Security Analysis
Security Analysis
Security Analysis
A $100 security will have a greater influence on the series than a $25
security because a 10 percent increase in the former increases the
numerator by $10 while it takes a 40 percent increase in the price of the
latter to have the same effect.
Given a four security series and a 2-for-1 split for security A and a 3-
for-1 split for security B, the divisor would change from 4 to 2.8 for a price-
weighted series.
Stock before Split Price After Split Prices
A $20 $10
B 30 10
C 20 20
D 30 30
Total 100/4 = 25 70/x = 25
x = 2.8
The price-weighted series adjusts for a stock split by deriving a new
divisor that will ensure that the new value for the series is the same as
it would have been without the split. The adjustment for a value-
weighted series due to a stock split is automatic. The decrease in stock
price is offset by an increase in the number of shares outstanding.
Before Split
Stock Price/Share # of Shares Market Value
A $20 1,000,000 $20,000,000
B 30 500,000 15,000,000
C 20 2,000,000
D 30 3,500,000
Total $180,000,000
Therefore, a 20% increase in either stock would have the same impact on the
total value of the index (i.e., in all cases the index increases by 10%. An
alternative treatment is to compute percentage changes for each stock and
derive the average of these percentage changes. In this case, the average
would be 10% (20% - 10%)). So in the case of an unweighted price-indicator
series, a 20% price increase in GM would have the same impact on the index
as a 20% price increase of Coors Brewing.
Based upon the sample from which it is derived and the fact that is a
value-weighted index, the Wilshire 5000 Equity Index is a weighted
composite of the NYSE composite index, the AMEX market value series, and
the NASDAQ composite index. We would expect it to have the highest
correlation with the NYSE Composite Index because the NYSE has the highest
market value.
The high correlations between returns for alternative NYSE price index
series can be attributed to the source of the sample (i.e. stock traded on the
NYSE). The four series differ in sample size, that is, the DJIA has 30
securities, the S&P 400 has 400 securities, the S&P 500 has 500 securities
and the NYSE Composite over 2,800 stocks. The DJIA differs in computation
from the other series, that is, the DJIA is a price-weighted series where the
other three series are value-weighted. Even so, there is strong correlation
between the series because of similarity of types of companies.
The two price indices (Tokyo SE and Nikkei) for the Tokyo Stock
Exchange show a high positive correlation even though the two indices
represent substantially different sample sizes and weighting schemes. The
Nikkei-Dow Jones Average consists of 225 companies and is a price-weighted
series. Alternatively, the Tokyo SE encompasses a much larger set of 1,800
companies and is a value-weighted series.
10. You learn that the Dow Jones total stock market value- weighted
index increased by 16 percent during a specified period, where as a
Dow Jones total stock market equal-weighted increased by 23%
during the same period. Discuss what this difference in result
Since the equal-weighted series implies that all stocks carry the same
weight, irrespective of price or value, the results indicate that on average all
stocks in the index increased by 23%. On the other hand, the percentage
change in the value of a large company has a greater impact than the same
percentage change for a small company in the value weighted index.
Therefore, the difference in results indicates that for this given period, the
smaller companies in the index outperformed the larger companies.
11. Why is it contended that bond market indexes are more difficult
to construct and maintained than stock market indexes?
The bond-market series are more difficult to construct due to the wide
diversity of bonds available. Also bonds are hard to standardize because
their maturities and market yields are constantly changing. In order to better
segment the market, you could construct five possible subindices based on
coupon, quality, industry, maturity, and special features (such as call
features, warrants, convertibility, etc.).
13. Suppose the Russell 1000 increased by 8% during the past year,
whereas the Russell 2000 increased by 15%. Discuss the implication
of these results
Russell 2000 outperformed the Russell 1000 during the past year.
14. Based on what you know about the financial times world index,
the Morgan Stanley capital international world index. And the Dow
jones world stock index, what level of correlation would you expect
between monthly rates of return? Discuss the reasons for your
answer based on the factors that affect indexes.
One would expect that the level of correlation between the various
world indices should be relatively high. These indices tend to include the
same countries and the largest capitalization stocks within each country.
15. How would you explain that the ML High-Yield bond index was
more highly correlated with the NYSE composite index than the ML
aggregate bond index?
High yield bonds (ML High Yield Bond Index) have definite equity
characteristics. Consequently, they are more highly correlated with the NYSE
composite stock index than with the ML Aggregate Bond Index.