Obligations Review
Obligations Review
Obligations Review
express contract, to recover more than a liability and only the civil liability directly arising from
reasonable compensation for his services. And and based solely on the offense committed, i.e., civil
even when an express contract is made, the liability ex delicto in senso strictiore."
court can ignore it and limit the recovery of
reasonable compensation if the amount of the 2. Corollarily, the claim for civil liability survives
stipulated fee is found by the court unreasonable. notwithstanding the death of accused, if the same
(Borcena v. IAC, G.R. No. 70099) may also be predicated on a source of obligation
other than delict. Article 1157 of the Civil Code
Innominate contracts (contratos innominados): enumerates these other sources of obligation from
which the civil liability may arise as a result of the
1. Do ut des I give that you may give same act or omission:
2. Do ut facias I give that you may do
3. Facio ut des I do that you may give a) Law
4. Facio ut facias I do that you may do
b) Contracts
Article 1160. Obligations derived from
quasi-contracts shall be subject to the c) Quasi-contracts
provisions of Chapter 1, Title XVII, of this
Book. d) . . .
In reciprocal obligations, neither party contravene the tenor thereof, are liable
incurs in delay if the other does not for damages.
comply or is not ready to comply in a
proper manner with what is incumbent Kinds of damages (M.E.N.T.A.L.):
upon him. From the moment one of the
1. Moral
parties fulfills his obligation, delay by the 2. Exemplary
other begins. (1100a) 3. Nominal
4. Temperate
5. Actual
When damages or interest entitled to a creditor may
6. Liquidated
be lost:
Classification of fraud:
Guidelines for imposition of interest on the amount
claim or damage:
1. According to time of commission
a. Past action against it may be
1. When the obligation is breached, and it
consists in the payment of a SUM OF b. Future action for it cannot be
MONEY, i.e., a loan or forbearance of waived
money, the interest due should be that which 2. According to meaning
may have been stipulated in writing. a. Fraud in performing a contract (Art.
a. Interest due shall itself earn legal 1171)
interest from the time it is judicially b. Fraud in obtaining consent
demanded. i. Dolo causante (Art. 1338)
b. In the absence of stipulation, the ii. Dolo incidente (Art. 1344)
rate of interest shall be 12% per
annum. Article 1172. Responsibility arising from
c. The interest shall begin to run from
the time the demand is judicially or
negligence in the performance of every
extrajudicially made (from the time kind of obligation is also demandable,
of default). but such liability may be regulated by the
2. When an obligation, NOT constituting a loan courts, according to the circumstances.
or forbearance of money, is breached, an
interest on the amount of damages awarded
may be imposed at the courts discretion with
6% rate per annum. DOLO CULPA
a. The interest shall begin to run from
the time the demand is made There is deliberate Although voluntary, still
judicially or extrajudicially if the intention to cause there is no deliberate
amount of the damage is damage or prejudice intention to cause
established with reasonable damage
certainty; or
b. The interest shall begin to run only Liability arising from dolo Liability due to
from the date the court judgement cannot be mitigated or negligence may be
is made when such certainty cannot reduced reduced in certain cases
be so reasonably established at the
time of the judicial or extrajudicial Waiver of an action to Waiver of an action to
demand. enforce liability due to enforce liability due to
c. In any case, the actual base of
future fraud is void future culpa may in a
computation of legal interest shall
certain sense be allowed
be on the amount finally adjudged.
3. When the judgment of the court awarding a
sum of money becomes final and executory,
the rate of legal interest, whether the case GROSS negligence can never be excused in
falls under paragraph 1 or paragraph 2, advance for this would be contrary to public
above, shall be 12% per annum from such policy.
finality until its satisfaction, this interim period
SIMPLE negligence may in certain cases be
being deemed to be by then an equivalent to
excused or mitigated.
a forbearance of credit.
Debtor is Ordinarily, the Accused is Article 1176. The receipt of the principal
presumed at victim has to presumed by the creditor without reservation with
fault prove the innocent respect to the interest, shall give rise to
negligence of the presumption that said interest has
the defendant
been paid. The receipt of a later
installment of a debt without reservation
Article 1173. The fault or negligence of
as to prior installments, shall likewise
the obligor consists in the omission of
raise the presumption that such
that diligence which is required by the
installments have been paid.
nature of the obligation and corresponds
with the circumstances of the persons,
Article 1177. The creditors, after having
of the time and of the place. When
pursued the property in possession of
negligence shows bad faith, the
the debtor to satisfy their claims, may
provisions of articles 1171 and 2201,
exercise all the rights and bring all the
paragraph 2, shall apply.
actions of the latter for the same
purpose, save those which are inherent
Standard of care or diligence to be
in his person; they may also impugn the
acts which the debtor may have done to
defraud them.
