LEEDv 4 For Homesand Midrise Ballot Version
LEEDv 4 For Homesand Midrise Ballot Version
LEEDv 4 For Homesand Midrise Ballot Version
Homes.................................................................................................................................................. 48
To maximize opportunities for cost-effective adoption of integrative green design and construction
Option 1. Integrative Project Team (1 point)
Assemble and involve a project team to meet the three criteria below:
a) Include team members, in addition to the builder and verification team, whose capabilities include at
least three of the following skill sets:
architecture or residential building design;
mechanical or energy engineering;
building science or performance testing;
green building or sustainable design; and
civil engineering, landscape architecture, habitat restoration, or land-use planning.
b) Involve all team members referenced above in at least three of the following phases of the home
design and construction process:
conceptual or schematic design;
LEED planning;
preliminary design;
energy and envelope systems analysis or design;
design development;
final design, working drawings or specifications; and
c) Conduct meetings with the project team at least monthly to review project status, introduce new team
members to project goals, discuss problems, formulate solutions, review responsibilities, and identify next
No later than the design development phase and preferably during schematic design, conduct at least
one full-day workshop (or two half-day workshops) with the project team, as defined in Option 1. Use the
workshop to integrate green strategies across all aspects of the building design, drawing on the expertise
of all participants.
Before construction but after trades have been hired for the project, conduct at least eight hours of
training (extending a full day or over several days) on the green aspects of the project and how the trades
can contribute to achieving each LEED for Homes prerequisite and attempted credit. Focus on areas
where trades have traditionally struggled to meet green building standards. Include at least the following
trades in the training:
mechanical systems;
framing; and
air sealing.
Each trade may be present only for the relevant segment, but the builders site supervisor must be
present throughout so that he or she understands the quality control duties on LEED and green building
best practices.
Do not develop buildings on land that lies within a flood hazard area shown on a legally adopted flood
hazard map (such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)100 year flood plain) or
otherwise legally designated by the local jurisdiction or the state, unless the building is designed and built
in accordance with the flood provisions of applicable building code, the local floodplain management
regulations, or, at a minimum, the National Flood Insurance Program Requirements. Projects outside of
the United States may use a local equivalent program to NFIP if the program is equal to or more
Previously developed buildings and hardscapes are exempt from the above requirements.
To minimize the environmental damage of land development practices by building homes in LEED for
Neighborhood Developmentcertified communities.
Locate the project within the boundary of a development certified under LEED for Neighborhood
Development (Stage 2 or Stage 3 under the Pilot or 2009 rating systems, Certified Plan or Certified
Project under the v4 rating system).
Projects attempting this credit are not eligible to earn points under other Location and Transportation
Water bodies. Land that is within 100 feet (30 meters) of a water body, defined as seas, lakes,
rivers, streams, and tributaries that support or could support fish, recreation, or industrial use,
consistent with the terminology of the Clean Water Act 40 CFR 122.2.
Select a lot such that at least 75% of the land within mile (800 meters) from the project boundary is
previously developed land. Water bodies and publicly owned parks are excluded from the calculation.
For projects within city limits or towns with populations of less than 20,000, select a lot where at least
75% of the land immediately adjacent to the project boundary is previously developed land. A bordering
street itself does not constitute previously developed land; instead, it is the status of the property on the
other side of the segment of the street that matters. Any fraction of the boundary that borders a water
body is excluded from the calculation.
Select a location within mile (800 meters) of a publicly accessible or community-based open space that
is at least acre (0.3 hectare), or create publicly available open space on the project site. The open
space requirement can be met with either one large open space or two smaller spaces totaling acre
(0.3 hectare).
Locate the project in an area of high intersection density, defined as an area whose existing streets and
sidewalks create at least 90 intersections per square mile (35 intersections per square kilometers). When
determining the number of intersections, include the following:
streets and sidewalks that are available for general public use and not gated;
sidewalk intersections provided they are a unique right of way (i.e., a sidewalk through a city
park); and
intersections in gated areas, which are not considered available for public use, with the exception
of education and health care campuses and military bases where gates are used for security
Design or locate the project such that a primary entry and/or bicycle storage is within a 200-yard (180
meters) walking distance or bicycling distance from a bicycle network that connects to at least one of the
following. All choices must be within 3 miles (4 800 meters) bicycling distance of the project boundary.
If the network borders the project boundary, a safe, all-weather route must exist between the bicycle
network and the projects bicycle storage and/or main entrance.
Planned bicycle trails or lanes may be counted if they are fully funded at the certificate of occupancy date
and are scheduled for completion within one year of that date.
Provide short-term bicycle storage capacity equal to 2.5% or more of all building occupants but no fewer
than four storage spaces per building. Short-term bicycle storage must be within 100 feet (30 meters) of
a primary entry.
Provide long-term bicycle storage capacity equal to 30% of all building occupants, but no less than one
storage space per residential unit. Long-term bicycle storage must be within 100 feet (30 meters) of a
primary entry.
Bicycle storage capacity may not be double counted; storage that is fully allocated to the occupants of
non-project facilities cannot also serve project occupants.
A single family dwelling unit with enclosed garage meets the bicycle storage requirement.
To conserve land and promote livability, transportation efficiency, and walkability by creating compact
Construct or renovate a building that meets the dwelling unit per acre of buildable land area density
defined in Table 1.
To encourage daily walking and bicycling and to reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and automobile
Construct or renovate a project such that the buildings main entrance is within a 1/2-mile (800 meters)
walking distance from the building entrance of the following number of uses, as listed below.
Uses Points
47 1
811 1.5
12 2
Food Retail
Other food store with produce
Community-Serving Retail
Clothing store or department store selling clothes
Convenience store
Farmers market
Hardware store
Other retail
Gym, health club, exercise studio
Hair care
Laundry, dry cleaner
Restaurant, caf, diner (excluding establishments with only drive-throughs)
Locate the project within a -mile (400 meter) walking distance of bus or streetcar stops, or within a -
mile (800 meter) walking distance of bus rapid transit stops, light or heavy rail stations, or ferry terminals.
The transit service at those stops in aggregate must meet the minimums listed in Table 1 or Table 2.
A bus or streetcar stop must serve a route that extends in opposite directions; the walking
distance can be the average distance to the two stops.
A single stop that serves as the terminal for a transit route can be counted.
Trips in opposite directions are counted separately.
Only one stop per route in a given direction can be counted.
Table 1. Minimum daily transit service for projects with multiple transit types (bus, streetcar, rail,
or ferry)
Weekday trips Weekend trips Points
72 40 1
144 108 1.5
360 216 2
Table 2. Minimum daily transit service for projects with commuter rail or ferry service only
Weekday trips Points
24 1
40 1.5
60 2
To reduce pollution from construction activities by controlling soil erosion, waterway sedimentation, and
airborne dust.
Control the path and velocity of runoff with silt fencing or comparable measures.
Protect on-site storm sewer inlets, streams, and lakes with straw bales, silt fencing, silt sacks, rock filters,
or comparable measures.
Use tiers, erosion blankets, compost blankets, filter socks, berms, or comparable measures to stabilize
soils in any area with a slope of 15% (6.6:1) or more that is disturbed during construction.
Construction sites larger than 1 acre must conform to the erosion and sedimentation requirements of the
2012 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Construction General Permit or local equivalent, whichever
are more stringent.
Invasive plant species vary by region. Consult the U.S. Department of Agricultures GRIN Taxonomy for
Plants database, the National Association of Exotic Pest Plant Councils, or local cooperative extension
service or state or national exotic pest lists for plants in natural areas and wildlands. Not all nonnative
species are considered invasive.
To minimize effects on microclimates and human and wildlife habitats by reducing heat islands.
Ensure that at least 50% of hardscapes and roofs, but not including common roads that serve multiple
buildings, on the project site meet one or more of the following requirements. Points are awarded
according to Table 1.
