Laser Printer Print Defects - Black Pages: Problem Cause Solution How Common Comments
Laser Printer Print Defects - Black Pages: Problem Cause Solution How Common Comments
Laser Printer Print Defects - Black Pages: Problem Cause Solution How Common Comments
Problem Cause Solution Comments
DC Controller PCA is
defective. If the DC
Controller turns on the laser
black beam continuously, the Replace the DC
pages entire surface of the Controller PCA
Photosensitive drum is
neutralized causing a
completely black page
black Replace the toner
Defective toner cartridge 9 4
pages cartridge
High voltage contact springs
are dirty or defective. The Inspect and clean the
high voltage contacts are high voltage contacts.
mounted on the High If damaged, replace 2
Voltage Power Supply PCA the High Voltage
and protrude into the toner Power Supply PCA.
cartridge cavity
some printers
High voltage power supply
Replace the High have the high
black circuit is defective (not
Voltage Power 10 voltage power
pages supplying the correct
Supply PCA supply on the
negative voltage)
DC controller.
Laser/Scanner Assembly is Replace the
faulty (turning laser on Laser/Scanner 5
continuously) Assembly
black Light is leaking into the Make sure that all possible, but not
pages printer covers are in place likely
*On a scale of 1-10, how often this problem occurs (10 being most likely).
HP Laserjet Error Codes 0 - 19
Message on
printer Display What it means. What to do.
Media is jammed at
the specified For all jam messages, do the
location (and following: 1. Remove jammed
possibly at other print media from the specified
13.XX PAPER locations). If the location. Check the entire paper
JAM message persists path for other pieces of media in
[LOCATION] after all jams have the path. 2. Open and close the
been cleared, a top cover to clear the message. 3.
sensor or sensor Check sensors and flags in the
lever might be stuck paper path for proper operation.
or broken.
1. Remove jammed media from
the specified location. 2. Verify
the paper tray is fully closed. 3.
Inspect and/or replace the feed
3.0 PAPER and separation rollers. 4. Ensure
A non-specific
JAM there is no obstruction in the
paper jam occurred.
[LOCATION] path, such as a torn piece of
paper. 5. Open and close the top
cover to clear the message. 6.
Check sensors and flags for
proper operation.
1. Ensure that paper trays are
loaded and adjusted properly so
media can feed from the tray. It
might be necessary to reduce the
stack height of media in the tray.
2. Check the input area for On NX engines
obstructions such as media in the this is most likely
path. Also check to see if the the fuser flag or
13.1 PAPER
Paper-delay jam at registration assembly damaged or the ACPM. The
paperfeed area. unseated. 3. Replace any ACPM has a
defective sensors or flags. 4. photosensor hard-
Verify the media meets the wired to the back
specifications. 5. Check the of it.
pickup feed and separation
rollers for unusual wear. Replace
as needed. 6. Rotate the media in
the input tray by 180 and/or turn
it over
13.10 PAPER Jam at duplexer. 1. Check the duplexer and the On a 5si, 8000, or
JAM CHECK rear area of the printer for 8100 series laserjet
obstructions or damage. 2. Check a Duplex Jam can
the duplexer for proper be caused by a tray
operation. Replace the duplexer 2 and 3 feed
if a sensor is defective. assembly failure.
For Laserjet 5si.
This error is caused
13.14 Replace paper control PCA.
by a defective paper
control PCA
1. Check the input area for
obstructions such as paper in the
path. Also check to see if the
registration assembly is damaged
or if the transfer roller is out of
place. 2. Replace any defective
13.2 PAPER sensors or flags. 3. Ensure the On NX engines
Paper-stopped jam
JAM OPEN media does not exceed the this is an input
at paper-feed area.
INPUT TRAYS maximum length. 4. If multiple jam.
sheets are feeding, it might be
necessary to fan the media and
reduce the stack height. Also,
replace separation pad. 5. Verify
that the fuser is properly
1. Remove all media in the paper
path, and then open and close the
Media stopped in
top cover. 2. If the message
13.20 PAPER the paper path
persists after all media is
JAM CHECK during power on or
removed: Check if media is
REAR DOOR when the top door
jammed in the prefeed area.
was closed.
Replace any defective sensors or
1. Clear the jam and close the top
13.21 DOOR The top cover was door. 2. If the message persists,
OPEN JAM open while printing. check the top door switch for
proper operation.
