Cat G3600 - O&m 2002
Cat G3600 - O&m 2002
Cat G3600 - O&m 2002
June 2002
Operation and
G3600 Engines
4ZS1-Up (Engine)
BEN1-Up (Engine)
BKE1-Up (Engine)
BLB1-Up (Engine)
Operation Section
Engine Lifting and Storage ................................... 31
Maintenance Section
Lubricant Specifications ........................................ 49
The maintenance section is a guide to engine
care. The illustrated, step-by-step instructions are
grouped by service hours and/or calendar time
maintenance intervals. Items in the maintenance
schedule are referenced to detailed instructions
that follow.
Major engine overhaul details are not covered in the
Operation and Maintenance Manual except for the
interval and the maintenance items in that interval.
Major repairs are best left to trained personnel or
an authorized Caterpillar dealer. Your Caterpillar
dealer offers a variety of options regarding overhaul
programs. If you experience a major engine failure,
there are also numerous after failure overhaul
options available from your Caterpillar dealer.
Consult with your dealer for information regarding
these options.
Safety Section
Safety Signs and Labels
Safety Section
Illustration 1
Safety Section
Safety Signs and Labels
Illustration 2
Ensure that all of the safety signs are legible. Clean (2) Removal of the Prechamber
the safety signs or replace the safety signs if the
words cannot be read or if the pictures are not
visible. When the safety signs are cleaned, use a
The notices for the removal of the prechamber
cloth, water, and soap. Do not use solvent, gasoline,
assemblies are located on each valve cover.
or other harsh chemicals to clean the safety signs.
Solvents, gasoline, or harsh chemicals could loosen
the adhesive that secures the safety signs. The
safety signs that are loosened could drop off of
the engine.
This information is for engines that do not have a (5) Read the Manual
control valve for the oil filters. The warning label for
the oil filters is located on the oil filter covers. The warning label for reading the manual is located
on the cover of the junction box.
(4) Pinch Point (Linkage) Do not operate or work on this engine unless you
The warning labels for the pinch point (linkage) are have read and understand the instructions and
located on the covers of the fuel control actuator, warnings in the Operation and Maintenance Man-
the air choke actuator, and the bracket of the ual. Failure to follow the instructions or heed the
exhaust bypass actuator . warnings could result in injury or death. Contact
any Caterpillar dealer for replacement manuals.
Proper care is your responsibility.
g00902932 g00123185
Guards must be in place prior to operating barring Flash fire may result in personal injury, if
device motor. crankcase covers are removed within fifteen
minutes after emergency shut down. Do not
Remove all hand tools prior to operating barring restart engine until cause for shutdown has been
device motor. corrected.
(8) Engine Lifting (Label On the (9) Engine Lifting (Label On the
Number Three Camshaft Cover Number One Camshaft Cover and
and On the Number Four Camshaft On the Number Two Camshaft
Cover) Cover)
Warning labels for engine lifting are located on the Warning labels for engine lifting are located on the
camshaft cover of the number three cylinder and on camshaft cover of the number one cylinder and on
the camshaft cover of the number four cylinder. the camshaft cover of the number two cylinder.
g00299841 g00299818
Improper lift rigging can allow unit to tumble caus- Improper lift rigging can allow unit to tumble caus-
ing injury and damage. ing injury and damage.
1. Use a proper spreader bar, as shown. 1. Use a proper spreader bar, as shown.
2. Attach two properly rated cables to the spreader 2. Attach two properly rated cables to the spreader
bar from the engine lift shackles. bar from the engine lift shackles.
Illustration 3
Safety Section
General Hazard Information
Attach a Do Not Operate warning tag or a similar Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry that can
warning tag to the start switch or to the controls snag on controls or on other parts of the engine.
before the engine is serviced or before the engine
is repaired. These warning tags (Special Instruction, Ensure that all protective guards and all covers
SEHS7332) are available from your Caterpillar are secured in place on the engine.
dealer. Attach the warning tags to the engine
and to each operator control station. When it is Never put maintenance fluids into glass
appropriate, disconnect the starting controls. containers. Glass containers can break.
Do not allow unauthorized personnel on the engine, Use all cleaning solutions with care.
or around the engine when the engine is being
serviced. Report all necessary repairs.
Engine exhaust contains products of combustion Unless other instructions are provided, perform
which may be harmful to your health. Always the maintenance under the following conditions:
start the engine and operate the engine in a well
ventilated area. If the engine is in an enclosed area, The engine is stopped. Ensure that the engine
vent the engine exhaust to the outside. cannot be started.
Cautiously remove the following parts. To help Disconnect the batteries when maintenance
prevent spraying or splashing of pressurized fluids, is performed or when the electrical system is
hold a rag over the part that is being removed. serviced. Disconnect the battery ground leads.
Tape the leads in order to help prevent sparks.
Filler caps
Do not attempt any repairs that are not
Grease fittings understood. Use the proper tools. Replace
any equipment that is damaged or repair the
Pressure taps equipment.
Illustration 4
g00687600 g00702022
Illustration 5 Illustration 6
Always use a board or cardboard when you check Caterpillar equipment and replacement parts that
for a leak. Leaking fluid that is under pressure can are shipped from Caterpillar are asbestos free.
penetrate body tissue. Fluid penetration can cause Caterpillar recommends the use of only genuine
serious injury and possible death. A pin hole leak Caterpillar replacement parts. Use the following
can cause severe injury. If fluid is injected into your guidelines when you handle any replacement parts
skin, you must get treatment immediately. Seek that contain asbestos or when you handle asbestos
treatment from a doctor that is familiar with this type debris.
of injury.
Use caution. Avoid inhaling dust that might be
generated when you handle components that
Containing Fluid Spillage contain asbestos fibers. Inhaling this dust can
be hazardous to your health. The components
Care must be taken in order to ensure that fluids
that may contain asbestos fibers are brake pads,
are contained during performance of inspection,
maintenance, testing, adjusting and repair of the brake bands, lining material, clutch plates, and
some gaskets. The asbestos that is used in these
engine. Prepare to collect the fluid with suitable
components is usually bound in a resin or sealed in
containers before opening any compartment or
disassembling any component containing fluids. some way. Normal handling is not hazardous unless
airborne dust that contains asbestos is generated.
Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, Tools and
Shop Products Guide for the following items: If dust that may contain asbestos is present, there
are several guidelines that should be followed:
Tools that are suitable for collecting fluids and
equipment that is suitable for collecting fluids Never use compressed air for cleaning.
Tools that are suitable for containing fluids and Avoid brushing materials that contain asbestos.
equipment that is suitable for containing fluids
Avoid grinding materials that contain asbestos.
Obey all local regulations for the disposal of liquids.
Use a wet method in order to clean up asbestos
Comply with applicable rules and regulations Any contact with hot coolant or with steam
for the work place. In the United States, use can cause severe burns. Allow cooling system
Occupational Safety and Health Administration components to cool before the cooling system is
(OSHA) requirements. These OSHA requirements drained.
can be found in 29 CFR 1910.1001.
Check the coolant level after the engine has
Obey environmental regulations for the disposal stopped and the engine has been allowed to cool.
of asbestos.
Ensure that the filler cap is cool before removing
Stay away from areas that might have asbestos the filler cap. The filler cap must be cool enough
particles in the air. to touch with a bare hand. Remove the filler cap
slowly in order to relieve pressure.
Dispose of Waste Properly Cooling system conditioner contains alkali. Alkali
can cause personal injury. Do not allow alkali to
contact the skin, the eyes, or the mouth.
Hot oil and hot lubricating components can cause
personal injury. Do not allow hot oil to contact the
skin. Also, do not allow hot components to contact
the skin.
Electrolyte is an acid. Electrolyte can cause
g00706404 personal injury. Do not allow electrolyte to contact
Illustration 7
the skin or the eyes. Always wear protective glasses
for servicing batteries. Wash hands after touching
Improperly disposing of waste can threaten the
the batteries and connectors. Use of gloves is
environment. Potentially harmful fluids should be recommended.
disposed of according to local regulations.
When the engine is at operating temperature, the Illustration 8
engine coolant is hot. The coolant is also under
pressure. The radiator and all lines to the heaters or All fuels, most lubricants, and some coolant mixtures
to the engine contain hot coolant. are flammable.
Safety Section
Fire Prevention and Explosion Prevention
Flammable fluids that are leaking or spilled onto hot Inspect all lines and hoses for wear or for
surfaces or onto electrical components can cause deterioration. The hoses must be properly routed.
a fire. Fire may cause personal injury and property The lines and hoses must have adequate support
damage. and secure clamps. Tighten all connections to the
recommended torque. Leaks can cause fires.
A flash fire may result if the covers for the engine
crankcase are removed within fifteen minutes after Oil filters and fuel filters must be properly installed.
an emergency shutdown. The filter housings must be tightened to the proper
Determine whether the engine will be operated in
an environment that allows combustible gases to be
drawn into the air inlet system. These gases could
cause the engine to overspeed. Personal injury,
property damage, or engine damage could result.
Lines, Tubes and Hoses Chips or other debris may fly off objects when
objects are struck. Before objects are struck, ensure
Do not bend high pressure lines. Do not strike high that no one will be injured by flying debris.
pressure lines. Do not install any lines that are bent
or damaged.
Unless other maintenance instructions are provided, If the mode control switch is in the AUTOMATIC
never attempt adjustments while the engine is or START position and the wiring harness is
running. connected, the ignition system may discharge and
a spark plug will ignite. The spark plug will ignite
Stay clear of all rotating parts and of all moving any gas that has accumulated in that cylinder. The
parts. Leave the guards in place until maintenance crankshaft and the driven equipment can move.
is performed. After the maintenance is performed, Personal injury may result. The driven equipment
reinstall the guards. could be damaged. Gas that has accumulated in
the exhaust system can also be ignited.
Keep objects away from moving fan blades. The
fan blades will throw objects or cut objects.
Turn the mode control switch to the STOP or Start the engine from the operators compartment or
OFF/RESET position before connecting the wiring from the engine start switch.
harness. When the mode control switch is in the
STOP or OFF/RESET position, the ignition system Always start the engine according to the procedure
is disabled. that is described in the Operation and Maintenance
Manual, Engine Starting topic in the Operation
Section. Knowing the correct procedure will help to
prevent major damage to the engine components.
Before Starting Engine Knowing the procedure will also help to prevent
personal injury.
SMCS Code: 1000
To ensure that the jacket water heater (if equipped)
Inspect the engine for potential hazards. and/or the lube oil heater (if equipped) is working
properly, check the water temperature gauge
Before starting the engine, ensure that no one is on, and the oil temperature gauge during the heater
underneath, or close to the engine. Ensure that the operation.
area is free of personnel.
Engine exhaust contains products of combustion
Ensure that the engine is equipped with a lighting which can be harmful to your health. Always start the
system that is suitable for the conditions. Ensure engine and operate the engine in a well ventilated
that all lights work properly. area. If the engine is started in an enclosed area,
vent the engine exhaust to the outside.
All protective guards and all protective covers must
be installed if the engine must be started in order i00659907
to perform service procedures. To help prevent an
accident that is caused by parts in rotation, work Engine Stopping
around the parts carefully.
SMCS Code: 1000
Do not bypass the automatic shutoff circuits. Do not
disable the automatic shutoff circuits. The circuits To avoid overheating of the engine and accelerated
are provided in order to help prevent personal wear of the engine components, stop the engine
injury. The circuits are also provided in order to help according to the instructions in this Operation and
prevent engine damage. Maintenance Manual, Engine Stopping topic
(Operation Section).
On the initial start-up of a new engine or an engine
that has been serviced, be prepared to stop the Use the Emergency Stop Button (if equipped)
engine if an overspeed condition occurs. This may ONLY in an emergency situation. Do not use the
be accomplished by shutting off the fuel supply to Emergency Stop Button for normal engine stopping.
the engine, or shutting off the ignition system. After an emergency stop, DO NOT start the engine
until the problem that caused the emergency stop
See the Service Manual for repairs and for has been corrected.
On the initial start-up of a new engine or an engine
that has been serviced, make provisions to stop
the engine if an overspeed occurs. This may be
Engine Starting accomplished by shutting off the fuel supply to the
engine, or shutting off the ignition system.
SMCS Code: 1000
If a warning tag is attached to the engine start
switch or to the controls, DO NOT start the engine Electrical System
or move the controls. Consult with the person that
attached the warning tag before the engine is SMCS Code: 1000; 1400
Never disconnect any charging unit circuit or battery
All protective guards and all protective covers must circuit cable from the battery when the charging unit
be installed if the engine must be started in order is operating. A spark can cause the combustible
to perform service procedures. To help prevent an gases that are produced by some batteries to ignite.
accident that is caused by parts in rotation, work
around the parts carefully.
Safety Section
Electrical System
Grounding Practices
Proper grounding is necessary for optimum engine
performance and reliability. Improper grounding will
result in uncontrolled electrical circuit paths and in
unreliable electrical circuit paths.