Percentage of
hardscape area
5075% 1
> 75% 2
Locate trees or other plantings to provide shading of hardscapes. Shading should be calculated when the
sun is directly overhead (noon on the summer solstice), based on ten years growth after installation.
Projects that must comply with local requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) must follow Case 2.
Use low-impact development (LID) techniques to minimize the amount of stormwater that leaves the site.
Examples of acceptable techniques include the following:
planting areas with native or adapted plant material (e.g. trees shrubs);
installing a vegetated roof;
using permeable paving, consisting of porous above-ground materials (e.g., open pavers,
engineered products), a base layer designed to drain water away from the home, and (often) a 6-
inch-deep (150 millimeters) subbase; and
installing permanent infiltration or collection features (e.g., vegetated swale, rain garden,
rainwater cistern) that can handle 100% of the runoff from a two-year, 24-hour storm.
Single-family home projects may use Table 1 or Table 2 to determine points; multifamily projects must
use Table 1.
To determine compliance for single-family and multifamily homes, calculate the percentage of the lot
area, including the area under roof, that is permeable or can direct water to an on-site catchment or
infiltration feature.
Percentage Points
5064% 1
6579% 2
80% 3
As an alternative approach to determining compliance for single-family homes only, credit is given for
reducing the total impermeable area compared to the ENERGY STAR reference home, as listed in Table
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or more
Floor area (square feet) 1,000 1,600 2,200 2,800 3,400 4,000 4,600 + 600 ft per
Floor area (square 93 148 204 260 315 371 427 + 55 square
meters) meters per
Thresholds for total impermeable area are then calculated according to the values in Table 3, column 1.
Impermeable area
(square feet) Points
Reference home size * 1 1
Reference home size * 0.66 2
Reference home size * 0.33 3
Using low-impact development and green infrastructure to replicate natural site hydrology, manage
on-site the runoff from the developed site for the percentile regional or local rainfall events listed in
Table 4.
Use daily rainfall data and the methodology in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys Technical
Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects, under Section
438 of the Energy Independence and Security Act, to determine the percentile amount.
In addition, multifamily building projects must develop an integrated pest management policy
that includes guidance for residents on pesticide use, housekeeping, and prompt reporting of
pest problems; incorporate the policy in the Homeowner Education Manual.
To support water efficiency efforts by monitoring and benchmarking water use over time.
Install a whole-house water meter. Single-family attached homes may share a whole-building water meter
if landscaping is commonly managed and any units that will not achieve LEED certification are separately
Encourage homeowners or tenants to share water usage data with USGBC via a USGBC-approved third-
Homes that use only well water and are not connected to a municipal water system are exempt from this
Case 2. Multifamily
Install a water meter or submeter for each unit or the entire building
Encorage homeowners or tenants to share water usage data with USGBC via a USGBC-approved third-
party by describing the benefits of participation in the Homeowner Education Manual.
To reduce demand for water through high-efficiency fixtures and efficient landscaping practices.
Reduce total indoor and outdoor water consumption by at least 10% over standard practices.
For indoor water savings, use the Water Reduction Calculator to determine the average flush or flow rate
for each fixture type and the estimated daily usage. The baselines for indoor water consumption are
shown in Table 1.
The water pressure in single-family buildings must not exceed 60 psi (415 kPa), with no detectable water
leaks. Any installed water softeners must be demand initiated.
For outdoor water savings, use the EPA WaterSense Water Budget Tool to calculate the baseline
landscape water consumption and the design landscape water consumption.
Implement the following measures to further reduce landscape water consumption. Add the savings
associated with each of the following strategies to the reduction from the landscape water requirement, as
calculated in the Water Budget Tool:
Install smart scheduling technology. This strategy counts for a maximum reduction of 30%
provided all landscape water use is controlled by a soil moisture sensor control system or a
10% 1
15% 2
20% 3
25% 4
30% 5
35% 6
40% 7
45% 8
50% 9
55% 10
60% 11
65% 12
Projects attempting this credit are not eligible to earn points under other Water Efficiency credits.
To minimize indoor demand for water through high-efficiency fixtures and fittings.
Each lavatory faucet or faucet aerator must be WaterSense labeled. The average rated flow volume
across all lavatory faucets must not exceed 1.5 gallons per minute (5.6 liters per minute) for1 point or 1.0
gallons per minute (3.7 liters per minute) for 2 points.
Each showerhead fixture and fitting must be WaterSense labeled. The average rated flow volume per
shower compartment must not exceed 1.75 gallons per minute (6.6 liters per minute) for 1 point or 1.5
gallons per minute (5.6 liters per minute) for 2 points.
Each toilet fixture and fitting must be WaterSense labeled. The average rated flush volume across all
toilets must not exceed 1.1 gallons (4.1 liters) per flush (1 point).
Each clothes washer must be ENERGY STAR qualified or performance equivalent for projects outside
the U.S. (1 point)
The water pressure in the house must not exceed 60 pounds per square inch (414 kPa), with no
detectable water leaks.
For projects outside the United States, a local equivalent to WaterSense may be used.
Reduce the landscape area planted to turf grass by landscaping with plants that are native or adapted to
the region. Points are awarded according to Table 1.
Table 1. Points for reducing turf grass and increasing native plantings, as percentage of total
landscape area
Lists of native plants are maintained by the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, the North American
Native Plant Society, state agencies, and local cooperative extension service offices and others.
Project with pools and other outdoor water features must use WE Credit Total Water Reduction.
To improve the buildings overall energy performance and reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.
Complete the thermal enclosure system rater checklist, the HVAC system quality installation rater and
contractor checklists, and the water management system builder checklist. Certified Passive House
projects automatically meet the thermal enclosure system rater checklist requirement.
Achieve a HERS index rating at or below the HERS index target (or USGBC-approved equivalent for
projects outside the U.S.) or meet the requirements of the ENERGY STAR for Homes version 3
Prescriptive Pathway, which includes meeting or exceeding all components of the ENERGY STAR
Reference Design.
2. At least one of the following appliances must be ENERGY STAR qualified (or performance
equivalent for projects outside the U.S.) and installed in each dwelling unit:
dishwasher; or
clothes washer.
3. All duct runs must be fully ducted (i.e., building cavities may not be used as ducts).
Existing portions of an existing building are given the following allowances:
2.1. Slab insulation is strongly encouraged but not required to meet or exceed 2009 IECC
4.1. Attic insulation at the intersection of existing roof and existing exterior walls does not
have to meet R-value requirements.
5.2.1. Existing sill plates on top of concrete are not required to be placed on a foam
1.3. A capillary break under an existing slab is not required unless there are visible signs
of moisture damage on the slab floor.
1.5. Exterior below-grade walls are not required to be damp-proofed on the exterior
surface unless there are visible signs of moisture damage on the interior of the wall.
1.8 - Drain tiles surrounded with clean gravel and fabric filter are not required for existing
slabs, unless there are visible signs of moisture damage on the slab floor
2, 3. Water-managed wall and roof assembly requirements are not required for existing
walls or roofing unless there are signs of moisture damage related to vulnerabilities in the
walls or roof.
Demonstrate a 5% improvement over the baseline building performance rating. Calculate the baseline
according to the building performance rating method of USGBCs residential midrise simulation
guidelines, which is based on ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.12010, Appendix G (with errata), or
USGBC-approved equivalent standard for projects outside the United States, using a computer simulation
model for the whole-building project.
Comply with the mandatory provisions of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.12010 (with errata).
Include all energy consumption and energy costs associated with the building project.
Compare the design case with a baseline building that complies with Standard 90.12010, Appendix G
(with errata but without addenda).
Option 1. Commissioning using ENERGY STAR Protocols. Meet the ENERGY STAR Qualified
Multifamily High Rise Buildings Testing and Verification (T&V) Protocols.
