Quantum Cryptography
Quantum Cryptography
Quantum Cryptography
An Overview of
Quantum Cryptography
81.1 Introduction ........................................................................ 1045
81.2 Cryptography Overview ..................................................... 1046
81.3 Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Theory.................... 1050
81.4 Quantum Computing versus
Quantum Cryptography..................................................... 1051
81.5 Quantum Cryptography versus
Traditional Cryptography .................................................. 1052
81.6 Quantum Key Generation and Distribution .................... 1053
81.7 Quantum Cryptography versus Public-Key
Cryptography ...................................................................... 1054
81.8 Quantum Cryptography and Heisenbergs
Uncertainty Principle ......................................................... 1055
81.9 Disadvantages of Quantum Cryptography....................... 1055
81.10 Effects of Quantum Computing and
Cryptography on Information Security............................ 1056
81.11 Conclusion .......................................................................... 1056
Ben Rothke 81.12 Glossary of Quantum Physics Terms ................................ 1056
Quantum cryptography:
Potentially solves signicant key distribution and management problems
Offers a highly secure cryptography solution
Is not meant to replace, nor will it replace, existing cryptography technologies
Is a new hybrid model that combines quantum cryptography and traditional encryption to create
a much more secure system
Although not really ready for widespread commercial use, is developing very fast.
81.1 Introduction
Over the past few years, much attention has been paid to the domains of quantum computing and
quantum cryptography. Both quantum computing and quantum cryptography have huge potential, and
when they are ultimately deployed in totality will require massive changes in the state of information
security. As of late 2005, quantum cryptography is still an early commercial opportunity; however, actual
commercial quantum computing devices will not appear on the scene for another 15 to 25 years. This
chapter provides a brief overview on the topic of quantum cryptography and the effects it will have on the
information security industry.
That is, a polarization direction of 08 or 458 may be taken to stand for binary 0, while the directions of 908 and 1358 may be
taken to stand for binary 1. This is the convention used in the quantum key distribution scheme BB84, which will be
described shortly. The process of mapping a sequence of bits to a sequence of rectilinearly and diagonally polarized
photons is referred to as conjugate coding, and the rectilinear and diagonal polarization are known as conjugative variables.
Quantum theory stipulates that it is impossible to measure the values of any pair of conjugate variables simultaneously.
The position and momentum of a particle are the most common examples of conjugate variables. When experimenters try to
measure the position of a particle, they have to project light on it of a very short wavelength; however, short-wavelength
light has a direct impact on the momentum of the particle, making it impossible for the experimenter to measure
momentum to any degree of accuracy. Similarly, to measure the momentum of a particle, long-wavelength light is used,
and this necessarily makes the position of the particle uncertain. In quantum mechanics, position and momentum are also
referred to as incompatible observables, by virtue of the impossibility of measuring both at the same time. This same
impossibility applies to rectilinear and diagonal polarization for photons. If you try to measure a rectilinearly polarized
photon with respect to the diagonal, all information about the rectilinear polarization of the photon is lost permanently.
The origin of cryptography is usually considered to date back to about 2000 B.C. The earliest form of
cryptography was the Egyptian hieroglyphics, which consisted of complex pictograms, the full meaning
of which was known to only an elite few. The rst known use of a modern cipher was by Julius Caesar
(10044 B.C). Caesar did not trust his messengers when communicating with his governors and ofcers.
For this reason, he created a system in which each character in his messages was replaced by a character
three positions ahead of it in the Roman alphabet. In addition to Caesar, myriad other historical gures
have used cryptography, including Benedict Arnold, Mary Queen of Scotts, and Abraham Lincoln.
Cryptography has long been a part of war, diplomacy, and politics.
The development and growth of cryptography in the last 20 years is directly tied to the development of
the microprocessor. Cryptography is computationally intensive, and the PC revolution and the
ubiquitous Intel x86 processor have allowed the economical and reasonable deployment of cryptography.
The concept of cryptography can be encapsulated in the following six terms:
EncryptionConversion of data into a pattern, called ciphertext, rendering it unreadable
DecryptionProcess of converting ciphertext data back into its original form so it can be read
AlgorithmFormula used to transform the plaintext into ciphertext; also called a cipher
KeyComplex sequence of alphanumeric characters produced by the algorithm that allows data
encryption and decryption
PlaintextDecrypted or unencrypted data
CiphertextData that has been encrypted.
