What Is Expository Writing
What Is Expository Writing
What Is Expository Writing
The author describes
a topic by listing
features, and
examples. It provides
details about how
something looks,
Example of Descriptive Writing
feels, tastes, smells,
makes one feel, or Expository essays are written by
sounds students to demonstrate their
knowledge and understanding of a
Cue Words
particular topic. For example, a
for example,
student might use a descriptive pattern
the characteristics
to emphasize the features and
characteristics of a topic. Sequential
writing emphasizes the order of
events, listing items in numerical or
chronological order. A writer might use
a comparison or contrast pattern to
emphasize the similarities or
differences between two topics. A
cause and/or effect pattern shows the
relationship between events, while a
problem/solution pattern shows a
different kind of relationship that
discusses a problem and suggests
solutions. Variations of these patterns
are sometimes used, as well as a
combination of patterns to create an
expository essay.
Sequence or
The author lists items
or events in numerical
or chronological order.
Cue Words
first, second, third; Example of Sequential Writing
next; then; finally
Expository writing is intended to
convey the writer's knowledge about a
topic. While different patterns may be
employed to create the essay, every
essay contains the same features: the
introduction, the thesis, the body
paragraphs, and the conclusion. The
introduction is the first paragraph in
the essay. The introduction contains
the thesis statement, one sentence
that summarizes the main idea of the
essay. The body paragraphs follow
the introduction and explain the main
topics. Lastly, the conclusion is the
final paragraph that restates the main
topics and and the thesis. Every
expository essay contains these
features, in this order.
The author explains
how two or more
things are alike and/or
how they are
different. A comparis
on essay usually
discusses the
similarities between
two things, while
the contrast
essay discusses the
Example of Compare/Contrast
Cue Words Writing
different; in contrast;
Expository writing has distinct features
alike; same as; on the
that distinguish it from creative writing.
other hand
The content of an expository essay is
factual and straight-forward while the
content of a creative story is
imaginative and symbolic. Expository
essays are written for a general
audience but creative stories are
designed for a specific audience. The
writing style of an expository essay is
formal, standard and academic, while
a creative story uses an informal and
artistic style. The organization of an
expository essay is systematic and
deliberate; on the other hand, the
organization of a creative story is more
arbitrary and artistic. Finally, the most
important difference between the two
types of writing is the purpose of the
text. An expository essay is written to
inform and instruct, while a creative
story is written to entertain and
Cause / Effect
The author focuses on
the relationship
between two or more
events or experiences.
The essay could
both causes and effe
cts, or it could simply
address one or the
other. A cause Example of Cause/Effect Writing
discusses the reasons There are several reasons why so
why something many people attend the Olympic
happened. An effect games or watch them on television.
essay discusses what One reason is tradition. The name
happens after a Olympics and the torch and flame
specific event or remind people of the ancient games.
circumstance. People can escape the ordinariness of
daily life by attending or watching the
Cue Words Olympics. They like to identify with
reasons why; if...then; someone else's individual sacrifice and
as a result; therefore; accomplishment. National pride is
because another reason, and an athlete's or a
team's hard earned victory becomes a
nation's victory. There are national
medal counts and people keep track of
how many medals their country's
athletes have won.
Problem / Solution
The author states a
problem and lists one
or more solutions for
the problem. A
variation of this pattern
is the question- and- Example of Problem/Solution
answer format in Writing
which the author
poses a question and One problem with the modern
then answers it. Olympics is that it has become very
big and expensive to operate. The city
Cue Words or country that hosts the games often
the problem is; the loses a lot of money. A stadium, pools,
dilemma is; puzzle is and playing fields must be built for the
solved; question... athletic events and housing is needed
answer for the athletes who come from around
the world. And all of these facilities are
used for only 2 weeks! In 1984, Los
Angeles solved these problems by
charging a fee for companies who
wanted to be official sponsors of the
games. Companies like McDonald's
paid a lot of money to be part of the
Olympics. Many buildings that were
already built in the Los Angeles area
were also used. The Coliseum where
the 1932 games were held was used
again and many colleges and
universities in the area became
playing and living sites.
Ex p o s i t o r y e s s a y s
When writing your expository essay, follow these eight
basic steps:
Select a topic:
Be sure the topic is narrow enough to make it manageable
within the space of an essay
Write a thesis sentence:
Be sure the thesis statement(or sentence) expresses a
controlling idea that is neither too broad nor too specific to be
developed effectively
Select a method of development:
Check through all the methods before you finally settle on the
which will best serve your thesis:
definition | example | compare and contrast |
cause and effect | classification | process analysis
Organize the essay:
Begin by listing the major divisions which the body
paragraphs in your essay will discuss; then fill in the primary
supports that each body paragraph of the essay will contain
Write topic sentences for the body paragraphs of the
For each body paragraph, furnish a topic sentence that
directly relates to the thesis sentence
Write the body paragraphs of the essay:
Each body paragraph should develop the primary support
covered in that paragraph's topic sentence
Furnish a paragraph of introduction:
An introductory paragraph should state the thesis of the
essay, introduce the divisions in the body paragraphs of the
essay, and gain the interest of the reader
Write a paragraph of conclusion: