A Simple Formula For The Shock Polar: Lawrence L. Lee

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Application," Paper 68-844, Aug. 1968, AIAA.
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Fig. 2 Essential part of shock polars for some Mach

A Simple Formula for the Shock Polar r = [2wi/(7 + I)](sin0 - 1/MJ sin0). This gives us the
equation for the shock polar in polar coordinates:
LAWRENCE L. LEE* r(<p) = [2!/(T + cosy - c (3)
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.
If 9 instead of d were given, then the shock polar will enable
us to solve for v2 and d.
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HE flows are described in a coordinate system which is at The shock polar has been known for a long time. It
rest relative to the shock. The upstream conditions are appears in most books on aerodynamics. The equation is
given and the downstream flows are the desired solutions. usually clumsily written in Cartesian coordinates, and its use
Flows on the two sides of the surface of discontinuity are is seldom quantitative. The curve is sometimes incorrectly
related by the conservations of mass, momentum, and called a folium of Descartes or a strophoid; the latter is
energy on the surface. These conservation laws require the correct only when Mi = (2)1/2.
respective fluxes to be continuous. The resulting equations Equation (3) shows that the shape of the shock polar de-
are found in most textbooks.1 We shall mention only those pends only on MI, so that flows with the same MI but different
results that are used in our construction of the shock polar; in other respects (such as stagnation temperature, or even 7)
they are can be solved by using the same shock polar with the ve-
vn = v2i (1) locities properly scaled. In view of this universal feature, it
is desirable to have available accurate plots of the shock
I)](sin0 - sin0) (2)
polars. Such a plot for various Mach numbers is given in
(subscripts 1 are used for upstream and 2 for downstream Fig. 2. To this scale, the length of YI depends only on
quantities, I for velocity components parallel to the shock, 7: 01(7) = i(T + 1) 0i(l). Some frequently-used values of 7
and n for components in the direction of the normal; v,y,M, are shown.
and 6 are respectively the velocity, the ratio of specific heats,
the Mach number, and the angle between Vi and the shock; 1
d will be used to denote the angle between Vi and v2). Ames Research Staff, Kept. 1135, 1953, NACA.
In this derivation we first assume that the shock polar is
known, then find the graphical solution, and, finally, in
showing that the procedure is correct, determine the equation
for the shock polar. To find v 2 and 6 (when d is given), we
first plot the shock polar and Vi (see Fig. 1) . Then the vector
PQ which makes an angle d with Vi is the graphical repre-
sentation of v 2 f and OR gives the direction of the normal to Equation of State of Polydiethylene
the shock; from it the shock angle 6 is found by using 6 = <p
7T/2. These solutions satisfy Eq. (1) because v\i = PR = Glycol-Bis-Allyl Carbonate
VM (see Fig. 1). The figure also shows that vin = RO and
Vzn = RQ, so Vm vzn = QO = r; Eq. (2) will be satisfied if JOSEPH G. BERKE* AND LESLIE B. SEELY!
Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, Calif.

ENSITIVITY data from gap-test1 experiments are often

S reported in terms of attenuator thickness. The thick-
ness is related to pressure in the attenuator by measuring the
shock and free-surface velocities along the axis of the donor-
attenuator system. In the standard propellant test Plexiglas
is the attenuator material, but in cases where the test liquid
is reactive and degrades the Plexiglas, a different material
must be used. One such material is PBAC. J
In this Note we present the results of a set of experiments
to determine the Hugoniot of PBAC from 30 to 160 kilobars.
These results should be useful in sensitivity and equation-of-
state programs generally.
Fig. 1 The shock polar in a graphical solution.

Received November 21, 1968; revision received January 22,

Received December 12, 1968. 1969. This research was supported by the Office of Naval
* Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautics. Research under Contract NONR 3760(00).
t The line PQ generally intersects the shock polar at three * Physicist, Physical Sciences Division.
points (Q'jQ, and Q"); the vectors correspond to downstream t Scientific Fellow, Physical Sciences Division.
velocities for the strong, weak, and unphysical shocks, respec- t Commercially called Homalite 911 and manufactured by the
tively. Attached shocks are usually weak. Homalite Corporation, Wilmington, Del.

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