5E 2017 UAMassCombat MCUA v1
5E 2017 UAMassCombat MCUA v1
5E 2017 UAMassCombat MCUA v1
Speed Attacks
A units speed equals 10 times the lowest speed Attacks in the mass combat rules use opposed
of its members. It can use movement modes, BR checks to determine which side has the upper
such as flight, only if every member of the unit hand.
can use it. Dont count the speed of mounted A unit can attack an adjacent enemy unit if any
creatures when determining the units speed and creature in the unit is within 5 feet of the target.
movement types. The riders use their mounts to It can make an attack at range if all its members
move. can make ranged attacks that can reach the
Movement. A unit must stop moving if it target.
moves adjacent to an enemy unit, and a unit When a unit attacks a target, the attacking unit
cant move if it is adjacent to an enemy unit, rolls a d20 and adds its BR, as does the target.
unless it uses the Disengage action that turn. You then compare the results to determine the
Otherwise, use the rules for movement from result of the fight:
the Players Handbook to resolve how far a unit
can move. Tie. Nothing happens if the attacker and the
Miniatures. It helps to use miniatures to track target tie.
battles of great size. For these rules, use a grid or Target Wins. If the targets total is higher, the
hexes with each square/hex measuring 100 feet attack has no effect.
on a side and with one miniature per unit. Attacker Wins by 10 or Less. The attacker
When moving, a unit can move into a scores casualties, but not enough to break the
square/hex if the unit has at least half the target unit. The targets BR is reduced by 2.
movement needed to enter it available. Attacker Wins by 11 or More. The attacker
scores heavy casualties on the target. The
Action Options targets BR is reduced by 5, and it must
When a unit takes its action, it chooses one of the immediately make a DC 10 morale check. If the
following action options: Attack, Dash, Defend, check fails, the unit flees the battle and is
Disengage, or Guard. Each option is described eliminated. Remove it from play.
below. The attacker can gain advantage or suffer
Attack. An attack is an opposed check between disadvantage on its BR roll, based on the
a units BR and its targets BR. A unit can attack following factors:
at any range that all of its members can make
Critical Events
In addition to allowing characters to take part in
fights between units, think of critical events that
might take place during the battle and give
characters a chance to take part in those events.
Critical events can include the following: