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A simple, economic, precise and accurate Reverse Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatographical method has
been developed for the simultaneous estimation of Acebrophylline and N-Acetylcysteine in tablet dosage form. An enable
Hypersil BDS, C18, 100 x 4.6 mm, 5 particle size column was used as stationary phase. The mobile phase consisting of a
mixture of buffer solution and acetonitrile (90:10) was pumped isocratically at a flow rate of 1 ml/min with detection at 260nm.
The retention time of Acebrophylline and N-Acetylcysteine were found to be 5.5 min and 2.3 min respectively. The calibration
curves were linear over a concentration range of 25-150 g/ml with coefficient regression (r2) = 0.9995 for Acebrophylline and
(r2) = 0.9996 for N-Acetylcysteine. The limits of detections were 0.18 g/ml and 1.50 g/ml for Acebrophylline & N-
Acetylcysteine respectively. The selectivity, specificity, system suitability, ruggedness and robustness were performed as per
ICH guidelines. In quantitative and recovery studies was 100.37% and 100.8% for Acebrophylline and N-Acetylcysteine
respectively. The percentage RSD was found to be less than 2. Due to the simplicity, rapidity and accuracy of the method with
believe that the method will be useful for routine quality control analysis of Acebrophylline and N-Acetylcysteine in
pharmaceutical formulation.
Acebrophylline is an anti-inflammatory and phase. It increases the mucociliary clearance by stimulating
airway mucus regulator. It contains ambroxol and cilia motility. Acebrophylline inhibits phospholipase A,
theophylline-7-acetic acid are facilitates the biosynthesis of and phosphatidylcholine leading to lesser production of the
pulmonary surfactant while later raises blood levels of powerful pro-inflammatory substances like leukotrienes
ambroxol, by stimulating surfactant production [1]. and tumour necrosis factor. By inhibiting the synthesis and
Chemically acebrophylline (Fig 1) is (1, 3- dimethyl-2, 6- release of these inflammatory mediators, acebrophylline
dioxo-1, 2, 3, 6- tetrahydro-7H-purine-7yl) acetic acid- reduces inflammation, a key factor in airway obstruction,
4[((2-amino-3, 5-dibromophenyl) methyl) amino] especially in chronic forms [2].
cyclohexanol. It is a salt obtained by reaction of equimolar Acetylcysteine (NAC), ((2R)-2-(acetylamino)-3-
amounts of theophylline-7-acetic acid and ambroxol [2]. sulfanylpropanoic acid) is a mucolytic agent used in
Theophylline-7-acetate has a bronchodilator effect due to bronchitis, pulmonary diseases and respiratory disorders
inhibition of the intracellular phosphodiesterases, followed associated with active cough. It depolymerises
by an increase of adenosine monophosphate cyclic levels, mucopolysaccharides, reduces the viscosity of pulmonary
which promote the relaxation of bronchial muscles. secretions. Besides mucolytic effect it also has anti-oxidant
Ambroxol modifies the mucous gel phase of secretions by and antiinflammatory effects and it is used as an antidote in
decreasing the viscosity and increasing the serous gel Paracetamol poisoning [3]. More recently, animal and
method was computed by the determination of recovery for concentrations that are within the specified range that 25%,
three concentrations [5]. The amount of ACB and NAC 50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, 150% of Acebrophylline and
was recovered and then percentage of drug content was Acetylcysteine. The calibration curves were plotted
calculated. between certain concentrations [5] and average peak areas.
The results were shown in fig 5.
Precision was studied to find out system Robustness
precision, method precision and interday variation. In Robustness study with effect of flow rate
method precision, a homogenous sample of a single batch Robustness was carried by small deliberate
was analyzed six times. The % RSD of the assay value for changes in chromatographic conditions at three different
six determinations was calculated. The system precision levels and retention time was noted. The factors selected
was checked by measuring six successive injections of were flow rate and pH. To carry out the test method with
Acebrophylline and Acetylcysteine standard to ensure that variation of flow rate ( 0.2 ml/minute of set value, i.e. 0.8
the analytical system was precise [7]. The percentage RSD and 1.2 ml/minute) and PH (+ 0.2 of set value). Prepare
was calculated for ACB and NAC shown in table 4. standard preparation and perform analysis as per test
method and evaluate the system suitability parameters [8].
