Benchmarking: Full Length Research Paper
Benchmarking: Full Length Research Paper
Benchmarking: Full Length Research Paper
Savanam Chandra Sekhar
Department of Business Administration, St. Ann's College of Engineering and Technology, Chirala 523 187, Prakasam
District, Andhra Pradesh, India. E-mail: [email protected]. Tel: +91-9701251973.
Accepted 19 April, 2010
Measuring performance against a recognized business excellence or quality framework can deliver a
range of benefits for firms. It is pivotal to a firm to know ones own standard and compare it against
others in today's complex and competitive corporate environment. Benchmarking is a technique for
assessing a firms performance against the performance of other firms. It is used to find the best
practice and to take necessary actions to improve the firms own performance so that it meets or
exceeds that of its competitors. It is usually a process of reengineering or quality improvement
initiative, and focuses on the ongoing quality management efforts of strategic business units. This has
resulted in the establishment of a conceptual framework for evaluating users needs identified in market
opportunity analysis, a new service concept, the users ombudsman, relationship marketing and a
citizen charter. The article highlights the significance of using benchmarking as performance
indicators, process reengineering and quality improvement in organizations. The article describes an
overview of organizations benchmarking and views of the author. The article finds that organizations
have tried to find consensus on a common set of performance indicators for benchmarking purposes.
The indicators chosen for such organizations differ between countries and type of firms. The article
reveals examples where sets of indicators are used on a regular basis and compares the indicators
used and the methods of benchmarking. The article depicts the difficulties of reaching an agreement
when starting an initiative business unit and points to results and success and to problems that
occurred in the benchmarking process. The article provides useful information for organizations with
existing competitive advantage and helps to find adequate methods for different purposes.
Key words: Benchmarking, best practices, performance indicators, process reengineering, quality
Organizations benefit by learning from similar a firm to improve its performance (APQC, 1993). In other
organizations in the industry or from other industries. words, best practices are the benchmarks that should be
They can modify their current practices in terms of the adopted by a firm as the standards to exercise
best practices available to others. This purpose is operational control. The performance of an organization
essentially served by benchmarking. Benchmarking is a can be evaluated continually till it reaches the best
comparative method where a firm finds the best practices practice level by using benchmarking. However,
in an area and then attempts to bring its own benchmarking offers firms a tangible method to evaluate
performance in that area in line with the best practice. It performance (Kazmi, 2007).
is a reference point for the purpose of measuring and
when applied to work processes yields superior results.
In order to excel, a firm shall have to exceed the What is to be benchmarked?
According to American productivity and quality center Benchmarks are set with respect to critical areas of
(APQC), benchmarking is the process of identifying, strategic and operational significance that influence an
understanding and adapting outstanding practices and organizations performance. These could be well-known
processes from organization anywhere in the world by problem areas in an organization that could be clearly
Sekhar 883
defined or activities/processes where improvements purpose should be to find out the best practices so that
result in maximum benefits (according to Paretos 80/20 one could confirm to it. But before one does this,
rule). Benchmarking may be carried out with respect to benchmarking is enough to show where a firm excels or
activities and processes such as; strategic planning, lags behind. This is helpful in assessing the strengths
decision processes, accounting systems, internal and weaknesses of an organization and determining its
communication systems, manufacturing processes, capability. The following are the various types of
reward systems, strategic HRM, employee training, benchmarking.
distribution logistics, customer service, etc. For example,
Xerox Corporation routinely buys copiers made by other
firms and takes them apart to see how they work. This Performance benchmarking
helps the firms to stay abreast of its competitors
improvements and changes (Rao and Krishna, 2005). This is to compare ones own performance with that of
some other organization or the purpose of determining
how good ones own organization is. It allows the initiator
Benchmarking against whom? firm to assess their competitive position by comparing
products and services with those or target firms.
It is natural but prime competitors are the reference
points for benchmarking. But what extent the prime
competitors are willing to share information about their Best practice benchmarking or process
best practices is also a factor to be considered. benchmarking
Benchmarking could be internal to the organization. Best
practices in a division could form the basis for This is to compare the methods and practices for
benchmarking similar activities in other divisions. Rentokil performing processes. It is used in the strategic
benchmarks its branches against each other, identifies management, in which the initiating firm focuses its
best practices and spreads them from one branch to observation and investigation of business processes with
another through training or the transfer of managers to a goal of identifying and observing the best practices
ensure a consistent quality of service to its 1.5 million from one or more benchmark firms. Activity analysis will
customers worldwide. At shell, internal best practices are be required where the objective is to benchmark cost and
identified and shared through its units worldwide. IMR efficiency; increasingly applied to back-office processes
global, an IT service provider, incorporates the best where outsourcing may be a consideration.
practices of each of the firms it has acquired over
different continents in its global operations. At Corning
Inc., business-specific best practices are identified and Strategic benchmarking
shared across the companys multiple businesses and
plant locations across the world. This is to compare the long-term, significant decisions
Outstanding companies/world-class performers in the and actions undertaken by other organizations to achieve
industry may be willing to share information about their their objectives.
best practices. Sometimes, benchmarking against the
best companies may not be plausible as they may be
swamped with similar requests from a number of Internal benchmarking
companies and hence unable to oblige all of them.
