas songs can be published and he becomes famous.
producers who may be willing to produce your songs.
Yuda : Really? Thank you (8) beforehand. Dialog 2
Bayu : I hope your songs can be (9) published and you 1. Several gingerplants.
become famous. 2. Ginger tea.
Yuda : Ha . . . ha . . . . 3. At the front yard.
Bayu : Well, lets pray for (10) your success. 4. Trees and benches.
5. Because mice always eat what he plants in the backyard.
Dialog 2
Amelia : What are you carrying?
Yuda : A pot of soil. I will plant several (1) gingerplants
Amelia : It is good. I like gingers, moreover, when (2) mixed
with tea, its a (3) healthy drink.
Yuda : Youre right. I also like ginger tea, but it is expensive Listen and answer the questions based on the dialog you
outside. have heard.
Amelia : So, it is (4) better to plant gingerplants ourselves.
Percakapan yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Therefore, you can just pick the gingers in case you
Boy : You look fresh now. Yesterday, you looked very
feel cold and need to (5) warm your body. By the
way, are you going to place the pot at the (6) front
Girl : Well, I had a headache at the time, very painful
and I almost fainted too.
Yuda : Yes, I am.
Boy : Have you been to the doctor?
Amelia : I think our front yard is full of (7) trees and benches.
Girl : Yes, I have. He suggested doing several check-
Yuda : I think there is still space, although only a little. The
problem with the backyard is that (8) mice always eat
Boy : I hope you are not suffering from a serious
what I plant. You know, I planted (9) chillies, gingers,
etc, but before they grew bigger, all were (10) eaten
Girl : I hope not. I always pray for my health.
Boy : I will also pray for you.
Amelia : O.K. then.
Girl : Thank you.
Yuda : I hope there will be no mouse eating up my plants.
Amelia : I hope not.
1. What is the dialog about?
2. How did the girl look yesterday?
3. What happened to the girl yesterday?
4. What did the doctor suggest the girl do?
5. What is the boys hope?
Answer the questions based on the dialogs in TASK 9. 1. The girls condition.
2. She looked very pale.
3. She had a headache at the time, very painful and she
1. Peserta didik diminta membaca kembali percakapan- almost fainted too.
percakapan yang ada di TASK 9 dan memahami isinya. 4. He suggested doing several check-ups.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menutup buku, 5. The girl is not suffering from a serious illness.
lalu membacakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan pemahaman
yang berkaitan dengan percakapan-percakapan pada
kegiatan sebelumnya. Peserta didik menyimak dengan
baik sambil menulis jawabannya.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 19

Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer. Jawaban:
Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: 1. an English camp
Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following dialog. 2. all students of Grade XI
Woman : What tests will you have tomorrow? 3. she is afraid that she cant speak English all the time during
Boy : Geography and mathematics. I have studied, so I just the event
need to review again today. 4. she wont be nervous anymore
Woman : I hope you will be successful in both tests and can 5. practice more
move up to the next level with excellent marks.
Boy : Thank you.
1. C 2
Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Questions 3 and 4 refer to the following dialog.
Complete the dialog with the words from the box.
Girl : Oh, Im quite nervous. This is the day of our performance.
Then, practice the dialog with a friend.
Boy : Dont worry. We have practiced a lot. Im sure we will
succeed. a. prepare b. job c. attending
Girl : Well, but there are many people who will watch us. It is d. interested e. workshop f. limited
the first time for me to perform before a huge audience.
Moreover, I play the main role. Yuda : Thank you for your presentation about student
Boy : Well, lets pray for our success. entrepreneurship, Sir. My friends and I are
Girl : O.K. (1) ________ in learning more from you.
Jawaban: Mr. Larry : Youre welcome. Well, I think the topic is
3. D 4. B interesting. All students must understand it, to
(2) ________ themselves for their future
Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: careers.
Question 5 refers to the following dialog. Yuda : Yes, I think so. What a pity it was only one
Boy : I hope there is nothing wrong with Hardi. He is usually on session. Actually there were still many students
time, but this time, he hasnt arrived yet. who would like to ask, but because the time was
Girl : Have you tried to contact him? (3) ________, they couldnt do it.
Boy : I have, but his phone is out of reach. Mr. Larry : Well, they can send me an e-mail, or may ask
Girl : So, we just need to wait for him. me when I hold another (4) ________ in the
Boy : Lets pray for the best of all. next two months.
Yuda : So, you will be here again in two months?
Mr. Larry : Yes.
5. B
Yuda : I look forward to (5) ________ your workshop.
Mr. Larry : O.K. then. See you.
Yuda : See you, Sir.
Answer the questions based on the dialog in TASK 1.
Complete the dialog with the suitable words from the box. 1. What presentation has Mr. Larry given?
Then, practice the dialog with a friend. 2. Why do all students need to understand the topic?
3. How many sessions did Yuda join?
4. When will Mr. Larry hold another workshop?
5. What can students do if they still have questions?
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik melengkapi
setiap kalimat menggunakan kata-kata dalam kotak. Jawaban:
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas jawaban- TASK 1
nya. 1. d 2. a 3. f 4. e 5. c
3. Selanjutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta setiap peserta TASK 2
didik bekerja berpasangan dan memeragakan per- 1. A presentation about student entrepreneurship.
cakapan tersebut. 2. To prepare themselves for their future careers.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengamati kegiatan ini dan mem- 3. One session.
berikan penilaian, misalnya tentang keaktifan dan 4. In the next two months.
kesungguhan peserta didik dalam melakukan tugas. 5. They can send Mr. Larry an e-mail, or may ask him when
he will be holding a workshop, in the next two months.
1. f 2. d 3. b 4. e 5. a

20 My Hopes and Dreams!

Respond to the following congratulations messages.
Create dialogs based on the following situations.
Contoh jawaban: Then, practice the dialogs with a friend.
1. Thank you. Ive worked hard for this.
Contoh jawaban:
2. Thanks. Ive learned it from my mom.
1. Your friend : It seems you are very busy today. What are
3. Thank you very much, dear.
you doing?
4. Thank you. I cant believe it myself that I won.
You : I am writing a proposal to hold a school
5. Thanks a lot.
Your friend : Oh, for the school anniversary?
You : Yes. I hope Mr. John will agree with it. We
will have many advantages by holding this
event. We will learn to make money, run
businesses, etc.
What would you hope and dream for your future? Your friend : Thats right. Have you mentioned the
Make a list of your hopes and dreams. advantages in the proposal?
Share them with your friends. You : Yes, I have.
Contoh jawaban: Your friend : I am sure he will agree. When will you plan
to meet him?
My Hopes My Dreams
You : Tomorrow, during the break.
I hope I pass the final I wish I will become a famous Your friend : Good luck then.
examination with good grades. writer or novelist. You : Thank you.
I hope I will be accepted by I wish I have an opportunity to
a reputable university. meet my idol.
I hope my father will take us for I wish I will live a long, healthy
2. Your friend : Hi, Yuda.
a vacation to Bali next long holiday. and prosperous life. You : Hi, Tyas.
I hope I can make my family I wish I could continue my Your friend : So, are you ready for the competition, Yuda?
proud of me. studies overseas.
I hope I will get a job that gives I wish I can travel to Japan and
You : Yes. We have practiced a lot.
me opportunities to visit European countries. Your friend : I wish you and our other friends success.
interesting places. You : I hope so. Thank you. I also pray that we all
will be healthy and everything will run well
on the day.
Your friend : Yes. I will also pray for you. Good luck.
You : Thank you.