1. That agreed upon by the parties;
2. In the absence of (1), that required
Rights of creditors against defaulting debtor:
by law; or
3. That which is expected of a good
1. Exact payment;
father of a family. (If the law or 2. Exhaust debtors property (attachment);
contract does not so state.) 3. Exercise all the rights and bring all the
actions of the debtor except those inherent in
his person (accion subrogatoria);
Article 1174. GENERAL RULE: No person 4. Impugn the acts which the debtor may have
shall be responsible for those events done to defraud them (accion pauliana).
which could not be foreseen, or which,
though foreseen, were inevitable. Article 1178. GENERAL RULE: Subject to
the laws, all rights acquired in virtue of
Exceptions: CHAPTER 3
Different Kinds of Obligations
1. If the law provides otherwise;
2. If the contract provides otherwise;
3. If the obligation is purely personal. SECTION 1
Pure and Conditional Obligations
Article 1185. The condition that some In obligations to do and not to do, the
event will not happen at a determinate courts shall determine, in each case, the
time shall render the obligation effective retroactive effect of the condition that
from the moment the time indicated has has been complied with. (1120)
elapsed, or if it has become evident that
the event cannot occur. (Negative Article 1188. The creditor may, before the
condition) fulfillment of the condition, bring the
appropriate actions for the preservation
If no time has been fixed, the condition of his right.
shall be deemed fulfilled at such time as
may have probably been contemplated,
The debtor may recover what during the Article 1190. When the conditions have
same time he has paid by mistake in for their purpose the extinguishment of
case of a suspensive condition. an obligation to give, the parties, upon
the fulfillment of said conditions, shall
Article 1189. When the conditions have return to each other what they have
been imposed with the intention of received. (Resolutory condition)
suspending the efficacy of an obligation
to give, the following rules shall be In case of the loss, deterioration or
observed in case of the improvement, improvement of the thing, the provisions
loss or deterioration of the thing during which, with respect to the debtor, are laid
the pendency of the condition: down in the preceding article shall be
applied to the party who is bound to
A. If the thing is LOST it perishes, goes return.
out of commerce, of disappears in such
a way that its existence is unknown or it As for the obligations to do and not to
cannot be recovered do, the provisions of the second
paragraph of article 1187 shall be
1. Without the fault of the debtor observed as regards the effect of the
extinguishment of the obligation. (1123)
Effect: The obligation shall be
EXTINGUISHED. Article 1191. The power to rescind
obligations is implied in reciprocal ones,
2. Through the fault of the debtor in case one of the obligors should not
comply with what is incumbent upon
Effect: The debtor shall be obliged to him. (Right to rescind)
The injured party may choose between
B. When the thing DETERIORATES the fulfillment and the rescission of the
(partial loss) obligation, with the payment of damages
in either case. He may also seek
1. Without the fault of the debtor
rescission, even after he has chosen
fulfillment, if the latter should become
Effect: The impairment is to be BORNE
impossible. (Choice of injured party)
by the creditor.
The rescission referred to here is not predicated
2. Through the fault of the debtor
on injury to economic interests on the part of the
party plaintiff (which is the basis for the rescission
Effect: The creditor may CHOOSE mentioned in Arts. 1380 and 1381), but on the
between the (1) RESCISSION of the breach of faith by the defendant, which breach is
obligation and its (2) FULFILLMENT, with violative of the reciprocity between the parties.
(UFC v. CA, G.R. No. L-29155)
indemnity for damages in either case.
Reciprocal obligations those where two parties are
C. If the thing is IMPROVED reciprocally obliged to do or give something
1. By its NATURE, or by TIME It is not enough that both parties are indebted to
each other. The cause must be identical and the
Effect: The improvement shall INURE to obligations should arise simultaneously.
the benefit of the creditor. (Manresa)
Effect: The debtor shall have no other Rescission can be demanded only if the plaintiff
is ready, willing, and able to comply with his own
right than that granted to the
obligation, and the other is not.
The guilty party cannot rescind. He who comes to
This article applies only if the suspensive equity must come with clean hands. (Seva v.
condition is fulfilled and if object is specific. Berwia, 48 Phil. 581)
Phil. 821) Rescission may be had only for such Obligations with a resolutory period take
breaches that are so substantial and fundamental effect at once, but terminate upon arrival
as to defeat the object of the parties in making
the agreement. (Ang v. CA, G.R. No. 80058)
of the day certain. (Resolutory period)
The court shall decree the rescission A day certain is understood to be that
claimed, unless there be just cause which must necessarily come, although
authorizing the fixing of a period. it may not be known when. (like death)
Judicial approval is needed when there has If the uncertainty consists in whether the
already been delivery of the object (unless of day will come or not, the obligation is
course there is a voluntary returning). (Guevara conditional, and it shall be regulated by
v. Pascual, 12 Phil. 311) the rules of the preceding Section.
