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Egyptian Code For Loads - 2012
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CBee l ad lead Deo or iSyY) eI eerie y es BS yen ry es Pelee erapy Pele y ines (Pe Wy rn Peas ee sy peunupec si) eee lrey ery ek Pilecr ee Pen ET eee ctsKapa) pan Tay sgan Fah yaad Lyaitlly SH pally GlSuy 5 I3y Ui GLa Caged apa) 55a peal! a ySt} chal dlasly ubtayh lac oo gltly laa) gual Jada Gaus coleal duchy 4k) Jae ogi yg sllly uaa lucas og pal yl) Jae Yd yas YON Y dag63139 Sxl “yet t taal COP Ny ly gl peal Gamaillg GALL lSaal pay ASST Dae) i day py pata Gpaerd GL Gd 141 4 Aad pb capil le E UYH sey - PL! Slacly Agia Aig Ve A Abad 104 py Chg itilly jatecll Lill & git gle g - (Sift Eagan cya sill 5S yall path Galo GL BY 6 2 aad VY aly wa spenll ull deg - wplially Hatta ial) Side Gy Yoo s Aad 6) 9 VARY AL VY aly Gull HULL ose = | : Silly Jus G pall gS aey Sau aigaah cpa sll 35 yall 3a) Gulgea cog / agiSll MAT aya) Co Lasall 5 SLall log - LTA AVAS YY Gayle oll _—_ GA baal! Vgd i pall clad) Shae Ly ALAIN SLAY cob us sll y Lea abs os paaall 2 gStly all ai Jill +: Gath satay Aisa SALT JC (bce shlly lua! uaa og paral! a Slt alae y Aaibatl Aig og gis eae C1 BN aga) Sal Ye Aa 9g VARY GY ol Ga Nill Gas Ally (SgStl 1a Ga Lacs Y Nee Wha agStl Cayaacd a 3) cabbbcayhy‘ agra haaeeee “dase pill Aa pl gS ps ie Jaa ely OLS Cigna gall 5S pall oo 6 + Gag gi baal) He A Mhaad VAG VANE Bhd Yop Cig ob Upale yo gual Apinall Calgantl 9 5h Ag Nig phan Le Sally Lagi) tall (ut Balall) Bei a pel he pd pall | A Ay ates ha neal Gk JUAN Hn 7 er 26 — : ao Saal i YANN 1 home igilgaalldgmaally ills e oy tant qealoall gad anne / 9.0 Se aaes BSN AY) (gh pues Ueagsd Gol eli y asst hae ogi Mindat) Cal gall [as Ul tly Gael a gly aatgy pene pli of List CASE Canina Sante ells tye yeley Lia tiall 8M le lial y Gib yall Aa GLYN 5a Gia GALWY! Slee is BAG dL Lily CISUY! Giga ga sill 5S pall pal Lasbiy Glntal 1a Gey TR Yeo RT Gly ce smell ill jake lh A paall Gytlly Gil lly GLY! rales ool sae san} cob sai silly obi y MSY Ch youl io sill 5S yall aula sale} Am CA al pally Lee Yl a sis China yay Gla SI) yaad y Jara y sae] iey 38 pal AB On Ua) Ole Lis A Gay al) ality Gull UALS ae (otal solidly ayiill le y hd oI Lay! eo 5 ey Slo gS aac S05 (I ala La gall, Gand! gutayy 5S yall pl LS Ayaly Ayala) CH jbl lS (98 Linnie Syallall 5 Sl) y yell a) clue gs Le Casal y Jus! CAI ileal US lh peat Hy td all JSG clay « ¢ Jy dala Gd Gates gle Spal Gu Lea gay ec! cdeLby Glaalely 3S pal 3 eA y sal le (gb Calaally Cyatigall ay p55 Cl yg9 ley 4S Cilia pally Clo gl) sheds y Gayl gle iy ill iad Anal ck old aid ebay aut CYL pght Gi IS al 0 gy (DU adden daaall gla) sed gl Gangs ly (VA VY-Y + +¥) 5S pall Guaesll a aly ome le AAS ok CLE by oli y aut EUah Gad ll ISLA gal ya Asia y Ca pS Says y Nae} cb Leal) GALS Gye (gill y Gila SI Heol dye ll GLY Gal Liga Halle y Mae Ci ghi (yu Spc Lal Las 5 pane My Caf) Caysns gy aly Le Ges Gay 5 Gye ull GI ys Agi Cina gall y Clog ce ASI Janel y stacy gl ab 58 yall fd [SL sally Slay LG de cL y aust a p Ubi alalell y Gucigall Gi pay Gf abel Gyo Aled Ait lh S sland) (64 5351 lly A5all Cia ally 66 GAS oly aly 5d) ales only sally OISui) Ci gal ig gill 5S pall Pers ven EanAa eal clus diy yb le Le tikes gill! Jtecl ASLAY! Jue! LOLs i gis CLAY Lead cle Le pidy jrolinll ode eliS ccany Aikisal AgLaY! poll i Gall, sll 03g) saleetiyly LAY el Ging Ley Il de jel cs silly Glas! oe tial PSE! 8 Db Ld al GLYN alg Lisy SII Oe sll ool AT Gm oe ally ed obs dy Gaya Lbs Fas CLM gd SS Ciyae Lal Ge cle LAV tle gle La ss Gal) deal o8g See JIS) ayes pte AL Gi Lol LLY doghsy oltudl Guat J Mine al pal Ally Gil pally LAY 5 15 Coca} a IV Ye ALD ia 21ST Va a Lees © pall Chg Casts olay IYI Gyad Gayl GS ydl Gi SSW 5 Rasa y ale Mikey ASLEYT Lenaighl le ab gs all galled) 5 shall 451 ya lal SULLY 5 al AVI Cuans aang 5 yy pula OS NS Cyne ale Gey) aby eald diay geil Leake Gob Gl eld Qe J5Y GM Lagld) lal Glau! A Uylad ctl de JGY BI ge Aaa SL! se Be) Gaith Jad oF ey ALLY Gyeall Ltd ge LSI cals Ly dheal ole cle aigl al Gb Uy of 9S) Cos Gi Gey) BIND San Le Ould Gre oo ea Cue oe SUSI aud GS cae. BOLE Gle JG Fag 5 AS Anat) GUS Daa} ce Used Laan I agall go cli y GISAYI Gyo call 5S yall gf cua Ost Get IS Sy ay Sd SI yyall Lee le 5S yall Gaye all «ca SI ET pe HRS y EIS 5 J) She GA LSS je ady Se el) yall us Gall Mele Goleta Aa) GU) DU Lidl aySII ba alae! 6b acl ool) 3 LaYI aay BUS es lal cad Gf Ue atl Gaal YL, Gy sk ene Gay Lys oe apt Lal Las Maes hal Caall GG 3S Naa by abel geo 2480) a uaa ASLEY Atal lane (dA Guts GA gh GAS oly ily ag8t) Lash Lt) asi WW Gene pal oe ten / 35360 itallash Glue diy yb le Ale dicey shill JLeel y ENA Sead gle Yi pahy puoliall oa selis Gis wate SLY waliall ob cs silly Sle odgd saleetiYl y LAY claYT Ging Ley Ugh Lea peal) silly laa) Gye al splay! 3d Sse ed als) GLA lg 13S, SIS on ae ol OST ois Oe ally Gud oh dy Gaal ipl, Basta CVI gb les gas al Ge chp SY ale le take 55 Ctl agll Sel See JS) ayes pe UL Gi dol GLY! dal byhay btu! hed Wine Al pad sally Gil pally LAY! 515 Cua) a 5M ge Aas) Jia 80 Na Gh Leeda peal Clo Cesety lilly IY! Goad Gasill 5S ydl Gi SYD Rainy le Bikey ASU Lasse ne gb ge pall pall hill Sh yb lal SUaLBAYy Ub AY! vans ates 5 yy pe 2S Mba Cyne aie Gey) aby eal diay oad Lesa Gob GI ell ae 6 GUY GI desu! coldly oltall yb 4 thal eel le J5Y 5 ge Ast Js Yi se BUS Gait Jad Gf Gay ll Ealgll Sy yal GL ge eg LSI cals lly deal Glee le aigh al Gb dey of a8) Guat of ct 5) ING Gye Len Oped Cae sh od ew Cus Ge GUST puadi S Cye BLS gle JY Ars Ss Lea) LS ined oe Usha dae gall gs olilly ALY! Coyad asi 5S yal of cans ose Gd Sl pS Sy Sp ysl Gly sall dee Sle JS yd) Gaye ald octal SET oe ay SJ 95 Naf ae Ga LIS Se ay A ll Dall a pall Nedle Caleta) idl) GUL) SD isk 2 SII Iba lac} Saf al GI 3 LayI ans B08 es Mall ca a Ue te Gat Cis, Gy ope Gay Lye Coe Sag LA Las Stine yy ghilly sll JF 2) Ua oy lll ge aySll Sa yaa ASIN Kgl Sle 6 Ay Myata Cy gh GAS sy aly gS Atal) Liat ay Wwe Cone aulall ue ogden / 95S Shind44a aaa Hasina wey 1 a a a nal = 59) lal 5 Stee 1-1 3380) Gitaal Y=1 ball Glas 1-1 lea! lus Gaul £1 atlanaally jazi y Oly ail): (tt) Gull Siig ytd Y= Asal dls 1-1-1 Asal) os silly Slay) Y-1-7 gall Jus \-Y-)-7 cut dual Y-¥-1-7 SY dlal -Y-1-7 Boa Gila ya js ot ¢-1-1-7 bythe 52 Jlaal o-y-)- Slalbraally bye YOY Hatha laa) : ttt il Aged G91 1-1 Cle gor Nl gle Saseall ash! silly ALolill jwoliall Jleal th Glue 1 yall Bame ye Gab silly Mali) jolie! Ula! th Glue 1-1 colgall ogle laa: gl Gill ale \nt GA shall basen 4uSll AY G68 All Jaa! Ganas Galas CH pL) jaya le § Spall GAY ys sl HE salyall Glas yas oth t-4 Haka jal) ALS 0~¢ sla pall Cin 5 1 Chol dlal v-# J3Y 5M Jlaal A-tcy sinad vy vA YA YA vA ey Jp tettayt das , : gpa gle Sulyall el pha a-t led Gs slall claull gle Heald Jaa! o£ CALLAD glitall La gagll 1 — € olay pill Auta Le giacall VY — ISN oak vy - £ Bdaall os Sy GoM g JUS le Dla: Guadl cl pi Ne 5 laa! 1-1-0 4g gill Ja! Y-1-0 ealall lal Yo3-0 LID! ppanetll gb Massa! 45 yall cial! Jha Yoo Goal IES ude ul taal toe () By desaill capi “Ve (1) aha asaall cage YoY 0 () phy dyeatll gigas Poe Boal Gaal 5 si dyh t-toe gi! sll ab t-0 dail gi Vr E-e AM ssl BS yd yh oA Falpall Alle ood Lpncill dual o-° ENE pall Lene 1-8 ple \-t-8 ob iacel le 4S pal Lente of te Lal aay le 4S yl dpe apne yt Foto Gna i y2 le AS pal deaee th tote Saya) Jala le 45 pall dere pith ote Shad jal le + B54) ill Ye Baikal) Ltt gay cs USI aS gle Jlesiil Ame°y oy oy or of of 00 oN ov ov oA Ad gM dla \-A-0 4a Jlaal Y-A-o Ape Ua ba sha Wigs 53 Gal Gb! 5 1S 4-0 Soya Glas yas 581-0 JY 3M dlaal y1-0 cho! dual 1¥-0 GY Gall 4) Sin IS Lagi V0 SLL ASU Cs glial do gugll 1 £0 Hila pall GALS \o~0 Fiha jall Ga 5 V0 Ait al ys olf ala Ula 1V-0 ola sf 4, ill Auilall b gauell Ao DIS tk 4-0 Agu) pe CY yeall Yoo Gobel GUS le las! quent GLa T)-0 BLiall 5 4US pole Jlaa! YY-0 BLED 5 US gle Aud I laa} 1-¥Y-0 BLaall 5 LS gle 481 5 gall Y-YY-0 BL JUS gle las! quan T=YY-0 cual Jlal t-YY-0 JS 5 Staal 0-YY-0 SLtall GUS (gle paeall laa! 1-1-0 BLadll 5 USI by 54 yall le taal y-YY-0 SL Gg gLS) salad! Li) golly GLY! Je Leal A-TY-0 Beal og yest Salina Guaaill od yi AVY oliiall JUS ple SLY! Quand GLa V--Y=0 Gobel GUS gle Stes! quand GL ([-0) Gala olbal s US ude Slangin CLA (Ge) Gallyy vw vy vy vr vr vr vr vr vr vr ve ve ve Yo rea Ne Sateen ei a 4 Hysysnl) Sad) ciLdag og JS (gle Saal: gach hal ale 1-7 Ayah Steal -3—7 yg Jays Y-1-4 Fualall Slay) P=¥—4 Ayal) Jal Y-1 Saal Baaee og USI gle Ja 1-1-4 Cali jl yall gle Jles YI Y=Y=4 ASualyall oI) 8b 17 Ayagaad) Bal 5 JUS od 4238 pall 2 ph 8 £9 BJoall Glas 33 yf ot cals dal 584 Aya yal) Glacall $6 V-1 chal taal AT SYST Ulead 4-5 ASA GES I Ae gle V8 LALA ci slit a gag V=9 Jala yal LSI YA Jal yall Gan VHT Suatll Jal ya elt duals Leal 14-7 shgall sf Ay all Ayitall de geal V0—% st ot 4 cada, JBI = Deas) ggg VAR hace) Leal yp gl pall oLas¥! ood Ulpall ae Qj IVAN ABLad) jualially Glue VI YOVART Bagel) Aish y CASA Adal yp Seal A ghll G25 9) YVATY yal Va=4AY AY ay ho Baal y Aedes CAS Aaa yp eal Gaia pall gy 5s “V1 ofall 3 CASA Adal yp all gata yall gg 5g YY Catal Saal J Maal 1S CAS Daal g Gaal aca yd QB TVA Senta Gd Gate) O13 AGL Alaa yp eal at pall Qj sll EAA Satlall Lil pally GESYI le dual Yaa! oth ¥.—1 eglll Y)-9 Hy thea le CLL SLasl + gyal ci JL ad I-v Sli al Y-V chal Jal Glue 4b Y-¥ q cole! Chl data £-¥ k eypill dales 0-V Cho! dais Cdk a5 8 THY ple y=1-¥ Aldeinaall lull Y-1-V LBL GRAY, Ueinall Slgal gOS ill YAY dose jyadl GIS alll yall Ga ill ail ¢-1-V ADC! Glagly gull o~1-¥ Ad shay! clisdly shally gill, ysladl 1-3-V ayia) CIS gaat YAY lal gas! A-s-V CDUaall laud 4-3-¥ Ag sllall cl AI rv 4g slag GI Ley! 1)—1-¥ Cy Liat ales (I-V) Gata chal gle SV Ulead : Galt) at Badin YA ee \=\-AoS Jabal Lae lead) Y-1-A i Clalweall YV=A yyy Tyas yall Gla gS £-1-A a pencil Sala Glib YA “ ASM Eset v5 “YHA Ve ayaa GLa Y-Y-A a Gall Lagliall a3 Yla Y-Y-Y-A yr tall a yan GLa Y-Y-Y-A Ve fl Leela Gili oA ae ale Y-¥-A VV (cola! iad ll lish) Gali dp de gs ed YoTOA v4 USNS ge AsaLI Sle t £-4 ww 4g 3130 Ghul 1-4-4 NG SYD ye Masta La Gala Baill Y-£=A this pe \nYE-A a 98) BNI shail Cig YoY-t-A wy a geal Yasha Gy PHYA Vt Ayo YI 6 ptll os guaall dal SY! £-Y-E-A ye (cad LBW laa) EMI geen Gasladl Gi OTE A YY Cath RN Gb HMI pencil Glo Gish lua Ajay dip gh 1-Y-£-A Tp co» oS T gt yw (col ALENT alec) oad pagent Gs glad! Ci V=Y-E=A VA SYD inj Dawe SY I ye Apall Dla SU Gaal ya JG ot“ wr gle \-Trt-a wt Ayelbey! 4) jj) Dll) ofA vw SYM ge ApsLtl Stan pel yi ci yal EEA vw G8 Deal ge J3Y 5M baal ques CDLalan Om i) SY 5M Anglia lta Yatlas I-A NYA JV dll ot Glas ge ltl Util tab Sy Qa YL 1-4a yess ly yay Nigh ‘vt \YA sal) precaill Sl gall) YI-A ae
