EDM SyScroll 85-135 Air GB

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Chiller | Close Control | Water terminals

SyScroll 85-135 Air NEW

Air Cooled Water Chillers
Cooling Only, Heat Pump
Engineering Data Manual 84 to 132 kW 88 to 135 kW
SyScroll 85-135 Air | 3

Key point

SyScroll Air have been designed and optimized to work Special version (HPF) for high external static pressure
with R410A refrigerant. As near azeotropic mixture it be- (max. 120 Pa) with inverter fans (electronic brushless
haves like a homogeneous substance (reduced service type motor).
problems in case of leakage or re-charge) with negligible New microprocessor: 4 times greater RAM memory
temperature glide. compared with previous version, flash memory card and
Units with high seasonal performances (ESEER up to compressors envelope curves put inside, 3 times faster
4.4). than previous control.
With except for the fans, all the versions keep the same Hydro kits with or without buffer tank (205 l from 85 to
configuration of the base units (same structure, electri- 105 size, 320 l from 120 to 135 size).
cal board, compressors and coils). One or two water pumps are available: standard pres-
Easy upgrade of the units in stock or on the field. sure (100 kPa) or high pressure (200 kPa).
Electronic expansion devices on all units: superheating For service operation, special valves dedicated to R410A
value controlled by microprocessor, simple and acces- are supplied on the refrigerant system. These valves, of
sible refrigeration system especially for heat pump ver- 5/16 flare SAE type, are mounted on the liquid line,
sions with reduction of brazing points and than possible discharge, suction line and on the gauges manifold of
leakage. the unit.
New Microchannel coils for Cooling only version.
Compressors box (less sound proofing) always installed
- additional compressors jackets only for S version (easy
upgrade of the units in stock).
High Temperature Version (HT) developed for high am-
bient temperature but also providing high seasonal ef-
ficiency (ESEER higher than and high operation limits
with inverter fans (electronic brushless type motor).
4 | SyScroll 85-135 Air

CO -

CO = Cooling Only; HP = Heat Pump; RE = Remote Evaporator; BC = Brine

for Process Cooling.

The new SyScroll Air units have been designed to oper- HPF (High Pressure Fans) version: It has same equipment
ate with HFC 410A refrigerant. Both compressors and heat as Basic version, except that the units are equipped with
exchangers (plate heat exchanger and coils) have been special inverter fans (same as those used on HT version,
optimized for this refrigerant. but with a different regulation) driven by EC motors with
They consist of a single refrigerant circuit equipped with integrated electronic inverter. HPF version provides ex-
a tandem complete with high efficiency and low vibration ternal static pressure up to 120 Pa. This version can be
level Scroll compressors, a single circuit plate heat ex- supplied with BLN acoustic option only.
changer and a ventilating unit comprising V-shape coils and
quiet fans; each of them is located in an externally mount- In addition, partial heat recovery option is available:
ed nozzle profile housing generating low sound level. Desuperheater: All the versions can be supplied with
Syscroll Air CO units are available in 5 sizes, with a nominal plate type heat exchangers fitted, one on each refriger-
capacity range from 84 to 132 kW. ant circuit, on the compressor discharge line to recover
SyScroll Air HP units are available in 5 sizes, with a nominal about 20 % of the total heat rejected to the condensers.
capacity range from 79 to 125 kW in cooling mode and
from 85 to 133 kW in heating mode. Conformity with directives
The following applies to all the sizes and versions:
SyScroll Air (Standard) version can be supplied with 2 Machine Directive: 2006/42/EC
acoustic options: Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive: 2004/108/EC
Basic Low Noise (-): The units are equipped with delta Pressure Equipment Directive: 97/23/EC
connected fans implying a standard rpm. The chillers are
not supplied with fan speed controller, but fitted with Cabinet and structure
compressors box to reduce the noise emissions. The unit cabinet and structure are made of heavy gauge
Super Low Noise (S): The units are equipped with star galvanized steel coated with polyester powder based
connected fans, fitted with a speed controller which al- painting (RAL 7040). All parts of the structure are fas-
lows the units to operate with a very low rpm. The chill- tened totally with non-corrosive screws and bolts.
ers are supplied with compressors box and soundproof
jackets on compressors reducing significantly the noise Compressors
emissions. Each unit is equipped with two compressors arranged in
To increase their field of applications, the SyScroll Air rang- Compressors are of hermetic scroll type and fitted with an
es are available in 2 additional versions: electronic control system ensuring protection against high
HT (High Temperature) version: It has same equipment temperature and excessive load.
as Basic version, but the units are fitted with special in- All compressors have direct-on-line starting and are
verter fans and motors to ensure low energy consump- mounted on rubber vibration isolators in order to minimize
tion and to operate on a wider envelope. The HT version noise and vibration transmission.
can be supplied with BLN acoustic option only.
SyScroll 85-135 Air | 5

Evaporator Heat pump units (HP) are provided with 4-way revers-
Evaporators is of a brazed stainless steel plate type heat ing valve, suction accumulator and liquid receiver on the
exchanger. liquid line.
It is insulated with a 19 mm thick closed cell polyethylene The functional diagram of each circuit is shown in the sec-
foam material and is fitted with a film type electric heater tion Refrigerant flow diagram.
on the external surface to prevent the unit from freezing
at a low temperature (down to -18 C) when the unit is off. Electrical board
Water connections are of a Male GAS Threaded type Metal case, externally arranged at one end of the unit.
(21/2 diameter). Case for the board with IP44 protection rating, complete
with grille for natural air ventilation of the box.
Condenser coils
The condenser coils are made of seamless copper tubes, Control and safety devices
arranged in staggered rows, mechanically expanded into Each unit is fitted with the following devices:
corrugated aluminum fins. Safety:
For Cooling only version (CO version) condenser coils are Power disconnect switch with an emergency stop func
of microchannel type, made of 100% aluminium (fins, tion.
tubes and headers) with the exception of pipe couplings HP switch, set to 40.5 bar, automatic and manual reset
which are in copper. to be reinitialized from the control panel.
Water flow switch on the evaporator, protect the unit
Condenser fans against low water flow operation.
For each size, all versions keep the same number of fans. Antifreeze temperature sensor (set to +4 C) on the
Large diameter, direct drive axial type fans with asyn- evaporator.
chronous three-phase motors are used in all acoustic ver- Safety valve on discharge line, set to 45 bar.
sions (S version) of SyScroll 85-135 Air.
Special inverter fans with electronic brushless type mo- Control:
tors are used in SyScroll 85-135 Air HT and HPF. HP and LP transducers.
On high pressure fans of HPF units, the external static Evaporator water inlet temperature sensor.
pressure ( 120 Pa) can be adjusted on site to match the Evaporator water outlet temperature sensor (with an
customer demand directly from the electronic control antifreeze function).
panel of the unit. Suction temperature sensor (in case of EEV option).
Fans are equipped with externally mounted nozzle profile Ambient air temperature sensor.
housing which generates low sound levels. Coil temperature sensor.

Fan speed control Electronic control

The speed of fans is controlled in order to operate at a low Units are supplied with the new microprocessor-based
ambient temperature. electronic control and management system ensuring the
On units with standard axial fans, the accessory fan speed following functions:
control, supplied as standard on S version, is of a pressure Management of the operation of compressors:
actuated stepless type with an electronic controller. Power on/off
The pressure actuated stepless type fan speed controller Anticycle management
can be supplied as optional on - version. It allows the units Tandem unloading for high pressure or high compres-
to operate in cooling mode at ambient temperature down sor pressure ratio (integrated inside the curves of
to -14 C. compressor operating limits).
On HT and HPF units with electronic axial fans, the pres- Chilled and hot water temperature regulation (control
sure actuated stepless type fan speed control is supplied option on inlet water temperature RWT (P+I type) or
as standard, because these electronic fans are already outlet water temperature LWT (neutral band type) of
equipped with an integrated fan speed control (fan speed the evaporator.
range: 50 to 1200 rpm; ambient temperature limit: -18 C Control of superheating on suction line (in case of EEV
(in cooling mode only). option).
Evaporator antifreeze protection.
Refrigerant circuits Heat pump defrost control for automatic operation.
All the units are composed a single refrigerant circuit. Management of high and low pressure alarms.
Each refrigerant circuit is equipped with liquid line and Management of the electronic expansion valves by
discharge line shutoff valves, filter-drier with solid core, means of EXV controller allowing optimized functions:
sight glass and thermostatic expansion valve (electronic cooling, heating, start-up and defrost (in case of EEV op-
expansion valve can be supplied as an option). tion).
6 | SyScroll 85-135 Air

Management of external interlocks. Single or double pump with low static pressure (100
Management of the remote control: kPa) or high static pressure (200 kPa),
Unit power on/off Expansion tank (18 litres for all models),
Summary alarm signals Water filter option (supplied loose),
Remote signalling, by dry contacts: Shut-off valves,
Voltage presence Safety valve,
Compressors in operation Automatic air vent valve,
General Alarm Thermal insulation for pipes and water pump(s),
Management of the hydro kit: start-up of pump, anti- The on board hydro kit with buffer tank has the following
freeze heater of external tank. components:
Single or double pump with low static pressure (100
The unit controller can also clearly show all control param- kPa) or high static pressure (200 kPa),
eters of the machine on the liquid crystal display, such as: Buffer tank (205 l from 85 to 105 size, 320 l from 120
Display of superheating value (in case of EEV option). to 135 size),
Display of the temperature at the evaporator inlet and Expansion tank (18 litres for all models),
outlet. Water filter option (supplied loose),
Display of the ambient air temperature. Shut-off valves,
Display of discharge pressure and suction pressure. Safety valve,
Display of the set point. Automatic air vent valve,
Display of the various alarm and operation status: Thermal insulation for pipes and water pump(s),
Low / High pressure Electrical box,
Evaporator antifreeze Antifreeze electric heater inside buffer tank (electric
Flow switch signal for lack of water heater for pipes is not supplied).
Control of the compressor operating hours
Compressors in operation Factory installed options
Pump in operation and operating hours ModBus protocol kit for BMS.
Thermal protection of compressors Lonwork protocol kit for BMS.
Thermal protection of fans Bacnet protocol kit for BMS.
Faulty sensors Compressors soft starter.
Pressure actuated stepless fan speed controller for low
Standard equipment ambient operation (-14 C).
Set point timer/clock card. Double set point.
Pressure actuated fan speed control. Power factor correction capacitors.
Back light display. Compressors overload protection.
Digital pressure and temperature reading kit. GSM.
High ambient pressure control. HP & LP manometers.
Sequence phase control. Ecoating for Microchannel and AL/CU. Blue fins treat-
Control circuit transformer 400 V/230 V. ment for AL/CU.
Data logger. Condenser coils with copper fins.
Power supply without neutral. Coil grilles.
Hour meter. Chiller grilles.
Main switch. Desuperheater.
Refrigerant R410A. On board hydro kits 1P/2P with/witout tank.
PED approval.
Evaporator antifreeze electric heater. Field-installed accessories
Compressor jacket (standard on S version). Remote ON/OFF control.
Compressor box. Remote keyboard panel.
Water flow switch. Master and slaves control, up to 4 units max.
Spring anti-vibration.
Optional hydro kits Water filter.
On board mounted inside and remote hydrokits are available Remote hydro kits with buffer tank, 1 or 2 low or high
as optional. The on board hydro kits can be supplied with or pressure pump(s), relevant accessories and with or
without buffer tank while remote hydro kits (supplied loose without antifreeze heater:
for field installation) are always provided with internal tank. 300 litres: sizes 85-105.
On board hydro kit without buffer tank has the following 500 litres: sizes 120-135.
SyScroll 85-135 Air | 7

Accessories & Options

SyScroll Air Delivery Abbreviation Description & Befenit

To schedule 4 different interval time with different active water T

Set point timer/Clock card Std CLK
Back light display Std User Display panel mounted. Suggested for outdoor installation.
Pressure Transducers & Sensors to show the Discharge and
Digital pressures and temperatures reading Kit Std
Suction pressure and temperature during running condition.
Functions able to protect multistage circuit from High discharge
High pressure control on capacity Std pressure values. Circuit is partloaded whenever the Discharge pres-
sure is too high to prevent HP tripping.
It allows to check the correct sense R-S-T of electric supply phases
Sequence phases control Std PHC
for 400/3/50 units.