Exchange the list that you have made in TASK 15 with your friends.
Talk about your hopes and dreams, in turns.
State your reasons why you hope and dream about them.
Contoh jawaban:
You : What is your hope, Arif? Everyone in life has hopes and dreams for their future.
Your partner : I hope I pass the final examination with good Suppose you have an opportunity to deliver a speech in
grades. a graduation day and you express your hopes or dreams through
You : Why? your speech.
Your partner : Well, I hope I will be accepted by a reputable Read the speech below.
university. What about you? What is your hope?
Your partner : I hope I English skills.
You : Why?
Your partner : I hope I can communicate with people around the
world more fluenthy. Then, whats your dream?
You : I wish I will become a famous writer or novelist,
like J.K. Rowling. Find the meanings of the following words.
Your partner : Why do you dream to be a writer or novelist? 1. encouragement = ___________________
You : Well, I like writing and I wish my book will make 2. awesome = ___________________
people who read it feel happy. Now, tell me 3. freshmen = ___________________
about your dream. 4. upperclassmen = ___________________
Your partner : For myself, I dream to be a news anchor. 5. spirit = ___________________
You : Interesting job! Whats your reason then? 6. performing art = ___________________
Your partner : I want to spread any recent and factual news to 7. to snap pictures = ___________________
others. 8. to leave behind = ___________________
9. to bring forward = ___________________
You : I see.
10. path = ___________________
1. dorongan, pengorbanan
2. mengagumkan
3. siswa/mahasiswa tahun pertama
4. siswa/mahasiswa tingkat atas (tahun kedua dan ketiga)
5. semangat

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 21

6. seni pertunjukkan You should always tell the truth, even when it seems as if it
7. mengambil foto/memotret would be useful to (6) tell a lie. An honest person will win a place
8. meninggalkan in the hearts of people. (7) Dishonesty cannot face reality.
9. mengambil A person has to tell (8) hundred lies to hide one act of
10. jalan dishonesty. Therefore, I conclude my speech by (9) asserting
the proverb once again, i.e. honesty is the best policy.
I wish all of you a honesty-based (10) moral life. Thanks to
all for listening.
Adopted from: Dr. Sunnykutty Thomas, http://samplespeeches.blogspot.com/2011/12/
honesty-is-best-policy-short-speech.html (February 16, 2014)

Identify the main idea of each paragraph of the speech in TASK 18.
Paragraph Main Idea

1 The speaker thanks the principal, all teachers, administrators Complete the statements based on the text in TASK 21.
and parents as well as his/her schoolmates. Jawaban:
2 The speaker recalls his/her and schoolmates experiences during 1. the proverb Honesty is the best policy
the first days at the senior high school. 2. more trouble when the truth is found out
3. win a place in the hearts of people
3 The speaker and his/her schoolmates have learned a lot of for
their future at the school. 4. hide one act of dishonesty
5. always to tell the truth
4 The speaker says that school time has come to end at the
school graduation today.

5 The speaker states his/her expectation and hope for his/her and
schoolmates future.

Arrange the sentences to form a meaningful speech.

The correct arrangement of the sentences is 4751362.
Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 18.
1. At a graduation ceremony.
2. One of the graduated students.
3. The principal, all teachers, administrators, students parents
and his/her schoolmates.
4. Because they have supported and encouraged him/her and Answer the questions based on the proper speech in TASK 23.
other students. 1. Who probably makes the speech?
5. He/she feels pleased. 2. Where are the people at the moment?
6. They had a freshmen orientation week. 3. What do they gather there for?
7. By getting involved in any type of activity that interested 4. What does the place show?
them. 5. What does the speaker expect from the students?
8. Kinds of useful skills and knowledge.
9. They should leave behind what isnt helpful and instead,
1. A principal.
bring forward with you the lessons that will be the working
2. At a war memorial.
parts of your greatest invention ever.
3. To commemorate Heroes Day.
10. He/she hopes that they all will be successful on the path
4. It shows strong evidence that our independence was
they choose.
achieved defensively, not granted by the colonialists.
5. He expects the students to study hard.

Listen to and complete the text based on what you have heard.
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan
Suppose you will present a graduation speech.
Respected Chief guest, teachers, parents and my (1) dear
Write the speech you are going to present.
Today I like to say a few words relating to the (2) proverb Contoh jawaban:
Honesty is the best policy. This old saying (3) holds true for Good afternoon, our beloved principals, teachers,
ever and ever. Lies may get you out of trouble initially, but in the administrators and parents.
end you will be in more trouble when the truth is (4) found out. We are here, gathered together to celebrate the
Therefore, it is better to tell the truth (5) all times to save you accomplishment of the Class of 2015. To my fellow schoolmates,
from problems later. weve made it. Finally! We are graduating! Congratulations!
Congratulations not only to us, but also to our principal, teachers,
administrators, parents, families and friends! Our success is your
success, for you have given us the freedom to dare, the courage

22 My Hopes and Dreams!

to excel and the belief that we can achieve our best. Together for
the last time, we stand poised at the very edge of graduation,
looking towards a bright future. Soon each of us will go forth, in
his or her unique direction, seeking to make a mark upon the
world. Our adulthood, so hold anticipated, has now arrived. We A. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
have grown up. We must seize our future and taking it into our Jawaban:
own hands, do with it what we will, striving towards excellence. 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. E 5. C
Once again, congratulations to all of us! For my fellows, 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. E 10. B
I hope all your dreams for the future come true and we will meet
again! I miss you all. Thank you. B. Suppose your school holds a whorkshop or seminar and
Adapted from: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/graduation-speeches.html (June 10, you are responsible to open the event and introduce the
2014) speaker.
Express your hope for the participants in your opening
Contoh jawaban:
Ladies and gentlemen, good morning!
On behalf of the Department of Translation Studies I would
Read the song lyrics. like to welcome all of you today to our class in Public Speaking.
What is the message? As you know, we have long had such a class in our English
Jawaban: Section curriculum and it is a pleasure to have all of you as
The message of the song is that we should be brave to express a part of the class this year.
our opinions or views towards something. The theme of our class today is Effective Public Speaking
and we are fortunate to have with us Ms. Anneke, the public
speaking instructor, who will speak to us on this subject. Ms.
Anneke would like to share her knowledge and experience with
us. I hope well get benefits from her presentation and we can
apply it in our future life.
Now, ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Ms. Anneke.
Adapted from: http://www15.uta.fi/FAST/AK11/welthank.html (February 16, 2014)

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 23

LISTENING SECTION C. In my opinion, you should include several
PART I arguments in the speech.
D. Please dont worry. I believe you will win in the contest.
1. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Girl : Oh, my mobile phone is broken. Jawaban: B
Boy : My neighbor can repair mobile phones.
6. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
I could take you to him if you wish.
Girl : Thank you. Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang
Narrator : What does the boy offer? diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Man : We are stuck in traffic.
Jawaban: C
Woman : ________
Narrator : What would the woman probably reply?
2. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
A. In my opinion, its good for us to buy a car.
Boy : Oh, how can I study with noise like this?
B. My suggestion is you wash the car right away.
Girl : Our nextdoor neighbor doesnt know you
C. Thank you for your offer, but I can manage it myself.
will be having an exam tomorrow. Why
D. I suggest you turn left at the T-junction and find
dont you study at the public library?
another route.
Its open until 9 p.m.
Boy : Good idea! Thank you.
Jawaban: D
Narrator : Where will the boy go?
7. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: E
Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang
3. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Boy : The goods here are cheap and of good Boy : Ive never seen Amanda come late before.
quality. Why dont you buy a bag for your I have contacted her, but she doesnt
little sister? answer.
Girl : She has many bags already. Girl : ________
I will buy her a pair of shoes. Narrator : What would the girl probably reply?
Narrator : What will the girl buy for her sister? A. I hope she is alright.
B. I might say you are a genius.
Jawaban: B C. I think you can do it better in the future.
D. Im sure you will be appointed captain of the class.
4. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Boy : You look pale. Are you feeling sick? Jawaban: A
Girl : Well, I have a headache.
Boy : Let me buy medicine for you. PART III
Girl : Thank you, but it would be better for me to
have a rest. 8. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Boy : O.K. then. I hope you will be alright soon. Boy : Why are you walking?
Call me if you need me. Girl : Well, my bike has a flat tire.
Narrator : What will the girl do? Boy : Why dont you go to school by bus?
Girl : I will be late, because the next bus will not
Jawaban: E arrive for another hour.
Boy : I see.
Narrator : Which picture shows what the girl is doing?
5. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
Jawaban: A
Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang
diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: 9. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Girl : There will be a speech contest next week. Man : Do you need any help?
What should I talk about? Woman : Yes. Please take the food to the dining room.
Boy : ________ Man : O.K.
Narrator : What is the appropriate Woman : Thanks.
response for the boy to give? Man : No problem.
A. You should participate in the contest. Narrator : What will the man do?
B. I think environment will be a good topic for you.
Jawaban: D

