A Systemic Experimental Study of Macrocosmic Consciousness: Prem S. Satsangi, Fellow SSI, Vishal Sahni, Life Member SSI

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Proceedings of National Systems Conference (NSC-2007)

A Systemic Experimental Study of

Macrocosmic Consciousness
Prem S. Satsangi, Fellow SSI, Vishal Sahni, Life Member SSI

study. To endow religion with practical and scientific interest,

Abstract— This paper presents a systemic study of macrocosmic it is essential that religious research should be conducted on
consciousness of the Dayalbagh community, during the same lines as those employed in scientific research, that is
congregational meditation-cum-prayer meetings in the to say, the object-in-view should be clearly defined and
Community Hall at Dayalbagh, through relevant repeatable non- practical measures should be prescribed and adopted for the
intrusive (non-invasive) scientific experiments using random attainment of that object” [1].
number generators, electric circuits such as RC filters (low pass,
band pass and high pass), tuned LC circuits, RC phase-shift
circuits, and a diode bridge square law modulator circuit (for I. 1 System Theoretic Framework ([2],[3])
sensing electromagnetic waves in the Community Hall). The Fundamental Axiom of Consciousness
paper reinforces the view that (physical) science and religion The fundamental axiom of macrocosmic system of
(spiritual science) go hand in hand and dispels the notion that consciousness is that the origin of the macrocosm is an infinite
scientific discoveries run counter to spiritual phenomena and vice spiritual energy source or reservoir known as the Supreme
versa. Creator or Being accompanied by the omnipresent quantum
Section I introduces the system theoretic framework. Section spiritual force-field of consciousness and each constituent
II presents the rational basis for systemic experimental study and fundamental particle of it, known as the spirit-force of
discusses the systemic experimentation while Section III
consciousness, is the one which possesses prime energy and
concludes the paper with a fleeting thought regarding the
immense power of information processing technology for that all other forces (mental or physical) of nature have been
exploring the domain of macrocosmic consciousness. evolved by the association of this spirit force with media
(mental or physical) of different kinds. (Notice that the
Index Terms— RC filters, Tuned LC circuits, System concept of “spirit force” is no more intrinsically mysterious
Experimentation. than “mass”).
Macrocosmic Consciousness Postulate
I. INTRODUCTION This postulate states that the consciousness (or

here is a growing belief that there is no disparity spirituality) of the macrocosm, pertaining to its three grand
between science and religion, the latter being an divisions ranging from the purely spiritual region (i.e. the
extension of physical science to the realm of macrocosmic division of universal spirit) through the region
metaphysical science of consciousness. A desire to (i.e. macrocosmic division) of Universal Mind to the physical
acquire pleasure or to avoid pain appears to be the motive of or material region (or macrocosmic division) together with
all voluntary and involuntary actions and thoughts of animate their six sub-divisions each, varies in descending order of
existence [2]. “It is clear that a motive, actuated by the magnitude.
impulse described above, can find a final resting place in such Man, a creation on planet Earth (the fourth subdivision
a state alone as is entirely free from pain and opposition of from the bottom of the third grand-division of the macrocosm
every description and is one of supreme bliss. This is the (i.e. the region of physical or material universe) happens to be
object of religion in its extreme analytical aspect” [1]. The a perfect microcosm of the macrocosm in the sense that man
object of Science rightfully would be to acquire pleasure or to possesses not only six ganglia or nerve-centres for making
avoid pain for all living beings. “The apathy which manifests communion with the corresponding six subdivisions of the
itself amongst the most intelligent classes, specially amongst macrocosmic division of the physical or material region but
scientific men, in respect of religion, is due to the fact that also six apertures in the grey matter of the brain for accessing
religious matters are more or less shrouded in sentimentality, and attaining consciousness of the corresponding six
mysticism and dogmatic faith, and are void of that practical subdivisions of the macrocosmic division or region of
and matter-of-fact research which distinguishes a scientific Universal Mind as well as six other apertures in the white
matter of the brain for communicating and realizing
consciousness of the corresponding six sub-divisions of the
Prem S. Satsangi is the Chairman, Advisory Committee on Education,
Dayalbagh, Agra 282 005, INDIA. (e-mail: [email protected]). macrocosmic division of Universal spirit (or purely spiritual
Vishal Sahni is with the Faculty of Engineering, Dayalbagh Educational
Institute (Deemed University), Dayalbagh, Agra 282 005, INDIA. (e- Consciousness Realization Postulate
mail:[email protected]).
Proceedings of National Systems Conference (NSC-2007)