Product Information
Illustration 10
Right hand view (in-line engine)
(1) Gas shutoff valve (5) Engine oil filter
(2) Fuel actuator (6) Junction box
(3) Ignition transformer (7) Crankcase pressure sensor
(4) Integrated Combustion Sensing Module (8) Engine oil level gauge
(ICSM) (9) Engine oil filler
Product Information Section
Model Views and Specifications
Illustration 11
Left hand view (in-line engine)
(1) Exhaust bypass actuator (3) Hydraulic oil tank (5) Hydraulic oil filter
(2) Air choke actuator (4) Hydraulic oil pump
Illustration 12
Right hand view (vee engine)
(1) Gas shutoff valve (5) Engine oil filter (10) Engine oil filler
(2) Exhaust bypass actuator (6) Junction box
(3) Fuel actuator (7) Ignition rail
(4) Integrated Combustion Sensing Module (8) Crankcase pressure sensor
(ICSM) (9) Engine oil level gauge
Product Information Section
Model Views and Specifications
Illustration 13
Left hand view (vee engine)
(1) Ignition transformer (4) Ignition rail
(2) Integrated Combustion Sensing Module (5) Hydraulic oil tank
(ICSM) (6) Hydraulic oil pump
(3) Air choke actuator (7) Hydraulic oil filter
The inlet manifold air pressure is controlled by the For more detailed information on the control system,
air inlet choke and the exhaust bypass valve. The refer to Systems Operation, Electronic Control
ECM determines the air pressure that is required to System Operation.
maintain the correct air/fuel ratio.
The engine has two cooling circuits: a jacket water
Each cylinder has an ignition transformer. To circuit and a separate circuit for the aftercooler
initiate combustion, the ECM sends a pulse of and engine oil cooler. Water temperature regulators
approximately 108 volts to the primary coil of each are used in both circuits in order to maintain the
ignition transformer at the appropriate time and for correct operating temperatures. Water temperature
the appropriate duration. The transformer increases regulators can be installed in order to regulate the
the voltage which creates a spark across the spark inlet or outlet temperature of the water.
plug electrode.
A gear-driven centrifugal pump circulates the jacket
The electronic control system controls the ignition water coolant from an external source. The coolant
timing. The control system monitors changes in is circulated through the water jacket to the cylinder
the load. The control system modifies the timing heads. The coolant flows through water manifolds to
in response to the change in the load. The timing the outlet. The coolant flows through a remote water
can also be modified in order to compensate for temperature regulator and to a heat exchanger. The
detonation that is detected. coolant is returned to the engine.
The fuel flow is the main factor in the calculation of The engine oil and the combustion air are cooled
the engine load. Zero fuel flow is zero load. A fuel in a separate circuit. A gear-driven pump pulls
flow that is greater than zero is used to calculate a the coolant from the heat exchanger. Some of the
percentage of the indicated load. coolant goes to the engine oil cooler. Most of the
coolant goes to the aftercooler. The coolant returns
At loads that are less than 40 percent, the air/fuel to the heat exchanger.
ratio is controlled by the air choke actuator which is
trimmed by the exhaust port temperatures. A gear-driven pump pumps the engine oil. The
temperature of the engine oil is regulated. The
The engine has an Integrated Combustion Sensing engine oil is filtered prior to circulation in the
Module (ICSM) for each bank of cylinders. Each cylinder block.
cylinder exhaust port has a thermocouple that
is monitored by an ICSM. The ICSM monitors Engine Service Life
the actual exhaust port temperatures for one
bank of cylinders. The ICSM calculates an
Engine efficiency and maximum utilization of engine
average exhaust port temperature for the bank of performance depend on the adherence to proper
cylinders. The ECM sends a map of the desired
operation and maintenance recommendations. This
exhaust port temperature to the ICSM. The ICSM
includes use of the recommended lubricants, fuels,
calculates the difference between the average and coolant/antifreezes.
exhaust port temperature and the desired exhaust
port temperature. The ICSM communicates the
For the engine maintenance that is required, see this
information to the ECM. The ECM controls the air Operation and Maintenance Manual, Maintenance
choke actuator in order to maintain the desired
Interval Schedule (Maintenance Section).
exhaust temperature.
SMCS Code: 1000
Engine Specifications
Table 1
G3600 Engine Specifications
G3606 G3608 G3612 G3616
Operating rpm 750 to 1000 750 to 1000 750 to 1000 750 to 1000
Low idle rpm 550 550 550 550
Arrangement and In-line In-line 50 degree V-12 50 degree V-16
cylinders 6 8
Bore 300 mm (11.8 inch) 300 mm (11.8 inch) 300 mm (11.8 inch) 300 mm (11.8 inch)
Stroke 300 mm (11.8 inch) 300 mm (11.8 inch) 300 mm (11.8 inch) 300 mm (11.8 inch)
Aspiration TA TA TA TA
Compression ratio 9:1 9:1 9:1 9:1
10.5:1 10.5:1
Displacement per 21.2 L (1294 in3) 21.2 L (1294 in3) 21.2 L (1294 in3) 21.2 L (1294 in3)
Total displacement 127.2 L (7762 in3) 169.6 L (10 350 in3) 254.4 L (15 528 in3) 339.2 L (20 704 in3)
Mean velocity of the 9 m/s (1772 ft/min) 9 m/s (1772 ft/min) 9 m/s (1772 ft/min) 9 m/s (1772 ft/min)
pistons at 900 rpm
Mean velocity of the 10 m/s (1969 ft/min) 10 m/s (1969 ft/min) 10 m/s (1969 ft/min) 10 m/s (1969 ft/min)
pistons at 1000 rpm
Flywheel rotation Counterclockwise Counterclockwise Counterclockwise Counterclockwise
Fuel See this Operation and Maintenance Manual, Fuel Recommendations (Maintenance Section).
Also, see the Application and Installation Guide.
Method of starting Air starting motors Air starting motors Air starting motors Air starting motors
Performance of the See the Application See the Application See the Application See the Application
cooling system and Installation Guide. and Installation Guide. and Installation Guide. and Installation Guide.
Maximum allowable 3 kPa 3 kPa 3 kPa 3 kPa
exhaust back pressure (12 inches of H2O) (12 inches of H2O) (12 inches of H2O) (12 inches of H2O)
Maximum allowable 3.7 kPa 3.7 kPa 3.7 kPa 3.7 kPa
inlet air restriction (15 inches of H2O) (15 inches of H2O) (15 inches of H2O) (15 inches of H2O)
Air cleaners Remote Remote Remote Remote
Valve lash (gas 0.64 mm (.025 inch) 0.64 mm (.025 inch) 0.64 mm (.025 inch) 0.64 mm (.025 inch)
admission valve)(1)
Inlet valve lash 0.50 mm (.020 inch) 0.50 mm (.020 inch) 0.50 mm (.020 inch) 0.50 mm (.020 inch)
Exhaust valve lash 1.25 mm (.050 inch) 1.25 mm (.050 inch) 1.25 mm (.050 inch) 1.25 mm (.050 inch)
(1) This measurement is for newer engines. For earlier engines, the valve lash is set by turning an adjusting screw and counting the clicks.
Product Information Section
Model Views and Specifications
g00891513 g00790805
Illustration 14 Illustration 17
G3606 Engine design G3616 Engine design
(A) Gas admission valves (A) Gas admission valves
(B) Inlet valves (B) Inlet valves
(C) Exhaust valves (C) Exhaust valves
Illustration 15
G3608 Engine design
(A) Gas admission valves
(B) Inlet valves
(C) Exhaust valves g00790861
Illustration 18
SAE standard engine crankshaft rotation
In-line engines and vee engines
(1) Jacket water pump
(2) Aftercooler and oil cooler pump
(3) Oil pump
Illustration 16
G3612 Engine design
(A) Gas admission valves
(B) Inlet valves
(C) Exhaust valves
Product Information Section
Model Views and Specifications
Illustration 19
SAE standard engine crankshaft rotation g00891685
Illustration 20
In-line engines and vee engines SAE standard engine crankshaft rotation
(4) Water outlet In-line engines and vee engines
(5) Water inlet
(6) Oil outlet (1) Crankshaft
(7) Oil inlet (2) Idler
(3) Idler
(4) Jacket water pump
Table 2 (5) Aftercooler and oil cooler pump
Front Drives (6) Auxiliary pump
(7) Oil pump
Component Speed(1)
Table 3
Jacket water pump 2522
Front Gear Train
Aftercooler and oil cooler pump 2522
Gear Number Of
Oil pump 1524 Teeth
(1) The speed of the component is listed for an engine that is (1) Crankshaft 96
operating at 1000 rpm. For an engine that is operating at
900 rpm, multiply the speed of the component by .9. For an (2) Idler 68
engine that is operating at 800 rpm, multiply the speed of the
component by .8. (3) Idler 67
(4) Jacket water pump 38
(5) Aftercooler and oil cooler Pump 38
(6) Auxiliary pump 43
(7) Oil pump 63
Product Information Section
Model Views and Specifications
Illustration 21
SAE standard engine crankshaft rotation
In-line engines
(1) Crankshaft
(2) Large cluster idler
(3) Small cluster idler
(4) Camshaft
Illustration 22
SAE standard engine crankshaft rotation
Vee engines
(1) Crankshaft
(2) Large cluster idler
(3) Small cluster idler
(4) Camshaft
(5) Idler
Table 4
Rear Gear Train
Gear Number Of Teeth
(1) Crankshaft 81
(2) Large cluster idler 90
(3) Small cluster idler 45
(4) Camshaft 81
(5) Idler 81
Product Information Section
Model Views and Specifications
Reference Weights
Table 5
Approximate Weights Of Package Generator Sets
Item G3606 Engine G3608 Engine G3612 Engine G3616 Engine
Engine(1) 15 680 kg (34 568 lb) 19 000 kg (41 888 lb) 25 084 kg (55 300 lb) 29 892 kg (65 900 lb)
Generator 8300 kg (18 298 lb) 9400 kg (20 723 lb) 15 855 kg (34 954 lb) 15 855 kg (34 954 lb)
Module 1360 kg (2998 lb) 1410 kg (3109 lb) 1650 kg (3638 lb) 1650 kg (3638 lb)
Mounting base 7820 kg (17 240 lb)(2) 8640 kg (19 048 lb) 12 700 kg (28 000 lb) 12 700 kg (28 000 lb)
8170 kg (18 012 lb)(3)
Coupling 590 kg (1300 lb) 590 kg (1300 lb) 977 kg (2154 lb) 977 kg (2154 lb)
Total 33 750 kg (74 406 lb)(2) 39 040 kg (86 068 lb) 56 266 kg (124 045 lb) 61 074 kg (134 645 lb)
34 070 kg (75 111 lb)(3)
(1) The weights of the engines that are listed includes attachments that are mounted on the engines. The engine weights are dry weights.
(2) Single bearing generator
(3) Double bearing generator
Table 6
Approximate Weights Of Serviceable Parts
Component G3606 Engine G3608 Engine G3612 Engine G3616 Engine
Cylinder block 4638 kg (10 225 lb) 6476 kg (14 260 lb) 6805 kg (14 971 lb) 9625 kg (21 219 lb)
Bearing cap 65 kg (144 lb) 65 kg (144 lb) 65 kg (144 lb) 65 kg (144 lb)
Crankshaft 1782 kg (3929 lb) 2288 kg (5034 lb) 2091 kg (4600 lb) 3800 kg (8378 lb)
Flywheel assembly 491 kg (1082 lb) 491 kg (1082 lb) 491 kg (1082 lb) 491 kg (1082 lb)
Crankshaft vibration damper 183 kg (403 lb) 267 kg (588 lb) 183 kg (403 lb) 183 kg (403 lb)
Cylinder head assembly 196 kg (432 lb) 196 kg (432 lb) 196 kg (432 lb) 196 kg (432 lb)
Cylinder liner 110 kg (243 lb) 110 kg (243 lb) 110 kg (243 lb) 110 kg (243 lb)
Piston assembly 48 kg (106 lb) 48 kg (106 lb) 48 kg (106 lb) 48 kg (106 lb)
Piston pin 19 kg (42 lb) 19 kg (42 lb) 19 kg (42 lb) 19 kg (42 lb)
Piston rod assembly 57 kg (126 lb) 57 kg (126 lb) 57 kg (126 lb) 57 kg (126 lb)
Turbocharger (one) 401 kg (884 lb) 401 kg (884 lb) 401 kg (884 lb) 401 kg (884 lb)
Aftercooler core(1) 52 kg (115 lb) 52 kg (115 lb) 94 kg (207 lb) 125 kg (275 lb)
Front housing 258 kg (569 lb) 258 kg (569 lb) 258 kg (569 lb) 258 kg (569 lb)
Rear housing 222 kg (489 lb) 222 kg (489 lb) 350 kg (772 lb) 350 kg (772 lb)
Used air cleaner element 29 kg (64 lb) 29 kg (64 lb) 29 kg (64 lb) 29 kg (64 lb)
(1) The weight for a single-stage type of aftercooler is listed. The two-stage aftercooler and the aftercooler with a deep core are also available.
