Treatment of childhood nocturnal enuresis:
an examination of clinically relevant principles
R . B U T L E R and A . S T E N B E R G *
Department of Clinical Psychology, High Royds Hospital, West Yorkshire, UK, and *Uppsala University Children's Hospital,
Section of Urology, Uppsala, Sweden
whereas pharmacological treatment has emphasized combined group receiving a more `enhanced' treatment
managing the enuresis and aims to reduce the frequency package than the alarm monotherapy group.
of wetting [1]. Leebeek-Groenewegen et al. [32], in a double-blind
placebo-controlled study, examined 93 children with
monosymptomatic NE. Children were allocated to treat-
Linking treatment to the child's needs
ment with alarm plus desmopressin 40 mg (A+D) or
Some have argued that the type of treatment inter- alarm plus placebo (A+P) for 9 weeks. During the
vention advocated should be based on the cause of the treatment period the desmopressin dose was titrated
child's NE [2]. An appropriate assessment will highlight three times (40, 20 and 0 mg). There were signicant
which of the three systems is affected; thus desmopressin differences between the groups only at 3 weeks, which
is a logical treatment for low AVP release, oxybutynin suggests that the effect was largely the result of desmo-
plus bladder training for bladder instability and the pressin rather than the combination. The response rate
enuresis alarm when the child indicates the potential over 9 weeks suggested that two separate treatment
to wake from sleep [2]. effects could account for the results. In the A+D group
Where children appear to have difculty in more than the immediate reduction in the number of wet nights,
one of the systems, combined therapy (using more than which reached a plateau, is a typical treatment response
one treatment intervention) might reasonably be con- with desmopressin, whereas with A+P the prole showed
sidered. Butler reviewed the methodological issues a gradual reduction in the number of wet nights through
associated with combined treatment [29]. The most to week 9, a response suggestive of alarm treatment.
common combined cause of NE is lack of AVP plus a lack Although the study used unusual success criteria (cure
of arousability. dened as o90% reduction and success as o50%
Three studies reported on combined desmopressin and reduction) the authors concluded that desmopressin
the enuresis alarm on unselected groups of children. does not result in higher cure rates and that combined
Sukhai et al. [30], with a crossover design, randomized treatment is not justied in all enuretic children from
children into two treatment groups, i.e. alarm plus the outset of treatment.
desmopressin (A+D) or alarm with placebo (A+P). The These studies suggest that the success with combined
results suggested that A+D was better (P=0.05) than alarm plus desmopressin is caused by the desmopressin
A+P in treating NE. However, the sample population intervention and not the combination. It might be argued
was both small (28 children) and not homogeneous that when a child is responsive to desmopressin the alarm
(29% of the children having learning difculties). becomes redundant, as it will not be triggered. Using
However, the most problematic methodological issue combined treatment without rst assessing the cause
was the treatment duration. Children were only treated in terms of the three systems [2] may be considered
for 2 weeks before crossover, which is sufcient time to inadvisable, and potentially overloads both child and
assess the effect of desmopressin but clearly insufcient to parents with unnecessary treatment interventions.
test the effectiveness of the alarm, as 512 weeks has A more appropriate combination theoretically might
been suggested as the mean treatment duration with an include anticholinergic medication plus desmopressin,
enuresis alarm [11,12]. Thus treatment success in the where bladder instability and a lack of AVP are indicated
A+D group was arguably caused by a response to [33]. Two studies report the effectiveness of such a com-
desmopressin, whereas insufcient duration of treatment bination [34,35]. An Italian multicentre trial reported
in the A+P group must have contributed to the failure signicantly more success with oxybutynin plus desmo-
rate in this group. pressin (79%) than with oxybutynin monotherapy (54%),
Bradbury [31] randomly allocated 71 children to where children had NE with daytime urgency and
either the alarm plus desmopressin (40 mg) or alarm mono- frequency [35]. The study concluded that the reduced
therapy for 6 weeks; the combined therapy was more urinary output and bladder lling, as a consequence
effective than the alarm alone, particularly where the of desmopressin, decreased the onset of uninhibited
child had severe NE and behavioural problems. How- bladder contractions and thus enhanced the effect of
ever, the samples were not homogenous for severity, as oxybutynin.
before allocation 20% were dry more than four times
per week, which raises questions about treatment eligi-
Understanding the treatment rationale
bility. Furthermore, no information was provided on the
rates of primary/secondary, non-mono or monosympto- The perceived mode of action of desmopressin is in
matic NE, diurnal enuresis, previous alarm therapy mimicking AVP through reducing urine production
or parental intolerance. The absence of a placebo sug- and increasing urine concentration, and as such desmo-
gests a lack of methodological equivalence, with the pressin has been construed as a replacement or
supplementation. Hansen and Jorgensen [36] conrmed reports and found excess uid intake contributed to six
this by nding reduced night-time urine production cases. They suggested that to prevent hyponatraemia,
during desmopressin treatment. However, some work children should be encouraged not to drink >240 mL
suggests that desmopressin has an additional effect, i.e. on any night that desmopressin is taken.
