The Oxfam Gender Training Manual
The Oxfam Gender Training Manual
The Oxfam Gender Training Manual
Suzanne Williams
with Janet Seed
and Adelina Mwau
With contributions from
Oxfam staff and others
(UK and Ireland)
First published by Oxfam UK and Ireland 1994
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Acknowledgements x
Foreword xi
Preface xiti
A2 Key concepts 4
B Facilitators' guidelines 15
1 Introductions
1 Meaning of names 30 mins 51
2 Admiring the opposite sex 50 mins 53
3 Sharing our experiences of gender lhr 55
4 Who am I Where do I come from? 45 mins-1 hr 57
5 Life story 1-VAhrs 59
2 Expectations
6 Expectations, hopes and fears lhr 61
(Handout 1 Pre-course questionnaire) 63
7 Ground rules 15 mins 65
8 Introduction to the workshop 20 mins 67
9 Objectives jigsaw lhr 69
4 Consensus on development
11 What is development? 2 hrs 75
12 Community development lhr 77
13 The liberator lhr 79
The Oxfam Gender Training Manual Oxfam UK and Ireland 1994 iii
C.3 Gender awareness and self-awareness 81
1 Analytical frameworks
47 Moser method 2 hrs 253
(Handout 37 Gender planning summary table) 255
48 The Harvard Framework 2-2'Ahrs 257
(Handout 38 Programme planning .-forestry in Indonesia) 259
(Handout 39 Harvard analytical framework) 267
(Handout 40 Activities profile) 269
(Handout 41 Access and control profile) 271
(Handout 42 People-oriented analytical framework) 273
(Handout 43 Activities analysis) 275
(Handout 44 Resource use and control) 277
(Handout 45 Determinants analysis) 279
(Handout 46 Women refugees in Bangladesh) 281
49 Comparison of methods lhr 287
50 Longwe Method 2 hrs 289
(Handout 47 Gender awareness) 291
(Handout 48 Charts for project gender profile) 301
(Handout 49 Gender profile of country programme) 303
51 Gender awareness in projects 45 mins-1 hr 305
(Handout 50 Gender awareness in project planning) 307
52 Mappping for Mars 2 hrs 313
53 Bangladesh maps 25 mins 315
(Handout 51 Bangladesh maps) 317
54 Checklists 319
(Handout 52 Harvard method checklist) 321
(Handout 53 Check list for disaster relief) 325
(Handout 54 Integrating a gender perspective) 329
(Handout 55 Checklist for development projects) 331
(Handout 56 Women's status criteria) 335
55 Design a project l'A-2hrs 337
2 Case studies
56 Using case studies 1-2 hrs 339
(Handout 57 Case study: Ngwee nutrition group) 341
(Handout 58 Case study: Mozambican refugees) 343
(Handout 59 Designing case studies) 347
57 Mwea rice scheme l'A-2hrs 351
(Handout 60 Mwea rice scheme Part 1) 353
(Handout 61 Mwea rice scheme Part 2) 355
58 Mini case studies 40 mins 357
(Handout 62 Mini case studies) 359
59 Women in a Sudanese refugee camp 1'Ahrs 361
(Handout 63 Meeting with women Part 1) 363
The Oxfam Gender Training Manual Oxfam UK and Ireland 1994 vii
72 Creation story 1'Ahrs 453
(Handout 87 Biblical background notes) 455
73 Chains that bind us 1'Ahrs 457
(Handout 88 Our experience) 459
(Handout 89 Biblical background notes) 461
1 Listening
74 Distortion of message 40 mins 465
75 Listening skills 35 mins 467
(Handout 90 Good and bad listening) 469
76 Listening to women 2 hrs 471
77 Did you know she knows a lot? 1'Ahrs 473
(Handout 91 What does she know about...) 475
Vlll The Oxfam Gender Training Manual Oxfam UK and Ireland 1994
(Handout 109 Copadeba Part 2) 555
1 Background reading 613
2 Training resources 616
3 Gender and development training resources 618
4 Videos 623
5 Organisations and networks 626
This manual is the result of the work of gender trainers all over the world, over many
years. The majority of the activities presented here have been used by Oxfam
trainers in workshops and training courses in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the
Middle East, or in courses run in the UK for Oxfam staff. Many of these activies
were developed by Oxfam staff; many more have been used and adapted by so many
trainers over the years that it is impossible to trace their original sources. However,
wherever we have been able to identify the source, we have always cited it. Thanks
are due to gender trainers who sent us activities specifically for this Manual: they are
Carola Carbojal, Sheelu Francis, Michelle Friedman, Irene Guijt and Alice
Thanks are also due to those who read and commented on the early drafts Judy
El-Bushra, Sheelu Francis, Michelle Friedman, Irene Guijt, Naila Kabeer, Itziar
Lozano, Nicky May, Eugenia Piza-Lopez, Janet Sly and especially Bridget Walker.