1. Check the transfer roller and
small media belt to ensure they
are operating and can feed print
media. 2. Check the paper path
13.5 PAPER for obstructions at the transfer If still persists -
Paper-delay jam at
JAM CHECK roller, toner cartridge, paper feed replace fuser, then
REAR DOOR assembly, and fuser. 3. Replace DC controller.
any defective sensors or flags. 4.
Turn the media stack over and/
or rotate it by 180 in the input
1. Check the paper path for
13.6 PAPER
Paper-stopped jam obstructions at the fuser and
at fuser. output/delivery area. 3. Replace
any defective sensors or flags.
1. Remove jammed media from
the specified location. 2. Verify
the paper tray is fully closed. 3.
Inspect and/or replace the feed
13.99 PAPER and separation rollers. 4. Ensure
A non-specific
JAM there is no obstruction in the
paper jam occurred.
[LOCATION] path, such as a torn piece of
paper. 5. Open and close the top
cover to clear the message. 6.
Check sensors and flags for
proper operation
1. toner cartridge
2. transfer roller
3. fuser
4. laser scanner mirror and lenses
5. electronic problems and power supply problems (rare)
An empty toner cartridge is by far the most common reason for light print and it amazes us
how often people forget to swap toners to see if this is the problem. You may simply be out
of toner. Dont rely on the printers toner level indicators since they are not always accurate.
You also may have a defective toner cartridge. There are a lot of poorly remanufactured
toners being sold so dont be surprised if this is the cause of the problem. Even brand new
Genuine HP toners are occasionally defective. For the record we still recommend quality
remanufactured (compatible) toners, but thats a different article.
If you have a color laserjet you will have four toner cartridges instead of one which makes it
a little harder to find which one is the problem. Some of the better color laserjets have a
feature to defeat the toner check when the printer starts up. This will allow you to print with
less than four toners installed, or swap positions of the toners to help determine which one is
bad through process of elimination.
The transfer roller holds a charge that is opposite of that of the toner and helps transfer, or
pull, the toner off of the cartridges photosensitive drum onto the paper. If the transfer roller
is defective or positioned incorrectly you can get light print because all of the toner isnt
getting pulled off the drum.
You may have a bad transfer roller. Never use any kind of liquid to clean the transfer roller.
If you must, blow it off or wipe it with a dry, lint-free cloth. Any liquids or solvents could
change the electrical properties of the roller. Also, try to handle the transfer roller from the
ends, as oils from your fingers could be detrimental to the surface of the transfer roller. Some
people recommend using gloves when handling the transfer roller but unless you just ate a
greasy pepperoni pizza, you should be fine. Make sure your hands are clean and try to
minimize touching the surface of the transfer roller.
If the transfer roller isnt seated properly or the clips that hold the transfer roller in place are
broken you can get light print, especially on the side of the page where the transfer roller has
too wide of a gap between it and the photo sensitive drum. Use the little blue hook tool that
came with the transfer roller to remove it. If you use a screwdriver and try to pry the transfer
roller out you risk breaking the tabs that hold the transfer roller collar in place. When the
transfer roller is properly installed it should be flat and springy when you push down on the
right and left side. If the tabs that hold the transfer roller are broken you have to replace the
transfer assembly. This is a huge job. We recommend calling tech support to verify this is the
problem or send the printer in for repair.
Also, if you had a printer shipped or just bought a printer and it was shipped to you, the
transfer roller can pop out during shipping. We take measures to secure the transfer roller in
shipping but UPS & Fedex really bang boxes around in transit. The transfer roller can still
pop out and we include instructions with our printers for re-installing the transfer roller if that
has happened.
Color laserjets are a bit trickier to troubleshoot in regards to light print than black and white
printers. The transfer process involves four toners instead of one. Most color laserjets have a
transfer belt (ITB) and some designs separate the photosensitive drum from the toner
cartridges. If you have already eliminated defective toners as the source you may have to
replace the transfer belt or imaging drum if your printer has one. With all of the variations in
color laserjet design, its hard to give specifics, but in general, transfer belts, sometimes
called transfer assemblies, and imaging drums are consumable supply items and easy to
The fuser is the part of the printer that bonds toner to the paper through heat and pressure.
Fusers DO NOT have a built in supply of toner, they only bond toner that is already on the
paper. Therefore fusers can not cause light print, unless the toner is sticking to the fusers
upper roller. If that happens you usually get a ghosted image of the print repeated down the
page at an interval that is the circumference of the upper fuser roller. Another print defect we
see from fusers is in the plastic sleeve designs, especially laserjet 4200 series. If the sleeve
tears, youll get smeared toner down the length of the page, often preceded by bits of plastic
film coming out of the printer.