Judicial approval is not needed when there has
been no delivery yet, or in case there has been Period a certain length of time which determines the
delivery, the contract stipulates that either party effectivity or the extinguishment of obligations
can rescind the same or take possession of the
property upon fulfilment by the other party.
(Consing v. Jamandre, G.R. No. L-27674) PERIOD CONDITION
The rule is that rescission or resolution of a Always refer to the future May refer even to the
contract has the effect of abrogating it in all its
parts. The creditor cannot demand rescission,
and still insist on the performance of subordinate Merely fixes the time or Causes an obligation to
stipulations. (Po Paues v. Sequenza, 47 Phil. the efficaciousness of an arise or to cease
404) obligation
Article 1193. Obligations for whose Evidence of extension of period, if any be given,
fulfillment a day certain has been fixed, must be shown by debtor. (Phil. Engg. Co. v.
Green, 48 Phil. 466)
shall be demandable only when that day
comes. (Suspensive period)
Article 1194. In case of loss,
deterioration or improvement of the
thing before the arrival of the day by the courts, the period cannot be
certain, the rules in article 1189 shall be changed by them.
When by virtue of Art. 1197, the court fixes the
Article 1195. Anything paid or delivered term, it does not thereby amend or modify the
obligation concerned. Whenever the period is
before the arrival of the period, the
fixed, the court merely enforces or carries out an
obligor being unaware of the period or implied stipulation in the contract. (Deudor v. J.M.
believing that the obligation has become Tuason and Co., G.R. No. L-13768)
due and demandable, may be recovered,
If a case falls under the situations in this article,
with the fruits and interests. (1126a)
the proper action is not to compel the debtor the
performance of the obligation, but to ask the
If the debtor is aware of the period or knows that court to fix the duration of the term. However,
the obligation has not yet become due and when a prior and separate action would be a
demandable, he cannot recover what he has paid mere formality and serve no other purpose but
or delivered. delay, there is no necessity of a prior action to
ask the court to fix the duration of the term.
The debtor may recover what he has paid or (Tiglao v. Manila Railroad Co., 98 Phil. 181)
delivered (with fruits and interests) before the
debt matures. But he can recover the fruits and The prescriptive period for an action to have the
interests even after maturity (this right, however, period fixed is 10 years from the perfection of the
prescribes 5 years after premature payment). contract. (Calero v. Carrion, G.R. No. L-13246)
The creditor cannot be compelled to Article 1204. The creditor shall have a
receive part of one and part of the other right to indemnity for damages when,
undertaking. (1131) through the fault of the debtor, all the
things which are alternatively the object
Article 1200. The right of choice belongs of the obligation have been lost, or the
to the debtor, unless it has been compliance of the obligation has become
expressly granted to the creditor. impossible.
The debtor shall have no right to choose The indemnity shall be fixed taking as a
those prestations which are impossible, basis the value of the last thing which
unlawful or which could not have been disappeared, or that of the service which
the object of the obligation. (Limitation on last became impossible.
the debtors choice)
Damages other than the value of the last
Article 1201. The choice shall produce thing or service may also be awarded.
no effect except from the time it has
been communicated. (1133) Article 1205. When the choice has been
expressly given to the creditor, the
Since the law requires no specific for, it is obligation shall cease to be alternative
believed the choice can communicated orally or from the day when the selection has
in writing, expressly or impliedly, such as by
been communicated to the debtor.
performance of one of the obligations. (Manresa)
An election once made is binding on the person Until then the responsibility of the debtor
who makes it, and he will not, therefore, be shall be governed by the following rules:
permitted to renounce his choice and take an
alternative which was first open to him. (Reyes v.
Martinez, 55 Phil. 492) 3. If one of the things is lost through a
fortuitous event, he shall perform the
The debtor must notify the creditor in order to obligation by delivering that which
inform the creditor that the obligation is now a
the creditor should choose from
simple one, no longer alternative, and if already
due, for the creditor to receive the object being among the remainder, or that which
delivered, if tender of the same has been made. remains if only one subsists;
4. If the loss of one of the things occurs
Requisites for the making of choice: through the fault of the debtor, the
creditor may claim any of those
1. It must be made properly so that the creditor subsisting, or the price of that which,
or his agent will actually know;
2. It is made with full knowledge that a through the fault of the former, has
selection is indeed being made; disappeared, with a right to damages;
3. It is made voluntarily and freely; 5. If all the things are lost through the
4. It is made in due time; fault of the debtor, the choice by the
5. It is made to all proper persons;
6. It is made without conditions unless agreed creditor shall fall upon the price of
to by the creditor; any one of them, also with indemnity
7. It may be waived, expressly or impliedly.
for damages.
