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International Journal of Science and Technology Volume 5 No.

11, November, 2016

Molecular Characterization of Fusion and Glycoprotein Genes of RSV

Genotype a in Infants Suffering From Influenza Like Symptoms in Iraq
Zaineb M. Naji1 Maha D. Abbas2, Hassan M. Naif 3, Hayfa H. Hassani4, Faisel G. Alhamdani5
1Biotechnology Department, College of Science, University of Baghdad
2Biotechnology Department, College of Biotechnology, Al Qasim Green University, Hilla, Iraq
3Department of Molecular and Medical Biotechnology, College of Applied Biotechnology, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq
5Virology Department, Central Public Health Laboratory, Ministry of Health

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is one of the most common respiratory viruses that causes bronchiolitis in infant all over the world.
Differentiation of the contiguous genotype A and B of this virus in children less than five years old with influenza like illness (ILI)
was carried out by real-time RT-PCR targeting the Fusion (F) and Glycoprotein (G) genes. Results showed that 31% of children with
ILI were infected with RSV type A while no genotype B was found in any of the patients tested. Targeting partial sequence of F gene
of RSV using nested RT-PCR revealed positive amplicons of 90 bp in twenty specimens. Similarly, targeting a partial sequence of the
G gene of RSV revealed positive amplicons of 391bp for two isolates only in the second round of amplification. Phylogenetic analyses
were conducted for the partial sequences of F and G genes type a using MEGA 6. Results showed that strain A2 was found among
61% of specimens tested for F gene. Sequencing and phylogenetic tree analyses of the G gene showed similarity to the two novel
genotype of RSV type A (GA2 and ON1) circulating in children under five years old in Iraq.

Key words: RSV, Fusion Gene, Glycoprotein Gene, RT-PCR, Nested PCR

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is one of the highly and BA1 to BA6 (Shobugawa et al., 2009). In this study, the
contiguous viruses that cause a severe illness in infants under prevalence of genotypes A and B of RSV were investigated
five years old of age worldwide. RSV is one the most to determine their role in ILI in children younger than 5 years
common pathogens causing bronchiolitis, pneumonia, and old in Iraq. Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the F
chronic obstructive pulmonary infections (Feshbach et al., and G genes were carried out to underpin the specific
2013), leading to 160,000600,000 deaths per year in genotypes circulating in children in Iraq.
children under 5 years of age (Krilov, 2011). RSV is a
member of the family Paramyxoviridae with non-segmented 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
negative-strand RNA. The viral genome is about 15,000bp
and it consists of 10 genes that are transcribed to 11 proteins 2.1. Clinical samples
(Collins and Crowe, 2006).). The most important virus Nasal and throat swabs were collected during late autumn
surface proteins that play a role in the pathogenesis and host and winter of 2014 from one hundred of outpatient infants,
immune response, are the small hydrophobic (SH), the their age ranged from two months up to five years old. All
attachment Glycoprotein (G) and the fusion (F) protein. The patients suffered from influenza like illness (ILI) according
G glycoprotein is involved in the viral attachment and used to WHO guideline (2006). Symptoms including running
for RSV genotyping because of its variable characterization nose, fever and wheezing chest were defined with physical
that might contribute to the ability of the virus to cause examination by the consultant physicians and symptoms
annual outbreaks (Sullender, 2000; Yamaguchi et al., 2011). conformed by chest X ray.
The F protein of RSV is considered a conserved region that
mediates the fusion process and plays a major role in viral
2.2. Real-Time PCR (qRT- PCR) targeting
attachment, as well as it induces the innate immune response
Glycoprotein gene (G)
(Zlateva et al., 2005). RSV strains are separated into two
major groups A and B, depending on sequence differences
found in the G gene. RSV-A genotypes are designated for Extraction of RNA was performed using QIAamp Viral RNA
ten types GA1 to GA7, SAA1 (Peret et al., 1998 and 2000), Mini spin protocol following the manufacturer's instructions
NA1 and NA2 (Venter et al., 2001). On the other hand, RSV- (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). cDNA was generated by reverse
B genotype is distinguished as GB1 to GB4, SAB1 to SAB3, transcriptase reaction targeting G gene, using one step real-