AN G4 503 eal Usb i. eoetacs) a Sully J (By tas CY z ete ay aug stat Cale cys Luepenatll Sue JY anal al 4S yal Cc . Ala yf ekcall 188) ge cull da lie d ial de alec capnell Cagle Gab Gulad ogle SLY! plat ye Abid al jy coal yteA Ney Baal Boel» LAA Ae gh Ay la canal pal E Eey Evra & ei eB HLS I pee ith ob eM 5 ll Gal) edd LS Jy 3A Agaganctll Ayal 5 yal ALS! pla ye Ua! Qegpeetl JGY jl) Jbaal ye Aqibil 4a 5Y! ISVS AasLid cetanetll i yall Lig Slant 2d deperatl Ll lie! (64 53,aLa U5Y GI Ulead ob i JSAaI Adal 5 Y! dag J5Y I Jlal ob da cod ie X spaecled I oH IB oe Aas las ths cot Cay syne sled of DVD oth da UY I ce 4a Ula ths cod eZ greed ANGE th das IVI Ce Sect JL th aolunll 35 yay AES 3S yo Cy MiLuall AMG at 1 y8Ly alll Ilse Ge yal ABS iL! din ssl dals dal 55 oi } oe malic cle thy ANG Us Aly Leal gle ALY Gall og gf Kk JScll Abid all os sf i yall gle 5 gall 81 5 gall (9.81 m/sec”) 4y0,Y) Ayilall Une ASI gill gi) A sl) bah (AS shal vs gb) (i) Al Ais tha Cosel 58 Slee yh gb 38) as g Lal Sela Es38 4 val Gil EL sole ie) gh bagaLal Cale gall ane. olin le alee ola gb dlls Gun LR aS! cy penta Gy Miluall uicY! cis Agi jj Sten! SYD Sled Ghee oleh gle lake all any J5Y 5 veRe Vsu S.(T) Sve (T) Sa(T) Sain (T) s T Voor x coll BY! bial SY) all otal GI Leal ec) ell ats k Stall Ablially 5 fiyall yao ll ASH AD yond dos i yall GU pe LLY) Cs gute Bd AVI one AD oli ase SPT gail GARY) Ay y05 ladies aul GL SSY cial ase Had pall Candy gall Cs gaabe hgh Mal I) Las! coed GLBY! (Ua gle acinay (5.9 Liss) LAY 942) Jn Lalee () Sass Gen « peace Gyhry oly! sala, APU ye eliall JLiY) 290) uae eles al SY! dad 2) dpa alae Frapanetll oiall La lie Jie (H) Gar Mik Gail Gila ya be pus cot ll Bayall O03 Ose BY sheild Gb oil a Gadd Goel gal pI Gy Gb Cs ALAIN lac gasanetil Cs gle) Gish la GY) Glas! i) Gs glad Gab Aa sll Dalen esta 39 5 ella ge gall Up ej . IVD ge RSL gall Gall 555 Ges sigs ple alee alas Go Goldally cil 585 Ge GALE! aaa ay Wey! cans A313 Jas) Sal GYl Gis Jalee (g) ApSta Alne (ag) Apeperetl Guia YI nal) dus i gal deal dus Am = 1.0) Aad 98 BY) last Gad pares Dinara! Lele call Disa! Ga (% ©)eR tl Eg Een _ NNN coil) Sachs Ruby Lael ob ye sly lanl) cal is peal 3 yl colt sles Gab) payne Dine} alee Kk Se BE a gall sh G5 Cagle Ga) 00) all a yas, shat igh SLD AS jal) Gad sonal Lal call ase Qaisie Gale alee att oad (gd Lisa ale! oe gall Uhl G25 CALSYN jx seated ul com yall Ushall Ga Lat ist 33) ALY) ye pail Os Lesa gad JScall (8m ALS dal jf LULA guste cg ginae 5.8 m ALS ¢ LH) Lscall Apes eles SLY jut pealiall Quand eles ill Ageaill AS jall Aulus Sale LALA Gs patte Cpe GLY yt peattall ¢ EL () yal se Lind peel 4 ya 481 Aa 5y! eLESY Sakey gibt! pli le Cal gy ales 2 eel GL coi Lebel! (36 Yeti pbs Gleall gi) Gy dual glee y! (353 ,8La) J5Y I Steal oth: X yp aecled 4 GLI sal Oe GLBY! peel sald AI 5 9d GasBB co A NN tla law y Kyi tay Lae gd ce lly aa) clad ig pall 2g E@y Een eS Poco KR pe mm Ke 5 Sa(T) S.(T) Sve (T) Sain (T) T Ww Kh New Y gyno oles EU sal oe LEY! petal tal dl Gala Gl est Z gg mecked BAM! call Ge ALY! jail sal ll Ulahal ssl GAS cle SHY BM Slash thi tsa drape ASstuy) a BY Gg saul) 4 UHCI Appecetll (i) pss) Abts ase J 5Y ji) Staal 2d Aalst dpyecetll ASSL 5 gill Ayo Vl Auilall dsc (seal) Alea! gt J S218 bolus 53S BAS pal sbi os 5255 Ge eal Jyh v8 head 9 hse) a oi ols! (8 di beta! § Ail ges Jb Js SI ds lle ye cs shell Geaill AES AALAYL gy ALS Neel Gall gus Gio oe Hal jaa g) AS pata 5815 AS pally Leal AY al Po Ez Seal) cya gill (i) ppl Lis aie eal SY! Jal calla Lash ood e245 gyn ibe le ALLL & hye Gill Jen (5.8 pais) Dei) ajay part Salas Aga Jala A Opal AUBYT Al casanetl Cs slacll Cie cool 82 ll Oa jt all GANT Glas ab coal Sap at ood gal gH sled gh SLI GY! laa! BY uted Gb ol coo gall Usb! aj Bead Deal Ge day Olde Ge ghd al GILL s SI Oy coh dates Ayal Sls 526 ge ili os yyaall dealcot Ye Bal lol y Ky) ae bey lla! aad se mal 346 We wi Een E@y Evra he, hi Apa) Lan) Salt og p26 eilSall crapenal (Fi) pail Ais gale gle cating pl Ge US Chee os cglladl ola) oi cs ps8 dali} peal Aue YI AyMlall Une ol) Apancll duce YI Anal Api CAM lghll poodle acetal ag ge UG YI yyne Gla Dk Baal dale Pi coal say! andl dacs (i) pail Lis we a! 59! 4a 51D bal olasd 4 Gf all stall seal Cul g jiye daiece Sa dei pt J ase gf jal) bila) yall Ayslall 401 5Y! q tas 98 OAD lial bit 5AM Latta 45 yall alee bse) ogi 53s Lal UY ji Jlaal 26 X oles} gS AMM os si Go SULY! jaatall Sal fil GIs Iall 5 sll AMT all Go ALY! patel sal stall Gls os sil Z hes) SAM sill Go SLOP! proially sal sual) 4lalall og sil) Aye MY) Ayilall Une hall Gee cual Jai SAM bil ye gle Sule y aig bial loey! i ask lets J NGM Datla iad oy jal! hun (ob paddy SS sacl Lil ge cle Sualioy paigll bial slicy! .§ ab oll J VSAM bac gle DYN py all abeee (gb patti’ lly ala JSigll LALA pels Capea coe Lele Le 18 gf jal JB 5S y0 GLB Jest ym iad POLLY jel Co guate Gye Lule gy jal Jalal Sel gl! doaae yen hy Ry as i sila Ns hy GAM cole DY US JB 5S yo GL hw 5AM Lila aks JE 5S ys gle! ks Ag 513M 5 sl oles) cd Jalal SSigll Ayla se Lug L AMY Gs ol olay ilps olasl i ol jal lata J gl MM’ US paid os Mp OWjAll sacl ALDL ats MM. certs ISLA a. DI ay je m Bilal G2 4S pall ABS My, Mi (Soni JS Hass OY ay je ms a0 dala JSigll AES CB Gt ALYY GI jall Abs m, ISAM clas ALD AS m, ANID 6 sil gle gayae oledl gt Gl 55! Lat ga asl ats. My O138N La yo ats. Poy DISD AJ MY le oN gaia Sultan pug Linc Pow SAM Li ya le cate) cadall Sialisay yas bial Po AD ee J DY le gull Spall Sein pugll baal Pi SAD Biya gle cle) 8 yall Salina pel baal PY Bl yall costal ily! Suan y pel) Jabal! SAT.) eas Soe aj Be Opal ALY a gaperatll Glad Gh Ags (Te) grt JS) Ag SAT) capt abl ej se al) ALLY! hall pal Glad Gib Aas (Ti) Soa Sia dasa sr) ot Sale Ga5 He al) SLY sal al case ight Aas! col st olay! AT, t olgall bails cha ty SSI) sacl ALG las Ty Saal co sall Soh! 05 v ASD Gail 5.6 Ve cetiall JSzall vail si MA cSoall JSG dass LLY 5g guia Gg Gall shPm Pow Drax c c Qiw Qe Qe re ty plat arly Kets eh he sly aah clade peal 2 sis Gb GAD Sys coe EaSaie G58) Ante | gle Ui 4H asad Aa! oil GAN Rca J ALD lowe Ge Lele GIS Mi gle Ub Goal pp WY! ilu is dais Lh ass IGA Lal ga aS 4aS coh asa) Ish G3 GAM ey peat Api GIJAll bilge gle bial! all gata JL dp al GE ae ceria saya gall alee Soa gaya) Ga dalae Jail gall gle (adall Licall dele 5a Aue J ALL le all Liacll ele algal) le Sal bial alee OAM Suef ALY le Spall bial! delsAaa Jaa) Agha Gadi y-1 fie Clty thal peed ae Lab Syd gg V GW wal) Guay sly 9460 1a Gh Upsally Yule Gaal pal Ge Ul pb lasik ey (1-1) dye Fact Ayan Ag Mb yey Adal 5591 A (yh Ja yl all Sell gf 5M lS) Ly Hid ay 10 He G3 Yule Go paid ail ce Aba 559) pd cl 1 Ud G4 Uae yo peal ply Hoel Gf V1 alts aad Gf caps 4s chal) panel utigl +A yinuall pancall (VHT) By Oyspll bide Aas.) J yall (ISI ISA! 44415 48.55 Che gun gle Stal) al gill y Aol oliell Jlial ts Glue Y-1 les) Glas oy 418 Cle gae gl gle foams Udall ralially arb! sill aie GS IY - 1 UL pret aie dy eglbh La Glo 35S ys YLal yay Ye Guill 5M coy Aphll Salo pi, Syl uolle Ge Lots OLS, 129) 1A 8 Ugule Ga puna ile pa gle Sana Qabl gil AlaLall GAL aud — GNIS Canty ("p/S) Labia Hale JLaals aul sl 2b day, col sal gs & shill als Ula Gb pul Yes La {ilSall ea Guay SISUY) aie Glyyall bya ALD cals 19 -1-G FAL alsteall We (max) = 2 Wp/ Le (3-1) (e108) esfSt deal = We (ef oS) Esk des = Wp (54) Jia UD yas = LeSA Natl ay LN Ae ob gly Slant cl ie peal al) PAIN Malad LG ggflSall eal) Guay 6 ycinue ALDI cals 13 Y-1- We (min) = 1.5 Wp/ Le (3-2) Alsladl Les (HS Gaal Gusay ADL gay Qe g shill ola sj) la Gd vata) W. = W,/e (3-3) ety +03 Leth nin) = 1.0 meter (4) eshtll dat, (54) Hu a Le (0.3 Lp) ce Ait wi Y¥ Cusey pal igh! Ge sal g phil ah Ghgall Basae sb Qabl yilly Acoli) paint! Ylaal Glas 1" Oe kg Cl ply CALI pened Chazee ll gle gol dil gil ye asses ay al 13) ds Ne he Cents ("afcS) Qaj sl Aebatie Wile Len! agli Jalal Sell police Ce ial) Jeol Si VI gle (1) eles dabee ood by pine lhl) il 4 gl al Use tbady Aaatinall gob! slg gi ike ya gle anny cf canay «("ofeas V+ +) Yel oS) psceatll gi padtall gS eal WllSy qual y J&L Signs 4a SU (of peeve) “efCS© ppencll Gi padiaall Gall daall ulS 1 Vis (Celpas) ++) “ofoS) Wetiy wary VI be Sis bl ll iy dees ct peel vAlale abl § oSYat Baal dsl y ity fee be ly lla aap 3 asl) (eleas) "les (Yous) Yo (Yous) vo (\-r) de AGS ol gall Abed gh UM 3 yet Val Aa doual) Ulu St) corte (lS Males datas Casa gla plS yy dalee Sie ys sAyalal) 45483) (vYe.) YY (tY¥es) vy (Yess sy Yet (Rete) aN (aslive. +) istive (You s-Yres) Youre (Mee aV a6) AT (Ys +) \-¥ (Rete) (EY) (esd ven) vend (VAvemtous) VAHLo (Yes) av (Nore) ve (Wes) WW (\¥ee) yy (Geert) aor (Xo.-¥e.) Voe-to cl (Sy alas Stag ay Gls Aas Las (Sly) cael Calaatyl Sais rast ay be Atel GA os, elgg ae (saad cub! ) IU als, list} jaa!(1-1) dys gt Hite ol pall Goad aN) (ofess) "elas i (Yeante) Youd (Veer tee) IT (Vevey ve (VYeerdaee) Vets (Tavs) TA (Tees) te (veos) YE (Wren (Y¥es) YY (Yes) tv (TAs) YA (Tees) te (Y¥es) Yv (Yas ‘) YA (Vaeead ee) VAT (ated GAM C8) se Lill shee aks asia Ca Sy il otal sla ar) ral all clblia) Gnu J (ALLA) eli taal HU ogee of ele (sae - Suse) Sse (Sx) oh Cag ey ogee Gon jpal hd seal Algae ppt + ¢ J! usiall Cosh pall Cael re Ggh Cinna gli jaa! ash2a at rey Hata) a gall Aleit G59 on i (eles) “oes ela) bye as (Mers-a Vee) VO-vY (cet pal dual bag) Cathe lls Gag (Tere) ve Crna chen Go gle (Vee) be 0) DANY E foe Gad Gb tgly soe ub (\Ae+) Ayes Cimae (\ees) V6 ion (Av e-Van) A-¥ jst ais. Hite Gal AY wile Que VAs) VAOe wale owe ny A (Yass) YA (co (res) rn (405) ya (Avs) ANNs (Aeerd ees) VATE (Veer Vee VEN Aglays CS (cle! pi dual bag) 2 pie Aplus CIS (Reet) AN WS. lS yp Alu ys CAS gb (904) "4,08 Kase CAS gs ea (tes) a¥ jose jeall GyanND tt YN) celal) dine y Syiutiy eae ob se sly Sian) clad i¢ peal a6) (\-¥) dae ali aM at al gall Agha) Gf jy ols or Celeas) “os sal alee a (VY 6-A04) V¥HA,o8 Auta yall JS (Verte) EN Byala yall JS Qveyy ceil) GulSall yal (deeerAen) Vee A oll ipa (vy yy Cael) Age (Avs) YA pall Bigs (vases) V4 pally Chel digs (VAs eV 06) VATE nally (ves) ay cape sill Aye - Alga y utd (%12 Ayghay ~ o) gptly chine) rahe aaa of (MAL) VAs oS (04) U4 (evs) oy (fe) € vey ats shyt GL a chy -@ jake BDL) Aa sie (f24-Yos) f-¥,08 cela 8 doleSS NY all Slee a la i SM) la 2 (1-7) dase ats HAMA ol gall Salad) G81 ois Coles) “ales (A0.-Vos) Aoe-V,06 (X9.-£04) teeter (Avaya Quy (Ave) vA (Ya) VY (Ves) VW (veep te (Ave) vA (Vt Vows) VEade (Veer ee) YVE-Vh (vEes) YE (*¥e) yy (e4) 19,08 (Yee) Ye (Vass) VA (yey (1¥0.) 