1. Reduced Heating and Cooling Distribution System Losses for In-unit HVAC
Limit the duct air leakage rate, testing for leakage to outside the unit or conducting a total duct leakage
test. The tested leakage-to-outside rate must be less than 4.0 cfm25 per 100 square feet (1.2 cmm at 25
Pascals per 100 square meters) of conditioned floor area for each installed system, verified by a qualified
energy rater. For units smaller than 1,200 square feet (110 square meters) tested leakage must be less
than 6.0 cfm25 per 100 square feet (1.7 cmm at 25 Pascals per 100 square meters). Total duct leakage
for in-unit systems must not exceed 8 cfm25 per 100 square feet (2.4 cmm at 25 Pascals per 100 square
meters) of conditioned floor area. Testing is waived if the air-handler unit and all ductwork are visibly
within the units envelope (i.e., no ducts are hidden in walls, chases, floors, or ceilings).
Elements to be sealed (construction and bid documents). List all elements identified in ASHRAE
90.12007, Section, or applicable state or local codes, in addition to any site-specific
elements identified during plan review, and include the items in the LEED for Homes multifamily
midrise thermal enclosure inspection checklist (see below). Show locations to be sealed as well
as acceptable methods and materials.
Air barrier sheet (bid documents). Show the air barrier continuity through the various conditions of
the exterior enclosure; this information can serve as an index to details.
Compartmentalization sheet (bid documents). Show the continuity of fire and smoke barriers
around each apartment and between corridors, stairs, and common areas; this information can
serve as an index to details.
Certified Passive House projects automatically meet the thermal enclosure inspection checklist
To support energy efficiency efforts by monitoring and benchmarking energy use over time.
Encourage homeowners or tenants to share energy usage data with USGBC via a USGBC-approved
third-party by describing the benefits of participation in the Homeowner Education Manual.
Case 2. Multifamily
Install an electricity meter or submeter for each residential unit and a gas meter for the entire building, or
a gas meter or sub-meter for each unit. Single roomoccupancy units, transitional and temporary
housing, and designated supportive housing buildings do not need an energy meter in each unit but must
have a whole-building energy meter.
Encourage homeowners or tenants to share energy usage data with USGBC via a USGBC-approved
third party by describing the benefits of participation in the Homeowner Education Manual.
To sustain the performance of the home by training its occupants in the operation and maintenance of
LEED features and equipment.
Provide to all individuals or organizations responsible for ongoing maintenance of the home (e.g.,
occupants, building managers, maintenance contractors) an operations and maintenance manual, binder,
or CD that includes all the following items:
the completed checklist of LEED for Homes features;
a copy of each signed accountability form;
copies of all ENERGY STAR for Home, version 3, checklists;
product manufacturers manuals for all installed equipment, fixtures, and appliances;
general information on efficient use of energy, water, and natural resources;
operations and maintenance guidance for any installed equipment, including space heating and
cooling, mechanical ventilation, humidity control, radon protection, renewable energy, and
irrigation, rainwater harvesting, or graywater systems (following 2009 EPA WaterSense Single-
Family New Home Specifications, item 5.0, Homeowner Education);
guidance on occupants activities and choices, including cleaning materials and methods, water-
efficient landscaping, integrated pest management, effects of chemical fertilizers and pesticides,
irrigation, lighting selection, and appliance selection;
information on local green power options; and
information on sharing utility data with USGBC via a USGBC-approved third party.
In addition, conduct a minimum one-hour walkthrough of the home with the occupants. For buildings with
building managers, include the building manager. The walkthrough must feature the following:
identification of all installed equipment;
instruction in how to use and operate the equipment; and
information on its maintenance.
To improve the homes overall energy performance and reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.
Projects with major energy users not included in the HERS Index, including pools, spas, heated
driveways, and heated garages, or other major energy users not included in the HERS index must use
Option 1.
Design and construct a building whose modeled annual energy usage is lower than the LEED energy
budget. The LEED Energy Budget is based on the ENERGY STAR for Homes, HERS Index Target
Procedure for National Program Requirements, version 3, with the following modifications:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or more
Area (square feet) 1,300 1,667 1,957 2,200 2,411 2,600 2,773 + 150 ft per
additional bedroom
Area (square 120 154 181 204 223 241 257 + 14 square meters
meters) per additional
Individual units in multifamily buildings are compared to the LEED Reference Homes.
Table 2. Points for reducing energy usage below LEED energy budget
reduction Points
1% 1
2% 2
3% 3
4% 4
5% 5
6% 6
7% 7
8% 8
9% 9
10% 10
12% 11
14% 12
16% 13
18% 14
20% 15
22% 16
24% 17
26% 18
28% 19
30% 20
32% 21
34% 22
37% 23
40% 24
50% 25
60% 26
70% 27
80% 28
90% 29
Design and construct a home whose modeled annual energy usage achieves a HERS index rating of 70
or better (or USGBC-approved equivalent for projects outside the U.S.). Points are awarded according to
Table 3.
Earn 1 point for every 4% decrease in conditioned floor area compared with the ENERGY STAR for
Homes, version 3, reference home (Table 4). Buildings that are larger than the reference home lose 1
point for every 4% increase in conditioned floor area.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or more
Floor area (square feet) 1,000 1,600 2,200 2,800 3,400 4,000 4,600 + 600 ft per
Floor area (square 93 148 204 260 315 371 427 + 55 square
meters) meters per
Follow the criteria in EA Prerequisite Performance for Energy Star Homes to demonstrate a percentage
improvement in the proposed buildings performance compared with the baseline building performance of
ASHRAE 90.12010, or USGBC-approved equivalent standard for projects outside the United States.
Points are awarded according to Table 5.
reduction Points
6% 1
7% 2
8% 3
9% 4
10% 5
11% 6
12% 7
13% 8
14% 9
15% 10
16% 11
17% 12
18% 13
19% 14
20% 15
22% 16
24% 17
26% 18
28% 19
30% 20
33% 21
36% 22
39% 23
42% 24
45% 25
48% 26
51% 27
54% 28
57% 29
60% 30
Earn 1 point for every 4% decrease in conditioned floor area compared with the ENERGY STAR for
Homes, version 3, reference home (Table 6). Buildings that are larger than the reference home lose 1
point for every 4% increase in conditioned floor area.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or more
Floor area (square feet) 1,000 1,600 2,200 2,800 3,400 4,000 4,600 + 600 ft per
Floor area (square 93 148 204 260 315 371 427 + 55 square
meters) meters per
To reduce energy consumption and the burden on water supply and wastewater systems by increasing
the efficiency of hot water distribution.
Systems that use heat traces that serve a single unit or house are awarded only half credit. All heat
traced piping must be insulated.
Do not exceed the maximum allowable pipe length from the source of hot water to the termination of the
fixture supply pipe, as listed in Table 1a or Table 1b. If a branch consists of more than one size of pipe,
use the largest size when determining the maximum allowable length.
Branch length requirements do not apply to cold water demand loads (e.g., toilets), tubs without
showerheads, or stovetop pot-fillers.
1/4 50 16
5/16 50 16
3/8 50 16
43 16
5/8 32 12
21 8
7/8 16 6
1 13 5
1 8 3
1 6 2
2 or larger 4 1
6 15 5
8 15 5
9 15 5
13 13 5
16 10 4
19 6 2
22 5 2
25 4 2
32 2 1
38 2 1
50 or larger 1 0.3
Do not exceed a maximum volume of hot or tempered water of 64 ounces (1.89 L) from a water heater or
boiler with no circulation loop or heat traced pipe or in multifamily buildings a central circulation loop or
heat traced pipe to the fixture, or 24 ounces (0.71 L) for hot water from a circulation loop pipe or an heat-
traced pipe serving a single unit or house to the fixture.
Pipe volume is the sum of the internal volumes of pipe, fittings, valves, meters, and manifolds between
the source of hot water and the termination of the fixture supply pipe. To determine the volume, refer to
Table 2, which lists the volumes for specific types of tubing.