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International Journal of Science and Technology (IJST) Volume 5 No.11, November, 2016

time quantitative RT-PCR (q-RT-PCR). Primer pairs were same as for the external PCR, except for the annealing
designed and synthesized by Primer Design, England and temperature, which was optimized to 53C (Reiche and
qRT-PCR Applied Biosystem 7500 machine. Primers and Schweiger, 2009).
labeled hydrolysis (Taqman ) probes for RSV genotype A
and B were used to specifically detect RSV in patients
2.6. Agarose gel electrophoresis.
samples for 50 cycles, using amplification conditions which
as follows: 10 min. at 55 C for reverse transcriptase, 8 min The DNA bands of RSV were determined using gel
at 95 C for enzyme activation, 10 sec at 95 C for electrophoresis technique using 1-1.5% agarose gel
denaturation and 60 sec at 60 C C for data collection. concentration (Sambrook et al., 1989). PCR products were
visualized on an ethidium bromide-stained agarose gel using
2.3. qRT-PCR targeting Fusion gene (F) a UV transilluminator. A 50bp and 1kb marker was used to
control fragment lengths.
RT-PCR targeting F gene was performed using QIAGEN
One Step RT-PCR (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany), 2.7. DNA Extraction and sequencing
oligonucleotide primers and Taqman probes 6-
FAM/TAMRA (10, 11). Primers used targeting genotype A RT-PCR products of both F and G genes were extracted
were; forward primer A, 5-AACAGATGTAAG either directly from PCR samples or eluted from an agarose
CAGCTCCGTTATC-3, reveres primer A, 5- gel, with QIAquick PCR extraction kit according to the
CGATTTTTATTGGATGCTGTACATTT-3. Primers used manufacturers instructions. Both strands were sequenced on
targeting genotype B were; forward primer B, 5- a Genetic analyzer 3130xl (Applied Biosystem, USA), using
GGAAACATACGTGAACAAGCTTCA-3, Reveres Primer a fluorescent dye terminator and BigDye Terminator v3.1
B, 5-TCATCATCTTTTTCTAGAACATTGTACTGA-3. cycle sequencing kit (Applied Biosystem, USA).
Probe sequence was; 5-
2.8. Analysis of sequences
Applied Biosystem-7500 was used to run RSV samples for
50 cycles. Amplification conditions of qRT-PCR targeting Raw sequencing data were processed by the ABI Sequence
partial sequence of F gene of RSV is as previously described Analysis Programme 5.1.1 (Applied Biosystems, Foster City,
(Mentel et al., 2003). USA) then edited, assembled and compared using the
STADEN Package version 2003.0 Pregap4 and Gap4
2.4. Conventional RT-PCR targeting partial sequence Programs (Bonfield et al., 1995). The sequences were
of F gene compared to published sequencing data in GenBank
(National Center for Biotechnology Information, Bethesda,
RT-PCR was conducted using oligonucleotides primers for USA) online ( using BLASTN and
RSV type A as previously described (Mentel et al., 2003). BLASTX options. Multiple alignments of nucleotide
The reaction was done in a final volume of 50l reaction sequences were performed with ClustalW algorithm of the
mixture with 5-l l of cDNA and 45l of PCR mixture with BioEdit Sequence Alignment Editor program (Hall, 1999).
Dream Taq Green 2X. Thermal cycling parameters included, This alignment was further analysed for phylogenetic
40 cycles of denaturation at 95C for 30sec, annealing 50C calculations in the MEGA 6 software program comparing
for 30sec, 72C for 1 min extension stage and 72C for 10 neighbor-joining method. Bootstrap analysis of 500
min for final extension (Mentel et al., 2003). replicates was carried out.
2.5. Nested RT-PCR targeting partial sequence of G
A representative number of high and moderate Ct value type 3.1. Genotyping of RSV A and B
A RSV-positive samples were selected for amplification of
hyper variable region of the G gene by nested PCR. The first QRT-PCR targeting partial sequence of F and G genes
amplification was performed with 5l cDNA in a 50l revealed RSV genotype A among 31% of patients tested. The
reaction mixture by using 250 pmol of each of the primers; Ct values of the positive samples were 16 35.8 (data not
RSVA-G513-F and RSVA-G131-R Dream Taq Green 2X. shown). The susceptible ages that showed the highest
Primers used for the amplification of partial sequence of G infection rate of RSV in children ranged between 2 months to
gene are previously described (Reiche and Schweiger, 2009). 2 years as summarized in Table (1). No RSV genotype B was
Gene amplification was carried out at 94C for 5 min, detected in samples tested. Results showed positive
followed by 40 cycles of PCR, with 1 cycle consisting of 30 amplicons in twenty specimens of RSV genotype A targeting
sec at 94C, 30 sec at 58C, and 1 min at 72C, and a final partial sequence of F gene with high and moderate Ct value.
extension step of 10 min at 72C. The second run of nested The expected RT-PCR specific product size is 90 bp. Two
PCR carried out with the negative results, 5 l of the external isolates out of twenty were positive for the RT-PCR targeting
PCR mixture was used for nested PCR, which was performed partial sequence of the G gene. The first isolate was given
in a 50l reaction mixture with 250 nM of RSVA-G606-F code No.129 with expected size product of 583bp in the first
and RSV-F22-R (see Table 3). The cycling protocol was the round of the nested PCR. The second isolate was given the