The standard stock solution and sample stock System suitability test
solution were prepared by different analysts on different To establish the chromatographic conditions, a
days and the resulting solutions were injected and system suitability test during the development and
chromatograms are recorded. optimization of the method was performed. The test was
Precision was studied to find out system performed by injecting standard mixture to the
precision, method precision and interday variation. The chromatographic system and the various parameters,
percentage RSD was calculated for ACB and NAC, Table retention time, tailing factor and theoretical plates were
(4) shows the results of the test obtained by running the computed as reported by the International conference
samples for two days by various analysts. harmonized guidelines [4, 6].
Linearity was determined by the regression Limit of Quantification (LOQ) and Limit of Detection
analysis and was studied by preparing standard solution at (LOD)
different concentration levels (25-150%). Acebrophylline The limit of quantification (LOQ) and limit of
and Acetylcysteine standard solutions are prepared across detection (LOD) were calculated using the signal-to-noise-
the range of the analytical method with a minimum of five ratio of 10 and 3 the results were tabulated III.
3 100.667 100.2917
4 100.1357 99.32941
5 101.262 99.71991
6 100.4335 98.77111
AVG 100.4468 99.60537
SD 0.566493 0.512353
%RSD 0.56 0.51
Table 4. Linearity Results, Limit of Detection (LOD) and Limit of Quantification (LOQ)
Parameters Acebrophylline Acetylcysteine
Number of samples 5 5
Correlation range ( g /mL) 25-150 (g/mL) 25-150 (g/mL)
Regression coefficient 0.9995 0.9996
Limit of Quantification (g/mL) 0.568100676 4.558335662
Limit of Detection (g/mL) 0.187473223 1.504250768
Fig 5. Chromatogram for linearity concentration at 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, 150%
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Asian J. Pharm. Res. Vol 5, Issue 3, 143-150, 2015.
RESULT AND DISCUSSION not interfere in the drug peak (Fig 2&3). The ruggedness
The chromatogram of sample and standard are study of standard solution (Fig 10-11) indicated that the
shown in the figure 1 and 2 indicating retention time for retention times for both the drugs were not so different and
ACB was 5.504 and 5.509 respectively. Similarly the relative standard deviations of drugs are less than 2. This
retention time for NAC was 2.370 and 2.370 respectively might be due to proper system suitability (Table 4). Table
which is not so different it can be conclude that the 5 Indicated that system suitability parameters for drugs
developed RP-HPLC method is accurate and precise Acebrophylline and Acetylcysteine. The resolution for
without any interference and overlapping (Fig 3). The both the drugs was found to be more than 2. Hence it can
assay of acebrophylline and acetylcysteine was calculated be concluded that the RP-HPLC method shown the
and mentioned in Table I. This data of both the drugs reproducibility for the method systems.
complies with the standard specifications of 50%, 100%
and 150% recovery data for acebrophylline and CONCLUSION
acetylcysteine are shown in Table II .The % recovery of From the above results, method was found to be
sample was observed between 99 to 101% and relative accurate, precise, linear, specific, system suitable, robust
standard deviation was 0.5 and 0.4 for NAC, ACB proved to be sensitive, convenient and cost effective for the
respectively. Hence the data shown under accuracy estimation of Acebrophylline and Acetycysteine in tablet
parameters were found within the prescribed limits, dosage form. The proposed method has a run time of
indicating that the developed method was accurate and 8mintues, which makes the method simple, cost effective
prcised (Fig 6-9). The linearity parameter and and suitable for the routine analysis of Acebrophylline and
corresponding regression data indicated excellent linear Acetylcysteine in tablet dosage form.
relationship (R2 =0.9999) for ACB and (R2 =0.9998) for
NAC (table 3). Fig.4 indicates ACB and NAC were ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
obeying Beer Lamberts law limit. The LOD and LOQ for The author thank Fourrts (India) Laboratories Pvt.
the ACB were found 0.18 (g/mL) and 0.56 (g/mL), Ltd, India for making Acebrophylline and Acetylcysteine
while for NAC was 1.50 (g/mL) and 4.55 (g/mL) and marketed pulmoclear tablet preparation available for
respectively. This specificity test of the proposed method experiments and also thanks to Krishna Teja Charities
demonstrated that the excipients of tablet formulation do Trust for providing facility to take over this project work.
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