Lec 8
Lec 8
Lec 8
Now the other type of viewing projection is the parallel projection where we have this
projectors coming out the object AB parallel to each other and this is again the projection
plane. So, in effect what we get is the center of projection now moves to infinity. It does
not meet at the point which we will call it as the center of projection. So this is parallel
projection and we basically looked at the various types of parallel projections.
For instance, we looked at the orthographic projection where we basically have an object
and the projectors are parallel to each other and they are perpendicular to the principle
planes which are actually planes perpendicular to the principle or the coordinate axis. So
this is for instance gives us the top view the plane which is perpendicular to the y axis
and similarly the front view and the side view we get.
The next category we looked at was the axonometric projections. These are also parallel
projection meaning that the projectors are parallel to each other. So the way we can look
at these axonometric projections are basically as additional transformation before we
apply the conventional orthographic projection. For instance, we can have additional
rotations or translation and then we have the projection on Z is equal to 0 plane. Now as a
consequence if I consider the unit vectors in the three coordinate axis 1 0 0 1 represented
in homogeneous coordinates 0 1 0 as Y axis or unit vector in Y direction and 0 0 1 as unit
vector in Z direction and if I apply a transformation T to it what I observe is and then this
T is also consisting of the projection of Z is equal to 0 plane which basically means that
the third column is going to be all 0.
So what I will get is basically this meaning that this particular unit vector which I
considered will get transformed to this X x Y x star 0 1 which says that there is some sort
of a foreshortening which has happened to the unit vector which I had considered in X
direction. And the amount of foreshortening is nothing but this distance in X direction.
Basically I just measure these and that gives me f x which is foreshortening in X.
Similarly I get foreshortening in Y and foreshortening in Z. Now depending on the
relationship of these foreshortenings I have various kinds of axonometric projections
because these foreshortenings could be equal or may not be equal.
(Refer Slide Time: 8:01)
Therefore for instance I can basically define three types of axonometric projection;
trimetric where no foreshortening is the same. So f x is not equal to f y is not equal to f z . In
diametric two foreshortenings are the same out of these three and in isometric all the
foreshortening are the same.
As an example here we have the trimetric projection where f x is not equal f y is not equal
to f z . This is diametric so you that this basically equals to this if I had taken the object to
start with as a queue. So when we observe the foreshortening these two directions are the
same. And in isometric I have all the foreshortening. What basically happens here is that
these projectors are parallel, these projectors are also perpendicular to the projection
plane. It is just the projection plane which is placed differently as opposed to in the case
of orthographic projection where it was kept actually at the principle planes. So this
basically adds the visual realism to the 3 dimensional object. When you view the object it
looks more like a 3 dimensional object then you would see in orthographic projection.
Orthographic projection in isolation for a particular view does not give you any 3
dimensional information whereas these actually help you viewing in 3 dimension. That is
the basic advantage we have here.
If we are dealing with isometric projection the basic thing is that the projecting plane
undergoes some kind of a transformation before we perform the conventional
orthographic projection on Z is equal to 0 plane. These transformations are of the kind
rotations. So, if I use two rotations the first one is about Y axis by an angle phi and the
other one is about X axis by an angle theta. The corresponding transformations I have
given, this is the rotation about the Y axis and this is the rotation about X axis and then I
apply the projection on Z is equal to 0. So this whole matrix now would give me a
transformation which I want to use as an isometric projection.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:10)
Again I have the three unit vectors and this is the transformation. Once I apply the
transformation on to these three unit vectors the modified or the transformed unit vectors
are dmos. So the first row gives me the transform unit vector in X, the second row gives
me the transform unit vector in Y and the third one gives me the transform unit vector in
Z. So these are the three unit vectors transform.
Now, from these I try to compute the foreshortening just in the way I had done earlier. So
I get the square of foreshortening in X given by this which are the square of these two
entries I have here.
Similarly I have the foreshortening in Y the square of it given here and foreshortening in
Z. Now I impose the constraint of the transformation to be isometric which in turn means
that these three foreshortenings should be the same which basically means now I have f x
is equal to f y is equal to f z is equal to some f which gives me these two equations.
Now I have these three equations where I can solve it for pi, theta and f. So basically it
can give me the amount of rotations I should be performing in order to get isometric
projection for a given value of foreshortening. Now we move on to the other type of
parallel projections. So what were the observations we had in the axonometric
projection? It was that the projectors were parallel and they were perpendicular to the
projection plane. Now we relax one of the restrictions.