Branch volume requirements do not apply to cold water demand loads (e.g., toilets), tubs without
showerheads, or stovetop pot-fillers.
Paths 1 and 2, Pumps and Controls for Hot Water Circulation Loops
1. Circulating pump may not operate continuously, on a timer control, or on a water temperature
(aquastat) sensors. Gravity and thermo-syphon circulation systems are prohibited.
2. Circulating pump must be demand activated by a momentary contact switch, motion sensor, flow
switch, door switch or voice command.
3. After the pump starts, the controls shall allow the pump to operate until the water temperature in the
return pipe rises not more than 10F (6 C) above the initial temperature of the water in the pipe. Controls
shall further limit the water temperature to a maximum of 105F (40 C). Controls shall limit pump
operation to not more than 5 minutes per activation in the event that both means of shutting off the pump
have failed.
4. Circulating hot water systems must be provided with an automatic or readily accessible manual switch
to turn off the hot water circulating pump when not in use.
Case 1. Hot water source is a water heater or boiler with no circulation loop or heat traced pipe;
or in multifamily buildings a central circulation loop or heat traced pipe.
To minimize wasted water before hot water is delivered, using EPA WaterSense testing procedures,
verify that no more than 0.5 gallons (1.9 liters) of water is stored in any piping between the hot water
source and any fixture, and that no more than 0.6 gallons (2.3 liters) of water is collected from the hot
water fixture before hot water is delivered. Heat traces are only allowed in situations to prevent freezing.
Projects that meet WaterSense Labeled New Homes requirements automatically achieve this credit.
Case 2. Hot water source is a circulation loop or heat traced pipe serving a single unit or house
To minimize wasted water before hot water is delivered, using EPA WaterSense testing procedures,
verify that no more than 0.25 gallons (1 liter) of water can be collected from the hot water fixture furthest
from the recirculation loop,
Systems that use heat traces that serve a single unit or house are only awarded half credit. All heat
traced piping must be insulated.
Run buried piping in a slab or below grade through a protective, waterproof raceway, channel, sleeve, or
path whose internal dimensions and changes of direction are large enough that the piping and insulation
can be removed and replaced without damaging the pipings dimensional integrity.
The waterproof sleeve is not required for below-grade piping if the insulation manufacturer stipulates that
the pipe insulation will maintain its insulating value in underground applications in damp soil when
installed according to the manufacturer's instructions. This exception does not apply to piping that runs
through or under building slabs.
2 points
This credit applies to
Homes (12 points)
Midrise (12 points)
To support energy efficiency efforts through real-time monitoring of energy and water use.
If the project has an automatic in-ground irrigation system and the landscape irrigated area is larger than
1,000 square feet (93 square meters), install a submeter to monitor all irrigation system components.
The homeowner must share all applicable utility data with USGBC via a USGBC-approved third-party
before the project team submits its application for certification.
Case 2. Multifamily
In each unit, install a permanent energy-monitoring system that records at intervals of one hour or less
and is equipped with the ability to transmit data to the homeowner or occupant at a remote location (e.g.,
computer, in-house display).
If the project has an automatic in-ground irrigation system and the landscape irrigated area is larger than
1,000 square feet (93 square meters), install a submeter to monitor all irrigation system components.
The building owner must share all applicable utility data with USGBC via a USGBC-approved third-party
before the project team submits its application for certification.
To reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by designing to maximize opportunities
for solar design.
A project team that installs a photovoltaic (PV) system that meets the requirements of EA Credit
Renewable Energy is not eligible for this credit.
Meet EPAs solar photovoltaic specifications for a renewable energyready home. Provide detailed
information about such systems in the homeowner education manual so that future occupants can install
an active PV system.
A project team that installs a solar direct hot water (DHW) system that meets the requirements of EA
Credit Efficient Domestic Hot Water Equipment is not eligible for this credit.
Meet EPAs solar water heating specifications for a renewable energyready home. Provide detailed
information about such systems in the homeowner education manual so that future occupants can install
an active solar DHW system.
To reduce energy consumption by ensuring that heating and cooling systems operate at peak efficiency.
Have all heating, cooling, and ventilation systems commissioned by a technician with North American
Technician Excellence certification, HVAC contractor credentialed by an EPA-recognized HVAC Quality
Installation Training and Oversight Organization (H-QUITO) (or equivalent as defined by USGBC). The
technician must complete the ENERGY STAR for Homes, version 3, HVAC system quality installation
contractor checklist, or equivalent as defined by USGBC.
Reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by designing more compact living spaces.
Earn 1 point for every 4% decrease in conditioned floor area compared with the ENERGY STAR for
Homes, version 3, reference home (Table 1). Buildings that are larger than the reference home lose 1
point for every 4% increase in conditioned floor area.
Bedrooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or more
Floor area (square feet) 1,000 1,600 2,200 2,800 3,400 4,000 4,600 + 600 ft per
Floor area (square 93 148 204 260 315 371 427 + 55 square
meters) meters per
To reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by designing to maximize opportunities
for solar design.
To minimize waste of energy caused by uncontrolled air leakage into and from conditioned spaces.
Case 2. Multifamily
Meet the air leakage requirements shown in Table 1 or Table 2. The rate of air leakage to outside must
be tested and verified by a qualified energy rater.
Meet the requirements for leakage to outside the conditioned envelope for each dwelling unit, unless the
whole building can be entirely and sufficiently depressurized by a blower door(s).
Table 2a. Points for reducing air leakage, in cfm50 per sf envelope area
Performance requirements
IECC climate zone
12 34 57 8 Points
.195 .16 .125 .0925 1
.1375 .115 .0925 .0675 2
Table 2b. Points for reducing air leakage, in cmm50 per 100 square meter envelope area
Performance requirements
IECC climate zone
12 34 57 8 Points
5.94 4.87 3.81 2.82 1
4.19 3.50 2.82 2.06 2
To conserve energy by selecting and installing insulation to minimize heat transfer and thermal bridging.
Select insulation whose R-value exceeds the requirements listed in the 2012 International Energy
Conservation Code (IECC), Chapter 4, or local code, whichever is more stringent. Do not include thermal
mass or infiltration effects in the R-value calculation. Points are awarded according to Table 1.
10% 1
20% 2
Install the insulation to meet the Grade I specifications set by the RESNET Home Energy Rating
Standard. Installation must be verified by a qualified energy rater conducting a pre-drywall thermal
enclosure inspection.
3 points
This credit applies to
Homes (1.53 points)
Design and install windows, skylights, and glass doors whose ratings from the National Fenestration
Rating Council exceed the requirements in the ENERGY STAR for Homes, version 3, prescriptive
pathway, as shown in Tables 13. Use the average window ratings, average skylight ratings, and average
exterior door ratings.
Determine the window-to-floor-area (WFA) ratio by calculating the total window area in the above-grade
conditioned floor area. All skylight window areas count toward the WFA ratio. For decorative glass, the
project team may exclude up to 0.75% of the WFA ratio from the calculations. If the WFA ratio is 15% or
more, the following additional requirements apply:
In climate zones 48, homes with a WFA ratio of 15% or more must meet a more stringent U-
factor requirement:
In climate zones 13, homes with a WFA ratio of 15% or more must meet a more stringent solar
heat gain coefficient (SHGC) requirement:
Project teams that achieve EA Credit Building Orientation for Solar Design are exempt from the
requirements for window SHGC.
To reduce energy consumption associated with the heating and cooling system.
Design and install HVAC equipment that is more efficient than the equipment required by the ENERGY
STAR for Homes, version 3, prescriptive pathway. Points are awarded according to Table 1.