Product Information Section
Product Identification Information
Engine Identification
Caterpillar engines are identified with serial
numbers, with performance specification numbers, Illustration 24
and with arrangement numbers. In some of the
cases, modification numbers are used. These The Information Plate is on the side of the cylinder
numbers are shown on the Serial Number Plate block above one of the crankshaft inspection
and the Information Plate that are mounted on the covers. The following information is stamped on
engine. the Information Plate: engines maximum altitude,
horsepower, high idle, full load rpm, fuel settings,
Caterpillar dealers need these numbers in order to and other information.
determine the components that were included with
the engine. This permits accurate identification of
replacement part numbers. i01519312
Reference Information
Serial Number Plate
SMCS Code: 1000; 4450
Table 7
Record Of Reference Numbers
Item Identification
Engine Model
Serial Number
Arrangement Number
Modification Number
Performance Specification
Power Rating
Personality Module (Revision)
Low Idle rpm
High Idle rpm
Full Load rpm
Overspeed Setpoint
Air Choke Actuator
Exhaust Bypass Actuator
Fuel Actuator
Lubrication Oil Filter Element
Lube Oil Capacity (total)
Air Cleaner Element
Alternator Belt
Supplemental Coolant Additive
Cooling System Capacity (total)
Operation Section
Engine Lifting and Storage
Engine Storage
SMCS Code: 1000
Generator Storage
For information on generator storage, see the
literature that is provided by the OEM of the
generator. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for
Operation Section
Features and Controls
High Fuel 1 to 60
E223 (1) 60 C 20 0 to 60 C
Low Fuel Warning 105 Customer 100 to 135
E053 (1) 10
Pressure kPa kPa
High Jacket E123 (1) 10 C(2)
Water to Engine
On (1) 20 0 to 80 C
Oil Temperature E124 (3) Shutdown 15 C(2) Factory
Operation Section
Features and Controls
(Table 9, contd)
Default Settings of the Programmable Monitoring System
Security Range of
System Trip Delay in
Parameter Event Code State Level Range the Delay
Response Point Seconds
Password in Seconds
High System Warning
E050 (1) On (1) 34 volts 20 This item cannot be programmed.
72 C(3)
High Inlet Air E027 (1) On 77 C(4) 32 to 100 C
Temperature 82 C(5)
at Low Engine 75 C(3) 32 to 120 C
Load E026 (3) Shutdown On (1) 80 C(4)
85 C(5)
20 Customer 1 to 60
57 C(3)
High Inlet Air E027 (1) Warning On 65 C(4)
Temperature at 72 C(5)
High Engine 60 C(3)
Load E026 (3) Shutdown On (1) 68 C(4)
75 C(5)
(1) This parameter is permanently active. This parameter cannot be turned off.
(2) Above 50% load
(3) This temperature is for systems that operate at 32C.
(4) This temperature is for systems that operate at 43C.
(5) This temperature is for systems that operate at 58C.
Table 10
Default Settings for the Integrated Combustion Sensing Module
Parameter Event Code System State Trip Delay in Security Range Range
Response Point Seconds Level of the
Password Delay in
High Exhaust E801 (1)
Temperature through E816 Warning 600 C 5
(1) 100 to
E801 (3) 1000 C
through E816 Shutdown 650 C
Exhaust Port E821 (1)
Temperature through E836 Warning 50 C
High Deviation (1)
E821 (3)
through E836 Shutdown 100 C
(3) 10 to 500
Exhaust Port E841 (1) C
Temperature through E856 Warning 120 C Customer 1 to 6000
Low Deviation (1)
E841 (3)
through E856 Shutdown 400 C
High Turbo E245 (1)
Warning 600 C
Turbine Inlet E246 (1)
E245 (3)
Shutdown 650 C
E246 (3) 100 to
High Turbo E243 (1) 400 to 1000 C
Turbine Outlet E244 (1) 650 C
E243 (3)
Shutdown 600 C
E244 (3)
Operation Section
Features and Controls
Control Panel
SMCS Code: 7451
Illustration 27
To prevent damage to the engine, use the mode con- Yellow ACTIVE ALARM indicator (2) illuminates if
trol switch or use the remote start/stop initiate contact the control system initiates a warning for an event
for normal engine stopping. or a diagnostic condition.
Operation Section
Features and Controls
Illustration 32
DESIRED SPEED potentiometer
To obtain maximum service life for your engine, Wiring that is worn or frayed
make a thorough inspection before starting the
engine. Make a walk-around inspection of the Inspect the gauge panel and the control panel
installation. Look for items such as oil or coolant for good condition. Reset any shutoff or alarm
leaks, loose bolts and trash buildup. Remove any components.
trash. Make repairs, if necessary.
Lubrication System
The guards must be in the proper place. Repair
damaged guards or replace missing guards.
Check for leaks at the following components: Open the air supply valve for the air starting
crankshaft seals, crankcase, engine oil filters, motor.
plugs for the engine oil gallery, sensors, and
valve covers. Note: If the engine is equipped with a system for
external support, prepare the system before starting
Inspect the tubes, tee pieces, and clamps on the the engine. Ensure that all of the systems for engine
crankcase breathers. support are enabled. Perform all prestart checks for
the control system.
If the engine has an air cleaner for crankcase
ventilation, inspect the air cleaner service
indicator. Service the air cleaner filter element
when the yellow diaphragm enters the red zone,
or the red piston locks in the visible position.
Cold Weather Starting
SMCS Code: 1000; 1250; 1450; 1453; 1456; 1900
Fuel System
See Gas Engines Application and Installation Guide,
Inspect the fuel lines for loose fittings and leaks. LEKQ7255 for more information on the following
Ensure that the fuel lines are properly clamped. topics:
Ensure that the fuel is supplied to the engine at Recommendations for the size and installation of
the correct pressure for the application. jacket water heaters and oil heaters
Many engines use a fuel pressure of 310 14 kPa Requirements for cranking torque and air starting
(45 2 psi). motors at various temperatures
Some engines use a variable fuel pressure that is Consult your Caterpillar dealer for more information
based on the engine load. on the starting aids that are available for cold
weather starting.
For the proper fuel pressure, refer to the report from
the engine commissioning. Jacket Water Heaters
Hydraulic Actuator System Jacket water heaters are available as optional
equipment. Jacket water heaters are recommended
Check the level of the oil in the tank for the hydraulic for improving startability in ambient temperatures
actuator system. Make sure that the oil is between below 21 C (70 F). These heaters are
the ADD and FULL marks on the oil level gauge. recommended for all installations that have
For information on the proper engine oil to use, automatic starting.
refer to this Operation and Maintenance Manual,
Hydraulic Oil (Maintenance Section). Lubricating Oil Heaters
Starting System Note: Oil pan immersion heaters are not
recommended for heating the lube oil. To ensure
Ensure that the barring device is fully disengaged. the compatibility of the components, only use
equipment that is recommended by Caterpillar.
Drain moisture and sediment from the air tank
and from any other air piping. NOTICE
Heating elements that are in direct contact with the
Check the oil level in the lubricator for the air lubricating oil can cause coking of the oil.
starting motor. Keep the lubricator at least half
full. Add oil, if necessary. Use nondetergent To aviod coking of the oil when the oil is heated, follow
10W oil for temperatures that are greater than these recommendations:
0 C (32 F). Use air tool oil for temperatures that
are below 0 C (32 F). The temperature of the heating surface must not ex-
ceed 150 C (300 F). The maximum heat density
Check the air pressure before starting. Starting of the heating surface must not exceed 1.24 w/cm2
motors with vanes require air pressure in a range (8W/in2).
of 620 to 1550 kPa (90 to 225 psi). Air turbines
require air pressure in a range of 414 to 620 kPa
(60 to 90 psi) or 690 to 1034 kPa (100 to 150 psi).
Operation Section
Engine Starting
Oil viscosity affects the amount of torque that is Do not start the engine or move any of the controls
needed to crank the engine. Oil temperatures if there is a DO NOT OPERATE warning tag or
below 10 C (50 F) require cranking torque that similar warning tag attached to the start switch or
is excessive. Oil heaters are recommended for to the controls.
heating the lube oil to 10 C (50 F) when the
ambient conditions are below this temperature. Ensure that no one will be endangered before the
engine is started and when the engine is started.
Requirements for Starting with Air Perform the procedures that are described in
this Operation and Maintenance Manual, Before
To start the engine at colder temperatures, a larger
Starting Engine (Operation Section).
volume of starting air and/or a higher air pressure
is necessary. Ensure a sufficient supply of air
pressure for cold weather starting. Do not exceed Automatic Starting
the maximum air pressure for the starting motor.
Water Separator
When the engine is in the AUTOMATIC mode, the
Condensation of vapor in the air supply can freeze engine can start at any moment. To avoid personal
in cold weather. This can enable the following injury, always remain clear of the the engine when
problems to occur: the engine is in the AUTOMATIC mode.
Ice that forms in the supply lines will restrict the
air supply. If the engine control switch is in the AUTO
position, the engine will automatically start when the
If particles of ice enter the inlet of the starting remote start/stop initiate contact closes. The engine
motor, the starting motor can be damaged. will accelerate to rated rpm when the oil pressure
is sufficient.
A water separator removes vapor from compressed
air prior to the air storage tank. Dry air is required Manual Starting
for cold weather in order to help prevent ice from
forming in the supply lines. 1. Ensure that fuel is supplied to the engine. Ensure
that no gas is leaking.
2. Ensure that the driven equipment is unloaded.
Starting the Engine
a. For generator set engines, open the main
SMCS Code: 1000; 1450 circuit breaker.
For initial start-up of a new or rebuilt engine, and for
start-up of an engine that has been serviced, make
provision to shut the engine off should an overspeed
occur. This may be accomplished by shutting off the
fuel supply and/or the ignition to the engine.
3. Verify that DESIRED SPEED potentiometer (2) Check the gauges during the warm-up. Complete
is set to an rpm that is appropriate. Verify that a walk-around inspection. Check for leaks and
the IDLE/RATED display (if equipped) indicates unusual noises. Correct any problems before
IDLE. proceeding.
Engine Operation After the time limit for reduced load operation
has expired, operate the engine for a minimum of
SMCS Code: 1000 two hours at a load that is more than 70 percent
of the rated load.
Proper operation and maintenance are key factors
in attaining the maximum service life and economy For example, an engine is operating at 20 percent
for the engine. Follow the instructions in this of the rated load. The engine may be operated at
Operation and Maintenance Manual in order to this load factor for a maximum of one-half hour. After
minimize operating costs and maximize the service the one-half hour, operate this engine for at least
life of the engine. two hours at a load factor of more than 70 percent.
Observe the gauges or the Caterpillar Electronic To keep engine maintenance at a minimum, follow
Technician (ET) frequently while the engine is the guidelines that are listed in Table 16.
operating. Record the data from the gauges in a log.
Average the data that is recorded during operation Table 16
and record the average values for each day. Time Limits for Low Load Operation
Compare the data to the specifications for normal
engine operation. Comparing the data over time will Engine Load Time Limit
help to detect trends in engine performance. 0 to 30 percent 1/2 hour
Investigate any significant change in the gauge 31 to 50 percent 2 hours
readings. Monitor the engine operation and take 51 to 100 percent Continuous (1)
action when discrepancies are found.
(1) For continuous operation, the manifold air pressure must be
greater than the atmospheric pressure.
Operating the Engine and the
Driven Equipment
The minimum rpm for operating an engine with a
load is 750 rpm. The maximum rpm for operating
an engine with a load is 1000 rpm.
Engine Stopping The control panel must also be reset before the
engine will start. To reset the control panel, turn
mode control switch (1) to the OFF/RESET
i01526313 position.
Emergency Stopping
SMCS Code: 1000; 7418
Manual Stop Procedure
NOTICE SMCS Code: 1000; 7418
Emergency shutoff controls are for EMERGENCY use
ONLY. DO NOT use emergency shutoff devices or
controls for normal stopping procedure.
Stopping the engine immediately after it has been
working under load can result in overheating and ac-
Ensure that any system that provides external celerated wear of engine components.
support to the engine is secured after the engine is
stopped. Turn off the auxiliary systems for engine Excessive temperatures in the turbocharger center-
operation after the engine is stopped. housing will cause oil coking problems.
Note the service hour meter reading. Perform the
Illustration 36 maintenance that is scheduled in this Operation
Engine control switch in the STOP position and Maintenance Manual, Maintenance Interval
Schedule (Maintenance Section).
a. Turn the engine control switch to the STOP
position. NOTICE
Only use antifreeze/coolant mixtures recommended in
b. If the engine control switch is in the AUTO the Coolant Specifications of this manual. Failure to do
position, the engine will stop when the remote so can cause engine damage.
start/stop initiate contact opens.
If the cooldown feature is utilized, the engine Allow the engine to cool. Check the coolant level.
will operate for a programmed period of
time before the engine stops. Otherwise, If freezing temperatures are expected, check
the engine will immediately shut off. When the coolant for protection against freezing. The
the engine rpm is reduced to approximately cooling system must be protected against freezing
100 rpm, the postlube cycle will operate for to the lowest expected outside temperature. Add
approximately 180 seconds. the proper coolant/water mixture, if necessary.
The engine will coast to a stop. Ensure that any Perform all required periodic maintenance on all
system that provides external support to the engine driven equipment. Refer to the instructions that
is secured after the engine is stopped. Turn off are provided by the OEM of the driven equipment.
the auxiliary systems for engine operation after the
engine is stopped.
Engine Oil
SMCS Code: 1300; 1348; 7581
Viscosity (cSt) at D 0455 11 13.5 Many gaseous fuels contain sulfur compounds.
100 C (212 F) These compounds are primarily composed of
Viscosity Index D 0567 99 99 hydrogen sulfide (H2S). If the concentration is less
than the following amount, the gaseous fuels are
Weight (Percent) of D 0874 0.48 0.48 considered to be sweet. If the concentration is
Sulfated Ash greater than the following amount, the gaseous
Total Base Number D 2896 6.2 6.2 fuels are considered to be sour.