We are grateful for the feedback from Irungu Houghton, Wanjiku Mukabi Kabira,
Wambui Kimathi, Masheti Masinjila, Anne Obura and Dutea Onyango, who
attended a three-day readers' workshop on the Manual in Kenya.
Betty Hawkins keyed in all the material (more than once). Many thanks to her for
this arduous task, and also to Rebecca Dale and Charlotte Higgins for their help.
Suzanne Williams researched, collated, wrote, and edited the Manual, with the help
of Janet Seed, who contributed material, advised on the Facilitator's notes, and
wrote sections B and C9. Adelina Mwau contributed material and ideas, and
convened the Kenya readers' workshop.
This book has drawn on the work of gender trainers, and writers on gender issues,
from all over the world. Wherever possible, the source is given for each activity and
handout, unless the material was provided by one of the authors, or by Oxfam.
Oxfam is grateful to the following individuals and organisations for permission to
use published material: Aga Khan Foundation Canada; Mary Anderson; Michelle
Friedman; Sara Hlupekile Longwe; Liz Mackenzie and CACE Publications,
University of the Western Cape; Mambo Press, Zimbabwe; Caroline O N Moser;
Margaret Murray; New Internationalist Magazine; Dave Richards; Alice Welbourn;
Whyld Publishing Co-op; Zed Books. We have been unable to trace the sources and
copyright holders for some of the material included. We would be glad to hear from
anyone whose material has not been fully acknowledged, so that any omissions can
be corrected should the book be reprinted.
'At this training we have learnt that women are all the same: they fight for survival,
and do not wait for a man to bring food.'
'We have shared freely and learnt from each other, building sisterhood. I know now
that as a woman I have no country, no tribe; my tribe, my country, is the whole world.'
The voices are those of participants at gender training sessions in Kenya and Tanzania.
They show the potential of gender training to transform people's perceptions of
themselves and their communities. The Oxfam Gender Training Manual represents
the experience of Oxfam (United Kingdom and Ireland) of using gender training in the
implementation of gender policy, enabling women to end their vulnerability, assert
their power, and effect positive change.
Oxfam's Gender and Development Unit (GADU) was set up in 1985 to address a
growing concern that many development initiatives, far from benefiting women, were
actually marginalising them and rendering them powerless. Since the early days of
GADU's existence, gender training has been a key strategy, used to sensitise Oxfam
staff and partners to gender issues, and to learn from our grassroots experience.
Trainers from within GADU and outside Oxfam have conducted workshops and
training sessions with our partner organisations, and women at grassroots level, in
order to ensure that women's voices are heard, and Oxfam can respond to their needs.
Together with planning, monitoring and evaluation, and recruitment, gender training
is a tool in the process of implementing gender-fair development, rather than an end in
itself. Rather than promoting a mechanical implementation of gender equitable
development, gender training aims to develop thought and action in a transformational
manner, enabling participants to explore the issues, understand the dynamics of their
societies and apply the concept of gender analysis to everyday development practice.
Gender training seeks to stimulate recognition and respect for women's own
knowledge, leading to increased awareness and ability to address gender inequity. It
is concerned, not with others, but with us ourselves, our work and our organisations.
As such, it is a two-way process where facilitators and participants share knowledge
and learn together.