The religion of Saints prescribes a systemic methodology greater than light (v ≥ c). Finally, at the present we are
of the meditational practice of Surat (spirit force) – Shabda cognitively only able to experimentally measure amplitude
(spiritual sound currents) – Yoga (union) for uniting the spirit and frequency from A’s frame of reference. It is a fortuitous
force of a human being with the “characteristic” sound- circumstance that since the equilibrium pilot or collective
currents 1 , which emanate from the various spirit currents in wave envelope enclosing the particle in system A moves at a
different regions and sub-regions (i.e. grand divisions and velocity v ≤ c, physical measurements can be made in system
sub-divisions) of the macrocosm for attaining corresponding A of the effect on it of coupling arising from system B, using
levels of increasing degree of consciousness from the lowest the scientific instruments and the external sense organs
subdivision of the macrocosmic division of physical or available to man in the physical universe. Assume the
material region to the highest subdivision of the Supreme aforesaid two sinusoids for the two systems A and B to be at
Creator or Being of the macrocosmic division of the purely frequency ω A and ωB respectively. Assume that frequency
spiritual region.
The object in view is to attain the highest degree of ωB pertaining to Universal Mind / Universal Spirit is higher
macrocosmic consciousness as defined by the fundamental than frequency ωA pertaining to the physical universe. There
axiom by means of awakening the 18 hidden senses within
man as referred to in the Macrocosmic Consciousness is expected to be information entanglement between the
Postulate through the meditational practice of “Surat Shabda aforesaid systems A and B with partial coupling (as given by
Yoga” of uniting the spirit force of man with the characteristic coefficient of coupling γ , 0 < γ < 1) between them. This
spiritual sound currents at various levels as embodied in leads to the phenomenon of modulation of carrier wave,
Consciousness Realization Postulate. However, this requires arising from information entanglement between the basic
rigorous training and practice under the guidance of an adept. components of the particular field quality for the two
Accordingly, an alternative rational basis, for systemic interacting systems A and B.
experimental study is proposed in the next Section to facilitate
appreciation of the phenomena of macrocosmic II.2 Systemic experimentation using a random number
consciousness. generator
(Configured to generate random numbers between 0 and 1 at
II. SYSTEMIC EXPERIMENTATION different frequencies from 1 number per second to 120
numbers per second).
II.1 Rational Basis for Systemic Experimental Study
In repeated experiments attempted over a large number of
The rationale underlying the various experiments
meditational sessions held during different times of days as
reported in this paper may be explained as follows :
well as during special congregational gatherings we observed
Think of two parallel universes (systems A and B), that is,
that the standard deviation universally reduced during
one the macrocosmic division of physical universe and the
meditational sessions vis-à-vis control set generated in the
other macrocosmic division of Universal Mind / Universal
vacant prayer hall. The reduction in standard deviation varied
Spirit. According to Quantum Physics, every particle in the
from 0.5% to nearly 2% and the maximum reduction of 3.3%
Physical universe (system A) has associated with it a pilot
was obtained while the adept or mentor delivered a discourse
wave envelope (say, a sinusoid) enclosing it and moving at
to the congregation. The mean, however, hovered within 1%
particle’s velocity (v ≤ c). So far as the other system B (the
in all cases.
macrocosmic division of Universal Mind / Universal Spirit),
visualized by the science of consciousness, is concerned, the
II.3 Systemic experiments with RC filters, LC tuned circuits
quantum mind / spiritual force field is characterized by a
and two-stage RC phase-shifting circuits
natural field quality of interest in the form of a wave (another
The waves detected in individuals performing yogic
sinusoid). Therefore, the Fourier transform pair relationship,
practice have certain frequency bands such as delta (1-5 Hz),
connecting measurements in the time domain from the direct
theta (5-8 Hz), alpha (8-13 Hz), lower beta (12-20 Hz), higher
reference frame to measurements in the frequency domain
beta (20-32 Hz), gamma (32-120 Hz) and higher gamma, our
from the reciprocal reference frame, appears to be appropriate.
coinage, (120-132 Hz).
The primary waves belonging to a macrocosmic division other
The initial experiments simply involved subjecting low
than physical universe such as Universal Mind / Universal
pass, high pass and band pass RC filters and tuned LC circuits
Spirit (system B) are not constrained by the limit imposed by
(designed using impedance reflection technique) to a square
velocity of light (i.e. v ≤ c) but may travel with velocity
wave input at the centre-frequency of the aforesaid
meditational bands of interest.
This is somewhat akin to the Cosmic Background Microwave
Radiation emitted at the time of the Big Bang (marking the
beginning of creation of physical universe) which is being
detected even today by devices such as COBE (Cosmic II.3.1 Low Pass and Band Pass Filters
Background Explorer) Satellite as the Microwave Relic of the The low and band pass filters exhibited a uniform
Big Bang to study the state of the physical universe soon after phenomena over all types of waves in that the component of
its birth. the peak frequency in the output exhibited a reduction during
meditation in the Community Prayer Hall. A plausible
Proceedings of National Systems Conference (NSC-2007)