Voltage transformer to provide correctly the separated voltage to

Control circuit transformer 400V/230V Std TRF
the auxiliary line.
Record continuously the essential thermodynamic operating
Data logger Std DL parameters, during the last hours. This facilitates debug and service
activity on field.
Power supply without neutral Std 3PH Unit to be supplied with 400/3/50. No need of Neutral cable.
Total running hours recorded for each compressors and for total
Hour meter Std
unit. Also record of total scroll compressors starts.

Front operated switch-disconnector with direct mounted handle to

Main switch Std
cut the power Supply Line according CE standards.

Prevents the operation of the unit if the circulating chilled fluid is

Flow switch Std FS insufficient. It is recommended to install a flow switch to ensure the
correct operation of the unit.
Antifreeze electric heater kit Std EEH Electrical Heater protects the plate exchanger.
Compressor Jacket Std SLN CJ Jacket for each compressors in order to reduce the sound of its.
It enables the operator to power on the unit when it is in standby
Remote On/Off control Accessory mode, to display alarms and switch over coolingheat pump. Maxi-
mum lenght: 50mt.

Makes it possible to control the unit through the remote

Remote keyboard panel Accessory
terminal, up to a maximum distance of 400mt of telephone cable.

It is the device able to control the refrigerant flow on suction line

Electronic expansion valves Option EEV trough a stepper motor in order to keep the superheat as constant
as possible.

It permits the integration of the unit with BMS with Modbus

Modbus protocol kit for BMS Option MBS
protocol trough RS485 port.

It permits the integration of the unit with BMS with Lonwork

Lonwork protocol kit for BMS Option LON

It permits the integration of the unit with BMS with Bacnet protocol
Bacnet protocol kit for BMS Option BAC
trough RS485 port.

Interface Kit ethernet/webctrl pcos It permits the integration of the unit with BMS with Modbus or
(Modbus & Bacnet already included) Bacnet protocol trough Ethernet port (TCP/IP).

An electronic device that automatically starts up the compressors

Softstarter for compressor Option SS gradually. The starting current can be reduced by up to 40% of the
direct on line value.

Electronic speed controllers are designed to control the speed of

fan motors in Air Cooled Chiller and Heatpump. Fan Speed control-
led by Condensing Pressure in cool mode or by Air Temp in heat
Low ambient kit (-14C)
Option FSC mode. Using variable fan speed controllers offers following benefits
(pressostatic stepless fan speed control)
in commercial refrigeration or air-conditioning applications High
Efficiency, Low Noise level, Low air temperature in cool mode and
High air temperature in heat mode.

Can manage two different applications (set point) selected by

Double set point Option DSP remote dry contact Circuit 1 and Circuit 2.
On/Off or Part Load by remote Dry contact.
The purpose of the power factor corrector capacitor is to minimize
the input current distortion and make the current in phase with the
Power factor corrector capacitors Option PFC
voltage. Target is to keep Power Factor about 0.90 in any running

The compressor is equipped with an amperometrical protection

(overload protection) wired under the compressor contactor; this
Overload protection for compressors Option CP
protection operates: a) if compressors temperature is too high. b)
if currents absorption is too high.
8 | SyScroll 85-135 Air

Accessories & Options (continued)

SyScroll Air Delivery Abbreviation Description & Befenit

It can easily pilot up to 4 units, chiller or heat pumps, belonging to

Sequencer for up to 4 chillers installation Accessory SEQ
the same family, fitted in parallel, 50 metres apart maximum.

It is a network of chillers. They are hydraulically connected in paral-

lel on the same installation. They are intended to work together as
Master and slave up to 4 chillers installation: a single machine whose capacity equals the total amount of capaci-
CHILLERNET ties. Up to 4 chillers of the same family can be connected together.
One of these chillers is called MASTER, the others are SLAVE. The
MASTER chiller will control all the other chillers.
Makes it possible to check the working mode or the switching on/
GSM Option GSM off of the unit via SMS. In case of any alarms, the unit sends an
SMS to the user.
ACB is an automatically operated electrical switch designed to
protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by overload or
Automatic circuit breaker Option ACB
short circuit. Providing Magnetic and Thermal protection to Fan and
Compressor motors.

Pressure gauges that display the operating pressure in the high and
Mechanical gauges kit (HP and LP manometers) Option KM
low pressure sections of the refrigerant circuit.

It is a treatment fo MCHX coil for medium level of pollution and for

E-coating MCHX Option
marine atmosphere.
The package heat exchanger finned coils in Cu/Cu can be used in
Copper Fins Option CU/CU places with a concentrations in the air of saline and highly aggres-
sive agents: Not suitable in presence of sulphur-based agents.
Coil Guards Option CG Grilles to protect the coils.
Chiller grilles Option KG Grilles to protect unit avoiding possible intrusion into the unit.
Additional exchanger in order to recover 20% of capacity for
Desuperheater Option D
Domestic Hot Water application.
Mechanical water pressure switch to be mounted on the field
Water pressure switch Accessory installation on installation water piping to prevent very low Water
Water filter Accessory Filter to remove impurities from the water supply.

Accessories are loosed and to install in the field. Options are mounted in factory.
SyScroll 85-135 Air | 9

EN 14511
Starting 2012 Campaign Eurovent Certification Company took decision to start certify only performances declared in ac-
cording severe European Standard EN14511.
Before this date all capacity performances are declared, measured and certified by Eurovent, as GROSS performances.
COOLING or HEATING CAPACITY was rated without taking in account the negative contribution of the heat exchanger Pres-
sure Drop or the positive contribution of the Head Available prevalence in example.
OWER INPUT was rated as pure sum of all power input contribution from all motors fitted on the unit. Without taking in
account the correction due to power spent to win the exchanger Pressure Drop in example.
After this date all data are certified according EN14511. Mainly consequences in example on Water chiller or heatpump are:
COOLING or HEATING CAPACITY is now rated taking in account the negative contribution of the heat exchanger Pressure
Drop or the positive contribution of the Head Available prevalence in example. In case of Water to Water unit, in example,
both exchanger Pressure Drop values are taken in account in the formula.
POWER INPUT is now rated as all power input contribution from all motors fitted on the unit taking in account also the
correction due to power spent to win the exchanger Pressure Drop in example.
As an important consequence of these new rules setted by Eurovent is that EER, COP and ESEER are also affected by
these correction. All efficiency index are now calculated, measured and certified according new rules setted by Eurovent
according EN14511.

Air to water unit (non ducted outdoor):

Indoor pump is an integral part Indoor pump is not an integral part

ECC 2011 (gross) EN14511 ECC 2011 (gross) EN14511

qwipe,wi qwi (pi,wi)
Ph Phm(1) Phm Phm Phm + pi

qwipe,wi qwi (pi,wi)

Pc Pcm(1) Pcm + pi Pcm Pcm pi
qwipe,wi qwi (pi,wi)
Pe Pem(1) Pem pi Pem Pem + pi

(1) Measured with the indoor pump not running.

Ph = NET heating capacity.
Pc = NET cooling capacity.
Pe = electrical power input.
Phm = is the gross heat capacity, expressed in Watts.
Pcm = is the gross cool capacity, expressed in Watts.
qwi = is the nominal liquid flow rate.
pe,wi = is the measured available external static pressure.
pi,wi = is the measured internal static pressure difference.
pi = is the efficiency of the pump.

Reference: Guidelines for the declaration of performances according to EN14511 (available a copy upon request for
Systemair customer).
10 | SyScroll 85-135 Air

Refrigerant Flow Diagram - SyScroll 85-135 Air CO

size 120-135



G 5


3 3
4 4


1 Compressor tandem scroll type A High pressure switch (40.5 bar)
2 Air cooled condenser AT High pressure transducer
3 Filter drier B Low pressure switch (1.5 bar)
4 Electronic/mechanical expansion valve BT Low pressure transducer
5 Globe valve FS Water flow switch
6 Plate heat exchanger D Air temperature sensor
7 Desuperheater (optional) E Outlet water temperature sensor
8 Solenoid valve F Inlet water temperature sensor
G PED pressure relief valve (45 bar)
M Discharge temperature sensor
Pipe connection with Shrader valve
SyScroll 85-135 Air | 11

Refrigerant Flow Diagram - SyScroll 85-135 Air HP

size 120-135

12 ON

8 1

G 5
9 9 N

14 14 14
7 7
13 14 14
S 10
3 3
4 4

14 14


1 Compressor tandem scroll type A High pressure switch (40.5 bar)
2 Air cooled heat exchanger AT High pressure transducer
3 Filter drier B Low pressure switch (1.5 bar)
4 Electronic/mechanical expansion valve BT Low pressure transducer
5 Globe valve FS Water flow switch
7 Liquid receiver D Air temperature sensor
8 Four-way valve E Outlet water temperature sensor
9 Suction accumulator F Inlet water temperature sensor
10 Sight glass G PED pressure relief valve (45 bar)
11 Plate heat exchanger H Defrost temperature sensor
12 Desuperheater (optional) M Discharge temperature sensor
13 Solenoid valve S 5/16 valve connection (service only)
14 Check valve Pipe connection with Shrader valve
12 | SyScroll 85-135 Air

Refrigerant Flow Diagram - SyScroll 85-135 Air RE

size 120-135


G 3


1 Compressor tandem scroll type A High pressure switch (40.5 bar)
2 Air cooled condenser AT High pressure transducer
3 Globe valve B Low pressure switch (1.5 bar)
BT Low pressure transducer
D Air temperature sensor
G PED pressure relief valve (45 bar)
M Discharge temperature sensor
Pipe connection with Shrader valve
SyScroll 85-135 Air | 13

Refrigerant Flow Diagram - SyScroll 85-135 Air BC

size 120-135






1 Compressor tandem scroll type A High pressure switch (40.5 bar)
2 Air cooled heat exchanger AT High pressure transducer
3 Filter drier B Low pressure switch (1.5 bar)
4 Electronic/mechanical expansion valve BT Low pressure transducer
5 Globe valve FS Water flow switch
6 Plate heat exchanger D Air temperature sensor
7 Suction accumulator E Outlet water temperature sensor
F Inlet water temperature sensor
G PED pressure relief valve (45 bar)
M Discharge temperature sensor
Pipe connection with Shrader valve
14 | SyScroll 85-135 Air

Operating Limits - SyScroll Air CO - Cooling Mode

Operating limits
85 95 105 120 135
SyScroll Air CO
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
Water C +6 to +18
Liquid outlet
Chilled Water with glycol* C -10 to +6
liquid Temperature spread K 3 to 7
Maximum operating pressure bar 6

Air entering - C +10 to +45

temperature S C -14 to +42
Ambient cooling HT-HPF C -16 to +47
External Standard fans Pa 0
static pressure High pressure fans Pa <120
Recommended system chilled water volume2 l 510 570 630 720 810
Minimum capacity step % 50 43 50 44 50
Power supply voltage3 V 400 V / 3 / 50 Hz (nominal)

For Liquid outlet temperature <0 C provide Brine Version.
Total unit flow rate and pressure drop are given for std unit. Caution: Minimum flow rates may only be used with brine solutions after reprogramming unit parameters.
Table shows minimum water / brine volume of system (about 5 lt/kW).
Voltage 400V +/- 10%.