In the Gender Team, training work has been mostly carried out by Eugenia Piza
Lopez, Jan Seed, and Bridget Walker, with the support of Oxfam's field staff,
including Adelina Mwau, Vishalakshi Padmanabhan, Galuh Wandita, Lot Felizco,
Sonia Vasquez, Assitan Coulibaly, and Mariam Dem. Suzanne Williams, who has
extensive experience in gender and development work, and a close association with
the Gender Team, was asked to help us to put together a training resource. A debt of
gratitude is owed to her and to Jan Seed and Adelina Mwau, for their roles in the
development of the Manual. In this process, they have drawn upon the richness of
Oxfam's experience of working with trainers from all over the world.
Finally, thanks are due to the pioneering work of those who have developed
theoretical frameworks which enable practitioners to understand gender and
development theory. These include Caroline Moser, Sara Hlupekile Longwe,
Maxine Molyneaux and Naila Kabeer. Thanks to them, we are able to assess and
challenge their thinking, and our own practice.
xii The Oxfam Gender Training Manual Oxfam UK and Ireland 1994
In recent years Oxfam has made a firm commitment to address gender inequality
and the impoverishment of women in all its development and relief work, and to
seek models and methods which respond to women's specific needs as well as those
they share with men. This is a task which provides a continuous challenge. The field
of gender analysis is constantly developing, and Oxfam's contribution to this field is
part of a learning process which we share with our counterpart organisations all over
the world.
In the spirit of this mutual learning about gender, we have put together a training
manual which draws on our experience over the years, and the work of many
colleagues in the North and the South. The conceptual framework is based on the
work of many writers and practitioners in the field of gender and development, and
on the work of Oxfam's Gender and Development Team. Within this framework, we
have put together a large number of participatory activities which have been tested
in gender workshops and training courses all over the world most have been used
by Oxfam trainers for training field staff and men and women from amongst our
counterparts in development. They have been gathered from a variety of sources and
reflect the experiences and approaches of women from different cultural, economic
and national backgrounds.
This manual is designed for the use of staff of non-governmental organisations
(NGOs) who have some experience in running workshops or training courses, and
for experienced gender trainers. Its aim is to provide practical tools for the training
of development workers who are in a position to influence the planning and
implementation of development and relief programmes at different levels. While
the manual offers an introduction to the basic concepts used in gender analysis and
how to apply them to practical work, the activities are not intended for awareness-
raising for grassroots groups.
We hope this will be a special contribution to the field of gender training. There
has been a strong demand from the NGO sector for training materials of this kind.
When Oxfam's Gender and Development Unit (now the Gender Team) was
established in 1985, training in gender awareness was the first and most urgent
demand from the field offices for its services. Over the past seven years Oxfam
trainers have carried out gender training in Latin America, Asia, and Africa, as well
as with staff in the UK headquarters through regularly-programmed Gender and
Development and Gender and Communications courses. The demand is still
growing, from within and outside Oxfam. We trust that this manual will be a helpful
response to what is an encouraging growth of awareness in the NGO sector of the
central importance of gender analysis in development and relief work.
A distinctive feature of this manual is that it combines self-awareness work,
through activities which address women's and men's self-awareness and gender
awareness, with training in methods of gender analysis. We believe that self-
awareness in relation to gender is central to training development and relief agency
The Oxfam Gender Training Manual Oxfam UK and Ireland 1994 xiii
staff in the use of analytical tools. Awareness training addresses attitudes,
perceptions and beliefs; unless people are sensitive to gender inequalities, gender
analysis training is unlikely in the long run to change planning and practice in
development and relief agencies' work. We believe that unless people's emotions
are touched, and their practices in their personal lives are brought into the
discussion, there is a risk that gender awareness will remain merely an intellectual
construct, and will be limited in its power to bring about meaningful social change.
We have produced this manual in a format to facilitate reproduction of the
activities, handouts and other material. Please use it in this way, but always cite the
source clearly: The Oxfam Gender Training Manual, whenever you copy parts of
the manual.
Finally, as we are engaged in a process of constant renewal of our ideas and
revitalisation of our experience, we would welcome hearing from you, as users, with
your feedback on the manual, as well as your discoveries and new insights in the
field of gender training.