24 Mid-Term Test
10. Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
When the fisherman went home to his wife, he Questions 14 and 15 refer to the following monolog.
told her everything that happened and how, on hearing Children should not be living in constant fear. They
the fish spoke, he had let it go. Didnt you ask it for shouldnt be afraid. On the contrary, they should look forward
anything? asked the wife. No, I didnt. What should to every day at school and enjoy school life. According to
I have asked for? replied the fisherman. a research, bullying has always existed in Indonesian
I am surprised you dont realize what you should society, but it has only surfaced due to the recent
have asked for. We live very wretchedly here, in this proliferation of media technologies (Craig, 2009). Since
nasty dirty hut. We are poor and I am so miserable. You bullying is prevalent in our society, it is important that
should have asked for a nice cozy cottage. Now go everyone should be made aware of this social evil. There
back and tell the fish that we want a snug little cottage, should be campaigns to increase awareness. Everyone
said his wife. should be working together, to stop it.
Adopted from: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa Adopted from: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa Inggris untuk
Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI Semester 1, Jakarta, SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI Semester 1, Jakarta, Kementerian Pendidikan dan
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2014. Kebudayaan, 2014.
Narrator : What does the woman suggest her Narrator:
husband ask the fish? 14. What is the writers opinion about the childrens life at
Jawaban: C 15. What does the writer suggest concerning bullying?

11. Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: 14. Jawaban: A

Every Sunday morning Yuda and his family clean 15. Jawaban: D
the house together. Yuda and his father are gardening
This is the end of the listening section.
at the moment,
while his mother and sister are in the house.
Mom, I have swept and cleaned the dining room. READING SECTION
Is there anything else I can do? Amelia asked.
Youd better vacuum the carpet, Mrs. Artika 16. B 31. C 46. B
replied. 17. E 32. B 47. A
Do we have a vacuum cleaner, Mom? Amelia 18. C 33. E 48. E
asked. 19. B 34. E 49. C
Yeah! I bought it three days ago, Mrs. Artika 20. E 35. C 50. D
replied. 21. E 36. D
Please show me how to use it, will you? Amelia 22. D 37. A
asked. 23. B 38. C
Sure, Mrs. Artika replied. 24. B 39. D
25. E 40. B
Narrator : Which device should Amelia use to clean 26. A 41. A
the carpet? 27. C 42. B
28. D 43. E
Jawaban: C
29. A 44. E
30. A 45. C

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:

Questions 12 and 13 refer to the following monolog.
The fisherman went home and saw his wife standing at
the door of a nice trim little cottage. Come in, come in! Look
at the beautiful cottage we have. Everything went fine for
a while until one day fishermans wife said, Husband, there
is not enough room for us in this cottage, go back to the fish
and ask him to make me an emperor.
Wife, said the fisherman, I dont want to go to him
again, he may get angry. We ought to be happy with what the
fish had given us and not be greedy.
Adopted from: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa Inggris untuk
SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI Semester 1, Jakarta, Kementerian Pendidikan dan
Kebudayaan, 2014.
12. Where was the fishermans wife when the fisherman
arrived home?
13. What does the man suggest?

12. Jawaban: E
13. Jawaban: C

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 25


After learning this unit, you

1. be able to understand how
a. write formal invitations,
b. invite and accept/
decline an invitation.
2. be able to:
a. write formal invitations,
b. invite and accept/
decline an invitation.

Based on the knowledge and

skills you have learned, you
are expected to:
1. be appreciative for the
opportunity to study
2. be confident and polite in
speaking English,
especially inviting.

Have you ever celebrated your birthday? If you have, who did you celebrate it with? Did
you invite your friends? Now, in this unit you will learn how to invite and respond to
an invitation, spoken or written.

26 Id Like to Invite You

Answer the following questions. Match each invitation with its correct picture.

Kegiatan ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi kartu undangan

1. Untuk memulai kegiatan, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat
dengan gambar yang sesuai.
menunjukkan sebuah kartu undangan dan peserta didik
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati
mengamati kartu undangan tersebut.
gambar dan memahami beberapa kartu undangan yang
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami
pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang tersedia dan mencari
2. Peserta didik kemudian menjodohkan kartu undangan
jawaban atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut.
dengan gambar situasi yang sesuai.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik tunjuk jari dan
3. Setelah itu, Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas
menyebutkan jawaban mereka. Ketika seorang peserta
jawaban bersama-sama.
didik menyebutkan jawaban, peserta didik yang lain
memperhatikan. Bila peserta didik lain memiliki jawaban
yang berbeda dapat tunjuk jari dan menyebutkan
1. c 2. a 3. b
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memuji dan memberi balikan positif
kepada peser ta didik yang berani menyebutkan

Contoh jawaban: Complete the following statements based on the texts in TASK 5.
1. Yes, I have. Jawaban:
2. A karang taruna meeting. Text 1
3. It was a written invitation. 1. the principal (Mr. Henry Sulistyawan)
4. I accepted the invitation, because I like participating in 2. music teacher
an organization. 3. teachers
4. the students art performance
5. the agenda of the meeting is very important
Text 2
1. a baby shower 2. Mr. and Mrs. Adams
Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 2. 3. Yennita Swastikas birth 4. daughter
Jawaban: 5. contac or call Kartika
1. At school (in the school alley).
Text 3
2. Her birthday.
1. All students of Grade XII 2. school hall; morning
3. Seventeen years old.
3. secretary 4. sweet memory
4. By asking, Tania, will you attend my birthday party?
5. the farewell party
5. Prita.
6. On November 2, 2014 at 3:30 p.m.
7. At Violette Restaurant, Jalan Pejaten Raya no. 12.
8. She should contact Prita.

Complete the text with the correct words from the box.
1. d 2. f 3. b 4. e 5. a
Read the following texts.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca dan

memahami dua teks yang tersedia, yaitu kartu undangan
dan kartu respons (response card).
Answer the questions based on the text in TASK 7.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menjelaskan isi Jawaban:
kedua kartu tersebut. 1. It is about a 30Km Fun Bike.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami 2. To celebrate PT Sentosa Abadis 50th anniversary.
penjelasan dalam Supporting Feature. 3. The event will be held at the city square on Sunday,
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan kembali hal-hal yang September 28, 2014.
belum dipahami peserta didik. 4. The event will start at 6 a.m.
5. Untuk memperdalam pemahaman peserta didik tentang 5. He should pay Rp30,000.
kartu undangan, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat meminta peserta 6. There are 50 shopping vouchers to be won.
didik mencari contoh kartu undangan yang lain. 7. The grand prize is a city car.
8. It refers to the event, a 30Km Fun Bike.
9. They are the people who should be contacted for a response.
10. It is lost.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 27

Read the words in proper pronunciation. Find out what are missing in the following card.
Rewrite the proper invitation card.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati kata-

kata dan phonetic transcription yang tersedia. 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami
2. Peserta didik membaca nyaring kata-kata tersebut kembali unsur-unsur dalam kartu undangan.
dengan pelafalan yang tepat. 2. Bapak/Ibu Guru kemudian meminta peserta didik
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengoreksi pelafalan peserta didik yang membaca dan memahami kartu undangan yang tersedia.
kurang tepat. 3. Peserta didik mengidentifikasi lima kata atau frasa yang
4. Untuk memperdalam pengetahuan peserta didik tentang hilang dalam kartu undangan tersebut dan menulis
penggunaan kata tersebut, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat kembali kartu undangan tersebut dengan kata-kata yang
meminta peserta didik membuat kalimat menggunakan tepat.
kata-kata tersebut dalam kalimat. 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik agar berlomba-
lomba tunjuk jari menyebutkan jawabannya, kemudian
membahas jawaban bersama-sama.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan positif kepada peserta