STD version SLN version

50 50
45 45
40 40
35 35
30 30
Brine Version(*)+ Water+
Water 25
Water+Glycol Glycol


20 20
Brine Version(*)+ Water+
15 15 Water+Glycol Glycol Water
10 10
5 5
Brine Version (*)+ Water+
Water+Glycol+FSC Glycol+FSC Water+FSC 0
-5 -5
-10 -10
-15 -15
-20 -20
-12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

HT version

Brine Version(*)+ Water+
15 Water
Water+Glycol Glycol
-12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
SyScroll 85-135 Air | 15

Operating Limits - SyScroll Air HP - Cooling Mode

Operating limits
85 95 105 120 135
SyScroll Air HP
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
Water C +6 to +18
Liquid outlet
Chilled Water with glycol* C -10 to +6
liquid Temperature spread K 3 to 7
Maximum operating pressure bar 6

Air entering - C +5 to +42

temperature S C -14 to +40
Ambient cooling HT-HPF C -18 to +44
External Standard fans Pa 0
static pressure High pressure fans Pa <120
Recommended system chilled water volume2 l 510 570 630 720 810
Minimum capacity step % 50 43 50 44 50
Power supply voltage3 V 400 V / 3 / 50 Hz (nominal)

For Liquid outlet temperature <0 C provide Brine Version.
Total unit flow rate and pressure drop are given for std unit. Caution: Minimum flow rates may only be used with brine solutions after reprogramming unit parameters.
Table shows minimum water / brine volume of system (about 5 lt/kW).
Voltage 400V +/- 10%.

STD version SLN version

50 50
45 45
40 40
35 35
30 30
Brine Version(*)+ Water+
Water 25
Water+Glycol Glycol


20 20
Brine Version(*)+ Water+
15 15 Water+Glycol Glycol Water
10 10
5 5
Brine Version (*)+ Water+
Water+Glycol+FSC Glycol+FSC Water+FSC 0
-5 -5
-10 -10
-15 -15
-20 -20
-12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

HT version

Brine Version(*)+ Water+
15 Water
Water+Glycol Glycol
-12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
16 | SyScroll 85-135 Air

Operating Limits - SyScroll Air HP - Heating Mode

Operating limits
85 95 105 120 135
SyScroll Air HP
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
Liquid outlet Water C +20 to +52
Heat pump temperature Temperature spread K 3 to 7
Maximum operating pressure bar 6

Air entering Full - C -10 to +20

Load Operation S C -10 to +20
Ambient heating HT C -12 to +20
External Standard fans Pa 0
static pressure High pressure fans Pa <120
Recommended system chilled water volume2 l 510 570 630 720 810
Minimum capacity step % 50 43 50 44 50
Power supply voltage3 V 400 V / 3 / 50 Hz (nominal)

Total unit flow rate and pressure drop are given for std unit. Caution: Minimum flow rates may only be used with brine solutions after reprogramming unit parameters.
Table shows minimum water / brine volume of system (about 3 lt/kW).
Voltage 400V +/- 10%.







HT Version

15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
SyScroll 85-135 Air | 17

Operating Limits - SyScroll Air RE

Operating limits
85 95 105 120 135
SyScroll Air RE
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max

Air entering - C +10 to +45

temperature S C -10 to +43
Ambient cooling HT-HPF C -12 to +47
External Standard fans Pa 0
static pressure High pressure fans Pa <120
Minimum capacity step % 50 43 50 44 50
Power supply voltage1 V 400 V / 3 / 50 Hz (nominal)

Voltage 400V +/- 10%.

BLN version S version

50 50
45 45
40 40
35 35
30 30
25 25


20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 FSC 0
-5 -5
-10 -10
-15 -15
-20 -20
-17 -12 -7 -2 3 8 13 -17 -12 -7 -2 3 8 13

HT-HPF version

-17 -12 -7 -2 3 8 13
18 | SyScroll 85-135 Air

Correction Factors
Fouling factors
Fouling factor Cooling capacity Power input Fouling factor Cooling capacity Power input
(m2.C/kW) factor factor (m2.C/kW) factor factor
0.044 1.000 1.000 0.044 1.000 1.000
0.088 0.987 0.995 0.088 0.987 1.023
0.176 0.964 0.985 0.176 0.955 1.068
0.352 0.915 0.962 0.352 0.910 1.135

Altitude factors
Altitude (m) Cooling capacity factor Power input factor
0 1.000 1.000
600 0.987 1.010
1200 0.973 1.020
1800 0.958 1.029
2400 0.943 1.038

System Water Volume

The minimum system water volume is calculated using the minimum compressor running time (1.5 minute for scroll com-
pressor) and the lower capacity step (only one compressor running among the four compressors installed):

(n x 25 x T)

Where V : Water volume (litre)

P : Unit total cooling capacity (W)
n : Number of compressor steps
t : Compressor minimum running time (minute)
T : Evaporator temperature difference (C)

With t = 1.5 minute, T = 5 C and n = 2, the minimum system water volume is about V = 6 litres/kW.
SyScroll 85-135 Air | 19

Physical Data - SyScroll Air CO _ - (STD-HT-HPF)

Standard, High Temperature and High Pressure Fan versions
Model 85 95 105 120 135
Nominal cooling capacity1 kW 84,2 93,2 104,6 118,6 132,1
Input power1 kW 27,2 31,5 37,7 42,0 47,6
EER1 3,09 2,96 2,77 2,82 2,78
Energy Efficiency Class B B C C C
EER 75% 3,56 3,58 3,39 3,49 3,38
EER 50% 4,15 4,74 4,33 4,30 4,38
EER 25% 4,22 4,94 4,45 4,39 4,50
ESEER 3,94 4,35 4,00 4,01 4,03
EER* 3,18 3,04 2,76 2,84 2,80
ESEER* 4,03 4,43 3,96 4,03 4,00
EER** 2,80 2,73 2,58 2,72 2,68
ESEER** 3,66 4,11 3,81 3,90 3,90
Number of refrigerant circuits 1 1 1 1 1
Total capacity steps % 50-100 43-100 50-100 44-100 50-100
Number / Type 2 / Scroll
N of loading stages 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100
Number / Type 1 / Plate
Water flow m3/h 14,5 16,0 18,0 20,4 22,7
Pressure drop kPa 26 32 28 22 19
Water volume l 7 7 8 11 13
Antifreeze Heater W 130
Air cooled condenser
Number of coils 2
Total coil face area per coil m2 2,4 3,1
Number of fans 2
Nominal speed rpm 690 690 900 900 900
Total airflow m3/h 34.000 34.000 44.000 44.000 44.000
Total input power kW 2,4 2,4 3,4 3,4 3,4
Total input power* kW 1,6 1,6 3,0 3,0 3,0
Total input power** kW 3,0 3,0 5,2 5,2 5,2
External static pressure Pa 0 or 120 Pa**
Water Connections (Evaporator)
Type Male GAS Threaded
Inlet Diameter / Outlet Diameter inch 21/2 / 21/2
Water Connections (Desuperheater)
Type Male GAS Threaded
Inlet Diameter / Outlet Diameter inch 1 / 1
Shipping kg 708 779 858 908 946
Operating kg 715 786 867 919 959
Additional weight
HT-HPF versions kg 20 20 20 20 20
Desuperheater versions kg 12 12 13 13 13
Length mm 3.000 3.500
Width mm 1.100
Height mm 2.250
Acoustical data
Sound power level2 dB(A) 84 84 88 88 88
Sound pressure level at 10 m3 dB(A) 52 52 56 56 56

Data refers to 7C leaving chilled water temperature and 35C condenser air temperature, according EN14511 standard.
Sound levels are at fully loaded conditions. Sound power level values refer to ISO standard 3744.
Sound pressure levels refer to ISO Standard 3744, parallelepiped shape.
High Temperature Units (HT) with inverter fans.
HPF Units with high static pressure fans.
20 | SyScroll 85-135 Air

Physical Data - SyScroll Air CO_S - (STD)

Standard version
Model 85 95 105 120 135
Nominal cooling capacity1 kW 81,1 89,3 101,4 113,5 126,0
Input power1 kW 28,0 32,8 38,6 43,0 49,6
EER1 2,90 2,72 2,63 2,64 2,54
Energy Efficiency Class C C D D D
EER 75% 3,52 3,56 3,36 3,55 3,35
EER 50% 4,13 4,72 4,32 4,29 4,37
EER 25% 4,19 4,90 4,43 4,45 4,46
ESEER 3,91 4,32 3,98 4,03 4,00
Number of refrigerant circuits 1 1 1 1 1
Total capacity steps % 50-100 43-100 50-100 44-100 50-100
Number / Type 2 / Scroll
N of loading stages 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100
Number / Type 1 / Plate
Water flow m3/h 13,9 15,4 17,4 19,5 21,7
Pressure drop kPa 23 28 25 20 17
Water volume l 7 7 8 11 13
Antifreeze Heater W 130
Air cooled condenser
Number of coils 2
Total coil face area per coil m2 2,4 3,1
Number of fans 2
Nominal speed rpm 550 550 690 690 690
Total airflow m3/h 25.000 25.000 34.000 36.000 36.000
Total input power kW 1,8 1,8 2,4 2,4 2,4
Water Connections (Evaporator)
Type Male GAS Threaded
Inlet Diameter / Outlet Diameter inch 21/2 / 21/2
Water Connections (Desuperheater)
Type Male GAS Threaded
Inlet Diameter / Outlet Diameter inch 1 / 1
Shipping kg 708 779 858 908 946
Operating kg 715 786 867 919 959
Additional weight
HT-HPF versions kg 20 20 20 20 20
Desuperheater versions kg 12 12 13 13 13
Length mm 3.000 3.500
Width mm 1.100
Height mm 2.250
Acoustical data
Sound power level2 dB(A) 82 82 85 85 85
Sound pressure level at 10 m3 dB(A) 50 50 53 53 53