Weight (Percent) of D 4951 0.030 0.030 0.43 mg H2S/MJ (0.45 g H2S/Btu)
Sour gas can reduce the service life of an engine
and the engine oil. When the sulfur compounds
Commercial Engine Oils are combined with water, acids are produced in
the engine oil. These acids attack the metals in
Specifications for commercial engine oils do not the engine crankcase. This causes corrosive wear.
exist for Caterpillar Engines that operate on gaseous To reduce the effects of these sulfur compounds,
fuels. The performance of lubrication oil for gas Caterpillar recommends the use of devices that
engines is determined by a field test. Successful treat the fuel.
field operation has been achieved with engine oils
that meet the following guidelines: If the sour gas cannot be treated in order to reduce
the level of sulfur, additional measures must be
Caterpillar recommends the use of engine oils taken in order to protect the engine. To reduce the
that are formulated specifically for heavy-duty harmful effects of sour gas, Caterpillar recommends
gas engines. Do not use engine oils that are the following guidelines:
specially formulated for gasoline engines or for
diesel engines.
Obtain frequent oil analyses.
Caterpillar recommends the use of engine oils Reduce the intervals for changing the engine oil.
that have a sulfated ash content between 0.40 Change the engine oil according to the results
and 0.60 percent. of the oil analysis.
The oil must demonstrate adequate protection Caterpillar does not recommend the use of engine
for a minimum of 7000 hours in a field test under oils with a high concentration of sulfated ash in
controlled conditions. order to reduce the harmful effects of sour gas.
High levels of sulfated ash may produce excessive
NOTICE deposits on the valves and on the turbine wheel of
Failure to follow these oil recommendations can cause the turbocharger. These deposits will reduce the
shortened engine service life due to deposits and/or service life of the engine. These deposits will also
excessive wear. increase the cost of maintenance.
Application and Installation, LEKQ7260, Low See the appropriate Lubricant Viscosities table
BTU Engines in order to find the correct oil viscosity grade for
your engine.
Maintenance Management Schedules,
SEBU6127, Schedules for Industrial and EPG At the specified interval, service the engine
Spark Ignited Gas Engines compartment. Use new oil and install a new oil
For information regarding condemning limits of
the lubrication oil, refer to this Operation and Perform maintenance at the intervals that are
Maintenance Manual, SOS Oil Analysis topic specified in the Operation and Maintenance
(Maintenance Section). Manual, Maintenance Interval Schedule.
There are no industry standard tests that evaluate If a different viscosity is required due to ambient
the performance or the compatibility of aftermarket temperatures, the following Caterpillar oils can be
additives in finished oil. Aftermarket additives may used:
not be compatible with the finished oils additive
package, which could lower the performance of the Caterpillar Multigrade Diesel Engine Oil (DEO)
finished oil. The aftermarket additive could fail to
mix with the finished oil. This could produce sludge Caterpillar Single Grade Diesel Engine Oil (DEO)
in the crankcase. Caterpillar discourages the use of
aftermarket additives in finished oils. Caterpillar Transmission/Drive Train Oil (TDTO)
To achieve the best performance from a Caterpillar Caterpillar Transmission Multi-Season Oil (TMS)
engine, conform to the following guidelines:
Caterpillar Multipurpose Tractor Oil (MTO)
Select the proper Caterpillar oil or a commercial
oil that meets the EMA Recommended Guideline
on Diesel Engine Oil or the recommended API
Maintenance Section
Lubricant Specifications
CH-4 engine oils that have a minimum zinc Consult your Caterpillar dealer for additional
additive of 0.09 percent (900 ppm) information on this product and on the potential use.
CG-4 engine oils that have a minimum zinc Commercial Biodegradable Hydraulic Oil
additive of 0.09 percent (900 ppm)
CF-4 engine oils that have a minimum zinc If Caterpillar Biodegradable Hydraulic Oil (HEES) is
additive of 0.09 percent (900 ppm)
not used, commercial oils which meet the Caterpillar
BF-1 specifications should be used.
CF engine oils that have a minimum zinc additive
of 0.09 percent (900 ppm)
2. Enter the data from the fuel analysis into the Sweet gas pertains to fuels that have less than
Caterpillar Software Program, LEKQ6378, 0.43 mg H2S/MJ (.450 g H2S/Btu).
Methane Number Program.
The use of gases that have hydrogen sulfide can
This software program calculates the fuels methane damage the engine. Products of combustion (water
number. vapor and sulfur oxides) form sulfurous acid and
sulfuric acid. Sulfur reacts easily with bright metals
The methane number is used for determining the such as copper. Therefore, oil coolers are usually
following parameters: the first components that are affected by the acids.
Other engine parts that are attacked by the acids
include the following components:
Compression ratio
Fuel system components Valves
Piston pin bushings Note: The composition of the gas from a field can
change over time. Allow some adaptability for this
Piston rings change during the life of the project.
Analyze the gas before use. If the gas has more Some gas fields contain significant amounts
than 0.43 mg H2S/MJ (.450 g H2S/Btu), treat the of hydrogen sulfide. In these cases, follow the
gas in order to reduce the content of hydrogen precautions that are recommended for using sour
sulfide. gas. Obtain a fuel analysis and determine the
methane number.
Various devices can reduce the content of hydrogen
sulfide. Examples are chemically active filters, Many wellhead gases have some heavier
reactive beds, and solutions. The performance of hydrocarbons such as pentane, isobutane and
the devices deteriorates as the reactive chemicals other gasolines. These heavier hydrocarbons
are depleted. The devices must be serviced or cause detonation and other problems.
replaced in order to maintain effectiveness.
For more information on hydrocarbons, see
Take the following precautions even if the gas is Application and Installation Guide, LEKQ7256,
treated in order to reduce the level of hydrogen Fuels/Fuel Systems.
sulfide. This will help to protect the engine against
intervals when the devices for treating the fuel Consult your Caterpillar dealer before operating the
deteriorate. Even brief intervals of operation with engine with fuel that has more than one percent of
high sulfur fuels can damage the engine, unless hydrocarbons that are heavier than butane.
precautions are taken.
Maintain the temperature
of the coolant outlet to
a minimum of 110 C (230 F). Do not allow the
Bio-gas is generally classified as either gas that
rise in temperature across the engine to exceed is produced from landfills or gas that is produced
8.3 C (15 F). A rise in temperature of 5.6 C
from digester gas facilities. Although these gases
(10 F) is preferable.
are both the result of organic decomposition, the
compositions are different.
Lower jacket water temperatures permit water
vapor and hydrogen sulfide to condense on the
cylinder liners. Higher temperatures will reduce this Landfill Gas
The decomposition of organic material produces
Establish an oil analysis program in order to landfill gas. The composition of landfill gas depends
ensure that the oil change intervals are not on the materials that are in the landfill. The gas is
extended beyond the condemning limits of the collected through a grid of pipes that are laid out
oil. The oil analysis will also be able to detect within the landfill.
other problems that may occur.
The collection of landfill gas was prompted by
ecological concerns. Landfill gas contains methane
Wellhead Gas (Field Gas) and other pollutants. These harmful pollutants are
consumed in order to produce useful energy.
Wellhead gas is natural gas that has not been
processed. The composition of gases from the Caterpillar offers a variety of engines that can be
wellheads in different gas fields varies. The operated successfully with landfill gas.
composition of the gas from different wellheads
within the same gas field can vary. As a result, the Fuel analysis is required in order to provide
gas from one source may be acceptable for use guidelines for treatment of the fuel. When
but the gas from a different source may not be an application that uses landfill gas initiates
acceptable. For this reason, a fuel analysis from operation, the operation and maintenance that is
each source is required to determine if the fuel is recommended by Caterpillar must be followed.
acceptable for a particular Caterpillar Engine.
Landfill gas may contain the following contaminants
that can cause harmful effects on engines:
Maintenance Section
Fuel Specifications
Deposits also form on the pistons and on the bottom To protect the service life of the engine, it is
deck of the cylinder heads. Detonation can loosen necessary to follow the guidelines for operation and
the deposits. The deposits that are loosened can maintenance that are recommended by Caterpillar.
be trapped between the valve and the valve seat. For engines that use landfill gas, practice the
The valve will be held open. Guttering of the valve following recommendations in addition to the
will result. precautions for using sour gas:
The formation of deposits depends on the following Exhaust gases are likely to contain acids. If the
factors: engine installation has a device that uses the heat
from the exhaust, maintain a minimum exhaust
Composition of the fuel gas temperature of 204 C (400 F). This will
prevent condensation in the device.
Operating conditions
Maintenance Section
Fuel Specifications
Caterpillar Natural Gas Engine Oil (NGEO) For many gas engines, fuel filters are a provision of
is recommended for engines that use landfill the design for the application. These devices are
gas. NGEO has 0.45 percent sulfated ash. The included in the normal maintenance of the plant.
use of an oil that has a high concentration of Therefore, Caterpillar does not include a standard
sulfated ash will result in excessive deposits fuel filter as a part of each gas engine. However,
in the combustion chamber. Because of the fuel filters are available from your Caterpillar dealer.
inconsistent composition of landfill gas, oil may
react differently to a particular landfill gas. Use Consult your Caterpillar dealer about the
the SOS oil analysis program to determine requirements for filtering your engines fuel.
proper oil change intervals.
Digester Gas
A variety of materials can produce digester gas:
Animal waste
Liquid effluent from vegetable oil mills and alcohol
If the engine is to be stored in, or shipped to an area Water
with below freezing temperatures, the cooling system
must be either protected to the lowest outside temper- NOTICE
ature or drained completely to prevent damage. Never use water alone without Supplemental Coolant
Additives (SCA) or without inhibited coolant. Water
alone is corrosive at engine operating temperatures.
NOTICE Water alone does not provide adequate protection
Frequently check the specific gravity of the coolant for against boiling or freezing.
proper freeze protection or for anti-boil protection.
Water is used in the cooling system in order to
Clean the cooling system for the following reasons: transfer heat.
Never operate an engine without water temperature
regulators in the cooling system. Water temperature
regulators help to maintain the engine coolant at the
proper operating temperature. Cooling system prob-
lems can develop without water temperature regula-
Local water utility company Note: Use a mixture that will provide protection
against the lowest ambient temperature.
Agricultural agent
Note: 100 percent pure glycol will freeze at a
Independent laboratory temperature of 23 C (9 F).
Adding the SCA to Conventional Test the coolant/antifreeze periodically for the
concentration of SCA. For the interval, see the
Coolant/Antifreeze at the Initial Fill specific engines Operation and Maintenance
Manual, Maintenance Interval Schedule
Note: Caterpillar DEAC DOES NOT require an
(Maintenance Section). SCA test kits are available
addition of SCA when the cooling system is initially
from your Caterpillar dealer. Test the concentration of
SCA or submit a coolant sample to your Caterpillar
dealer. For more information on coolant analysis,
Commercial heavy-duty coolant/antifreeze
see the Operation and Maintenance Manual, SOS
that meets ASTM D4985 or ASTM D5345
Coolant Analysis topic (Maintenance Section).
specifications MAY require an addition of SCA when
the cooling system is initially filled. Read the label
Additions of SCA are based on the results of the
or the instructions that are provided by the OEM
test or based on the results of the coolant analysis.
of the product.
The size of the cooling system determines the
amount of SCA that is needed.
The size of the cooling system determines the
amount of SCA that is required. Use the equation
Use the equation that is in Table 26 to determine
that is in Table 24 to determine the amount of
the amount of Caterpillar SCA that is required.
Caterpillar SCA that may be required when the
cooling system is initially filled with heavy-duty Table 26
coolant/antifreeze that meets ASTM D4985 or
ASTM D5345 specifications. Equation For Adding The SCA To Conventional
Coolant/Antifreeze For Maintenance
Table 24 V 0.014 = X
Equation For Adding The SCA At The Initial Fill
V is the total volume of the cooling system.
Coolant/Antifreeze That Meets ASTM D4985
or ASTM D5345 Specifications (1) X is the amount of SCA that is required.
V 0.045 = X
V is the total volume of the cooling system.
Table 27 is an example for using the equation that
is in Table 26.
X is the amount of SCA that is required.
Table 27
Read the label or the instructions that are provided by the OEM
of the product. Example Of The Equation For Adding The SCA To
Conventional Coolant/Antifreeze For Maintenance
Table 25 is an example for using the equation that
Total Volume Factor for Amount of SCA
is in Table 24. of the Cooling Multiplication that is Required
System (V) (X)
Table 25
Example of the Equation For Adding The 946 L 0.014 13 L
SCA At The Initial Fill (250 US gal) (3.5 US gal)
Coolant/Antifreeze That Meets ASTM D4985
or ASTM D5345 Specifications Note: Specific engine applications may require
Total Volume Factor for Amount of SCA maintenance practices to be periodically evaluated
of the Cooling Multiplication that is Required in order to properly maintain the engines cooling
System (V) (X) system.
946 L 0.045 43 L
Table 28 lists part numbers and quantities of SCA
(250 US gal) (11 US gal)
that is available from your Caterpillar dealer.
Table 28
Adding the SCA to Conventional
Caterpillar Liquid SCA
Coolant/Antifreeze For
Part Number Quantity
8C-3680 19 L (5 US gal)
Heavy-duty coolant/antifreeze of all types REQUIRE
5P-2907 208 L (55 US gal)
periodic additions of an SCA.