Article 1203. If through the creditor's Art. 1205 does not apply when the contract does
acts the debtor cannot make a choice not state to whom the right to choose is given, for
according to the terms of the obligation, in such case it is the debtor who can choose.
the latter may rescind the contract with
damages. Article 1206. When only one prestation
has been agreed upon, but the obligor
This means that if one of the choices is deprived may render another in substitution, the
from the debtor because of the act of the creditor, obligation is called FACULTATIVE.
the debtor may choose the other choice(s)
available, or rescind the contract with damages.
F can get P100,000 from B and P100,000 from C. F Article 1215. Novation, compensation,
has rights of creditor over an insolvent debtor against confusion or remission of the debt, made
by any of the solidary creditors or with
G has the same rights as F. any of the solidary debtors, shall
extinguish the obligation, without
Article 1210. The indivisibility of an prejudice to the provisions of article
obligation does not necessarily give rise 1219.
to solidarity. Nor does solidarity of itself
imply indivisibility. (n) The creditor who may have executed any
of these acts, as well as he who collects
the debt, shall be liable to the others for
INDIVISIBILITY SOLIDARITY the share in the obligation
corresponding to them.
Refers to the nature of Refers to the tie between
the obligation the parties
Article 1216. The creditor may proceed
May exist even if there is Needs at least two debtor
against any one of the solidary debtors
only one debtor and only or creditors or some or all of them simultaneously.
one creditor
The demand made against one of them
The fault of one is not the The fault of one is the shall not be an obstacle to those which
fault of others fault of the others
may subsequently be directed against
the others, so long as the debt has not
Article 1211. Solidarity may exist
been fully collected.
although the creditors and the debtors
may not be bound in the same manner
This article applies only to solidary obligations,
and by the same periods and conditions. not to joint ones, for in the latter, failure to collect
from one joint debtor his share does not
ILLUSTRATION: authorize the creditor to proceed against the
others, regarding the insolvent debtors share.
A, B, and C are solidary debtors of X in the amount of (Luna v. Arcenas, 34 Phil. 80)
P300,000 subject to the following stipulations: A to
pay in 2005; B, if he passes the bar; C, in 2007.
In 2005, X may collect from A, B, or C P100,000. The
moment B passes the bar, X can collect from any of Indebted for his own Indebted only for the
them another P100,000. In 2007, the remaining share only share of the principal
P100,000 may be collected by X from any of them. debtor
The rule is that the whole solidary obligation can Can be reimbursed what Can be reimbursed for
be recovered from any of the solidary debtors he has paid minus his everything he paid
minus the share of those with unmatured own share
conditions or terms. (Manresa)
If a solidary receives an If the principal debtor
Article 1212. Each one of the solidary extension of the period receives an extension
creditors may do whatever may be useful for payment, the other without the suretys
are still liable for the consent, the surety is
to the others, but not anything which whole obligation minus released
may be prejudicial to the latter. (1141a) the share of the debtor
who has received the
Article 1213. A solidary creditor cannot extension
assign his rights without the consent of
the others. (GENERAL RULE) Article 1217. Payment (of the whole
obligation) made by one of the solidary
EXCEPTION: He is allowed if all the others consent. debtors extinguishes the obligation. If
two or more solidary debtors offer to
Article 1214. GENERAL RULE: The pay, the creditor may choose which offer
debtor may pay any one of the solidary to accept.
He who made the payment may claim
EXCEPTION: But if any demand, judicial from his co-debtors only the share which
or extrajudicial, has been made by one of corresponds to each, with the interest
them, payment should be made to him. for the payment already made. If the
payment is made before the debt is due, If through a fortuitous event, the thing is
no interest for the intervening period lost or the performance has become
may be demanded. impossible after one of the solidary
debtors has incurred in delay through
With reference to the reimbursement, the co- the judicial or extrajudicial demand upon
debtors of the debtor who paid the whole amount him by the creditor, the provisions of the
are merely joint debtors of the latter. He may only
preceding paragraph shall apply.
claim the share which corresponds to each of
his co-debtors.
Article 1222. A solidary debtor may, in
The fact of payment is the basis of the right to be actions filed by the creditor, avail himself
reimbursed, for not until then had he the right to
of all defenses which are derived from
be reimbursed. Hence, the obligation of the
others to reimburse him arises only from the time the nature of the obligation and of those
payment is made. (Wilson v. Berkenkotter, G.R. which are personal to him, or pertain to
No. L-4476) his own share. With respect to those
which personally belong to the others,
When one of the solidary debtors he may avail himself thereof only as
cannot, because of his insolvency, regards that part of the debt for which
reimburse his share to the debtor paying the latter are responsible.
the obligation, such share shall be borne
by all his co-debtors, in proportion to the Defenses available to the solidary debtor sued:
debt of each.