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YA,o Eollas ape (vvor) vY,o Jj ape (Yessy ye aS ape, eS patel (TAs) YA aostegl alle (red bee pela) Ce (Game) carl vale, (Avis) As (Gsm) pobucter | yyrey (1-¥) dose git ALS shige Aedll ol 5591 ois F 1 Cefeas) “elas : raginall gall ats (Ata Ave) ABA ots (Aos eA) Aomaye vied Glas (Ads “AEs +) AomAE Sie (Ades) Aa Ss (Maes) 04 Gtpmes ij (vres) vy Gils hs 5 (Ve eV es) Ve-vY ile gine (YAe+) VAjow asuuia Sy vy oad (Tess) ro eae (Ane+) Ato assets (Aves) AY cals (dares) vay cas (Veen) 100 fund (vtee) v¥ Sink (deter) vey psy (res) rie Ou (eee esse (Maeve) 146 Osan (DAVe5) VAY easly (ers) 07 aontl vret i rey ha teen) ana ig pall 8 (oF) dase as atta) ob gall Abed) gh Ml oss) A Celess) “eles Agel bea) (rer) tet e805 : anil -1 (veer den) V4 Gopal pall (Xe s-£e+) Ve-fe SSI pad (ves) te | Al pal (very als begs -¥ (Vee erhea) Ven’ 5all ey5 (A) 4A ocx} (Av ¥en) ArY,9 case (Anya Oa 2 A EY (o++) ° ORI (eA*) oA Obse 1 ef (Veer tee) Wet bi he ts (e+) ° ES alee Guha (t8+) He eS Gael 5 ob ts (rey GS ard Gob ots (tes) Goal ats Yttou a a sass (Y-¥) dase gt RAAT ol gall teil) G58) coos Boal (eles) “r/os (\Y¥e4) Vt, ca paale (vee yy Golling 3} gles Cu jill eb (Aes) A (vee) ve (tonya " (Devs) v0 (oSsty %41) ob saath yaad (Ye) yy (o5TL% E+ )el IS ypu Gala (ees) vt (5st %F + ) he Sd Gaal (dees) ve 58 (fd as (Aes) Aes pean4on) Veto (Aes) Ae (Very)¥ (rear (Vere) ve (rss) A Yoa ta oN cal ae et Du yh 6 lla alo nal (1-7) date ot Agta) ol gall Abel) oj) oe Sokal) Colors) “eles 1b (26+) 9,05 sly Gt (Ave-ene) Aro Gale J ale Gf (004) 0,08 Saal yp geting 033 (ery Gene gb gelin 035 : Sell (ch oy DE i (Avy A BoypS ge od (Weyy Galke 4 s Updating gal Aue alge (fs) & easy lt (20+) 2.0% Ege gd SSIS (00+) 00+ Ale Bos i vax (Avs) A Gpline ot Osha (Wea eal yp ogi lane (Avs) A Lane ane (fee-Yos) ET,0 Gols SE (Vernon) Yo eb SE (£25) £2 a (Veer tes) ve Baa pal (ees) 98 le ed he (Wey¥ One od cDlle nwwe (Y-¥) dae att _ ASAD ol gall Aube GUN os boat Coles) “los pUpRatiey hE ol go ats (oon Gpsle JAI Cala gt Chay ie (ys ( 95 8) ont J (e+) on aye il (Vee) ve ass Gigl (yy) vay lye ich (CE Gye Gal (Reem Aee) aA ae (We)y ye ho (nig Oye A Gb typ sl alga Lan (VVeerdene) Vote alas! ogi CDlauy GS (44 s-A0s) A-A,0 CIS sb dw gle gli (ye) yy al = eas (Ave) SVG Jal alee (Co bk YL (V¥es-¥eu) WEY obi cy (Veey¥ EMG Gi pe Qreyir VG i dagen Cie (ersye oul ayy (04) € all ey v(1-1) dase gas ARN ol gall Syed GMI oe rr) Colors) “eles (Ves)¥ Sal CYL (er oeSI YL (deren des) Vand slat! alysi (yu ye hig Gylee (ee eauidas (yey cil i Gay (res) ay Calta YI oh yal Ca yi date (yee) YG of pl ble (YeeVou) Yo¥,0 Yb jams 8 (vs) WY YL od pj tt (ec e-ten) oor Nb i Gt YAsa ta LM gal fol AAseyl Se) if iy Mla dual ye all 8 (9) dase gal lanl ASlal etssayl 4915 gid dsay Sys | iat - ‘| ~ redaai | Ye (She) ciel Ye thal) Sls Atal GI AV ed, te oh gells aye re (sxe cell) SB psy | Yo | eee ro ital! 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Ale Gd Saluall Jabal Shall y HEY, Shatll gl js) tie asia) Jal je eLth Laud) WI Ga ey of Ulead - WADDLE Aeadtuall (9A p28) gel gal ol IT ge chal dee tpl Ue Hyg) Glau) gle Kyat) Slant (1-£) Joeen litahiedtnet eld et 11) cal ary Hlth Je oh et dla lan! pal 19S) ANA pall Lal) flea) : (1 - £) Jgne aes | (oles - on (+) Flexible 4 y2 gbJ \-1 Mee (+) Rigid Yule chal Y-1 pea g aE Tall ets | (ed ag ss) (eine 2) Wal Je | Flexible 4 y+ glad 1-Y | Rigid isla clasl Y-Y Yay ute Ge oS ot Ub Sms (0) ed yy Able -17 (Raine 3) ed Srodd Se ate | (te) . Flexible © y+ gli \-1 | 408 (e+) Rigid tila chal ¥-¥ Ys (ve) (dass) Leal) Drang Sy Auasl 4 aa a dealt Be I) | | (8 aot — [oSay CB eae (Asadinee) Leal) Sprarsll Yee | (Yeeros) (dat es os) [ose oe sla Us eins (0) Ue Sp Ala (Resse) eal} Urast OSes “Labial ual Ge Js} ua eye Sl gy. Gay! ae dual! lus we * Apu! paola gle 26 pail ha Cue Sebi) La) ge Agalll 53S ally yya gel lal y ty) ae oh silly Laat) aad og pal 3S! 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Gals pol g55 sal 5 98 La 8 5 sles Gee SIS Ula yg yasSll Qi Ge Aqsa sll gle op, oll Laas 4 ataae ay 35 yal Ags Juli ¥-1-0 SY 5A Dsl cal il ss8 6 I pal) Slay gd gst ge pct JL dats Hips dine Layee «SE, AS yall Jacl pill Ayling « IS IS I Aa glle ech ly (V0) im (14-0) a shlls erage gh LES Alen I ELAS! LLU Halal! 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Ancol sa yy yall syle Gaye “A 2a US ole Ayal dla t-2 ful Ska DS Ge And UL! is a ees Leite Ulead y 55S pe Ulan! ge jue Ay (1) oh eel Gig 1 G25) glad yyy GL Gk lass Cand CUD pet pas JS ye Uae Ge Khe sy H(t) eb Und cys - 1 ss willl Jan Sia pie Jaa ge 5 she y(t) By duel cys 1 + (9) ply deaaill gigad Ve Fabia Jay 558 pall GLa) cys de game 0 (1) by Great capi Oy - 1 CHL GBS fy ae (170) aby SSI cage ga US yyy Ibe Ge 3 Bal CNL AY ab oly leads Ge ll Gay ULSI LSS Anal Yl yal + AVIS Saas £ (1) ose 1 ess) Dtae Col le de hye (Ub V+) OS Tes 5 AS ele SH “JOS 4 oj ee A} ULLZYL (yb V0) oS 10+ daa vagal Ryle Male lle! gle Jy (fest) Kgl es A 4 =o aus Jala 5 jhe obs Glo Lea Ginsiss Sey Gods aly Gok Ui! fd vastly wey Ys Goud Ge Ld Gb! alforereny ANY al daly RB IL yb a ly aa anal ye pall 6 £(N) 8) sda -O dss) Dine CJ gle Fe jy (yb f+) S £6 G5 AS bale BH Vo) “fS 10 0 Jake pile Jas ool} LAL (Gh V+) OS ++ Upal wasp Bla dale lle! gk 3 ("e [pas £(Y) Ay snd uae dss) edLine Ca) le te jy (Ub V+) STs BAS lle B55 (efesSt 2+) “p[OSt.2 2 Jake plitie dan Go} LAWL (Gk 9) GS 0+ anal agp BS Kale lla! gle ty Agi) doled Gea gle By) ("p Jans Yor) "ofc V0 ovaie pbitie daa — 3 Aine My Geobl) sel Dinas Meal Bike| le Bh ("p [pas 20+) "af cS © ola plitie dan a ive SU Adela juoliall prance lous gl ecgSeabizall SEI alee Jats (1) ey Uzeatll @5 pail Labstiall 3 5S yall leat - ¥ sApcal fil yy y0 3 lo JS baal 4S de Bl gy - ee yy) Sa TST) sence 7 wi 4 abil uae =u wi (Ww ce] —* Ge os] Wi Se] ESTO) a3 WoST0—— Bah0 adsl D WWoSo—— BA sien slow 81D (1) Ay dana eigad (Yo8) Jtaru ma Ly tn) Je) eae pal 3 aap CU la gle U5 ll Jan pond pxe Gay > A(Y =2S) yas Uithany yy 5 gyn aad gb AS pl jy od (TH8 SSE) 9 sf dale Ugh as ye pe Fhe Anal pdt! dale — 3 8K GY CDlnal esas Gi Milne HAS 5 LS Gale a UDG! peut ae — Sia Vee Gee iad BY al Nae Lady. [fie 0108 Gaede aye ube s(t-2 JS2) Ap AW Laie ys yall GIs cle gj yi Aaletie Ulan Wl 638 yall Leal gh cy A dyes CNL 29994 Ble JS Labstiall 5 358 pall Leo! af (1-0) ay Jyaall quay - 4 Fag Gia dle Lalkiialy 335 pall lea pt (1-0) dye a tein, vey) | Mette! Reto) es Coles) "Wes (oa (ob) os (ob) os ssa (ere Tye | Oe (Yer) Ye (ds) de (f+) fe (1) Ae | (v0.4) Y,0 | (2) e+ (vay ven f(r) yaaa (v84) V0 me ry igual alu (9) es dees) Gini CLS ya Oy Mile Gil (T=0) Ysgaat) ll yey Ny Aust MN od 3 (%) phy pandll Giga Y-tt-o 2G 2580 gland GUL practil Spill Ba pany — ans fie Y Lega ileal) say yyne le Gllne Ga (Y) fy Uecoill e350) Gs 1 segSgaliall SGU ales Jats (GLY +) GS T+ Stalgd dlaal (£0 USE) pV x ao oll bias ge syle all Gudlall dale - 1 asec le gb Luan Syed ye held tanly Une aa placa jyas ~ £ eal) salyjy dy saci Leal slyay gil gd ADL ahiiad Sulina thi dal Gy — 0 AM) Adabeall Gis ([) nip 3 (1-D/6) (5.1) alay! Sutiall fll ale T Sully arc Jeol ge glaill ae» D Yo Ms Reais Gaal Sealigal Sh 535 iy acl Geol gd panei aie — 1 (8) (9) Ba esa caged Lyall Jneal dlls Sa) CUD pune Gb gely - ¥ -(Orthotropic decks) Sadia) hac) ald dred 5 USI alle gf Le paddy Gogh dg) LA 4 = oF dane dale cS pail Lbs laa Say A Spat Gp by heal GY sal Ga Gail eanw Vy aS le Lal Aclaal Goll G bls a dred BS yall pyne tp aro (1) By daa gig (£8) Jt2 (1) aby duaaill @igai rr One) TefS Ores asia gj si plate an Gye Gi sSirg otal Le diay gS pt G2 alse lla! cele eat 130 G85 pny Ssalall HI alee Lad ("p/ens + AB hs east ALAS (pave lly jally Sia YI ALLE 2 3Sall daall aig Mik t-te Leal Led usb ole (1) 5s dueaill ch gets Marca yall y 35S yall Jaa aah gy =) (p18 X yf) Anal) GeO dale le aLttl de je Sal Lig abel gle (¥) hy seni ¢ ayes dace pally 53S all Slant ash cy ~Y (e072 X 9 0,7) Anal aad dale gle USL de jy GF os 5 chad del LDU Cine I ith DS deal ais a - 1 ceed Lined 6 Sl yal Gad gfe Gin (2-0 SA) gL SI ALL eats (4-2) JS (Orthotropic) suteial Glee Y) ld os US) Ue Gi es yes teal a aie 62199 Glau) Uday Gina I) chika DIS 5S yall eal) ayjsi (2-0) JS (Composite) Sy cies syst gh husweld at Lon Js haan) Jett Sh das pal tiga 4 be (Orthotropic Deck) cia j} cis DIS 55 yal) Jaall gigi (1-0) JOE + AEN) os gill ad t-0 + dali) pi 1-8-0 Geel haus os fie Se 4 je Luly 39S Lal ig 8 SH —) ee Lah pj iy Ancl gil Duet yk gl oye Usb Ge il ud ais - t CL) peal denall Jbl ecb As) GS Ae Ge BY Cus LN Daleall Wide al pil os sb Guan — Q.=360+2.7L (kN) (5.2) (2) gore Gs dena dsb = Lb CoB le Randa (Gh VA) OS 1A lyin Sal Jal fg Ui ancl deal pau — £ «fie Y Logisy AdLuallpeel NNN pel arly RAAT SN ose silly Ulan) lena ig ll a AY AN os sills Ls ya) hd gh ¥ -t -0 Rea SS hd oF RY Cha le ab GG LSI Da Gs 1 wage ae fae 6 5 Bey Geyh ype lad ple aye see 92D aise 3,56 ll aM 65 af (T=8) yaa gay — 1 (Q) 45848 a gH (10) dain plan) i ha Teal oh ool ~ + <200m Q=02Q (KN) [200
Aggysall oyah) NY olla Slee hy Aaah Io od ce oy laa) chen ye wall 29S Ball Glas a5 ofl y.-0 co 8S asl i ely NE Ye Ua ads Leal au gia Ba days Gal gal — 1 Sheil Sails AS ally Aue) Lda Ga Se Eo aie 5) pad Sila jo £ aie 3 y)yall Gla» Gf jad jab day aul. a Ball 6B Sal) I lial) ge cg slell ehull Biya days ys iG ay 1 hey Hila sl) GLtial Alyy p"V0 E laky alld 4S yl I Leia atl ojo Le Glas Sw Guill 955 lal CYL Gan Y= Golly Fag I joSIy psa IIa uy Gilly «ally saad) gus Gill ha Fgh LS Gy il ls fake 5.545 Leal gh liad peat cg gall juaiall Gus (AS pally Syisead oLtuall + Ashes clad 'o + AD a yal) 8 8 Stal 5) pall Glas ad Ai Sal quad GLa Gi all a atl Oy pete ol Le ay ow Guill Ky AL AS pally dpsed lau fy. + Aglst clad 4). + Ores cay PO £5) pa Gla ys Gy i S55 ulus Sled, see Gi - 0 . salt + AGS such Saal dy 38S HAS ja Glee 5 5 )all Glas Gad A - 1 Baa da il Blue Maat pail coer duc si tc sal es Es ptt _ASady toed gu | La al) 5 US | orcond A a tN a ry NT ID hela lla aaa tpl a IBY dual V1-2 25960 13a Gye ql GL ie Gas ch dial VY api ue (Gaull bic) Akt) lea! dual ys Lill oS cH bie ye) « (€=2) Jgaall gi sal wa de ay ee Ue i chul Gael chal, Ga chy bee da LY GBS ge Dee ayn Mlle Gly e246 lola al eine dala ya sega Deal lel gal Lied Sing pains byt dale Ley! > chal uae clad, (did aol) lel ol) AL cht bie Ue i Ot 5 18 cl glall BY! Leduaall Aone a SofoS ces ge cll baka (#9) dose ("e Lea) Solos cai clad baie - ct ds Os cau Go CY! deiggu | abana] Reo ee J vast aoe : (5) gat (Qe) hee | (res) tee 1 i yh | (\¥9) Ye INDERE oe ag ts He asl] (ey) (es Ve ging Or Ge ol _(1¥e) Vive (arayieira | os Tapa Jy AS pl gD ld gg JSD ie ald SD Ge Opi ke 2 Ayala ais JS dad GM clas Asp 0 ce ba ee DL ese cand Go pain Bh all Geall lhl! ol pl) biteall (aS) by tl eL) ~ it gous Bey Gob GSI jet - 1 wGlal sally sLiall BUS) gaa A Gob GIS le Anse Cha ayny Ue gb Clea apie God fe TO me sap D peal 2 % Ve Ds yy Sl Lt ell cll bie cist Soy — £ (£9) gral ofeA Tey cha del 9 th Jae he ly Sls ea pn 4 AAskes chp die peal) doled! 