in increasing arousability. Lackgren et al. [37] found A primary concern with alarm therapy is parental
that >70% of individuals treated with desmopressin intolerance [8,39]. Several parents become angry,
became dry by waking from sleep to void. This raised the annoyed and intolerant of bedwetting, particularly
question as to whether, by reducing urine volume, with an older child and where the family are functioning
desmopressin shifts the point at which the bladder under stress. Parents often seek to blame their child,
becomes full to the early morning, when arousal from believing the bedwetting is somehow under their con-
sleep is easier for the child [38]. trol, and resort to punitive means of coping. Up to a third
Interestingly, the mode of action of the alarm is of parents resort to punitive measures in seeking to cope
ill understood, but several explanations have been with the problem [8,9,52].
suggested: There is ample evidence indicating a close association
between parental (usually maternal) intolerance and
discontinuation or early withdrawal from alarm treat-
' An increased expectation of success [39]. ment [5355]. Enuresis alarms are time-consuming
' Alteration of social reinforcement to a point close to and complicated to set up, notoriously temperamental,
the wetting [40]. tend to disrupt the sleep of everyone in the household
' `Avoidance conditioning', whereby the child seeks to and often take weeks of use before there are positive signs
avoid the unpleasantness of the noise by spontaneous of progress. Alarms therefore potentially increase paren-
waking or by contraction of the pelvic oor muscles tal annoyance and may place the child at greater
[41]. physical and emotional risk [39].
' Increased functional bladder capacity [42].
' Increased production of AVP in response to the stress
Considering pretreatment predictors of outcome
of waking to the alarm, which might explain why
< 80% of children who become dry with the enuresis An understanding of the variables under which a
alarm are able to sleep through the night [43]. treatment is likely to succeed or fail is an important
clinical tool; it improves the choice over available
' A conditioned response whereby waking after urina-
treatment options and enhances the likelihood of suc-
tion serves as an unconditioned stimulus, whilst the
cess [56]. Moffatt and Cheang [57] also argue that
`startle response' of pelvic oor contractions which
research design should incorporate known prognostic
stops urination is the unconditioned response. indicators to ensure comparison groups are matched
With repeated triggering, it is argued, the alarm against variables known to enhance success or increase
produces a conditioned response of inhibition of failure rates across treatment interventions.
urination in the presence of detrusor contractions Pre-treatment predictors of success for desmopressin
during sleep [44]. include:
having a positive family history. However, Hogg and ' There is previous lack of success with the enuresis
Husmann [69] found a more striking discrepancy, alarm [82].
with a 91% response to desmopressin in patients with ' If the child voids early in the night when it is more
a family history and only a 7% response in those with difcult to arouse from sleep [38].
no family history. However, other studies have failed ' When maternal education is poor [57].
to nd such a relationship [62,65,7072]. ' With higher socio-economic status [57].
' Increased urine volume at night [73,74]. Rittig et al.
[73] found patients who responded to desmopressin To date, there are no reported pretreatment predictors
were able to reduce urine volume at night to the same with bladder training and anticholinergic medication.
as that of other children.
' Increased urine production during the day [66].
' Less concentrated urine during the day [66]. Offering treatment choice
' Frequent daytime micturition [62]. The importance of inviting children to choose the type
' Increased birth-weight [63]. of enuresis alarm (bed or body-worn), when this is
' Higher dose [16,47,58,75]. considered to be the most appropriate treatment inter-
vention, is being acknowledged clinically [14]. However,
Pre-treatment predictors with the enuresis alarm recent work suggests the importance of choice across
include: the broader spectrum of treatment modalities. Monda
(i) Discontinuation or early withdrawal from treatment and Husmann [71] undertook an intriguing study where
when there is evidence of: children with NE chose the mode of treatment. Using a
very strict success criterion (01 wet night/month) they
found a 68% response with desmopressin, compared
' Parental intolerance and annoyance [5355].
with a 32% response to imipramine and 63% with the
' Children with low self esteem [76].
enuresis alarm.
' Children with behavioural problems [77].
' Family history of bedwetting [78].
Combined therapy is limited to those individuals who the alarm or desmopressin is discontinued, revolves
have difculties with all three systems. Desmopressin around encouraging the individual to attribute the suc-
coupled with oxybutynin is successful with those who cess to themselves, rather than to the treatment process.
have low AVP release, bladder instability and who are The identication of the principles that inuence the
unable to wake to bladder signals. As yet there are no effectiveness of treatment can assist the clinician in
studies examining the combination of alarm and oxy- developing interventions to suit the individual's par-
butynin. There is no good evidence for combining ticular circumstances and consequently enhance the
desmopressin with the enuresis alarm and there are likelihood of success.
theoretical objections to such an approach.
Many adjuncts to the primary treatment intervention, Acknowledgements
usually the alarm, have been described and two intensive
This work was undertaken with the support of Leeds
programmes (dry-bed training and home-spectrum
Community & Mental Health NHS Trust.
training) incorporating many behavioural procedures,
have been developed. The only effective adjuncts that
enhance the alarm are arousal training and scheduled References
waking, both of which seek to improve waking to
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