Committee Report 6x9
Committee Report 6x9
Committee Report 6x9
Construction Specifications
for Civil Projects
Minimum Design Loads
and Other Considerations
Prepared by
Committee on Specifications of the Construction Institute
of the American Society of Civil Engineers
Published by the American Society of Civil Engineers
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ment made herein. No reference made in this publication to any specific method, product,
process, or service constitutes or implies an endorsement, recommendation, or warranty
thereof by ASCE. The materials are for general information only and do not represent a
standard of ASCE, nor are they intended as a reference in purchase specifications, con-
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ASCE and American Society of Civil EngineersRegistered in U.S. Patent and Trademark
1.0 Introduction.............................................................................1
Appendix.................................................................................................................................... 47
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................. 61
Index............................................................................................................................................ 63
Estimating Displacements
in Beams and Frames
John Michael, Ph.D., P.E.*
David Sacks, S.E.
Robert Jones, Ph.D.
Abstract: On February 27, 2010, a magnitude (Mw) 8.8 earthquake struck off the
coast of South-Central Chile, resulting in significant loss of life and property. The
Coasts Oceans Ports and Rivers Institute (COPRI) of the American Society of Civil
Engineers (ASCE) deployed a team including coastal, structural and geotechnical
engineers to investigate the coastal impacts of the earthquake and tsunami. The first
objective of the Teams reconnaissance was to identify infrastructure that performed
poorly as well as that which performed as intended. The second objective was to com-
pare the performance of older systems that were not designed using current methods
with systems that were designed with Chiles modern codes. This report is intended
for the practicing engineer to use in better understanding the requirements of design-
ing, constructing and maintaining marine facilities.
Description of Earthquake
The February 27, 2010, earthquake epicenter was located about 35 km out to sea
from Maule, Chile (at latitude 35.909S, longitude 72.733W), which is nearly 105
km north of the population center of Concepcin and about half way between
Concepcin and Constitucin. Santiago, Chiles capitol and largest city, is approxi-
mately 330 km northeast of the epicenter. The earthquake was immediately to the
north of the rupture zone of the Mw 9.5 Chilean earthquake of 1960 (the largest
earthquake recorded to date at Valdivia). It had a plate rupture estimated to be
about 550 km long by 150 km wide. It was felt over the entire country, affecting
nearly 80 percent of Chiles population. Numerous, significant (Mw 6 or higher)
aftershocks occurred over the following weeks.
2 Coasts Oceans Ports and Rivers Institute
The 2010 earthquake is the fifth largest ever recorded to date. Although this
event was much stronger than the 2010 Haiti earthquake with an Mw 7.0, it caused
substantially less damage due
According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS, 2010), at least 521
people were killed, with 56 missing, and about 12,000 injured during the earth-
quake or tsunami. In addition, it was noted that about 800,000 people were dis-
placed and at least 370,000 houses, 4,013 schools, 79 hospitals and 4,200 boats
were damaged or destroyed by the earthquake and tsunami in the Valparaiso-
Concepcin-Temuco area.
The total economic loss in Chile was estimated by Chilean President Sebastian
Pinera at 30 billion U.S. dollars immediately after assuming office (BBC, 2010). In
many areas the electricity, telecommunications and water supplies were disrupted
and the airports at Concepcin and Santiago had minor damage. The tsunami
damaged or destroyed many buildings and roads at coastal towns such as Dichato,
Talcahuano, Constitucin, Concepcin and Pichilemu. It also created damage as
far away as San Diego, California and created a small seiche in Lake Pontchartrain,
Louisiana. A maximum Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) of 0.65g was recorded
at Concepcin (USGS, 2010); and readings closer to the epicenter suggest PGA
over 1g (Boroschek, 2010).