3855 cs yy Sil Aalell ALD dat US L dye Gd - Ag gb Cl 4S dale Gicl OS le Lat Ch bine Magy Abadia Apple lal ye osSall yyrsSll dle Gd - 9 aa gle oie Al) Gall) 9) AUSia dU jis I) Aa sli 1-0 ee 48 sl Gud SI spall dae sey das Lead GALS, asa Ip aad 815 cant Aly Mal pia IG IT gael S gle Agi GAY! gd Lee! 3 339) Nall Sin CDLalae placid GSayy Lai atlall Roller Bearings Oa ad SS - set aly gulls dla Qa - yee SS) sf cing BOB UL QS - Sliding Bearings Aji Quis - 7 ayo Balad (ula altlas dye ual S gle Giluall Ulla Gd — Yo canal gh 0 5 sal) ye lS le Gaal! Ul Gi - (PTFE) Cabtl 238 sly Ge ul S gle hall Ula Gi - dau sie ud ine 3 (Pot Bearings) cr (ee ] aS. \) “eciiss V+ ale (Ce | eS 1) “afc coal (ee ] eas) "efciiss T+ Hae SS) 1g L983 Lal pal ye Ui ullSin! CDLkes plain Say — sidan Seles Maul y) Gay! CDLskes al Ye Gini heal ca sesaill Ge Gail - eles jListels Auslal 4S pally clea Way Gy yl! sada il Gad 38 Ges - SY = call Std nail any (‘eps V+) "eect ) Gevesill vail Aga) GUL styl 8 ssl ded ant 20eed A Ny i ay a Nd ey SU el eel 8 LuLu Ca glitiall b gigi t-9 eb Lg od ol die ojo le J ISS Leal gle Co slitall Lyagll 5) Lente: Ay fll Glad, lula Gulul gle jie Asa Al) tL 10-9 Sihy pummel cg peal! 2460 ob yy Ua Hinks Guay All Gay V-8 lS CLA Lis pana og peal! 2460) gb 29 W bide Gaeey iM Jala sth duals Jlaal vv-0 pil cA} Lay Las Biya Latha yal US Oy Ute gd My cl ay ce By of any aS 0d al yo elt! Lt Ge ede al ast I Sy Gall b AN se (aS sil oli plane Gb B55 Mae 3h oS) ls il 5 sLally cl oth steel Asieal) ppanetll cla gS Laake AULA ode (gd Ul olga] 3965 Sars oleae obs punat . olgall of Ay fll Ayalla a geal 1-2 cally Dees oll eine hy gl bie Sie sla) sil gaa Jie) gi By Sail ald dey lal gal Ga Fa) Gay Utell Ge dite ol jal le isi I Se baila GUSYI opis tb 14-0 ga (1-0) a () by Caan eSiyed ial gall Leal) yy DIS p86 laa Lea! pall eal ye % Te Apady CLS yall 5 5S yall Dees ye Yo Ve Ayia’ Sal sossaloa A pt ashy NN IN gh ly Baa la opal Ayala ub CY peal Ye -0 FRAY) GUI a2 slel je Ging gp yesSll le Quali ye CY yen yy ale CHL gal Uysal Ge MALI Glolge) gan Y Cues AaLuSl jylae ose Gls) = 1 sag 295g peal ge ShLigal LH te ponll Ly Malus jy yd usta! 3 lal) gaat - ¥ gous Ayal g5y0 618 gus gle OLS» gh yeas — 7 hole | So ce cp ps8 lel ALS ype de pus jyled pre — £ eas Ce BY phn Seal i Gin Cail ald fb LAL Gye Uist py ye ate - 0 1G SM y Malus US yp dele el jeg AS Lt Le LDL cya Sly og yy Sl) ASL Mla Alga Gay = 1 (Gdeneecs shell Letall — 1G) gel 9S hace tubal) Ge ges) sop 29S ASIA gal als og pA! GUI ath Ub algal = v Gobel 5 JUS (le laa) quad cia 11-0 Load Combinations for Roadway Bridges Ultimate Loads and Service Loads Combinations NL Gastny © Gohl GIS le SL l gan CYL (0) dy Geld way sate SNe y Us peaill anil F glGMS Adios Great VLA Gye de yan 5 pecll peatll GLa Gaueti « Characteristic je) — . Accidental 4iatidl ~ + EQ J5¥3i - FIGS Aliens Geaaill VLA Gye Se pene Sst Guan CYL Gear + Characteristic jy! - « Deflection pss ji Glual pssiudy Frequent csaall 5 pued $y Sil — + Quasi-Permanent (saad) 4b yb Aatial aus — ovula rey, hy dust 7 1 Seay Lata dated Lie gal Sled quant CALA Male) pecaall Say 1 bed eee 1 Bla g bs pple Saal vy—0 scgSeebizall HI alee acs lll Vigy sUlanall deat gSla = 4 egenitl CLL pul) Lisle Jyeaill g SLadl stbeall Jes) Gash gay - ribbed 6 US gle Aad Slant y=8 2gAS BLE (5 JUS glo Legally cpu tl penill Sled HOE ta yy 2(.q) geist litte aa — 9 as LS ple LS gay ltd dan hes (Te/aasene) “e/o8 © opsh es. Lead ssS 1(Q) Sus dea = pods Fale Usb ge doles gle sy (bt) OS) + 298 JS Ue patting + g729Sl claw ADL LAL Calg! deal ya all, tagall due daa - 7 grr S Ged bisa 2 sae tye J GIs I Ulead dye dea dig - | ald pts Le ayny Ula Gi slid pS Gab sal ye dee kel GY god Gd Shue gl oye Uda gles FAVS yy yall ped ean gSyai (1-9) US Gay (ot) CSE» Saal gl pall am catlae gle gal yyae ~ (ob) (St + baalgd Aaa daa oslae le Gib yaa - spats Aabia Ula rye Ge he Saal) Alaall Jol) dale — seh GAM galls GAL yy ee Mie — seh eDlgal oy dale — oApes al NNN clas Lach y Lysltyl Sach he sy SaaS! lesa oe pall 24S) ——_ +r _ bY ilae _— bbtilee , Ber RE ! or per i [pe ob ilae — obtilne S29 90 val Ayal Suan Cayai (V2) Jo SUdall og JUS pple Asi) 6 gall YY Y-0 an Gps clans 5 siete oly gS gym cole Gi sll gd HAD alll go SHY 5 all SV) Aga Sal ge - AAV YH0 sills ean gall g gu5 sl pie Jaa ASI Gig Ge HV - | LVAYY=0 silly dace gall yy yall Spal ISI 5 sll ge HITE — Gs led all gel eal ge 4a) 9 gil a sl a - ASD Aad aly s llal oleh 668 os pegSll gf SH Lal al A816 5. Shall 4HYI cs sll - £ spall J DVS! sl chal 58 S85 (out of plane) ge yl ola! Gis sSl Bled) GUS (le Stan) quand Pot t-8 FABY! Glas) cle gape aah ple slice os p98 pened ty hd + » jake il Jan des (“elpas O+ +) "o/eS0 8 lake G5 3h ete Gal) es = 1 NAVY=0 sls casa 8 US 5 ples Jaa A Ge Yes Lay gill Jas dnag VHVY~O silly dave gall py pall dye Sig aul Jee - gly la fay TVVH0 ll age 8 US yyy del Gl Oh Oe BLED eS gle Lyall a5 08__ Yad) celal deel ity) Jae gh shy Sail aad 5 pal 2460 sl ds) i 8G asl BY gos le spall due dee Gubi ue - a ~ INS - chon pe dla!) ead GIS Lu tinh lea ais gy - £ + chal dual f-11-9 + ag Be ya (Ye) ail ab otal LS Ge clyyll Ula Says + JM Staal o-YY-0 29380 13a Gyo aut) ll Cie Caen BLdaall gJUS glo ptuall Jlaal I ¥-9 Bball gLS GLely Gohl gobS Go paeall leaks 186 isl stall yUlS ood - 1 2 dae py Gb pall pleat ye Anal Mile g JUS sae! JS ple! jalya guay - I BoB Bos! o yebi ye sled) og y29S did 5 y yall giluall WEY! 5ab5 - Gobel Gai gle Lilt AY sal Gd gorSll sacl CLS yall palked pre Gana Ayla iS pos Ue Gi - 1 1 Osi baec Yl gle poluaill os sil I gage oles gi (GEV ++) SV eee saga aladl le gays (GhO+) US Ors Gohl pie Bb sie 1,70 EUG) le ald rBLdall gg JUS Ly ji jall (gle Jaa! ¥-Y 1-0 Hyco se Auall 65 ob op ynyS paling Dla gy SL GUS GUL ll asl of Gay sige Jia JS (95 104) 0S 1,0 Lae BUdall cg LS! Fash) dail gall y Calis (ple Slant} A-1Y-0 GLY) GAS ALB ¢ 550 ("o/cb 9) “e/cSe ola abbite daa Gal iil iy sbatlall 1 gallyela NAAN cpl Sly Ata I be i aK le pal 3g BLbal yg pSealiza pani) Cigel 4-1-8 22 fll agony) Ge Sl SI ial Coy 18 ch Jleal dass J stall ee das ecctabin alas eal yas Sts) gai Jae Alaa! gp Leal Gla JG ge gall I GUS ay) gs Gb Cu) bale Gas Gils Gay - 29 she ob AIS Gaus Yt (gS gaa 2) ee gas Hao sl aie gly Le LIE og 2 SI ple SLE gesshll all — BAY MY oe cal ly ws - BNO 8 oe ah il og - 1A YB dey stall gS cde peel oe Ge gill sll - £ Ge Gos le BBjall 9 (ABYp) a dual pI dla Und 5s VW cay - © a=0.5 fy (5.3) corn oa gd df ye eenbicd (Say Sa Oe ST coal Dols! Ch Gaal Gaull a gil of Ula Gd = 1 (0) ai gb Saal pl nad ad Glan Ye abba US gle Staal Quagd cla 1-1-0 Load Combinations for Foot Bridges Ultimate Loads and Service Loads Combinations CMs Ganttiyg « obtaall CLS gle JleaY! Quant YL (Cro) By Gala may a piattll CV Lay cs sucill Span’ b GglWMlS Mains penill GLa Gye Ae gene (5 seclll Guaadll GVla Gane = Characteristic 3 jueal ~ + Accidental 4iqtial ~ » EQ dvs - 2 GILMlS diene Speatll GY Le Gye de sane util duet GLa Gani « Characteristic 6 jel ~ Deflection a3. ji! Glas gi paddy Frequent (sia # yaad 3) Stall — + Quasi-Permanent (sal) aly yl Ltall 4y2 - es) y Laid) degel bich cs yal ULeal quant GLa diol paced Ser Ibe stad Gael yyiy fet cal ie nal 3S (2) gata Ussuasaariiae-evo105/70h0 Usavdsatsuiaesssonase robes ]_Uszageaariiasrsorosr7a)o0 oy 1 af GARD US fe Sua) Gus CN Annex (5-A) a Wwers} dad Lael Aatayt reny oo cla olde jh gle laa) gaa Cla TTT TTI TIT Annex (5-B) e 3 usmasaastissesronasenors i : Usmnacazsuiaecevonosraers es Usmiaraseiussesrorassraiert Thy) saudo edIe H+L136z HH'sPOW IGM) BE oa | sam | roa | owas | me FP oaks qweosaeshel il NY gta) Slay Raith eh ooh se ally Saat cal oe pal! ag! eslaall ll Fyysall dud) cldiay y LS pple dla) pe Y= early pi8 leaky Aaiy Leal A asa Mall GALS te laa puis sppenetll y sani La [yal ide leet (8 Leal al 38.55 of Gangs Meal Fagi gM laa 1-1-4 lea! eld Caled Sulgall SEI ALLS yall Gla Aailall Ula! Jatt Hap Maken 35 ya ph clea Ge SSM ase 5 9d gy Ge Aes wolull Licey Agi) Slaai Y-1-9 woh CUD 5 SIV Shas! ¢ 5 yfoall clays od stil Ge asl Ulan ats 5 AS yall Jeol gi) Ae glie ¢ MSD GES Aa glie ¢ Aca yall GLaacall «pally dal ill AGL) Ca jy GAUSS) ¢ LALA ab yan eine de gut JS) Halal) Glad ¥-1-8 samcl OLS yall plana AISA 6 gi y Suit) Jal ye lth doled) Sls) dats 9 Asal) Jaa Y-3 Sub-Structures 403! CLtidly dysall Kd GUS gle da Gla! lua boa elas 8 (HSA patel al Heal) Gall Jaa gy Sg le Heel Abi) Jaa gligh Aas Atal ch yaill Ide yas aby ¢ (V7) USIY Gangs gt LS Gaal) Gig GS y Sh yall y GI bid vies Slee 48 dad fil BLD 5 Ul) 104 chill uMaed NN pl Jae UAT AE ig lle Stn) cll yo pall 38 Yo) GS Vos oe US ga Ml Daal Ags fal Te iy lle le yl desl - ) Qi Seat ews (ob sles uk Sarthe Ad Sea 5 (ef A) ofS A+ ia catlall Ge plete ¢ Spe dee — 1 wea Jaa 58) da jatyy sane yt Apfcse') pf) + a 42 Jal cI ball GIG a = 1 Qn Qu Qn Que 250 250 250 250 KN KN KN ON 4g 80 kNim | | | | 4,2 80 kNim | 1.60. AT 0.80 0.86 gad) Jas gga (1-8) JS Gh) dah J (y fd! bys Sujal cl thé Jess (A Lala Lyhsll Ue i Jas yes pip Aald oDel ygSiadl itll I ata Leal Ge (il galls Gilead! bobs HNO cya Aig Cg) fy Agha Agall Adal ys Chad aay abel Gi i AlSall da Aine Sleal ULall ode gi Ula Yl panty 1,67 Gl aig oss3 of le ) Ge SI a dele def oS Gf post Ul! Lbs Healy Ad g9 US Adal ys ASD Gye SS le gall deal) Gi sab Gels Gbinud Gle USI Ue GA Stringers 4 pli) staal), Cross Girders 4y2 pall <1 «Sil, Main Girders 45) 2 Sad pe pal dull Ge ASL Jaall 458547 Gas 1 ASaal) Baaete JS gle Gland! 1-1-3 sagly Le glace Yl Gb 38.5y Sul Sanat (5 JUS le Jas! Glas ie FBsu SS% Ve ooh iad Gy yty lea Yl 25.55 (¢ 52} LS) OFS peo Ue Gi - 1eel hl Tot gla dey Ay) Je yd el Naa chante pad aS AHS sey ABE y AN GED daw Saye BS) J uu CDE peat Ue Qi - 7 ce Nj Le J dM AS es ye MYO RU ASM) ea Ga %Oe Gl HLL lls HOLS all ole dla) 1-4 aay Lal 58 GLa pul I Ga ble olaad apy dL Gi (ofS V+) elpeS VOW Nake Asuliza cl thy v9 Ae 9 ASstI Ylel jae (YA) aul Ga 5 sSkal Qual gual Aull SLeal SDhess Bbily Dilly pura 306 SY lh, Sulina pf alee Gi bee ne Guy Daal Ghisy dal ge Las Qi, Gall Asutal oth, clus) ALS pata Ot Lilly AS Awol Lal Jue! ()) sApyaadd sual) og US gle ppSsabisall y8lat SULE call feat) alee 1-11 (6) Sects 3h Ske all Gea dale yy Gapsell Sal BLS) dually 3Sjay (Gelb) Usbeall fish (1) Stiga 2h ales gS) lly (6-1) Mabel Ligh calla ALLE Lakall julio: aun gle = 0.73+-_—=—_ (6— 1a) 1=$-1 (6- 1b) 5 pines Aine I UL y La ghasll 4, gall Asliall Jlicl l yal Stel ye Gh + ba5 diy Yee sakes GLa! G8 545 Gaal yy Cues class sally Sleill Uphll g¢ Ly Cue ds ge di Ys Vee Ge ay YT dake AW CN loW li L, dog sant y Soaliall Slt “wtose ill Ct lead ae AN) Ue ey la gla nal 36d 29h alia Ly dab ays: (1 = 1) dase arr) pains igh Ghaely Anes el ps) types ha Fe ll GIT oy GL Is F pay bape Vice] 1) Fo pl GT Gy Gla ciye F ae voy _ eel SI Ib Gee v1] wert t=) Bib gage ol pS Gi Lia) Fa FF Re pl ST yy MH Chee AS Tae NT gt] V-¥ SEY Fe ll Gl pS Gy Mall ee Za (Rail Bearers) Gea Sol 1 ca yall Ci yal py Aiba a ya Po Gye © ver} SY of ye yall Cal Sl Oy Ail SEY! Aaya | eT. | (End Bracket) Ghazal Luly cells [YF “Re pls ySI Spb ee | (Cross Girders) 4 ert WOU yaya T UM acl pT gee yl pS Jyle Gn heat) yp Mila Cal ya -es0.5m -e>0.5m* Web nsae Hat any Saal leg: (Y=) JE UB pee S Ge 6 