5E 2017 UAMassCombat MCUA v1

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Arcana: Mass Combat

This Is Playtest Material in large enough groups. For instance, five CR 1/2
The material here is presented for playtesting and to creatures provide a BR of +1. Smaller groups of
spark your imagination. These game mechanics are in CR 1/2 creatures provide no BR.
draft form, usable in your campaign but not refined by In combat, a units BR can be reduced by being
design iterations or full game development. They arent attacked, going as low as 0 or a negative number.
officially part of the game and arent permitted in D&D See the Attacks section later in these rules for
Adventurers League events. details.
If we decide to make this material official, it will be
refined based on your feedback, and then it will appear Battle Rating by Challenge Rating
in a D&D book. CR BR
1/8 +1 per 20 creatures
The mass combat rules are designed to allow 1/4 +1 per 10 creatures
you, the DM, to determine the outcome of battles 1/2 +1 per 5 creatures
involving hundreds of combatants with a few die 1 +1 per 2 creatures
rolls. It also zooms down into the action with 2 +1
enough detail to allow player characters the 3 +2
chance to affect the outcome of a battle. 4 +3
The system works by giving each creature a 5 +4
battle rating based on the creatures challenge 6 +5
rating. Battle rating is an abstract measure of a 7 +6
creatures combat effectiveness. 8 +8
To make managing hundreds, or even 9 +10
thousands, of creatures at a time easier, 10 +12
creatures in the mass combat system are 11 +16
organized into units. A unit might include 12 +18
13 +22
hundreds of individuals.
14 +26
Each unit involved in a battle also has a
15 +30
morale rating. Morale measures the units
16 +34
motivation to engage in battle. Units with high 17 +38
morale are willing to fight to the death, while 18 +42
ones with low morale are likely to fall apart in 19 +46
the face of adversity. 20 +50
Commanders play a key role in resolving
battles. Each unit has a commander, whose
Charisma modifiers applies to initiative and
Creating Units
morale. A unit is a single, cohesive group of soldiers that
is organized to fight together. A unit can
Battle Rating comprise up to 400 Tiny, Small, or Medium
creatures. Larger creatures take up more space
The mass combat rules rely on a creatures battle when counting toward that limit, as shown in the
rating (BR) to summarize its effectiveness in Creature Size in Units table. To count toward a
combat. A creatures BR is based on its challenge units limit, a creature must have a BR.
rating (CR), as shown in the Battle Rating by
Challenge Rating table. BR encompasses a Creature Size in Units
creatures attacks, hit points, AC, and special Size Space in Unit
abilities by relying on CR as a summary of its Tiny 1
power. Small 1
BR starts as a bonus, from +1 to +50. A Medium 1
creature of CR 1 or lower is too weak to provide Large 4
a BR on its own. The table shows that such Huge 9
creatures provide a +1 bonus when they gather Gargantuan 16

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For example, a unit could include 50 Large investment in the outcome, and any other factors
creatures and 200 Medium ones. The total space that you think should play a role.
taken up is 400, 200 for the Large creatures and
200 for the Medium ones. Morale Ratings
Morale Description
Commanders 10 Openly rebellious
8 Mutinous
Each unit must have a commander. The
4 Disgruntled
commander needs to be one of the creatures
2 Shaky
included in the unit but does not count toward
0 The typical unit
determining the units size. Note the +2 Motivated
commanders Charisma modifier. +4 Stalwart
+8 Fanatic
BR Total +10 Unbreakable
Once you have created a unit, total up the BR
values of its creatures, including its commander. As a rule of thumb, start a units morale at 0 on
The total is the units BR. the Morale Ratings table. For each factor that
For creatures that are mounted, such as decreases the units morale, shift one row up the
knights riding a horse, add the BR for the mounts table. For each factor that improves it, shift one
based on their CR, just as you would for any row down. When youre done with this exercise,
other creatures. you have a good idea of the units morale rating.
Or you can simply assign a morale rating based
Unit Space on your judgment.
A unit takes up a space that measures 100 feet Finally, you alter the morale rating based on
on each side regardless of how many creatures the unit commanders Charisma modifier. Add
are in it. The units size is an abstraction to make the commanders Charisma modifier to the units
tracking units on the battlefield easy in play. morale, to reflect the commanders ability to
motivate and lead.
Ranged Attackers
A unit can make ranged attacks if all its Factors Affecting Morale
members, other than its commander, can make Here are some of the factors that can reduce a
an attack with a range of at least 100 feet on an units morale rating:
at-will basis. If this is the case, note the shortest
maximum range of its members ranged attacks. poor treatment by a commander or allies
This is the units maximum range. animosity toward an allied unit
low or no pay
Unit Design no stake in the battles outcome
Its best to organize similar or identical creatures into a incompetent or ill-prepared commanders
unit. The rules aim to remain simple by reducing a units a daunting, overwhelming foe
abilities to the lowest common denominator. poor equipment