This is again an example here, here these projectors are not perpendicular to the
projection plane. And again the motivation of having oblique projection is to add the
element of 3D viewing, to make it look like a 3 dimensional object. So this is the
example of oblique projection.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:40)
And mathematically what we can observe here is let us say we have a point P(x, y, z) and
this is my projection plane the (x, y) plane and this is the projector I have from P to P
double prime and now I want to get the value of X p Y p which are the coordinates on (x,
y) plane of the point P so what I observe is that the projector which is parallel to the Z
axis goes to P prime which gives me (x, y) basically so I can represent X p Y p in terms of
this (x, y). Hence xp is nothing but X plus L cos phi where L is this length from p prime
to p double prime and similarly Y p is y plus L sin pi using this triangle. So phi is
basically the angle between P prime and P double prime and X axis on this plane. Now
the angle which this projector is making with the projection plane is the alpha. Now for a
given alpha we can get many projectors for the same value of alpha so I have to restrict
the location of the projector and I am doing that using this phi because it basically gives
me a cone. The set of all projectors is basically a cone. Now this alpha is actually related
through Z and L so I have this tan alpha given by Z by L or L is equal to Z cot alpha from
this triangle. Depending on what alpha we choose we get a particular type of oblique
projection for some value of phi by fixing the value of phi.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:59)
Then we choose alpha to be 45 degree, the type of public projection we get is called a
cavalier and what we are observe here is that the lines which are perpendicular to the
projection plane are not foreshorten. Remember how L and Z are related. Basically cot
alpha is 1. The lines which are perpendicular to the projection plane will basically have
the same length whereas if I choose alpha in a manner that cot alpha is half the projection
which we obtain we call it as cabinet and here we observe that the lines perpendicular to
the projection plane are foreshorten by half for the same reason what we observe in this
case because they are related by cot alpha. And the five is actually typically 30 degree or
45 degree. So this is basically the oblique projection. So here we observe that the
projectors are at an angle other than 90 degree to the projection.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:40)
Now we move on to the more general kind of a projection which also matches to the
visual system we have which is the perspective projection. And in the beginning we
observed that these projectors are not parallel and they actually meet at a point which is
the center of projection. So here parallel lines seem to converge and the foreshortening
could be non uniform. And in fact this perspective projection helps us in the 3D viewing
because it gives you some sort of a depth perception. The front objects seem to look
bigger there is a depth queue and the shape is not preserved although the lines map to
lines but the parallelism is not preserved and the foreshortening is non uniform therefore
the shape will not be different.
Just as we have seen axonometric and orthographic projections even the oblique
projection can be represented in the matrix form because the way you had seen the
transformation of obtaining X p using X y you can actually write that in the matrix form.
So that can also be obtained using a matrix form. So now we try to represent this
perspective transformation using a matrix form. Here we have the input given as x y z 1
in homogeneous coordinate system and this is the matrix we have. In 4 into 4 general
matrix of transformation we have not been considering the last column.
Now let us consider the last column where we put a non zero value in the third row of
this column this r. Now using this transformation the point x y z 1 becomes this in
homogeneous coordinates. So, to get the Cartesian coordinates the normal coordinates
which we use for our purposes we divide it by the homogeneous coordinates all through
and we get this X by rz plus 1Y by rz plus 1, Z by rz plus 1 so this is still 3D. We are
basically making a transformation from 3D to 3D.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:43)
Using a matrix form of transformation we know what we got. Now let us try to see
geometrically. So here is your center of projection along the Z direction Z axis located at
Z c and this is your point P(x, y, z) and we are looking at projection on Z is equal to 0
plane meaning (x, y) plane. So I basically project this point through the center of
projection on to this plane and I get T star which has the coordinate x star y star and that
what is happening as a process when I say that the point p is projected on Z is equal to 0
plane from the center of projection located at ZC along the Z direction.
So now consider the properties from similar triangles and try to obtain the values of x star
and y star.
Now I consider the similar triangle first this where this is y star which is already present
and this is y which is here. And these lengths are given as l 1 and l 2 . So using this triangle
I can now get the value of y star. Basically y star by l 2 is equal to y by l 2 minus l 1 and
also now using these similar triangles on the X z plane I have Z c by Z c minus Z from this
triangle on the base equals to l 2 by l 2 minus l 1 . So first I consider this triangle which is
there and then I consider these triangles from the base. So this gives me y star is equal to
y by 1 minus z by Z c . Similarly I can obtain x star.
If you go back and see what we have obtained as x star and y star are these values and
here what we got is X star as X by 1 minus Z c and Y star as Y by 1 minus Zc. So, if you
substitute r as minus 1 by Z c they are equivalent. So this establishes the correspondence
between the two representations what we do geometrically and what we obtain from the
matrix. Therefore if I have r is equal to minus 1 by Z c I basically get the same
transformation which I derive here geometrically. And Z c is nothing but the location of
center of projection along Z axis. Now there is another property which we observe in the
perspective transformation.
The fact that the parallel lines seem to converge is being observed. Even in the real life
scenario we observe that the two parallel lines need to converge, there will be tracks and
so on. But in reality they do not converge. So what we get are these vanishing points
which are basically the points where the set of parallel lines not parallel to the projection
plane converge.
Here is an example where if I look at an object like a cube or parallelepiped I see that the
lines which are perpendicular to the projection plane in this case the lines which are
parallel to Z axis seem to converge somewhere else. This is what we call as the vanishing
point in Z direction. In the world this point is located at infinity. It is just that the
transformation which is the perspective transformation making it appear there. So what
does it mean? If I want to know this point I can actually take a point at infinity and apply
my perspective transformation. That will locate the vanishing point corresponding to the
point at infinity. That is what is happening now.