The value of each bit is encoded on the Eve
property of a photon, its polarization for
example. The polarization of a photon is Bob
the oscillation direction of its electric
field. It can be, for example, vertical,
horizontal, or diagonal (+45 and 45).
Alice and Bob agree that:
0 = or
1 = or
1 For each key bit, Alice sends a photon, whose polarization is
A filter can be used to distinguish randomly selected. She records these orientations.
between horizontal and vertical photons;
another one between diagonal photons 2 For each incoming photon, Bob chooses randomly which filter
(+45 and 45). he uses. He writes down its choice as well as the value he records.
When a photon passes through the If Eve tries to spy on the photon sequence, she modifies their
correct filter, its polarization does not polarization.
3 After all the photons have been exchanged, Bob reveals over a
conventional channel (the phone, for example) to Alice the sequence
of filters he used.
When a photon passes through the
incorrect filter, its polarization is modified If Eve listens to their communication, she cannot deduce the key.
4 Alice tells Bob in which cases he chose the correct filter.
or or
5 Alice and Bob now know in which cases their bits should be identical
when Bob used the correct filter. These bits are the final key.
or or 6 Finally, Alice and Bob check the error level of the final key to validate it.
EXHIBIT 81.3 Quantum cryptography. (From IdQuantique. A Quantum Leap for Cryptograhy, p. 4, IdQuantique,
Geneva. [www.idquantique.com/products/les/clavis-white.pdf].)
Confidentiality Integrity
Interception Modification
Authentication Nonrepudiation
As stated earlier, one of the functions of digital cryptography is to allow people to experience the same
level of trust and condence in their information in the digital world as in the physical world. In a paper
based society, we:
Write a letter and sign it.
Have a witness verify that the signature is authentic.
Put the letter in an envelope and seal it.
Send it by certied mail.
The two basic forms of cryptography are symmetric and asymmetric. Symmetric cryptography is the
oldest form of cryptography, where a single key is used both for encryption and decryption. Exhibit 81.5
shows how a single key is used within symmetric cryptography to encrypt the plaintext. Both the party
encrypting the data and decrypting the data share the key. While effective, the difculty with symmetric
cryptography is that of key management. With symmetric cryptography, as the number of users
increases, the number of keys required to provide secure communications among those users increases
rapidly For a group of n users, we must have a total of 1/2(n2Kn) keys to communicate. The number of
parties (n) can increases to a point where the number of symmetric keys becomes unreasonably large for
practical use. This is known as the n2 problem. Exhibit 81.6 shows how many keys can be required. For
1,000 users (which is a very small number in todays distributed computing environments), an
unmanageable 499,500 keys are required to share to share communications.
The key management problem created the need for a better solution, which has arrived in the form of
symmetrical or public-key cryptography. Public-key cryptography is a form of encryption based on the
use of two mathematically related keys (the public key and the private key) such that one key cannot be
derived from the other. The public key is used to encrypt data and verify a digital signature, and the
private key is used to decrypt data and digitally sign a document. The ve main concepts of public-key
cryptography are:
Users publish their public keys to the world but keep their private keys secret.
Anyone with a copy of a users public key can encrypt information that only the user can read,
even people the user has never met.
It is not possible to deduce the private key from the public key.
Anyone with a public key can encrypt information but cannot decrypt it.
Only the person who has the corresponding private key can decrypt the information.
Exhibit 81.7 shows how asymmetric cryptography is used to encrypt the plaintext. The parties encrypting
the data and decrypting the data use different keys.
The primary benet of public-key cryptography is that it allows people who have no preexisting
security arrangement to exchange messages securely. The need for sender and receiver to share secret keys
via a secure channel is eliminated; all communications involve only public keys, and no private key is ever
transmitted or shared.
It should be noted that an intrinsic aw with public-key cryptography is that it is vulnerable to a large-
scale brute force attack. In addition, because it is based on hard mathematics, if a simple way to solve the
mathematical problem is ever found, then the security of public-key cryptography would be immediately
compromised. From a mathematical perspective, public-key cryptography is still not provably secure.
This means that algorithms such as RSA (which obtains its security from the difculty of factoring large
numbers) have not been proven mathematically to be secure. The fact that it is not a proven system does
not mean that it is not capable, but if and when mathematicians comes up with a fast procedure for
factoring large integers, then RSA-based cryptosystems could vanish overnight.