To check if the fuser is causing the problem you can replace the fuser (duh); if you dont
have a spare fuser handy you can try a half-way test, which is easiest on black and white
printers, or you can remove the fuser and inspect the upper roller to see if toner is sticking to
All fusers have a pressure roller, usually the lower roller in the fuser, and a roller that
supplies the heat, usually the upper roller. In HP fusers, the upper roller can be an aluminum
barrel with a heating element in the center, or a plastic or metallic sleeve that rotates around a
ceramic heating element. The upper roller is in direct contact with the toner, melting it into
the fibers of the paper. A nonstick coating on the upper roller prevents toner from sticking to
it. As fusers start to wear, this nonstick coating wears down and you might find toner sticking
to the upper fuser roller and then getting re-deposited further down the page as a repeated
image (ghost image). Fusers are considered a supply item, like toner cartridges, except the
have a longer life than toner cartridges.
These are very rare and if you are not a technician we recommend sending the printer in for
repair if you have eliminated all of the other possibilities, including dirty laser scanner
assembly mirrors (next paragraph). It is possible that a high voltage power supply or engine
control board is causing light print but it is very rare. Consult with tech support.
Laser scanner
The laser scanner assembly writes an image onto the photosensitive drum in the toner
cartridge. Again color printers may do this a little differently than black and white printers
but the concept is the same. If something blocks the laser from writing an image on the drum
then you get no print or light print in the area of the obstruction. If the mirrors or lenses in the
scanner assembly get dirty youll get light print. This usually manifests itself as light print on
one side of the page. If you suspect the scanner needs cleaning you should have eliminated
the toner, transfer roller, and fuser as possibilities because this is a time consuming
In black and white printers the scanner is located underneath the top cover. In general youll
need to take the panels off the printer and the scanner is a black assembly with a yellow
caution label. Color printers have more than one scanner because they have more than one
toner cartridge. If you dont know how to access the scanner assembly look it up in the
service manual or send the printer in for repair. After you have removed the scanner you can
clean the optics as shown below. This part is not in the service manuals.
Here is a picture of a printer's laser scanner assembly -- probably its most distinguishing
mark is the bright yellow "CAUTION" label which warns not to open the laser scanner
assembly while the printer is in operation or while connected to a power source.
Here is a picture of the laser scanner assembly with the cover removed. Inside you will notice
the long clear plastic lenses and the long thin mirror. When dust and toner particles work
their way into the scanner assembly, the mirror and lenses might get dirty. The result is that
the laser beam cannot reflect properly onto the toner cartridge drum, and you will get areas of
light print.
To clean the laser scanner assembly, remove the scanner cover. Blow the dust out with
compressed air if you have it, then follow up with a dry Q-tip to gently wipe down the
mirror. We don't recommend any liquids as they may leave a residue.
Re-assemble the printer in the reverse order that you took it apart.
HP Laserjets -
Entering Service
Note: service mode is intended for repair
technicians and generally the only reason to
enter service mode is to change the
maintenance count.
HP Laserjet 8000, 8100, and 8150 Series service mode
1. Hold down SELECT and JOB CANCEL while powering on the printer, until all lights
are illuminated and the Display is blank. (If the Display Panel reads INTERNAL TEST at
this point, the keys were released too soon. Repeat this step until successful.)
2. Press MENU, then SELECT. The message SERVICE MODE is displayed briefly, then
the printer automatically begins an INTERNAL TEST. After several seconds, both Control
Panel Indicators turn off. (The printer may display WARMING UP if it has not warmed up
completely.) After the printer has warmed up and passed the self test, SERVICE MODE is
3. Press MENU once to display SERVICE MENU.
4. Once it says SERVICE MENU press ITEM to scroll through service mode items.
To exit the Service Mode press GO.
Laserjets 5P, 6P, 2100, 2200 and other printers that do not have a display panel (LEDs
These models are designed as low volume personal printers and do not have a maintenance
count that needs to be reset or a readily accessible service mode. You can cold reset these
printers or completely reinitialize the NVRAM (nonvolatile ram) to factory defaults. Cold
resetting will reset most of the system parameters to factory defaults and reinitializing the
NVRAM will reset ALL system parameters to the factory defaults. Also, there is a service
mode for these printers but it is only accessible through software using PJL service mode
commands. Buy the printer's service manual if you want to learn more.
HP Laserjet 5L, 6L, 1100, 1200 do not have a service mode. You can only perform a cold-
reset and continuous self-test.