Data refers to 7C leaving chilled water temperature and 35C condenser air temperature, according EN14511 standard.
Sound levels are at fully loaded conditions. Sound power level values refer to ISO standard 3744.
Sound pressure levels refer to ISO Standard 3744, parallelepiped shape.
SyScroll 85-135 Air | 21

Physical Data - SyScroll Air HP _ - (STD-HT-HPF)

Standard, High Temperature and High Pressure Fan versions
Model 85 95 105 120 135
Nominal cooling capacity1 kW 79,0 87,0 98,0 113,8 125,0
Input power1 kW 27,6 32,0 39,0 42,0 47,0
EER1 2,86 2,72 2,51 2,71 2,66
Energy Efficiency Class C C D C D
EER 75% 3,21 3,48 3,18 3,46 3,36
EER 50% 4,43 4,60 4,06 4,27 4,35
EER 25% 3,81 4,79 4,17 4,36 4,48
ESEER 3,84 4,22 3,75 3,98 4,00
EER* / EER** 2,93 / 2,59 2,77 / 2,48 2,51 / 2,29 2,74 / 2,45 2,68 / 2,40
ESEER* / ESEER** 4,02 / 3,49 4,38 / 3,93 3,89 / 3,62 4,17 / 3,85 4,18 / 3,89
Nominal heating capacity2 kW 85,0 96,0 107,0 120,0 132,6
Input power2 kW 27,1 30,8 38,0 42,5 47,2
COP2 3,14 3,12 2,82 2,82 2,81
Energy Efficiency Class B B C C C
COP* / COP** 3,23 / 2,86 3,21 / 2,88 2,85 / 2,70 2,58 / 2,69 2,83 / 2,67
Number of refrigerant circuits 1 1 1 1 1
Total capacity steps % 50-100 43-100 50-100 44-100 50-100
Number / Type 2 / Scroll
N of loading stages 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100
Number / Type 1 / Plate
Water flow cooling1 m3/h 13,6 15,0 16,9 19,6 21,5
Water pressure drop cooling1 kPa 24 29 25 21 17
Water flow heat pump2 m3/h 14,6 16,5 18,4 20,6 22,8
Water pressure drop heat pump2 kPa 28 33 30 22 18
Water volume l 7 7 8 11 13
Antifreeze Heater W 130
Air cooled condenser
Number of coils 2
Total coil face area per coil m2 2,4 3,1
Number of fans 2
Nominal speed rpm 690 690 900 900 900
Total airflow m3/h 34.700 34.700 42.000 43.200 43.200
Total input power kW 2,4 2,4 3,4 3,4 3,4
Total input power* / Total input power** kW 1,6 / 3,0 1,6 / 3,0 3,0 / 5,2 3,0 / 5,2 3,0 / 5,2
External static pressure Pa 0 or 120 Pa**
Water Connections (Evaporator)
Type / Inlet Diameter / Outlet Diameter inch Male GAS Threaded / 21/2 / 21/2
Water Connections (Desuperheater)
Type / Inlet Diameter / Outlet Diameter inch Male GAS Threaded / 21/2 / 21/2
Shipping kg 839 906 1.043 1.159 1.208
Operating kg 860 932 1.064 1.170 1.214
Additional weight
HT-HPF versions kg 20 20 20 20 20
Desuperheater versions kg 12 12 13 13 13
Length mm 3.000 3.500
Width mm 1.100
Height mm 2.250
Acoustical data
Sound power level2 dB(A) 84 84 88 88 88
Sound pressure level at 10 m3 dB(A) 52 52 56 56 56

Data refers to 7C leaving chilled water temperature and 35C condenser air temperature, according EN14511 standard.
Sound levels are at fully loaded conditions. Sound power level values refer to ISO standard 3744.
Sound pressure levels refer to ISO Standard 3744, parallelepiped shape.
High Temperature Units (HT) with inverter fans.
HPF Units with high static pressure fans.
22 | SyScroll 85-135 Air

Physical Data - SyScroll Air HP_S (STD)

Standard version
Model 85 95 105 120 135
Nominal cooling capacity1 kW 76,0 83,3 95,0 111,4 121,8
Input power1 kW 28,3 33,3 40,0 42,6 48,0
EER1 2,68 2,50 2,37 2,62 2,54
Energy Efficiency Class D E E D D
EER 75% 3,37 3,39 3,13 3,26 3,26
EER 50% 3,94 4,47 3,98 4,01 4,22
EER 25% 4,01 4,66 4,11 4,09 4,34
ESEER 3,73 4,10 3,68 3,74 3,88
Nominal heating capacity2 kW 82,6 93,1 105,1 117,8 129,4
Input power2 kW 26,4 30,1 37,0 41,5 46,2
COP2 3,13 3,09 2,84 2,84 2,80
Energy Efficiency Class B B C C C
Number of refrigerant circuits 1 1 1 1 1
Total capacity steps % 50-100 43-100 50-100 44-100 50-100
Number / Type 2 / Scroll
N of loading stages 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100
Number / Type 1 / Plate
Water flow cooling1 m3/h 13,1 14,3 16,3 19,2 20,9
Water pressure drop cooling1 kPa 22 26 24 20 17
Water flow heat pump2 m3/h 14,2 16,0 18,1 20,3 22,3
Water pressure drop heat pump2 kPa 26 32 29 21 17
Water volume l 7 7 8 11 13
Antifreeze Heater W 130
Air cooled condenser
Number of coils 2
Total coil face area per coil m2 2,4 3,1
Number of fans 2
Nominal speed rpm 550 550 690 690 690
Total airflow m3/h 26.200 26.200 34.700 35.800 35.800
Total input power kW 1,8 1,8 2,4 2,4 2,4
Water Connections (Evaporator)
Type Male GAS Threaded
Inlet Diameter / Outlet Diameter inch 21/2 / 21/2
Water Connections (Desuperheater)
Type Male GAS Threaded
Inlet Diameter / Outlet Diameter inch 1 / 1
Shipping kg 853 926 1.056 1.160 1.201
Operating kg 860 932 1.064 1.170 1.214
Additional weight
HT-HPF versions kg 20 20 20 20 20
Desuperheater versions kg 12 12 13 13 13
Length mm 3.000 3.500
Width mm 1.100
Height mm 2.250
Acoustical data
Sound power level3 dB(A) 82 82 85 85 85
Sound pressure level at 10 m4 dB(A) 50 50 53 53 53

Data refers to 7C leaving chilled water temperature and 35C condenser air temperature, according EN14511 standard.
Data refers to 45C leaving warm water temperature and 7C ambient coil air temperature with 87% R.H., according EN14511 standard.
Sound levels are at fully loaded conditions. Sound power level values refer to ISO standard 3744.
Sound pressure levels refer to ISO Standard 3744, parallelepiped shape.
SyScroll 85-135 Air | 23

Physical Data - SyScroll Air RE

Remote Evaporator
Model 85 95 105 120 135
SyScroll Air RE_ - (STD)
Nominal cooling capacity1 kW 94,3 105,0 116,4 130,5 142,4
Input power2 kW 24,8 29,2 34,6 39,8 45,1
Refrigerant In connections inch 1 5/8 1 5/8 2 1/8 2 1/8 2 1/8
Refrigerant Out connections inch 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8
SyScroll Air RE_ - (S)
Nominal cooling capacity1 kW 90,2 99,8 112,4 125,2 135,7
Input power2 kW 26,3 31,3 36,7 42,5 48,4
Refrigerant In connections inch 1 5/8 1 5/8 2 1/8 2 1/8 2 1/8
Refrigerant Out connections inch 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8
Shipping kg 625 697 765 817 840
Additional weight
HT/HPF versions kg 20 20 20 20 20
Length mm 3.000 3.500
Width mm 1.100
Height mm 2.250

Data refers to 7C evaporating temperature and 35C condenser air temperature.


Input power (only compressors).


N.B. For additional technical data regarding compressors, fan motors and noise, please refer to correspondant CO unit.
24 | SyScroll 85-135 Air

Electrical Data
Compressors @ 400 V/3 Ph/50 Hz
Power input Nom. Cond. Power input Max. running Starting
nominal Cond. current max. Cond. current current Unit fuse size Cable section
Model power factor
compressor compressor compressor compressor FLA compressor LRA

kW A kW A A kW A mm2
12,3 23,3 17,0 34 174 0,76
85 100 50
12,3 23,3 17,0 34 174 0,76
12,3 23,3 17,0 34 174 0,76
95 100 50
15,9 27,8 22,6 40 225 0,82
17,4 28,2 26,0 44 210 0,89
105 125 70
17,4 28,2 26,0 44 210 0,89
17,4 28,2 26,0 44 210 0,89
120 125 70
21,1 33,6 32,0 53 210 0,91
21,1 33,6 32,0 53 210 0,91
135 160 70
21,1 33,6 32,0 53 210 0,91

Fans @ 400 V/3 Ph/50 Hz

Units _
Nominal power Max. running current Total fan power Total max. fan current
Size Number
per fan (kW) per fan (A) (kW) (A)
85 2 1,2 2,2 2,3 4,4
95 2 1,2 2,2 2,3 4,4
105 2 2,1 4,1 4,2 8,2
120 2 2,1 4,1 4,2 8,2
135 2 2,1 4,1 4,2 8,2

Units S
Nominal power Max. running current Total fan power Total max. fan current
Size Number
per fan (kW) per fan (A) (kW) (A)
85 2 1,2 2,2 2,3 4,4
95 2 1,2 2,2 2,3 4,4
105 2 1,2 2,2 2,3 4,4
120 2 1,2 2,2 2,3 4,4
135 2 1,2 2,2 2,3 4,4

Units HT/HPF
Nominal power Max. running current Total fan power Total max. fan current
Size Number
per fan (kW) per fan (A) (kW) (A)
85 2 3,1 4,8 6,2 9,6
95 2 3,1 4,8 6,2 9,6
105 2 3,1 4,8 6,2 9,6
120 2 3,1 4,8 6,2 9,6
135 2 3,1 4,8 6,2 9,6
SyScroll 85-135 Air | 25

Units @ 400 V/3 Ph/50 Hz

- Version 85 95 105 120 135
Nominal A 27 30 39 43 46
Current input (A)
Maximum A 36 42 56 62 68
Nominal kW 51 55 65 70 75
Power input (kW)
Maximum kW 72 78 96 105 114
Max Start-up current A 212 263 262 262 271

