Transport Phenomena: Mullins@che -

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ChE 353 SPRING 2012

Unique # - 14685 and 14690
Meets in CPE 2.220 on TTh from 9:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m.
Instructor - Prof. C. B. Mullins, CPE 4.418, [email protected]

TEXTBOOK: R. B. Bird, W. E. Stewart and E. N. Lightfoot, Transport Phenomena, 2nd

Ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2002.

PREREQUISITES: ChE 317-Introduction to Chemical Engineering Analysis and M 427K-

Advanced Calculus for Applications I.

RECITATION SESSIONS: W 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. CPE 2.218 (all recitations here)

OFFICE HOURS: TTh 10:45 11:15 am Mullins CPE 4.418

SPECIAL INSTRUCTOR: Prof. Tom Edison will provide assistance to you in CPE 2.710 on the
following days:
Mondays 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Tuesdays 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Wednesdays 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

TEACHING ASSISTANTS: Akhilesh Jain, consultation by appointment: [email protected]

HELP SESSIONS Mondays 5-6 pm CPE 2.222 Mullins

Tuesdays 5-6 pm TBA Jain

MATERIALS: Classroom lecture materials and homework assignments will be posted on

BlackBoard ( in a timely fashion.

CELL PHONES/LAPTOPS: Cell phone and laptop use are not permitted in our class. Stow them away
out of sight before entering the classroom.
Although these electronic devices can be quite useful they can also be
very distracting to you and others. This class is quite difficult and youll
need to be fully attentive to be successful and I want all of you to be
highly successful.

LECTURES: It is important and expected that you will attend all lectures. I will try to
do my part to make the lectures worth attending. Please be prompt since
late arrivals tend to distract others in the class. There is a strong
correlation between class attendance and participation in course activities
and understanding and performance in the course, therefore, I strongly
advise you to attend lectures. If you miss class or arrive late and miss
receiving a handout please do not disturb me in my office later.....get
the materials you missed from one of your classmates. Further,
missed lecture quizzes (see next section) cannot be made up.
Please be courteous to others during class: I typically dont want you
speaking with each other during class.
There are several important concepts and techniques in this course that I
will not be able to discuss in great detail in lecture. However, I plan to
assign homework problems and generate test questions that will deal with
some or all of these concepts. You will be expected to learn about these
techniques outside of class from reading the textbook or library research.
Further, study of the appropriate sections of the text prior to lecture
enhances the learning experience for me as well as you since our
interaction can be much more of a two-way dialogue rather than the
typical "I speak, you listen" discourse. Such advanced preparation also
allows us to rapidly cover the rudiments so that we may address the finer
points of the subject more thoroughly.
I will assign 5 points to your final average based on your
professionalism and participation in the classroom. For example, if
you are consistently wide-awake in class asking good questions,
answering the questions I pose to the class, and arriving in class ready
to go before the bell rings, Ill add points to your final average at the
end of the semester (up to 5 points). Alternatively, if I see you using
an electronic device in our class, arriving late, and/or causing a
disturbance in class I will deduct points from your final average (up
to 5 points).

LECTURE QUIZZES: We will have a short quiz at the beginning of every lecture period
beginning with the 3rd lecture period on January 24. On occasion, to keep
you on your toes, I will also give you a short quiz at random times during
random lecture periods. These quizzes will typically only require a small
calculation. You will receive credit (full) only if your answer is
perfect. If there is an error in your answer you will receive a zero for that
particular quiz I want you to be careful and I require perfection here. I
also need you to hand these quizzes to me in a timely manner if 3
minutes is allowed for completing a quiz then your quiz must be handed in
at the end of three minutes and not a second later. This will be strictly
enforced. I will typically tell you when one minute is remaining for
completing the quiz. There will be a minimum of 28 of these quizzes
throughout the semester and probably no more than 56 of them. Since
there are so many lecture quizzes and each one of them is not worth
all that much, missed quizzes cannot be made up and will be scored as
a zero. However, I will drop your three lowest lecture quiz grades.
Lecture quizzes will not be returned to you. The results from lecture
quizzes will represent 10% of your final grade.

