Faculty of Education and Languages: TH TH RD

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1. Your assignment should be typed using 12-point Times New Roman font
and 1.5 line spacing.

2. You are to submit assignment only in MS-WORD format unless specified

otherwise. Please refrain from converting text/phrases into picture
format such as .gif / .jpeg / print screen / etc.

3. Submission Method:

a. Face-to-face student:
You MUST submit a softcopy of your assignment online through
myINSPIRE and a hardcopy to your facilitator.

b. Online student:
You MUST submit a softcopy of your assignment via myINSPIRE
and another softcopy to the e-facilitator via e-mail.

You can submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file in

myINSPIRE. You are advised to keep a copy of your submitted
assignment and the RECEIPT as evidence of online submission.

4. Your assignment must be submitted on 24th 26th February 2017 (3rd


5. Your assignment should be prepared individually. You should not copy

another persons assignment. You should also not plagiarise another
persons work as your own.


This assignment accounts for 50% of the total marks for the course.


Warning: The submitted assignment will automatically undergo a

similarity check. If plagiarism is detected, marks would be deducted as

N Similarities Group Marks Deduction

o. (%) (%)
1. 0 30 0
2. 30.01 50 5
3. 50.01 70 10
4. 70.01 - 100 100

Assignments found to have similarities under any of the categories above;

will not be entitled to apply for appeal. For learners who fall into the
70.01-100 similarities group, the access for online appeal for assignment
remarking of the subject will be disabled from the appeal options.


The objective of this assignment is to enable you to develop knowledge and skills in the
following areas of competency:

i. understand SPSS Statistics data file structure for exploratory data analysis
procedures; and

ii. prepare the SPSS Statistics data file for descriptive data analysis.

Answer all questions in this assignment. Read up the HMEF5113 module and the
recommended books on statistical analysis and SPSS Statistics.

You must submit this assignment in MS Word file via myINSPIRE together with your SPSS
Statistics Data file and SPSS Statistics Viewer file (SPSS output file). Save your assignment
under your name (e.g. Zarina Assignment 1.docx for MS Word file, Zarina Assignment 1.sav
for SPSS Data file and Zarina Assignment 1.spv for SPSS Viewer file). See further
instructions on the submission of your assignment under Notes below.


HMEF5113 Dataset for Assignments 1 & 2 January 2017.sav was extracted from a school
effectiveness survey. The questionnaire for this survey comprised 6 constructs: Construct 1:
Demographic information; Construct 2: Teachers involvement in decision-making of school
affairs; Construct 3: Management effectiveness; Construct 4: Facilities for teaching and
learning; Construct 5: School administrator teacher relationship; and Construct 6:
Teachers motivation.

The questionnaire was administered to 137 teachers using a 5-point Likert scale with 1.
corresponding to Strongly Disagree, 2. Disagree, 3. Neither Agree Nor Disagree, 4. Agree,
and 5. Strongly Agree.

Study this dataset carefully and answer the following questions:

a. Run a frequency count of the following variables: i. Schools (Schools which

participated in the survey), and ii. Master (Postgraduate qualifications - Masters
degree). Generate the frequency tables and pie charts to show the distribution by
Schools and Master. Describe the frequency distribution output.

[8 marks]

b. What is random sampling? Using the HMEF5113 Dataset for Assignments 1 & 2.sav,
create a random sample comprising 30 cases or respondents from the 137 teachers
who participated in the survey. Run the frequency procedure to show the output.


[3 marks]
c. Using the Age variable, create an ordinal-type variable with the following categories:
i. 20 years and below, ii. 21 to 40 years, iii. 41 to 60 years, and 4. 61 years and
above. Show a frequency distribution table of the newly created ordinal-type Age
variable. Describe the frequency distribution table.
[5 marks]

d. Using the Age variable of teachers who participated in the survey, compute the
following measures of central tendency: i. Mean, ii. Median, iii. Mode and the
measures of dispersion comprising i. Range, ii. Variance, and iii. Standard deviation.
Describe the output for measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion.

[4 marks]

e. Run a crosstabulation between the Schools variable and the Age Category variable
(new variable created under section c. above). Describe the crosstabulation findings.

[3 marks]

f. Run an exploratory data analysis of Construct 5 (School administrator - teacher

relationship) variable by Master (Postgraduate qualifications - Master's degree).
Describe the exploratory data analysis output.
[20 marks]

g. Describe how you would go about addressing missing values in a dataset when
respondents failed to fill-up their responses.

[3 marks]

h. Discuss the differences between dependent variable and independent variable in

statistical analysis.

[4 marks]


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