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International Journal of Science and Technology (IJST) Volume 5 No.11, November, 2016

No.154 with expected size of 391bp as second round study (Murray et al., 2012). This may explain in part the
products. association of RSV with the acute respiratory infection
during winter. However, comparing these positive results
3.2. Phylogenetic and genotyping analyses of RSV with international rate of infection with RSV, it may be
genotype A considered high with a rate of 31%. The international rate
ranged between 14% - 34% for RSV (Nair et al., 2010; CDC,
Phylogenetic tree analysis with MEGA 6 using several 2013) and 14 per 100,000 in children less than 5 years old
options (Maximum Likelihood analyses, Minimum Evolution (CDC, 2012). These differences could be attributed to
Method, Neighbor Joining Method) was conducted based on variabilities in the length of infection in winter season which
partial sequence analyses of the 90 bp amplified F gene from usually last for up to six months or due to other factors such
six RSV. All six RSV positive specimens (2770, 2977, 148, as differences of environmental and host factors that may
147, 152 and 2980) were shown to be clustered within human influence seasonal virus transmission and severity of
RSV strain A lineage. Multiple sequences alignment with infection (Martinello et al., 2002). However, it is not yet clear
ClustalW together with phylogenetic evolution tree analyses why and how different genotypes evolved and circulates in
showed that the RSV A local isolates were clustered into two population and how they influence virulence. On the other
groups compared to those for the NCBI references strains hand, the rate of infection in this study was reported by other
Figure (4). This segregation formed a significant clade of two studies in low- and middle-income countries (Marika et al.,
groups. Isolates no. 147, 148 and 2770 clustered together and 2013).
showed 100% nucleotide identity value. Isolates No. 152,
2977, 2880 were segregated alone in two subclusters and Acute respiratory infection in Iraq showed a mortality rate of
showed bootstrap value of 99%. Interestingly, this 16% in children under 5 years old (WHO, 2013). It was also
segregation is still closer to genotype A but positioned suggested that RSV genotype A contributes up to 72% more
between the two genotypes A and B (Figure 1). frequently than RSV-B (John, 2004). Nevertheless, a recent
study of RSV infection in north Iraq in Sulaymaniya, showed
3.3. Phylogenetic analysis for RSV genotype A for G that RSV rate of infection among children less than 5 years
gene old was 27% (Hussain, 2013). However, both RSV genotype
A and B were identified with infection rate 77% and 22%
The nucleotides sequence of the RSV A local isolates 129 respectively. Results in this study contradicts those findings
and 154 were analyzed by the NCBI BLAST and showed in the north of the country where genotype B was absent in
high similarity with the human RSV genotype A (Figure 2). all patients tested in Baghdad city. It was noted that a limited
The local isolate No. 129 showed identity ranged from 99% variability among the group B viruses might contribute to a
to 96% with the novel RSV genotype ON1 whereas isolate more restricted spread and circulation of RSV in certain
No. 154 showed identity percentage of 99% to 100% with the regions. This eventually may lead to the dominance of group
novel genotype GA2. A over group B isolates in many epidemiological studies of
RSV (Shobugawa et al., 2009).
Multiple sequences alignments of the partial G gene
sequence with 20 reference strains using BioEdit and MEGA Phylogenetic analysis for partial sequence of F and G genes
6, results showed high homology in nucleotides sequence. of RSV showed that 61% of the RSV local isolates were
Phylogentic analysis using distance Maximum likelihood tree classified as RSV A genotype. The frequency of A2 strain in
showed bootstrap value of 64-100%, bootstrap value less this study was 10%. This proportion is consistent with a
than 60% was not shown in the tree (16). The local RSV previous study (14). The importance of the F gene lies in its
isolate No. 129 clustered with a strain that was previously role as a target for drug and vaccine development (Tapia et
assigned to the novel ON1 genotype with a72-nt duplication al., 2014). The G gene was used for subtyping in many
GenBank accession No. (KJ710402.1) HRSV. In addition, previous studies (Tabatabai et al., 2014). Data showed that G
the second isolate No. 154 was clustered with a strain of gene in RSV genotype A has been classified into GA1GA7
GA2 GenBank accession No. (KJ6724402.1-HRSV) (Figure and SAA1 genotypes GA1 strain. The latter is considered
2). one of the most virulent subtypes (Peter and Graham, 2008).
Therefore primers used in this study in nested PCR
RSV is one of the most important respiratory viruses causes experiments were derived targeting RSV genotype A strain
bronchiolitis infection among infants worldwide. In this A2, GenBank Accession No. (U50362.1). This is because
study, the genotype prevalence of RSV in young children RSV genotype A strain A2 was shown in a previous study to
clearly indicated that this virus constitutes a serious problem be associated with a more-severe disease (Galiano et al.,
in causing ILI among Iraqi children of age range from 2 2005).
months to 2 years. These findings are consistent with
previously published work (Tran et al., 2012) describing the Partial sequence analysis of F gene showed high genetic
dominant genotype A of seasonal RSV infection. The diversity within RSV genotype-A which may suggest that
prevalence of this infection was peaked during the winter new genotypes may be emerging over time which is aligned
season between December to February 2014. This with previous studies (Hsin et al., 2013). Interestingly,
observation is in agreement with other previously reported sequence and phylogenetic analyses of F gene showed these

