Application Form: Ageason1 ST Jan /1 ST July

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(for the posts below Manager Cadre)

Please affix recent

Post applied for passport size photo
Advertisement No. and Date

Name of the Candidate

2 Gender (Tick in relevant Box) Male Female

3 Date of Birth Date Month Year

st st
4 Age as on 1 Jan /1 July
of the year (as the case
may be)
(in completed years)
5 Fathers Name
6 Mothers Name
7 Marital Status Married Unmarried
(Tick in relevant Box)
8 Spouse Name
Husband / Wife
9 If applicant is Female Widow Destitute Widow Others
10 Place of Birth
11 Native District and State
12 If other than TN, Specify
the Name of the State
13 Mother Tongue
14 Other languages known
15 Nationality Indian Others
(Tick in relevant Box)
16 Religion (Please specify)
17 Address for Communication
Door No. Street Name:

City/Village: District:

State: Pin code:

Permanent Address
18 Door No. Street Name:
City/Village: District:
State: Pin code:
19 Communal Category OC BC MBC SC SC(A) ST DNC
(Please tick in relevant

20 Name of the Sub

a. Community
Certificate No.
b. Date of Issue Date Month Year

c. Issuing Authority
d. Name of the Taluk
e. Name of the District
21 Are you a Differently Yes No
Abled Person?
If yes, please
22 Whether DW Inter Ex-Service man Freedom Burma / Owner Physically Orphans Not
caste dependents of Fighter Ceylon of the Handi-capped applic-
coming under Marri- Ex-service man, and Repatri- land exclusively Able
priority? age dependents of Thiyagis ate acquired Ortho
serving Army forTamil by Govt.
If yes, tick personnels language
the relevant

a. Certificate No.
b. Date of Issue Date Month Year
c. Issuing Authority
d. Name of the District
e. Name of the Taluk
23 Educational Medium of Name of the Institution Year of Total Marks % Grade /
Qualification Instruction passing Marks Secured Class
a. S.S.L.C

b. H.S.C (+2)

c. ITI/Teacher
(2 years)
d. Diploma

e. Degree
(3 years)
f. Diploma in
Co -Operation
g. Post Graduate

h. M.Phil
i. Ph.D
j. PG.Diploma
k. Typing Tamil
l. Typing English
Shorthand in
m. Tamil
Shorthand in
n. English
o. Others

Name and
address of the Designation Scale of Pay From To
Details of
24. Previous
employment if

Details of conviction / Punishment / Disqualification /

25. criminal case, disciplinary proceedings etc., if any

26. Mobile No / Phone No

27. Declaration:

I, hereby, declare that all the particulars furnished in this application are true,
correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of
any information being found false or incorrect or ineligibility being detected
before or after the examination, action can be taken against me by TCMPF Ltd

Place: Signature of the Candidate

Encl : 1. Self attested Xerox copies of Certificates

2. Demand Draft for Rs.250/- [For the post of Manager only]
3. Self Addressed envelope -3 Nos. (Size 27 x 11 cm)
4. 2 copies of Hall Ticket duly filled in and affixing the passport size
5. Self addressed post card
6. Passport size photo 2Nos
[should be enclosed along with application]
Annexure II

Format for Envelope for submission of filled in applications (Please

write following on the envelope)


Advertisement No. - ..2017


The General Manager ,

The Erode District Co-operative
Milk Producers Union Ltd
Vasavi College Post -638316
Erode District


The Erode District Cooperative Milk Producers unions


1. Name of the District Cooperative Milk : The Erode District Cooperative Milk
Producers Union and address Producers Union Ltd
Vasavi College Post Erode-638316

2. Jurisdiction of the District Cooperative :Erode and Three Taluks in Tiruppur District
Milk Producers Union [Dharapuram, Kangayam & Uthukulli]