Contoh jawaban:
Find the meanings of the following words.
1. cordially = ________________
2. to invite = ________________ 2014 FAREWELL COMMITTEE
3. fun bike = ________________ SMAN 17 Jalan Kalimantan No. 17
4. to celebrate = ________________
5. anniversary = ________________ To: Nurul Azizah, Class XI Science 2
6. city square = ________________
7. insurance = ________________ We invite you to attend our meeting that will be
8. grand prize = ________________ held:
9. voucher = ________________ day/date : Saturday, December 20, 2014
10. mountain bike = ________________ time : at 2 p.m.
Jawaban: place : OSIS meeting room
1. dengan ramah 2. mengundang agenda : Preparation for the farewell party
3. sepeda santai 4. merayakan We look forward to your participation.
5. hari jadi 6. alun-alun kota
7. asuransi 8. hadiah utama Secretary,
9. voucher 10. sepeda gunung

Match the words in column A with their correct meanings in

column B.
Listen and repeat.
Jawaban: Practice the dialog with a friend.
1. e 2. j 3. b 4. h 5. d
6. k 7. i 8. c 9. f 10. a
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru membacakan percakapan berikut dan
meminta peserta didik menyimak, lalu menirukannya.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peser ta didik secara
berpasangan membaca nyaring percakapan. Bapak/Ibu
Guru mengoreksi pelafalan peserta didik yang kurang
Complete the sentences with the suitable words from TASK 10.
Jawaban: 3. Peserta didik mengidentifikasi ungkapan undangan dan
1. celebrate 2. insurance 3. mountain bike responsnya dalam percakapan.
4. cordially 5. grand prize 6. anniversary 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami
7. invites 8. voucher 9. city square penjelasan dalam Supporting Feature. Bapak/Ibu Guru
10. fun bike menjelaskan hal-hal yang belum dipahami peserta didik.
5. Untuk memperdalam pengetahuan peserta didik, Bapak/
Ibu Guru dapat meminta peserta didik menyebutkan
ungkapan-ungkapan lain yang dapat digunakan untuk
mengundang maupun menerima atau menolak
Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
1. B 2. C 3. E 4. A 5. B

28 Id Like to Invite You

Answer the questions based on the dialog in TASK 14. Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
Jawaban: Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
1. He is a baker. Man : Good afternoon, Maam.
2. He is going to open a new bakery on Jalan Kartika. Woman : Good afternoon, Sir. Whats up?
3. On Wednesday evening at seven p.m. Man : We would like to invite you and your family to attend
4. Yes, I do. I know it from the fact that Mr. Bonar invites the community service next Sunday at 7 a.m. sharp.
Mr. Aditya to the opening of his bakery. Woman : What will we do during the
5. It refers to the opening ceremony of Mr. Bonars new bakery. community service?
Man : We will plant trees and flowers to make our
environment green. All the trees and flowers have
been provided. We only need you to come and work
Woman : Should we bring any utensils?
Man : Yes. Please bring your own utensils, such as trowels,
Read the dialog and answer the questions that follow. hoes, shears or pails. Um . . . one more thing, the
Amelia : I saw you standing at the bus shelter on Jalan community service will start from the park. See you
Pattimura yesterday afternoon. Where are you from? there.
Alyssa : Well, my family and I moved to a new house on Woman : All right, Sir. See you.
Jalan Pattimura. Jawaban:
Amelia : Wow . . . a new house? Congratulations! 1. B 2. D 3. E 4. C 5. C
Alyssa : Thanks. Anyway, would you come to my house
tomorrow evening? We are going to have
a housewarming party.
Amelia : Thank you for the invitation, but Im really sorry.
I cant accept your invitation. My family and
I will visit my uncle this afternoon, after school and Complete the short dialogs with suitable expressions of inviting
we will spend our holiday there. or accepting/declining an invitation.
Alyssa : I see. Thats all right. Use your own words.
1. What is Alyssa doing in the conversation?
2. Where is Alyssas new house? 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menyebutkan
3. When will Alyssa and her family have a housewarming kembali berbagai ungkapan yang digunakan untuk
party? mengundang maupun menerima atau menolak
4. Why cant Amelia accept Alyssas invitation? undangan.
5. Alyssa says, We are going to have a housewarming 2. Peserta didik memahami percakapan rumpang dan
party. menulis kalimat yang tepat untuk melengkapi percakapan
What is the synonym of the underlined word? rumpang tersebut.
Jawaban: 3. Bapak/Ibu Guru kemudian meminta peserta didik
1. She is inviting Amelia to attend a housewarming party. berlomba-lomba tunjuk jari menyebutkan jawabannya.
2. On Jalan Pattimura. 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas jawaban
3. Tomorrow evening. bersama-sama.
4. Because she and her family will visit her uncle this 5. Selanjutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik
afternoon, after school and they will spend their holiday memeragakan percakapan-percakapannya dengan
there. pelafalan dan intonasi yang tepat.
5. It is feast.
Contoh jawaban:
1. Please come to the city square tonight.
2. Actually Id like to join your band, but its too late.
3. Sure, Id love to.
4. Would you like to attend a seminar about online business?
5. Would you like to attend to the party?

Complete the dialog with the correct words from the box.
Then, practice the dialog with a friend.
1. f 2. c 3. e 4. a 5. d

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 29

Answer the following questions based on the dialog in TASK 18. Create dialogs based on the following situations.
Jawaban: Practice the dialogs with a friend.
1. It is going to have an interschool football competition. Contoh jawaban:
2. It can improve relationships between students from different 1. Your aunt : Sandra, I would like you to join us at my sons
schools. birthday party. It is his first birthday.
3. On the invitation which Yuda gives to him. You : Wow, a birthday party! When will it be, Auntie?
4. The other OSIS committee members. Your aunt : Next month. Here is the invitation for you.
5. In a few days. You : O.K. I will attend the party, Auntie.
Your aunt : Thank you. Im very happy to hear it.
You : Youre welcome.
2. Your friend : Will you be free on Saturday evening?
You : I dont think so. My cousin is going to visit me.
Whats the matter?
TASK 1 Your friend : What about watching a movie on Saturday
Complete the dialog with the correct expressions from the box. evening?
Then, practice the dialog with a friend. You : Sorry, I cant. I have to accompany my cousin.
Your friend : Why dont you ask him to accompany you to
a. Do you have a plan watch the movie?
b. Wish you a happy holiday You : Well, I dont think he likes movies.
c. Lets have fun together
d. I will spend New Years Eve in Bali
e. you can refuse the invitation
f. but also to attend my uncles wedding

Brenda : Anneke, some friends and I are going to celebrate Create invitation cards based on the following situations.
New Years Eve at my house. We are going to have Contoh jawaban:
a barbecue party. (1) ________. 1.
Anneke : Id love to, but I cant.
Brenda : (2) ________? Bazaar Committee
Anneke : Yes. (3) ________. SMA Siaga Bandung
Brenda : Wow, its cool!
Anneke : It is. Actually, we will go there not only to spend We cordially invite Mr. Hendrawan, the principal
New Years Eve (4) ________. to open the bazaar which will be held:
Brenda : I see. (5) ________. day/date : FridaySaturday, November 2830,
Anneke : Thank you. Have fun with our friends too. 2014
time : 10 p.m.
TASK 2 place : school hall
Answer the following questions based on the dialog in TASK 1. Dewa Putranto
1. What are Brenda and her friends going to do at New
The Head of the Committee
Years Eve?
2. Where will they have it?
3. What does Brenda say to invite Anneke to join the
4. What is Anneke going to do in Bali? 2.
5. Brenda says, Wow, its cool! To: Mr. Barata
What does the underlined word refer to?
Wed like to invite you to attend the meeting
which will be held:
TASK 1 day/date : Saturday, November 15, 2014
1. c 2. a 3. d 4. f 5. b time : 1 p.m.
agenda : discussion about our trip
1. They are going to have a barbecue party. We do hope your presence in the meeting.
2. At Brendas house. Thank you.
3. She says, Lets have fun together.
4. She is going to spend New Years Eve and attend her The class leader,
uncles wedding. Bobby Anggara
5. It refers to Annekes plan to spend New Years Eve in Bali.