Suzanne Williams
Oxford, September 1994
xiv The Oxfam Gender Training Manual Oxfam UK and Ireland 1994
A.I A guide to this manual
Welcome to this Manual! Before you take the plunge into it, here are a few notes to
help you find your way around it.
Basic Structure
The Manual begins with information and ideas for you, the trainer/facilitator. The
Introductory Section A2 offers a brief summary of the Key concepts related to
Gender and Gender and Development for your reference throughout the course;
Section B presents detailed Facilitator's guidelines with the principles behind
gender training, and steps to follow when planning and carrying out a workshop.
Section C is organised like a training course or workshop. The topic sections are
roughly in the order they should be used, but we have not set them out as a pre-
designed course. By selecting the topics you need, you should be able to run a range
of different courses appropriate to the needs of your group, from a day-long gender
analysis workshop for NGO emergency staff to a two-week course for project
workers on gender awareness, analysis and planning. Section C. flows like this:
Sections C.I and C.2 start the group off, and begin to look at participants' views
about development (Introductions and Expectations; Sharing work experience
and Consensus on development). Any course you run will need to start off with
some of these activities.
Section C.3 contains a number of activities on Gender awareness and Self-
awareness for women and men. Some of these are for women or men only, other
are for mixed groups. The women- or men-only ones could also be used with mixed
groups; this depends on your particular group, its needs, and its level of awareness,
its capacity to take risks. You will be the best judge of this!
Because we believe that in gender training you should not separate self-
awareness from analysis, we suggest you always include some of the activities in
Section C.3. How deep you want to go will depend on how much time you have; but
don't leave it out altogether.
Sections C.4, C.5 and C.6. begin to move into gender analysis and more in-depth
exploration of concepts and ideas about development and relief work. Gender roles
and needs are followed by suggested factual inputs on Women in the world, and
work on Gender and development, including wrong assumptions about women
and development, the concepts of participation and empowerment, and their
application to development and relief work.
The roles and needs activities are essential for laying the foundations for gender
analysis, particularly the Moser method, which is taught in detail in Section C.7,
Gender-sensitive appraisal and planning. Wrong assumptions should always be
counteracted by facts about women.
At the beginning of each section, you will find a list of the activities in it, with the
accompanying Handouts, and the timing for the activities. These are approximate,
Q It is tempting to pick out activities because they look attractive don't do it that
way! Work out your aims and objectives, identify the needs of your group, plan the
workshop then choose activities which meet your requirements.
The Handouts are designed to be easy to photocopy. We have tried to keep the
explanatory or analytical sections at the beginning of the Manual short, and put lots
of information into the Handouts, so that participants will be able to take this
information home with them. Because of this, some handouts are rather long, but
you can adapt them as you need to.
We have used the word 'flipchart' to describe the large sheets of blank paper,
used in training sessions, which are bound together into a pad, and sometimes used
on a flipchart-stand. These are not always available, so any large sheets of paper,
such as newsprint, can be used instead. Similarly, we have used 'marker pens' to
describe the large, often felt-tipped, pens commonly used by trainers; but other
writing implements can be used where these are not available.
The key to understanding how development and relief work affects men, women,
girls, and boys is grasping the concept of gender.
What is gender? The word was used by Ann Oakley and others in the 1970s to
describe those characteristics of men and women which are socially determined, in
contrast to those which are biologically determined. This distinction between
gender and sex has very important implications, which are elaborated throughout
this manual.
Essentially, the distinction between sex and gender is made to emphasise that
everything women and men do, and everything expected of them, with the
exception of their sexually distinct functions (childbearing and breastfeeding;
impregnation) can change, and does change, over time and according to
changing and varied social and cultural factors.
The term gender can meet with resistance, amongst both native English speakers
and speakers of other languages. Language and culture shape each other, and it says
much about our deeply based cultural assumptions that a term to describe the
possibility of change and variety in men and women's roles has been introduced so
recently! But while the term itself may sound alien to many people, the concept
resonates powerfully with the lived experience of both women and men. It is this
concept that is important, and the early sections of this manual offer ways of making
it real through experiential learning, (see Section C3 Building Gender
A working definition ofgender.people are born female or male, but learn to be
girls and boys who grow into women and men. They are taught what the
appropriate behaviour and attitudes, roles and activities are for them, and how
they should relate to other people. This learned behaviour is what makes up
gender identity, and determines gender roles.