3.Name of the post and vacancies to be filled up and educational qualification

Sl Name of the Post and Qualifications Scale of Rs. No. of Posts
No Communal Rotation
1 2 3 4 5
1 Extension Officer Grade-II 5200-20200+ 03 SCA(Priority)-W
Must be a graduate in any discipline Grade MBC-(NP)-W
Must have passed in Cooperative Pay 2400 BC-(NP)-W-DW
Exemption for holders of degree in
BA(Coop) or BCom(Coop) from passing
Cooperative Training
2 Junior Executive(Office) 5200-20200+ 01 SCA-(Priority)-W
Must be a Graduate in any discipline Grade Pay 2400
Must have passed in Cooperative
Exemption for holders of degree in
BA(Coop) or BCom(Coop) from passing
Cooperative Traing
3 Junior Executive(Typing) 5200-20200+ 01 OC-G-(Priority)
Must be a graduate in any discipline Grade Pay 2400
with Typewriting Higher Grade in
English and Tamil
4 Heavy Vehicle Driver 5200-20200+ 04 MBC-(NP)-W
Must have passed VIII Std., or its Grade Pay 2400 SC-(P)-W
equivalent BC-(NP)-W
Must be in possession of valid Driving OC-(NP)-W
Licence to drive Heavy Vehicles
Must Possess a minimum 3 years
experience as Heavy Vehicle Driver
5 Light Vehicle Driver 5200-20200+ 02 OC-(NP)-
Must have passed VIII Std Grade Pay 2400 BC-(P)
Must be in possession of a valid Driving
Licence to drive Light Vehicles
Must have minimum 3 years experience
as Light Vehicle Driver
Technician(Lab) 5200-20200+ 01 SCA-(P)-W-DW
6 A Pass in X Std/SSLC or its equivalent. Grade Pay 2400
Must possess 2 years Diploma in
Lab(Technician) issued by the
Govt/Govt approved institutions
Technician(Instrumentation) 5200-20200+ 05 OC-G(Priority)
7 Pass in SSLC and ITI Certificate in the Grade Pay 2400 SCA-(P)-W-DW
trade of Instrument Mechanic with NTC MBC-(P)
Expansion for Abbreviations
1) SCA [P] W Scheduled Caste [Arunthiyar]-[Priority}Women
2) MBC-[NP]-W Most Backward [Non Priority]-Women
3) BC-[NP]-W-DW Backward [Non Priority]-Women-Destitute Widow]
4) OC-G-NP Open Community-General [Priority]
5) SC[P]-W Scheduled Case[Priority]-Women
6) BC-NP-W Backward-[Non Priority]-Women
7) OC-[NP]-W Open Community-[Non Priority]-Women
8) BC-(P) Backward-[Priority]
9) SCA-[P]-W-DW Scheduled Caste[Arunthiyar)-Women-Destitute Widow
10) MBC-[P] Most Backward-[Priority]
11) OC-[NP]-W-DW Open Community-[Non Priority]-Women-Destitute Widow
4. Age for Recruitment (as on 1 January 2017)

S Name of the Post for which Age Limit

No direct recruitment provisions
is available
01 Extension Officer Grade-II 30 years No age limit No age limit
02 Junior Executive(Office) 30 years No age limit No age limit
03 Junior Executive(Typing) 30 years No age limit No age limit
04 Heavy Vehicle Driver 30 years 35 years 32 years
05 Light Vehicle Driver 30 years 35 years 32 years
06 Technician[Lab] 30 years 35 years 32 years
07 Technician(Instrumentation) 30 years 35 years 32 years

Relaxation up to 10 years for differently abled candidates for all categories

The Retirement age for all posts is 58 years.

5. No. of application to be sent

If a candidate is eligible for more than one post he/she should send separate
application for each post. The filled in application complete in all respects along with
Xerox copies of required documents and other enclosures should be sent to the
address mentioned in the advertisement either by Registered Post or Speed Post. If
sent by any other mode, it is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure the receipt
of the application in the office before the last date mentioned in the advertisement.
Management will not be responsible for postal delay, if any. Application should be
sent along with filled in Hall Ticket and other enclosures listed in the Application. In
the Hall Ticket the Examination Roll No. need not be filled up by the applicant at the
time of submission and the same will be assigned by the Management while sending
Hall Ticket for appearing for the written test. The envelop containing the application
should mention the post to which the application relates and should be written in the
format indicated below.
6. Mode of Payment of Examination Fee [Manager post only]

Payment of fee should be made by way of demand draft only, drawn in favour of
General Manager, Erode Dist Coop Milk Producers Union Ltd,Erode, and payable at
Erode. Demand draft can be drawn in any one of the Nationalized
Banks/Cooperative Banks and Examination fees for each post should be remitted
separately. Demand drafts obtained earlier to the date of advertisement will not be
accepted and any other modes of payment like Cheque,postal order and cash will
not be accepted.