1. Those derived from the nature of the
obligation (TOTAL DEFENSE);
Article 1218. Payment by a solidary
debtor shall not entitle him to
Here, the debtor(s) sued will not be liable.
reimbursement from his co-debtors if
such payment is made after the 2. Those which are personal to the debtor sued
obligation has prescribed or become (TOTAL OR PARTIAL DEFENSE);
Here, generally, the debtor(s) sued will not be liable.
1. If the debtor pays the creditor without knowing But if the defense is based on a condition or term that
that the debt has already prescribed, the former has not yet been fulfilled or arrived, the debtor will not
can recover from the latter what he has paid on be totally free from liability. The defense is merely
the basis of solution indebiti. partial.
Article 1219. The remission made by the 3. Those which personally belong to the others
creditor of the share which affects one of
the solidary debtors does not release the Here the debtor sued may set up the personal
latter from his responsibility towards the defense belonging to a co-debtor, but it only has
co-debtors, in case the debt had been the effect of decreasing the liability equal to the
totally paid by anyone of them before the share of the debtor to whom the personal
defense belong.
remission was effected. (1146a)
Article 1224. A joint indivisible obligation penalty shall substitute the indemnity for
gives rise to indemnity for damages from damages and the payment of interests in
the time anyone of the debtors does not case of noncompliance.
comply with his undertaking. The
debtors who may have been ready to EXCEPTIONS: Damages will still be paid:
fulfill their promises shall not contribute
to the indemnity beyond the 1. If there is a stipulation to the
corresponding portion of the price of the contrary;
thing or of the value of the service in 2. If the obligor refuses to pay the
which the obligation consists. penalty; or
3. If the obligor is guilty of fraud in the
Joint indivisible obligation: fulfillment of the obligation.
A and B are jointly liable to give C a specific car worth The penalty may be enforced only when
P2 million. it is demandable in accordance with the
provisions of this Code.
If A is ready to fulfil the obligation but B is not, the
obligation will be converted into a monetary one for
indemnity. A will be liable for P1 million only to C; and Article 1227. GENERAL RULE: The
B to the other P1 million. debtor cannot exempt himself from the
performance of the obligation by paying
Article 1225. Obligations that are deemed the penalty.
EXCEPTION: Save in the case where this
1. Obligations to give definite things; right has been expressly reserved for
2. Those which are not susceptible of him.
partial performance;
3. Even though the object or service GENERAL RULE: The creditor cannot
may be physically divisible, an demand the fulfillment of the obligation
obligation is indivisible if so provided and the satisfaction of the penalty at the
by law or intended by the parties. same time.
Obligations that are deemed divisible: EXCEPTION: Unless this right has been
clearly granted to him.
1. When the obligation has for its object
the execution of a certain number of However, if after the creditor has decided
days of work; to require the fulfillment of the
2. When the obligation has for its object obligation, the performance thereof
the accomplishment of work by should become impossible without his
metrical units; fault, the penalty may be enforced.
3. Analogous things which by their
nature are susceptible of partial
Article 1228. Proof of actual damages
suffered by the creditor is not necessary
in order that the penalty may be
In obligations not to do, divisibility or
demanded. (n)
indivisibility shall be determined by the
character of the prestation in each
Article 1229. When the penalty may be
particular case.
reduced by the judge:
2. In case of a divisible contract, if the illegal terms
can be separated from the legal ones, the latter 1. When the principal obligation has
may be enforced. (Art. 1420) been partly or irregularly complied
with by the debtor.
2. Even if there has been no
performance, if the penalty is
SECTION 6 iniquitous or unconscionable.
Obligations with a Penal Clause
Article 1230. The nullity of the penal
Article 1226. GENERAL RULE: In clause does not carry with it that of the
obligations with a penal clause, the principal obligation.
The nullity of the principal obligation 4. Manner, time and place of payment.
carries with it that of the penal clause. 3. If the judgement upon which the aggrieved party
made payment is null and void, the payment
made thereunder is also null and void. (Manila
Surety v. Lim, G.R. No. L-9343)
are governed elsewhere in this Code. 1. The third person may demand from
the debtor what he has paid. (Right to
Reimbursement and subrogation)
2. If he paid without the knowledge or
SECTION 1 against the will of the debtor, he can
Payment or Performance recover only insofar as the payment
has been beneficial to the debtor.