JaS dae MDL Aaa yb Sage Hi 4h cove rl aS! Gd gana jal # ‘ehglll aS) gb enaill jal yee Lys Sul Saal Uda due ye Ua S © spall Ga Sp Gy GS Tp Ma pd) ips JEL | YE Bap pS gb deed Slip GS Li ee * Wwrevy JY ela Pay Geta! Se 8 6 By last leas pa a6 BaT pipe SLY pay ie # Rue MALY jay Ge ae oT, gall (Through &Semi-Through) pS glo Bape apa! jal « one al ssl ba Ash SY! i yee) all = GE Sips Gi aN Gee es mee SSG To wall Jyh OS: SI slo cee TTA Ge NEV IOV) U glue hail U gil | Ge dis Ys sya dl phi daasie X (1,0 _ 280 jal Use aE sally cry] _Y— = CF Da sl Boh Ue Ga 5 fe 0 Ge CLs Jal S Ugh! aye YT cay + Sead ibe GU yale Lal jo Gl} clias Lid oe 0 FAO 5 he ISI Ong yyy pill pall CDLay agay Ulla i yore SVG chal (I) eleall 285) 5 iS ya g Lis ¢Uaill Ades oy Ala pall (Ballast) splat cy digh gle 53% yal Sul) G3 Assad CLS Ale spp ate TELA (D) ded Ga i Sy IS Sid pa On Set thea y pas Yogic te Daria (T) ale paid oly ar Oe ye By glrell Haw J5 19 5 %Y> Ce Gass yy Vib pls clad 3 505 a Ye US ge % dell Yo Jig stds ce (I) daleall das Y yal gue Gay (D) SS Goh yall pall lew (68 Seabiall 2L) age MAeS lal TaN) (eld Slash ity hast . s Hyyaa Asad gS ood Spa hs tT sp ebell 65 985 38 gy Spade Qaysall eS GUS (gle MSull gS Lente IES spb 58 figs g eliac quan quad ogi alld 4S patie) Ula 455 pall capes el ie YEU) gles phil oly! Gf Ku JI (C) 458 al TADYI abeall Gye pales gy y AS) cw kN (6-2) Sighs Spal “bas aC toils de cael W alse ga Salad Goud yk lhl ZeL4/pS) dew acid V a judly cls) Shika OR (FHA) ead laa Sabi 2h Qe 43S pI yh 48 yt day Toto Sahel lla ye pl link pS 5 aS ye ay by BBG dey pl AS pall GI Lh All -i sdAS Salis SS jay gS pad abl 38 Jagd Hb Spa OS Ct UL UL — (1) See 5th) Ges Boal) Gaya pai flo - 1 cb Gal I ely Alb 9 Ye Ua fae Lal dau sie 5) ye dp Gal il —) Ak tal Sua yy ALS pally Agned laid Gb phe to lade 3) jall Gla» tet Jiaig 3 Loa!) Gila p gd pat) tb Sy dala sll Agaead Cli Gb Sell J glial) Ge gtd chad! 3m ey ws th Sy -v opt Sake Asha sD citi 4p atlyy 9"V0 E Jebe aly 46 5a J atea tN ta ey By A be iy la daa pal sa ahs ola 5 Gls ow Gy ll 8g Lol AYLI Gan Gd aa Grill Alghll Sally punt GNaIab gar Gy Dy csladdly abl ges Gill Jia ‘gh US Gy ill Ib Jake S.5p5 cL Leal og lind) pally gla peat cs AS pally Apne clea fy. + Asia t cltiall fo + ikea) Cl Sill gant CYL Gi - FDU ag ull 5) Shall Ball Gla tera om Optltl op aie isl By) 5a (da 59 Gy Goi! 3S. AS yaly Agnel lta) AglaA Gltadl ys + Cx sd ons PO typ ad Slaps Gof BH dol sl Sled, suc! Qi - 0 Nia 2 AIS sacl) deol dy SIS Se Glue Esa Gly Gd 4 [te aoe | aay wail . | | dual sal aa 58) | 9S E55 pet 4S pally Sana gS) poet Aga sd gL As Kot 4 cole! Ga % YO Jake Ayylne yaad lS 51S gle dal all ug 3 BoB By Sutts 86 osu es Ge GES le Ad Gall La! ELS Oya GS ge sal yylee Sled Ga % Te slab sles Sal ets hee ape te Al 6S ally Ll Gd MH. Sutin 2 AM Sotalls sala all Jlacial Say yaleadalat) Baaly Aged pally Jalil og sf aad (1-1) dae u Wy (04) os tan (ds) Ly dao dat ist (obie) 18+ Yee ge | (gbTY,0) Ye Ore dT Ge od | (obs) Te Vee hoe oe oS) | S (YL) Vettes Yee a Yee ge ol ae ob (Vee-Ly) VE + Ye ee | (uhve) Yo. Youre Ge ot | (ght ¥,0) V0 Yee (GEYAY) 1AV oe dT ce oS (cbte) Yo. Vee does ce od dal ill 398 OS (Vye-Le) Vs + ¥Os ob (Ve Ly) V+ Yo | Vive oe sl vyad Tod pte dlc y Sth JE 8 ely a clea e wad 246 dual canal of V4 palic 4S (gle Suysel) AS US Gf due pall Glanall 36 AG by IYO Uglies 3 fl) wlth HG Sng) y GLUT GI oleae ull itl do pel Lev Balan GV) olaSYl 3 (Gb V+) GS Ve + olahe tals 3850 Sita deal GM sad (ys Qa gall all Gb a yey Camcnlll G paate gle y Aull olatt gle Jad (AI LSU Aunty paaie JS Quatlly pend te pal ol woe ated (QBN +) OS Vee Wake baaly due ye 68 ld baal Au Ge is Fat 5 3 sil) oda Ge Mail) Gla GSuliall 986 Glia Y 5 als aa D5 yh poe Ags Halal 8 5b inte bs Ge Labial! g JLSU +o) Leg 458 pall 62 Ul os sll sf dye al Fase hs oy LAL git bal de tb old Gib J ayes dle GE TV Hace pe LGB BS CuIS LS (Unt) dae JS sel Ga Sy stall sAdgall Jao coal Ga) +/) Ayslne cud dal 4-4 (VY = 6) 2d p She a LS Hayne AS LS gle chy! hal 5 ely SS GM US le cll Ulaaly Golly quell lth epee Gy HL te 10 gall Dall lal gd all i160 ay Capel IRB dual 4-4 23360) NS ya Qa) all Ui Gana ASD FAS dase Ve = 4 23g8l) Na ga (VT = ©) ill Gis Gauens vycosta TaN cebu Pash y MEI EH gh ely ea lee pal 4 ibusSU ca glacial Ja gag Rag ot Gd ade cba le sl USS Ltaal le cu sliiall Layiell fy Late Aa Gladys oll ld le sey! Gi ud ls gl) SLi iy ppanetl ¢ pall 239) gd ayy Wd hb Cy Aa) cis 5 gla GLtiad LS y prec g peal 29S gd ayy Lal litle Guan AAG Jal ye pL Lal dla! + gS) he Ge (VV — ©) oll Lab ng olgall sf Ay sill Ayla ba sca + aS NBe Ga (1A = 0 ) atl lide Says > Dist Ltt AL crs Ayypa dS Lay da eal! GUUS pabic Quen LSA! Bie Fuulie CUbLSal 2055 y Maal) Jl 5 Sil SI yall ge gill DSI EIU le hy See ays gaadl Gl) sl Ne lid LA iy ppaeat ce DIS lea! Geol) eal 38s Se ye AST ea All lS pane obi ysBue Sui I ita SNE Ge Aca pel y A gbll os gl ce GOI ae GLA! Lalas is YI Gin tlie) a acy) CYL! cay ALAS Quant Ula 4 Lindl gS Late - | vr was Van wea Yeon yo-4 was weansostea U NYY Ball acl y AUN Sai gh ve ly Staal lal se all 3 lb Ling Secale Lata le I igs AMS 8 sis ch jl dhe GS Laie — (£2) dyaal (£9) gral bb cyl sine y ase 1S by Dene Lae GS Leste — & BF aD and Mar Go Sh aya Ue ) Sad gf Lesa. ke L Bg Ve igh GIS Lae Wl ay lglees pa fy (LB cL ll gal pal ecSeatign 8G Gol yay 33 98Le (fe / ob 1) sua / OS pla iss VA + hah Aaa gp lla ola) gd Upald Jaa Qajgi YVAN cee Aland ys Lb Leigh cans ke Sigal 85S a lea! g 55 Aya) Gye tain dale gle eae ¢ 58 LS AS Gyo Sh le pal by ghee Aighe y CASiMAN Gaal 92 os aS tle eal) dial Asati gf yo sy Gao y Meal Jie ine Ask US ll gy ly Gd ysl! GES Gav ce ity pV \ Qua a Qua | | | | A(Y=1) Sa ie coe aa ga ola gf Wgal Jas 255 (FA) dS Aide = Qui WIS jylae Gp dill) =: veanal had YoNY celal flac y RABI Ae be iy laa cdl ye nal JS Aten! walialls clue $1 Y-1A=% WS aBLedd alias Aten I BLS cle SEY Gee OS I ely Smeal Capel dae atl Gigs LS Yes Gay Aaa) leat fib toon DEY of By I os aly capella AS ol ate aS Sy ull + slay 4S yall! Sl yBLlly Goll clea! Subs + Bygaluall Aig g CASH Adal g2 Jaall pt ghll ay jgill FV pyeat sie lghll ols) i lb dite! J ALi Gall Jl! g 58 ~ lea) Jal yada wy AY Gee Yt the) dace SU ASL julia dt dy) 5d oss (Aiea Gols) Ud dne pl ol SI Namie aL os sinue 98) Cusnay (E59) hy DSL Gases US CASAL ceed Lest bed 5S Gl pall Lae Lag alld ca SU esha cal Ago WI jualic Guan: puna gi Sige Load on sleeper \\_Reference plane nhl ysie ad Bysslaall Aish DUS.y ASiMA Jil pal) JleaSd ! gall aj gil (£1) JSS lal 4-5 Baaly debi CASitiN Aaa 9 deal (p2a all ayjgi) 1-14-79 Yo ( 2yphoe Miah) 45 AES gle Sal pd GS I G ASD a ee SY Gt cl cell ball y Sell pale Ge Gh ao. (2-3) Ao ASAI Case st LS S85 Sigal) ga all asl Gl aledad Lo1Y edad acy RL) Jue gh ely a clad pal 2 (C __Reference plane Ail os sate A His se Gull og sine gle eaty! Ga B Abii se hls sice Ge alee! Go CASI os sie 2 gal I Jaa 3 82 M aD og sue sie Gaal) Anas 526 S52 R hal os sinus le Sau giall alent! Go AS dla © caaill gy Alaa S ASG le Jaall dens Q ASal gle (HY eal Qh Asal gle gad I Jeall Qv Sygpall Migh DUA g CASI Jil lead all pall Qui (2-4) dS seb CN) CALA Lal yy eal pt all asl) 1-4-9 dese Ys (bysdee Mb) bl; Lf el Hdl Le GS AD LS le A Bay Ad es AS po Y sy col lll oly sed osetia Cw GA iad AS gerey Hite Spb 3D AA ily UetSlhy ene CISD ijn Ge JS sb (TEN) oy ISA Gee US 5 ae al QU tl OS bb el vvh=20m = Reference plane cra Bgl Aigh DIS y CASI Jind Jaa pd all ga i (8-9) dE Clin all Gf Saal sll Mab C3 CAS Aaa yy eal ona all quis) POE 9 (Syyhne Lab ) hd; i lel 45d ed GS LH GLI le Gi US figall a pall ej sil 98s clacaill Gail y seit) rpc Ow GA aos? A(V=9) Ba USL oe 98 Byghead Aide DIS CAS Jha Jl ata gait (V3) JS Cd co Bl gli) Aa A vwCoda (ob Cybill Nd Asia) Aaa gs Gaal (pla all ayjgill £-14-% oe (Bople tk) Shh; A lel Sall WS OS I GL Ua Sally ane AS gh O S35 glaaill Gh p gople ow GA es GS og Ma ode Gd Lid Glacill il AS pane 5 Mike Sybl jl AS ally Baad ed 5s SD (VHA) hy StI Casall Spall Gel gal AIA) py DSL Guna Baila) Lal) gat) y GHEY) (gle Ayat Jaa) tb 4 wolid bine ll bine Sie de ll sill gue Sli! Gi By amet g LE all Gye Aas ol jal le ist of Sy Gall y all... sibel! GILLS (4 Abutments GLiSSU axel y Gla geyl a 3245 Surcharge 4» Jleal 4.43 44 gi) bine My) Ayyaal lS of de 8) “af oS oo a Jake a glabe {gilSe ceadly dea 986 So 5 Atle) 5 Agecll Gltiall uci ae — 7 Css pals slag ASaa a pe ial ie T Gaye le & jy pfu V+ eb Lal oka Gs pets Mitel dul Sta Ue Gi 5 Sele 526 oO Jaleal vag YN-4 AS ayaa ae th LS GLI Clearance Yo slill (A-%) Sal aaa (p26) £0) clacaill ous abel Gulia Ue od ¢y3 jal ally a ital La sbaptaaall GLA y Alla) kad) Qualls vAedad Gl Lewy 9 tue) J i ue ily aad a8 Syd bs 4 als 3! 3 ql ess ee Pee te qe £1 8 gal pal We tio i I | ! ! 1 1 1 | I ' \ ' a ——1- Ty (oot 2) caubill elary) Hal Gast (AM) JS (its Leah cy Jat Ja ghd) vaseed hg a NN ta fe A) Ld ely aa a a pall 3 pores NaH gal gal (9 Vette) ball FLAC) Aad Ga ght) (A=S) JSe es (TeV e ple ay Sapiall LAL cus lanl ba yas)Sec NN oan ary AaB ook ye gy lant cla ye pall 3th Ged ath olakals sla ole cll dual das) se Shae) gh Wada as Gall Cll lal apsedy SI) Ge Gill Iba tia Weil jay la jeolic: sf ALalSie san,g8 cltialy cilia preci sede 6 Bgall cL Jbeal pli tues CLtialy lea prandd cany NV peal cle cL 8G Glas ob cise sl pened ue SLL y sel gill 4b Ley ULalSie baa gS SLY! USI - 1 ABLE g Li gall GRAY! ie ABLE! plac - 7 ADL Clea gly duluth Casal — Fe peal) cial el jal gens abl silly Liga le chyll tb Glue ae elie Vi ode le email cll dee olf lens ole clo Gaw f bial Gand gf datas gl dal le Canal! of baka os oll ¢ senall 9S +All Aas le Cha leat Glee ob Qal clialy GLa le ch yt Jleal Glas ae AS QA lS cola y (giheall duly L(V) aids al sl) glad Lisle the Ab gla je SISAY! old Glial, gill - 1 ge SGD AL ol lta, Gila — as te cho 8G cas gs wots Antal) ye GAY ale) GLY! 1a lah ey Bane sil ye dell! 68 clyyll de pal daa yin al ad le Upraall - 1 pas gs Rati ae ll Gil gine AaLS) ely ciaall giyed aye aleeee ath a ary att Ht ly da a a pel 2 Fadl ipa delay GaN chu 4 cl yl de ys ld GiSe gE) ste) Uae Beil Ga FAs Cle gleall pladindy gull chil bie Glas oy - cE penal 5 pall pall than! Gah! plastids Upblas y Aba actly CL tt aii y Lrgeretl ch jl de pu lee le Lagoa) Gee Gl bea Lae) ily sla aul — ih chy pe ch Aad dual cpa) le Lal yal oy Gal yf ALL hy) eke Colles gaa dahl G8) SY! a dis G58 acohuall As lally Lea LW) Gh le ce cht 98h wad SLY! lath gb Satin Cagle) plas) — £ AS 8 98s GID py jelly ssl au alld ge ilu! ode le cll oils dis YI Gey Ulsa! que Gi = © 2as6ll 1a G8 Lae Yo pata eraraill cL! lea! glassed Ge liga) Y-V clot dual - 1 pla Ghd Qe alae ole Ge chu bee BF Al wlll Lt V3 Ling «(dak ae) claall oledl Gd Cals If dan ye GiySiy ccna (sree) call Ge hayes g JLAU cals Th au gi hina - 1 «ofS Gham g2 culty Aaluall daay le cht! laa (ga chal dish 5a) = Slay ually all gle cht LISI 5 il 2d) chy bia Jalen - £ vega Sep 