Writing Workshop Magazine

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Letter from the editor
Researching is creating new knowledge- Neil Armstrong

Being in constant updating is mandatory for any human being. As time passes
by, teaching methods become obsolete and our new generations demand
teachers new ways of learning. One of the main purposes of this on-line
magazine is to share new knowledge related to teaching and translating.

Another reason is to persuade professors to read the issues in this on-line

magazine and share them with other people who are interested in making a
change in schools.

In this new issue, we have added interesting articles related to teaching,

interviews with people who have been working as translators for years and
useful information for our community. Each page is filled with our deepest
objective to make other teachers realize about the importance of renewing
their ideas.

This research features the work of some students to make a contribution to

other people who are interested in improving their teaching system or
translation techniques so I am quite honor to have participated in this project.
So we hope you enjoy this project as much as we did and let us know if you
have any comment about the content of this digital magazine.

Best regards.

Jos Antonio Rocha Cervantes.



Multiple Intelligences. ___________________________________________________________PG 5 -6

Educational Technology as support in the process of Teaching and Learning. ______________PG 7

Ludic Learning. _________________________________________________________________PG 8

How to be a good teacher? ________________________________________________________PG 9

Visual and Musical Intelligences help us to improve our Second Language. ________________PG 10


Difficulties in identifying idiomatic expressions ___________________________________ PG 12

Everything a good translator needs to know_______________________________________ PG 13-14

The difference Between a Translator and an Interpreter_____________________________ PG 15 16

The philosophy of the translator and the perfect translation _________________________ PG 17


Slowly the game is over. _______________________________________________________ PG 19


Teaching area ________________________________________________________________PG 21


Multiple Intelligences.

hree decades ago, Dr. Howard Gardener, Howard Gardner emphasizes that in order for
professor of education at Harvard people to reach their potential; they must know
University developed a theory about
multiple intelligences. The main purpose of this
theory is to understand and promote learning, and develop them. Furthermore, he believes that
thinking and the creativity in arts and other these intelligences that cant be simply defined
disciplines for human beings. In this research, he
from one IQ test According to Gardener each
describes eight intelligences; they are classified
human being has different intelligences and
into Linguistic, Logical-mathematical, Spatial,
Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, cognitive abilities, these intelligences work all
Intrapersonal, and Naturalist. This philosophy together in a semi-independent way and each
has been highly accepted as one of the most person develops some more than others (Hearn
essentials in this I. y Garcs A, 2003) It is quite important to
XX century in USA mention that according to an article in the
and keeps Washington Post1, Gardners theory initially
getting listed seven intelligences which work together:
worldwide linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical,
attention. bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, interpersonal and
intrapersonal; he later added an eighth,
Howard Gardener
naturalist intelligence and some more, still the
is a worldwide well-recognized American
most essential are described below.
psychologist for his researches about psychology
and public education. The multiple intelligence
theory was first published in Howard Gardner's
Types of multiple intelligences.
book, Frames of Mind Theory of Multiple
Intelligences (1983). This study was a watershed
in terms of finding new educational theories and
a completely change to the old beliefs scientists
had about people having only one intelligence.
Gardener suggests a series of independent
intelligences among them, but related as a

whole. These include areas like arts, social

abilities, logical mathematical and linguistic.
(lvarez, 2011)

Linguistic Intelligence: The subject focuses in moves in a rhythmical way, and may show
school, enjoys reading, has a wide vocabulary, sensitivity to surrounding noises.
prefers English or Social Studies, learns a foreign
Interpersonal Intelligence: The subject enjoys
language really easy, is a good speller and writer,
socializing with friends, is a natural leader, is
and communicates his thoughts with ease.
caring, helps friends solve problems, and
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: The subject understands feelings from facial expressions,
is curious about how things work, loves numbers gestures and voice.
and math, enjoys strategy games like chess,
Intrapersonal Intelligence: The subject shows a
checkers, brain teasers or logic puzzles, likes
sense of independence, knows his abilities and
weaknesses, and does well when left alone to
Spatial Intelligence: The subject easily leans to play or study. He is self-directed, has high self-
read and understands charts and maps, is skilled esteem, and learns from failures and successes.
at drawing, doodling and creating 3-D sculptures,
Naturalist Intelligence: The subject talks about
and enjoys movies.
favorite pets or outdoor spots, enjoys nature
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence: The subject preserves and the zoo, and has a strong
excels in more than one sport, can mimic others connection to the outside world. He is interested
body movements/gestures, likes to touch in biology, astronomy, meteorology or zoology.
objects, enjoys physical activities and has
Its necessary to understand that these
excellent fine-motor coordination.
intelligences work as a whole and it would be
Musical Intelligence: The subject can tell you unwise to think that a human has only one.
when music is off-key and easily remember Classifying students into a category could stop
melodies. He has a pleasant singing voice, shows them from exploring all of them and not allow
aptitude with musical instruments speaks or them to develop their strengths.

