March 2017 Newsletter
March 2017 Newsletter
March 2017 Newsletter
March 2017
Making short vowel and long vowel
Stretching sounds in three and four
Reading Pledge letter wordsphoneme segmentation
Pounding and sliding (blending) sounds
Books are good friends,
together to read words
The best that weve seen. Finger spelling to segment sounds in
They take us to places words and use those sounds to write
That weve never been. words
Theres nothing like reading Sounding out and reading three-letter
nonsense words (rab, fej)
To bring on a grin.
Correct writing formation of first and
Now open your books; last name
Let the reading begin! Kid Writing
Responding to writing prompts and
journal writing
Using capital letters, finger spaces
Things We Are Learning between words, and ending punctuation
Math Sight words- recognizing, reading, and
writing our sight words
Counting by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s
Counting backwards from 20 Reading comprehension- identifying the
Identification of numbers 1-75 characters, setting, main idea, and
retelling a story in sequence with key
Writing numbers 0-20
Introduction of tally marks
Measuring using standard and
nonstandard measuring tools
Addition to 12
Telling time to the hour
Working with calculators
Graphing and interpreting graphs We will celebrate Dr. Seusss
Money: identifying and naming quarter,
birthday on Monday,
dime, nickel, and penny
Making change for nickels & dimes
March 2nd. Your child can come to
school dressed in
red and white that day.
Reading Incentive Poetry Corner
Continue to read and record your
BLASTING through a great year of
READING sheets. Students who return
their reading logs get entered into a
Winds of March
Winds of March, we welcome you,
monthly drawing for a free book!
There is work for you to do.
Work and play and blow all day,
Blow all the winter cold away!
Book Orders
I am still waiting on book flyers from
Classroom Blog
Have you checked out our classroom blog?