From a security functionality perspective, symmetric cryptography is for the most part just as strong as
asymmetric crytography, but symmetric is much quicker. Where asymmetric shines is in solving the key
management issues. In the absence of key management issues, there is no compelling reason to use
asymmetric cryptography.
In the early 1900s, however, a radically new set of theories was created in the form of quantum physics.
The quantum theory of matter developed at the turn of the century in response to a series of unexpected
experimental results that did not conform to the previously accepted Newtonian model of the universe.
The core of quantum theory is that elementary particles (e.g., electrons, protons, neutrons) have the
ability to behave as waves. When Albert Einstein developed his general theory of relatively, he showed
that space-time is curved by the presence of mass. This is true for large objects, as well as smaller objects
encountered in everyday living (see Exhibit 81.2 for more details).
Quantum physics describes the microscopic world of subatomic particles such as molecules, atoms,
quarks, and elementary particles, whereas classical physics describes the macroscopic world. Quantum
physics also differs drastically from classical physics in that it is not a deterministic science; rather, it
includes concepts such as randomness.
Quantum cryptography deals extensively with photons (see Exhibit 81.1), which are elementary
quantum particles that lack mass and are the fundamental light particles. For the discussion at hand,
quantum cryptography uses Heisenbergs uncertainty principle to allow two remote parties to exchange a
cryptography key. One of the main laws of quantum mechanics manifest in Heisenbergs uncertainty
principle is that every measurement perturbs the system; therefore, a lack of perturbation indicates that
no measurement or eavesdropping has occurred. This is a potentially powerful tool within the realm of
information security if it can be fully utilized.
One of the many applications of quantum mechanics is quantum computing. Standard computers use
bits that are set to either one or zero. Quantum computers use electrons spinning either clockwise or
counterclockwise to represent one and zeroes. These quantum bits are known as qubits. If these are in a
superposition of states and have not been observed, all the possible states can be evaluated simultaneously
and the solution obtained in a fraction of the time required by a standard computer, This generational leap
in processing power is a huge threat to the security of all currently existing ciphers, as they are based on hard
mathematical problems. The current security of the RSA algorithm would be eliminated.
The era of quantum cryptography began in the mid-1970s when researchers Charles Bennett at IBM
and Gilles Brassard at the University of Montreal published a series of papers on its feasibility. They
displayed the rst prototype in 1989. In 1984, they created the rst and, to date, best-known quantum
cryptographic protocol which is known as BB84. Exhibit 81.8 demonstrates how BB84 carries out a
quantum cryptographic key exchange.
Refer to http://www.rsasecurity.com/rsalabs/node.asp?idZ2152.
Polarization Polarization
Photon Emitter Photon Detector
Classical Cipher channel Classical Cipher
EXHIBIT 81.8 BB84. (From Sosonkin, M. 2005. Introduction to Quantum Cryptography, Polytechnic University,
New York [http://sfs.poly.edu/presentations/MikeSpres.pdf].)
Source: From Pasquinucci, A. 2004. Quantum Cryptography: Pros and Cons, Lecco, Italy: UTTI.IC (http://www.ucci.it/en/
They use the secret keys generated by quantum cryptography and the classical algorithms to
encrypt the data.
They exchange the encrypted data using the chosen classical protocols and transfer technologies.
Within quantum cryptography are two distinct channels. One channel is used for the transmission of
the quantum key material via single photon light pulses; the other channel carries all message trafc,
including the cryptographic protocols, encrypted user trafc, and more.
According to the laws of quantum physics, when a photon has been observed, its state changes. This
makes quantum cryptography ideal for security purposes, because when someone tries to eavesdrop on a
secure channel it will cause a disturbance in the ow of the photons that can be easily identied to
provide extra security.
Quantum algorithms are orders of magnitude better than current systems. It is estimated that
quantum factorization can factor a number a million times longer than any used for RSA in a millionth
of the time. In addition, it can crack a Data Encryption Standard (DES) cipher in less than four minutes!
The increased speed is due to the superposition of numbers. Quantum computers are able to perform
calculations on various superpositions simultaneously, which creates the effect of a massive
parallel computation.
Before the advent of a public-key infrastructure, the only way to distribute keys securely was via trusted
courier or some physical medium (keys on a oppy disk or CD-ROM). Much of the security of public-
key cryptography is based on one-way functions. A mathematical one-way function is one that is easy to
compute but difcult to reverse; however, reversing a one-way function can indeed be done if one has
adequate time and computing resources. The resources necessary to crack an algorithm depend on the
length of the key, but with the advent of distributed computing and increasing computer speeds this is
becoming less of an issue.