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local isolates diverged away from RSVA otherwise were currently not doable and requires further investigation.
placed in a transitional stage between RSV A and B. On the These findings need to be verified with a larger number of
other hand, RSV evolutionary divergences were in isolates.
continuous progresses due to differences in selective pressure
in a distinct pattern or due to the immune protection of the 4. CONCLUSIONS
hosts. The results here are in agreement with (Fernanda et al.,
2014) which indicate that multiple genotypes may co- Results of this study showed that strain A2 of RSV was
circulate in a single epidemic and that the genotypes in each found among 61% of specimens tested for F gene.
epidemic may differ. These results are also in consistent with Sequencing and phylogenetic tree analyses of the G gene
a study in Taiwan (Hsin et al., 2013) which demonstrated showed similarity to the two novel genotype of RSV type A
that RSV isolates showed significant faster evolution after (GA2 and ON1) circulating in children under five years old
2005. The dominant subtypes of RSV-A genotype in each in Iraq. In conclusion more attention needs to be directed
epidemic were replaced by different subtypes in the toward RSV genotypes and the novel variants which may
subsequent epidemic. The present results also were in influence or enhance the clinical severity of respiratory
agreement with previous studies of RSV F gene that showed illnesses caused by these variants and could eventually serve
that newly generated nucleotides sequences isolates from in vaccine design regiments.
children in Canada have emerged during 20082009 by 44%
and became the predominant RSV-A clade within a year REFERENCES
during 2009 2010 100% (Papenburg, et al., 2012).
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M11486.1 RSHICE: Human RSV accession JF920069.1 Immunity. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 372: 5982.
HRSV A/W1629-3/06-07, accession U50363.1 Human RSV
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genotypes in the season 20122013 were published from Clin Microbiol. ;49:10341040. doi: 10.1128/JCM.02132-10.
Cyprus, Italy, Kenya and South Korea described ON1 as the
predominating genotype in the epidemic season 20122013 Zlateva KT, Lemey P, Moes E, Vandamme AM, Van Ranst M.
(Pierangeli et al., 2014). Similarly, results here agree with (2005). Genetic variability and molecular evolution of the
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10% (Prifert et al., 2013). Again, results in this study also
showed the presence of genotype GA2 in about 5% of the Peret TC, Hall CB, Schnabel KC, Golub JA, Anderson LJ.
local RSV A isolates. It was also shown by previous studies (1998). Circulation patterns of genetically distinct group A and
that the existing predominant genotype can be replaced by a B strains of human respiratory syncytial virus in a community. J
new genotype, as in the case of RSV-A genotypes GA2, GA5 Gen Virol 79: 22212229.
and GA7 were replaced by NA1 and NA2, and BA became a
predominant RSV-B genotype (Khor et al., 2013). It worths Peret TC, Hall CB, Hammond GW, Piedra PA, Storch GA, et
noted that there is a lack of information about which al. (2000). Circulation patterns of group A and B human
circulated genotypes of RSV in Iraq. Therefore comparison respiratory syncytial virus genotypes in 5 communities in North
of our results with the previous results for the same region is America. J Infect Dis 181: 18911896.