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Specifications
Cleaning the Cooling System of The quality of the water is a very important factor
in this type of cooling system. Distilled water or
Heavy-Duty Coolant/Antifreeze deionized water is recommended for use in cooling
systems. If distilled water or deionized water is not
Caterpillar Cooling System Cleaner dissolves
available, water that has the required properties
mineral scale, corrosion products, light oil
may be used. For the water properties, see this
contamination and sludge.
Operation and Maintenance Manual, General
Coolant Information topic (Maintenance Section).
Clean the cooling system after used coolant is
drained or before the cooling system is filled with
A cooling system that uses a mixture of only SCA
new coolant.
and water requires more SCA than a cooling system
that uses a mixture of glycol and water. The SCA
Clean the cooling system whenever the coolant is and water requires six to eight percent of SCA.
contaminated or whenever the coolant is foaming.
100 percent pure glycol will freeze at a temperature of X is the amount of SCA that is required.
13 C (9 F).
Table 30 is an example for using the equation that
is in Table 29.
Never use water alone without Supplemental Coolant Table 30
Additives (SCA) or without inhibited coolant. Water
alone is corrosive at engine operating temperatures. Example Of The Equation For Adding The SCA
Water alone does not provide adequate protection To Water At The Initial Fill
against boiling or freezing. Total Volume Factor for Amount of SCA
of the Cooling Multiplication that is Required
System (V) (X)
Do not use water alone as an engine coolant.
Supplemental Coolant Additive (SCA) helps to 946 L 0.07 66 L
prevent the following conditions from occurring: (250 US gal) (18 US gal)
Adding the SCA to Water for
Formation of mineral deposits Maintenance
Cavitation of the cylinder liner Test the mixture of SCA and water periodically for
the concentration of SCA. For the interval, see
Foaming of the coolant the specific engines Operation and Maintenance
Manual, Maintenance Interval Schedule
If Caterpillar SCA is not used, select a commercial (Maintenance Section).
SCA. The commercial SCA must provide a minimum
of 2400 mg/L or 2400 ppm (140 grains/US gal) of Test the concentration of SCA with the 8T-5296
nitrites in the final coolant mixture. Coolant Conditioner Test Kit or with SOS coolant
analysis. For more information on coolant analysis,
see this Operation and Maintenance Manual, SOS
Coolant Analysis topic (Maintenance Section).
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Specifications
X is the amount of SCA that is required. Different coolants have different formulations and
different condemning limits. Different commercial
Table 32 is an example for using the equation that labs may use different methods to test for the
is in Table 31. same variable. These other considerations are also
important for interpreting the results of a coolant
Table 32 analysis:
Example Of The Equation For Adding the SCA
To Water For Maintenance The number of hours on the sample
Total Volume Factor for Amount of SCA The equipment that uses the coolant
of the Cooling Multiplication that is Required
System (V) (X) The application of the equipment
946 L 0.023 22 L
(250 US gal) (6 US gal) Analysts at Caterpillars SOS fluid labs are trained
to determine the acceptability of coolants. These
analysts have knowledge of the equipment and
Note: Specific engine applications may require applications. These qualifications enable the
maintenance practices to be periodically evaluated analysts to detect problems before damage occurs.
in order to properly maintain the engines cooling
A small residue of either type sample may remain in The results are reported, and appropriate
the pump and may cause a false positive analysis for recommendations are made.
the sample being taken.
For more information on SOS coolant analysis,
Always use a designated pump for oil sampling and a consult your Caterpillar dealer.
designated pump for coolant sampling.
For the recommended hydraulic oil, see this G3612 Engine Cooling System
Approximate Refill Capacity
Operation and Maintenance Manual, Hydraulic Oil
topic (Maintenance Section). Compartment or System Liters US Gallons
Cooling System
To properly maintain the cooling system, the total
cooling system capacity must be determined. The
total cooling system capacity will vary between
individual installations.
Table 39
G3616 Engine Cooling System
Approximate Refill Capacity
Compartment or System Liters US Gallons
Jacket Water 900 238
Aftercooler 72 19
Accessory Module 345 91
External System
Total Cooling System
Maintenance Section
Maintenance Interval Schedule
Every 1000 Service Hours Between 30 000 and 32 000 Service Hours
Alternator Belt - Inspect/Adjust/Replace ............... 76 Gas Admission Valve Seals - Inspect/Replace ... 105
Ignition System Spark Plugs - Replace .............. 110 Overhaul (Top End) ............................................. 114
Every 2000 Service Hours Between 45 000 and 48 000 Service Hours
Aftercooler Condensation - Drain ......................... 73 Electrohydraulic Actuator - Recondition ................ 89
Cooling System Coolant Analysis (Level II) - Gas Admission Valve - Recondition .................... 105
Obtain ................................................................. 82 Overhaul (In-Frame) ........................................... 111
Maintenance Section
Maintenance Interval Schedule
Illustration 39
A drain plug is located on the right side near the rear of the engine.
(1) Plug
Illustration 38
Typical example of rod ends on an actuator and on the linkage
for an actuator
A drain plug is located on the left side near the front of the engine.
Exhaust bypass actuator
(2) Plug
Fuel control actuator
1. Ensure that the engine is not running.
2. Remove plugs (1) and (2).
If necessary, replace the rod ends. Assemble the
linkage according to the instructions in the engines 3. Drain the moisture into suitable containers.
4. Install the plugs.
Aftercooler Condensation -
SMCS Code: 1063
Illustration 41
(1) Plug
(2) Screen
Never allow the lubricator bowl to become empty. The NOTICE
air starting motor will be damaged by a lack of lubrica- Do not crank the engine continuously for more than
tion. Ensure that sufficient oil is in the lubricator bowl. 30 seconds. Allow the starting motor to cool for two
minutes before cranking the engine again.
Illustration 43
Air Tank Moisture and
1. Observe the oil level in sight gauge (3). If the oil Sediment - Drain
level is less than 1/2, add oil to the lubricator
bowl. SMCS Code: 1466-543-M&S
Maintenance Section
Alternator - Inspect
Alternator - Inspect
SMCS Code: 1405-040
Inspection Replacement
Inspect the alternator belts for wear and for For applications that require multiple drive belts,
cracking. Replace belts that are not in good replace the belts in matched sets. Used belts are
condition. stretched. Replacing only one belt of a matched set
will cause the new belt to carry an excessive load.
Check the belt tension according to the information The additional load on the new belt could cause the
in the Service Manual, Specifications module. new belt to break.
Do not use an impact wrench to operate the barring
device. The use of an impact wrench will cause gear
tooth failure.
Illustration 45
Rear view of a barring device with an electric motor
i01639002 i01765627
When the engine is not run for long periods of To provide a signal without interference to the
time or when the engine is run for short periods, engine control module, the sensor must be in good
the batteries may not fully recharge. Ensure a full condition. The connections must be clean.
charge in order to help prevent the battery from
freezing. If batteries are properly charged, ammeter
reading should be very near zero.
3. Remove extension (3). Clean both ends of the Light brown deposits or beige deposits around
extension. the electrode is produced by normal operation.
White deposits or gray deposits may be caused
by the following substances:
If the sensor resists removal by hand, apply Clean the shell and the electrode that is inside of
penetrating oil to the threads. Use the wrench the shell. Do not use a wire brush. Glass beads
and apply steady pressure to the sensor until are the preferred method for cleaning. Follow
the sensor is loose. these guidelines for the use of glass beads:
Data Location of cooling system drain valves or drain plugs on the water
If equipped, check the gauges and check the (1) Jacket water pump
indicators frequently during normal operation. (2) Aftercooler and oil cooler pump
Record the data in a log. Compare the new data to
the data that was previously recorded. Comparing
the new data to the recorded data will establish the
normal gauge readings for the engine. A gauge
reading that is abnormal may indicate a problem
with operation or with the gauge.
The engine overheats frequently. 3. Open the cooling system drain valves (if
equipped). Remove the cooling system drain
Foaming is observed. plugs. Allow the coolant to drain.
The oil has entered the cooling system and the NOTICE
coolant is contaminated.
Dispose of used engine coolant properly or recycle.
Various methods have been proposed to reclaim used
NOTICE coolant for reuse in engine cooling systems. The full
Use of commercially available cooling system clean- distillation procedure is the only method acceptable by
ers may cause damage to cooling system compo- Caterpillar to reclaim the used coolant.
nents. Use only cooling system cleaners that are ap-
proved for Caterpillar engines.
For information regarding the disposal and the
recycling of used coolant, consult your Caterpillar
Drain the Cooling System dealer or consult Caterpillar Service Technology
1. Stop the engine and allow the engine to cool.
Ensure that the engine will not start when the Outside Illinois: 1-800-542-TOOL
cooling system is drained. Inside Illinois: 1-800-541-TOOL
Canada: 1-800-523-TOOL
2. Loosen the cooling system filler cap slowly
in order to relieve any pressure. Remove the
cooling system filler cap.
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant (DEAC) - Change
Clean the Cooling System 3. Fill the cooling system with a mixture of clean
water and Caterpillar Fast Acting Cooling
1. Flush the cooling system with clean water in System Cleaner. Add .5 L (1 pint) of cleaner per
order to remove any debris. 3.8 to 7.6 L (1 to 2 US gal) of the cooling system
capacity. Install the cooling system filler cap.
2. Close the cooling system drain valves (if
equipped). Clean the cooling system drain plugs 4. Start the engine. Operate the engine for
and install the cooling system drain plugs. a minimum of 90 minutes with a coolant
temperature of at least 82 C (180 F).
5. Stop the engine and allow the engine to cool.
Fill the cooling system no faster than 19 L (5 US gal)
Loosen the cooling system filler cap slowly in
per minute to avoid air locks.
order to relieve any pressure. Remove the cooling
system filler cap. Open the cooling system drain
3. Fill the cooling system with a mixture of clean valves (if equipped). Remove the cooling system
water and Caterpillar Fast Acting Cooling System drain plugs. Allow the water to drain.
Cleaner. Add .5 L (1 pint) of cleaner per 15 L
(4 US gal) of the cooling system capacity. Install NOTICE
the cooling system filler cap. Improper or incomplete rinsing of the cooling system
can result in damage to copper and other metal com-
4. Start the engine. Operate the engine for ponents.
a minimum of 30 minutes with a coolant
temperature of at least 82 C (180 F). To avoid damage to the cooling system, make sure
to completely flush the cooling system with clear wa-
5. Stop the engine and allow the engine to cool. ter. Continue to flush the system until all signs of the
Loosen the cooling system filler cap slowly in cleaning agent are gone.
order to relieve any pressure. Remove the cooling
system filler cap. Open the cooling system drain
valves (if equipped). Remove the cooling system 6. Flush the cooling system with clean water until
drain plugs. Allow the water to drain. the water that drains is clean. Close the cooling
system drain valves (if equipped). Clean the
cooling system drain plugs and install the cooling
Improper or incomplete rinsing of the cooling system system drain plugs.
can result in damage to copper and other metal com-
ponents. Fill the Cooling System
To avoid damage to the cooling system, make sure
to completely flush the cooling system with clear wa-
Fill the cooling system no faster than 19 L (5 US gal)
ter. Continue to flush the system until all signs of the
per minute in order to avoid air locks.
cleaning agent are gone.
Cleaning a Cooling System that 1. Fill the cooling system with coolant/antifreeze. Do
has Heavy Deposits or Plugging not install the cooling system filler cap.
Note: For the following procedure to be effective, 2. Start the engine. Operate the engine in order
there must be an active flow through the cooling to purge the air from the cavities of the engine
system components. block. Allow the coolant to warm and allow the
coolant level to stabilize. Stop the engine.
1. Flush the cooling system with clean water in
order to remove any debris. 3. Check the coolant level. Maintain the coolant to
the proper level on the sight gauge (if equipped).
2. Close the cooling system drain valves (if If a sight gauge is not equipped, maintain the
equipped). Clean the cooling system drain plugs coolant to the level that is specified by the OEM
and install the cooling system drain plugs. of the cooling system.
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant Analysis (Level II) - Obtain
4. Clean the cooling system filler cap. Inspect the Identification of buildup of the impurities that
gaskets of the cooling system filler cap. If the cause corrosion
gaskets of the cooling system filler cap are
damaged, discard the old cooling system filler Identification of buildup of the impurities that
cap and install a new cooling system filler cap. If cause scaling
the gaskets of the cooling system filler cap are
not damaged, use a 9S-8140 Pressurizing Pump Determination of possible electrolysis within the
in order to pressure test the cooling system filler engines cooling system
cap. The correct pressure is stamped on the face
of the cooling system filler cap. If the cooling A report of the results of the analysis is provided.
system filler cap does not retain the correct Maintenance recommendations are based on the
pressure, install a new cooling system filler cap. results.
5. Start the engine. Inspect the cooling system for For more information about SOS coolant analysis,
leaks and for proper operating temperature. consult your Caterpillar dealer.
i01065859 i01762768
Caterpillar dealer
Local water utility company
Agricultural agent
Independent laboratory g00750429
Illustration 52
Caterpillar recommends an SOS coolant analysis (1) Filler cap
(Level II). This is a comprehensive chemical (2) Sight gauge
evaluation of the coolant. This analysis is also a
check of the overall condition of the inside of the If the engine is equipped with a sight gauge,
cooling system. The following services are provided: observe the position of the coolant in the sight
gauge. At normal operating temperature, the proper
Full Level I analysis coolant level is in the upper half of the sight gauge.