In the late 1970s, the inventors of the RSA algorithm issued a challenge to crack a 129-bit RSA key.
They predicted at the time that such a brute force attack would take roughly 40 quadrillion years, but it
did not take quite that long. By 1994, a group of scientists working over the Internet solved RSA-129. In
essence, the security of public keys would quickly be undermined if there was a way to quickly process the
large numbers.
Quantum cryptography has the potential to solve this vexing aspect of the key distribution problem by
allowing the exchange of a cryptographic key between two remote parties with absolute security
guaranteed by the laws of physics (again, if the keys can be kept secret, then the underlying security is
vastly improved). Quantum key distribution exploits the fact, as mentioned earlier, that according to
quantum physics the mere fact of observing a system will perturb it in an irreparable way. The simple act
of reading this article alters it in a way that cannot be observed by the reader. Although this alteration
cannot be observed at the macroscopic level, it can be observed at the microscopic level. A crucial factor is
that it is provably impossible to intercept the key without introducing perturbations.
This characteristic has vast value to cryptography. If a system encodes the value of a bit on a quantum
system, any interception will automatically create a perturbation due to the effect of the observer. This
perturbation then causes errors in the sequence of bits shared by the two endpoints. When the quantum
cryptographic system nds such an error, it will assume that the key pair was intercepted and then create
a new key pair. Because the perturbation can only be determined after the interception, this explains why
to date quantum cryptography has been used to exchange keys only and not the data itself.
What does it mean in practice to encode the value of a digital bit on a quantum system?2 In
telecommunications, light is routinely used to exchange information. For each bit of information, a pulse
is emitted and sent down an optical ber to the receiver where it is registered and transformed back into
an electronic form. These pulses typically contain millions of particles of light, called photons. In
quantum cryptography, one can follow the same approach, with the only difference being that the pulses
contain only a single photon. A single photon represents a very tiny amount of light (when reading this
article, your eyes are registering billions of photons every second) and follows the laws of quantum
physics. In particular, it cannot be split in half. This means that an eavesdropper cannot take half of a
photon to measure the value of the bit it carries, while letting the other half continue on its course. To
obtain the value of the bit, an eavesdropper must detect the photon which will affect the communication
and reveal its being observed.
See IdQuantique, A Quantum Leap for Cryptography., p. 4, Geneva, IdQuantique, (www.idquantique.com/products/les/
For more information on why, see http://world.std.com/wfranl/crypto/one-time-pad.html.
channels, most prominently in the optical bers themselves. As the systems evolve, however, noise is less
likely to be a problem.
In order to transmit the photon, both parties must have a live, unbroken, and continuous
communications channel between them. Although no quantum routers now exist, research is being
conducted on how to build them. The value of a quantum router is that it would enable quantum
cryptography to be used on a network. Finally, quantum cryptography today does not have a seamless
method for obtaining a digital signature. Quantum digital signature schemes are in development but are
still not ready for the commercial environment.
81.11 Conclusion
Quantum cryptography, while still in a nascent state, is certain to have a huge and revolutionary effect on
the world of cryptography and secure communications. As of late 2005, quantum cryptography was not
in heavy use in the Fortune 1000 community, but it will likely nd much greater application in the
coming years as it matures and the price drops.
Additional Resources
Ekert, A. 1995. CQC Introductions: Quantum Cryptography, Centre for Quantum Computation,
Oxford, (www.qubit.org/library/intros/crypt.html).
MagiQ. 2004. Perfectly Secure Key Management System Using Quantum Key Distribution, MagiQ
Technologies, New York. (www.magiqtech.com/registration/MagiQWhitePaper.pdf).
Oxford Centre for Quantum Computation, www.qubit.org.
Moses, T. and Zuccherato, R. 2005. Quantum Computing and Quantum Cryptography: What Do They
Mean for Traditional Cryptography? Entrust White Paper, January 13 (https://www.entrust.com/
Cryptography References
Kahn, D. 1996. The Codebreakers: The Comprehensive History of Secret Communication from Ancient
Times to the Internet, Scribner, New York.
Nichols, R. 1998. ICSA Guide to Cryptography, McGraw-Hill, New York.
RSA cryptography FAQ, www.rsasecurity.com/rsalabs/faq.
Schneier, B. 1996. Applied Cryptography, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Singh, S. 2000. The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography,
Anchor Books, Lancaster, VA.