A e Marginal Keratitis
A e Marginal Keratitis
A e Marginal Keratitis
Marginal keratitis
What is marginal keratitis? Lid hygiene to treat the blepharitis
Marginal keratitis is an inflammation of the which causes marginal keratitis, you need
cornea the clear window on the front of to undertake good lid hygiene. You
your eye and is usually due to a should do this once or twice a day even
condition called blepharitis (please see when you do not have any symptoms, to
the separate information leaflet on prevent marginal keratitis from recurring.
blepharitis). Less commonly, it is caused
by wearing contact lenses. Warm compresses Use water that
is hot, but not hot enough to burn.
Soak cotton wool or a clean flannel in
Your eyelids contain tiny glands that make
the water, wring out and gently press
oil which keeps your eyes moist. In
onto your closed eyelids for two to
blepharitis, these glands become blocked,
three minutes at a time. This melts the
which causes your eyelids to become
oily secretion blocking the openings of
irritated and your eyes sore. In some
the glands and softens any lash flakes.
cases, dandruff-like flakes build up at the
base of the eyelashes. Lid massage Massage your eyelids
by gently rolling your index finger over
them in a circular motion or running the
It is thought that, in some people, length of your finger up and down your
blepharitis is partly caused by sensitivity eyelids towards your eyelashes. This
to the bacteria (staphylococcus) which helps to push out the oil from the tiny
normally live on the skin. The surface of eyelid glands.
the eye can become inflamed. The eye Lid scrubs Use a moistened cotton
becomes red and sore and may develop bud to gently clean the inside edge of
small white ulcers around the edge of the your eyelids and more firmly scrub off
cornea. This is called marginal keratitis. any flakes on the lashes. This is best
What is the treatment? done in front of a mirror.