If the coolant level is low, add the proper coolant
Identification of the source of metal corrosion and mixture.
of contaminants
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Level Switch - Inspect
Add Coolant
Note: For the proper coolant mixture to use, see
this Operation and Maintenance Manual, Coolant
Recommendations (Maintenance Section).
Illustration 54
1. Stop the engine. Allow the engine to cool. (1) Switch
(2) Lines
2. Remove the cooling system filler cap slowly in
order to relieve any pressure. Pour the proper For proper operation of the switch, the lines and
coolant mixture into the filler pipe. the switch must be clean.
Note: If you use an infrared thermometer to monitor Note: Cylinder pressure is one of the three factors
the temperature of the damper, use the thermometer that help to determine the in-frame overhaul
during operation with similar loads and speeds. interval. For more information, refer to this Operation
Keep a record of the data. If the temperature and Maintenance manual, Overhaul (In-Frame)
begins to rise, reduce the interval for inspecting the (Maintenance Section).
Cylinder pressure can be measured during
If the temperature of the damper reaches 110 C inspection of the spark plugs. Use the following
(230 F), consult your Caterpillar dealer. guidelines for checking the cylinder pressure:
Inspect the damper for evidence of dents, cracks, Remove all of the spark plugs.
and leaks of the fluid.
Minimize the cranking time. This will enable a
If a fluid leak is found, determine the type of fluid. maximum consistent cranking speed for the
The fluid in the damper is silicone. Silicone has check. Also, the starting air or battery power will
the following characteristics: transparent, viscous, be conserved.
smooth, and sticky. If leaking silicone is found,
repair the damper or replace the damper. A loss of cylinder pressure or a change of pressure
in one or more cylinders may indicate the following
If the fluid leak is oil, inspect the crankshaft seal for conditions. These conditions may indicate a
leaks. If a leak is observed, replace the seal. problem with lubrication:
Valve wear
Deposits on the valve seat
Deposits on the valve face
Polishing of the cylinder walls
Scratching of the cylinder walls
Deposits on the cylinder walls that are above the
Illustration 55
g00789376 upper limit of the piston stroke
(Y) Cylinder pressure in kPa (psi)
(X) Compression ratio Deposits that are on the valve face and the valve
(1) Normal range for cylinder pressure seat can cause guttering of the valve. Inspect
the valve seat and the valve face for excessive
Record the pressure for each cylinder. Use deposits. If excessive deposits are found, replace
Operation and Maintenance Manual, Valve Data the valve and the valve seat.
Sheet (Reference Materials Section).
Determine whether the exhaust valve face has
erosion from pitting. This requires the exhaust valve
i01765658 to be in the open position. To obtain as much detail
Cylinders - Inspect as possible, obtain a close up view of the valve
face. Erosion of the exhaust valve face can lead
(Inspect the Combustion to guttering of the valve. If erosion is found on the
exhaust valve face, recondition the cylinder head as
Chamber) soon as possible.
SMCS Code: 1223-040; 1223
Note: Operation at loads that are less than 50
percent of the rated load can result in an excessive
Excessive deposits can accumulate in the
buildup of carbon deposits in the combustion
combustion chambers of engines that use gas
chamber. The deposits can lead to detonation and
with a low BTU such as bio-gas fuel, landfill gas,
premature ignition. This condition is more obvious
etc. The deposits can affect the characteristics of
at certain engine speeds and loads.
combustion. Erratic operation can result. The rate of
recession of the exhaust valves can increase. The
risk of guttering of the exhaust valves can increase. i00693905
A borescope with a lens that can be rotated is Engines That Are Not Attached To the
recommended. This type of borescope provides a Base with a Dowel
clear view of the combustion chamber and of the
bottom deck of the cylinder head. Photographic If some engines are too rigidly mounted, excessive
documentation or video documentation is also stress may affect the internal support of the cylinder
recommended. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for block. This could cause the following problems:
information on available borescopes.
Maintenance Section
Driven Equipment - Inspect/Replace/Lubricate
For engines that are not attached to the base with Inspection
a dowel, check the alignment after every 5000
service hours. Lubricating grease and lubricating oil
Every 10,000 Service Hours
Specifications for adjustment
Engines That Are Attached To the Base Replacement of components
with a Dowel
Requirements for ventilation
Some engines must be more rigidly mounted. Due
to thermal expansion, a cold engine will expand
after the engine achieves operating temperature.
OEM of the coupling
OEM of the driven equipment
Driven Equipment -
Inspect/Replace/Lubricate Illustration 56
2. Inspect the joint between solenoid (2) and the 11. Connect the wiring harness to receptacle (1).
housing for leaks.
If a leak is found between the solenoid and the
housing, replace the O-ring seal for the solenoid.
For instructions, refer to this Operation and
Electrohydraulic Actuator -
Maintenance Manual, Electrohydraulic Actuator Recondition
- Recondition.
SMCS Code: 1716-020
3. Check the solenoids mounting bolts (3) for
tightness. Recondition the actuators for the fuel control, the
wastegate, and the air choke. The main components
4. Remove guards (4). of each actuator include the housing, a piston
assembly, and a solenoid which actuates the piston.
The piston assembly and the solenoid can be
serviced separately.
Illustration 57
(5) Rod end
(6) Clevis
(7) Boot
8. Install boot (7). Make sure that the outer end of 3. Disconnect the supply line (not shown) and the
the boot folds inward when the actuators shaft return line (not shown) for the hydraulic oil.
moves from the fully open position to the fully
closed position.
5. Remove clevis (4) and rubber boot (5). Inspect 11. Install the actuator in the bracket with nut (6).
the boot for damage. If the boot is damaged,
obtain a new boot for assembly. 12. Install boot (5). Make sure that the outer end of
the boot folds inward when the actuators shaft
Note: Handle the actuator carefully. Use care not to moves from the fully open position to the fully
damage the actuators shaft. Damage to the shaft closed position.
can result in premature failure of the O-ring seal.
This will cause hydraulic fluid to leak. 13. Install clevis (4). Connect rod end (3) to the
6. Remove nut (6) in order to remove the actuator
from the bracket. 14. Install guards (2).
Note: Do not allow debris to enter the actuator. Seal 15. Connect the supply line and the return line for
the openings with clean covers immediately after the hydraulic oil.
the solenoid and/or the piston assembly is removed.
16. Connect the wiring harness to receptacle (1).
Electrohydraulic System -
SMCS Code: 1716-025; 1716-535
i01525272 Inspect the hoses and lines for wear and leaks.
Ensure that the hoses and lines are properly
Electrohydraulic System - clamped. Inspect the connections for leaks. Ensure
Inspect that the connections are secure.
SMCS Code: 1716-040 Inspect the following items for leaks and good
Inspect the conditions of these items for the
electrohydraulic system: Actuators
Illustration 61
(1) Sight gauge
(2) Hose
(3) Line
2. If necessary, remove the oil filler cap. Pour the 1. Remove oil filler cap (1).
correct oil into the oil filler.
Note: Drain the oil into a suitable container. Dispose
3. Clean the oil filler cap. Install the oil filler cap. of fluids according to local regulations.
Inspect the Lines, Connections, 2. Place a suitable container under valve (2). Open
the valve. Allow the oil to drain. After the oil has
and Components drained, close the valve.
Never run the engine without an air cleaner element
installed. Never run the engine with a damaged air
cleaner element. Do not use air cleaner elements with
damaged pleats, gaskets or seals. Dirt entering the
engine causes premature wear and damage to engine
Illustration 63 components. Air cleaner elements help to prevent air-
(1) Filter borne debris from entering the air inlet.
(2) Sight gauge
(3) Filler cap
1. Remove filter (1) with a 1U-8760 Chain Wrench. Never service the air cleaner element with the engine
running since this will allow dirt to enter the engine.
2. Clean the sealing surface of the filter mounting
base. Ensure that all of the old filter gasket is
removed. Note: Use of a platform may be necessary to reach
the air cleaner element.
Note: For the proper oil to use, refer to this Servicing the Air Cleaner Elements
Operation and Maintenance Manual, Hydraulic Oil
topic (Maintenance Section). Note: If the air cleaner is not manufactured by
Caterpillar, follow the instructions that are provided
3. Apply clean hydraulic oil to the new filter gasket. by the OEM of the air cleaner.
4. Install the filter by hand. Tighten the filter until the
gasket contacts the mounting base. Tighten the
filter according to the instructions that are shown
on the filter. Do not overtighten the filter.
Maintenance Section
Engine Air Cleaner Service Indicator - Inspect
If the air cleaner element becomes plugged, the Do not use an element that has any tears and/or
air can split the material of the air cleaner element. holes in the filter material. Do not use an element
Unfiltered air will drastically accelerate internal with damaged pleats, gaskets or seals. Discard
engine wear. Your Caterpillar dealer has the proper damaged elements.
air cleaner elements for your application. Consult
your Caterpillar dealer for the correct air cleaner Storing Air Cleaner Elements
If an element that passes inspection will not be
Check the precleaner (if equipped) daily for used, the element can be stored for future use.
accumulation of dirt and debris. Remove any dirt
and debris, as needed.
3. Clean the inside of the air cleaner cover and Do not use paint, a waterproof cover, or plastic as a
body with a clean, dry cloth. protective covering for storage. Restricted air flow
may result. To protect against dirt and damage,
4. Remove the tape for the turbocharger air inlet. wrap the elements in Volatile Corrosion Inhibited
Install an air cleaner element that is new or (VCI) paper.
Place the element into a box for storage. For
5. Install the air cleaner cover. identification, mark the outside of the box.
g00789538 g00351792
Illustration 67 Illustration 68
Service indicator Porous filter
Observe the service indicator. Clean the air cleaner A porous filter is part of a fitting that is used for
element or replace the air cleaner element when mounting of the service indicator. Inspect the filter
one of the following conditions occur: for cleanliness. Clean the filter, if necessary. Use
compressed air or a clean, nonflammable solvent.
The yellow diaphragm enters the red zone.
The service indicator may need to be replaced
The red piston locks in the visible position. frequently in environments that are severely dusty.
Replace the service indicator annually regardless
The air filter restriction reaches .25 kPa of the operating conditions. Replace the service
(1 inch of H2O). indicator when the engine is overhauled, and
whenever major engine components are replaced.
Inspect the service indicator daily for cracks, holes,
or loose fittings. If any of these conditions are Note: When a new service indicator is installed,
present, repair the service indicator or replace the excessive force may crack the top of the service
service indicator. indicator. Tighten the service indicator to a torque
of 2 Nm (18 lb in).
Test the Service Indicator
Service indicators are important instruments.
Engine Crankcase Breather -
Check for ease of resetting. The service indicator Clean
should reset in less than three pushes.
SMCS Code: 1317-070
Check the movement of the yellow core when the
engine is accelerated to the engine rated rpm.
If the crankcase breather is not maintained on a
The yellow core should latch approximately at the regular basis, the crankcase breather will become
greatest vacuum that is attained.
plugged. A plugged crankcase breather will cause
excessive crankcase pressure that can shut down
If the service indicator does not reset easily, or if the the engine. Leakage of the crankshaft seal can
yellow core does not latch at the greatest vacuum,
replace the service indicator. If the new service
indicator will not reset, the fitting for the service Note: Use of a platform may be necessary to reach
indicator may be plugged.
the engine crankcase breather.
1. Loosen retaining clamps (5). Loosen hose
clamps (3). Remove breather assemblies (1) and Engine Oil - Change
O-ring seals (4).
SMCS Code: 1348-044; 1348
2. Wash the breather elements in clean
nonflammable solvent. Inspect tee (2) for cracks
that can be caused by vibration. Replace the old Oil Change Interval
tee with a new tee if cracking is found.
Considerations for the oil change interval include
3. Install new O-ring seals (4). the type of fuel and the engine application. An
established SOS oil analysis program enables
4. Allow the breather elements to dry before used oil to be evaluated. The evaluation can be
installation. Install the breather assemblies in the used to determine if this oil change interval is
original position. Coat the rubber parts with clean suitable for your specific engine.
engine oil or petroleum jelly in order to make
installation easier. Tighten the retaining clamps Engines That Use Bio-Gas
and the hose clamps according to the engines
Specifications manual. The oil change interval is determined by the results
of oil analysis. Change the lubrication oil when oil
analysis determines that the oil has reached the
i01612978 condemning limit. Also, change the engine oil filters.
Engine Mounts - Check
Change the Engine Oil
SMCS Code: 1152-535
Engine vibration can be caused by the following Do not allow hot oil or components to contact skin.
Improper mounting of the engine Ensure that the engine is stopped before performing
this procedure. Attach a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the
Deterioration of the isolators starting controls.
Maintenance Section
Engine Oil - Change
Caterpillar oil filters are built to Caterpillar speci-
fications. Use of an oil filter not recommended by
Caterpillar could result in severe engine damage to
the engine bearings, crankshaft, etc., as a result of
the larger waste particles from unfiltered oil entering
the engine lubricating system. Only use oil filters
recommended by Caterpillar. Illustration 74
(1) Pressure gauge
(2) Drain
5. Ensure that the new oil filter elements are in good (3) Cover
condition. Place the elements on wire rack (5). (4) Control valve
Install the wire rack and the elements.
1. Connect a hose from drain valve (2) to a suitable
container in order to catch the oil.
