Ring and Ball Test
Ring and Ball Test
Ring and Ball Test
The morphology of this test is that softening point is the temperature at which the
substance achieve a specific degree of softening under specified condition of the
test.The Softening Point of bitumen is the temperature at which the substance achieve
specific of softening. When heated under water at specified condition and specific
temperature in C at which a standard ball passes through a sample of mould and falls
through a height of 2.5 cm. The purpose of softening point helps to know the
temperature up to which a bituminous binder should be heated for different road use
application.The ring and ball apparatus determine the softening point .
Instant Softening
Ring No. Temperature, Point,
C Average C
A 60
B 52 56
Figure 1:Ring and Ball softening point
Example calculation =56 C
Based on the result that we obtained the lesser the temperature susceptibility.
from the experiment, the temperature for Higher softening point ensures that they
the bitumen to be soft for test number 1 will not flow during service. Bitumen
(ball 1) is 60C while for the test number with higher softening point is preferred
2 (ball 2) is 52C. Besides that, the in warmer places .
average temperature of softening point
that we calculated is 56C. The
theoretical value of the optimum CONCLUSION
temperature of bitumen softening point
is between 48C to 52C according to To conclude, the final temperature of
Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) standard. The the softening point is 56C which does
temperature we recorded is 56C which not match the theoretical standard which
is not situated in theoretical standard. is 48C to 52C. The objective of the
experiment is not achieved. During
Cause and error during the experiment: conducting the experiment, some errors
i. The bath temperature is not that occurs will affects the final result.
maintained for 15 minutes Before doing the experiment, make sure
ii. The bath temperature is not in the the ring ball does not hold the ball guide
5C 2C range. in stationary. Adjust the ring until the
iii. The brass ring is not placed ball can pass through freely. In addition,
correctly in the center of the plate. to get good result, ensure you conduct
iv. The stirrer is not function correctly the experiment in room temperature
v. Surrounding temperature may affect condition. The purpose of this test in the
the temperature.. industry is to estimate the viscoelastic
properties of both bitumen and paving
While doing the temperature, some mixture especially in road design. This
safety measures has to be follow. Be is to test the consistency of bitumen.
alert and make sure your hand doesnt
touch the heater while taking the
readings as it may cause severe burn.
After the experiment, the apparatus are
washed thoroughly with clean water or
using hazard chemical.
RECOMMENDATION B.L. Pearce, Comparison of
Temperature Variations For
Bituminous materials do not have a Softening Point Apparatus With
melting point.Softening point specify the Varying Filler: Binder Ratio, Cape
temperatures at which binders posses the Technikon, Department of Civil
same viscosity. Rather, the change of Engineering PO Box 652, Cape
state from solid to liquid is slowly over a Town,8000
wide range of temperature. Softening
point has certain importance for ASTM(1998).D26-95 Standard test
materials to be used as joint and crack method for softening point of
fillers.The higher the softening point , bitumen(Ring-and-Ball Apparatus)