Any piping designed as part of a heat pump system to carry water that is well above (or below) the
thermostatic temperature settings in the home must have R-4 or better insulation. Refrigerant piping must
be insulated to R-6 or better on the air-conditioning mode suction line or the heat-pump mode discharge
Table 1. Points for HVAC equipment that exceeds Energy Star requirements
Climate zones 48
Central AC, Boiler, oil Ground-source heat pump
air source Gas furnace (gas, oil, Direct
heat pump furnace diesel, propane) Open loop Closed loop expansion Points
Cooling 14 SEER 17.8 EER 15.5 EER 16.5 EER 1
Heating 10 HSPF 92 AFUE 87 AFUE 4.0 COP 3.6 COP 3.9 COP 1
Cooling 15 SEER 19.4 EER 17 EER 18 EER 2
Heating 10.5 HSPF 94 AFUE 90 AFUE 4.3 COP 4.0 COP 4.2 COP 2
Climate zones 13
Central AC, Boiler, oil Ground-source heat pump
air source Gas furnace (gas, oil, Direct
heat pump furnace diesel, propane) Open loop Closed loop expansion Points
Cooling 15.5 SEER 17.8 EER 15.5 EER 16.5 EER 1
Heating 8.6 HSPF 90 AFUE 85 AFUE 4.0 COP 3.6 COP 3.9 COP 1
Cooling 16.5 SEER 19.4 EER 17 EER 18 EER 2
Heating 9.0 HSPF 92 AFUE 87 AFUE 4.3 COP 4.0 COP 4.2 COP 2
AC = air-conditioning
AFUE = annual fuel utilization efficiency
COP = coefficient of performance
EER = energy efficiency ratio
HSPF = heating seasonal performance factor
SEER = seasonal energy efficiency ratio
To minimize energy loss to thermal bridges and leaks in the heating and cooling distribution system.
Ductless systems with air circulation blowers qualify. This case is not available for multifamily projects
whose ductwork runs through spaces between units: interstitial space is considered outside the thermal
envelope of the unit.
For an additional point, install an outdoor reset control that modulates distribution water temperature
based on the outdoor air temperature (1 point).
To reduce the energy consumption associated with domestic hot water by improving the efficiency of the
water heater.
Install an ENERGY STARqualified water heater (1 point), or install a solar water heater that, in
combination with an ENERGY STAR water heater, meets at least 40% (2 points) or 60% (3 points) of the
annual domestic hot water (DHW) load (Table 1).
Projects outside the U.S. may use a performance equivalent to ENERGY STAR.
2 points
This credit applies to
Homes (0.52 points)
To reduce the energy consumption associated with interior and exterior lighting.
Install high-efficacy lighting. Meet or exceed the requirements for lighting power density for hard-wired
fixtures, as listed in Table 1.
The proposed fixtures used to calculate energy savings must be capable of meeting the recommended
light levels (weighted average footcandles) in the Illuminating Engineering Society Lighting Handbook, 9th
edition, for the given space type. Either calculate the needs for each space type, or use 16 as the
weighted average footcandles for the home.
CFL twist 14
Covered 14
CFL Candelabra 9
Incandescent 64
Incandescent 40
MR16 40
The following lighting is exempt: emergency lighting, lighting required by code for health and safety
purposes, and lighting used for eye adaptation near covered vehicle entrances or exits.
Case 2. Multifamily
Install high-efficacy lighting and/or lighting controls that achieve a reduction from the ENERGY STAR
baseline. Complete the ENERGY STAR multifamily midrise worksheet for interior lighting.
Complete the ENERGY STAR multifamily midrise worksheet for exterior lighting. Reduce exterior lighting
wattage by at least 50%.
Install appliances from the list below. To receive credit for one type (e.g., refrigerator), every appliance of
that type must meet the requirement.
ENERGY STARqualified refrigerator(s) (1 point);
ENERGY STARqualified ceiling fans (at least one in the living or family room and one per
bedroom) (0.5 point);
ENERGY STARqualified dishwasher(s) (0.5 point).
Projects outside the U.S. may use a performance equivalent to ENERGY STAR.
Design and install a renewable electricity generation system. Receive 1 point for every 500 kWh
produced per year by the system. The maximum allowable points for this credit is equivalent to the total
points earned from all other EA credits. Renewable energy certificates (RECs) must be retained by the
building owner.
All wood in the building must be nontropical, reused or reclaimed, or certified by the Forest Sustainability
Council, or USGBC-approved equivalent.
For the purposes of this prerequisite, a tree species is considered tropical if it is grown in a location that
lies between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.
To promote durability and performance of the building enclosure and its components and systems
through appropriate design, materials selection, and construction practices.
Meet the requirements of the ENERGY STAR for Homes, version 3, water management system builder
checklist (with the exceptions for existing homes listed in EA Prerequisite ENERGY STAR for Homes
Performance). Midrise projects are exempt from this requirement.
Install all the applicable indoor moisture control measures listed in Table 1.
To promote enhanced durability and high performance of the building enclosure and its components and
systems through appropriate design, materials selection, and construction practices.
Have the verification team inspect and verify each measure listed in the ENERGY STAR for Homes,
version 3, water management system builder checklist.
To increase demand for products or building components that minimize material consumption through
recycled and recyclable content, reclamation, or overall reduced life-cycle impacts.
Use building component materials that meet one or more of the criteria below. A material must make up
90% of the component by weight or volume, except as noted. A single component that meets Option 1
and Option 2 can earn points for each (0.5 point per item).
For renovation projects, existing components meet the requirement for local production.
Concrete that consists of at least 30% fly ash or slag used as a cement substitute and 50%
recycled content or reclaimed aggregate OR 90% recycled content or reclaimed aggregate.
Extended producer responsibility. Products purchased from a manufacturer (producer) that
participates in an extended producer responsibility program or is directly responsible for extended
producer responsibility.
Floor covering 1
Insulation* 1
Sheathing 1
Framing 1
Drywall, interior finish 1
Concrete: cement and / or aggregate 1
Roofing 1
Siding 1
Additional components (install at least 1
3 of the following):
Doors (not including insulated
doors or garage door)
Counters (kitchens and
Interior trim
Decking or patio material
* Excluding HVAC and pipe insulation.
Reduce total construction waste or divert from landfills and incinerators a large proportion of the waste
generated from new construction. Use the tables below to calculate the percentage of waste avoided or
recycled. Excavated soil, land-clearing debris, and alternative daily cover (ADC) do not qualify for this
credit. Any waste-to-energy is not considered recycling for this credit.
For multifamily buildings, use the projects floor area for any non-unit spaces, and add it to the floor area
of the LEED reference home calculated for each unit.
Calculate the waste generated by the project according to the following equation:
To convert volume to weight, assume 500 pounds per cubic yard (296 kg per cubic meter) of mixed
construction waste, or use Table 2 to calculate the weights of specific waste products.
Implement any of the following advanced framing techniques for at least 90% of each component.
Implement one of the following optimum value engineering measures in exterior walls and
common walls (1 point):
Install no more than one horizontal 2x top plate on walls by aligning studs with joists and
roof rafters.
Place window and door headers in the rim joist.
Install raised (directly beneath the top plate), single-ply headers not more than 2 inches
nominal thickness in a 2x4 wall or 4 inches nominal thickness in a 2x6 wall, in
accordance with International Residential Code 2012.
Install structural insulated panels (SIPs) for walls.
Implement any two of the following for all interior and exterior walls (0.5 point):
Size headers for actual loads.
Use ladder blocking or drywall clips.
Use two-stud corners or California corners.
Space interior wall studs greater than 16 inches o.c. (400 mm o.c.) (0.5 point).
Space floor joists greater than 16 inches o.c. (400 mm o.c.) or SIPs (0.5 point).
Space roof rafters greater than 16 inches o.c. (400 mm o.c.) or SIPs (0.5 point).
For renovation projects, existing components may be excluded from the calculation.
Modular, panelized, or other prefabricated wall or structural systems must comply with the requirements.
This prerequisite applies to
To reduce moisture problems and occupants exposure to indoor pollutants from kitchens, bathrooms and
other sources by exhausting pollutants to outside and ventilating with outdoor air.
Meet all of the following requirements for local exhaust and outdoor air ventilation including the
requirements of ASHRAE 62.2 2010, sections 4, 5 and 7 and Section 1504.4 of the 2009 International
Residential Code (IRC), including:
1. Local Exhaust. Meet all the following requirements:
Design and install local exhaust systems in all bathrooms (including half-baths) and the kitchen to meet
the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 62.22010, Sections 5 and 7 or local equivalent, whichever is
more stringent. Sample requirements that relate to minimum intermittent local exhaust flow rates are
shown in Table 1.
Exhaust air to the outdoors. Do not route exhaust ducts to terminate in attics or interstitial spaces.
Recirculating range hoods or recirculating over-the-range microwaves do not satisfy the kitchen exhaust
Use ENERGY STARlabeled bathroom exhaust fans in all bathrooms (including half-baths) or
performance equivalent for projects outside the U.S. A HRV or ERV can be used to exhaust single or
multiple bathrooms if it has an efficacy level of greater than or equal to 2.8 cfm/Watt (1.3 liters per
second/Watt) as certified by HVI.
For exhaust hood systems capable of exhausting in excess of 400 cubic feet per minute (188 liters per
second), provide makeup air at a rate approximately equal to the exhaust air rate. Makeup air systems
must have a means of closure and be automatically controlled to start and operate simultaneously with
the exhaust system.
2. Whole House Mechanical Ventilation. Design and install a whole-house mechanical ventilation
system that complies with ASHRAE Standard 62.22010, Sections 4 and 7 or local equivalent,
whichever is more stringent. Whole house ventilation fans must be rated for sound at a maximum of
1.0 sone per ASHRAE 62.22010, Section 7.2.1. Remote mounted fans need not meet these sound
The ASHRAE options can be summarized as follows:
Continuous ventilation. Meet the ventilation requirements. Simplified minimum air-flow
requirements are shown in Table 2.
Intermittent ventilation. Use ASHRAE Standard 62.22010, Equation 4.2, to demonstrate
adequate ventilation air flow.
Any passive ventilation system must be approved and verified by a licensed HVAC engineer as
providing ventilation equivalent to that achieved by continuous ventilation systems.
Table 2a. Simplified minimum air-flow requirements (cfm) for continuous ventilation systems
Conditioned Bedrooms
floor area (ft ) 0, 1 2, 3 4, 5 6, 7 >7
1,500 30 45 60 75 90
1,5013,000 45 60 75 90 105
3,0014,500 60 75 90 105 120
4,5016,000 75 90 105 120 135
6,0017,500 90 105 120 135 150
> 7,500 105 120 135 150 165
Table 2b. Simplified minimum air-flow requirements (liters per second) for continuous ventilation
Conditioned Bedrooms
floor area (m ) 0, 1 2, 3 4, 5 6, 7 >7
139 14 21 28 35 42
140 279 21 28 35 42 49
280 418 28 35 42 49 56
419 557 35 42 49 56 63
558 697 42 49 56 63 70
> 698 49 56 63 70 77
Projects that earn the EPA Indoor airPLUS label automatically meet the requirements of this prerequisite.
Case 2. Multifamily
Design and install a whole-unit ventilation system for each individual dwelling unit that complies with the
requirements of ASHRAE Standard 62.22010 (with errata) or local equivalent, whichever is more
stringent, and all local exhaust requirements for Single Family section, above. Major components of the
standard are summarized below.
Provide outdoor air to each unit directly from the outdoors. Project teams using exhaust
ventilation systems must specify how outside air is delivered at the flow rate required by ASHRAE
62.22010. Do not use systems that rely on transfer air from pressurized hallways or corridors,
adjacent dwelling units, attics, etc.
For continuous ventilation systems, meet the requirements of ASHRAE 62.22010 shown in
Table 2, Continuous in-unit ventilation fans must be rated for sound at a maximum of 1.0 sone,
per ASHRAE 62.22010, Section 7.2.1. Remote mounted fans need not meet these sound
For intermittent ventilation systems, install fans to meet ASHRAE Standard 62.22010. The fan
flow rate must be equal to the outdoor air flow requirements multiplied by the fan flow rate
multiplier. The system must be designed such that it can operate automatically based on a timer.
Fans must be rated for sound at a maximum of 1.0 sone. Remote mounted fans need not meet
these sound requirements.
As applicable, follow the restrictions on system types for hot, humid climates and very cold
climates. In hot, humid climates, whole-house mechanical net exhaust flow must not exceed 7.5
cfm per 100 square feet (38 liters per second per 100 square meters) of conditioned floor area. In
very cold climates, mechanical supply-only systems must not exceed 7.5 cfm per 100 square feet
(38 liters per second per 100 square meters). See ASHRAE 62.22010, Sections 4.5 and 8, for
more details and climate categories.
Locate air inlets that are part of the ventilation design at least 10 feet (3 meters) from known
sources of contamination, such as a stack, vent, exhaust hood, or vehicle exhaust. Place the
intake such that entering air is not obstructed by snow, plantings, or other material. Forced air
inlets must be covered by screens to exclude rodents and insects (mesh not larger than inch or
13 millimeters). See ASHRAE 62.22010, Section 6.8, for more details and a list of exceptions.
For all non-unit spaces, meet the minimum requirements of ASHRAE Standard 62.12010 or local
equivalent, whichever is more stringent, Sections 47, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality (with
Mechanically ventilated spaces must be designed using the ventilation rate procedure or the applicable
local code, whichever is more stringent. Ventilation fans that penetrate rated assemblies may require
radiation and fire dampers to meet local building and fire codes.
Naturally ventilated spaces must comply with ASHRAE Standard 62.12010, Paragraph 5.1 (with errata).
To limit the leakage of combustion gases into the occupied space of the home.
Do not install any unvented combustion appliances (ovens and ranges excluded).
Install a carbon monoxide (CO) monitor on each floor, hard-wired with a battery backup. In multifamily
buildings, install a CO monitor on each floor of each unit.
For all fireplaces and woodstoves inside the building, provide doors that close or a solid glass enclosure.
Interior fireplaces and woodstoves that are not closed-combustion or power-vented must pass BPI or
RESNET combustion safety testing protocols to ensure that depressurization of the combustion appliance
zone is less than 5 Pa.
Space- and water-heating equipment that involves combustion must meet one of the following:
it must be designed and installed with closed combustion (i.e., sealed supply air and exhaust
it must be designed and installed with power-vented exhaust; or
it must be located in a detached utility building or open-air facility.
Projects that earn the EPA Indoor airPLUS label automatically meet the requirements of this prerequisite.
Place all air-handling equipment and ductwork outside the fire-rated envelope of the garage.
Tightly seal shared surfaces between the garage and conditioned spaces, including all of the following:
In conditioned spaces above the garage, seal all penetrations and all connecting floor and ceiling
joist bays.
In conditioned spaces next to the garage, weather-strip all doors, install carbon monoxide
detectors in rooms that share a door with the garage, seal all penetrations, and seal all cracks at
the base of the walls.
Projects that earn the EPA Indoor airPLUS label automatically meet the requirements of this prerequisite.
To reduce occupants exposure to radon gas and other soil gas contaminants.
If the building is in EPA radon zone 1 (or local equivalent for projects outside the United States), design
and build with radon-resistant construction techniques, as prescribed by American Association of Radon
Scientist and Technologists (AARST), Reducing Radon in New Construction of 1 & 2 Family (RRNC 2.0);
EPA Building Radon Out; NFPA 5000, Chapter 49; International Residential Code, Appendix F; CABO,
Appendix F; ASTM E1465; or a local equivalent, whichever is more stringent. Follow all the requirements
listed in Indoor airPLUS, 2.1:
Provide an electrical outlet near vent piping in the attic to facilitate future fan installation.
Install a 3- or 4-inch (or approximately 80- or 100- millimeters)diameter gas-tight vertical vent pipe
with no bends greater than 45 degrees, connected to an open T-fitting in the aggregate layer,
extending up through the conditioned spaces and terminating at least 12 inches (300 millimeters)
above the roof opening.
The requirements for radon protection are automatically satisfied if the building is elevated by at least 2
feet (600 millimeters), with open air space between the building and ground. An enclosed vented
crawlspace does not qualify. A garage under a building is an acceptable alternative.
If the building is in EPA radon zone 1 (or local equivalent for projects outside the United States), and if no
slab work is being performed (i.e., an existing slab is not being demolished, and no new slab floor is being
built), test the building for radon. If the results are greater than 4 pCi/L, install an active ventilation system.
If the results are less than 4 pCi/L, no radon-resistant construction techniques are required.
Projects that earn the EPA Indoor airPLUS label automatically meet the requirements of this prerequisite.
To protect occupants health by reducing particulate matter from the air supply system.
Install air filters with a minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) of 8 or higher on all recirculating space
conditioning systems, per ASHRAE 62.22010. Design ductwork and specify the central blower to
account for the pressure drop across the filter. Air filter housings must be airtight to prevent bypass or
Nonducted systems are exempt from the minimum MERV 8 requirements but must have an internal air
filter in the air-handling unit.
Install air filters rated MERV 6 or higher for mechanically supplied outdoor air for systems with 10 feet (3
meters) of ductwork or more, per ASHRAE 62.22010, Section 6.7.
Projects may use equivalent filtration media class of F5 or higher for MERV 8 and G4 or higher for MERV
6, as defined by CEN standard EN7792002.
Projects that earn the EPA Indoor airPLUS label automatically meet the requirements of this prerequisite.
To limit exposure of building occupants, indoor surfaces, and ventilation air distribution systems to
environmental tobacco smoke.
Prohibit smoking in all common areas of the building. The prohibition must be communicated in building
rental or lease agreements or in condo or co-op association covenants and restrictions, and provisions for
enforcement must be included.
Locate any exterior designated smoking areas, including balconies where smoking is permitted, at least
25 feet (7.5 meters) from entries, outdoor air intakes, and operable windows opening to common areas.
Prohibit on-property smoking within 25 feet (7.5 meters) of entries, outdoor air intakes, and operable
windows. Provide signage to allow smoking in designated areas, prohibit smoking in designated areas, or
prohibit smoking on the entire property.
To limit occupants exposure to indoor air pollutants by minimizing the transfer of air between units.
Compartmentalize each residential unit to minimize leakage between units. Minimize uncontrolled
pathways for environmental tobacco smoke and other indoor air pollutants between units by sealing
penetrations in walls, ceilings, and floors and by sealing vertical chases (including utility chases, garbage
chutes, mail drops, and elevator shafts) adjacent to the units.
Weather-strip all doors in the residential units leading to common hallways to minimize air leakage into
the hallway. Weather-strip all exterior doors and operable windows to minimize leakage from outdoors.
Demonstrate acceptable sealing of residential units by a blower door test. Follow the procedure described
by RESNET or the ENERGY STAR Multifamily High Rise Program Testing and Verification Protocols,
Version 1.0, with an allowable maximum leakage of 0.23 cfm50 per square foot (0.07 cmm50 per square
meter) of enclosure (i.e., all surfaces enclosing the apartment, including exterior and party walls, floors,
and ceiling).
To minimize moisture problems and occupants exposure to indoor pollutants through enhanced exhaust
and ventilation systems.
For multifamily buildings, meet the above requirements for all in-unit residential spaces in both options 1
and 2.
To reduce occupants exposure to indoor airborne contaminants through source control and removal.
For regularly used common exterior entryways in multifamily buildings, install permanent systems that are
at least 10 feet long (3 meters) in the primary direction of travel to capture dirt and particulates.
Acceptable entryway systems include permanently installed grates, grilles, and slotted surfaces that allow
for cleaning underneath. Roll-out mats are acceptable only if maintained on a weekly basis by a
contracted service organization.
For multifamily buildings, design a shoe removal and storage space at each residential units primary
At installation, seal all permanent ducts and vents to minimize contamination from construction. Remove
seals after all phases of construction are completed.
After construction ends and before occupancy, flush the home with fresh air, according to the following
Remove any dust and debris from ducts.
Flush the entire home for 48 hours, keeping all windows and interior doors open; the 48 hours
may be nonconsecutive if necessary.
Keep all windows open and run a fan (e.g., HVAC system fan) continuously, or flush the home
with all HVAC fans and exhaust fans operating continuously at the highest flow rate.
For multifamily buildings, the requirements apply only to all in-unit spaces.
Projects that earn the EPA Indoor airPLUS label automatically meet the requirements of Option 3.
After construction ends and before occupancy, but under ventilation conditions typical for occupancy,
conduct baseline indoor air quality testing using protocols consistent with the methods listed in Table 1.
Project teams must follow either the Use current versions of ASTM standard methods, EPA compendium
methods, or ISO methods, as indicated. Laboratories that conduct the tests for chemical analysis of
formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds must be accredited under ISO/IEC 17025 for the test
methods they use.
Maximum (Healthcare ASTM and U.S.
Contaminant concentration only) EPA methods ISO method
Ozone (for 0.075 ppm 0.075 ppm ASTM D5149 - ISO 13964
buildings in EPA 02
Total volatile 500 micrograms 200 micrograms EPA TO-1, TO- ISO 16000-6
organic per cubic meter per cubic meter 15, TO-17, or
compounds EPA
(TVOCs) Compendium
Method IP-1
Target chemicals CDPH Standard CDPH Standard ASTM D5197; ISO 16000-3,
listed in CDPH Method v1.1 Method v1.1 EPA TO-1, TO- 16000-6
Standard Method 2010, Allowable 2010, Allowable 15, TO-17, or
v1.1, Table 4-1, Concentrations, Concentrations, EPA
except Table 4-1 Table 4-1 Compendium
formaldehyde Method
ppb = parts per billion; ppm = parts per million; g/cm = micrograms per cubic meter
Conduct all measurements before occupancy but during normal occupied hours, with the building
ventilation system started at the normal daily start time and operated at the minimum outside air flow rate
for the occupied mode throughout the test.
The number of sampling locations depends on the size of the building and number of ventilation systems
but must include the entire building and all representative situations. Include areas with the least
ventilation and greatest presumed source strength.
Collect air samples between 3 and 6 feet (900 and 1 800 millimeters) from the floor to represent the
breathing zone of occupants over a minimum four-hour period.
Measure particulate concentrations by a gravimetric method. Hand-held or real-time instruments are not
acceptable unless they are calibrated on site against the standard gravimetric method.
For each sampling point where the concentration exceeds the limit, take corrective action and retest for
the noncompliant contaminants at the same sampling points. Repeat until all requirements are met.
Refer to CA Section 01350, Appendix B, New Single-Family Residence Scenario, for air-testing guidance.
At each units primary entryway from the outdoors, design and install a permanent walk-off mat that is at
least 4 feet (1.2 meters) long and allows access for cleaning (e.g., grating with catch basin).
For regularly used common exterior entryways in multifamily buildings, install permanent systems that are
at least 10 feet (3 meters) long in the primary direction of travel to capture dirt and particulates.
Acceptable entryway systems include permanently installed grates, grilles, and slotted surfaces that allow
for cleaning underneath. Roll-out mats are acceptable only if maintained on a weekly basis by a
contracted service organization.
The Preoccupancy Flush can be awarded if the requirements are only met for all in-unit spaces.
At installation, seal all permanent ducts and vents to minimize contamination from construction. Remove
seals after all phases of construction are completed.