Gender is a dynamic concept: gender roles for women and men vary greatly
from one culture to another, and from one social group to another within the same
culture. Race, class, economic circumstances, age all of these influence what is
considered appropriate for women and men. Furthermore, as culture is dynamic,
and socio-economic conditions change over time, so gender patterns change with
them. Sudden crises, like war or famine, can radically and rapidly change what men
and women do although sometimes (as women ex-combatants in liberation
struggles have found) after the crisis the old attitudes may return. But sometimes the
changes have a permanent impact.
In relation to work: both women and men have roles in the spheres of
production (of goods and services) and public life, from the community to the
governmental level. However, the tasks associated with the reproduction of society
(ensuring basic needs at family and household level are met, homes and children are
maintained and cared for) fall almost entirely on women's shoulders. One of the
results of this is that, the world over, women have longer working days than men.
Another key issue is the way work is valued. For all its enormous importance,
reproductive work is undervalued its lack of value is expressed by the failure to
recognise that it is 'real' work. Women who labour in the home commonly say 'oh,
I don't work', because their work is not recognised and remunerated. In the UK, for
example, if the reproductive (or domestic) work of women were valued at current
market rates, women would earn in the region of 12,000 to 15,000 a year for it.
The productive work of women is often seen as an extension of their reproductive
work and likewise undervalued. While men's agricultural work is often
cultivating cash crops, for example, women's food production for family
consumption is unpaid and taken for granted. Women, effectively, pay themselves,
through self-provisioning. But their work is often not considered, by themselves as
well as by others, to be 'real work'. (See Handouts 21and 22: Mr Moyo goes to the
Doctor and The Lie of the Land)
In the public sphere, at all levels, with a few notable exceptions, it is men who
hold the high-status positions and have decision-making power: women tend to fill
the roles of support persons and organisers. While men's work in this sphere is
highly rewarded, women's work is often under-valued.
The inequalities in gender roles, and the resulting different needs of women and
men, is explored in Section C.4: Gender Roles and Needs.
In relation to human rights: the world over, women are denied their human
rights. Gender differentiation is about inequality and about power relations between
men and women. Half the world's people is subordinate to the other half, in
thousands of different ways, because of the sex they are born with. Despite
international human rights law which guarantees all people equal rights,
irrespective of sex, race, caste and so on, women are denied equal rights with men to
land, to property, to mobility, to education, to employment opportunities, to shelter,
to food, to worship, and over the lives of their children. Women are denied the right
even to manage, control and care for the health of their own bodies, and their
reproductive functions. In many cultures women's bodies are ritually maimed and
mutilated, and women are routinely beaten and even murdered in the name of
cultural tradition, despite the fact that international human rights law prohibits
cultural practices which are damaging to women. Violence against women is an
abuse of human rights.
In relation to culture and religion: women face the same discrimination as they
do in other spheres, and both religion and culture are sources of gender oppression
and inequality. While religions may teach equality between people, in practice
women usually have a subordinate role and may be excluded altogether from the
religious hierarchy. Different interpretations of religious texts, and different
religious traditions within the Christian church, for example, have different
implications for women. Religion nevertheless holds out the promise of equality
and justice, and this is why despite its role as a powerful form of male control over
the lives of women, it continues to be a source of hope and support to many women.
There are many culturally-sanctioned practices such as genital mutilation, and
preferential feeding of boys which damage women and make their lives more
difficult and painful. Culture, however, like religion, can also be the source of
cohesion and solidarity amongst women, and amongst women and men. Cultural
aspects of gender come up throughout the manual, and some specific issues are
Development approaches
Gender and Development (GAD), and Women in Development (WID) are often
used interchangeably, and programming with a gender focus is often thought to
mean supporting more projects for women. It is important to remember that while
these terms only incorporate 'development' they apply equally to relief in
The WID approach usually seeks to integrate women into development by
making more resources available to women, in an effort to increase women's
efficiency in their existing roles. Very often, this approach has increased women's
workloads, reinforced inequalities, and widened the gap between men and women.