explanation could be that during meditation-cum-prayer

sessions some of the physical energy may be exchanged by
the filter with the mind / spirit force-field generated by a
strong individual or group of practitioners of meditation in the
community hall as a result of its entanglement with the
physical energy waves of the detecting circuit.

II.3.2 High Pass RC Filters and Tuned LC Circuits

We observed rather interesting results with high pass RC
filters and tuned LC circuits in that the entanglements of the
physical electromagnetic wave inputs to the detecting circuits
at frequency ω A with the meditational “resonance” waves (b) Spectral Plot for control set
(No modulation can be observed)
(generated by mind / spirit) at frequency ωB would appear to
produce the following two distinct waves in the spectral plots Fig. 1. Delta Waves
for various type of input waves :

(i) a rapid oscillation at the mean frequency

(ωB + ω A ) / 2 in the form of carrier wave, and
(ii) a somewhat slower modulating wave at the beat
frequency ( ωB − ω A ) / 2 .
For instance, delta wave inputs to the detecting RC and
LC circuits at a frequency ω A = 3 Hz showed a carrier wave
at frequency (ωB + ωA ) / 2 = 61.5 Hz and a modulating beat
frequency (ωB − ωA ) / 2 = 58.5 Hz in repeated experiments (a) Spectral Plot during meditation
during meditational prayer sessions in the Community Hall
thereby implying the presence of meditational “resonance”
wave at a dominant frequency ωB = 120 Hz (higher Gamma
Wave) (Fig. 1). No such phenomenon could be observed in
the spectral plot for the control set generated in the laboratory.
Similarly, for higher Beta inputs to the detecting circuits at
frequency ω A = 26 Hz, the spectral plots during meditational
prayer sessions showed carrier wave at frequency
( ωB + ω A ) / 2 = 73 Hz and a modulating beat frequency

( ωB − ω A ) / 2 = 47 Hz which once again confirmed the

presence of a dominant meditational ‘resonance’ wave at (b) Spectral Plot for control set
frequency ωB = 120 Hz (higher Gamma Wave) during
(No modulation can be observed)

meditational prayer sessions in the community hall (Fig. 2). Fig. 2. Higher Beta Waves

We identified frequencies 4.5 Hz, 76 Hz, 108 Hz and 126

Hz at which peak of the ratio between experimental set (for
meditational prayer sessions in Community Hall) and control
set (for no-prayer sessions) occurred by using high pass RC
and tuned LC detecting circuits excited by a variety of input
waves (Fig. 3), especially Delta (1.5 Hz or 4.5 Hz), higher
Beta (26 Hz), Gamma (76 Hz or 108 Hz) and higher Gamma
(126 Hz). We observed that magnitude ratio (between
experimental set and control set) peaked at frequencies other
than the excitation frequencies of the detecting circuits which
would tend to support the view that the identified peaking
(a) Spectral Plot during meditation
frequencies represent meditational frequencies corresponding
Proceedings of National Systems Conference (NSC-2007)

to varying degrees of spirituality attained by individuals or

groups among participating meditationists in the prayer
sessions. The global peak magnitude ratio of 14.76 as
identified by LC tuned detecting circuit excited by 1.5 Hz
square wave occurred at 126 Hz (higher Gamma) (Fig. 3(a))
which could be attributed to meditational frequency of the
mentor (on the basis of several supporting pieces of
experimental evidence).