Jose Antonio Rocha Cervantes
Elica Merari Velzquez Medina
Educational Technology as support in the process of Teaching and Learning,

n this century, it is necessary not advance only applying a more holistic educational technology
in Science and Technology, but also think of a that is systemic ... more as an eminently
Human Progress, with intellectual humanistic support , to improve the construction
development and values which, when applied to of new knowledge that will help the educational
resolve problems and conflicts, the solutions process influence more assertively in building
offered within a game where as cosmopolitan new and better realities.
citizens all win and also respecting the To determine whether to apply the word
environment. Technology in the field of education, you must
first define what is science and technology.

Science: It is to seek knowledge to explain the why

of things, systematic and proven way.
Technology: It is the practical application of
scientific knowledge to solve problems and needs
in humans.
We can then make an analogy with education,
where the Pedagogical Science:

-Look at the educational phenomenon


Precisely for this reason, an educational process -Conceptualized

where Educational Technology, includes not only
the use of training and systematic means, but also -Explain
systemic for both teachers and students are
working on promoting the integral development -And systematizes
of their potential to converge that teaching is a teacher act
required and that learning in a more dynamic leading to better
interaction that encourages more friendly results in education.
environments that enable the convergence of
their points of interest in teaching or learning, by

Marisol Andrea Chavez Gonzalez
Ludic Learning.

ll teachers should be responsible for Nowadays, playful activities, games and the like
renewing school practices as well as the are getting more and more important due to the
old fashioned views on how languages advance of technology and the search of more
should be taught and learned. The teacher student-centered methodologies. Nevertheless,
is also responsible for the improvement of there there has also been a tendency for using too
the teaching/learning process, being many of those activities without taking their real
his/her duty to develop new didactic practices which educational purpose into consideration, which makes
will enable students to develop a more effective such activities pointless. Therefore, not all playful
learning process. activities are to be considered as
pedagogical material.
Ludic activities have great power
Furthermore, the simple fact that
over children as they ease both the
the students may have more
progress of their whole
fun by using those activities
personality and the development
does not, in itself, guarantee
of their ethical, psychological and
more effectiveness in students
intellectual functions. That way,
learning when comparing
there is a tendency of incorporating
playful activities to traditional
ludic activities in lessons for children
ones, the ones that are used
and such a tendency is confirmed by the
commonly by most teachers.
fact that there is a great amount of research
published in child education. However, children are In general, what distinguishes the playful activity
not the only ones who benefit from those activities; that is considered effective for English learning from
adults also do, for not only do they learn something another that is intended simply for fun is the explicit
new but also have some fun. intention to provoke meaningful learning, stimulate
the construction of some new knowledge and arouse
It is noticed, that the teacher is to use new
the development of a cognitive skill. The theoretical
methodologies for foreign language teaching,
background about the ludic aspect embraces some
preparing more dynamic classes, by inserting
concepts and notions of affective factors such as:
meaningful activities in his/her everyday lessons. As
anxiety, self-esteem and motivation among others.
the matter of fact, Foreign Language Teaching is
intrinsically connected to the methodological From all has been exposed, I find it relevant to
subject, which is a never-ending question as there dedicate some research to the topic of the use of ludic
will always be the search for an ideal activities in the English language classroom, so that
approach/method. our practice as teachers can be revaluated and
carefully thought about.

Israel Olgun Mora
How to be a good teacher?