Morale Rating The reverse of any of those factors can improve

Morale is a rating like an ability score modifier. It
ranges from 10 to +10. These rules sometimes
require a unit to make a check using its morale
Running Battles
rating; roll a d20, add the units morale rating, These rules use a structure like the combat rules
and compare the total to the relevant DC, just as in the Players Handbook. The biggest change
for an ability check. centers on resolving attacks, which uses BR
You select a morale rating for each unit rather than attack rolls, AC, and damage.
involved in a battle. Assign the rating based on
how the unit has been treated by its allies and Time
commanders, the stakes of the battle, the units The mass combat rules use a timescale different
from the regular combat rules, with 1 round

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representing 1 minute of action. This timescale attacks at. Full details on resolving attacks are
accounts for the time and complexity needed to given in the Attacks section below.
maneuver hundreds or even thousands of Dash. A unit that dashes increases its speed for
combatants. its turn. This increase equals the units speed.
Defend. A unit that defends focuses on
Initiative building a shield wall or otherwise making itself
You dont roll initiative for units. Instead, each harder to hurt. Until the end of its next turn,
unit has a fixed initiative: units that attack it suffer disadvantage on their
BR checks.
Initiative = 10 + unit morale rating + Disengage. A unit that is adjacent to an enemy
commanders Charisma modifier unit normally cant move. If the unit takes the
Disengage action, it has the chance to move
Units act in order of initiative, from highest to away. The unit must immediately make a DC 10
lowest as normal. In the event of a tie, randomly morale check. If it fails, it loses its action and
determine the order in which the tied units act. doesnt move. If it succeeds, it can move up to
Determine this once, and then use that order for half its speed. During this move, it doesnt need
the rest of the combat. to stop if it moves adjacent to an enemy unit.
As in the regular combat rules, a unit can move Guard. A unit that guards prepares to attack
and take one action on its turn (see Action any enemy that draws close to it. The next time
Options below). A unit can use some or all of its an enemy unit enters a space adjacent to this
movement before taking its action, and can then unit, it immediately makes an attack against the
use the rest of its movement after acting. enemy unit.

Speed Attacks
A units speed equals 10 times the lowest speed Attacks in the mass combat rules use opposed
of its members. It can use movement modes, BR checks to determine which side has the upper
such as flight, only if every member of the unit hand.
can use it. Dont count the speed of mounted A unit can attack an adjacent enemy unit if any
creatures when determining the units speed and creature in the unit is within 5 feet of the target.
movement types. The riders use their mounts to It can make an attack at range if all its members
move. can make ranged attacks that can reach the
Movement. A unit must stop moving if it target.
moves adjacent to an enemy unit, and a unit When a unit attacks a target, the attacking unit
cant move if it is adjacent to an enemy unit, rolls a d20 and adds its BR, as does the target.
unless it uses the Disengage action that turn. You then compare the results to determine the
Otherwise, use the rules for movement from result of the fight:
the Players Handbook to resolve how far a unit
can move. Tie. Nothing happens if the attacker and the
Miniatures. It helps to use miniatures to track target tie.
battles of great size. For these rules, use a grid or Target Wins. If the targets total is higher, the
hexes with each square/hex measuring 100 feet attack has no effect.
on a side and with one miniature per unit. Attacker Wins by 10 or Less. The attacker
When moving, a unit can move into a scores casualties, but not enough to break the
square/hex if the unit has at least half the target unit. The targets BR is reduced by 2.
movement needed to enter it available. Attacker Wins by 11 or More. The attacker
scores heavy casualties on the target. The
Action Options targets BR is reduced by 5, and it must
When a unit takes its action, it chooses one of the immediately make a DC 10 morale check. If the
following action options: Attack, Dash, Defend, check fails, the unit flees the battle and is
Disengage, or Guard. Each option is described eliminated. Remove it from play.
below. The attacker can gain advantage or suffer
Attack. An attack is an opposed check between disadvantage on its BR roll, based on the
a units BR and its targets BR. A unit can attack following factors:
at any range that all of its members can make

