Biomag Comag I&T
Biomag Comag I&T
Biomag Comag I&T
gainst a tough economic and legislative background, ensuring consistent water quality and future system
capacity for sewage and waste water treatment, is an ongoing challenge for utility companies. With tightening
budgets, optimising existing assets can safely and effectively help meet these challenges. There is potential for
some organisations to overlook the efficiencies that can be gained by upgrading technologies as a way to improve
their existing assets, instead favouring the addition of bolt on technologies, or complete rebuilds. Businesses
which upgrade existing systems are benefitting from improved water quality and cost efficiencies without adding
additional process steps.
Background The removal of phosphorus, under the urban waste water treatment
Improving effluent quality is an ongoing goal for the industry as directive (91/271/EEC), is one example of a key concern for many
public safety is the number one priority. Ensuring this is achieved in plants which is a major driver to improve quality. However, it is
a cost effective and reliable manner is crucial for operators. As water important that all decisions to update infrastructure are carefully
treatment infrastructure ages, technology continues to advance considered before spend is committed, as there are a range of
and plants face the decision of how to best keep operations running options available to ensure plants can be confident quality targets
while meeting safety and operational efficiency targets. are met.
For plants that need to update systems to reduce operating costs, Upgrading to optimise
expand capacity and increase effluent quality, there is a tendency In many cases, sites can reap the quality benefits and confidence in
for operators to see technology benefits available in the market and infrastructure performance they seek by upgrading the biological
purchase new equipment which creates a further process step. This step in their system to ensure it meets targets. By investing
adds further complexity to a system, which then adds additional resource here, post-treatment options such as sand filtration and
engineering time and increases plant footprint which has inherent disc aeration are not needed. Importantly, this minimises a plants
costs associated with it. footprint, delivering operational efficiency.
Furthermore, management at ageing plants may decide to rebuild, A prime example of how plants can upgrade their system, instead
overlooking the benefits available from upgrading existing assets. of simply adding to the technology portfolio, is in the clarification
system. For example, Evoquas CoMag system easily integrates concentration. Higher MLSS concentration enables the treatment
with existing plant facilities, offering a cost effective way to enhance of increased hydraulic flows or surges and loadings, all with the
an operations clarification process. same tankage.
CoMag The benefit is the best of all worlds - increased throughput and
This innovative solution is used primarily to improve secondary significantly improved effluent quality (TSS < 5 mg/l, T-P < 0.2 mg/l,
or tertiary water flow and uses magnetite to ballast conventional T-N <3 mg/l) with no need for additional tanks or clarifiers.
chemical floc. This significantly enhances settling rates, therefore
increasing the performance of wastewater and water treatment Summary
facilities. In addition, the system continuously recovers and reuses When considering any update to plant infrastructure, it is
99% of its magnetite while its ballast clarification reduces the important to look at the investments whole life costs, not just
plants chemical use, all contributing to wider cost savings. initial expenditure. Consider the maintenance required for the
technology, as well as its energy efficiency and how it will impact
The result of introducing CoMag into the wastewater process is the footprint of the plant.
to significantly improve the quality of the wastewater entering
the environment. Following a CoMag process the T-P levels are For increased efficiency, consider any upgrade as a part of a sites
consistently < 0.05 mg/l and turbidities less than 1 NTU. integrated treatment system. While many plants look at their
requirements on a need-by-need basis, true operational and cost
BioMag efficiencies are achieved from operating an integrated system that
Another cost effective example of technology that can increase is carefully and intelligently designed.
treatment capacity without requiring the installation of an
additional process step is the BioMagTM System. This solution Optimising plant efficiency is about simplifying plant upgrades,
enables an existing plant to double or even triple its biological so selecting the right technology and solution to meet a sites
treatment capacity and improve nutrient removal all within specific needs. By keeping systems simple (i.e. not adding
existing tanks, enhancing sedimentation at a much lower cost than additional process steps when a simple upgrade could provide the
membrane bioreactor technology, which is traditionally associated solution) operators will benefit from cost, time and plant footprint
with enhanced capacity. By using BioMagTM, the plants clarifier reductions. Communication is key here. Plants should consult with
footprint is decreased by 50% and sites are also able to handle an expert, someone that understands the industry and their needs
peaks in flow better while increasing effluent quality. and can recommend the right, most efficient solution. Bigger is
most definitely not always better. Increasing efficiency is possible
BioMagTM systems enhance biological wastewater treatment without tertiary treatment options and this applies to even the
processes by using magnetite to ballast biological floc. With a toughest treatment challenges.
specific gravity of 5.2 and a strong affinity for biological solids,
magnetite substantially increases the settling rate of the biomass. This paper was prepared by Evoqua Water Technologies.
Tel: 01732 771777
Increasing settling rates of the biological floc provides the
opportunity to increase mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) [email protected] [email protected]