Christ Apostolic Church Hymn Book English Version Sample

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The document contains excerpts from 10 hymns from the Christ Apostolic Church hymn book.

Many of the hymns discuss themes of faith, prayer, worship, and seeking guidance from God.

Each hymn contains multiple verses of lyrics followed by the word 'Amen'.

Sample copy of our already-typed,

formatted, aligned & well proof-read of

Christ Apostolic Church Hymn Book
(English Version)

It contains first 10 hymns of Christ Apostolic

Church hymn book
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Hymn 1:
Great Shepherd of thy people, hear;
thy presence now display;
as thou hast given a place for prayer,
so give us hearts to pray.

Shoe us some token of thy love

Our fainting hope to raise,
And pour thy blessing from above
That we may render praise,

Within these walls let holy peace

and love and concord dwell;
here give the troubled conscience ease;
the wounded spirit heal.

The hearing ear, the seeing eye,

the contrite heart bestow;
and shine upon us from on high,
that we in grace may grow.

May we in faith receive thy Word,

in faith address our prayers;
and in the presence of the Lord
unburden all our cares.
Hymn 2
Remember me, O Lord, with Thy favour.
Ps. 106:4

Love divine, all loves excelling,

Joy of heaven to earth come down;
Fix in us thy humble dwelling;
All thy faithful mercies crown!
Jesus, Thou art all compassion,
Pure unbounded love Thou art;
Visit us with Thy salvation;
Enter every trembling heart.

Come, Almighty to deliver,

Let us all Thy life receive;
Suddenly return and never,
Never more Thy temples leave.
Thee we would be always blessing,
Serve Thee as Thy hosts above,
Pray and praise Thee without ceasing,
Glory in Thy perfect love.

Finish, then, Thy new creation;

Pure and spotless let us be.
Let us see Thy great salvation
Perfectly restored in Thee;
Changed from glory into glory,
Till in heaven we take our place,
Till we cast our crowns before Thee,
Lost in wonder, love, and praise.
Hymn 3
Awake Psaltery and harp, I myself will awake early
Ps 10 8:2

Awake, my soul, and with the sun

Thy daily stage of duty run;
Shake off dull sloth, and joyful rise,
To pay thy morning sacrifice.

Thy precious time misspent, redeem,

Each present day thy last esteem,
Improve thy talent with due care;
For the great day thyself prepare.

Let all thy converse be since,

Thy conscience as the noontide clear,
Think how all seeing God thy ways
And all thy secret thoughts surveys.

By influence of the light Divine

Let thy own light to others shine;
Reflect all Heavns propitious rays
In ardent love and cheerful praise

Wake, and lift up thyself, my heart

And with the angels bear thy part,
Who all night long unwearied sing
High praise to the eternal King.

I wake, I wake, ye heavnly choir,

May your devotion me inspire,
That I, like you, my age may spend,
Like you may on my God attend.
Hymn 4
Forth in Thy name O Lord I go
Forth in Thy name, O Lord I go,
My daily labour to pursue,
Thee, only Thee, resolved to know
In all I think, or speak, or do.

The task Thy wisdom hath assigned

O let me cheerfully fulfil,
In all my works Thy presence find,
And prove Thy acceptable will.

Preserve me from my callings snare,

And hide my sample heart above,
Above the thorns of choking care
He gilded baits of worldly love.

Thee may I set at my right hand,

Whose eyes my inmost substance see,
And labour on at Thy command,
And offer all my works to Thee.

Give me to bear Thy easy yoke,

And every moment watch and pray,
And still to things eternal look,
And hasten to Thy glorious day,

For Thee delightfully employ

Whateer Thy bounteous grace hath givn,
And run my course with even joy,
And closely walk with Thee to heaven.
Hymn 5:
Come to me. Lord, when first I wake.
As the faint lights of morning break;
Bid purest thoughts within me rise,
Like crystal dew-drops to the skies.

Come to me in the sultry noon.

Or earths low communing will soon
Of thy dear face, eclipse the light,
And change my fairest day to night.

Come to me in the evening shade,

And if my heart from thee
Oh bring it back, and from afar
Smile on me like thine evning star.

Come to me in the midnight hour,

When sleep withholds its balmy powr;
Let my lone spirit find her rest,
Like John, upon my Saviours breast.

Come to me through lifes varied way,

And when its pulses ceases to play.
Then, Saviour, bid me come to thee,
That where thou art, thy child may be.
Hymn 6:
Christ, whose glory fills the skies,
Christ, the true, the only light,
Sun of Righteousness, arise,
Triumph o'er the shades of night;
Dayspring from on high, be near;
Daystar, in my heart appear.

Dark and cheerless is the morn

Unaccompanied by thee;
Joyless is the day's return,
Till thy mercy's beams I see;
Till they inward light impart,
Cheer my eyes and warm my heart.

Visit then this soul of mine;

Pierce the gloom of sin and grief;
Fill me, Radiancy divine,
Scatter all my unbelief;
More and more thyself display,
Shining to the perfect day.

Hymn 7:
Come to the morning prayr,
Come, let us kneel and pray;
Prayr is the Christian pilgrims staff
To walk with God all day.

At noon beneath the rock

Of ages rest and pray;
Sweet is the shadow from the heat,
When the sun smites by the day
At eve shut to the door,
Round the home-altar pray,
And finding there the house of God,
At heavn gate close the day.

When mid-night seals our eyes,

Let each in spirit say,
I sleep, but my heart waketh, Lord,
With thee to watch and pray.

Hymn 8
He shall cover thee with His feathers Ps
The Morning brights with rosy light
Has waked me from my sleep
Father, I won Thy love laone
Thy little one doth keep

All through the day, I humbly pray

Be Thou my guard and guide
My sins forgive, and let me live,
Lord Jesus, near Thy side

Oh make Thy rest within my breast,

Great Spirit of all grace
Make me like Thee, then shall I be
Prepared to see Thy face
Hymn 9
Jesus, Sun of righteousness,
Brightness beam of live divine
With the early morning rays
Do Thou on our darkness shine,
And dispel with purest light
All our night
As on drooping herb and flowr
Falls the soft refreshing dew,
Let Thy Spirits grace and powr
All our weary souls renew;
Showrs of blessing over all
Softly fall
Like the suns reviving ray,
May Thy love with tender glow
All our coldness melt away,
Warm and cheer us forth to go,
Gladly sere Thee and obey
All the day
Oh, our only Hope and Guide
Never leave us nor forsake;
Keep us ever at Thy side
Till theternal morning break
Moving on to Zions hill,
Homeward still
Lead us all our days and years
In Thy straight and narrow way;
Lead us through the vale of tears
To the land of perfect day;
Where Thy people, fully blest,
Safely rest.
Hymn 10:
Holy Father, hear me;
Thou art my defender;
Be thou ever near me,
Loving, true, and tender.

Jesus, blessed master.

Lord of life and glory
Bid the hours fly faster,
Till i kneel before thee.

Comforter denignest,
Who abiding in me
All my need divinest,
Move me, draw me, win me.

Holy, Holy,Holy,
Come and leave me never,
Thine abode most lowly,
Only Thine for ever.


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