Article 1232. PAYMENT means: (Right to Beneficial reimbursement only;
no right of subrogation)
1. the delivery of money; and
2. the performance, in any other Instances when the third person can recover from the
manner, of an obligation. creditor and not from the innocent debtor:
5. When legal compensation had already taken Payment made to a third person shall
place. also be valid insofar as it has redounded
to the benefit of the creditor. Such
Article 1237. Whoever pays on behalf of
benefit to the creditor need not be
the debtor without the knowledge or
proved in the following cases:
against the will of the latter, cannot
compel the creditor to subrogate him in (1) If after the payment, the third
his rights, such as those arising from a person acquires the creditor's
mortgage, guaranty, or penalty. rights;
Subrogation the act of putting somebody into the
shoes of the creditor, hence, enabling the former to
(2) If the creditor ratifies the
exercise all the rights and actions that could have payment to the third person;
been exercised by the latter
(3) If by the creditor's conduct, the
debtor has been led to believe
SUBROGATION REIMBURSEMENT that the third person had authority
to receive the payment. (1163a)
Recourse can be had to There is no such
the mortgage, guaranty, guaranty
or pledge Article 1242. Payment made in good faith
to any person in possession of the credit
The debt is extinguished The new creditor has shall release the debtor. (1164)
in one sense, but a new different rights, so it is as
creditor, with exactly the if there has indeed been
Article 1243. Payment made to the
same rights as the old an extinguishment of the
one, appears on the obligation creditor by the debtor after the latter has
scene been judicially ordered to retain the debt
shall not be valid. (1165)
There is something more There is only a personal
than a personal action for action to recover the
Article 1244. The debtor of a thing
recovery amount
cannot compel the creditor to receive a
Article 1238. Payment made by a third different one, although the latter may be
person who does not intend to be of the same value as, or more valuable
reimbursed by the debtor is deemed to than that which is due.
be a donation, which requires the
debtor's consent. But the payment is in In obligations to do or not to do, an act
any case valid as to the creditor who has or forbearance cannot be substituted by
accepted it. (Payment by stranger is another act or forbearance against the
deemed a donation) obligee's will. (1166a)
Article 1251. Payment shall be made in Even if both parties agree, however, still the
the place designated in the obligation. revocation or change in the application will not be
allowed if third persons would be prejudiced.
There being no express stipulation and if
the undertaking is to deliver a If the debtor accepts from the creditor a
determinate thing, the payment shall be receipt in which an application of the
made wherever the thing might be at the payment is made, the former cannot
moment the obligation was constituted. complain of the same, unless there is a
cause for invalidating the contract.
In any other case the place of payment
shall be the domicile of the debtor. Application must be made at the time when
payment by the debtor is made, not afterwards.
(Powell v. National Bank, 54 Phil. 54)
If the debtor changes his domicile in bad
faith or after he has incurred in delay, the Application of payment cannot be availed of by a
additional expenses shall be borne by surety or a solidary guarantor, or partner-creditor.
Article 1253. If the debt produces
These provisions are without prejudice interest, payment of the principal shall
to venue under the Rules of Court. not be deemed to have been made until
the interests have been covered.
SUBSECTION 1. Application of Payments (General Rule)
payment of his debts. This cession, (1) When the creditor is absent or
unless there is stipulation to the unknown, or does not appear at
contrary, shall only release the debtor the place of payment;
from responsibility for the net proceeds
of the thing assigned. The agreements (2) When he is incapacitated to
which, on the effect of the cession, are receive the payment at the time it
made between the debtor and his is due;
creditors shall be governed by special
laws. (3) When, without just cause, he
refuses to give a receipt;
Does not require plurality Requires more than one (5) When the title of the obligation
of creditors creditor has been lost.
Only the specific or Requires the consent of Tender of payment without consignation does not
concerned creditors all the creditors extinguish the debt; consignation must follow.
consent is required (Capalungan v. Medrano, G.R. No. L-13783)
May take place during Requires full or partial When consignation is not required:
the solvency of the insolvency
1. In the case of options;
2. In case of pacto de retro;
Transfers ownership Does not transfer 3. In the case of legal redemption.
upon delivery ownership
For the purposes of the preceding enumeration,
This is really an act of Not an act of novation mere tender of payment is sufficient to compel
novation them, but it does not relive the tenderer from his
obligation to pay the price when they are allowed.
SUBSECTION 3. Tender of Payment and (Paez v. Magno, 83 Phil. 405)
REASON: To enable the creditor and other parties declaration that the consignation has
interested to reconsider the previous refusal, and been properly made, the debtor may
thus, avoid litigation by the simple expedient of
accepting payment.