30 Id Like to Invite You

A. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
The dialog in TASK 18 is about inviting someone to
participate in a competition. Jawaban:
Write an invitation card based on the dialog. 1. B 2. D 3. E 4. B 5. D
6. D 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. E
Contoh jawaban:
B. Create an invitation card.
OSIS of SMA Kusuma Pontianak You may choose your own topic.
Jalan Guntur No. 32 Contoh jawaban:

To: Deryl, OSIS Chairperson of SMA Buana Pontianak

To improve relationships between students from different To: Donny
schools, wed like to invite your school to participate in
an interschool football competition: Please join us at New Years Eve celebration:
Day/date : WednesdaySaturday, November 2629, 2014
Place : SMA Kusuma school field On Wednesday, December 31, 2014
We will present a trophy and cash as the grand prize of From 9 p.m.finished
the competition. At my house, Jalan Melati no. 69 Surabaya
We really hope that your school football team will
participate in the competition. Lets have fun and welcome a New Year
Contact person: Angga (083677884434) by wishing for better future.

OSIS Chairperson of SMA Kusuma Joel

Find formal invitations your parents have received.
Then, rewrite the invitations using your own words.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengumpulkan

kartu undangan yang pernah diterima orang tua mereka.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menulis kembali
kartu undangan tersebut dalam bahasa Inggris.
3. Peserta didik dapat menempelkan berbagai kartu
undangan yang mereka buat di majalah dinding kelas.

Read the song lyrics.

What is the message?
Contoh jawaban:
It is about someone who wishes happy birthday to his sister. His
sister turns to sixteen years old and has grown up beautifully.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 31


After learning this unit, you

1. be able to understand how
a. learn about personal
letters, and
b. write personal letters.
2. be able to:
a. learn about personal
letters, and
b. write personal letters.
Based on the knowledge and
skills you have learned, you
are expected to:
1. be appreciative for the
opportunity to study
2. be polite, responsible,
honest and informative
when communicating with

Source: http://www.thumbs.dreamstime.com.,
downloaded June 16, 2014

Sending letters has been done since the early century and letters have played important
roles in our histories. Today, though there are many types of social media available for
communication with others, such as facebook, twitter and e-mail, letters still have a place in
our societies. In this unit, you will learn about personal letters and have many opportunities to
write letters.

32 All about Personal Letters

Discuss the following questions with your friend.
Share your answers with the class.
Find the meanings of the following words.
1. to dread = ____________________
2. loyal = ____________________
1. Peserta didik membaca dan memahami pertanyaan- 3. awkward = ____________________
pertanyaan yang ada di buku. 4. farewell = ____________________
2. Peser ta didik dapat berdiskusi dengan teman 5. to redefine = ____________________
sebangkunya untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan 6. constant = ____________________
yang dianggap sulit. 7. reliable = ____________________
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi kesempatan kepada peserta 8. caregiver = ____________________
didik untuk bertanya apabila ada hal-hal yang belum 9. to get nerve = ____________________
dipahami. 10. bound = ____________________
4. Setelah waktu dirasa cukup, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta 11. up and down = ____________________
peserta didik menyampaikan jawaban untuk setiap 12. fondness = ____________________
per tanyaan. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberi 13. warmth = ____________________
kesempatan kepada lebih dari satu peserta didik untuk 14. endlessly = ____________________
menyampaikan jawabannya. Bapak/Ibu Guru juga dapat 15. spirit = ____________________
memberi kesempatan kepada peserta didik yang kurang 16. to care for = ____________________
aktif untuk menyampaikan jawabannya. 17. accountability = ____________________
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membuat simpulan 18. nonetheless = ____________________
atas jawaban-jawaban peserta didik. 19. to accomplish = ____________________
20. perspective = ____________________
Contoh jawaban:
1. Yes, I have.
Find the synonyms of the following words in the previous
2. To my friend.
3. I wanted to share my experiences with him.
4. Formal letters are sent to institutions and about formal 1. foolish = ____________________
matters such as business and state matters. Meanwhile, 2. faithful = ____________________
informal letters are sent to whom we know well and about 3. odd = ____________________
personal matters, such as to share experiences, to 4. parting = ____________________
apologize and to express gratitude. 5. stable = ____________________
5. Personal letters are letters sent to people we are well 6. felicity = ____________________
acquainted and written for personal reasons. 7. grateful = ____________________
6. To share personal experiences, to thank the recipient, to 8. lucky = ____________________
apologize, to invite and to congratulate the recipient. 9. continuously = ____________________
7. The date of the letter, salutation to the recipient, the 10. especially = ____________________
purpose of writing the letter and the names of the sender Jawaban:
and recipient. TASK 1
8. To their families, relatives, friends or partners. 1. takut (pada)
2. setia
3. aneh, canggung
4. perpisahan
5. menetapkan kemballi
6. konstan, tetap
Read the following text. 7. dapat diandalkan/dipercaya
8. pemberi perhatian
9. bersitegang
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta beberapa peserta didik 10. dibatasi
membaca nyaring teks yang tersedia dengan lafal dan 11. naik-turun, pasang-surut
tekanan yang benar, secara bergantian. 12. kemesraan, kesukaan
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru membetulkan pelafalan dan intonasi 13. kehangatan
peserta didik yang kurang tepat dan meminta mereka 14. terus menerus
untuk mengulang pelafalan kata-kata tersebut. 15. semangat
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru bersama-sama dengan peserta didik 16. peduli pada
membahas arti kosakata baru yang terdapat di dalam 17. keadaan untuk dipertanggungjawabkan
teks. 18. meskipun demikian, namun
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami dua 19. menyelesaikan, mengerjakan
buah surat yang terdapat di dalam teks tersebut. 20 pandangan
5. Peser ta didik dimotivasi untuk menyampaikan TASK 2
pemahaman mereka tentang isi kedua surat itu. 1. silly 2. loyal 3. awkward
4. farewell 5. constant 6. happiness
7. thankful 8. fortunate 9. endlessly
10. particularly

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 33

Answer the following questions based on the letters in TASK 2. Read the letter below, aloud.
Jawaban: Then, complete the statements that follow.
Letter 1 Jawaban:
1. Megan. 1. Miranti
2. Twenty five years old. 2. Mirantis old friend
3. Ten years. 3. the experiences she and Tiara shared during their childhood
4. Yes, they did. Its based on the sentence in paragraph 2, 4. fast food restaurants
You and I have known each other through several awkward 5. they were in love with the OSIS chairperson
stages of lifethe end of high school, all of college, . . . .
5. They worked at the same little restaurant.
6. They spent the weekends with laughter and joy, even in very
simple ways.
7. She thinks that Megan has always been more constant and
reliable than her.
Listen and repeat after your teacher.
8. No, they dont. Its based on the sentence in paragraph 1,
. . . but dont worry, Ill be there with you in just a couple
more months. which means they live in different cities.
9. Carla will never stop loving her, respecting her and admiring
her for her wonderful heart.
10. It means someone who always cares for others sincerely.
Draw lines to connect the words with their suitable
Letter 2
1. Theyve had their ups and downs in their weird online/offline
friendship. Word Meaning
2. Carla always has so much fondness and warmth in her
heart for Gina. 1. to recall the name signing of a person,
2. to regard a mark or stamp representing his
3. She adds so much beauty to those people. 3. sincere name, marked by himself or by
4. She gives Carla the warmth of her beautiful heart and spirit, 4. to remind an authorized deputy
5. signature to communicate, to make known, to
the way she cares for people (the way she has cared for take from one place to another
6. salutation
Carla), the care she takes for the small details of her world 7. to skip the act of coming to a decision, or
and the fresh perspective she always gives Carla. 8. to convey finalizing or settling a purpose
9. recipient to remember
5. She is awful with small details. to jump from one point to another,
10. determination
6. In pleasant and helpful ways. omitting or disregarding what
7. In her opinion, accountability can be extremely annoying but intervenes
to look at attentively, to look upon or
nonetheless extremely important. consider in a particular way
8. A year. Its based on the sentence, Ive loved growing a person who receives
genuine, earnest, honest
closer to you over the last year . . . . an act, phrase, gesture, etc. that
serves as a greeting
to cause to remember, to put
a person in mind of something