18) baa! he chy hai gy jsf ot sll Jaleall AYMat NaN geal sly RAI ae i iy lan dasa! asst Hilal chy bia dale - © sqoitall Glslall clea! le ch yl bine 35 gh sony Gill dale ya a A Jalan — 9 22M ch Ge ELEY ea chy bie aj 6) stay ill daleall yo Chill deal lua MiyykF-V cota eal le CL 8G Ye gill go Lh) Gad J dell Gls Gy V-TEV 4g AlsLeall ye atl jal sf saaly saa Pe=C. kq (7-1) Taw dal Sans le LSctl Sigal gals chy bie Py (ofec8) ctl Sn sa etal Gil eal) Syl gle acinny (“eC8) Gall Clr neg (EV) ail Gi ay gt Wh Hil aa Say AS 855 Ge che Ce ELLY! ge ty Ue dele k A(P=O-V) ail (gi ay 0 Lal like USA gle ings cdl clad gle ga sll! chy bina dies Cy (IV) idl ha) y ga LA ib iad gy ell asl Ome tall Asta cha! le ch lsh Gaal J bteall Gla yp THTHY agi) LaLa Pi=C kq (7-2) ayedo ot ca ably yD DAE key Jl eal e weal ays DU Katee dany le LSstin) yal etal choy be = Pi ce eI Fey cha le ete ala iy gtll LS fe Py NS 13) USally Unie P; cuts 13) ch aa oles AAS) (1-VoS) Wind, we C coy eu Wing. | +ve C cell gli Bially Goad Ue LEC) lal chy bina Gist quays Uisall (1-V) se AtSell NY ll sey Rat Se 98 gly Slat cea ce penal 2st lide aid Cony ginal GUL) Ua AUG ads ool ule (0-o-V) all gb aly gs SL le sings AAS all gland le chy) hice dale Cj wcosall Gilgal yp Glad ual coil Alaa ipa gle ates (SS) lH chyba q ca Ol 1s Ge (EY) aa Gy LW Lb as gs, AQ-Y) iy lal Gf eased gq Gadi wk CL bis G5 les Gb Y a cltadly lal Gas Gd THILY deni fb Ale Uaala Gly) els Aad OS Al lh ols y pada ods le deg las ye Yay USS Littell gle cll ANSI 3 sill Gila FAME Aste a cLyll AS 5 gi Cueaty CLtiall oye gil Mag dala F=CrkqA (7-3) (ofc8) itl le ch ANS sll ga F (POR) i gb ay gh Ld Lah Hind Guuety ye wil doles k (fo) es! Clute q AISI cL eg dae Cy (") closll olasy Abtiall isall yal dals A qutuiil chy bie = f-¥ AID Aandi Ge ("o/65) q 2580 1a Ga eal CL aie Glue gy 1-H q=0.5x10" pV? CC, (7-4)Ny BY Ueine chy Mined Alli (Cy/p) ala! Clg de ye -V ALAS 5 (1) Dyan bial Gin YI claw Gad pls UL! te Riss Gees Gb HY G2 Y Agua os ill jlo UlLcaly wv ofeaS V,Y° 855 5 elsell 4S ip Ge ee le iad ated Ga WI Ale gh dale Cy AVN) hy dase 6 la yy Aially Age Gia) (EV) Seabed a aly La in Hind aay Lt alee Cy Saysall se chy Jlal jb tie v! 8 ish Gil dale ay Dota hs Cs al gle clay bie by 3 SM sill (turbulence) Gi sue! ela sul saly dd pe Ghualy -csll aby Les alld (1-¥) dye oe V ed RH TEV sdgtpl age 0 aye AY Sball chy de pes Ans SG soll V hall) Cl de pe (1-¥) date (fp) Aosta claN Ae oe eis L ov ie / aap | cash etre ra Ak coed [oe ol [esa Vos had] bad fold | " AgdaLall Glalial y /4y put | \ esti Joga / Alaa [5 | we Peat ae | Us pil / a | Ayve YAN Bal aly Bayh Leb iy asi dana e pal 3 (Cy) Gad) ABS gala Jales a (1) dgte | Cy daleall ginal Aaa) G29) gh Ue | \ ile dane Soles Y ysis all Aged Ge MI] , UA gle faglS ) lagi Gai dalud y %0 tale SSty Ay yan yb ciualls Uyaall ya V! SUN) das aes VYe %\. - %o Vee Hr\o- %)+ VX hr - Wo | Vay % V+ ye oS! Veo Agdtall QSL! y Giliagll 5 Stall ¢ sie VAs Cpl eli lle! sie y Gay yall lle! y lanl! aad 5 yaaiall k capil dale SAS EMT! Ge cll bats (o§ sill sony gill Ualeall a Gua rill Jalee “UN claw Ge CULV! Bab5 Ge bes al Sy alee pel Vink Ghee CDE GI K Gia pe alee Glue py (ll Ghali pats (ground roughness length) (zo) U2 5905 (open exposure) 4 siial Slt tll Jets 5 :(I) uxt) A abie ~ ALLE i gal) C13 Aa tally Aba gill GAT yall 3 GL all Lok 3 9 2(G) Gop etll A_ihe - sb jgkeall gael) gal ay soi cis (suburban exposure) Adhd yea) Gl yell OID GbLad Jets 5 (¢) Vaya! Mike — 3 pS Qaall jS1_y« Sis (city center exposure) 4 lial y Ay Y-0-¥gad HN) cea Sued y RLY) Lae ob se My Seal) cll ye pall 3S APEY) dose ak payed dibea Glan gy THe-¥ K a pill Salas Aad (Y-V) dye t o \ capil) Mabie \e a ae 63 Usb (@)v2N! k yaya alee Jay 2 gli ¥I Vee | Ye ler We , | ye Ayes Vee Ves Veo avs , aye 4,00 | \,0 | \,o+ y,) | yo | ve Ye \,00 | 4,A0 Y,05 piecplte k didlos gy gill 7 CWB Gs Ga chy bie Glee ale fren pai gga jl CL dae Glan al yall GtSall gL I ge Audad oni ga ET Z| e “wa Z GLB OS teal Jala Se ol te Aalall chy baie clus aie ono“ bgh Aula gle k Galea Glas py sill dake Gils ol yall GISall gL gli Abend 4) 5 Id shall daly -i Jassie Gage Gin Ga MN cals Ge Lakin G58) aie (ASI cL Jobiey! cass gyal AKau ANY cebu fal RAR JUN ely as) sade pal ag cL be ls ol yal GISall gL OA AY (slat Quail) - G alas dae gil peal (ia Gun MN ala Ge Laie G56 cate lSlal Age LA ginal tl ya. (7-5) () aati gly () dati Galas Ay ko ded Glen de gill z GEV oS F ch Usa le aie 1-0-¥ qe Gee vale chy AS 5 lus ol jall GIS! pL) ys UL le “ua NI Cho hia las Qjgi TH fe Inanv ae fake Qj 95 aay gill Lele ga Ce Ga slll cht) bate alee 1-1 -1- Chad bie Glan ob US alee gy cpl dp tall ala! gle cl ANRY) 9 staal tech dala tans Glee Set Ge cht 586 Glas ae ga LI) Chl atve ales apes jb TH1IHV cee CLT ALS las ae lis y att jal sant, sans nell Lay! ADL Giga lly chub oslad y (cise) geusigll ISA le aie CL yl Lites ales gab TOV coke Clip bata agi anny gill Lalaall ga Cj (lala ely ll ee alee £-1-1-V Slates le 9 BLS Gla! oases ejb doles guy giuall Asha) chal! Aayey A a ive N sll 2 BLS aes BSW Y OMy aL y aay a LS Lala Li AAV G82) Alin 530 8 ull gle cll Aubin gall Y-1-V Uy a oe Ci pb S5iy Aubin giluall (IY US2) Go Ce ad B55 GN-Y) USA, (£-¥) Ce=-0.8 Ce=-0.7 (ill be Abia clgal al cd (ual Cy aul cl! bia Jules aig (J Y-¥) UseAAD nh she rly te eH ee dla laa! pa ab TH pone Wind C=0.7 ~ c — Lu r 7 wna can Wind i i —>e go 7 | | | al LLU Absbiocall cilgal gl ld plead C; (lS ChM baie alee aris (Git) Jee Ayana clgal sl I yall C; ASlaM Clyl kace ales (£— a [_« * lati sal s gst! oa Chot oLSY GS it sall Odea! gl Qf Glad Gel -1 vt | Chol elas Ube dal Qi | | | | Cilgaly YT le de hye Glatall -£ ‘- ieee A Rete ieee ‘ ai | SD Ayal gl gd basi Cael -7 | Shy GM) gun dats Ca v ° | ryALtad ita) y Ataetowall Clgal gl Ghd gill) PV AGLI Gi, Abba Shel I Ol thd GEL C, Ki ky pds ce S85 ual Jala Cp ad Ld (0-V t-V at -¥ risa) ge (9) Based gaat cd sal gl sya Gye cll) iia) f-1-V sk yal CAS aa gl yall Oe coiled GY Co pA A(O-¥) dss Oe S858 ested) Jal Cj a Ul .(\-V JS.) Baociad yaa all Cy ytSla cl aa Jal (2-V) dt Gq chad aah gs osu at Chl las Abia dpa a gd lac Gel =) aye Aya Agel gl 3 Gilat) Gel -Y aye ch SY Os yl deal ad A Gla lel —1 av les Hy 4g VI le plat de j ye Glatill -£ SB gly yA geen Jatt Glacall *GC ap3 bo! (Gr JS, eds ela ilyally Gaul ye C, aE) Chul hie dilae Quist oncolelaledy hh Jb aL lace ch shade gh got ep pret bay CUM Aa yl cha le Cy ya SI chy haa diee pd CoD cya Aad a CS (gS Se Cy a UM CUD bia ales aug (FEY) JS ared elu ce AAD GAN CS ilu le Cy gp AA cyl eats Dales gag (FV) JOE coals elt RAY AULD Cite td cptlpall glo Ce ep lb Clu detec Jules ans (@-¥) JSSusigal) gga UtLe (or ey) Leases _ Ce= 05 en ed Ail Cita - ial Ae ital - a Baseball pga bd epilyall Giltal gle C, pa AN) Clyyl bi ales arjsi (1-V) JSSany Ny Mate hae igh FY CADICY! Cha gly ya) o-t-V ee CL SD 5 a os Ng Ly CDE Gila gly Iya Ula GA (VV 8) oa Cy AAS CUD Dae U8 SSiy (FHV) (5 ba scl prancts sie Lic (gi 5 gl ode 8h elias d d dq, t 1 1 _ | TI h hi iL h | qT d/h>10 d/h=10 dih=1 Cea et Cee Creel GAN) ge 55S yall CUDLEY! cha gly yal he Cy GIS) cyl 3h Jules (I) d d d hb 41 pt tr J " ’ | | LI dih>10 dh = 10 din =1 gq =13 Cpa 1.45 cy=20 GAH GF Hail) CADW cl gy J gull Ie Cy AIM CHI Bk dane (19) ADC) cha shy pail gle Cy Autstl CLM 5 gh falas (VV) JSBed yay iy Kays gue 1 cat Ah guy! cilaiall y iia y gilaly galadl 1-1-7 ly SL, CAI gle Cp AUD CL NS alas a8 Glee Daince Dales 205.6 da S855 (THY) Jone Ge Agha Lally a ga (APY) BSAs (VV) Uysal Ge Ce Ga stall cll Aas CHL y oSlaal le Cy Al Cl 59h dates (4-¥) dtp Agee coleiall y Ai gaury) olaially ’ coli) biked) ly. | re (deal gle way Chol) USA ary ve tuy] oy (sil lad A Cll) SSI aye we furdoa SAI LS gh galas + Sal os ila a ft] se (4'/d= 0.0) Sle $3 5a yaad claw of (d'/4= 0.02) Ranaiy Ge 5 43 laws oA} (d'/d= 0.08) 4 he sil Ged! AN Lied 4 pli ol att J bal d ey! ohrey s pial y CTLs Gala he Ce pa tbl Clysll bia Sales (YY) disse Agalal) cliaiall y Agi gu} cileiall y Ce QS cl! bia Jaber 6 | Wd=25 [ hd=7 hd=1 5 Wet Vet Vet eyo | A+ A+ ore alt alt ~ ego | a oA oe aH We eye | Ye- vv cee font we | ere] a w- | re | erve w= | eyo. | +o eye | at +e Af aH +e 2 sll cle (V-V) stall (gb ba 9psall pall pass chs J sola GL clans he Le pail baa sie go gL chad = 1 * aadstiall ileal! aq >t digg - daly sh) d TofS oo cht bee + glatall cht bine Jaber C=+01 Lille JS aad Udall: aladl - 1 Files Aad.) cal - aAee a a rl Bat Ok L as op id= 28 ally Galas OLA eC, a JI Clay bia Jabes gait (ATV) Sa Aggea cldially A) pau) clea y Ash old hui) v—a-v Os ayia 13 ch NI le Cy ge cid bine ales af Le gy (FAY) Sts (AY) Upae gil) ot ght is Ne ce tS Cli data Jalan (A-¥) gate S| ati |) a a] liiy! Qua . 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ELLY! ~ wi le (z) AT GI (1) HLM ut SG Gh cid ahaa (3) hall y agi Id Gail) ge Cy pa Ji) Cli bia ales Qigis (4-¥) JSSea nt eat ely a eH Dy aT lead ig pal eo ghul 4-1-¥ +G7¥) ase Ge CD cal gle Cp 41S) cl bi alee as 2855 Tad ke age bial f call ole Gi cll 41S 5, Glee gy (VY) Ste eae ye La 8G 5S pa gee yey SoU Gland le Cy Aalst) cls 5 gh alee (4-¥) yan wid | Crates | (elas) gil ge chad be avo Ve jhe + £0 Y | +408 Ye | pa 7 WHET. aly oles) (pf Ale couiee laud - | h d | od 1a/4 d/4 rH 24) | OAK Yo I, Wind, Wind, . oe 7. | Gblag A Alle colle haul — Gs | aad ate is ASN alan Baa le Ss fae Ata CU yA AYE oul Gaal gle CLM AM 5 gi ntl 5S ya Gece (1 6 V) Sdee NNN celal flael y Mat ae YN ib ce silly leah) cal i¢ pal 3 Sl) Agglat GA) bet Agi Ge Aaiglaghh CIM gle Cy AIM chy 5g Lalas dad lee gy PV oT allel Lalas 8 LISD 5 ll Glued Aaacisall alll Lely (1 +-¥) chal dee eal LsLniyl Hi Bead gl MU Cy Alb la 3g dates (1--¥) date eth Bal gots suas! 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Lal 1,1 + ye ayy ¥ Lay (1 + 0.752) Agghag oly) 1-1-7 sae Ge Kislleall GI URYN gle Cy 415 cla tt 898 alee ded line oy ())-v) Agisllegd ch Way gle Cy Gatch clip 5 gb dates (11-¥) Sgt | gia Jats pline| | CUail dst alas t aJq>t algal . = aye sled gle Logee SLY! 8 ASU! cline! bie dale dui YSU Liked Gales I clit Say kil d “a / Scylladl gle Yi ae ch bie gqeed yeyy ly Auten) jet fas) lean! asst Annex (7-A) (FY) gata Structural factor C, Leal Jatew oe Syst te cho dled 26 Sle! i 8b cM dele ya Las Ula 1-H Ape Ll inal 5 gil tb ee cla ole clit bine 53) sal (turbulence) AV) OV LaM gb Vso Lysleae Lt ales dys 5 Tei gia Vs ge yeti diy gal GLtialy lid - ) (4S) Aziglagl) cI WI - lel gai! hited! gi oy dd Glad dey) Ge Geli) di A clad oud - 1 Cy Lita Sales Glue iy (YA) adh (£-)-V) all (3 saad YL ye Ga tol HAM abel a (I-Y) JS gd dace yall y Obtiall Leb ISAS are —14+2elgVBP ER? , | on c 1+ Te pul Ge pod o jal Lad uci oy duuill ainy (Peak factor) sy A dale g (8A) igh ay gh Ugh iad a5 ga La ke od sin (o-f) a gS 25) gt Ld Lib ag ons y zr FWY aie GI phe aah Ly . (turbulence intensity) pLal BLS YI Gat jlse¥I (isl (background factor) 4 Jala B? (01) ial ay go La Lia Aig aad y ine Gh le bill oils slse¥! 44 asl, (resonance response factor) gsi Gyles Jelee R? 8 Ue Liab ding o2055 Gah opal Giyss sie 5) AY! Gad le GI ph! (Vl) a3 gb 5gel ll woth A, sy! ‘1 SY lla a 4g) Uabedll Ga g By Ul alee ded Glen oy tol (A-2) (A-2a) AST as yb -(5.4) (up-crossing frequency) 2.5 v YAVVA =e ald cealall iy le gill Qlls In Say y LBiall Seabizall ad ya Arlee oy y (jie) Lita yapbll oo sll ny DY Go Ash shall Yopdl Slab iad st (A-2b) (54) cull gle HAIG Adsbedll ge zr GLE YI aie Ty Gl pba bad dag Glas gy ont reat (A3) inf . Zo eye ATHY) dae G4 8B 5 (Sie) VAN ease y dh % (PY) 8 SA (5) COMI che Ge odie WI ar AMG Abbe Ga B? 4g, dole Ub Glee oy 1-1 B i (A-4)- tw -t{5) a=0.67+0.05 In(z,) (A-4a) (A-4b) (+) turbulent length scale Gi jhusY! yb uulde Lay Sa Yes dad Sy gaa ye Ul ibis Sut s+ dad Soy pane ¢ LG) (34) tel Gaye (si) steel CL Ly au b h gla ale Qe R? Guill iylas dale Gila gy VI R? = peer )R,R, ()) 6.8 f, (zt,n,) S, (a,n,)=——* (A-5Sa) ven) {1+10.28, @n, FP” nyL f, (er, ote (A-5b elem) 2 (aso) Vn (r)=0.67 Vk (A-5e) soya non-dimensional power spectral gl 3) 4unY 48S 4a S,(zr,n) density function «variance spectrum yb! 35 fi(zr,m) (2) EWN we CLM Ae pul Zelull esi) Vig(2r) Uanaal ¢ sil Ligh oajans (Say Dinara! alee 0.02 cyte ys Lise (0.015 GS ps Lite 0.01 gare Lise Byen hy Htyh ee) (-¥) sal ine Spat) cl dep v (PAY) sso Wink ia pill alee k sas (aerodynamic admittance function) 4Sslis Js dy -Ry Re sggly Ld ibe all fee 7 R= \-agl en) (A-5d) ols le hl b Sie Milull tell iL dad asi for qa of erm) (A-Se) La for = 4.6 fern) (A-5f) Lay z= 0.6h h<