withdraw the thing or the sum deposited,
allowing the obligation to remain in
The first notice of consignation may be force. (The power to withdraw is a matter of
accomplished simultaneously with the tender of right)
payment. (Valenzuela v. Bakani, G.R. No. L-
4689) Article 1261. If, the consignation having
The notice is not essential if the sum to be been made, the creditor should authorize
deposited is the sum due under a final the debtor to withdraw the same (the
judgement. (Arzaga v. Rumbaoa, 91 Phil. 499) power to withdraw is a matter of privilege),
4. Actual consignation; he shall lose every preference which he
may have over the thing. The co-debtors,
Requisites: guarantors and sureties shall be
1. A complaint filed in court;
2. The thing deposited is the very object that is
3. It must be deposited with the proper judicial
4. It must be accompanied by proof that tender
has been duly made, unless tender is
excused, and that prior notice of
consignation had already been sent. SECTION 2
5. Subsequent notice of consignation (Art. 1258). Loss of the Thing Due
This is not mandatory if the amount due is as
consequence of a final judgement. (Salvante v. Article 1262. An obligation which
Cruz, 88 Phil. 236) consists in the delivery of a determinate
thing shall be extinguished if it should
The mere filing of the complaint and the service
be lost or destroyed without the fault of
of summons on the defendant-creditor,
accompanied by a copy of the complaint, can the debtor, and before he has incurred in
take the place of said second notice. (Andres v. delay.
CA, 47 O.G. 2876)
When by law or stipulation, the obligor is
Article 1258. Consignation shall be made liable even for fortuitous events, the loss
by depositing the things due at the of the thing does not extinguish the
disposal of judicial authority, before obligation, and he shall be responsible
whom the tender of payment shall be for damages. The same rule applies
proved, in a proper case, and the when the nature of the obligation
announcement of the consignation in requires the assumption of risk.
other cases.
Requisites in order that loss or destruction of the thing
The consignation having been made, the due will extinguish the obligation:
interested parties shall also be notified
1. The thing is determinate or specific;
thereof. (1178) 2. It was lost or destroyed without fault of the
Article 1259. The expenses of 3. The debtor is not in default;
4. The law or a stipulation does not make the
consignation, when properly made, shall
debtor liable even for fortuitous event;
be charged against the creditor. (1179) 5. The nature of the obligation does not require
the assumption of risk.
If not properly made, the consignation expenses
THUS the GENERAL RULE is: The loss of the
are chargeable to the debtor.
thing extinguishes the obligation.
o There is a stipulation that makes the Requisites in order for the debtor to be released from
debtor liable even for fortuitous event; his obligation here:
o The nature of the obligation requires the
assumption of risk. 1. The service has become so difficult;
2. The subsequent difficulty was beyond the
Article 1263. In an obligation to deliver a contemplation of both parties; it is not
enough that the parties have not anticipated
generic thing, the loss or destruction of
or foresaw the difficulty, it must be
anything of the same kind does not impossible for the parties to anticipate or
extinguish the obligation. foresee the difficulty;
3. The debtor must ask for relief;
4. The object must be for future service with
Article 1264. The courts shall determine future unusual change in conditions.
whether, under the circumstances, the
partial loss of the object of the obligation Article 1268. When the debt of a thing
is so important as to extinguish the certain and determinate proceeds from a
obligation. criminal offense, the debtor shall not be
exempted from the payment of its price,
Article 1265. Whenever the thing is lost whatever may be the cause for the loss,
in the possession of the debtor, it shall unless the thing having been offered by
be presumed that the loss was due to his him to the person who should receive it,
fault, unless there is proof to the the latter refused without justification to
contrary, and without prejudice to the accept it.
provisions of article 1165. This
presumption does not apply in case of Article 1269. The obligation having been
earthquake, flood, storm, or other natural extinguished by the loss of the thing, the
calamity. creditor shall have all the rights of action
which the debtor may have against third
Article 1266. The debtor in obligations to persons by reason of the loss. (1186)
do shall also be released when the
prestation becomes legally or physically
impossible without the fault of the
The impossibility must be after the constitution of
Condonation or Remission of the Debt
the obligation. If it was before, there is nothing to
Article 1270. Condonation or remission
Obligation to do includes all kinds of work or is essentially gratuitous, and requires
service the acceptance by the obligor. It may be
made expressly or impliedly.
Obligation to give a prestation which consists in
the delivery of a movable or an immovable thing in Condonation or remission the gratuitous
order to create a real right, or for the use of the abandonment by the creditor of his right
recipient, or for its simple possession, or in order to
return it to its owner
One and the other kind shall be subject
to the rules which govern inofficious
Article 1267. When the service has
donations. Express condonation shall,
become so difficult as to be manifestly
furthermore, comply with the forms of
beyond the contemplation of the parties,
the obligor may also be released
therefrom, in whole or in part. (rebus sic
Essential requisites for remission:
stantibus; moral impossibility or
impracticability due to change of certain 1. There must be acceptance by the obligor;
conditions; doctrine of the frustration of the 2. The parties must be capacitated and must
commercial object; doctrine of frustration of consent;
3. There must be subject matter;
enterprise) 4. The cause or consideration must be
Real obligations (to give) are not included within 5. The obligation remitted must be demandable
this article. This article applies only to personal at the time of remission;
6. The remission must not be inofficious;
7. Formalities of a donation are required in the
case of an express remission;
(5) That over neither of them there If the creditor communicated the cession
be any retention or controversy, to him but the debtor did not consent
commenced by third persons and thereto, the latter may set up the
communicated in due time to the compensation of debts previous to the
debtor. cession, but not of subsequent ones.