HOMEWORK POLICY: There is a homework assignment for nearly every week during the
semester. Homework will not be collected, however, you will have a
closed book/closed notes quiz over the homework set that is scheduled for
that day during the recitation. These recitation quizzes will be composed
of problems very similar to homework problems and/or verbatim
homework problems as well as the relevant examples from the text. The
recitation homework quiz grades will contribute 15% to your final grade.
Recitation quizzes cannot be made up, however your single lowest
recitation quiz score will be dropped. If more than one recitation quiz is
missed the additional missed quizzes will be scored as a zero. I expect
you all to score perfectly or nearly perfectly on recitation quizzes (since
you will have had the problem set in your possession for a week or longer
in addition to the assistance of me, the TA, and the tutors for troublesome
problems). I have instructed the grader to grade the quizzes with this in
mind (i.e., if it is clear to the grader when they grade your quiz that you
are clueless about how to work a problem you will receive zero credit).
You may work together with your classmates on homework but don't deny
yourself the opportunity to "struggle" with difficult concepts and problems
(by having friends "spoon-feed" you). It is my opinion that one learns a
great deal in this endeavor....homework problems are your means of
"practicing" engineering just as an athlete practices to improve his/her
athletic ability. If I can help you meet other people in the class to form a
study group please let me know.
Many of the assigned homework problems will be very
challenging....indeed, the subject of this course involves rich and powerful
intellectual machinery for solving tremendously important technological
problems. Most of you will have to work very hard to become competent
in Transport has everyone that I know. One of the
common myths of students is that "they are not talented enough or smart
enough" to learn this subject well (in addition to others)....I believe that
each of you are plenty bright enough to master this subject beyond your
wildest expectations if you have the desire and will to work at it very hard.
This is an extremely important course in the Chemical Engineering
Curriculum. Many of my colleagues that are practicing engineers cite a
course such as this one as a key element in the development of their own
engineering skills. Many of you will learn a very new way to think about
describing physical of the important components of the
course is to attain the ability to "derive," based on engineering balances, a
differential equation that describes a situation of interest and to solve this
equation for use in design or understanding of engineering equipment.

RECITATION MEETINGS: In addition to administering the recitation quizzes and mid-term exams
during these meetings, on days following a recitation quiz, the teaching
assistant is available to address questions regarding our course and we will
generally plan some exercises to assist in your learning.

EXAMS: Midterm and final exams will be very challenging and you will need to
study extensively to perform well. These exams will be closed book and
closed notes. You will be allowed one "formula card" made up of a 3
in. x 5 in. card with anything that you like written on it (both sides may
be used). Calculators will not generally be allowed during these exams.
Some questions/short-answer-problems will be included on exams and
your answers must be perfect for this portion of the exam. Of course
there will also be more involved problems with derivations where partial
credit will be given. Exams cannot be made up.....if a Midterm Exam
must be missed due to illness or family crisis then the Final Exam score
will be substituted for the missed exam. This can only be done once and
students that must miss more than one Midterm Exam should see the
Deans Office (ECJ 2.200) regarding dropping the course. If you have
questions about the manner in which your exam was graded then write a
note describing the discrepancy, attach the note to your exam and return
the note and exam to me and I will review this together with the grader.
This procedure must be followed within one class period of the time the
graded exams are initially returned otherwise we will not re-grade your
test. In addition, we will review the entire exam to look for any other
discrepancies (positive or negative).
EVALUATION: Recitation HW Quizzes* 15% - Drop low rec. quiz grade.*
Lecture Quizzes& 10% - 3 lowest quizzes dropped.&
Midterm Exams# 18.33% - each (3 exams for a total of 55%)#
Class Impression^ 5% - Professionalism and participation
Final Exam 20%
105% - Possible Final Percentage

*If you must miss a recitation quiz then that will be the quiz grade that you
will drop. Additional missed quizzes will be scored zero.

&Missed lecture quizzes result in a grade of zero for that quiz.