7.i. Selection Procedure- For the posts below Manager Cadre

Selection will be made based on the marks obtained by the candidate in the
academic qualification and oral test. Driver(HVD/LVD), selection will be based on
testing of their driving ability only.

a) For academic qualification 90 marks

b) For Oral Test 10 marks

8. Qualification in Tamil

Every candidate on the date of the Notification for the post should possess an
adequate knowledge in Tamil

Explanation: For this purpose a person will be deemed to possess an adequate

knowledge in Tamil:

(a) In the case of a post for which the educational qualification prescribed is the
Minimum General Educational Qualification and above, he/she must have
passed the SSLC Public Examination with Tamil Medium.
(b) The candidate should pass the Tamil language proficiency test, conducted by
the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission within 3 years from the date of entry
into service

9. Community Certificate

In the case of an applicant who claims to be a member of SC/SC(A) or ST or

MBC/DC or BC(Other than BCM) or BCM, a certificate from the following authority
noted against each should be produced in the form as specified in G O Ms No.781,
Revenue Department, dated 2nd May 1988.
Name of the Community Competent authority to issue the Certificate
1. ST RDO/Asst Collector/Sub Collector/Personal
Assistant(General) to the Collector of
Chennai/District Adi-Dravidar Welfare Officer
2. SC/SC(A) Taluk Tashildar
3. MBC/DC,BC(other than Muslim) Revenue officers not lower in rank than a
and BCM Tashildar or Head Quarters Deputy Tashildar
or Special Deputy Tashildar appointed to
issue Community Certificate. Additional
Head Quarters Deputy Tashildar and Zonal
Deputy Tashildar
4.Thottia Naicker(including Head Quarters Deputy Tahsildar
Thockalavar, Thozhuva Naicker
and Errangollar) included in the
list of MBC/DC)

Community Certificate should have been issued by the competent authorities

referred to above, in whose jurisdiction the candidate claims to have permanent
residence. The Certificate obtained by the candidates in the form other than the one
prescribed in G.O.Ms.No.781, Revenue Department, dated 2nd May 1988 and solely
based on the entries in SSLC or Transfer Certificate or other School/College records
will not be accepted.

Candidates are warned that if the community recorded in the certificate produced by
them from the competent authority is not included in the list of Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes, Most Backward Classes/De-notified Communities or Backward
classes, they will not be considered as belonging to Scheduled Cast, Scheduled
Tribes or Most Backward Classes/De-notified Communities or Backwards Classes as
the case may be. They will, in that case, be considered only under others and if
they are not qualified to be considered under others their applications will be

10. Priority Certificate

In the case of an applicant who claims priority under Priority category a certificate
from the following authority noted against each should be produced in the form as
Order of Priority Competent authority to issue the Certificate
1.Destitute Widow RDO/Asst Collector/Sub Collector/Personal
Assistant(General) to the Collector of
Chennai/District Adi-Dravidar Welfare Officer
2.Inter caste marriage (one of spouse Tahsildar
should belongs to Hindu Adi Dravida)
3.Ex-Servicemen,Dependants of Ex- Assistant Directors, Ex-servicemen Office. For
serviceman, Dependants of Serving serving, ex-serviceman Commandant, Army
Military service personnels Headquarters
4.Freedom Fighter-Tamil language(only Tahsildar
sons and daughters)
5.Burma/Ceylon Repatriates Tahsildar
6.Owners of land acquired by Tahsildar
7. Physically handicapped exclusively Competent Medical authority
8. Orphans Tahsildar. Institutions concerned

Candidates claiming priority under priority category should submit the certificates
issued by the competent authority only. The Certificates issued by other than
competent authority will not be considered. They will in that case be considered
under non-priority category only.