Maintenance Section
Engine Oil Filter - Change
11. After the oil filters have been serviced and after
the pressure of the lower oil filter and the upper
oil filter is equal, rotate control valve (4) to the
RUN position.
Aluminum debris may indicate problems with the Note: For engines with powered crankcase
bearings of the front gears. If aluminum is found in ventilation, remove the oil filler cap. Allow the
the filter, inspect the crankshaft vibration damper crankcase pressure to stabilize before checking the
and the front idler gear bearing. engine oil level.
Due to normal wear and friction, it is not uncommon 1. Ensure that oil level gauge (1) is seated.
to find small amounts of debris in the oil filter
element. If an excessive amount of debris is found a. If the engine is stopped, remove oil level
in the oil filter element, consult your Caterpillar gauge (1). Observe the oil level on ENGINE
dealer in order to arrange for further oil analysis. STOPPED WITH OIL COLD side (3).
Engine Oil Sample - Obtain Do not use the same vacuum sampling pump for ex-
tracting oil samples that is used for extracting coolant
SMCS Code: 1348-554-SM samples.
In addition to a good preventive maintenance
A small residue of either type sample may remain in
program, Caterpillar recommends using SOS oil the pump and may cause a false positive analysis for
analysis at regularly scheduled intervals in order
the sample being taken.
to monitor the condition of the engine and the
maintenance requirements of the engine. Always use a designated pump for oil sampling and a
designated pump for coolant sampling.
Obtain the Sample and the Analysis
Failure to do so may cause a false analysis which
could lead to customer and dealer concerns.
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal If the engine is not equipped with a sampling valve,
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to use the 1U-5718 Vacuum Pump. The pump is
contact the skin. designed to accept sampling bottles. Disposable
tubing must be attached to the pump for insertion
into the sump.
Before you take the oil sample, complete the Label,
PEEP5031 for identification of the sample. In order For instructions, see Special Publication, PEHP6001,
to help obtain the most accurate analysis, provide How To Take A Good Oil Sample. Consult your
the following information: Caterpillar dealer for complete information and
assistance in establishing an SOS program for
Engine model your engine.
To ensure that the sample is representative of the The oil temperature regulators divert the engine
oil in the crankcase, obtain a warm, well mixed oil oil to the oil cooler in order to maintain engine oil
sample. temperature.
To avoid contamination of the oil samples, the tools For instructions on replacing the oil temperature
and the supplies that are used for obtaining oil regulators, see the Service Manual, Disassembly
samples must be clean. and Assembly module.
A calibration check of the engine protective devices 3. Inspect the sensor for damage.
will ensure that the alarms and shutoffs activate
at the setpoints. Ensure that the engine protective If the sensor is damaged, obtain a new sensor
devices are functioning properly. for installation.
If the camshaft is rotated with the timing pin installed,
the timing pin will break. This can result in further dam-
age. Make sure to remove the timing pin before the
camshaft is rotated.
Illustration 78
(1) Engine speed/timing sensor
(2) Bolt
To prevent damage to the crankshaft bearings, DO Before performing maintenance, prevent the entry
NOT crank the engine before prelube, especially after of foreign matter into the top of the cylinder head
this maintenance procedure. and the valve mechanism. Thoroughly clean the
area around the valve mechanism covers.
Prelube of the engine is required before the
crankshaft is rotated for normal maintenance. Engine Valve Rotators - Inspect
Activate the prelube pump for rotating the engine
crankshaft. SMCS Code: 1109-040
Do not use an impact wrench to operate the barring A valve rotator which does not operate properly will
device. The use of an impact wrench will cause gear accelerate valve face wear and valve seat wear and
tooth failure. shorten valve life. If a damaged rotator is not replaced,
valve face guttering could result and cause pieces of
The barring device provides a means for slowly the valve to fall into the cylinder. This can cause piston
turning the flywheel in order to service the engine. and cylinder head damage.
The barring device can also be used to prevent
rotation of the crankshaft.
Note: Use of a platform may be necessary to reach
the engine valve rotators.
Valve Bridge
Perform this procedure after the valve lash has
NOTICE been set.
Do NOT attempt to adjust the valves if the crankshaft
and camshaft are not synchronized. Disregard for this 1. Mark the tops of the valve rotators with a
can result in engine damage such as bent valves. permanent marker. Note the position of the
Check the valve bridges. Perform the procedure for 2. Install the valve covers. See the Service Manual
both valve bridges for each cylinder. for the procedure.
After the valve bridge is checked for each cylinder, 3. Start the engine. Operate the engine for 5
check the valve lash for the exhaust valves, the inlet minutes. Stop the engine.
valves, and the gas admission valves.
4. Remove the valve covers. Observe the position
Engine Valve Lash of the marks that are on the valve rotators.
If the valve lash is within the tolerance, an If a valve fails to rotate, consult your Caterpillar
adjustment of the valve lash is NOT necessary. dealer.
Maintenance Section
Exhaust Bypass - Recondition
Exhaust Bypass - Recondition The exhaust shields can be damaged if work is per-
formed on the exhaust shields or around the exhaust
SMCS Code: 1057-020 shields.
i01765725 Valve guide (5) will probably have very little wear.
However, measure the inner diameter of the valve
Gas Admission Valve - guide at both ends and the middle. The maximum
Recondition allowable inner diameter of the valve guide at both
ends and the middle is 9.538 mm (0.3755 inch).
SMCS Code: 1105-020-GS If any measurement exceeds this specification,
replace the valve guide. If this is not possible,
Note: Use of a platform may be necessary to reach replace support assembly (6) and the valve guide.
the gas admission valves.
It is unlikely for support assembly (6) to require
For the procedure to remove the gas admission replacement. However, inspect the valve seat in the
valve, refer to the engines Disassembly and support assembly.
Illustration 81
Angle and dimensions for the valve seat in the support assembly
Illustration 80
Gas Admission Valve Seals -
Exploded view and section view of the parts for the gas admission
valve Inspect/Replace
(1) Retainer locks
(2) Valve rotator SMCS Code: 1105-040-GS; 1105-510-GS
(3) Outer valve spring
(4) Inner valve spring The camshaft operates the mechanism for the gas
(5) Valve guide admission valve in order to allow fuel to enter the
(6) Support assembly
(7) Valve
inlet port of the cylinder.
To recondition the gas admission valve, replace Note: Use of a platform may be necessary to reach
retainer locks (1), valve rotator (2), outer valve the gas admission valves.
spring (3), inner valve spring (4), and valve (7).
Maintenance Section
Gas Pressure Regulator - Inspect/Replace
Illustration 82
Exploded view and section view of the parts for the gas admission
(1) Upper valve stem seal
(2) Lower valve stem seal
(3, 4, and 5) O-ring seals for the support assembly
(1) Receptacle
Inspect valve stem seals (1) and (2). Inspect (2) Gasket
O-ring seals (3), (4), and (5). Replace the seals, if (3) Cap
necessary. (4) Bolt
(5) Cover
Inspect the gas pressure regulator for the following 5. Remove cap (3). Remove the washer under the
conditions: cap in order to inspect the solenoid.
7. Inspect the cavity for the solenoid. Look for Removing the Spark Plug
moisture, debris, and abrasion of the wiring.
Make repairs, if necessary. Thoroughly clean
the cavity.
13. Turn on the fuel supply to the GSOV. Use a gas 1. Ensure that the mode control switch is in the
detector to check for gas leaks. STOP or OFF/RESET position.
i01763042 NOTICE
Pulling on the wiring harness may break the wires. Do
Ignition System Spark Plugs - not pull on the wiring harness.
2. Remove the lockwire. Disconnect harness
SMCS Code: 1555-535 connector (1). Use pliers to turn the connector
Maintenance of the spark plugs is required in order
to obtain the following benefits: 3. Remove bolts (2).
Normal fuel consumption 4. Remove transformer (3). Inspect O-ring seal (4).
If the O-ring seal is worn or damaged, discard
Normal levels of emissions the O-ring seal and use a new O-ring seal for
Maximum service life of the spark plugs
5. Remove extension (5).
The service life of the spark plugs is affected by
fouling due to deposits from the oil and by peak
voltage. Maintenance of the ignition system is also
affected by voltage. Higher voltage is required
by higher inlet manifold air pressure and a higher Pressurized air can cause personal injury. When
compression ratio. Higher voltage reduces the pressurized air is used for cleaning, wear a protec-
service life of components such as spark plug wires tive face shield, protective clothing, and protective
and transformers. shoes.
7. Use a 4C-4601 Spark Plug Socket and an Faint marks may extend from shell (3) onto the
extension to loosen spark plug (6). After the insulator. The marks may be a result of corona that
spark plug has been loosened, remove the forms at the top of the shell. The corona develops
spark plug by hand in order to detect problems when a very high voltage potential ionizes the
with the threads. After the spark plug has been air that surrounds a conductor. This is a normal
removed, discard the used gasket. condition. This is not an indication of leakage
between the shell and the insulator.
The use of a thread tap will remove metal unnecessar- Inspect shell (3) for damage. Cracks can be caused
ily. This will also reduce the heat transfer for the spark by overtightening the spark plug. Overtightening
plug. This can result in a reduction of the spark plug can also loosen the shell. Discard any spark plug
service life and a reduction of the detonation margin. that has a shell that is cracked or loose.
Illustration 86
(6) Precious metal pads on the electrode and the ground strap
A standard ohmmeter (nine volt) can be used 3. Always use a new gasket when a spark plug is
for measuring the resistance of the spark plug. installed. If a used spark plug is installed, place
The ohmmeter can be used only for spark plugs a new 9Y-6792 Gasket on the spark plug. Orient
with wire-wound resistors. It is not possible to use the tabs of the gasket toward the electrode.
a standard ohmmeter (nine volt) for measuring Otherwise, the gasket may not seat properly. If
the resistance of other types of spark plugs. a gasket for a spark plug is installed incorrectly,
Measure the resistance between terminal post (1) do not increase the torque on the spark plug
and electrode (5). Discard any spark plug if the in order to improve the seal. Do not reuse the
resistance is outside the range of 1000 to 1500 gasket. Install a new gasket.
Cleaning the Spark Plug Do not overtighten the spark plug. The shell can be
cracked and the gasket can be deformed. The metal
Thoroughly clean the spark plug. Do not use a wire can deform and the gasket can be damaged. The shell
brush. Glass beads are the preferred method for can be stretched. This will loosen the seal that is be-
cleaning. tween the shell and the insulator, allowing combustion
pressure to blow past the seal. Serious damage to the
Follow these guidelines for using glass beads: engine can occur.
Use care in order to clean only the electrode and 4. Install the spark plug by hand until the spark
the insulator near the electrode.
plug bottoms out. Tighten the spark plug to
68 4 Nm (50 3 lb ft).
Do not use glass beads on the outside of the
shell or on the upper part of the insulator.
5. Inspect the extension and clean the extension.
7. Ensure that the transformer assembly is clean Make repairs, if necessary. For information regarding
and free of dirt and oil. Center the extension into removal and installation of the components, refer
the transformer. Install the transformer. to Service Manual, Disassembly and Assembly.
Consult your Caterpillar dealer for assistance.
8. Connect the wiring harness. Tighten the
connector clockwise with pliers until the
connector cannot be loosened by hand. Replace
the lockwire. Inlet Gas Manifold and Piping -
SMCS Code: 1550-040; 1550-510
Ignition System Spark Plugs -
Replace Inspect the components of the fuel inlet system for
the following conditions:
SMCS Code: 1555-510
Remove the used spark plugs. Install new spark
plugs. Deterioration
For instructions on removing and installing Leaks
spark plugs, refer to this Operation and
Maintenance Manual, Ignition System Spark Plugs Loose connections
- Check/Adjust topic (Maintenance Section).
Inspect the following components:
Inlet Air System - Inspect
Fuel lines from the source to the gas regulator
SMCS Code: 1058-040; 1071-040; 1087-040
Fuel lines from the gas regulator to the fuel inlet
Use of a platform may be necessary to inspect the
following components of the air inlet system: Fuel inlet
Make repairs, if necessary. For information regarding Scheduling an in-frame overhaul normally depends
removal and installation of the components, see the on the following three conditions:
Service Manual. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for
assistance. An increase of oil consumption
An increase of crankcase blowby
Torque wrenches
Maintenance Section
Overhaul Considerations
Most owners will save money by overhauling the Generally, engines that are operated at a reduced
engine at the intervals that are recommended in load and/or speed achieve more service life before
the Operation and Maintenance Manual. It is not an overhaul. However, this is for engines that are
practical to wait until the engine exhibits symptoms properly operated and maintained.
of excessive wear or failure. It is not less costly to
wait. A planned overhaul before failure may be the Overhaul Inspection
best value for the following reasons:
Refer to the Service Manual for the disassembly
Costly unplanned downtime can be avoided. and assembly procedures that are necessary in
order to perform the required maintenance on the
Many original parts can be reused according to items that are listed. Consult your Caterpillar dealer
the guidelines for reusable parts. for assistance.
The service life of the engine can be extended To determine the reusability publications that are
without the risk of a major catastrophe due to needed to inspect the engine, refer to Guidelines for
engine failure. Reusable Parts and Salvage Operations, SEBF8029,
Index of Publications on Reusability or Salvage of
Achieve the best cost/value relationship per hour Used Parts.
of extended service life.