The GAD approach seeks to base interventions on the analysis of men's and
women's roles and needs in an effort to empower women to improve their position
relative to men in ways which will benefit and transform society as a whole. GAD is
thus driven by a powerful motivation to work for equity and respect for human
rights for all people. These approaches are presented in Section C.6: Gender and
Development, which also explores the issues of women's empowerment and
participation in development and relief in emergencies.
Gender awareness
Gender cannot simply be 'stitched on' to existing development models, nor added
into development and relief programmes as an extra component. Gender awareness
is not a separate or additional issue to be addressed; it is a way of seeing, a
perspective, a set of insights which informs our understanding of people and society.
As we have seen, gender is at the heart of human identity and all human attitudes,
There is now a wide range of gender tools of analysis and planning, and gender
analysis frameworks. In this manual we present only those which we have used, or
which have been used by our contributors. A checklist of questions or criteria with
which to measure women's development is a useful tool at both the appraisal and
planning stage: indicators can then be based on these criteria to evaluate the success
of development or relief programmes. A number of checklists are presented in
Section C.7, with Activity 54 Checklists, which aims to enable participants to use
them, or devise their own.
Tools of appraisal
Appraisal tools, such as Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) and Participatory Rural
Appraisal (PRA), as well as others with more emphasis on participative learning,
such as Participatory Learning Methods (PALM) or Participatory Assessment,
Monitoring and Evaluation (PAME), have been developed with the assumption that
because they use participatory methods, they will elicit information from women
equally with men. Whether this is the case will depend on the social and cultural
factors governing gender relations in any given area or social group, and the extent
to which women are able to respond without fear. For these appraisal tools to be
gender-sensitive, they have to be used by gender-aware practitioners, and be based
on some pre-existing understanding of local determinants of gender relations.
Section C.7 presents some of the participatory tools of appraisal which can be used
in gender analysis.
Experiential learning
People learn most effectively when they are active participants in the process. The
activities in this manual use a variety of different techniques, exercises, and games
to involve people in analysis and reflection about their experience. The activities
present theories and frameworks of analysis to assist people in this process, and to
lead them towards planning for action based on what they have learned. Experiential
learning within a group means that people have the opportunity to share knowledge
and problems with others and work together to find solutions. This also means that
the building of group trust right at the beginning of any training which uses the
experiential method, is crucial to its success.
The role of the facilitator is to help participants get as much as possible out of
the activities and make sure that the key concepts and ideas are communicated and
understood. She or he should also be ready to adapt the programme in response to
needs and ideas which come up in the course of the training. This is further
discussed in Section B: Facilitator's guidelines.
1 Ann Oakley, Sex, Gender and Society, first published in 1972 by Temple-Smith,
2 Caroline Moser defined the triple role of women as reproductive, productive, and
community managing. Later in Gender Planning and Development Theory
Practice and Training, published by Routledge, London, 1993, she distinguishes
community management from community politics. These are examined in more
detail in Section C.4 Gender Roles and Needs.
3 The distinction between women's practical and strategic interests was first
defined by Maxine Molyneux in Molyneux M (1985) 'Mobilisation without
emancipation? Women's interests, state and revolution in Nicaragua', Feminist
Studies, 11 (2), and later developed into the notion of practical and strategic needs
by Caroline Moser in 'Gender planning in the Third World: meeting practical and
strategic gender needs', World Development 17; 11, 1989. See also Changing
Perceptions: Writings on Gender and Development, ed. Wallace and March,
Oxfam, Oxford, 1991.
4 This is outlined in Overholt, Anderson, Cloud and Austin (eds), A Case Book:
Gender Roles in Development Projects, Kumarian Press, 1985.
5 The CYA framework of analysis is described in Anderson and Woodrow (1989)
Rising from the Ashes, Westview Press/UNESCO.
6 Paulo Freire, in Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1972, Penguin Books), states of the
teacher-student relationship: 'problem-posing education, breaking the vertical
patterns characteristic of banking education, can fulfil its function of being the
practice of freedom only if it can overcome the contradiction [in the student-
teacher relationship]. [Teacher and student] become jointly responsible for a
process in which all grow.'