II.3.3 Establishing coherence between Machine-generated

and Meditation-generated (superposed) waveform
By using a suitable two-stage RC phase-shifting circuit
(for complete phase variation from 0 to 360 degrees) we (b) 4.5 Hz input wave
controlled the phase of the machine generated waveform as
applied to its input at each of the identified meditation
frequencies of 4.5 Hz, 76 Hz, 108 Hz and 126 Hz and
observed that coherence could be achieved between the
machine-generated and superimposed meditation-generated
waveforms at its output during the meditation-cum-prayer
sessions in the Community Hall. Next we cascaded the phase
shift circuit with the high pass RC filters and tuned LC
circuits at designated frequencies and could again observe the
phenomenon of coherence at the output; however, we noticed
variation in output with minimum amplitude in different cases,
viz., phase-shift circuit only, phase-shift circuit cascaded with
high pass RC filter or LC resonant circuit. (c) 26 Hz input wave

II.4 Sensing Electromagnetic Waves at Meditational

Frequencies during Prayer Meetings in Community Hall
We used a large antenna represented by the solid iron
structure of the Community Prayer Hall (Fig. 4(a)) to detect
low meditational frequencies of the congregation at 4.5 Hz, 76
Hz, 108 Hz and 126 Hz by superposing them on a higher
frequency (say 1 KHz) square wave and feeding the
superposed waves to a square law diode bridge modulator
circuit (Fig. 4(b)) giving a modulated output corresponding to
the product of the higher input frequency (1 KHz) with each
of the lower meditational frequencies (4.5 Hz, 76 Hz, 108 Hz,
126 Hz). (d) 108 Hz input wave
Fig. 3. Sample Ratio Plots for various frequencies

(a) Leads connected to base of pillar of iron structure

(a) 1.5 Hz input wave

(b) Square Law Modulator Circuit

Fig. 4. Sensing of Electromagnetic Waves in Community Hall
Proceedings of National Systems Conference (NSC-2007)

We observed that the peak amplitude of the modulated consciousness throughout the prayer session at a characteristic
output (half an hour before scheduled time of commencement frequency, say 126 Hz.
of the prayer session when the mentor and a few others had
arrived in the Community Prayer Hall and were engaged in II.4.1 Electromagnetic Waves during a non-prayer meeting
meditation) had more than doubled over control output (taken of Radhasoami Satsang Sabha in the Satsang Hall
1½ hour before the scheduled time of the prayer session when We observed that the control set generated by the square
nobody had arrived in the prayer hall) while the peak law modulator circuit with 1 KHz square wave generator input
amplitude of the modulated output (taken half an hour after of amplitude 0.5 using iron structure of the hall as a large
the commencement of the ¾ hour prayer session) had nearly antenna produced modulated wave output well below 0.5
tripled when the prayer session was in progress (Table 1). We when the hall was vacant prior to the meeting. In contrast, we
also studied the peak amplitude of the modulated output wave observed that throughout the meeting, even though square
during various parts of an evening prayer session and wave input amplitude was maintained at 0.5, the detected
observed that the peaks became increasingly coherent and modulated signal output hovered around 1.0 even before the
continued to rise in intensity till they more or less levelled off meeting when several members were silently engaged in
as the prayer session progressed from the initial meditation meditation and stayed at 1.0 when the meeting of the Sabha
phase through the opening group prayer, ladies choirs 1 and 2, progressed. By carrying out Fourier analysis of the
and gents choir to the closing group prayer (Fig. 5). electromagnetic waves we detected peaks at all the pertinent
frequencies, viz. 4.5 Hz, 76 Hz, 108 Hz and 126 Hz when the
members engaged in meditation while the meeting was in
progress with a noticeable feature that the peak at 126 Hz
appeared only upon the arrival of the mentor or adept in the
meeting hall (Fig. 7) (although apparently the mentor was not
engaged in meditation and was simply observing the

