Srilanka Position Paper
Srilanka Position Paper
Srilanka Position Paper
Position Paper
Manipulation in the
Sri Lankan Stock Market
A stock market is expected to present a level playing field to all investors. However, stock holders trading in the
Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) have encountered hurdles to trading, coming from both major private investors and
errant government elements.
These hurdles refer to various methods of market manipulation, such as insider trading and pump-and-dump tactics
that artificially jostle share prices towards the benefit of a handful of individuals. The distortion of the structure of the
market through these market manipulations seem to go unpunished as investigations are halted or fade away from
public interest rapidly, ensuring that the perpetrators of these white collar crimes go unpunished.
This Position Paper will examine the definitions and consequences of market manipulation and recent scandals that
have shocked traders at the CSE. It will also investigate possible methods to prevent and diminish the occurrence of
market manipulations at the CSE.
1. EPF loses Billions as Central Bank Buys Over Valued Shares in an Insider 3. Harsha Rebuffs CBs Rosy EPF Story (23rd May 2012) (accessible at http://
Trading Racket (4 July 2012) Hemmathagama, Ashwin ( accessible at http:// 4. EPF rejects UNP MPs Allegations of Fraud (22nd May 2012) (http://www.
over-valued-shares-in-an-insider-trading-racket/ )
2. EPF loses Billions as Central Bank Buys Over Valued Shares in an Insider 5. Quoting Mr. Arritha Wickremanayake,TISL Samabashana Discussion held
Trading Racket (4 July 2012) Hemmathagama, Ashwin June 4th 2012
6. Insider Trading Unavoidable (21 July 2011) Antonio, Jithendra (accessible at 9. Good Governance Equals Healthy Stock Market (accessible at http://www.
html ) 10. Watawala Plantations not Acting in the Interests of all Shareholders: Vignara-
7. NSB board on the Mat (6 May 2012), Obeyesekere, Srian ( accessible at www. jah (6th May 2012) (accessible at Times/bt10.html)
8. SEC Investigating Taprobane Securities for Multiple Offences on the NSB Deal , 11. Interview with Mr.Arritha Wickremenayake (Conducted 12th July 2012)
Yapa, Vimukthi (accessible at
12. Interview with Mr. K.C. Vignarajah 16. Broken Bubble (4th December 2011) (http://www.lankabusinessonline.
13. Sri Lanka sees Foreign Investment Quadrupling as Civil War Ends (1st June com/fullstory.php?nid=262954294)
2009) Cherian, Thomas (accessible at 17. Interview with Mr. Arritha Wickremanayeke
news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aAn_Qy8nT9mA) 18. Stock Market Crash Persists (30th May 2012),
14. Compilation of Foreign Direct Investments in Sri Laka 2009 report 19. Securities and Exchange Commission website (
published by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka ( lk/?page_id=1434&lang=en)
15. Sri Lankan Stock Market Crashes to Lowest Level in 2011 (19th October
2011) (
20. Sri Lanka SEC Head Resigns (2nd December 2011) (http://www.colom- 24. Interview with Mr. K.C. Vignarajah 25. Interview with Mr. K.C.Vignarajah
21. Mr. Arritha Wickremenayake at a Sambhashana Discussion held June 4th 2012
22. Mr. Arritha Wickremanayake at a Sambhashana discussion June 4th 2012
23. Rienzie Lashes out at Culture of Bad Governance (10th May 2012) Andree,
Mario (
26. Interview with Mr. Arritha Wickremanayake The SEC must also raise awareness on the ability
of the SEC Act, that it is a legal document to
be followed by investors that provides a level
playing field. In this same vein, awareness of the
Discussing insider trading various possible avenues of market manipulation
Insider trading in the Stock Market was the theme of a must be made. This public awareness will instill
Sambhashana discussion organised by TISL in the aftermath of
the NSB TFC deal.
a sense of what is acceptable and what is not on
the trading floor.
Opening the discussion, former Director-General of the Securities
Exchange Commission (SEC), Arittha Wickremanayake said that
there is a serious lack of understanding as to why insider trading
is considered to be an offence. Adding that recent scandals have CSOs must conduct public awareness campaigns
clearly highlighted that whilst people like the idea that there is a
scandal, they dont really try to understand why it is dangerous,
on the misuse of public funds in the stock
and the public interest in stopping it. exchange, how the stock market works in an
He added that although there is a dangerous perception that elementary form and how white collar crime
regulation is a cure for every market illness, it is not so. Regulation
merely provides a basic framework for facilitating operations of affects more than just rich people. The need for
markets, and in Sri Lanka, the object of the SEC is to create and
maintain an orderly and fair market, and to regulate it and to
a change in perception is stronger now more than
ensure that professional standards are maintained, he said. ever. As mentioned earlier, public perception on
Parliamentarian Sunil Handunetti blamed the government for white collar crime must be changed; the public
manipulating the share market by investing government pension
funds like the EPF. Stressing that the government was responsible must understand that the implications and
for the public funds, which are life-long savings of innocent
people, he pointed out that instead of protecting these funds, the
consequences of market manipulation effect the
government is misusing public funds to inflate the capital market overall wellbeing of the economy and thus, the
to create a false illusion in the minds of the people.
public themselves suffer.
Parliamentarian Eran Wickramaratne pointed out the need
to appoint a Parliamentary Select Committee to investigate
the happenings of the stock market. Emphasising on the need
to protect the funds of the employees, he pointed out that the
government does not have a right to misuse this money for their
personal glory.