The Guidelines For Reusable Parts and Salvage
Overhaul Intervals Operations is part of an established Caterpillar
parts reusability program. These guidelines
Note: For information on estimating operating were developed in order to assist Caterpillar
hours before an overhaul, refer to Maintenance dealers and customers reduce costs by avoiding
Management Schedules, SEBU6127. unnecessary expenditures for new parts. If the
engine parts comply with the established inspection
Top end overhauls are determined by the projection specifications, the parts can be reused. New parts
of exhaust valve stems. In-frame overhauls are are not necessary if the old parts can be reused,
determined by cylinder compression, crankcase repaired, or salvaged.
blowby, and oil consumption. Major overhauls are
determined by the in-frame tests, and by results of If the parts are not within the inspection
SOS oil analysis. specifications, the parts should be salvaged,
repaired, replaced, or exchanged. The use of
Some other factors that are important for out-of-spec parts could result in unscheduled
determining the overhaul intervals include the downtime and/or costly repairs. The use of
following considerations: out-of-spec parts can also contribute to increased
fuel consumption and reduction of engine efficiency.
Performance of preventive maintenance
Your Caterpillar dealer can provide the parts that
Use of recommended lubricants are needed to rebuild the engine at the least
possible cost.
Use of recommended coolants
Overhaul Programs
Use of recommended fuels
An economical way to obtain most of the parts
Proper installation that are needed for overhauls is to use Caterpillar
remanufactured parts. Caterpillar remanufactured
Operating conditions parts are available at a fraction of the cost of new
parts. These parts have been rebuilt by Caterpillar
Operation within acceptable limits and certified for use. The following components are
examples of the remanufactured parts:
Engine load
Engine speed
Connecting rods
Note: To avoid oil problems, engines that are
turbocharged and aftercooled must be operated at Crankshafts
a minimum of 60 percent of rated load.
Cylinder heads
Oil Pumps
Maintenance Section
Prechamber Check Valves - Clean
Illustration 89
(1) Plug
(2) O-ring seal
(3) Check valve assembly
(4) O-ring seal
(5) Gasket
Personal injury or death can result from improper- Nut shell 1.7 mm
ly checking for a leak. (1/16 inch)
Formed carbon 1 mm (1/32 inch)
Always use a board or cardboard when checking
for a leak. Escaping air or fluid under pressure, Granulated carbon (70% hardness) 1.2 to 2 mm
(3/64 to 5/64 inch)
even a pin-hole size leak, can penetrate body tis-
sue causing serious injury, and possible death. Granulated dry rice 1.7 mm
(1/16 inch)
If fluid is injected into your skin, it must be treated
immediately by a doctor familiar with this type of
8. Open purge valve (2) in order to relieve any The exhaust valves and valve seats show the
pressure from the container. Close purge valve greatest wear due to high operating temperatures.
(2). The top end overhaul interval is normally scheduled
according to exhaust valve recession.
The actual measurement of the valve recession
Turbocharger Cleaner Tube - inside of the cylinder head is difficult to obtain.
Two simpler methods are used to determine valve
Replace recession:
SMCS Code: 1052-510 Measure the projection of the valve stem above
the cylinder head. It is necessary to remove the
rocker arms in order to obtain this measurement.
This method is more accurate than measuring the
projection of the exhaust valve rotators. Measure
the projection of the exhaust valve stems with the
4C-2980 Cylinder Head Valve Projection Group.
2. Ensure that air valve (1) and gate valve (3) are Measure the projection of the inlet and exhaust
closed. valve rotators when the engine valve lash is
checked. Continue this periodic measurement
3. Open purge valve (2) in order to relieve any until the projection of the valve rotator has
pressure from the container. increased by a total of 1.6 mm (.063 inch). This
is 70 percent of the maximum limit. Measure the
4. Remove tube (4). Discard the used tube. projection of the valve stems when this occurs.
This measurement will determine the actual wear
5. Install a new tube. of both the valves and the valve seats.
6. Close purge valve (2). After 70 percent of the maximum limit has been
reached, measure the projection of the exhaust
valve stems at every 500 hours of operation.
Plan for the top end overhaul as the valve
Valve Stem Projection - stem projection approaches the maximum limit.
Measure/Record Perform the top end overhaul when the valve stem
projection has increased by a total of 2.3 mm
SMCS Code: 1105-082 (.09 inch). Do not allow the valve recession to
exceed this limit. The valve head can break.
Valve Recession The valves and the valve seats This will cause severe damage in the combustion
are worn over time. This causes the valves to chamber and the turbocharger.
recede into the cylinder head. This condition is
called valve recession. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for assistance.
Maintenance Section
Walk-Around Inspection
Walk-Around Inspection
NEVER use a flame to check for gas leaks. Use a
SMCS Code: 1000-040 gas detector.
Jacket water
Oil cooler
Replace the water temperature regulators before
the water temperature regulators fail. This is a
recommended preventive maintenance practice.
Replacing the water temperature regulators reduces
the chances for unscheduled downtime.
Failure to replace the water temperature regulators on
a regularly scheduled basis could cause severe en-
gine damage.
Part number
Part name
If there is a question concerning the part number,
please provide your dealer with a complete
description of the needed item.
Maintenance Records
SMCS Code: 1000; 4450
Maintenance Log
SMCS Code: 1000; 4450
Table 49
Engine Model Customer Identifier
Serial Number Arrangement Number
Service Quantity
Service Item Date Authorization
Hours Of Fuel
Reference Information Section
Reference Materials
i01745078 Miscellaneous
Reference Material Application and Installation Guide, LEKQ2368,
Gas Engine Application and Installation Guide
SMCS Code: 1000; 4450
Application and Installation Guide, LEKQ7250,
The following literature can be obtained through any Air Intake, Exhaust, Ventilation
Caterpillar dealer.
Application and Installation Guide, LEKQ7252,
Lubricants G3600 Mounting, Alignment
Special Publication, PECP6026, One Safe Application and Installation Guide, LEKQ7255,
Source G3600 Cooling Systems, Heat Recovery,
Lubrication System
Special Publication, PEDP7036, SOS Fluid
Analysis Maintenance Management Schedules,
SEBU6127, Schedules for Industrial and EPG
Data Sheet, PEHP0002, Multipurpose Lithium Spark Ignited Gas Engines
Complex Grease with Molybdenum (MPGM)
Service Manual, RENR5905, G3600 Engines
Data Sheet, PEHP0003, Multipurpose Lithium
Complex Grease (MPG) Software Program, LEKQ6378, Methane Number
Data Sheet, PEHP0017, Special Purpose Grease
(SPG) Bearing Lubricant Specifications, SENR3130, Torque Specifications
Special Publication, PEHP6001, How To Take A Special Instruction, GMG00694, Analyzing
Good Oil Sample Cylinder Condition By Measuring Air Flow
Data Sheet, PEHP7057, Coolant Analysis Special Instruction, SEHS8984, Using the
1U-8860 Large Engine Blowby Pickup Group
Special Publication, PECP6026, One Safe
Source Special Instruction, SEHS9031, Storage
Procedure for Caterpillar Products
Special Publication, PEDP7036, SOS Fluid
Analysis Special Instruction, SEHS9162, Spring Isolator
Group Installation and Adjustment Procedure
Special Publication, SEBD0518, Know Your
Cooling System Special Instruction, SEHS9298, Installation and
Maintenance of Gaseous Fuel Filters
Special Publication, SEBD0970, Coolant and
Your Engine Special Publication, NEHS0526, Service
Technician Application Guide
SAE International
Engine Protection Plans
400 Commonwealth Drive
Warrendale, PA, USA 15096-0001 Extended Warranties and Service
Telephone: (724) 776-4841 Contracts
The American Petroleum Institute Publication No. A wide variety of protection plans are available for
1509 can be obtained from the following locations: Caterpillar Engines. Consult your Caterpillar dealer
local technological society, local library, and local for detailed information on the specific programs
college. If necessary, consult API at the following and coverages that are available.
Consult your Caterpillar dealer for information on a
American Petroleum Institute plan that is tailored in order to fit your requirements.
1220 L St. N.W.
Washington, DC, USA 20005
Telephone: (202) 682-8000
A Control Panel ......................................................... 37
DESIRED SPEED Potentiometer .................... 41
Actuator Control Linkage - Replace (Replace the Rod EMERGENCY STOP Button ........................... 39
Ends) ................................................................... 73 Indicators ........................................................... 39
Additional Reference Material ............................. 129 Machine Information Display System (MIDS) .... 37
After Starting Engine ............................................. 45 MANUAL PRELUBE Switch and PRELUBE
Engaging the Driven Equipment ........................ 45 ACTIVE Indicator ............................................ 40
After Stopping Engine............................................ 48 Mode Control Switch.......................................... 40
Aftercooler Condensation - Drain .......................... 73 Control Panel - Inspect .......................................... 80
Aftermarket Oil Additives ....................................... 51 Record the Data and Review the Data............... 80
Air Starting Motor Lines Screen - Clean................ 74 Conventional Coolant/Antifreeze Cooling System
Air Starting Motor Lubricator Bowl - Clean ............ 74 Maintenance ........................................................ 61
Air Starting Motor Lubricator Oil Level - Check ..... 75 Adding the SCA to Conventional Coolant/Antifreeze
Adjust the Lubricator .......................................... 75 at the Initial Fill ................................................. 62
Air Tank Moisture and Sediment - Drain................ 75 Adding the SCA to Conventional Coolant/Antifreeze
Alternator - Inspect ................................................ 76 For Maintenance .............................................. 62
Alternator Belt - Inspect/Adjust/Replace................ 76 Cleaning the Cooling System of Heavy-Duty
Adjustment ......................................................... 76 Coolant/Antifreeze............................................ 63
Inspection........................................................... 76 Coolant Recommendations ................................... 60
Replacement...................................................... 76 Cooling System Coolant (DEAC) - Change ........... 80
Clean the Cooling System ................................. 81
Cleaning a Cooling System that has Heavy
B Deposits or Plugging ........................................ 81
Drain the Cooling System .................................. 80
Barring Device - Lubricate ..................................... 77 Fill the Cooling System ...................................... 81
Battery Electrolyte Level - Check .......................... 78 Cooling System Coolant Analysis (Level II) -
Before Starting Engine .................................... 18, 42 Obtain .................................................................. 82
Air Inlet System.................................................. 42 Cooling System Coolant Level - Check ................. 82
Cooling System.................................................. 42 Add Coolant ....................................................... 83
Driven Equipment .............................................. 42 Engines That Are Equipped With a Sight
Electrical System ............................................... 42 Gauge .............................................................. 82
Fuel System ....................................................... 43 Engines That Are Not Equipped With a Sight
Hydraulic Actuator System................................. 43 Gauge .............................................................. 83
Lubrication System ............................................ 42 Cooling System Level Switch - Inspect.................. 83
Starting System ................................................. 43 Cooling System Specifications .............................. 58
Walk-Around Inspection..................................... 42 Cooling System Supplemental Coolant Additive
Burn Prevention..................................................... 15 (SCA) - Test/Add.................................................. 84
Batteries............................................................. 15 Add the SCA, If Necessary ................................ 84
Coolant............................................................... 15 SOS Coolant Analysis (Level I)........................ 84
Oils..................................................................... 15 Test the Concentration of the SCA..................... 84
Crankcase Blowby - Measure/Record ................... 85
Crankshaft Vibration Damper - Inspect ................. 85
C Removal and Installation.................................... 86
Crushing Prevention and Cutting Prevention......... 17
Cold Weather Starting .......................................... 43 Customer Assistance........................................... 123
Jacket Water Heaters......................................... 43 Outside of the USA and of Canada.................. 123
Lubricating Oil Heaters ...................................... 43 USA and Canada ............................................. 123
Requirements for Starting with Air ..................... 44 Customer Service ................................................ 123
Combustion Sensor - Clean/Inspect/Replace........ 78 Cylinder Pressure - Measure/Record .................... 86
Commercial Heavy-Duty Coolant/Antifreeze and Cylinders - Inspect (Inspect the Combustion
SCA ..................................................................... 61 Chamber)............................................................. 87
Plate Locations and Film Locations....................... 29
Ignition System Spark Plugs - Check/Adjust ....... 107 Engine Identification........................................... 29
Cleaning the Spark Plug .................................. 109 Information Plate................................................ 29
Inspecting the Spark Plug................................ 108 Serial Number Plate........................................... 29
Installing the Spark Plug .................................. 109 Prechamber Check Valves - Clean...................... 117
Removing the Spark Plug ................................ 107 Prechamber Check Valves - Replace .................. 117
Ignition System Spark Plugs - Replace ............... 110 Prelube Pump - Inspect ....................................... 118
Ignition Systems .................................................... 17 Air Prelube Pump............................................. 118
Important Safety Information ................................... 2 Electric Prelube Pump ..................................... 118
Inlet Air System - Inspect..................................... 110 Product Description ............................................... 22
Inlet Gas Manifold and Piping - Inspect/Replace.. 110 Engine Service Life ............................................ 23
Product Identification Information ......................... 29
Product Information Section .................................. 20
L Programmable System Parameters....................... 33
Lubricant Information............................................. 49
Lubricant Specifications ........................................ 49 R
Table of Contents..................................................... 3
Turbocharger - Clean (Cleaning with Dry
Particles)............................................................ 119
Turbocharger Cleaner Tube - Replace................. 120
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2002 Caterpillar
All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A.