Companies in the number two or three position in the This is a comparison between units or departments of the
industry could also provide a valuable benchmarking same organization.
experience to generate incremental gains in a firms
activities/processes. Since certain approaches and gene-
ric or core processes could be similar across different Competitive benchmarking
industries, the best companies in other industries can
also meet the purpose of benchmarking. This may serve This is a direct comparison of ones own performance
to break the current industry paradigms in search of new, against the best competitors and restricts the search for
world-class levels of performance. For example, a best practices to competitors.
medical center may benchmark against a hotel industry.
Functional benchmarking
Types of benchmarking
This endeavors to determine best practices regardless of
A firm could attempt benchmarking at several levels industry. It is a comparison of functions against non-
using all the different types of benchmarking. The main competitive organizations within the same sector or
884 Afr. J. Bus. Manage.
technological area. Complex functions such as human three years. When Best Practice Benchmarking is done well
resources, finance and accounting and information and significant benefits are obtained with 20% of projects resulting in
benefits worth US$ 250,000
communication technology are unlikely to be directly ( The benchmarking
comparable in cost and efficiency terms and may need to process involves a questionnaire that helps to define the focus,
be disaggregated into processes to make valid criteria and context for practices and provides information about the
comparison. incidents that led to adopting the practices (Overmeyer-Day and
Benson, 1996). The required information was gathered by using
questionnaires geared towards the activities being benchmarked,
conducting study visits to companies, holding discussions with the
Financial benchmarking concerned host managers and looking at available company
documents and publications. The success of benchmarking,
This performs a financial analysis and compares the however, does not lie in the data collected but in understanding the
results in an effort to assess your overall best practices and the processes of implementing them. Indeed,
competitiveness. there is no universally accepted benchmarking process. It is
originally invented as a formal process by Rank Xerox and noticed
that it was used by individual companies (Khalil, 2000). The wide
appeal and acceptance of benchmarking has led to various
Generic benchmarking benchmarking methodologies emerging. The most prominent
methodology is the 12 stage methodology propounded by Robert
This is a comparison of ones own processes against the Camp, who wrote the first book on benchmarking in 1989.
best practices anywhere in any type of organization. Robert Camps 12 stage methodology includes: 1. Select subject
ahead, 2. Define the process, 3. Identify potential partners, 4.
Identify data sources, 5. Collect data and select partners, 6.
Determine the gap, 7. Establish process differences, 8.Target future
Product benchmarking performance, 9. Communicate, 10. Adjust goal, 11. Implement, and
12.Review/recalibrate (Camp, 1989).
This is the process of designing new products or
upgrades to current ones. This process can sometimes
involve reverse engineering which is taking apart Benchmarking forum
competitors products to find strengths and weaknesses.
American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) has
established a Benchmarking Forum for the purpose of identifying
and learning about the so-called best practices among member
Cost of benchmarking organizations so that they can be adopted by other organizations.
The Benchmarking Forum has identified that Boeing Corporation for
Benchmarking is a moderate expensive process. The adopting a unique task analysis approach involving engineers who
were being trained to use computer-aided drafting and computer-
costs involved in the process of benchmarking are visit aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM) software (Randy et al.,2005).
costs like hotel rooms, travel costs, meals, token gifts and
lost labour time; time costs like researching problems,
employee time devoted to travel and discussion Management tool
meetings, finding exceptional companies to study and
information processing, etc, and database costs in order Benchmarking is an effective management tool to identify changed
to know the best practices and maintenance etc. They ideas and brings changes to achieve continuous improvements in
help in balancing the costs with the knowledge gained. the way an existing activity, function, or process is performed. It is
basic to strategic business process improvement and
reengineering. In employing this method, a company compares its
performance with its strong and more successful competitors in the
POPULARITY AND METHODOLOGY industry. It helps a company not only assess its current
performance relative to other companies, but also learn from others
In 2008, a comprehensive survey on benchmarking was and generate new ideas, methods and practices to improve its
commissioned by the Global Benchmarking Network (a network of functioning. Thius, productivity and cost reduction can be enhanced
benchmarking centers representing 22 countries and for which the and new performance targets which are practical and achievable
founder of benchmarking, Dr Robert Camp, is the honorary can be set to give itself a competitive edge (Wheelen et al., 2006;
President). Over 450 organizations responded from over 40 Pearce and Robinson, 2005).
countries. The results showed that: Mission and Vision Statements Planning will be a sterile exercise if it does not lead to
and Customer (Client) Surveys are the most used (by 77% of organizational benchmarking. McCormack says, of all the
organizations) or 20 improvement tools, followed by Strengths, management buzzwords of the last two decades, the only one that
Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats SWOT (72%) and informal thrills me is benchmarking In a competitive market environment,
benchmarking (68%). benchmarking is about matching and exceeding the competitors
Performance Benchmarking was used by 49% and BestPractice best practices. Managers benchmark when:
Benchmarking by 39%. The tools that are likely to increase the
most in popularity over the next three years are Performance 1. They praise a managers excellent work publicly and credibly.