II.4.2 Electromagnetic Waves during Branch Satsang on

Open Community Ground
We observed the peaks while the prayer session in a
Branch Satsang was in progress but these were not so marked
Fig. 5. Peak Magnitude during different times of prayer session as in the prayer meeting session in the Central Satsang Hall in
Dayalbagh possibly due to small size of antenna in use in the
Branch Satsang on open community ground as well as the
Peak Value of absence of the adept or mentor in the Branch Satsang which
Status of Hall Modulated apparently made a noticeable difference in the spiritual waves
Waveform generated during prayer session in the Branch Satsang on the
Empty 0.3634 open Community Ground.
Mentor and few others 0.7870
Congregational Prayer
Session in progress
We further studied the Fourier plots shifted by 1 KHz to
offset modulation shift of spectral distribution. We observed
that when the whole congregation participated in the opening
and closing group prayers there was a peaking of the 4.5 Hz
frequency component while during the initial meditation phase
we noticed the dominance of the 126 Hz peak followed by the
108 Hz peak. Similarly we also observed that during choir
recitations, the 76 Hz frequency component peaked besides
the 126 Hz frequency component (identified with the mentor) (a) Meditation
which was almost always peaking (Fig. 6). We may explain
the phenomenon by observing that there are different levels of
spiritual consciousness achieved with their characteristic wave
frequencies during different phases of the congregational
prayer meeting session. We may also observe that certain
frequencies become dominant in displaying peaks either when
a number of individuals in the congregation simultaneously
achieve a particular level of spiritual consciousness or when
the adept or mentor sustains a high level of spiritual
Proceedings of National Systems Conference (NSC-2007)

(b) First Group Prayer (b) Meeting in Progress

Fig. 7. Fourier plots for non-prayer meeting

It is worth emphasizing that the phenomena of
macrocosmic consciousness during congregational
meditation-cum-prayer meetings in the Community Hall at
Dayalbagh, although generated by rigorous pursuit of
meditational practice of Surat Shabda Yoga in accordance
with the System Theoretic Framework of Section I, have been
observed and studied through relevant repeatable non-
intrusive (non-invasive) scientific experiments described and
discussed in Section II.
(c) Ladies Choir We conjecture that it is research investigation of a
metaphysical kind in the esoteric or spiritual systems field
which is going to take us over the plateau that seems to be
impeding further progress of systems science [4]. The subtlest
dimension, as conceived in the state of the art technology of
modern world is nanometer technology. However, Planck's
length, which is what obtained at the beginning of the physical
universe is 10-35 metre, i.e. almost four times exponentially as
subtle as nanotechnology (i.e. nano4). As we reach even
subtler entity, we reach the mind domain (zero mass, zero
dimension); if we get further subtler, we reach the spirit
domain. So it can be visualized what kind of a sub-sub-sub-
microscopic technology the Supreme Being invokes in
(d) Second Group Prayer bringing about the Universe (Macrocosm) into existence.
Scientists also recognize that the grand unified theory (GUT)
Fig. 6. Fourier Plot during various portions of prayer session symmetry or super symmetry will combine all the four forces
of nature and make them follow a single law, but that is at the
dimension of Planck's length, 10-35 metre. We can only
imagine what kind of a unification, further super grand
unification, takes place at the spiritual plane and that would
give rise to the Ultimate Information Processing Technology
for exploring the domain of macrocosmic consciousness. It is
one likely direction in which science can move to progress
beyond all possibilities ever conceived [4]. Imagine that
whereas quantum teleportation is estimated to be still 50 years
away, the spiritual quantum teleportation is already a reality
which can be experienced by a meditationist through practice
of “Surat Shabda Yoga”!

(a) Before start of meeting
[1] M. Sahab (Mishra B.S.) (2004), Discourses on Radhasoami Faith (With
supplement), Dayalbagh, Agra: Radhasoami Satsang Sabha.
Proceedings of National Systems Conference (NSC-2007)

[2] Satsangi, P.S. (2006), “Systems Movement : Autobiographical

Retrospectives”, International Journal of General Systems, Vol. 35, No.
2, 127–167.
[3] Satsangi, P.S. (2006), “Linear Graph Theory for Modelling a Variety of
Systems : From Electrical Networks Through “Real” Physical Systems
and “Conceptual” Socio-Economic-Environmental Systems To
“Esoteric” Creational Systems”, Proc. of International Conf. on
Differential geometry and Topology in Perspective of Modern Trends
(DGTPMT-2006), DEI, Dayalbagh Agra.
[4] Satsangi, P.S. (2007), “Possible Future Directions for Progress of
Systems Movement”, Remarks at Inaugural Lecture of DEI-Dayalbagh
Chapter of Systems Society of India, Dayalbagh Herald, 88 (2), pp. 8,
online : www.dayalbagh.org.in/eherald.

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