1.0) de yall Qua) lS Laue! UL, wi - € Lah J5Y 5H) Steal aes aay aot aaa dal JI WGI bt e Call Glin ye Cle et Abed GLAS Gull le inal Jil ll Cae + eLsYl Qiye cai i ie Y's Gaal (Shear Wave Velocity) (Chadd Sind Sy 5) cli) Gaya 5 dye gh sas YA Classification of Subsoil Conditions Mand oH lead Se lly Sa dey Ge iV) oli dal ty Gi + (7A) eo Ustalls qaage gp LSA BE COD CE Gay Claud CBs 45 GS 19 Le Aba 84 jo) Oakes aay dell) Lal pall dae Gag ce Cob fF oleae Gall J pac) AMA a he (1A) gan ayy Le Gs May cle Lash) is snes % f+ Ge pS) gal Ualeany 9 V+ Ge Ji Y dla Gull le Ves Ga IV s39 Gail Gla ye Be us Vehala heal Zyl) cise cigaad (1-A) dose lage de Vss0" (2/54) tase Cythalail) (es) 2 Nepr past JS cilia Ayal lsat etal aay 6 phaa hs cys J phe Ripe Uyak Hib ges sins + Gao BS glo San OS >| tf Avett Yous SEAN Cl pial YS chap hye S JAYS (Lalj — day) ys Se Cy Alas Xa sia 93 6 Ope BS G6 Spall dave yall ee bes LS ls Gall WhentAy Youve ES Live Che eA ass (5 ~ De) ASataie Cy Las Magli 3 cle gl GS YS cali tsinlly tania sal JON cle I Gl pie Ge Van > yo> = (dey thal) ake ye 5 2558S) UST Unease ol) Lil (ae J) Raub A5uLe cis Uy de LG Sha ys JI Baa yall Cy Aas Xa sdsall Hynde tide Go al ELS GS C Ba Vy taped che oe ipa te 0 ga pte Sue D yl ot SV, all tals Glad ale Ae aD A (alll ge Ke pul gall Lal ihe Upga Gand Fe dal 5 cals + a Ngpr Aad pladiod ply of GJ) claws Ga iatcoh cl) NA NY gt Stary Slt eA igh se ally Saal caked ¢ pana 34S) Ce Vea ill Gail ce ye de pul Asal al ca Asie 4 2351 DL) Vs30 =——Ts G1) x a) oS iA ib cee hy Sap cliche Nou ly {4p Abdel Ga Aaya ee gs Vi (H, = Dh) 4,3) Glib A lal aH, Ay sa) Gli ae N, alll le go de jus Golan aie Ald Sakae Ay phe Aiey (sila) asl ol gi} Ula cciaall 3) Ugh hy Lab 4p anal AL obs Go lal daued Le Gd 5: CVa0 Ay pose) Mill oka lel dill Ay sh Earthquake Actions ONS Ge Agata) Jaa t-A Earthquake Zones Agi 3159 abla 1-4-0 ad Ls Ga i aees A AID SH Cas Ge ad jae geen aa — ) 1 (YHA) ely Jssed idk dpqyeretll Aye VI dlpall AS Alt Ce on Gall wean Susteae pai (FY A) date Hayes ya 9) Aged Lys an (ag) 0.108 lM ibid | 0.125 g % 7 0.15 g 2020 Aiba | 020g aa) dahil 025i) 0.30g (3) deaeLal Aiba ywYe ares a BAge ag ty (ag) abel a8 gall le Gb 15 LH SL ann iy — Ryagenctll Sue MI Analy Gay Ud as J Ay pdeo Mile gd due JV 45 ya tial dyaah alee ce AIM Jaall spans oi 855 dala 5.38) CDlalae ap. gi LS -Dual 999) das dalaay C5 J sel sadly (1A) By SA dard 451) dea slle ed oe 1 pan nay Mel LEA (GENOA) hy Spiel y ee £0 AY etd 52M gd -(g=9.81 m/sec) ala alae 99 Aap 350 J 9} Aidaie JS Asal Sparel Ae VI Apa s peal Aa le ilu gana cy ~ £ vwcolt Aad NNN cola Seely AB! ON ab 6 ly aa) lead oe pa ag) | ate Mgt get ttt dpe tlt cASUM plat Ghia (1~A) Jot (Grt-A date i) VAcat all YANN coil Slash y uly JAC 8 oo sy Dani) ua! ie yaaa a gS) ated Gall S13 ALN Ghia oly (GrY—A) dose + iat \ ry : se | ale r Tin | 7 eas on x tigi r al ‘ Po ‘ bond 1 a Y Ayywcays — | Ayal r eu r et 7 ail Bias seat a aaa + Sue ’ aad St gaa a stay | at sit vai . oe [eke ly oJ Te a gab a D | omties and « ress ” : ' a ‘ pines | | ee is ret = ue t Py st 5 cla . dak rer i ' , a a tr Aid al ‘ oe ae Tale ee oe ’ gee r coat yyacs gant tat ey yl Je de tly a anal ig pal 6 AIRS Ge Aga laa puluil tail) Y-£-A Basic Representation of Earthquake Action General ple \-Y—t-A Bias Gps gL le Maal yp Gal Ga A ol ISI AS US + pnd casted cighey "any Lydd ja gay Ae VI 5 tl OBE yas A Ayace al AS a IBS oy + Coal) ashe Cagle Culp Aine Lage IS 5 EY GH pli hd pee Sy yeae dals CLA aan peut GI cans US laa lel ya ge (YA) oy GAM Gd gal gle Gide (hada Lge (Type (1) and Type (2)) <1sLoall inks cine Ge lil & silly JVI g sl Ge (Gala sidney |e gS £5 Aili) douegiall godt gle alla! Adal jlolial Fa yseenll Gols geal Type (1) ste Gish inte cya sil g sil lad) y ANA eb dgaally YY E-A al Jal) he dala slaw Sts ilne ny lalie Gosia jan jad dale le cltad) (0.15g) c= Agere An YI dad DEY Cues leagenat Sind Lobel pb Ais GY 5 CDlaes last JY 5 Sym hs Lind Sy ad Cae 9s Atle al dared self Daud ole Gi ily J byte clad SB eto Godly DID Sy coy Malaaad — ISM pas yylae gle LEY, Os Ayagancll Ape NI Anal Aad go BS geod AD Gatland iI) lle lid ~)vey Ay yang Be 250,822, 883 3 > “a0me | Type (1) ds! gsi (l) Se) 25 8,824 %983 Type (2) Stl gsi (w) asia sag le Alba Aylalal glial pny Cel HB gla ge ina (YA) JS yyyaM NN etal lar hy eA Le od oo gle laa) lal ce asl 3 x) Horizontal Elastic Response Spectrum — Qual (gif) Guba) Ligh Y-1-£-A FAI Ge ay calall & ga tl Go} Se (T) Oya (BY! Gyleill Gb (7A iy sa sal) ae 7 0
eee US SM yy ie ii adeall sey Ye % Te Ge Jol gee ot sig LS bal Gia yy ae ge % V6 Ge o9 US yd ant a5 + (aA JS bel) yyOust L3t ky < 020 tS Li-ba Ae ie LB) Go Nay 290! ae A (lO, yo 110 ty (ye) Et < o50 itis v Lib? So GH ELS ie fay ayo) tr * Gl MS gles ¥ Ge 7 10 (sy (a) cet Rawal) Cob 99 Lge coll cpllyall pUBAY) Gila (FPA) Sc yyfy as ead pal 2 Hy pA placed Mla (gh (R) ail) oy dpsed Gales ayaa cl i) fr —I— A sll fats f cgetl Haul (8 Adie Aull) ai - 1 sLasyl ll Lai aga aaah Dalal deh il plas ALalSy sinh ppanet ayeey Mile L pill Ia cye ctinyy Allo Leaded y LIV sil Aaybially 4abisll GY + cae dsl Wel Lah GLa Aas GysS yA Ge ane gd ee Lt} pls segisal Ath GLa lan) ce gil Maal) ob Auta Ayla gal — 1 etka Kas fF pak ll ysleall anh olga 9b Aili! Assay! plait) Alle i -i aah LAY (gle Shy ogall lad Gi ppenall (gb pana! Jill ay det col Gui Gi AaSinull Main) ASLEY) plasll Jadll oy haet daleal GARY) AU ge ell Gea gyal oles of SLBY! pla! DESI Mlle Gd — BL all aill oy yaad Dales Aah plaid ppanalll gf iy Ale aalaall yymall welatt JS Structural Analysis (ok) dytactl Y-A Structural Modeling Aba) agai 1-¥—A HS 5856 Cams ESN Cleland) QS Ge Lee HRY! ela OG ol oe) = DSY SN lead Glue aie slic) gd SIM 5 peal oy sige) DSA! oN) Jad aall 8 UY! Colaa_oal dial! cciLtiall Slay! dial) Jac OSe — Y cuales pe SSD cs sine GsSlttl @3 ya alasiinly « (TTA) 2 tig + Login Legh DSI G92) Gatelaiall FS yall oLtially Aateall Ail pall ltiall gi Able! eolial) Selae Gawd — 1 cook ly Ugileli of lsc! gle « Hale diney « cishll Oe Lau y vycolt al Woy Jy Aun) duet) Jal) ual ass Belae Ob esd ley coil) GleLbill ued) dhs 4a yb glacial psc ale Gay aes ge 3 VI Gey Gohl doled ye Anbajal) joliell Sle Lhal Gall os jell Ce oo8 Le Gal coll Cle Lill se Leal) as egy LS lei) IMM gual p jo S855 abl! A5Lu jal jeoliall alle Gay Ier= 0.70 Iy jae — Ten = 0.70 Ip C328 be oad Gal Gail La gs ~ Ten = 0.35 Ty E95 Ves il yall Lil yo ~ Ter = 0.50 I, (Ueda 4s jute dah ae) GIS - Te = 0.25 Ip (RED clases als) Aadanual y Ay SOU GULL — Acg=Ag Ui dalane (6 Giaais oof dee Gy Vy Coot ob Slee (i YI es ELL ID 5 geal jet Tee Eoo2 4s val cil gle AM yall pe: dy E924 ual ill lb dale: Ay hi g Uni Balen Agr Whine Lidell ptlall Geall Lyle 3855 Lidell Qepenell oj. ye ESI Glue Giny J (YHA) gx al tide ej gall Deal ys Md al (Wes) wea daa dui (VA) dt (ve) | Leia Gnas ealgall® ma eld GUI 58* | ited - eS) Meta Ugh ol fil Ye Gleal) dead cltiad * (cha sly ala Ghyll GSO Gls Gill ye + Ui Aula ila claaall * 0.5 J chatted — Gugludl — Abel GW — Ayah ol oe gjlaall ga. balanll py Hata — DLall shall clad ya — clea 0.25 gS) Lata veYh N slawa Ft Accidental Torsion FBLAyl gl age Y-V-A (rlaall jS yey USI 3S ye oy Med Gay) Lead 45S OU GI) LAY Abs Bans i a8 US ood iS IB JS yo ld AES 3S po Ge asl sae Sine! Gd SU, line Ay yuadl QU 295 Lb 25 Css egy Miles CUAL HLS G8 cs pill ISS Ge : Abed ei =+ 0.05 L; (8-15) nd A 53 SLs cal [pile Qe i jail ALS) Aalay! 435 .0U) ci «gM Has 4 oles! IVS Slat Glue las) le adeiad yyahay Li IVS Staal 86 Gen iy PVA Methods of Calculating Earthquake Effects General ple 1-¥-V=A pata GLa Gb ti yb Ge JGY iM heal yb Glee! sl) aa, bi — 1 A(OAY~ EA) Bil ob oT aM papacy Lael gy yall gail AS Mle Ga (YEA) a Gh 3D) capeneill Gye Cin las (Susy said HIS (83) sSdall ey ya Aap Gk ty IY jt leat 2b Glue Gd UM Gb san) alas Sey - Y + ggiuall AsLayI ot pay (UIE SHAY! Jeol) 4p jh) Alaa slat ab Geyb - 1 J (NHTOVHA) aid) 52) by Gia CL al coe cle Gus of Sy cally (BLY) ore) GS all Gybeill Gub 4b - = (YoY-Y=A) ail igs oLaall gol (Time History Analysis) ia Seals iat) 4 LS Aly yb plasial Sy — ABs) ape ny Mla ode ody. (EATEY-A) idl S50) pf cl st ikesoa al YoY cplual ashy AA Le gh iy Ila alg al 24 ASTIMA) a (TEA) al] ak & gad Ge} Ge Apt U5V 5S Jae A(S-V~A) ai Case Utell yy Quen) alee (ceisall -,Ssitiatt) Jaa) Liye) Unaaaall Gusta Gish diy jh Y-1-V—A Simplified Modal Response Spectrum Method General ale \-Yo1-V-A My aay Cane a a UG Sig A Cia ge Ba Gus cy - 1 + gfe OS coi Lill Sul al ha gay Label 4S scl Legal hs bb le had Gist Jay - 1 CQ AMA) oy dl the Gal ty GY pba! 8 URRY GUL) at) I (=A) Se Li ALY Ge US gb Tr celal 5359 Ge Ll GS FAM ell Ge cal es slay TiS 40Te or TiS 20 Seconds Sahl 1a Ge (THA) 48 Joa Goats Te pal bes ARM Ce ARS os gue) Aula! Gall 6.6 YY -V-A Ultimate Base Shear Force cel oledt IS (GLUT Gelb Ga yucia ale gall) Fy GaN! Gall 365 Gua — 1 + glist F, =S,(T)).4W/g (8-16) ey J (OYHEMA) al Hide gyal ALEY! ulatll papenatl GLI Ysa} $,(T) (Ti) geese Uh a5 Se (1-1E-A) wh enea vey ly lea Sac ob Niland a aaa last ogi Lana uh ig ysall get Ty si Lids pally CLL jee Gye Go Lal ISI serail oj W (£) 3 gall (\-¥-A) SU Ligh aig ona Gane alee a A=085 if T,<2T. or ca Ge 3S Util iy ose A=10 if T)>2Te CYaLas plastids dabei galas) gd Ty Lidl QAlAWl os sll Geil