After construction ends and before occupancy, flush the home with fresh air, according to the following
Remove any dust and debris from ducts.
Flush the entire home, keeping all interior doors open for 48 hours; the hours may be
nonconsecutive if necessary.
Keep all windows open and run a fan (e.g., HVAC system fan) continuously, or flush the home
with all HVAC fans and exhaust fans operating continuously at the highest flow rate.
For multifamily buildings, the requirements apply only to all in-unit spaces.
After construction ends and before occupancy, but under ventilation conditions typical for occupancy,
conduct baseline indoor air quality testing using protocols consistent with the methods listed in Table 1.
Project teams must follow either the current versions of ASTM standard methods, EPA compendium
methods, or ISO methods, as indicated. Laboratories that conduct the tests for chemical analysis of
formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds must be accredited under ISO/IEC 17025 for the test
methods they use.
Maximum (Healthcare ASTM and U.S.
Contaminant concentration only) EPA methods ISO method
Ozone (for 0.075 ppm 0.075 ppm ASTM D5149 - ISO 13964
buildings in EPA 02
Total volatile 500 micrograms 200 micrograms EPA TO-1, TO- ISO 16000-6
organic per cubic meter per cubic meter 15, TO-17, or
compounds EPA
(TVOCs) Compendium
Method IP-1
Target chemicals CDPH Standard CDPH Standard ASTM D5197; ISO 16000-3,
listed in CDPH Method v1.1 Method v1.1 EPA TO-1, TO- 16000-6
Standard Method 2010, Allowable 2010, Allowable 15, TO-17, or
v1.1, Table 4-1, Concentrations, Concentrations, EPA
except Table 4-1 Table 4-1 Compendium
formaldehyde Method
ppb = parts per billion; ppm = parts per million; g/cm = micrograms per cubic meter
Conduct all measurements before occupancy but during normal occupied hours, with the building
ventilation system started at the normal daily start time and operated at the minimum outside air flow rate
for the occupied mode throughout the test.
The number of sampling locations depends on the size of the building and number of ventilation systems
but must include the entire building and all representative situations. Include areas with the least
ventilation and greatest presumed source strength.
Collect air samples between 3 and 6 feet (900 and 1 800 millimeters) from the floor to represent the
breathing zone of occupants over a minimum four-hour period.
Measure particulate concentrations by a gravimetric method. Hand-held or real-time instruments are not
acceptable unless they are calibrated on site against the standard gravimetric method.
For each sampling point where the concentration exceeds the limit, take corrective action and retest for
the noncompliant contaminants at the same sampling points. Repeat until all requirements are met.
Refer to CA Section 01350, Appendix B, New Single-Family Residence Scenario, for air-testing guidance.
To improve thermal comfort and energy performance by ensuring appropriate distribution of space
heating and cooling in the home.
Install a system with at least two space-conditioning zones with independent thermostatic controls. In
houses with both a heating system and a cooling system, each must have at least two zones.
Single-family houses with less than 800 square feet (74 square meters) of conditioned floor area and
multifamily buildings whose average unit size is less than 1,200 square feet (110 square meters)
automatically meet the requirements of this credit.
For each bedroom, demonstrate a pressure difference of more than 3 Pa (0.012 inch w.c.) with respect to
the main body of the house when doors are closed and the air handler is operating on highest speed. The
testing must be verified by a qualified energy rater.
Radiative systems include radiators, hot water baseboard systems, and other non-forced air heating and
cooling systems.
Install an HVAC system with at least two zones with independent thermostat controls. Each zone must
have a separate loop and separate pump controlled automatically by a thermostat control. For HVAC
systems with radiators, see Option 2.
Houses with less than 800 square feet (74 square meters) of conditioned floor area and multifamily
buildings whose average unit size is less than 1,200 square feet (110 square meters) automatically meet
the requirements of this credit.
To minimize the exposure of building occupants to indoor air pollutants by preventing the transfer of air
between units.
Perform a compartmentalization blower door test according to RESNET or the ENERGY STAR testing
and verification protocols for multifamily midrise buildings, with an allowable maximum leakage of 0.15
cfm50 per square foot (0.04 cmm50 per square meter) of enclosure (i.e., all surfaces enclosing the
apartment, including exterior and party walls, floors, and ceiling).
To minimize the leakage of combustion gases into the occupied space of the home.
For any natural gas, propane, or alcohol stoves, install equipment listed by an approved safety testing
facility. The stove must have a permanently fixed glass front or gasketed door and an electronic pilot.
Provide power or direct venting.
Projects that earn the EPA Indoor airPLUS label automatically meet the requirements of Option 2.
The fan must vent directly to the outdoors and have an automatic timer control linked to an occupant
sensor, a light switch, a garage door opening-closing mechanism, a carbon monoxide sensor that turns
on the fan when ambient CO levels reach 35 ppm, or equivalent. The timer must be set to provide at least
three air changes each time the fan is turned on.
Projects that earn the EPA Indoor airPLUS label automatically meet the requirements of Option 1.
Case 2. Multifamily
The fan must either run continuously or have an automatic timer control linked to an occupant sensor, a
light switch, a garage door opening-closing mechanism, a carbon monoxide sensor that turns on the fan
when ambient CO levels reach 35 ppm, or equivalent. Any timer must be set to provide at least three air
changes each time the fan is turned on.
In the interior of the home, use products that have been tested and found compliant with the California
Department of Public Health Standard Method V1.12010, using CA Section 01350, Appendix B, New
Single-Family Residence Scenario, for emissions testing guidance. At least 90% of a component must
meet the requirements to earn credit.
For site-applied interior paints and coatings, meet the requirements of CA Section 01350 (0.5 point).
For site-applied adhesives and sealants, meet the requirements of CA Section 01350 (0.5 point).
For composite wood products be constructed from materials documented to have low formaldehyde
emissions that meet the California Air Resources Board requirements for ultra-low-emitting formaldehyde
(ULEF) resins or no-added formaldehyde based resins. Salvaged and reused architectural millwork more
than one year old at the time of occupancy is considered compliant provided any site-applied paints,
coatings, adhesives, and sealants meet the requirements. Wood structural panels conforming to DOC
PS-1 or PS-2 and manufactured with moisture-resistant adhesive for "Exposure 1" or "Exterior"
application as indicated on the panel by the trademark of an approved testing and grading agency are
exempt. (1 point) .
To minimize exposure of building occupants, indoor surfaces, and ventilation air distribution systems to
environmental tobacco smoke.
Prohibit smoking throughout the building, including within living units. The prohibition must be
communicated in building rental or lease agreements or in condo or co-op association covenants and
restrictions, and provisions for enforcement must be included.
This prerequisite applies to
To maximize opportunities for integrative, cost-effective adoption of green design and construction
As early as practicable, conduct a preliminary LEED for Homes meeting, with the participation of the
principal members of the verification and project teams. As part of the meeting, create an action plan that
identifies the following:
5 points
This credit applies to
Homes (15 points)
Midrise (15 points)
To encourage exceptional performance for current credits and promote innovative performance in
pioneering areas.
Credit can be achieved through a combination of Innovation, Pilot, and Exemplary Performance
strategies, as described below.
To support and encourage the project team integration required by a LEED project and to streamline the
application and certification process.
Include in the project team at least one principal participant who is a LEED Homes Accredited
Professional (AP). This team member must have earned the credential before the preliminary rating
meeting. A principal participant is defined as the builder, architect, or green building consultant who has
design and/or product specifying responsibilities. The Green Rater is not considered a principal
To address geographically specific environmental, social equity, and public health priorities.
Six Regional Priority credits have been identified by the USGBC regional councils and chapters as having
special importance for the projects region. A database of these credits and their geographic applicability
is available on the USGBC website, at http://www.usgbc.org.
One point is awarded for each Regional Priority credit achieved, up to a maximum of four.