S Version 85 95 105 120 135

Nominal A 27 30 37 41 45
Current input (A)
Maximum A 36 42 54 60 66
Nominal kW 51 55 61 66 72
Power input (kW)
Maximum kW 72 78 92 101 110
Max Start-up current A 212 263 258 258 267

HT/HPF Version 85 95 105 120 135

Nominal A 31 34 41 45 48
Current input (A)
Maximum A 40 46 58 64 70
Nominal kW 56 61 66 71 77
Power input (kW)
Maximum kW 78 84 98 107 116
Max Start-up current A 218 269 264 264 273

Pump data
Low Pressure High Pressure
Model Nominal power Max. running current Nominal power Max. running current
kW A kW A
85 1,99 3,41 3,26 5,86
95 1,99 3,41 3,26 5,86
105 1,99 3,41 3,26 5,86
120 2,45 4,53 3,00 6,14
135 2,45 4,53 3,00 6,14
26 | SyScroll 85-135 Air

Electrical Data
Units with std pressure pump @ 400 V/3 Ph/50 Hz
- Version 85 95 105 120 135
Nominal A 29 32 41 45 49
Current input (A)
Maximum A 38 44 58 65 71
Nominal kW 54 59 68 75 80
Power input (kW)
Maximum kW 76 82 100 110 119
Max Start-up current A 216 267 266 267 276

S Version 85 95 105 120 135

Nominal A 29 32 39 43 47
Current input (A)
Maximum A 38 44 56 63 69
Nominal kW 54 59 64 71 76
Power input (kW)
Maximum kW 76 82 96 106 115
Max Start-up current A 216 267 262 263 272

HT/HPF Version 85 95 105 120 135

Nominal A 33 36 43 47 51
Current input (A)
Maximum A 42 48 60 67 73
Nominal kW 60 64 69 76 81
Power input (kW)
Maximum kW 81 87 101 111 120
Max Start-up current A 221 272 267 268 277

Units with high pressure pump @ 400 V/3 Ph/50 Hz

- Version 85 95 105 120 135
Nominal A 30 34 42 46 49
Current input (A)
Maximum A 39 45 59 65 71
Nominal kW 57 61 70 76 82
Power input (kW)
Maximum kW 78 84 102 111 120
Max Start-up current A 218 269 268 268 277

S Version 85 95 105 120 135

Nominal A 30 34 40 44 48
Current input (A)
Maximum A 39 45 58 63 69
Nominal kW 57 61 67 72 78
Power input (kW)
Maximum kW 78 84 98 108 117
Max Start-up current A 218 269 264 265 274

HT/HPF Version 85 95 105 120 135

Nominal A 34 38 44 48 51
Current input (A)
Maximum A 43 49 61 67 73
Nominal kW 62 67 72 78 83
Power input (kW)
Maximum kW 83 89 103 113 122
Max Start-up current A 223 274 269 270 279
SyScroll 85-135 Air | 27

Fan Data - HPF Version

SyScroll 85-135 Air HPF

Parameter in Service Level:

Model Fan Static Pressure (Pa) Fan RPM
Max Speed (Vdc)

40 870 8,1
60 910 8,4
85-105 80 950 8,7
100 990 9,0
120 1.030 9,3
40 1.000 9,1
60 1.030 9,3
120-135 80 1.070 9,6
100 1.100 9,8
120 1.130 10,0

Sound data - SyScroll Air

Frequency (Hz) Sound Sound

Model Power Pressure
125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 dB(A) dB(A)*

- Version
85 83 84 82 79 74 68 62 84 52
95 83 84 82 79 74 68 62 84 52
105 87 88 86 83 78 72 66 88 56
120 87 88 86 83 78 72 66 88 56
135 87 88 86 83 78 72 66 88 56
S Version
85 81 82 80 77 72 66 60 82 50
95 81 82 80 77 72 66 60 82 50
105 84 85 83 80 75 69 63 85 53
120 84 85 83 80 75 69 63 85 53
135 84 85 83 80 75 69 63 85 53
HT-HPF Version **
85 94 95 93 90 85 79 73 95 63
95 94 95 93 90 85 79 73 95 63
105 94 95 93 90 85 79 73 95 63
120 94 95 93 90 85 79 73 95 63
135 94 95 93 90 85 79 73 95 63

Sound pressure level at 10 m. Values refers to ISO Standard 3744 with parallepiped shape.

Sound data valid in max air flow rate condition.

28 | SyScroll 85-135 Air

Cooling Capacities - SyScroll Air CO _ - (STD-HT-HPF)

Condensing Air Temperature C

25 30 32 35
Model Input Input Input Input
C Cool Cool Cool Cool
Power* Power* Power* Power*

kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
5 88,5 19,9 84,2 21,9 82,4 22,8 79,6 24,1
7 94,1 20,2 89,6 22,3 87,7 23,2 84,7 24,5
9 100,0 20,6 95,1 22,7 93,1 23,6 89,9 24,9
85 11 106,0 20,9 100,9 23,1 98,8 24,0 95,4 25,4
13 112,4 21,2 106,9 23,5 104,6 24,4 101,1 25,8
15 118,9 21,5 113,2 23,9 110,7 24,8 107,0 26,3
18 129,2 22,0 122,9 24,5 120,2 25,5 116,1 27,0
5 98,6 22,9 93,5 25,2 91,4 26,1 88,1 27,7
7 104,9 23,4 99,5 25,6 97,3 26,6 93,8 28,2
9 111,4 23,8 105,7 26,1 103,4 27,1 99,7 28,7
95 11 118,2 24,3 112,2 26,7 109,7 27,7 105,8 29,3
13 125,3 24,8 118,9 27,2 116,2 28,2 112,2 29,9
15 132,6 25,3 125,8 27,8 123,0 28,8 118,7 30,5
18 144,0 26,1 136,6 28,7 133,6 29,7 128,9 31,4
5 110,9 26,6 105,3 29,9 102,9 31,3 99,2 33,6
7 117,8 26,9 111,7 30,2 109,2 31,7 105,3 33,9
9 124,9 27,2 118,3 30,6 115,7 32,0 111,5 34,3
105 11 132,2 27,6 125,2 30,9 122,3 32,4 117,9 34,7
13 139,7 27,9 132,2 31,2 129,1 32,7 124,4 35,1
15 147,5 28,2 139,4 31,6 136,1 33,1 131,0 35,4
18 159,3 28,7 150,4 32,1 146,7 33,6 141,3 36,0
5 124,6 30,8 117,9 34,5 115,1 36,2 110,8 38,8
7 132,5 31,2 125,3 35,0 122,3 36,7 117,7 39,3
9 140,6 31,6 132,9 35,5 129,7 37,1 124,8 39,8
120 11 148,9 32,1 140,8 36,0 137,4 37,7 132,2 40,3
13 157,6 32,6 148,9 36,5 145,3 38,2 139,8 40,9
15 166,6 33,1 157,3 37,1 153,5 38,8 147,6 41,5
18 180,4 34,0 170,3 37,9 166,1 39,7 159,7 42,4
5 140,9 34,4 132,9 38,6 129,6 40,4 124,5 43,3
7 149,8 35,0 141,3 39,2 137,8 41,0 132,3 44,0
9 159,0 35,6 150,0 39,8 146,3 41,7 140,5 44,7
135 11 168,5 36,2 159,0 40,5 155,1 42,4 149,0 45,4
13 178,5 37,0 168,4 41,3 164,2 43,2 157,7 46,2
15 188,7 37,7 178,0 42,1 173,6 44,0 166,8 47,0
18 204,7 38,9 193,1 43,3 188,3 45,3 180,9 48,3

Only Compressors.
SyScroll 85-135 Air | 29

Condensing Air Temperature C

38 40 42 45
Model Input Input Input Input
C Cool Cool Cool Cool
Power* Power* Power* Power*

kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
5 76,7 25,5 74,6 26,5 72,5 27,5 69,2 29,2
7 81,5 25,9 79,4 26,9 77,1 27,9 73,6 29,6
9 86,6 26,3 84,3 27,3 82,0 28,4 78,3 30,0
85 11 91,9 26,8 89,5 27,8 87,0 28,8 83,1 30,5
13 97,4 27,3 94,8 28,3 92,2 29,3 88,1 31,0
15 103,0 27,7 100,3 28,8 97,6 29,8 93,2 31,5
18 111,9 28,5 108,9 29,5 105,9 30,6 101,3 32,2
5 84,8 29,4 82,5 30,6 80,2 31,9 76,5 33,9
7 90,3 29,9 87,8 31,1 85,4 32,4 81,5 34,4
9 96,0 30,4 93,4 31,7 90,8 32,9 86,7 35,0
95 11 101,9 31,0 99,1 32,2 96,3 33,5 92,1 35,6
13 108,0 31,6 105,1 32,8 102,2 34,1 97,6 36,2
15 114,3 32,2 111,3 33,5 108,2 34,8 103,4 36,9
18 124,1 33,2 120,8 34,5 117,5 35,8 112,3 37,9
5 95,3 36,0 92,5 37,7 89,6 39,5 85,0 42,4
7 101,1 36,4 98,2 38,2 95,2 40,0 90,5 42,9
9 107,1 36,8 104,1 38,6 101,0 40,4 96,0 43,4
105 11 113,3 37,2 110,1 39,0 106,8 40,9 101,6 43,8
13 119,5 37,6 116,2 39,4 112,7 41,3 107,4 44,3
15 125,9 38,0 122,4 39,8 118,8 41,7 113,2 44,8
18 135,7 38,6 131,9 40,4 128,0 42,3 122,0 45,4
5 106,2 41,6 103,0 43,7 99,7 45,8 94,4 49,1
7 112,8 42,2 109,5 44,2 106,0 46,3 100,5 49,7
9 119,7 42,7 116,1 44,7 112,5 46,9 106,8 50,3
120 11 126,8 43,2 123,1 45,3 119,2 47,4 113,2 50,8
13 134,1 43,8 130,2 45,9 126,1 48,0 119,9 51,5
15 141,6 44,4 137,5 46,5 133,2 48,6 126,7 52,1
18 153,2 45,4 148,8 47,4 144,2 49,6 137,1 53,1
5 119,2 46,5 115,4 48,8 111,6 51,1 105,6 54,9
7 126,7 47,2 122,8 49,4 118,7 51,8 112,4 55,6
9 134,5 47,8 130,4 50,1 126,1 52,5 119,4 56,3
135 11 142,6 48,6 138,2 50,8 133,7 53,2 126,7 57,0
13 151,0 49,4 146,4 51,6 141,6 54,0 134,3 57,8
15 159,7 50,2 154,8 52,5 149,8 54,9 142,1 58,6
18 173,2 51,5 168,0 53,8

Only Compressors.
HT Version
30 | SyScroll 85-135 Air

Cooling Capacities - SyScroll Air CO S - (STD)