This is after the perspective transformation. But you are trying to locate what image
would it have after the projection then it is going to lie on the origin. This is after the
perspective transformation I am not projecting it on a 2D plane. The moment I do the
projection on 2D plane this point will get there because this is along the Z axis. So this is
the before the projection has taken place.
Similarly, this was the example where I had considered the single perspective so I call the
single perspective transformation when one of the three entries here and the last column
of the matrix is non zero. I had earlier considered the third row where the center of
projection was along Z axis similarly I can consider the other axis. Here if I consider
center of projection on X axis then I am taking about a non zero value here p and I have a
very similar treatment which can give me the transformed point x y z 1 as this and
correspondingly the center of projection is located at minus 1 by p 0 0 1 and the
vanishing point along X axis is located at 1 by p 0 0 1. So I call the type of perspective
transformation as a single point perspective transformation when one of the three entries
here is non zero. So this is again when I would consider the second row now I get center
of projection as this and this is VP y .
(Refer Slide Time: 39:12)
Now the idea can be extended of single point perspective to have a two point perspective
just using the same framework of values in the matrix. So instead of having one of the
values in the last column to be non zero let us say I have two values P and Q which can
also be obtained by concatenating the individual matrices of one point perspective like P p
and P q . If I have just multiplied them I would have obtain this again. This is to get a two
point perspective. So this would give me the two centers of projections and
correspondingly two principle vanishing points.
Now I can further extend this idea where all the three entries here are non zero p q r. And
once again this can be obtained as concatenation of the three one point perspective
transformation. And this gives me three centers of projections and the corresponding
vanishing points.
Here this is the example where I have as one point or single point perspective. So these
lines of the columns are still parallel but these lines if you consider this to be as Z axis
then they seem to meet somewhere. Therefore this is a one point or a single point
perspective, this is a two point perspective. So here I still have the lines which are along
the y axis that is still parallel whereas the other ones seem to converge this one and these
ones. So this is a two point perspective and this is a three point perspective and none of
the parallel lines now seem to remain parallel but they seem to converge at some point.
Therefore again the idea of using one point two point three point perspective is to add
wherever required the 3 dimensional viewing in the object.
What do you mean by two point perspective relating to what happens in the reality
because even when you take a camera there is only one camera from the image
perspective. This is just with respect to the matrix we have. So I basically looked at the
entries in the last column and defined the various types of perspective there and
correspondingly what we get is the principle vanishing points. But we can generate these
even using single maybe a camera. If you actually apply certain transformations before
you take a single perspective transformation you can create two or three point
So all it is saying is that if you apply a certain transformation to the object and then you
take a single point perspective you may get two point perspective or you may get even
three point perspective. That is the process of generating two point or three point
There I had considered the location of the position of the object in such a way that they
were aligned to the principle axis and the vanishing points which I am referring to here
are basically the principle vanishing points because so I am looking at the lines which are
parallel to either of the coordinate axis. But you can actually get vanishing points for the
lines which are not parallel to one of these coordinate axis and they still converge to a
point. Hence there might be just vanishing points or sometimes they are also referred as
tracing points.
If you take a point in (x, y) plane, treating it from the representation of a matrix was to
define these single point, two point and three point perspective. When you are generating
them that is when you have to generate such a kind of a projection you may still be using
one camera and that is where your viewer or the camera is located. But you can create the
effect of multiple vanishing points. So let us look at how to generate these perspective
Even when we are talking about the aspect of enhancing the 3 dimensionality in viewing
of the objects a single perspective may not be adequate and that is the idea. For instance,
if I put an object or a cube in such a way that the cube is basically having all the edges
parallel to the coordinate axis and I am viewing from the Z axis then what will happen is
I will just see the front face considering there is a hidden line or hidden surface
elimination process going on. Therefore all I will see is the first front face and nothing
else and that would not give me any 3 dimensional viewing so I need to enhance that in
some ways. So the way we can do is we can actually have additional transformation
before we apply the single perspective transformation.
(Refer Slide Time: 47:42)
So the example of this, if I consider the translation along y is equal to x line so an object
initially located here when translated along y is equal to x line may actually look like this
or this which adds to the 3D viewing. So a simple translation is adding to the process of
3D image.
(Refer Slide Time: 49:09)
And if I see the resulting matrix this is what I get. In the last column we considered single
point perspective. The only thing is I applied a transformation of rotation before I gave
the perspective transformation. So now this gives me a two point perspective
transformation. Therefore in this way I can have a two point perspective transformation
using single camera.
(Refer Slide Time: 51:41)
Similarly if I use two rotations about Y axis by an angel phi and about X axis about an
angle theta so the total transformation is the rotation about Y, rotation about X and the
projection transformation. So if I multiply these three matrices this is what I get.
Now I have all those three entries non zero which basically means that I get a three point
perspective transformation. So now using two rotations but still using a same single point
perspective transformation I can give the effect of three point perspective transformation.
This is how I can generate the various types of perspective transformation.