Weighted Cyclic Prefix OFDM: PAPR Analysis and Performances Comparison With DFT-Precoding

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Weighted Cyclic Prefix OFDM: PAPR Analysis and Performances

Comparison with DFT-Precoding


In this paper, we present a weighted cyclic prefix orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing

(WCP-OFDM) transceiver as a generalization of traditional cyclic prefix (CP) - OFDM. In time-
variant channels, this multicarrier transmission scheme may mitigate inter-channel interference
(ICI) thanks to the use of non-rectangular pulse shapes. A precoding step may be required in
order to reduce the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) at the transmitter output. For instance, a
discrete Fourier transform (DFT) precoder leads to a single carrier transmission scheme with
frequency domain equalization. We analyze the consequences of such a precoding, in terms of
performances, in the context of a time-frequency selective channel.



Cyclic prefix orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (CP-OFDM)

diagonalizes multipath time-invariant channels if the guard interval is longer
than the channel impulse response. As a consequence, perfect reconstruction
may be obtained by means of a single-tap per sub-channel equalizer [1].
Furthermore, the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm ensures a low-
complexity implementation. However, the Doppler spread introduced by
time-variant channels breaks the orthogonality between sub-channels and
inter-carrier interference (ICI) appears.
Filter bank based multicarrier (FBMC) systems
offer a more general transmission framework, providing non-rectangular
pulse-shape. The purpose of this approach is to design matched prototype
filters to time-frequency selective channels in order to yield better
performance results. Despite attractive performances, FBMC systems are
rarely recommanded in standardized applications because of their
computational complexity. Indeed, they require the use of polyphase matrix
filtering whose complexity increases with the length of the prototype filters
In this work, we focus on short prototype filters that
ensure a low-complexity implementation. Thus, we consider here the case of
filters with the same length as rectangular pulses used in CP-OFDM. The
difference with CP-OFDM is that the pulses do not need to be rectangular.
Such a generalization of CP-OFDM is referred to as weighted cyclic prefix
(WCP)- OFDM. As a multicarrier transmission scheme, WCP-OFDM is
characterized by its high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) which is a
major drawback for its hardware implementation.
In this study, we compare the PAPR of CP-OFDM
with a time-frequency optimized WCP-OFDM. We also define a DFT-
precoding block which leads to a single carrier (SC) block transmission
scheme with frequency domain equalization. We compare the performances
of both systems with LDPC channel coding and assuming a time-frequency
selective channel.

In time-variant channels, this multicarrier transmission scheme may mitigate inter-channel
interference (ICI) in that we use non-rectangular pulse shapes. A precoding step may be required
in order to reduce the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) at the transmitter output. For instance,
a discrete Fourier transform (DFT) precoder leads to a single carrier transmission scheme with
frequency domain equalization. We analyze the consequences of such a precoding, in terms of
performances, in the context of a time-frequency selective channel.

We compare the performances of both systems with LDPC channel coding
and assuming a time-frequency selective channel.


Operating system : Windows XP/7.
Coding Language : MATLAB
Tool : MATLAB R 2012



System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.

Hard Disk : 40 GB.
Floppy Drive : 1.44 Mb.
Monitor : 15 VGA Colour.
Mouse : Logitech.
Ram : 512 Mb.


Weighted cyclic prefix OFDM systems generalize traditional CP-OFDM, allowing the use of
non-rectangular filters. Even if time-frequency localized pulses yield interesting BER
performances in time-frequency selective channels, they also introduce a greater PAPR than
rectangular pulses, increasing with the oversampling factor. In order to mitigate the PAPR, a
DFT-precoding may be used, leading to a single carrier block transmission scheme. We have
shown, through simulation, that best (LDPC coded) BER performance results are achieved by a
multicarrier scheme, using TFL pulse, assuming a realistic time-frequency selective channel.

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