Estimating Displacements in Beams and Frames 3
Nomenclature may be used to classify the type of input used.
where [mr] and [kr] are the modal mass and stiffness matrices, respectively, {q(t)}
are the modal displacements, and {fr(t)} are the modal forces. The response of this
equation to excitation with a sinusoid at frequency w can be written as
jk() = + i( )
r Eq. 1-2
r=1 r r r
Aktan, A. E., Farhey, D. N., Helmicki, A. J., Brown, D. L., Hunt, V. J., Lee, K. L., and Levi, A.
(1997). Structural identification for condition assessment: Experimental arts. Journal of
Structural Engineering, 123(12), 1674-1684.
Aktan, A. E., Helmicki, A. J., and Hunt, V. J. (1998). Issues in health-monitoring for intel-
ligent infrastructure. Smart Materials and Structures, 7(5), 674-692.
Alimoradi, A., Miranda, E., Taghavi, S., and Naeim, F. (2006). Evolutionary modal iden-
tification utilizing coupled shear-flexural response-implication for multistory buildings.
part I: Theory. The Structural Design of Tall Buildings, 15, 51-65.
Alimoradi, A., and Naeim, F. (2006). Evolutionary modal identification utilizing coupled
shear-flexural response-implication for multistory buildings. part II: Application. The
Structural Design of Tall Buildings, 15, 67-103.
Allemang, R. J. (1995). Vibrations: Experimental modal analysis, UC-SDRL-
CN-20-263-663/664, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Allemang, R. J., Brown, D. L., and Fladung, W. (1994). Modal parameter estimation: A uni-
fied matrix polynomial approach. 12th International Modal Analysis Conference, Society
of Experimental Mechanics, Honolulu, Hawaii.
6 Coasts Oceans Ports and Rivers Institute
Areemit, N., Yamaguchi, H., Matsumoto, Y., and Ibi, T. (2003). Model identification of a
four story reinforced concrete building under renovation using ambient vibration mea-
surement. Proceedings of Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure,
Tokyo, Japan.
Estimating Displacements in Beams and Frames 9
110; planning and policy 370371; 6771, 68f; future vision 7173;
vulnerability assessments 113114 improving prospects for 7375;
national issues 70; need for 67;
visioning 5, 1920; achieving visions regional examples 6970; robust
378381; past visions of future decision making 337338
1319 water management, urban 371372,
wastewater management 166174; water quality 221222, 278279,
future vision 168172, 169t, 170t; 282284
integrated systems 169171, 169t, water resource management modeling
170t; overview 167168; transition 341349; challenges for 345348;
to new systems 171172 future vision 344; overview
water: conflict over 79; current 342344
state of resource 59; economics of water resource resiliency 222224
4142; safe 7 water resources education. See
water distribution systems 243252; education, interdisciplinary
challenges for 250; current state water resources management. See
245246; future vision 246250; water management
history of 244245; monitors in water resources policy 100108;
248; network repair 293294; pipe future vision 103106; overview
technology 247; pumping systems 101102
248; system design 247248 water scarcity 4655. See also water
water infrastructure 253262; sharing, transboundary
overview 254255; sensed 257259; water sharing agreements 4951,
sustainable 255256 9597
water management 3745, 329340; water sharing, transboundary 4655;
current state 330333; economics agreements for 4951; challenges
4142; future technologies for for 4849; cooperative approach
3941; future vision 168172, 169t, 5152; extent of 47; implications for
170t, 333338; history of 1417; 5253. See also water scarcity
integrated 6675, 101, 333338; water supply 218220
integrated systems 169171, 169t, water supply development 117125;
170t; overview 167168; point- demographics 118; key drivers 118
of-use water treatment 40; public 122; regional collaboration 121
policy 4243; and technology 122; rising costs 120121; supply
2729; transition to new systems constraints 118119; sustainability
171172; urban 166174, 375 122, 123t; utilities 121
water management, integrated 6675, water treatment, point-of-use 40
101, 333338, 369370; current water utilities. See utilities
trends 336337; definition of weather 2325