Condensing Air Temperature C

25 30 32 35
Model Input Input Input Input
C Cool Cool Cool Cool
Power* Power* Power* Power*

kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
5 86,0 21,1 81,6 23,2 79,7 24,0 76,8 25,4
7 91,3 21,5 86,6 23,6 84,7 24,5 81,6 25,9
9 96,8 22,0 91,9 24,1 89,7 25,0 86,5 26,4
85 11 102,5 22,4 97,2 24,6 95,0 25,5 91,6 26,9
13 108,4 22,9 102,8 25,1 100,5 26,1 96,8 27,5
15 114,5 23,3 108,6 25,7 106,1 26,6 102,2 28,1
18 124,0 24,1 117,5 26,5 114,8 27,4 110,6 28,9
5 95,2 24,4 90,0 26,8 87,9 27,8 84,6 29,5
7 101,1 24,9 95,6 27,4 93,4 28,4 89,9 30,1
9 107,2 25,5 101,4 28,0 99,0 29,0 95,3 30,8
95 11 113,5 26,1 107,4 28,6 104,8 29,7 100,9 31,4
13 120,0 26,8 113,5 29,3 110,9 30,4 106,7 32,1
15 126,7 27,4 119,9 30,0 117,0 31,1 112,7 32,9
18 137,1 28,5 129,7 31,2 126,6 32,3 121,8 34,1
5 108,3 28,1 102,6 31,5 100,1 33,0 96,3 35,4
7 114,9 28,5 108,7 31,9 106,1 33,4 102,1 35,8
9 121,6 28,9 115,0 32,4 112,2 33,9 107,9 36,3
105 11 128,5 29,3 121,4 32,8 118,5 34,4 114,0 36,8
13 135,5 29,7 128,0 33,3 124,9 34,8 120,1 37,3
15 142,7 30,1 134,6 33,7 131,3 35,3 126,3 37,8
18 153,7 30,8 144,8 34,4 141,2 36,0 135,7 38,5
5 121,7 32,4 114,9 36,3 112,0 38,0 107,6 40,8
7 129,2 32,9 121,9 36,9 118,8 38,6 114,1 41,4
9 136,9 33,5 129,1 37,5 125,9 39,2 120,9 42,0
120 11 144,8 34,0 136,5 38,1 133,1 39,9 127,8 42,7
13 153,0 34,7 144,2 38,8 140,5 40,5 134,9 43,4
15 161,4 35,3 152,0 39,4 148,2 41,2 142,3 44,1
18 174,3 36,3 164,1 40,5 159,9 42,3 153,5 45,2
5 134,9 36,7 126,9 41,2 123,6 43,1 118,4 46,2
7 143,2 37,5 134,7 41,9 131,1 43,9 125,6 47,0
9 151,7 38,2 142,7 42,8 138,9 44,7 133,0 47,9
135 11 160,5 39,1 150,9 43,6 146,9 45,6 140,7 48,8
13 169,6 39,9 159,5 44,5 155,2 46,5 148,7 49,7
15 179,0 40,9 168,2 45,5 163,8 47,5 156,9 50,7
18 193,4 42,4 181,8 47,1 177,0 49,1 169,5 52,4

Only Compressors.
SyScroll 85-135 Air | 31

Condensing Air Temperature C

38 40 42
Model Input Input Input
C Cool Cool Cool
Power* Power* Power*

kW kW kW kW kW kW
5 73,8 26,9 71,7 27,9 69,5 29,0
7 78,4 27,4 76,1 28,4
9 83,1 27,9 80,7 28,9
85 11 88,0 28,4 85,5 29,5
13 93,0 29,0 90,4 30,0
15 98,2 29,6 95,4 30,6
18 106,2 30,5 103,2 31,6
5 81,2 31,3 78,8 32,6 76,4 34,0
7 86,2 31,9 83,7 33,2
9 91,5 32,6 88,8 33,9
95 11 96,9 33,3 94,1 34,6
13 102,4 34,0 99,5 35,3
15 108,1 34,8 105,0 36,1
18 117,0 36,0 113,6 37,3
5 92,2 37,9 89,3 39,7 86,3 41,6
7 97,8 38,4 94,8 40,2
9 103,5 38,9 100,3 40,8
105 11 109,2 39,5 106,0 41,3
13 115,1 40,0 111,7 41,9
15 121,1 40,5 117,5 42,4
18 130,1 41,3 126,2 43,2
5 102,8 43,7 99,5 45,8 96,1 48,0
7 109,1 44,4 105,7 46,5
9 115,6 45,0 112,0 47,1
120 11 122,3 45,7 118,5 47,8
13 129,1 46,4 125,1 48,6
15 136,2 47,1 131,9 49,3
18 146,9 48,3 142,4 50,5
5 112,9 49,6 109,1 52,0 105,2 54,5
7 119,8 50,4 115,8 52,8
9 126,9 51,2 122,7 53,6
135 11 134,3 52,1 129,9 54,5
13 141,9 53,1 137,2 55,5
15 149,7 54,1 144,8 56,5

Only Compressors.
32 | SyScroll 85-135 Air

Cooling Capacities - SyScroll Air HP _ - (STD-HT-HPF)

Condensing Air Temperature C

25 30 32 35
Model Input Input Input Input
C Cool Cool Cool Cool
Power* Power* Power* Power*

kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
5 83,3 20,3 79,1 22,3 77,4 23,2 74,6 24,5
7 88,5 20,7 84,1 22,7 82,2 23,6 79,2 24,9
9 93,9 21,1 89,2 23,2 87,2 24,1 84,1 25,4
85 11 99,5 21,5 94,5 23,6 92,4 24,5 89,1 25,9
13 105,3 21,9 100,0 24,1 97,7 25,0 94,3 26,4
15 111,3 22,3 105,7 24,6 103,3 25,5 99,6 26,9
18 120,7 22,9 114,5 25,3 111,9 26,3 107,9 27,7
5 92,4 23,7 87,5 26,0 85,4 27,0 82,3 28,6
7 98,2 24,2 93,0 26,5 90,8 27,6 87,5 29,2
9 104,2 24,7 98,7 27,1 96,4 28,1 92,8 29,8
95 11 110,4 25,3 104,6 27,7 102,1 28,7 98,4 30,4
13 116,9 25,8 110,7 28,3 108,1 29,4 104,1 31,1
15 123,5 26,4 116,9 29,0 114,2 30,0 110,1 31,8
18 133,8 27,4 126,7 30,0 123,8 31,1 119,2 32,8
5 104,1 27,7 98,6 31,1 96,2 32,6 92,6 34,9
7 110,4 28,1 104,5 31,5 102,0 33,0 98,1 35,4
9 116,9 28,5 110,5 31,9 107,9 33,4 103,8 35,8
105 11 123,5 28,9 116,7 32,4 113,9 33,9 109,6 36,3
13 130,3 29,3 123,1 32,8 120,1 34,3 115,5 36,8
15 137,3 29,7 129,5 33,2 126,4 34,8 121,5 37,3
18 147,9 30,3 139,4 33,9 136,0 35,5 130,7 38,0
5 121,5 30,1 115,0 33,8 112,2 35,4 107,9 38,0
7 129,1 30,6 122,1 34,3 119,2 35,9 114,6 38,5
9 136,9 31,1 129,4 34,8 126,3 36,4 121,5 39,1
120 11 145,0 31,6 137,0 35,3 133,7 37,0 128,6 39,6
13 153,4 32,1 144,9 35,9 141,4 37,6 135,9 40,2
15 162,0 32,6 152,9 36,5 149,2 38,2 143,5 40,8
18 175,3 33,5 165,4 37,4 161,3 39,1 155,1 41,8
5 133,4 33,8 125,8 37,9 122,7 39,7 117,7 42,5
7 141,7 34,4 133,6 38,5 130,3 40,3 125,0 43,2
9 150,3 35,1 141,7 39,2 138,2 41,0 132,6 43,9
135 11 159,2 35,8 150,1 40,0 146,3 41,8 140,4 44,7
13 168,5 36,5 158,8 40,8 154,8 42,6 148,5 45,5
15 178,0 37,3 167,7 41,6 163,5 43,5 156,9 46,4
18 192,7 38,6 181,6 43,0 177,0 44,8 169,9 47,8

Only Compressors.
SyScroll 85-135 Air | 33

Condensing Air Temperature C

38 40 42
Model Input Input Input
C Cool Cool Cool
Power* Power* Power*

kW kW kW kW kW kW
5 71,7 25,9 69,7 26,9 67,6 28,0
7 76,2 26,4 74,1 27,4 71,9 28,4
9 80,8 26,9 78,6 27,9 76,3 28,9
85 11 85,6 27,4 83,3 28,4
13 90,6 27,9 88,1 28,9
15 95,8 28,4 93,1 29,4
18 103,8 29,2 100,9 30,3
5 79,0 30,4 76,8 31,6 74,5 33,0
7 84,0 31,0 81,6 32,2 79,2 33,5
9 89,2 31,6 86,7 32,8 84,1 34,2
95 11 94,5 32,2 91,9 33,5
13 100,1 32,9 97,3 34,2
15 105,8 33,6 102,8 34,9
18 114,6 34,7 111,4 36,0
5 88,7 37,4 85,9 39,2 83,0 41,1
7 94,0 37,9 91,2 39,7 88,2 41,6
9 99,5 38,4 96,5 40,3 93,4 42,2
105 11 105,1 38,9 101,9 40,8
13 110,8 39,4 107,5 41,3
15 116,5 39,9 113,1 41,8
18 125,3 40,7 121,6 42,6
5 103,4 40,8 100,3 42,7 97,0 44,8
7 109,9 41,3 106,6 43,3 103,1 45,4
9 116,5 41,9 113,0 43,9 109,4 45,9
120 11 123,3 42,4 119,7 44,5
13 130,3 43,1 126,5 45,1
15 137,6 43,7 133,5 45,7
18 148,7 44,7 144,3 46,7
5 112,6 45,6 109,0 47,8 105,3 50,2
7 119,6 46,3 115,8 48,5 111,8 50,9
9 126,8 47,1 122,8 49,3 118,7 51,6
135 11 134,3 47,8 130,1 50,1
13 142,1 48,7 137,6 50,9
15 150,1 49,6 145,4 51,8
18 162,5 51,0 157,5 53,2

Only Compressors.
HT Version
34 | SyScroll 85-135 Air

Heating Capacities - SyScroll Air HP _ - (STD-HT-HPF)

Ambient Air Temperature C

-7 -5 -3 0
Model Input Input Input Input
C Heat Heat Heat Heat
Power* Power* Power* Power*

kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
30 61,5 17,2 64,8 17,3 68,3 17,5 73,8 17,7
35 61,2 19,0 64,4 19,1 67,8 19,3 73,2 19,5
85 40 61,0 21,1 64,1 21,2 67,2 21,3 72,5 21,5
45 63,8 23,7 66,9 23,8 72,0 23,9
50 71,5 26,6
30 69,1 19,8 72,8 20,0 76,7 20,1 82,8 20,3
35 68,9 21,9 72,5 22,0 76,3 22,1 82,2 22,3
95 40 68,9 24,4 72,3 24,4 76,0 24,5 81,8 24,7
45 75,8 27,3 81,4 27,4
50 81,3 30,6
30 77,4 24,2 81,2 24,2 85,2 24,2 91,4 24,2
35 77,7 27,1 81,5 27,2 85,5 27,2 91,7 27,2
105 40 77,6 30,4 81,5 30,4 85,6 30,5 91,8 30,5
45 81,1 34,1 85,1 34,1 91,5 34,2
50 90,8 38,3
30 86,0 27,1 90,2 27,1 94,8 27,1 101,9 27,1
35 86,4 30,5 90,7 30,5 95,1 30,5 102,0 30,5
120 40 86,8 34,3 91,0 34,3 95,4 34,4 102,2 34,4
45 91,2 38,7 95,6 38,7 102,3 38,7
50 102,1 43,6
30 94,8 30,2 99,2 30,2 104,6 30,2 111,9 30,3
35 95,3 34,1 99,8 34,1 104,7 34,1 112,1 34,1
135 40 96,2 38,6 100,6 38,6 105,3 38,6 112,5 38,5
45 106,2 43,7 113,1 43,6

Only Compressors.
SyScroll 85-135 Air | 35

Ambient Air Temperature C

5 7 10 15
Model Input Input Input Input
C Heat Heat Heat Heat
Power* Power* Power* Power*

kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
30 83,3 18,0 87,8 18,1 94,3 18,3 106,8 18,5
35 82,5 19,8 86,9 20,0 93,4 20,2 105,6 20,5
85 40 81,7 21,8 85,9 22,0 92,2 22,2 104,1 22,6
45 80,8 24,1 84,8 24,3 91,0 24,5 102,5 24,9
50 79,8 26,7 83,7 26,8 89,6 27,0 100,8 27,4
30 93,5 20,6 99,0 20,7 106,1 20,9 121,0 21,2
35 92,7 22,6 98,0 22,8 104,9 23,0 118,8 23,3
95 40 91,9 25,0 96,7 25,1 103,7 25,3 117,2 25,7
45 91,3 27,7 95,8 27,8 102,6 28,0 115,6 28,4
50 90,8 30,8 95,0 30,9 101,6 31,1 114,1 31,4
30 102,5 24,2 108,1 24,2 115,6 24,2 131,1 24,1
35 102,6 27,2 108,0 27,2 115,1 27,2 129,4 27,1
105 40 102,5 30,6 107,5 30,6 114,7 30,6 128,2 30,5
45 102,2 34,3 107,0 34,3 114,1 34,3 127,2 34,3
50 101,6 38,5 106,3 38,5 113,4 38,5 126,2 38,5
30 114,4 27,2 120,8 27,2 129,6 27,2 147,0 27,2
35 114,2 30,6 120,5 30,6 128,5 30,6 145,4 30,6
120 40 114,0 34,4 120,0 34,4 127,9 34,4 143,4 34,4
45 113,8 38,7 119,2 38,7 127,2 38,7 142,3 38,7
50 113,5 43,6 118,6 43,6 126,4 43,6 141,0 43,5
30 126,4 30,4 132,7 30,4 142,7 30,5 161,7 30,5
35 125,5 34,2 132,2 34,2 141,8 34,3 160,2 34,3
135 40 125,4 38,5 132,0 38,6 140,8 38,6 158,8 38,6
45 125,5 43,5 131,8 43,5 140,1 43,5 156,9 43,5
50 125,7 49,2 131,2 49,1 139,5 49,1 155,5 49,0

Only Compressors.
36 | SyScroll 85-135 Air

Cooling Capacities - SyScroll Air HP S - (STD)

Condensing Air Temperature C

25 30 32
Model Input Input Input
C Cool Cool Cool
Power* Power* Power*

kW kW kW kW kW kW
5 80,9 21,5 76,6 23,5 74,8 24,4
7 85,8 21,9 81,2 24,0 79,3 24,9
9 90,9 22,4 86,0 24,6 83,9 25,5
85 11 96,1 22,9 90,9 25,1 88,8 26,0
13 101,5 23,5 96,0 25,7 93,7 26,6
15 107,1 24,0 101,3 26,3 98,8 27,2
18 115,7 24,8 109,4 27,2 106,7 28,1
5 89,2 25,2 84,2 27,6 82,1 28,7
7 94,6 25,8 89,3 28,3 87,1 29,4
9 100,2 26,4 94,6 29,0 92,2 30,1
95 11 106,0 27,1 100,0 29,7 97,5 30,8
13 111,9 27,8 105,6 30,4 103,0 31,6
15 118,0 28,5 111,3 31,2 108,6 32,4
18 127,4 29,7 120,2 32,5 117,2 33,6
5 101,9 29,3 96,2 32,8 93,7 34,4
7 107,9 29,8 101,8 33,4 99,2 34,9
9 114,0 30,3 107,5 33,9 104,7 35,5
105 11 120,2 30,8 113,3 34,5 110,4 36,1
13 126,6 31,3 119,2 35,0 116,1 36,7
15 133,0 31,8 125,2 35,6 121,9 37,3
18 142,8 32,6 134,2 36,5 130,7 38,1
5 119,8 31,3 113,1 35,2 110,2 36,8
7 127,1 31,9 119,9 35,7 116,9 37,4
9 134,6 32,5 126,9 36,3 123,7 38,0
120 11 142,3 33,1 134,2 37,0 130,8 38,7
13 150,3 33,7 141,6 37,7 138,0 39,4
15 158,4 34,3 149,2 38,3 145,4 40,1
18 171,0 35,4 161,0 39,4 156,8 41,2
5 131,0 35,3 123,2 39,5 120,0 41,4
7 139,0 36,0 130,6 40,3 127,2 42,2
9 147,2 36,8 138,3 41,1 134,6 43,0
135 11 155,6 37,6 146,3 42,0 142,4 43,9
13 164,4 38,5 154,4 43,0 150,3 44,9
15 173,3 39,5 162,8 43,9 158,5 45,9
18 187,1 41,0 175,8 45,5 171,1 47,5

Only Compressors.
SyScroll 85-135 Air | 37

Condensing Air Temperature C

35 38 40
Model Input Input Input
C Cool Cool Cool
Power* Power* Power*

kW kW kW kW kW kW
5 71,9 25,8 68,9 27,3 66,9 28,3
7 76,3 26,3 73,1 27,8
9 80,8 26,9 77,4 28,4
85 11 85,4 27,5 81,9 29,0
13 90,2 28,1 86,5 29,6
15 95,1 28,7 91,1 30,2
18 102,6 29,6 98,4 31,2
5 78,9 30,4 75,6 32,3 73,3 33,7
7 83,7 31,1 80,2 33,0
9 88,6 31,8 84,9 33,7
95 11 93,7 32,6 89,8 34,5
13 99,0 33,4 94,8 35,3
15 104,3 34,2 99,9 36,1
18 112,6 35,5 107,8 37,5
5 89,9 36,8 85,7 39,4 82,8 41,3
7 95,1 37,4 90,8 40,1
9 100,5 38,0 95,9 40,7
105 11 105,9 38,6 101,2 41,4
13 111,4 39,2 106,4 42,0
15 116,9 39,9 111,8 42,7
18 125,3 40,8 119,8 43,7
5 105,8 39,5 101,1 42,3 97,9 44,4
7 112,2 40,1 107,3 43,0
9 118,8 40,7 113,6 43,7
120 11 125,5 41,4 120,1 44,3
13 132,5 42,1 126,7 45,1
15 139,6 42,9 133,5 45,8
18 150,5 44,0 144,0 47,0
5 114,9 44,4 109,5 47,6 105,8 49,9
7 121,8 45,2 116,1 48,4
9 128,9 46,0 122,9 49,3
135 11 136,3 47,0 130,0 50,2
13 143,9 47,9 137,2 51,2
15 151,7 48,9 144,7 52,2
18 163,8 50,6 156,2 53,9

Only Compressors.
38 | SyScroll 85-135 Air

Heating Capacities - SyScroll Air HP S - (STD)

Ambient Air Temperature C

-7 -5 -3 0
Model Input Input Input Input
C Heat Heat Heat Heat
Power* Power* Power* Power*

kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
30 59,5 17,1 62,6 17,2 66,0 17,4 71,0 17,6
35 59,2 18,9 62,3 19,0 65,6 19,2 70,6 19,3
85 40 59,2 21,1 62,2 21,2 65,3 21,2 70,3 21,4
45 65,2 23,7 69,9 23,8
50 69,6 26,5
30 66,8 19,8 70,1 19,9 74,0 20,0 79,5 20,2
35 66,7 21,9 69,9 22,0 73,7 22,1 79,1 22,3
95 40 - - 70,0 24,5 73,5 24,5 78,9 24,7
45 78,8 27,5
30 75,8 24,2 79,3 24,2 83,4 24,2 89,2 24,2
35 76,2 27,1 79,7 27,1 83,7 27,2 89,6 27,2
105 40 76,0 30,4 79,8 30,4 83,7 30,5 89,7 30,5
45 83,5 34,1 89,6 34,2
30 84,1 27,0 88,0 27,1 92,7 27,1 99,2 27,1
35 84,7 30,5 88,5 30,5 93,1 30,5 99,5 30,5
120 40 85,0 34,3 89,0 34,3 93,3 34,4 99,8 34,4
45 93,6 38,7 100,1 38,7
30 92,4 30,1 96,6 30,2 101,8 30,2 109,2 30,3
35 93,3 34,0 97,4 34,1 102,4 34,1 109,2 34,1
135 40 94,4 38,6 98,4 38,6 103,2 38,5 109,9 38,5
45 104,1 43,7 110,7 43,6

Only Compressors.
SyScroll 85-135 Air | 39

Ambient Air Temperature C

5 7 10 15
Model Input Input Input Input
C Heat Heat Heat Heat
Power* Power* Power* Power*

kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
30 80,2 17,9 84,7 18,0 91,2 18,2 103,4 18,4
35 79,6 19,7 84,1 19,9 90,1 20,1 102,4 20,4
85 40 78,9 21,7 83,3 21,9 89,1 22,1 100,7 22,5
45 78,3 24,0 82,4 24,2 88,1 24,3 99,2 24,7
50 77,7 26,7 81,3 26,7 87,0 26,9 97,7 27,2
30 90,1 20,5 94,7 20,7 102,1 20,9 115,9 21,2
35 89,5 22,6 94,0 22,7 101,1 22,9 114,6 23,3
95 40 88,5 25,0 93,4 25,1 100,2 25,3 113,3 25,7
45 88,1 27,7 92,8 27,8 99,1 28,0 112,1 28,4
50 87,9 30,8 92,3 30,9 98,3 31,1 110,3 31,4
30 100,4 24,2 105,2 24,2 113,0 24,2 127,5 24,2
35 100,1 27,2 105,3 27,2 112,7 27,2 126,7 27,2
105 40 100,1 30,6 105,3 30,6 112,3 30,6 125,9 30,5
45 100,0 34,3 105,1 34,3 111,7 34,3 124,8 34,3
50 99,6 38,5 104,3 38,5 111,1 38,6 123,7 38,5
30 111,8 27,2 117,4 27,2 126,2 27,2 142,8 27,2
35 111,5 30,6 117,2 30,6 125,7 30,6 141,7 30,6
120 40 111,3 34,4 117,1 34,4 125,2 34,4 140,7 34,4
45 111,3 38,7 116,9 38,7 124,3 38,7 139,5 38,7
50 111,2 43,6 116,5 43,6 123,8 43,6 138,0 43,5
30 122,8 30,3 128,8 30,4 138,5 30,4 156,6 30,5
35 122,7 34,2 128,5 34,2 138,0 34,2 155,6 34,3
135 40 122,8 38,5 128,5 38,5 137,5 38,6 154,6 38,6
45 122,6 43,5 128,6 43,5 137,2 43,5 153,6 43,5
50 123,1 49,2 128,9 49,1 136,5 49,1 152,7 49,0

Only Compressors.
40 | SyScroll 85-135 Air

Condensing unit - SyScroll Air RE _ - (STD-HT-HPF)

Condensing Air Temperature C

25 30 35 40 45
Model Input Input Input Input Input
C Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool
Power* Power* Power* Power* Power*

kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
5 88,1 19,5 83,5 21,5 78,6 23,5 73,2 25,9 67,5 28,4
7 93,7 19,8 88,9 21,8 83,6 23,9 78,0 26,3 72,0 28,8
9 99,6 20,1 94,4 22,2 88,8 24,4 82,9 26,7 76,5 29,3
85 11 105,6 20,5 100,1 22,6 94,3 24,8 88,0 27,1 81,3 29,7
13 111,9 20,8 106,1 23,0 99,9 25,2 93,2 27,6 86,2 30,2
15 118,4 21,1 112,2 23,4 105,7 25,7 98,7 28,1
18 128,6 21,6 121,9 24,0 114,7 26,3 107,2 28,8
5 98,6 23,0 93,1 25,2 87,4 27,7 81,3 30,5 75,0 33,8
7 104,9 23,4 99,1 25,6 93,0 28,2 86,6 31,0 79,9 34,3
9 111,5 23,9 105,4 26,1 98,9 28,7 92,2 31,6 85,1 34,8
95 11 118,3 24,3 111,8 26,7 105,0 29,2 97,8 32,1 90,4 35,4
13 125,3 24,8 118,5 27,2 111,3 29,8 103,7 32,7 95,9 36,0
15 132,6 25,3 125,3 27,8 117,7 30,4 109,8 33,4
18 143,9 26,2 136,1 28,6 127,8 31,4 119,3 34,4
5 110,4 26,6 104,3 29,8 97,9 33,5 90,8 37,6 82,9 42,2
7 117,3 26,9 110,8 30,2 103,9 33,9 96,5 38,0 88,3 42,7
9 124,4 27,2 117,4 30,5 110,1 34,2 102,3 38,5 93,8 43,2
105 11 131,7 27,6 124,2 30,9 116,4 34,6 108,2 38,9 99,4 43,7
13 139,1 27,9 131,1 31,2 122,9 35,0 114,3 39,3 105,0 44,1
15 146,8 28,2 138,2 31,5 129,4 35,4 120,4 39,7
18 158,5 28,7 149,1 32,1 139,5 35,9 129,7 40,3
5 123,7 30,4 116,6 34,1 109,1 38,3 101,0 43,1 92,1 48,5
7 131,6 30,8 124,0 34,6 116,0 38,8 107,4 43,6 98,2 49,0
9 139,7 31,3 131,6 35,0 123,1 39,3 114,1 44,1 104,4 49,5
120 11 148,1 31,7 139,5 35,5 130,5 39,8 121,0 44,6 110,8 50,1
13 156,8 32,2 147,6 36,0 138,1 40,3 128,1 45,2 117,4 50,7
15 165,7 32,7 156,0 36,5 145,9 40,9 135,3 45,8
18 179,6 33,5 168,9 37,4 157,9 41,7 146,5 46,7
5 135,6 34,3 127,4 38,4 118,8 43,1 109,6 48,5 99,6 54,6
7 144,2 34,8 135,5 39,0 126,4 43,7 116,6 49,1 106,1 55,2
9 153,2 35,4 143,9 39,6 134,2 44,4 123,9 49,8 112,9 55,9
135 11 162,4 36,1 152,6 40,3 142,4 45,1 131,5 50,5 119,8 56,6
13 172,0 36,8 161,6 41,1 150,8 45,9 139,3 51,3 127,1 57,4
15 181,9 37,5 170,9 41,8 159,4 46,7 147,4 52,1
18 197,3 38,7 185,4 43,1 173,0 47,9 159,9 53,4

Only Compressors.
HT Version
SyScroll 85-135 Air | 41

Condensing unit - SyScroll Air RE S - (STD)

Condensing Air Temperature C

25 30 35 40
Model Input Input Input Input
C Cool Cool Cool Cool
Power* Power* Power* Power*

kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
5 85,4 20,7 80,7 22,6 75,6 24,8 70,2 27,2
7 90,7 21,1 85,7 23,1 80,4 25,3 74,6 27,7
9 96,2 21,5 90,9 23,6 85,2 25,8 79,1 28,2
85 11 101,9 21,9 96,2 24,1 90,2 26,3 83,8 28,7
13 107,7 22,4 101,7 24,6 95,4 26,8 88,6 29,3
15 113,7 22,8 107,4 25,1 100,7 27,4 93,6 29,8
18 123,1 23,5 116,2 25,9 108,9 28,2 101,3 30,7
5 95,0 24,4 89,4 26,7 83,6 29,4 77,5 32,5
7 100,9 24,9 95,0 27,3 88,8 30,0 82,4 33,1
9 107,0 25,5 100,7 27,9 94,2 30,7 87,4 33,7
95 11 113,2 26,1 106,7 28,6 99,8 31,3 92,6 34,4
13 119,7 26,8 112,7 29,3 105,5 32,0 97,9 35,2
15 126,3 27,4 119,0 30,0 111,4 32,8 103,4 35,9
18 136,6 28,5 128,7 31,1 120,4 33,9 111,8 37,1
5 107,7 28,0 101,5 31,4 94,9 35,3 87,5 39,5
7 114,2 28,4 107,6 31,9 100,6 35,7 92,9 40,1
9 120,9 28,8 113,8 32,3 106,4 36,2 98,4 40,6
105 11 127,7 29,3 120,2 32,7 112,4 36,7 104,0 41,2
13 134,7 29,7 126,7 33,2 118,4 37,2 109,6 41,7
15 141,8 30,1 133,3 33,6 124,5 37,7 115,3 42,2
18 152,6 30,7 143,3 34,3 133,8 38,4 124,0 43,0
5 120,1 32,3 112,9 36,2 105,2 40,6 96,9 45,6
7 127,5 32,8 119,9 36,7 111,7 41,2 102,9 46,2
9 135,2 33,4 127,0 37,3 118,4 41,8 109,1 46,9
120 11 143,0 33,9 134,3 37,9 125,2 42,5 115,5 47,6
13 151,1 34,5 141,9 38,6 132,2 43,1 122,0 48,3
15 159,3 35,2 149,6 39,2 139,4 43,8 128,7 49,0
18 172,1 36,2 161,4 40,3 150,5 44,9 139,0 50,1
5 131,1 36,5 122,8 40,9 114,0 45,9 104,5 51,6
7 139,1 37,2 130,3 41,7 121,0 46,7 111,0 52,4
9 147,4 38,0 138,1 42,5 128,2 47,5 117,7 53,2
135 11 156,0 38,8 146,1 43,3 135,7 48,4 124,6 54,1
13 164,9 39,7 154,4 44,2 143,4 49,3 131,7 55,0
15 174,0 40,6 162,9 45,2 151,3 50,3 139,0 56,0
18 188,0 42,1 176,1 46,7 163,5 51,9 150,3 57,6

(*) Only Compressors.

42 | SyScroll 85-135 Air

Evaporator Water Pressure Drop Curves

SySroll Air CO

Pressure drop (kPa)



10 120

2,5 5 7,50 10
Water flow rate (l/s)

SyScroll HP

Pressure drop (kPa)



10 85

2,5 5 7,50 10
Water flow rate (l/s)

Desuperheater pressure drop

Pressure drop (kPa)



10 135

0,5 1,50 2 2,50

Water flow rate (l/s)
SyScroll 85-135 Air | 43

Water pump curves 1 or 2 pump available static pressure (1P/2P-SP)



Available static presssure (kPa)








85-95 105-120
3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 5,5 6,0 6,5 7,0 7,5 8,0 8,5 9,0
Water flow rate (l/s)

Water pump curves 1 or 2 pump available static pressure (1P/2P-HP)




Available static presssure (kPa)









25 85-95

2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 5,5 6,0 6,5 7,0 7,5 8,0 8,5 9,0 9,5 10,0 10,5 11,0 11,5 12,0

Water flow rate (l/s)

44 | SyScroll 85-135 Air

Dimensions SyScroll 85-105 Air

Front view Side view




218 1385


218 1385



D C 155 C-D

63 4x

B F A 90

182 520



178 650 1600 650
= B = 2905 90

178 650 1600 650

= = 2905
Back view Top view


P4 4x 17


P4 4x 17
I P2



P1 971 P3 619
70 970
1095 552 1800 553

P1 971 P3 619
70 970
1095 552 1800 553

Hydraulic option Water in Water out
A B C D E Water connection 2 1/2 Gas M
F Electrical auxiliary lines STD A B
G Electrical power supply 1P C B
I Gauge kit (Accessory) 2P D B
L Main switch 1PT C E
M Control keypad / display

N Desuperheater water inlet 1 GAS M
O Desuperheater water outlet 1 GAS M

P1, P2, P3, P4 Anti-vibration mount position

SyScroll 85-135 Air | 45

Dimensions SyScroll 120-135 Air

Front view Side view



1967 1967

2250 2250

1985 155

218 E

520 520





178 90

653 2200 653


= =

653 2200 653

= =
Back view Top view



P2 P4 4x 17

P2 P4 4x 17


1021 1021



P1 1214 P3 732
1095 552 970
2400 553

P1 1214 P3 732
1095 552 2400 553

Hydraulic option Water in Water out
A B C D E Water connection 2 1/2 Gas M
F Electrical auxiliary lines STD A B
G Electrical power supply 1P C B
I Gauge kit (Accessory) 2P D B
L Main switch 1PT C E
M Control keypad / display

N Desuperheater water inlet 1 GAS M
O Desuperheater water outlet 1 GAS M

P1, P2, P3, P4 Anti-vibration mount position

46 | SyScroll 85-135 Air

Space requirements



Systemair srl

[email protected]
Via XXV Aprile, 29

Tel. +39 0362 680 1

20825 Barlassina (MB)

Fax +39 0362 680 693

Systemair May 2014 EDM SyScroll 85-135 Air-S-1GB/05.14 E34013
As part of our ongoing product improvement programme, our products are subject to change without prior notice. Non contractual photos.

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