n this present essay, Im going to talk about of time has been spent thinking about the art of
How to be a good teacher? Well, first of all, I teaching as a result of the ever-changing context
find this topic interesting because many of the profession. There are many factors that
teachers are not prepared enough to give a class play a role in how people perceive the subject of
in the classroom with their students. what makes a good teacher. For instance, the
sizes of the classroom or students differ from
The government in Mexico; Nowadays, there are a
school to school. A lot of different opinions come
lot of corruption and when we talk in the aspect of
from different schools as a result of this. In
education, there are a lot of problems and the
different schools with different students there
educative reform made by the president of
are differences in styles, personalities, goals, and
Mxico, I think that this reform has benefits and
different interactions. Teachers have to play
problems. In this case, the teachers are going to
different roles to meet the different needs of
be evaluating in order to get or to know how well
students. All of these factors play
the teacher is prepared to work
a huge role in how people perceive
in a classroom in front of the
a teacher. What really makes a
teacher a good one?
Work as a teacher is very
Many people expect their
beautiful, because you have
traditional good teacher to have
the vocation to teach and help
a sense of purpose, expectations
other people to learn new
of success for all students and be
things and get new knowledge.
willing to adapt and change to
WHAT MAKES A GOOD meet all of their students needs.
TEACHER? For teachers to have a sense of
purpose they must meet the expectations of the
A question that has become very familiar around students and to prepare them for their future
the education department is about what makes a beyond the classroom. The teachers purpose is to
good teacher. There are many excellent teachers teach and for the students it is to learn. For the
around today but there are also those that make students to learn then the teacher must teach
a bad name for teachers. There are a lot of which is indeed their purpose as a good teacher.
opinions about what makes a teacher a good one. Teachers will not always be able to guarantee
There are also those comments about what success.
makes a teacher a bad one. There are those
people in America that believe that teachers You can be a good teacher if you have your own
should possess different characteristics than goals to get a job as a teacher. When a teacher
others. All teachers have their own strategies work hard in their goals, they can feel satisfied
about how a teacher should teach. They all have about what they do in their classrooms and with
their own ways about how to create a better their students.
environment for students to better learn in. A lot

Maya Leticia Torres Resndiz
Visual and Musical Intelligences help us to improve our Second Language.

he Multiple Intelligences explain us the
different ways that we can learn or teach
something, for example, when we are
learning a second language.

Sometimes we can acquire the second language

watching examples on the blackboard, charts or
flashcards, but other classmates prefer to listen
to a dialog to relate the word in a context or
environment, and then they understand the
meaning of the word. Then the visual and musical
intelligences can be mixed to teach a second
language (English). For example, firstly on the
blackboard or with help of a projector the teacher
can explain the vocabulary to the students, and
subsequently invite they to make sentences using
the vocabulary and then they should speak the
sentences as a song.

The Multiple Intelligences can help us

when we are interesting to acquire a
second language. The visual and
musical intelligences make easier the
learning for old and young people if
we mix them

in a correct form. They improve our

skills, and make ludic classes.

Luis Antonio Cabriales Meraz
Nidia Edith Hernndez Bautista

Difficulties in identifying idiomatic expressions

ecognizing a phraseme is not as easy as it this phenomenon is go out with, which has two
sounds because some connotations. The literal
of them may have two connotation which means go
meanings: literal and idiomatic, out with someone, usually to
where only those with take a walk in the park, while
idiomatic meaning are the idiomatic connotation
considered idiomatic refers to having a
expressions. Therefore, these relationship with someone.
sentences may usually cause Another example would be
confusion when translating, take someone for a ride
since they are written in the which literal meaning is to
same way, it is possible that carry someone about,
the translator applies the usually for recreation, in a
transposition based on his car, plane, boat, etc., but the
individual components when, idiomatic meaning is to trick,
actually, a translation of all the cheat, or lie to someone.
elements together is required. A clear example of
Difficulties in translating idiomatic expressions
An idiomatic expression may or may not have an An idiomatic expression can have an
equivalent in the equivalent in the L2, but its meaning or
target language. In context may be different. For example, To
English, a concept sing a different tune is used when an
can be expressed by opinion contradicts what a group of
a word; in Chinese, people have said or concluded. However,
you can do so using
in the Persian language, the same phrase
a transparent
has another use although the meaning is
idiomatic phrase;
and in French, with
An idiomatic expression can be used in its
an idiomatic
expression. The literal and idiomatic sense simultaneously
semantic gaps aggravate this situation because like in the phrase: He was deaf to his
they represent absent equivalents in the L2. fathers advice or I ran out of money last
Basnett MCGUIRE (1980) cited by Eftekhari (2008) week, where it is necessary to know the
explains this case with the expression say when context to define a correct translation.
whose translation in French and German does not An idiomatic expression in written
exist since is only related to the English society, composition, the situations and the
saying: the expression say when is directly frequency in which is used may vary from
linked to English social behavior patterns and both sides. English uses idioms in many
suggests that the translator putting the phrase
types of text, though not in all.
into French or German has to contend with the
problem of the non-existence of a similar
convention in either TL culture.