11. Disqualification/Debarment
a. If a candidate attempts to canvas to bring influence on the authorities
concerned or any member of the committees personally/by
letter/through relatives,friends,patrons,officials or other persons.
b. If a candidates appeals to examiner in the answer books to value
liberally/award more marks/be sympathetic etc.
c. If a candidate writes anything unconnected to the question or any
irrelevant/impertinent matter.
iv Candidates should write their Roll No. only in the place prescribed in
the question booklet for written test. Writing their name or any type of
marking other than answers anywhere in the booklet will result in non
evaluation of the answers in the written test.
a) If the applicant attempts any tampering, alteration with the documents or
certificates, he is liable to be debarred from appearing for any of the
selections and examinations conducted by the Management and
consequently from entry into service.
b) i) Candidates furnishing false particulars in the matter of qualification or
the nature of pass in various subjects, experience gained, their religion
or community etc.
ii) Suppression of material information regarding
a) Employment in Government or Local Bodies,Public Corporations etc
b) Information regarding arrest,convictions/deparment/disqualification
by any recruiting agency, criminal or any disciplinary proceedings
initiated or finalized, participation in agitation or any political
Organisation, candidature in election for Parliament/State
Legislature/Local Bodies etc., if any, should also be furnished to the
Management at the time of application i.e. the details thereof,
originals of the Judgment of Acquittals, orders /or G O dropping
further action in Departmental proceedings or any document that
may prove the suitability of such candidates for an appointment must
be produced at the stage/time of Certificate Verification.
c) Making false or vexatious allegations against the Management in
petitions addressed to it or any other authority, will be viewed
seriously and that the candidate responsible for such act will be
debarred from appearing for the written test and selections by the
Management permanently or for such a period as the Management
may decide.
d) Their admission at all the stages of examination for which they are
admitted by the Management viz. oral Test will be purely provisional,
subject to their satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. If on
verification any time before or after oral test, it is found that they do
not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, their candidature for the
examination will be cancelled by the Management.
12. Payment of TA & DA
Candidate is not entitled for traveling allowance and Dearness Allowance.
13. Probation
Candidates selected and appointed to a post should undergo probation
prescribed for the post.
At any time before the end of the prescribed period of probation, the probation of
a candidate appointed may be terminated and he may be discharged from the
14. List of Documents to be produced at the time of Certificate Verification/Oral Test
(* If applicable)
i) Evidence of Date of Birth (SSLC/HSC/TC)
ii) Community Certificate from the competent authority (ie. Life card)*
iii) Evidence of Educational Qualification (SSLC/HSC/Diploma/Degree/PG Degree
for Provisional Certificate etc.,) with Mark Sheets.
iv) Evidence for Typewriting/Shorthand Qualifications*
v) Evidence of Tamil qualification(viz.SSLC/HSC/Degree/Certificate for having
passed Tamil conducted by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission).

vi) Veterinary Registration Certificate/Driving Licence*

vii) Differently Abled Certificate from the competent Medical Officer to the effect that
he / she is a fit person to discharge his/her duties and with the entries therein
regarding the percentage of Differently abled*
viii)A certificate of Destitute Widow from the RDO or the Assistant Collector or the
Sub-Collector concerned in the format prescribed*
ix) A Certificate as evidence for claim in respect of Ex-serviceman*
ix Tamil Medium Persons Studied in Tamil Medium(PSTM) have to produce the
evidence, such as Transfer Certificate, Provisional Certificate/Convocation
Certificate/Degree Certificate if needed mark sheets received from the Board of
University or from the Institution, with a recording that he/she studied prescribed
educational Qualification in Tamil Medium as per G.O.Ms.No.145 P&AR(S) Department
dated 30-09-2010. If no evidence for Persons studied in Tamil Medium is available as
said, then a certificate from the Head of the Institution as given below must be furnished.
PSTM Certificate
(To be issued only by the Head of Institution)

This is certify that Thiru/Tmt _______________ (Name) ___________________ has

studied(course Name) __________________________during the year ________ to
_______ in Tamil Medium.
This certificate is issued after verifying the course content/statement of Marks/Transfer
Certificate. The candidate has/has not obtained scholarship for having studied in Tamil

Place :
Registrar / Principal

Seal of the

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