Tips Using Fndload
Tips Using Fndload
Tips Using Fndload
Data Synchronization?
Data Synchronization is a process in which some setup data would be
synchronized, and this would be more important when you are working in
Oracle application development/implementation project. The equally
important that ATG data Migration takes place necessary to synchronize the
data across databases instance during
Installations (New descriptive flex field creations etc)
Upgrades (Apps upgrade etc.)
Maintenance (Value set changes etc.)
There is no way to limit the download of the value hierarchy data with the
existing flexfield loader logic.
If this data is removed manually from the .ldt file generated when
downloading data, the upload might error out as a result and this is NOT a
supported method of using fndload and the corresponding generated data.
The Generic Loader can download data from an application entity into a
portable, editable text file. This file can then be uploaded into any other
database to copy the data. Conversion between database store and file
format is specified by a configuration file that is read by the loader.
When downloading, the Generic Loader creates a second file, called the data
file that contains the structured data selected for downloading. The data file
has a standard syntax for representing the data that has been downloaded.
When uploading, the Generic Loader reads a data file to get the data that it
is to upload. In most cases, the data file was produced by a previous
download, but may have come from another source. The data file cannot be
interpreted without the corresponding configuration file available.
The Generic Loader is a concurrent program named FNDLOAD. The
concurrent executable takes the following parameters:
The APPS schema and password in the form
username/password[@connect_string]. If
connect_string is omitted, it is taken in a platform-specific manner from the
using the name TWO_TASK.
Concurrent program flags.
UPLOAD or DOWNLOAD. UPLOAD causes the datafile to be uploaded to the
database. DOWNLOAD causes the loader to fetch rows and write them to the
The configuration file to use (usually with a suffix of .lct, but not enforced or
supplied by the loader).
The data file to write (usually with a suffix of .ldt, but not enforced or
supplied by the loader). If the data file already exists, it will be overwritten.
The entity(ies) to upload or download. When uploading, always upload all
entities, so specify a "-" to upload all entities.
Modes of Operation
This is important because it would drive the whole flow, and it always be
either Upload or Download.
Example of download
{FND_TOP}/patch/115/import/afcpprog.lct myfile.ldt \ PROGRAM
CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME= concurrent_program_short_name>
Example of Upload
FNDLOAD apps/pwd 0 Y UPLOAD ${FND_TOP}/patch/115/import/afcpprog.lct
myfile.ldt - CUSTOM_MODE=FORCE undocumented parameter
Key files: .lct and .ldt
FNDLOAD must be run as the apps user not as applsys or any other user,
otherwise an Ora-6550 error will be received.
Both are easily readable, editable and portable.
Do not modify Oracle .lct files.
Use a favorite editor to manipulate only the .ldt files but be cautious about
data type, length, delimiter placements etc.
Use the log file outputs or .ldt file contents creatively for quick file
comparisons and answer questions as: (Why can this be accessed? What is
that profile option name, value and level? What is the value set used for that
DFF segment attribute10 etc.)
Partial string searches (which value set has Priority something in its where
clause, etc)
1 - Printer Styles
2 - Lookups
4 - Multiple Flexfields
6 - Concurrent Programs
7 - Value Sets
9 - Profile Options
10 - Request Group
11 - Request Sets
12 - Responsibilities
16 - User/Responsibilities
17 - Alert
18 - Blob
b. Move the custom LDT file (password.ldt) over to the destination instance.
2. Be very careful when downloading flexfields that reference value sets with
independent values for GL Segment Codes. By doing so, downloading and
extracting all the test data in GL Codes that might not be applicable for