Choose one of the topics. Word Meaning

Write your feeling on your diary. 1. to recall the name signing of a person,
Contoh jawaban: 2. to regard a mark or stamp representing his
3. sincere name, marked by himself or by
4. to remind an authorized deputy
November 15, 2014 to communicate, to make known, to
5. signature
Dear Diary, 6. salutation take from one place to another
7. to skip the act of coming to a decision, or
Ive just received a letter from my best friend Carla. 8. to convey finalizing or settling a purpose
She congratulated me on my birthday and thanked me for 9. recipient to remember
becoming her loyal friend for 10 years. Yeah, 10 years! 10. determination to jump from one point to another,
I dont even believe in myself that weve been close each omitting or disregarding what
other for a decade, even when we lived a thousand miles to look at attentively, to look upon or
away from each other. You know, I could have never been consider in a particular way
close to someone, but to Carla is different. For me, she is a person who receives
not only a friend, but also my sister who will always be with genuine, earnest, honest
me. an act, phrase, gesture, etc. that
serves as a greeting
Through her letter, Carla tries to recall our memories to cause to remember, to put
when we were together. I met her for the first time when we a person in mind of something
were freshmen at senior high school. However, she hasnt
changed much. I love her because of her cheerfulness,
foollish jokes which always make me laugh and care for me
though sometimes shes a little bit careless.
She also wrote that she wont stop loving, respecting
and admiring me. So do I! She said that she would be here
with me in just a couple of months and I cant wait for that
time when well be together again! I love you, Carla!

34 All about Personal Letters

Match the sentences with their suitable purposes. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.
Jawaban: Jawaban:
1. f 2. i 3. k 4. a 5. j 1. g 2. e 3. k 4. h 5. b
6. g 7. l 8. b 9. c 10. e 6. i 7. l 8. a 9. f 10. d

There are fifteen mistakes in the following letter. Complete the statements based on the lettter in TASK 10.
The mistakes include the grammatical and structure errors.
Identify the mistakes and then rewrite the correct letter.
1. to apologize
Share your work with the class.
2. he has shown hurtful and totally unnecessary behavior and
Jawaban: attitude to Farid
3. his bad day
Jl. Gunung Raya 34 4. he missed the bus
Banjarmasin 5. was not allowed to join the class
Dear Uncle, 6. a math test
(1) October 12, 2014 7. Farid will forgive him and they can continue to maintain their
How are you, auntie and your (2) little one? Its 8. Farid has any thoughts about the matter
been quite some time, but nevertheless, a perfect
occasion is approaching for us to catch up and
(3) celebrate.
I will be (4) turning 17 on November 9, 2014 and
my parents are organizing a birthday party at our place
and (5) inviting my friends and family. We would like to
(6) have you and your family at the party. Here at the Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
details of the party! Jawaban:
Venue : Our home, Jl. Perdana 34 Kotabaru 1. E 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. D
Time : (7) 6:30 p.m. 9 p.m.
Date : (8) Sunday, November 9, 2014
Please note that there will be a (9) various party
games and food for the kids and adults! I would like
to share the joy with (10) you all.
Do convey to us your plans (11) so that
we can pick you from the bus station. Pass our TASK 1
(12) regards to Aunt Nirmala and (13) lots Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.
of love to my little cousin.
I look forward to (14) hearing from a. so much b. sorrow c. passed
you soon. d. death e. carefully f. illness
g. admired h. heartfelt i. comforters
(15) Cheers, j. great loss

Dear Gilang,
It was a real sorrow to hear of your (1) ________
this morning. I knew your mother was ill, as your brother
told me several weeks ago. However, as he at that time
did not seem to think the (2) ________ was very serious,
Complete the statements based on the letters in TASK 8. the news of your mothers death came to me as a shock.
Jawaban: You have my sincere and (3) ________ sympathy,
1. October 12, 2014 my dear fellow, in your sorrow. I know you will feel it
2. Vanessas uncle deeply, for you always thought so much of your mother
3. to invite Vanessas (the sender) uncle and his family to and loved her (4) ________. I feel it also as a personal
attend her birthday party loss to myself for your mother was always very kind to
4. Vanessas (the sender) 17th birthday me. I (5) ________ her as a good and noble woman. Her
5. Vanessas (the sender) parents (6) ________ must be a terrible grief to your father too.
6. Vanessas house, at Jl. Perdana 34 Makassar Please pass my sincere sympathy to him.
7. two and half hours Words, I know, are poor (7) ________. The heart
8. there will be a various party games and food for the kids knows its own sorrow and in such sorrows we are
and adults always alone. However, it is not mere words when I say
9. Vanessa or her family can pick them up from the bus station that I feel with you in your (8) ________.
10. her uncle to pass her regards to her aunt and little cousin Your sincere friend,

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 35

TASK 2 5. B. Kata sincere dan honest memiliki makna yang
Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer based on the sama, yaitu tulus hati. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (B)
letter in TASK 1. benar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena
1. What is the purpose of the letter? maknanya berbeda; (A) artinya palsu, (C) artinya
A. To give information. salah, (D) artinya tentu, dan (E) artinya berharga.
B. To congratulate someone.
C. To tell an experience.
D. To show happiness.
E. To show sympathy.
2. Who passed away?
A. Julias mother. B. Julias father. Read the letters.
C. Gilangs mother. D. Gilangs father. What is the purpose of each letter?
E. Gilangs brother. Jawaban:
3. What does the writer think of the deceased? Letter 1 is to apologize.
A. She was a respectable person. Letter 2 is to wish a friend on a friendship day.
B. She was a responsible person. Letter 3 is to express the senders sympathy or condolences.
C. She was a careful person.
D. She was a brave person.
E. She was a miserable person.
4. I know you will feel it deeply, . . . . (Paragraph 2)
What does it refer to?
Talk with your friends about the letters in TASK 13.
A. The death news. B. Julias sympathy.
Ask and answer questions about the information in each letter.
C. Gilangs love. D. Julias thought.
Do it in turns.
E. Gilangs sorrow.
See the example.
5. Please pass my sincere sympathy to him.
The closest meaning of the word sincere is ________.
A. fake B. honest
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membentuk
C. wrong D. certain
pasangan dengan temannya, sebaiknya bukan teman
E. precious
yang duduk di sebelahnya.
Jawaban: 2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca
TASK 1 kembali dan memahami isi surat-surat yang terdapat di
1. j 2. f 3. h 4. a kegiatan sebelumnya, lalu memahami tugas yang akan
5. g 6. d 7. i 8. b mereka lakukan.
3. Setiap pasangan peserta didik diminta melakukan tanya
TASK 2 jawab tentang isi setiap surat yang ada di kegiatan
1. E. Tujuan penulisan surat tersebut adalah untuk sebelumnya, secara bergantian.
manyampaikan rasa simpati, yang disimpulkan dari 4. Selama kegiatan berlangsung, Bapak/Ibu Guru
kalimat awal surat, It was a real sorrow to hear of mengamati jalannya tanya jawab dan membantu peserta
your great loss this morning. yang artinya Saya didik yang mengalami kesulitan. Bapak/Ibu Guru
sungguh sedih saat mendengar kematian ibumu memotivasi peserta didik untuk aktif dalam kegiatan ini.
tadi pagi., kalimat You have my sincere and 5. Pada akhir kegiatan, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan
heartfelt sympathy, my dear fellow, in your sorrow. dan evaluasi kepada peserta didik.
yang artinya Saya sungguh-sungguh bersimpati,
sobat, atas kesedihanmu., serta kalimat Please
pass my sincere sympathy to your father. yang Contoh jawaban:
artinya Sampaikan rasa simpati saya yang dalam You : Lets discuss the first letter. Ill ask first. When
kepada ayahmu.. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (E) benar. did Dewanti treat Susan badly?
2. C. Julia menulis kalimat . . ., the news of your Your partner : Last week. My turn now. What does Dewanti
mothers death came to me as a shock. yang think of Susans feeling after her bad behavior?
artinya . . . berita kematian ibumu sangat You : She thinks that Susan must have felt very upset.
mengejutkan saya.. Kata your mothers death Your partner : Youre right. Your turn, please.
merujuk pada kematian ibu penerima surat, yaitu You : O.K. Through the letter, what would Dewanti like
ibu Gilang. Jadi, disimpulkan bahwa yang to say?
meninggal dunia adalah ibu Gilang, sesuai dengan Your partner : Well, she would like to admit that she was in the
pilihan jawaban (C). wrong and can only say how sorry she is. Now,
3. A. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat di paragraf dua, tell me about Dewantis hopes.
I admired her as a good and noble woman. yang You : She hopes that Susan will give her the
artinya Saya mengagumi beliau sebagai wanita opportunity to prove that a similar situation will
yang baik dan mulia.. Kata respectable memiliki never recur and her letter will help Susan forgive
arti yang sama dengan kata noble sehingga her. So, what will Dewanti do this week to make
pilihan jawaban (A) benar. up with Susan?
4. E. Kata it merujuk pada your sorrow dalam kalimat Your partner : She will call Susan to apologize, personally.
sebelumnya (You have my sincere and heartfelt You : Correct! Now, lets move to the second letter.
sympathy, my dear fellow, in your sorrow.) dan You start.
your merujuk pada penerima surat, yaitu Gilang.
Jadi, pilihan jawaban (E) benar.

36 All about Personal Letters

Your partner : Do Sunny and Farida live nearby? How do you 3. When did she do that?
know? 4. What does she admit?
You : No, they dont. From the sentence No news 5. When will she call the person to apologize, personally?
since you moved . . . . My question, why does
Farida think that Sunny may have forgotten her? Letter 2
Your partner : Because Sunny doesnt send her wishes on 1. On what occasion does Farida write the letter?
friendship day. Am I right? 2. Since when has Farida not heard any news about Sunny?
You : Youre right. Now, your turn, please. 3. What is Farida afraid about?
Your partner : O.K. How long have they known each other? 4. Why does she have such a feeling?
You : For five years. What does Farida wish about 5. Besides wishing Sunny a happy friendship day, what
Sunny? does Farida like to say in the letter?
Your partner : She wished that she too had a few of Sunnys 6. What does Farida think about their friendship?
qualities. Then, what is Farida hoping for? 7. How are Farida and Sunnys lives now?
You : She is hoping to get along with Sunny to spend Letter 3
some time together. 1. Why does Dodit write the letter?
Your partner : Thats correct. Next, lets talk about the third 2. Why does Dodit express his condolences?
letter. You go first, please. 3. Why was Dodit shocked when hearing the mourning
You : Who passed away? news?
Your partner : Karins little brother. Why is Dodit shocked about 4. Who told Dodit about the news?
the news? 5. What does Dodit hope for Karin and her family?
You : Because only a week ago Karin told Dodit in her 6. Why should they carry on with life?
letter that her little brother won the drawing 7. What kind of help does Dodit and his family offer?
contest and how proud she and her family were 8. What does Dodit ask Karin to do in this situation?
of him.
Your partner : Youre right. Your turn now. Jawaban:
You : O.K. How did Dodit get to hear the news? Letter 1
Your partner : Karins neighbor told him about the news. What 1. Dewanti.
does Dodit feel about it? 2. Because she has behaved badly to Susan.
You : He feels really sorry and sympathetic for Karin. 3. Last week.
What does Dodit hope for Karin and her family? 4. She admits that she was in the wrong and can only say
Your partner : He hopes that they come out of it soon and how sorry she is.
carry on with life. 5. This week.
You : Thats right.
Letter 2
1. On friendship day.
2. Since Sunny moved.
3. She is afraid that Sunny has forgotten her.
4. Because Sunny doesnt send her wishes on friendship
5. She likes to thank Sunny for being her best friend for
Close your book and listen to your teacher.
more than five years.
Answer the questions you have heard based on the letters in
6. Their friendship has made a big difference to her life.
TASK 13.
7. They have got busy with their lives.
Letter 3
1. To express his sympathy or condolences.
1. Setelah melakukan kegiatan tanya jawab, Bapak/ 2. Because his friends (Karin) little brother passed away.
Ibu Guru dapat memberikan latihan untuk 3. Because only a week ago Karin told Dodit in her letter
mempertajam ingatan peserta didik tentang isi that her little brother won the drawing contest and how
berbagai teks yang telah dibacanya. proud she and her family were of him.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menutup 4. Karins neighbor.
buku mereka dan menyimak per tanyaan- 5. He hopes that they come out of the hard time soon and
pertanyaan pemahaman tentang ketiga surat yang carry on with life.
ada di TASK 13. Peserta didik menuliskan jawaban 6. Because life doesnt stop for anyone and needs to go
untuk setiap pertanyaan di buku tugas mereka. on.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru membacakan per tanyaan- 7. That if Karin needs any help or support, they will be
pertanyaan pemahaman berikut, satu per satu there for her and would do anything to see her happy.
secara lisan dan peserta didik menyimak dengan 8. He asks her to maintain her composure and help her
baik, lalu menulis jawabannya. family come out of these sad times.
4. Setelah selesai, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta
didik saling menukarkan hasil pekerjaannya.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas
jawabannya. Peserta didik mengoreksi jawaban
6. Di akhir kegiatan, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi
balikan dan evaluasi.

Letter 1
1. Who asks for apology?
2. Why does she need to apologize?

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 37

Choose one of the letters in TASK 13. Put a tick () in the column whether the statements are true or
Write a reply to the letter you have chosen. false based on the letter in TASK 16.
Share your work with the class. Give the reasons or proof.
Contoh jawaban: Jawaban:
Statement True False Reason/Proof
Dear Dodit,
1. Roger lives in Mila lives in Palembang because
Palembang. the address written in the letter
Thank you very much for your sympathy and support. shows the address of the sender.
Your support will always strengthen me whenever I am down.
Since I know that I can always count on you, like youve 2. The purpose of the Based on the sentence I am really
letter is to apologize. sorry for what all I did yesterday.
done so far. I feel so lucky that I have a friend like you. 3. Roger apologizes for It is Mila who apologizes for making
making Mila angry Roger angry easily. Based on the
Ive passed your sincere sympathy to my father easily. sentence: Dear Roger, I am really
and mother and they said thank you. Please pass sorry for what all I did yesterday.
our gratitude to your family too. 4. Mila didnt mean to Based on the sentences . . . but
Once again, thank you very much, Dodit. hurt Roger. I had no intentions to hurt you. It
Hopefully, well always be good friends forever. was just a coincidence to which
I reacted adversely.
Regards, 5. Mila thinks that her Mila thinks that her behavior is not
Karin behavior makes acceptable. Based on the sentence

sense. . . . and behaved unreasonably
which I know is not acceptable.

6. Mila feels Based on the sentence I am

embarrassed for her embarrassed thinking of the
bad reaction. scenario to which I reacted so

7. Mila and Roger have They have been friends since

Arrange the sentences to form a meaningful letter. been friends since childhood; the sentence . . . you
they were at junior have been my best friend since my
Paragraf-paragraf acak yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik high school. childhood days, . . . .
dan sekaligus jawaban: 8. Mila hopes that Based on the sentence . . . , but
Roger will forgive I am hopeful that you will forgive
2 I am really sorry for what all I did yesterday. You her and forget their and forget the fight.
know that how I am and get angry easily but I had no
intentions to hurt you. It was just a coincidence to which 9. Mila thinks that she

Based on the sentence . . . I am
is childish. sure that you will forget the fight as
I reacted adversely. you are not childish like me.

