Zero and First Conditionals
Zero and First Conditionals
Zero and First Conditionals
We use the first conditional to talk about things which might happen if an action takes
place. We use if for things which are likely to happen and when for things which are
certain to happen.
If I see Freddy later, Ill give him the book. (Im not certain Ill see him.)
When I see Freddy later, Ill give him the book. (Im certain Ill see him.)
If we go to the beach, Ill take my swimsuit. (It isnt certain well go to the beach.)
When we go to the beach, Ill take my swimsuit. (It is certain well go to the beach.)
Conditional sentences have two parts: the if/when part and the result (main) part. The two
parts can come in any order. When we write, we dont use a comma when the main part
comes first.
Zero conditional:
The zero conditional uses if/when + present simple, and present simple:
I feel upset when he doesnt answer my calls.
If you mix white and yellow, you dont get orange.
First conditional:
The first conditional uses if/when + present simple, and will + infinitive (without to):
Spoken English
In the first conditional, we often use the short form ll in the main part instead of will. This
short form can sometimes be difficult to hear, but its important to include the ll sound. If
you use the present tense in both parts, your sentence will sound like a zero conditional
and it wont be grammatically correct!
If we miss our flight, well take the next one. (Not: we take the next one.)
Theyll meet us at the airport if we arrive late. (Not: They meet us at the airport )