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Table 1. Prevalence rate of RSV genotypes A and B in infant and young children

Age No. of No. of RSV No. of RSV Rate of infection

specimens genotype A genotype B with RSV A

>2months to 1 year 37 11 non 11%

>1year to 2 years 35 11 non 11%
>2 years to 5 years 28 9 non 9%

Total 100 31 0 31%

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RSVB/Homo sapiens/USA/91I-116A, KJ723470.2

HRSV/B RSVB1, AF013254.1

HRSVB, 9629198:5666-7390

98 RSVB, B/WI/629-Q0190, JN032120

HRSV B strain N2, KF893260.1
HRSV B 9320, AY353550.1
HRSV A/WI/629-3248/98, JF920062.1
HRSV A/WI/629-4071/98, JF920065.1

68 RSV-A/US/BID-V8509/2003, KJ627717.1
RSV-A/US/BID-V8508, KJ627716.1
HRSV A/01-000583, JQ901448.1
HRSV A/WI/629-17/06-07, JF920058.1
HRSV 403378:6-1730
72 HRSV U50362.1
HRSV A/WI/629-3/06, JF920069.1
HRSV A/WI/629-DC9, JF920050.1
HRSV A/WI/629-2/07, JF920046.1
HRSV A/WI/629-23, JF920047.1
RSVA/human/USA/A2001, X069798.1
RSV-A/US/BID-V8743, KJ627738.1
RSV-A/US/BID-V8722, KJ627735.1
RSVA /USA/LA2 47, KM042382
RSVA/Homo sapiens/USA/LA2, KJ672471.1
RSVA/Homo sapiens/USA/LA2, KJ672472.1
HRSVA JF920054.1 A/WI/629-Q0282/10
RSVA/Homo sapiens/USA/LA2, KJ672470.1|
RSVA/Homo sapiens/PER/FLE9996, KJ627312.1
RSVA/Homo sapiens/PER/FLE9263, KJ627309.1
RSVA/Homo sapiens/PER/FLE8972, KJ627308.1
RSVA/Homo sapiens/USA/LA2, KJ672475.1
Case No.147, 148, 2770/IRQ/2014
Case No. 2977/IRQ/2014 Local
99 isolates
61 Case No. 152/IRQ/2014
Case No. 2980/IRQ/2014


Figure 1. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of partial F gene sequence (90 NTs) of RSV genotype A. Bootstrap replication of 500 times
was conducted. Bootstrap value 60 was not shown in the tree (15). Sequences outputs of the local viral strain were compared with other 50
RSV A, RSV B virus. The local isolates clustered separately, though closer to the RSV A lineage. Evolutionary analyses were conducted
using MEGA6.

IJST 2016 IJST Publications UK. All rights reserved. 543

International Journal of Science and Technology (IJST) Volume 5 No.11, November, 2016

HRSV VH14788, KM402643.1

RSVA/VH326278, KM402632.1

RSVA/ PAN49A/2012, KF301018.1

RSVA/ PAN47A/2012, KF301016.1

HSVA RSVA/Homo sapiens/USA/LA2 94/2013,KM042390.1

RSVA/Homo sapiens/USA/LA2 22/2012, KJ672440.1

Case No.154-IRQ/14
Local isolates 60
HRSVA HRSV, KJ710402.1
Case No. 129, IRQ/14

69 BJ/39979, KC461212.1
64 HRSV BJ/40507, KC461213.1

HRSV HD12244, KJ710374.1

HRSV HD12114, KJ710386.1

HRSV/ KC559440.1
80 HRSV CU2011/216, KC342446.1

HRSVHD11257, KJ710395.1

HRSV 278-13, KF057866.1

96 HRSV, KF057867.1

HRSV HD12211, KJ710377.1

RSVA/Homo sapiens/USA/LA2 90/2012

HRSVA/ Chiba-C/24031,AB698559.1

HRSV B strain B/CU/2819/11

HRSV B Ken/203/May/2012, KC263051.

HSVB HRSV B Ken/586/Jan/2012KC263048.1


Figure 2. Phylogenetic analysis for partial sequence of G gene of RSV A local viral strains by Maximum Likelihood method. Bootstrap
replication of 500 times was conducted. Bootstrap value 60 was not shown in the tree (16). The RSV A local isolates are clustered with a
number of RSV A and RSV B viral strains. The Local RSV A isolate 129 is segregated with GenBank accession KJ710402.1. Isolates no. 154
was clustered with GenBank accession KJ672440.1. Evolutionary analyses were conducted using MEGA6.

IJST 2016 IJST Publications UK. All rights reserved. 544

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