Mauro Sergio Gutirrez Mar
Jos Pablo Saucedo Figueroa
Everything a good translator needs to know

t is well known that if you love what you do when you take the words directly from the other
most of the time you are going to do it right, language without translating. Then we have
but there are certain things a translator has to Calque; these are phrases translated literally word
know in order to categorize yourself as a good for word. And Literal translation; these words or
translator. First of all a good translator is curious sentences are translated literally but depending on
by nature; you will always want or need to read the language structure.
about any subject just because it is really
interesting to you. Not only you like to be obsessed
with grammar and spelling corrections in your
native and also in your second language; you
naturally pay a lot of attention at details in both
writing and spelling, you have to be obsessed with
it, it is your job to be. Not to mention that you can There are others called Oblique Translation
spend hours talking with someone who excites the Techniques, the first one would be Transposition;
same topic as you (this can be normal for anyone, in this process parts of speech change because of
but if you are a translator or know one very close, the languages grammar structure. In Modulation
you know what I am talking about) and just to we use a phrase in the source and target language
mention a few. All this will certainly help you to to convey the same idea. Reformulation or
start well on the way to be a good translator, but Equivalence is creative but not always an easy
there are some other things, that most (if not all) technique because we have to express something
of the professionals have to or should have to in a whole different way; it is common in slogans or
know. It is not as easy as it seems, it is not enough movie titles. Then we have Adaptation; it occurs
to know how to speak several languages, you have when something specific to one language culture is
to develop translation techniques. expressed in a totally different way that is familiar
or appropriate to another language culture
(commonly seen on restaurants menus) It also
involves changing the cultural reference when a
situation in the source culture does not exist in the
target culture (for example in translating jokes).
And finally we have Compensation it happens when
There are some called Direct Translation
something cannot be translated and the lost
Techniques, first of them is Borrowing; this one is
meaning can be expressed on the context.

Out of this group of techniques it is well known a
translation depends a lot on the translator criteria.
Do not judge a translator work too hard, next time
you see a translation you have to have in mind that,
like any other job, someone has to study for it, put
effort on it, dominate certain techniques, and
make a lot of difficult choices. And as I mentioned
at the beginning, if you already have most of the
But on the other hand this is a lovely profession,
interests a translator has by nature, you are
you will be able to get deeper in every culture
already on the right pat, just keep pushing forward
around the world and communicate with foreign
and dominate these techniques, organize your
people in their own language.
schedule and learn how to separate your social life
and your work life (especially if you are a

Stephanie Villarreal Cruz
Oscar Crdenas Garcia
The difference Between a Translator and an Interpreter

nterpreters and translators perform similar one language (the source language) into a
tasks, but in different settings. While an different language (the target language), a
interpreter converts any spoken material translator converts written material in the same
from manner.

Interpreting Translation

Can occur in a variety of settings, Can also occur in various settings.

such as conferences, meetings and Translation can occur on any form
over the telephone, and can take the of written work, including
form of either simultaneous literature, newspapers, contracts;
(performed as the speaker delivers a software interfaces, and web sites
speech act with the help of (which is known as localization).
interpreting equipment) or
consecutive (the interpreter listens
to portions of a speech at a time,
then interprets the segments as the
original speaker is silent).

An INTERPRETER is one who renders

A TRANSLATOR is one who renders
SPOKEN word from one language to
WRITTEN word from one language to

Therefore, we'll give you a list about the differences about a translator and an interpreter.


Convert written material of one language into Convert spoken material of one language into
another language. another language.

Have considerable amount of time to translate a Have very limited time to convert a message to
text. another language.

Can use dictionaries, thesauruses, and other Cannot use dictionaries, thesauruses or other
reference materials. reference materials.

May not need to translate into both languages. Should be able to translate into both languages.

Use reading and writing skills, but not at the same Use listening and speaking skills at the same time.

Deiby Williams Hernndez Vzquez
The philosophy of the translator and the perfect translation

n the popular mind, a translator is someone picture of what the English-speaking man is
who has a good knowledge of both the saying, but we have to take into account that
languages he/she translates from and the there are feelings in business just as there are in
language he/she translates into. In other words, anything else in life, and when it comes to
as long as a translator knows all the equivalents feelings, the nature of Spanish and the Hispanic
for the words in the text to be translated, there is world is the leader. A Hispanic businessman
no question about the ability of said person to expects more than cold information in a business
produce a good, reliable translation. Nothing is letter, he expects courtesy, friendliness, proper
farther from the truth, since sometimes a form, and so on.
translator has to find equivalence between two The task of a truly accomplished translator of
idiomatic expressions. Even when translating has English-into-Spanish business letters is to go a
only two phases which are the step further than merely render what is in
comprehension of the original the original. After all, the client may
text, and the expression of ideas count on him/her to make a good
or messages, there is a great impression on the prospective
deal more going into business contact, and much can
translation than words, just ride on how things come across
as there is much more going in other language.
into a musical performance
than sounds, that is why
translation is an art.
A translation could be
technically correct, but it may
fail to convey the feel and spirit of There
the text because translating is not about is more to
reproducing the same formal structures of a text be said about the
(that would be copying the text, not translating attributes of the perfect translation, but the
it,) but it is about reproducing its content (and its point has been made. There are, of course,
style.) intangible and subjective topics, as there are in
For instance, a business letter translated from any other form of art. Some translators born
English into Spanish. A wide knowledge of both great, some become great, and some have
languages may well yield a correct rendition, greatness trust upon them.
which gives the Mexican businessman an accurate

