DisplayMax JR 3000 Specs

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DisplayMax Jr

Model 3000
Signal Level, Leakage & Ingress Meter

Leakage Detector
Detect signal leakage from the drop & home wiring

Ingress Detector
Detect ingress signals in the drop & home wiring

Analog, QAM, QPSK & 8VSB

Power measurements of analog and digital formats

Eliminate the cost and downtime of annual calibration

Product Description Leakage Detection

The DisplayMax Jr 3000 is a rugged, easy to use sig- Leakage is caused by loose connections or poorly
nal level meter capable of measuring analog and digi- shielded coax. These conditions allow forward channels
tal channels at any point in the CATV system from the to escape from the cable. They also allow outside sig-
headend to the subscriber drop. In addition to signal nals to enter the return path (ingress). Therefore, nd-
level, the Jr 3000 detects both leakage and ingress at ing and xing leakage also xes ingress. To measure
the subscriber drop and home wiring. Finding and x- leakage, the installer attaches a rubber duck antenna
ing leakage and ingress is essential to maintaining VoIP to the meters input, then press the leakage key. Spe-
and High-Speed Data services. The rst step is to test cial signal processing eliminates false leakage readings
for ingress coming from the customers premise. If in- caused by electrical noise, aircraft communications or
gress is detected, use the leakage mode to quickly nd other non-cable signals. The meter displays the leak-
the source. Routine testing for leakage and ingress, in age reading numerically and also emits a variable tone
addition to verifying analog and digital channel level, will that increases in pitch as the leakage reading increases.
insure the most demanding services run smoothly. Testing for leakage is a crucial part of maintaining VoIP
and High-Speed Data services.

Ingress Detection
Ingress is caused by loose connections or poorly shield- Field Rugged and Accurate
ed coax. These conditions allow outside signals into The DisplayMax Jr 3000 has a rugged aluminum hous-
the cable and can slow down or abruptly stop digital ing, weather proof keypad, protected LCD display, vir-
services. Having a meter that detects the presense of tually unbreakable F-connector bushing and comes in a
ingress is essential to maintaining digital services such padded nylon case. In addition to the rugged mechanical
as VoIP and High-Speed Data. To measure ingress, design, the meter has a built-in white noise source that
the installer disconnects the drop cable from the ground acts as a calibration reference. Before each reading,
block, connects the meter to the home cabling, then the meter adjusts its calibration, making the DisplayMax
presses the Ingress Check key. If ingress is present, Jr 3000 not only rugged, but also extremely accurate.
the meters LCD will show the frequency with the high- The auto-calibration feature maintains the meters ac-
est ingress level along with a pass/fail message. Once curacy and eliminates the need for annual calibration.
detected, use the leakage mode to nd the source.


800-569-6299 [email protected] Rev 12/08
75 West Forest Ave. Englewood, NJ 07631 USA 201-569-3323 fax 201-569-6285 www.sadelco.com
DisplayMax Jr

Model 3000
Signal Level, Leakage & Ingress Meter



Frequency Range: 5 to 872 MHz.
Tuning Resolution: 125 KHz.
IF Bandwidth: 280 KHz.
Analog Power Range: -30 to +60 dBmV.
Digital Power Range: -23 to +67 dBmV.
Level Resolution: 0.1 dB
Typical Accuracy: +/- 0.5 dB
Max Additional Error at 70 F: +/- 0.5 dB
Typical Accuracy from 0 to 120 F: +/- 1.0 dB
Max Additional Error from 0 to 120 F: +/- 1.0 dB
Digital Error: additional +/- 0.5 dB

Frequency Range: 110 to 140 MHz. (default 133.250 MHz.)
Sensitivity: 2 uV/m, with duck antenna 3ft from leak
Tuning Resolution: 125 KHz.
IF Bandwidth: 280 KHz.
Detector Type: Peak
Video Filter: Responds only to video signals (rejects non-cable signals)
Audio: Outputs tone; frequency varies with level.
Accuracy: Same as analog channels in signal level meter mode

Frequency Range: 5 to 872 MHz. (default 5 to 40 MHz.)
Return Sensitivity: -40 dBmV. (5 to 40 MHz.)
Forward Sensitivity: -30 dBmV. (40 to 872 MHz)
Tuning Resolution: 250 KHz.
IF Bandwidth: 280 KHz.
Detector Type: Peak
Accuracy: Same as digital channels in signal level meter mode

Battery life: 4 hours
Fast Charge: 2 hours 80%, 4 hours 100%
Audio: Water sealed speaker with volume control
Weight and Dimensions: 2.2 lbs, L 7.5 x W 3.5 x D 2.2
Supplied Accessories: Nylon case (CASE006), 110V wall charger (T70),
duck antenna (ANT01), Ni-MH battery (BAT08), manual
Optional Accessories: Car charger (CH04), 220V wall charger, (T70E),
dipole antenna (ANT02), monopole antenna (ANT03)


800-569-6299 [email protected] Rev 12/08
75 West Forest Ave. Englewood, NJ 07631 USA 201-569-3323 fax 201-569-6285 www.sadelco.com

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