Benchmarking, Informal Benchmarking, SWOT and Best Practice 2. They work the hardest and smartest.
Benchmarking. Over 60% of organizations that are not currently 3. They share organizational success experiences and what went
using these tools indicated they are likely to use them in the next into them (Mark McCormack, 1997).
Sekhar 885
Some examples of companies that stand out for their best practices Conclusion
are: a) Microsoft creativity and innovation, globalization,
entrepreneurship, b) 3M new product development,
entrepreneurial spirit
Benchmarking provides a good learning opportunity
Motorola six sigma quality culture, c) Mc Kinsey high level forthose involved in the process, in addition to stimulating
strategic consultancy services, d) Compaq and Dell computers their creativity and stretching their cognitive ability. The
marketing and distribution system, e) Johnson and Johnson possibilities of bringing about useful changes in the
ethics. organization and the benefits of such change also
become evident. Seeing is believing as the saying goes,
Advantages of benchmarking
seeing the viability of certain ideas, processes and
activities and their successful implementation by other
The advantages are: companies, tends to bolster ones self-confidence and the
belief that what other can do, one can do even better. It
a. Minimizes the costs and saves time to adapt the best practices of assists in improving internally and in getting even with
other companies rather than re-invent them in-house.
others. But to gain the competitive edge, a company has
b. Helps in implementation of upcoming changes and sophisticated
technological improvements, arising out of change across to identify what it can do differently, how it can be a
industries. trendsetter and perhaps even redefine or invent the rules
c. Bridges the competitive gaps in ones own concern from other of the game. Significant favorable differences from
competing firms. competitors are potential cornerstones of a firms
d. Initiates the formulation of strategic goals and objectives based strategy.
on the external models for improving activities and processes in the
e. Stimulates an organization to overcome its inertia and think
differently in the context of the brand-new approaches/models REFERENCES
implemented elsewhere.
APQC (1993). Basics of Benchmarking, (Houston, Texas: APQC,).
f. Facilitates organizational learning and,
Kazmi A (2007). Business Policy and Strategic Management, Tata
g. Drags improvement in critical areas within the organization by McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2e, pp. 154; 408; 438.
adapting best practices and processes. Rao VSP, Hari KV (2005). Strategic Management Excel Books, New
Delhi, pp. 375; 493; 609.
Overmeyer-Day L, Benson G (1996). Training Success Stories, Train.
Key drivers in making success of benchmarking Dev. 50(6): 24-29.
Khalil TM (2000). Management of Technology, McGraw Hill
a. Identifying other companies which are role models for learning, International Editions, Singapore p. 433.
b. Acquiring reliable and valid data from these companies about Camp R (1989). The search for industry best practices that lead to
their best practices and standards and how these are set in the superior performance, Productivity Press.
critical areas of ones concern, Randy LD, Jon MW, David MH (2005). Human Resource
c. Determining current competitive gaps and understanding the Development, Thomson South-western, Bangalore, 3e. 20: 145.
strategic and tactical reasons for the gaps, Wheelen L, Thomas DHJ, Krish R (2006). Strategic Management and
d. Reengineering, improving, or innovating upon existing practices Business Policy, Pearson Education, 9e p. 254.
and processes to achieve better standards in critical areas, John A, Pearce II, Richard BR Jr (2005). Strategic Management, Tata
e. Set up an action plan to induct the identified betterments, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 9e, pp. 172-174; 230; 235.
Mark M (1997). The Boss Benchmarks, Business Today, p. 118.
f. Motivating the employees for effective implementation of the
Harigopal K (2006). Management of Organizational Change, 2e,
process of benchmarking. Response books, New Delhi, pp. 182-186.
Chadha P (2007). Performance Management, MACMILLAN, New
If the same set of people are involved in benchmarking and in Delhi pp. 76-77.
implementing the identified changes, managing change does not
run the risk of resistance. On the other hand, it may even inspire
creativity and commitment to change. The abilities, experience,
professional competence, influence and commitment of the people
involved in benchmarking are the other factors critical to its
success. A majority of employees can be tuned to benchmarking if
its success can be exemplified with respect to a particular activity or
process. The progress should be regularly monitored and the
standards recalibrated to achieve continuous improvement
(Harigopal, 2006; Chadha, 2007).