Roberto Carlos Cruz Medina
Johana Jesarela Domnguez Hernndez

Slowly the game is over.

ne day we started this wonderful "game" that my mistakes that forges in college, " university
slowly winds down, a great experience helped me,now what course I will take" are some of
emotions, sorrows, joys and many the thoughts and experiences of my colleagues and I
motivations lives. What will happen when it's over? is share their thoughts, be where we were is not easy,
the question we ask ourselves every day, minimum many subjects, many challenges, similar educators
goes through the head of all. But if you go back time and others different, all with a theory of life
and go back to remember the day in which all we did different, but a common vision,that we learn and
not know our names, and now even the face the challenge of lifetime.
unpleasantness know every who, what silly to
Each of my colleagues, certainly appreciates the time
imagine that a day would come to form a beautiful
each takes to be present, teaching and fashioning for
friendship, which I could name brotherhood.
the great challenge that awaits us in a few months
That is why I started to talk to my colleagues about and I am really sure that each of my colleagues
their experiences in this wonderful time, four years is present, not present ( gradually fate would be left
not easy, some holding others and others lagging out of this game) and our new colleagues who joined
behind. "The university was not easy", "It was a our lives, certainly I'm sure will make a great role in
challenge to get where I am," "Day by day I survive to the workplace and life. Gradually the silence will
be in the workplace," "study at the best university", come giving, but I know that we definitely do much
"would not choose another school", " My best years, noise outside, exposing our learning that we get in
pass here, "" I met my best friends, "" I learned from our virtuous university. Success for everyone !.

Iliana Carolina Luna Jasso.

Teaching area.

n every school we need the support of these read and understanding what are they reading. As
people because without them we will never Teacher Mary Grace Killian told us We can give
finish the career, yes Im talking about the topics of interest
teachers of the Licenciatura en Idioma Ingls on for the students
the faculty of Unidad Academica De Ciencias for students this
Juridicas y Sociales, these teachers were chosen idea must sound
because their experience teaching and for left a great because they
little scratch in our preparation. The teachers are going to have
nowadays need to have vocation and a lot of ways the skill reforced
to teach, the teacher must be creative, patient and they are going to enjoy what they are reading.
and have touch with the students.
It is clear that for a teacher being a good teacher
When we study this career we need to be really is the most important thing that they need to
sure about what we choose, about what is this for succeed, being a good teacher can be understand
for example what we think about education, as that they explain well and that they have the
teacher Efren David Brande tell us The education ability for catch students attention but how
is so important and so would you take if a student says or think you are
indispensable that a bad teacher? As Miss. Claudia Margarita Caas
need to be well tell us I would be worried about that and I would
guided. When try everything to change that point of view of the
we read this type student when
of thoughts we a teacher has
can say that to vocation they
have an effective worried they
education we need get alarmed,
to have a good teacher thats what
to make it well guided, but as a student we need make a
to give our best and be the best disposed. As teacher a good
teacher you need to face a lot of challenges to teacher.
make the students read for example nowadays
In conclusion we can add that the teachers
the students didnt want to read and it is
preparing teachers or translators are giving an
reprehensible for this career that the students
extra effort because it is not easy prepare
that the teachers are preparing didnt like to read
someone in their own field. The translators and
and we said that is a challenge because the
teachers of the future are watching them as an
young adults today live at their cellphone didnt
example to follow. The teachers standing in front
take a book they just searched it at the WEB, so
of students left them the best gift Their
thats the challenge for the teachers prepare
knowledge, and their example.
Teachers and Translators with the ability of

Thanks a lot to the incredible teachers that give us information of them as Teachers:
DRA. Mary Grace Killian Reyes (22 years of experience as a teacher)
LIC. Efren David Brande Martinez. (16 years of experience as a teacher)
LIC. Claudia Margarita Caas del Castillo (11 years of experience as a teacher)
Maria Fernanda Saenz Rico Huerta Elizabeth Rangel Aguilera

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