oles gy - (GAA) Gaal inky cibtiall Sti Jail gales Ge Uys yh AIS ge Ag) ANI og Sal Qyiygi PVT -V-A Distribution of the Horizontal Earthquake Forces 4 US gh itl Fea Ryall ash SAA 8 Gaal) Cabal 5 Golam OS — 1 pasiul Ya st Sy JJ cltiall alo G yb alaciuls Gualabal G call oil LL) als gle Liha sa je dail aL 3h plasiuly oan gle os gies chy US SVT Ge ach Ul aes -¥ mj 2» US 2 Ag sLeall Gide 599 US Gage ate 4B Us ll es dy - Wi | , (6-17) u Wl ~ jsln i ool est asl F; (vA) Absteall linkey JY 3M ge Agata Ladd le ula! Gail sd Fe Leia gaslaflh Usual 4 mj, mj SSM dal} uj, Uj (€) 581 (1-V—A) aul tab Spud mim; di 5) Wi, Wi) LALLY Co gui God OI AVE ane n vyoN NY eal a hy MY La he ely laa) clad opal 3 gS z,W, ivi aoe . Fe (8-18) ied) J LALA Gs pae G gf mM} mM) HSI Gilets! Zz, Z Aaslin patie gle (VATA) sf (VY-A) Absleall (ye Sateally F; 48M) Gil e535 - © Gelupll alte JY) GUL gf lich Aedll Welus Guus 4a) Jl! Accidental Torsional Effects RALay) Gl aye yl t-r-r-v-A asLicyl tl nye pth dill gis ald aa Ga 21 f chy plasil ue — 1 Alabedll Gye Aaya Ma = G+ Fi (8-19) cel gyal Sse i asi pss My ALY! US (VO-A) Alateall Liu j yall AUS) ALY! 43S OU eg; GAR (THYHY=V=A) ull Lich Speoadly i yyall gle 4 yal AY gal Fi eae le oladl JS pasil deal sic y YI bial i HSlly Ui! Gtelaall Qj Bla Ula Gi “7 SBYI Sy (TVA) sill Gi 5 SSI Ge Ms Sh Gb AS prey ELI CIS USSD gue Hath GAN sl Sy ALY! Gl ayje th lee et Lge Mla ys (2) 5 ill (PHY-Y VA) il Lia 6 pall gd ell Spatial 1 Abed Ga panel) 8 all py je ish gala Laedt t = am 8-20 8=1.0+06 [] (8-20) saleie olasl 8 Lule YN Labaall Gb inal 3S pe Ge GpALUY! patella x ISVS ge Apt) Glas) Giles 4b iy gill ols le cf elie GRY LeU Questia gun LSI) att! Ga pail oy dilud Le SSN SM ge ApS) Sle) lies aul aly ol ola! (gle sales olatl (sey an) ake Leh (1) 6 il Gi GAY Gl tls Guay I Ga = 1 (the eases sh nse Lensan) 1 geen 5 LEY! Ga SI oy Sunes coll ayde 8 fb « cuaabeing Quleatio Gy sinus Gandy pladinls ubaill Je Qi - £ bled Qa pac GilsYl ll pyle Hl da Mickie Gere Ce thee Say = (Ye=A) pb Malad (4 1.20 dale 0,60 daleat lags « (VE-A) ay (LAN) sseie) Spall a gladll cigh day yk Porv—A Multi-Modal Response Spectrum Method General gle I-¥--V-A AYAY-Y-A) ail sap) OUI aay) Gis Y (J ltd Cust 4h ole pasa — 1 ad 4p yd ok asia (Say LS banged Ga glail Cigh Mi yh asia (1) 5 ail (1 L(YTEYAA 38) gad asl Cig i CL! fl gle Gey I Ltd Bind A cLtiall yada alas Gd Our see Gundy lasik: ued Jac Gy — 7 = [(YT HAHA) ll] ai deen (gb AU! GUS! puch iad Gf AUB! GUI fat) Ging Y Ga) ctl Jalal Yel i gh ys ee Ge st GAAS ge Mast SLs 8 Gang e sbasll fb pel sd gages plas) dla a - £ plana Agualley (cain (SLR 25 gl JS LiL) deal Aa LY Qua yacoat Wey chal asl At ac he lan aad pal 6 alata \) Opals Glial (f ALG) Loglie jolie Yt St ciltuall Ld cecal ALR! Laat 4 GALI Gabe i JV ge Apt UL! yi JSAY Gila go i Sls HIS Glne Yh 4G S89) Gay ald Sutil badd alla G3 0 Cty al elisha alld sins guy « Leal (IS) ail oy 4b 2 Ql Gal, roa! YER AD ail 2p shen Gob bse! ob 53 pala 5 Sigal LES g pane « Uaield Atlas yl ALS ye %46 Ge Jb J cb Was) oy Leal Ue yl ABS Gy % © Gye yt Aus bal) GES aan — + aiey! Fri oad ssf oh Gus) eaned fy ck Saal) ALEd my 5 figall ESI ce a JY) Ge bs ola gdb figally k US Aaa +L Fox = Su( Tk) mg ] ssh Jo! coe ob SS FAL CU) Sty) Gis Gany a Gel chy lad UL GE 4 an Fas Legg gt) colt) Ale te) (0) 5 ail) gb say) ll cll nay Giese IY - eb LD Shin gl ne Ge k GAY! onl) off (ll Gila ge Gye Hille 45 jie Fall Gale 3 Ge US Ging J Gaay hla 4 LéeI k > 30 Vn (8-21) and Ty < 0.2 sec. (8-22) WEY bald lay ue kk CLAY pie GH A eo kK Stil pas Uo ns = Tkcath Pet hal Boel AAI LACM) ey aa lea gal 35 sggly Le elisa) Copy A phll oka plas) aie — A 4 (Ae) Ge ie Y LLY Goyatte aie Ay ganall AY) Gall os of g gene | sad) lidey (Sa SSG! Gaal Mi yb plasinh dryer Gail os Ese AYHY-¥-¥-A) ail 68 Aad 355 gy el (I) 5 ily ad Lad Ged pe UL Giw dalez Gall i558 gllas} Gh Bind Guns GS pall Gojletll Gib tis play Ay poll AXAYAVAY=A) il Ligh dy punall coal sb ce (YAS) Aes Combination of Modal Responses COS) flail ays.) Qyap Y-Y-1-V-A Koel jY) OSL Ge LS ALLY) fj, 1 COS JAY ay Jbel Se - Oy S Late Ulby Gael Qaany ge Unie (ill ge Agila 4s CDS, tlt ba yatl lise Ty, Ty posal lesb oes TS 090 T; (8-23) Gee Oil (V-PHTHY-A) ay sted Jbl 249) 4S Glue Gy Laie - 1 Se JY SN lest 26) Quad antl gli ¢ ianall anes ye Abuedie [(V) ol (9) : (GRSS) pill Ghee g yen asl pinll 4p ply doe J paal 2 (8-24) (GB « Aas) « 38) Slse) 8 33 8Ld1 JY 3M lal oth Ee i Susi daly sha) das UgY 5 lel tb agg Bet el Up sill Ute His BS) Quest Gull plasind Gans (1) 5 fill Gia IY - ceoill an] san (Complete Quadratic Combinations~CQC ) Jalsa + CDS Sheil a0)galt TN tll flashy AL LAS gh oo lly Lea) Glen! oe pana 2g) Torsional Effects ool ase ol rerer-v—a Assy! AD ose oth take) ch dy (EAYHTHY-A) adh (1) Alb «ual 8 él pi qi yet plage] aie — 1 5 sll) Guns (V4 A) Asked) Gye a paral + ASL Envelope os sail) ail Ge G8LAY! Gl aye Glas gS 6 Lal LS al asl Sse ll 933 Ge Ole pene Aa ASSAY! lea Guobs 99 Cusay « (Ales dan sa) 5 te OI La (1) 6 ll fab JL! tb Guay lay = 1 + (le eases I aye Lenten) SLY casa 5 LEY! Gus Sal ay coll e528 of « cunclties Gubnaite Gu sinus Qundses pladiuls Gale UL gb - ¥ A(EAYHYYHA) all Qe (£) 5 ll Lie Ghee gy Time-History Method eS GSeabipal Julaat) 4a yb tr -V-A WA) sill Heb Qa) lke old gig Salil Gua diy yb plas) aie — 1 + Siglesll Capde Hay pe pla ee GIy A Gy sis Gia Gf any GLI Ia Ge (1 + gghy Le clisiad Copy Ady ll oda glacial aie - (% Ac) Ge de Y GLLAW Cipla ie Lpunall 488 Gail Gi ese — | lies : ala A) eal) diy ph plasinl yuma Gail 698 ¢ yams Ge + (YH¥-T-v~A) aul vaill 88 taj oy Del (i) so YF id bod Gat pe a Ga - G gail oh llesl of Bind Cans asl Seely ky ped A(YRY=Y=VHA) atl Ligh guard) Gail og gb ye AS and abe Li Chea (gated JAS plain Ae 3D AS ulin AY! Glan yoy - + Aue M6 all dS ya. Gud (YT E-A) aid gf banal D5 jl Dla plastids + (T) sual (V-YHY-V~A) idl Gules « Lia 4s yall ue SLAY Gal jl ae = £ cA al sill os alll all SI ge GAN Ge UGY 5 CDhnas WD plan Gay — 0 Asi Sy Ab AS sf Dens dene plc) Wile (dy daha) AsLuy) otal = AMA os sil pl Apsaall tb sia JS yall 4 veyIVS oe AQAA JLaal cS ya Quand OVA Combination of the Components of the Earthquake Action AID ge Ags Glands Ami) ails pall Y-0-F-V—A Horizontal Components of the Earthquake Action si (V-Y=£-A) sad] J3VSM ge Macht LSU AY LS pal jLse] Se - | (Simultaneously) £43) qui b Lee 5 4 [(1) + AMIS ga ((£-A) dS2) aH ce Masta) JL gen sel gl inh Geadte JS) ls Gans ail AS 50 US EALUY! AGA — L(YETOY=Y=A) aia gb ig Ga glel ighd cLSa Jual 99 CAS pod Ans Land le J3Y 5M dll fd By Qabsell dal Glue (Sy — geval) Shel) yk Gulia gale gb JIVI ce Hh JlaaSd GAY! } US a BY 099) CUS 90 Cae Ese Eto * Ey Agta Gland Ai) GALS yall 486 quand Se (Y) al gd olaall gh das - lapel Ga Gale) gd ISVS ue Er=E@ + 030 Bey os Er=030 Ew + Eey “oe "ee DY Tt a x yyne sled Gd DSV a 586 ass JY aM ge Aqatll Dla YS E ow ual on Y ogee clad Ga DIYS! tl dass USVI oe Aesth ual 926 Ewy sul G+ Ladd gle (pth ps0) olay 5 4S y« dS 5 LY 838 I cae yeral nh pla ary ky dle 8 ely laa ce pel a aa Yh da shin Le 3S Golly HV! desea G4 Uy! LI su Biss Al Claud - © clei Cali Ganley JSY GF Gaal Sl Sy hid Lie Gob ge Aah + bam cle US Linall cAI apd dee (THV-A) sul fide gia Sali Gu Tigh aa we = 1 8D alt gh lee Call ales On US A LIVI gi Daal pasted Sy Lt Mia) Guay = 2 T ! (cei 0 laa! guug) ad ad =} (Jou) Fx - Aire Es a Aids 4st) (nays potted al B= Egy 09 E E 0. Ein Bam le dea Sa JG dad Ua Cola ob AN 515M La) quant (fA) Isa VeeAI San’ dyad gh Ag pall OPV A Vertical Component of the Earthquake Action (aig) Apegenctld Aa Y alae dal BAS jal cals IY Le Mla gd ltd gen = 0.25g o oS «BS J sa (Tse) syn cls Saal aut SHH palit ~ + Ed 0,6 le a5 Gal yaad Ol LAN 48, ABV! Jal SI — : N aatiy AV) gay! ilu GIS) - ph Ganaell lel) LA, (aS shall pail) ad,) bane SU Ababa col jaSI) sles gibi! pL Vin Jay Claud! Ua gf Lela GLA all ee (Base isolated structures) {31} Uy jaa cltadl — ALi) gol) pla odie Cobeual elt) J5Y dlasY Cd8) CLS yall 2b Quai Gy - 7 bg US (Gaphll ye Abad Een + 030E¢@y + 030E@) call 0.30 E ey + Eey + 030E¢, -u 0.30 E ce + 030E@) + Ee = Ltsal gle {yas S01 algal 8 AS ys JS 5 U2] S855 Gf aay al sled Fiver UVB Ge Agi) Juan Ayal 45 yal ofl apscl deal x2 ol Se - Clas oa Gl Use! ca peal ety Land je dis Gl ule Lule alia Golungo) Gd S8N1 ga (1) Sill GA By Sty Lye Sl 4S al Ag sys Geb by Sia) Aula Cand juoliall bi Lue 8 deal pI 4S pl cig wy - £ plas Ugh Malady SacLinal! pecially ((1) 6 iil 438 non-linear static analysis Liu hd 2 Sct) Use dec dil 3 ~ © «ABN ge ApS SLaSU dul jf 4S pall Sha] Se \toca NNN (Baal) flay GAREY a igh se Ay Leal hana! yg pa 3S) Displacement Analysis Gilat jy) dias ¢-V-A dy «SLY! eal oa SS Gul le JY ye salad) Fal Glin gy - 1 + AMM ADawapall Alsteall deal 52 d, = 0.7R d (8-25) BY cc sled) Gish plasinl Ayyuoe SUuY pli § Abi al} dy A(X-Y-E-A) J (O-Y~ EA) al tidy (yal SURI hte) (ih) Gaal GaLy! pla es (6) Giniss) uu ayy das dle R A((FA) Gata Ga (IFA) dyaall AY sled Gah plac ual Ga yuna Gal YI ad Ge dy a5 VI Gans “(TAYE A) sll th 6 5a Coal) i Gasol Gb CY sles Guakt Gb Ge (d,) LY! Gla Lal Sy - 1 Lal gy ya las Jess (2,9) ind dale Gi bey pune (OA Gin YA caste) WA) ai] (LLGY! sane) OS pall Gayle Gish 4a pb plastul GI GYI Gla ae - ce BY cape [(ET-YA) SS) ied Sutil Gad Gk J [(T-THY eal) diy ph) Uaaasall Co slecill Cagle diy pb plasty dp gual Gilal 5YI ys (YoAe) A(N-Y=V~A) ai] (iH SSI of Si I Gay DISD lel 455 Gl ayje 86 Gf Gls) Glue ae - £ + olseY! Stal SY aed ol « (Seatisn J Stin) ol pu) Leal) phd ye bles Gar Ulla i - © ayy dud dele Use Yl! Gi 891 sp ial 1a ye Apel pal Gully OS sie (Glad al ye que Gi gaee aly Gyles R dad Sal Go: el) Jha! + ASYM ge Mast Jl! Glas. Non-Structural Elements LAY) yo paliall 0-Y-A General je \-e-v-A 6 AAs sel 6 GUL be 6 us stall die) Glas gd ALE) ye woliall - 1 (toes chee ¢ obi gil cA sla Lila ¢ Glad, 466 Stile yanSel le Bs I LW cle Sughd chs of laykel UL Ga Se ly 6 ASV BD ge Sect Dla p slitl eanet GP Gang Lag GLasall f csiuall lal ity I Gare bys OS Jc bys Gaal CS Aga Ge pale aay Ue a 7 Gack GBI glacial Cans ullisy Lisl peal 4S) tiie ied le ol 15 baal «DSN aM psa SLAY! (UA ge ULL ALB junkie Sad 25 Ge cial Analysis gail Y-0-V-A eel Dns bey Leck Ly lly Dheatyl Cdl lis y 4uLnY Ge ualiell = 1 IND eas dyally catlall Gea! yaad Ge Ae jlicd MES JS ya ga 85 (F,) Hal iS SALAH 42 poli gle ALD AGI By — 1 2 AGI Isle Ga bill obs Lad Cauady ol 26 S01 ols! Gi praiall F, = (Sa We ya)/Ra (8-26) ALBY! 5e pele! G53 Wa ad) Ibe Ge (Tt) 3 il Lid 4sLEY) je paobally Gold QIU dale Sy (Foo-V=A) ail Hida 4SLRIY) je jualinll Gyan alee Ye (AHA) i gaa lid Asay! 42 poli) JuuV! aya) Uns dale Ry 1 A Abba ga shan Se Sy ALA! p2 peatiall BUM dale — 7 $. = s ee) za (8-27) a 1.0+(1.0-T,/T;)?) g Aaa Une (ag) Speci Gee Ml Unad Gp dead A ayy dle = 'S Vs mata ela! os 93) Gal Ta fold ob Laka pal spy eT vay
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