#You may substitute the grade you earn on the Final Exam for the lowest
score you earn on a Midterm Exam (provided all three Midterm Exams are
attempted and your Final Exam grade is higher than at least one of your
Midterm Exam grades).

^Make me remember you for good reasons.

Final grades in the class will be determined as follows:

105-90% A
<90-80% B
<80-70% C
<70-60% D
<60% F

If you fail to score nearly perfectly on the first two recitation quizzes I
strongly encourage you to drop the class. Poor performance on these
initial two quizzes by previous students has almost always led to a
final course grade of D or F. The secret to performing well in this
course is to study and work very hard early in the semester.

The University of Texas at Austin provides, upon request, appropriate academic adjustments for qualified
students with disabilities. For more information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 471-6259, 471-
4241 TDD or the College of Engineering Director of Students with Disabilities at 471-4382. Finally, scholastic
dishonesty will not be tolerated and incidents of dishonesty will be reported to the Dean of Student Affairs.


Heat Transfer:
Conduction - 1-Dim., Transient, Rectangular Coord.,Cylindrical Coord.
Radiation - Simple Concepts
Convection - Laminar Flow, Turbulent Flow, Detailed analysis and
balances, Use of Heat Transfer Correlation's, Development of Heat
Transfer Correlation's
Fluid Mech.:
Macroscopic balances, microscopic balances.
Laminar and turbulent flow.

Mass Transfer:
Ficks law, simple diffusion problems, mass transfer correlation's.

Jan. 17 - First day of classes for Spring 2012.
Jan. 18 First recitation meeting/Mathematics review.
Jan. 20 - Last day of official add/drop period; after this date changes in registration require the chairman's and
deans approval. Indeed, the Dean has stated in a memo that a student may not drop a course
after the fourth class day except for good cause (health or serious personal problems). This
problem cannot have existed on or before the fourth class day and typically dropping the course
cannot leave you with fewer than 14 semester hours.
Jan. 24 First Lecture Quiz [every lecture will have at least one quiz from this date forward].
Jan. 25 - Recitation Quiz over Hw#1 and Syllabus
Feb. 1 - Recitation Quiz over Hw#2
Feb. 8 - Recitation Quiz over Hw#3
Feb. 15 - Recitation Quiz over Hw#4
Feb. 22 - Midterm Exam #1
Feb. 29 - Recitation Quiz over Hw#5
March 7 - Recitation Quiz over Hw#6
March 12-17 Spring Break
March 21 - Recitation Quiz over Hw#7
March 28 - Midterm Exam #2
April 4 - Recitation Quiz over Hw#8
April 11 - Recitation Quiz over Hw#9
April 18 - Recitation Quiz over Hw#10
April 25 - Midterm Exam #3
May 2 - Recitation Quiz over Hw#11
May 3 - Last day of our ChE 353 class.
May 4 Last class day for all classes (except School of Law)
May 10 - (Thursday) 2:00-5:00 pm - Final Exam for this class.


Engineering Library
J. P. Holman, Heat Transfer, 5th Ed.,QC 320, H64, 1981.
J. P. Holman, Heat Transfer, 6th Ed.,QC 320, H64, 1986.
S. Whitaker, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics,, QA 911, W38.
M. N. Ozisik, Heat Transfer: A Basic Approach, TJ 260, O96, 1984.
R. B. Bird, et al., Transport Phenomena, QA 929, B5, 1960.
H.S. Carslaw and J. C. Jaeger, Conduction of Heat in Solids, QC 321, C28, 1959.
W. M. Kays, Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, 2nd Ed., QC 327, K37, 1980.
W. M. Kays and M. E. Crawford, Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, 3rd Ed., QC 327, K37, 1993.
E. Kreyszig, Avanced Engineering Mathematics, 7th Ed., QA 401, K7, 1992.
W. E. Boyce and R. C. DiPrima, Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 5th Ed.,
QA 371, B773, 1992.
J. R. Welty, C. E Wicks and R. E. Wilson, Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer, 3rd Ed., TA
357, W45, 1984.
J. R. Welty, C. E Wicks and R. E. Wilson, Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer, 2nd Ed., TA
357, W45, 1976.

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