Voluntary compensation does not require the If the assignment is made without the
requisites in the preceding enumeration. It only
knowledge of the debtor, he may set up
requires that the agreement be voluntary and
validly entered into. the compensation of all credits prior to
the same and also later ones until he had
Article 1280. Notwithstanding the knowledge of the assignment. (1198a)
provisions of the preceding article, the
guarantor may set up compensation as Article 1286. Compensation takes place
regards what the creditor may owe the by operation of law, even though the
principal debtor. (exception to no. 1 in Art. debts may be payable at different places,
1279) but there shall be an indemnity for
expenses of exchange or transportation
Article 1281. Compensation may be total to the place of payment. (1199a)
or partial. When the two debts are of the
same amount, there is a total Article 1287. When compensation is not
compensation. proper or cannot be set up:
Article 1282. The parties may agree upon 1. When one of the debts arises from a
the compensation of debts which are not depositum; (the depositary cannot
yet due. (Conventional or voluntary claim compensation, but the depositor
compensation) can) or
2. When one of the debts arises from or that the old and the new obligations
the obligations of a depositary; (the be on every point incompatible with each
depositary cannot claim compensation, other. (1204)
but the depositor can; this must not be
confused with deposits in banks, in Article 1293. Novation which consists in
which case this rule does not apply) or substituting a new debtor in the place of
3. When of the debts arises from the the original one, may be made even
obligations of a bailee in without the knowledge or against the will
commodatum; (the lender may claim of the latter, but not without the consent
the compensation; the borrower cannot) of the creditor. Payment by the new
or debtor gives him the rights mentioned in
4. When one of the debts arises from a articles 1236 and 1237. (1205a)
claim for support due by gratuitous
title; (the person obliged to support Article 1294. If the substitution is without
cannot claim compensation) or the knowledge or against the will of the
5. If one of the debts consists in civil debtor, the new debtor's insolvency or
liability arising from a penal offense. non-fulfillment of the obligations shall
(the accused cannot claim not give rise to any liability on the part of
compensation, but the offended party the original debtor. (n)
can) (Art. 1288)
Article 1295. The insolvency of the new
The cases in preceding enumeration are referred
to as facultative compensation. debtor, who has been proposed by the
original debtor and accepted by the
Article 1289. If a person should have creditor, shall not revive the action of the
against him several debts which are latter against the original obligor, except
susceptible of compensation, the rules when said insolvency was already
on the application of payments shall existing and of public knowledge, or
apply to the order of the compensation. known to the debtor, when the delegated
his debt. (1206a)
Article 1290. When all the requisites
mentioned in article 1279 are present, Article 1296. When the principal
compensation takes effect by operation obligation is extinguished in
of law, and extinguishes both debts to consequence of a novation, accessory
the concurrent amount, even though the obligations may subsist only insofar as
creditors and debtors are not aware of they may benefit third persons who did
the compensation. not give their consent. (1207)
Article 1291. Obligations may be Article 1298. The novation is void if the
modified by: original obligation was void, except
when annulment may be claimed only by
(1) Changing their object or the debtor or when ratification validates
principal conditions; acts which are voidable. (1208a)
(2) Substituting the person of the Article 1299. If the original obligation
debtor; was subject to a suspensive or
resolutory condition, the new obligation
(3) Subrogating a third person in shall be under the same condition,
the rights of the creditor. (1203) unless it is otherwise stipulated. (n)
expressly mentioned in this Code; the (3) When, even without the
latter must be clearly established in knowledge of the debtor, a person
order that it may take effect. (1209a) interested in the fulfillment of the
obligation pays, without prejudice
Article 1301. Conventional subrogation to the effects of confusion as to
of a third person requires the consent of the latter's share. (1210a)
the original parties and of the third
person. (n) Article 1303. Subrogation transfers to the
persons subrogated the credit with all
Article 1302. It is presumed that there is the rights thereto appertaining, either
legal subrogation: against the debtor or against third
person, be they guarantors or
(1) When a creditor pays another possessors of mortgages, subject to
creditor who is preferred, even stipulation in a conventional
without the debtor's knowledge; subrogation. (1212a)
(2) When a third person, not Article 1304. A creditor, to whom partial
interested in the obligation, pays payment has been made, may exercise
with the express or tacit approval his right for the remainder, and he shall
of the debtor; be preferred to the person who has been
subrogated in his place in virtue of the
partial payment of the same credit.