6 Your friend, 10. Mila doesnt expect Mila is expecting Rogers reply.
that Roger will reply Based on the sentence

her letter. I am expecting a friendly reply
Mila Artika from you soon.

4 I value your friendship and you have been my best

friend since our childhood days, I understand that you
have every reason to be angry with me, but I am
hopeful that you will forgive and forget the fight.
1 Palembang, October 18, 2014 Write a letter to your friend.
Decide the topic of your letter.
Dear Roger, Contoh jawaban:
5 Keeping in mind our old friendship I am sure that
Dear Rudi,
you will forget the fight as you are not childish like me.
Please accept my apology because our friendship is Im glad to receive your letter. Its been a while since you
highly regarded compared to these small fights. I am moved. How are you and your family? I hope you are all fine.
expecting a friendly reply from you soon. Well, my family and I are okay.
Ive read your letter and I understand that you cannot
3 For instance I was not aware that it was your silly spend your coming holiday with me here. Its okay. I know
bantering and rather I took it up more seriously and that spending holiday with your family is more important.
behaved unreasonably which I know is not acceptable. Then, you offer me to visit you so we can still be
I am embarrassed thinking of the scenario to which together this holiday. Its a good idea, but I have
I reacted so badly. already had an appointment with my friends here.
Were going to go hiking. Im sorry, maybe next
Adapted from: http://www.sampleemails.org/emotional-friendship-email.html
(June 12, 2014)
holiday we can be together.
Thats all I need to say. Please pass my
best regards to your family.
Kind regards,

38 All about Personal Letters

Read the song lyrics. A. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
What is the message? Jawaban:
Jawaban: 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. C
The message of the song is that a true friend will alway be with 6. E 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. E
us, through good and bad times. They will always support us.
B. Write a thanking letter to your friend for being a good friend
of you.
Contoh jawaban:

Dear Tania,
We have known each other for such a long time, and
been friends for many years. I am writing you this short
letter to thank you for being such a great friend.
I am in the eleventh grade now and still have a year to
go. I work hard here. My results are also very good. I may
even think about going to university after finishing high school.
What have you been doing lately? Is everything okay
with you? Write to me when you have time.
Thanks again and I hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes,

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 39

LISTENING SECTION 6. Write your answer on your answer sheet.

PART I Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang

diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
1. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Woman : The air pollution caused by vehicles and
Woman : Youd better go early so you will not be stuck factories creates the greenhouse effect
in the traffic. Its a long holiday, you know. and destroys the ozone layer.
Boy : O.K., Mom. Thank you for your suggestion. Man : ________
Narrator : What should the boy do? Narrator : What is the man most likely to reply?
A. It is good for our health.
Jawaban: C B. Everything is fine, thank you.
C. Yes, it is a very bad situation.
2. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: D. It will be delightful.
Boy : You look pale. You must be hungry. (Ujian Nasional 2010/2011)
Girl : Yes, but I dont have money.
Boy : Dont worry. Lets go to the canteen. Let Jawaban: C
me treat you.
Girl : Thanks. Youre so kind. 7. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
Narrator : What does the boy offer?
Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang
Jawaban: E diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Boy : Im very pleased with our experiment. I hope
3. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: our teacher will award us a good mark.
Girl : There is a photo contest for students from Woman : ________
Suara Indonesia newspaper. I strongly Narrator : What is the best response?
believe that you will win if you join it. You A. Thanks. B. Id love to.
are very talented at photography. C. I hope so. D. You know that.
Boy : Yes, sure. Thanks for your support.
Narrator : What is the girls opinion about the boys Jawaban: C
Jawaban: D
8. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu
4. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Guru:
Boy : Did you attend the reunion party last Sunday? Boy : I heard that bus drivers are on strike. Is that
Girl : Yes, I did. Why didnt you come? true?
Boy : I had to attend my uncles wedding party. Girl : Yes, thats true. Wed better go to school by
I do hope I can attend the reunion party bicycle so we have to leave earlier.
next year. Narrator : Which means of transportation will the girl
Narrator : What are the speakers talking about? and boy ride?

Jawaban: A Jawaban: B

PART II 9. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu

5. Write your answer on your answer sheet. Boy : Hi, Ratna. Do you still wash your clothes
Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang
Girl : Hi, Dewa. Yes, I always wash manually.
diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
I hope my parents will buy a washing
Woman : What do you think of my new jacket?
machine soon.
Does it suit me?
Narrator : What does the girl need?
Man : ________
Narrator : What does the man probably answer? Jawaban: E
A. Yes, you look nice.
B. Yes, this is absolutely right.
C. Yes, I think youre wrong.
D. No, youll never believe it.
(Ujian Nasional 2013/2013)

Jawaban: A

40 Final Test
10. Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Dear Mr. Richy. I invite you to join our monthly Questions 14 and 15 refer to the following monolog.
mutual work that will be held on Sunday, November 30, Dear Jovina,
2014. The mutual work starts at 6 a.m. Please bring
equipment needed, such as a sickle or hoe. We gather How are you, Jov? How are Uncle Pandu and Aunt
at the field near my house. I appreciate for your Ratih? I hope you are fine. I miss you all since we have not
participation. Thank you. met for a long time.
Narrator : Which picture shows the equipment Jovina, I just want to thank you for your support over
Mr. Richy will carry? the years. As a result, I was nominated best young writer
2014. Not only had I won a trophy, but also a scholarship to
Jawaban: B continue my studies in England. This is what I dreamed of
since I was a kid. You know, this happened because you
11. Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: continued supporting me to write, write and write.
Respected Mr. Johan and my dear friends. I remembered how you taught me and showed me good
Please allow me to say a few words relating to books. That was an exciting experience that I will never
an expression which says Be yourself. I would like to forget. Thanks, Jov.
tell you a bit about this phrase because I see that many Well, its all for now. Please send my warm greetings to
of us have started to lose confidence. At first we feel uncle and auntie. Hope we can meet soon to share my
happy and proud if we could achieve good marks as if happiness.
we did the jobs ourselves. In fact, we got the marks
because we cheated! It seems nice and fun, but it Big hug,
gradually ruins our future. We will encounter difficulties
in the future because the problems we face will be Diana
complex. Even worse is that we do not have any friends Narrator:
who can be cheated. As a result our achievements will 14. What does Diana send the letter for?
mean nothing. Of course we do not want that to 15. Where will Diana continue her studies?
happen, right? So, let us rebuild our confidence. Let us
work and do our jobs our best. There must be some 14. Jawaban: A
way. This is what I can say today. Thank you for 15. Jawaban: E
This is the end of the listening section.
Narrator : Which picture shows what the boy is doing?


16. D 31. E 46. D
PART IV 17. E 32. B 47. C
18. C 33. A 48. A
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
19. B 34. A 49. C
Questions 12 and 13 refer to the following monolog.
20. A 35. C 50. A
All thunderstorms are dangerous. Thunderstorms can
21. B 36. D
bring heavy rains, which can cause flash flooding, strong
22. A 37. E
winds, hail, lightning and tornadoes. The question is what we
23. B 38. D
should do when we experience a thunderstom attack?
24. B 39. B
Should we run away? Should we find a big tree to shelter?
25. A 40. C
Or, should we just stay in a building? I personally think that
26. D 41. A
we should stay in a building to avoid debris. Based on my
27. C 42. C
opinion, it is much safer than getting a shelter under a big
28. A 43. E
tree. On the contrary, the tree will fall on us.
Adapted from: http://whathappensnow.com/articles_show.cfm?id=91&cat=4&sub=5
29. B 44. C
(February 24, 2014) 30. D 45. A
12. Why is a thunderstorm considered dangerous?
13. According to the speaker, what should we do when
a thunderstorm happens?

12. Jawaban: C
13. Jawaban: D

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 41

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