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Advantage Character Abilities
The attacker is on higher ground, such as uphill from the Whatever way the characters are involved in a
defender. mass combat, resolve their features, spells, and
The defender is adjacent to at least one enemy unit,
other abilities using the standard rules, rather
other than the attacker.
than the mass combat rules. For example, a wall
of ice can block a 100-foot long line. If a unit
Disadvantage moves next to it, use the individual members
The defender is partially behind a wall or similar cover.
stats to make their saving throws and apply
The defender is adjacent to at least two friendly units.
damage. If members of a unit are killed,
recalculate the units BR after removing the
Abstraction and Battle Rating casualties.
Remember that the mass combat rules are designed to Adjudicating these effects requires your
make running big, important battles fast and easy. It judgment as DM. Consider the nature of the
uses BR to summarize a creatures spells, special situation, how a unit interacts with a spell or
abilities, and so on. There are no special rules for other effect, and apply the effects as you see fit.
resistance or spell casting because the rules assume that
Going back to wall of ice, you might judge that
CR has already accounted for them.
30 creatures from a unit attempt to smash it
Morale Checks down. Those creatures suffer the walls effects,
In addition to the morale checks caused by but they also have a chance to damage it. Use the
certain actions, a unit must make a morale check rules for handling mobs on page 250 of the
if certain conditions occur during the battle: Dungeon Masters Guide to speed things up.

Casualties. If a unit is reduced to half or less of Character-Scale Combat

its starting BR, it must immediately make a DC You can think of the mass combat rules as
15 morale check. If it fails, it is eliminated from looking at a battle from high altitude. You lose
the battle. Remove it from play. detail but can see and manage the big picture.
Friendly Casualties. If a friendly unit within When PCs take part in a battle, your view can
500 feet of the unit is eliminated, the unit must zoom down to experience the action in more
immediately make a DC 10 morale check. If it detail.
fails, the unit cant move or take actions on its When characters battle units, you can use the
next turn. standard combat rules, with the guidelines for
resolving mob attacks (see Handling Mobs in
Characters in Mass Combat the Dungeon Masters Guide, page 250).
You may decide that all or part of a unit stops
The real fun of running a mass battle is giving to fight the PCs. Pause the mass battle, and
player characters and important NPCs a chance resolve the characters fight like a normal
to affect the outcome. You might be tempted to combat, until you are satisfied that you have
absorb such characters into units and ignore reached a conclusion, with either side defeated
their special abilities. You can do so by using the or driven off. You can then resume the mass
rules for determining CR in the Dungeon Masters combat.
Guide to assign CRs to the characters. However,
mass battles are more fun for players when they Characters in Units
have a chance to engage in heroics that alter the If the characters join a unit, dont include them in
course of the fight. the units size or BR calculation. Instead, when
You can give the characters an opportunity to the unit attacks, allow the characters to make
shine by pausing the large-scale battle and their own separate attacks, cast spells, and to use
letting them engage in a regular combat (see magic items against the enemy unit using the
Character-Scale Combat below) or by letting guidelines given above. Allow them to pick out
them use their abilities from within a unit (see which members of the unit they want to target,
Characters in Units below). in case the unit is composed of several types of
creatures. Characters attacking in this manner
can target only creatures included in the target
units BR.

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On the units turn, each character has one turn NPCs, PCs, and Battle Rating
to make attacks, cast spells, use a magic item, or You can always calculate a characters BR and simply
the like. Resolve the characters attacks and include it in a unit, though the level of abstraction in the
spells and determine how many targets they rules removes individual actions from a players control.
eliminate. Determine how the loss of those This approach is best for NPCs who are commanders or
creatures reduces the units BR, then resolve the who are background players in the battle.
unit fight as normal. Treat critical NPCs, such as important villains and
If a spell or effect leaves a creature unable to rivals, in the same way you would manage PCs. Let the
move or take actions, count that creature as players seek them out, for the clash between them is
eliminated for the rest of the battle. undoubtedly a critical event in determining how the
If the characters unit comes under attack, battle unfolds.
resolve the fight as normal. The results dont
apply to the characters. If their unit is
eliminated, they remain on the battlefield and
can continue to act.

Critical Events
In addition to allowing characters to take part in
fights between units, think of critical events that
might take place during the battle and give
characters a chance to take part in those events.
Critical events can include the following:

Prevent enemy scouts from seizing a bridge or

other position.
Assassinate an enemy commander.
Hold attackers away from a gate while friendly
soldiers repair it.
Sneak into an enemy stronghold to sabotage
its defenses.
Destroy an approaching siege engine.
Steal the enemys battle plans.

These critical events play out just like short

adventures. You should map the area, determine
the opposition, and prepare any NPCs as needed.
When creating critical events, think about the
consequences for success and failure. What
happens if the PCs manage to destroy a bridge
the enemy needs to cross a river? If the PCs dont
raise the castle gates by dawn, what happens
The situation at the start of a clash could be
dictated by the PCs success or failure
beforehand. An enemy unit might start a battle
in a strong position, lurking in a village with
cover, because the PCs failed to outmaneuver
them. Or the PCs might destroy an evil wizards
castle gate, rendering his fortification useless in
the coming battle.

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