Judas The Betrayer (6-33 A.d.)

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WtLdT \\-E B[,LII|E \\D PRE.{CH

\\ie belier,e lhat Chris: tn;s :: :i.

as God. The spirit oiGtrc rGei
Tlte iv'able Koran J:I?l\

We believe Jesus Clrrist is the So.n t-i Gri t:: ;::r-

nated into the flesh of a 1Ian es ntaltr Ei.ri;::,
"Aneles" can do b\ Cod': pe::ri.::, --.

We believe thaL rou s(l the Lr:li rt:.::-:- t' . .: , ----

of Cod bv knoii ins-the
- langli:-,- C : :- . i'-:- -: :
(lCorinthians 14).
We believe all har e sinaed and ;..r:: ::-.-:: .-- .::;
glorl ol God and arc ir nc.'i e': ::. . - :i.
We belier e salr atiorr hr; 1...:r. p:.''
JesusChri:r lor all Lhe Lc>r :'ir;:
(Luke 1q:9- l0: I Thes:rlirrrar: i:
We believe it is the l'ill
of God ;::i ;.. -:-.
be filled * ith rhe Holr SpiriL : .':- n aui
of the tr.ro women Ei-e and \I"n.
we believe
We Jesus' gO:Del
that JeSUS
Oelleve TnaI l: i:li :J,
blood of our Bible andrhi tLurd::: r---
tion. A11 others are suidanie ani
nrere suidance
re n-Iere :n,
22 :1 9 -20 ;Ma/r. 1 4 :22 -2 4 \.

We be|eie the Stnasogue 'Chur.r: .trr,:-:. - :--

those who have r:eceire-d Je>u> L hn.i r: :i,'-:
personal Saviour.

We believe there shall be a bodih resur:.'r:or-

just and the uniust. a Raprure or-l Jl.r'r,' :.'.::. ,..
-:-.: i:
ihose who accepr tRer. li:.i: Rer. -.-1,,'
We believe in baptism br Firc and thc H.',r c:.. s:
(Matthe\\ 3:l l,t zind confirmed in r \cls l:-:-:

Wh)'do rve clap our hands?

"O clap your hands, all ye people: shout unto God vith the
voice oftriuniphi" tPsatn 1-: t t

Why do we lift our hands?

'tThus will I bless thee tyhile I lit'e: I v,ill lift up mt' hands in
thy name",1.Psalm 63:11'

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,Hah Seed Baptist Synagogue "€e
, '. Phsne {478) 785-8486 :'
iflJ) I-r'g
,., t'.: jj{;j,; : +}::
' ::.. 'Rabi:!:;,')
.. T&ere w€s a man rvho betrar ed
'Malachi.Zailok our Lord and Saviour Jesus
,orU-"L'.:.' Qhridt (7-A,D,:S6II Living), the ,

soniBf,.Mnry'{6B.C.-SO A.D.)..' :
Has been teaching since 1967 Whei-"rwas thisj-:lnanr H€: w.as ,,"'
A,D, and has covered manv, Judas lscariot llou8aq
tapics in the form ofbooki and: lorcrprcorrlg; of Galilee (.1crs
pamphlets and works to uplilt a 5i37Lj4dn of:'AElbarr (12 ts"c.:
forgotien people. Tribe ofJudah 48 A.tl.) and Sii-rion (28 B.C.-48
God's Own people. A,D,) whose surname was
Iscariot (John 6:71 I3:2,26).
"And I will give you pastors Judqs who was'bom {6 A.D.-33
according to mine heart, A.D.) is sometimes called "The
which shall feed you with Son Of Simon" (John 6:71,
knowledge and understand- I3:2, 26) or Judas lscariot
ing.And I will set up shep (Matthen) I0:4; Mark 3: I9:
herds over them which shall Luke 6:16).
feed them" , Judas
ieremiuh 3:15 & 23:4 , (6 A.D.-33 A.D.) Ques; What does Judas mean?
son of Simon Iscariot
Our Rabi has traveled' the world and has studied in and Azubah bat Ans: The name Judas, rvhich
, Universities in Egypl, Sudan, and America. He is a special- Ephrath, a Moabite means "He shall be Praised", ts
ist in Ancient Semitic languages and translation. He was
born June 26, 1945 A.D. to As Sayyid Al Haadi Abdur a Greek name equivalent to the
Rahman Al Mahdi of Nutria, Sudan and Mary C. York Hebrew name Judah whose name in Hebrew is Ya Hu Da
"Umm Faalimah" of America. He dynamic speaker and
is a
(;']'t'lnt) and is yahuwdah (4I)CAU\4)f) in
has followers worldwide. His message iisimple. ?ou are not Galilean. ln Arabic. it is spelled Yahuwdah (lr34r) from the
Negroes or African Americans. You"are Thi Lost Sheep of root word Huda (rer) (The Nobte Koran Z7i'1 t1. From
the l{ouse of Israel, The Tribe Of Judah. Blacks are Huda it became Haadi (g.rb), which means "Guide" as,41
Original Hebrews, the Israelites. You are also Ishmaelites Mahdi (1845 A.D.-f885 A.D.) (,s'e Jl) of the Sudan, who
and \lidianites. Nluhammad the Arabian Prophet was also is of the Lost Tribe Of Judah. Judah is the most honoured
of the tribe of Kedar from Ben Kenaan, who were Negroes, name of one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Genesis 49:10,
Nubian Islamic llebrews. The Orientals and Asians aie the tells how the scepter, and the law will remain with Judah,
Edomites. The Caucasians/Europeans are the Canaanites. (Genesis 29:35) until Shiloh comes. This is the bloodline
Blacks are also fhe Original Sumerians and Egiptians. where Jesus the Messiah came.from. For he is the Shiloh
Blacks have an endless history where all other races have a .-L.*..
(;'lt'U) meaning. "he whose ir is that which belongs to
birth date record. Blacks have been deprived of the true him." Or in Arabic, it is Salah (ala) meanins, "l; fix.
knowledge of self and the great things that they as Bane repair." And in Ancient Hebrew ir'is Salah t9)Al. Or
Eloheem "Children of God" have accomplished during the Yahayyus' s own who is here io repair.this world. None
course of time. Simply because they don't know that they
are in fact the seed of the Woman. "Eve. Hawwah" through
other than Al Masih or Ha Mashiakh.-
Seth, God's own touch (Gen 4:25). They are the heirs to the
kingdom of God (Galations 3:29; James 2:5) through his Ques: Where was Judas from?
own spirit and word, Lord Jesus the Christ, whose real
'name is Yahshua Bar Yahweh, the Saviour son of The Ans: Judas was born in Kerioth in the year 6 A.D. making
Living God. This is his ftessage. The gathering of The Lost him a native of Kerioth also spelled Kirioth. Kerioth 'is a
Sheep. to\ n south of Judah and the city of Moab as it states in
Jeremiah 48:24, "And upan Kerioth, andupon Bozrah, and
upon all the cities of the land af Moab, .far or near. " Moab
is where his mother Azubah came ftom. She was a,
This vision incorporated believers allowing The Holy Spirit Moabite. Kerioth is mentioned four times in the Bibie and
{Acts 2:1-11 to display the attributes of Ha Mashiakh The
in Joshua 15:25 it states: "And Hazor I{adattah, and,
MeSsiah {John 1:41) through every believe6 touching lives Kerioth. and Hezron. uhich is Hazor.". When you look
rryith each believerts sphere of influence with divine love, under The Strong's Ilebrew Lexicon #2469r.k tel1s you
,p€ace, and joy, "till we tll come into the unity of the faith."
that the Greek word for Kerioth is Iskario-tes ,

(I o r< o ptrrlrq g) pronounced

Is-kar-ee-o''tace w.hi h rueans 1

uMep Of Keriolh'f.,,Thus, Iskariotes is where

Sirtron, Judas' i
father's surname Iscariot from the Hebrew tribe Issachar
or Yissaskar ('lf[JUt) meaning to "there is recompense".
Issaehar is the 9th son of Jacob and,Leah.,,fhe,1ribe of
Issachar trar eled with Judah but left and set up a town in the
land of Canaan qnd the city was named after llsgabliar" So
the.Tribe Qf ..!urtah,'and hqd,-Fiied,.b-kjod. ugh ,!iS
motber Azubah's genes. the Moabite.

Ques: \\ ho are the MoabiteC?

Ans: The. Moabites canre by way of Moab meaning "of his
father" who is Lot's eldg$t iph through ince*uouS- 6,inh by
his eldest da.ughrer Lubna. Lubna irO fr.iV*rnger sister
Jalaa lay in the same bed with their father Loi whiG he was
drunkeri, and thus;both sistels, became p."gnunt by their
own father (Genesis t9:36-37). This is sorneihing that thelr
leamed from the people of Sodom and Gomorrai who arL
the Canaanties. And according to Nelson's publications
and_Zondervan, Canaanites are white people and the
mothers and fathers of Sodom and Gomorah.
The King James Stuily Bible pubtished Bv The Thomas
Nelson Publications on Page 24, tJnder Commentary For
Genesis 9:25 Titled "Cursed Be Cunuan,,. It States.' ,,The
Canaanites l{ere Wite And In No Way Is This'To Be
Interp,reted As A Curse On The Btack Rac'e. The Canaanite.s
practiced rirual prostitution. homsexuality. and various Yasu'a ibn Ar Rab in Galilean
grgigstic rites. (These are the same acts practiced in the Yashuoa bar Yahweh in Hebrew
land of Sodom and.Gomorrah).,,
Jesus son of the Lord in Fnglish
And a,c.cording to the Thg Hallgy,s_Bi\le Hanttbook pub-
lished by Zondervan. on page tS7. Unae, tne Conaoriie,' tf (7 A.D.-stiil living)
we wonder that some bllhese rnng* j"ur i
Co habitation with Anima is :. ...,, Judas was said_to be a Mercenary which is someone who is
Ques: tr4'ho is Judah? motivated_solely by a desire for monetary or material gain.
T,ike the Zealots of which Judas' bestfriend called Siiron
Ans: Judah is the fourth son of yecov ,,Jacob,, and Leah, the Canaanife was one Luke 6:15; "Matthew and Thomas,
the son of Yitschaq,'!'fsaac," son of Avrom James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon called Zetotes." Tii
life of Judas before the appearance of hisrname in the lists
of the original disciples wbs thai of a Zealot,a Israelite who
hung out with rhe Canaanjtes always ready [o betray their
own people. Similar to Blacks today who infiltrate'Black
organizations.working for white peofle to betray their own
race. According ro the Online Bible Strong'l #220g. a
Zealot qea-n!, "used of God as jealous of1ny rival or
against God" In Matthew I0t2-4, the disdiple; were, ',2
Now the names of the twelve apostles ure thise; The.fbst,
Simon, who is called peter,-fln:d Andrew nX nritnei
James lhe-son of Zebedee, and John his brother; 3 philii,
and Bartholomew; Thomus, and Matthew the pubticai
James the son of,Alphaeus, and Lebbaeus, whosi sarname
was Thuddaeus; 4 Simon the Canqanite, and'Judas
Lsgar!2t.(the betrayer ol his own kind\, who also betrayecl
/r'nr. "Notice that the verses 2 and 3 have l0 disciples iist_
ed but verse 4 has Simon and Judas because it says .,a/so",
peaning that both.Simon the Canannire or Zealot'and tuOa,
betrayed Jesus.

Map'o.,f$,u,flhh where l(erioth' is lccated Ques: How did Jes*i Chsose his disciples?. ,r ',
..fh€;hqme of Judas Ise*riot ''
. '':".' .
, Ans: You can **e.h,-o-* Christ picks his discipl.esn.i* yo*
2 '
l,':',i ' .,, 3' . , : '' 1n,1 .
.,,,t.r',i;ri.ill,i{,'.,- ,. ,., .:.,!i
through the Rible. he picks on. of them; then later on Judas and John and Petei
"u.hbe; Iike John riy beloved
tells what their nar,nes would became fugitives. When thel
(John 13:23; 21:20).or Peter the rock (Matthew 16:18). caughf up with John ihey put
Jesus picked his oun disciples the rnay the owner of a vine- him jail in Patmos and u,hen
1'ard u'ou1d pick the best grapes for the best of wine. In they caught up with Peter they
Matthew 4:18-21 Jesus chooses his first 4 disciples. "And put him in jail in Rorne for the
Jesus, walking by the sea af'.Galilee, saw two brethren, murder ol Judas. They were
Simon called Peteri.and Andrew his brother: casting a net approaching them not for the
into the sea; .for they .were fishers. 19 And he saiTh tmto murder of Jesus, but for the
them, Follow me, and I will make youf shers of men. 20 And murder ol Judas.
thelt straightway left their nets, and followed him. 2l And
goirg o, f'om ihen\e. he sau' otlter rvo brethren. James the Now, alter the Ressurection of
inn o/Zebedee. and John his brorher'. in a sltip u ith Zebedee Jesus, the Romans and
tlreir father: mending rheir ners; and lte called tlrettr. " Pharisees sent another secret
agent to try to topple the
In Luke 6:12-16, Jesus ordained more disciples after teachings of Jesus. Jesus, a
prayer. "12 And it came to pass in those days, that he went Galilean of the tribe of
out into a motrntain to pray, and continued all night in Judah ofthe house ofDavid,
Simon Peter which is where the pure
pra))er to God. And when it was da1,, he called ttnlo him l'ris (3 B.C.-70 A.D.)
disciples: and of them he chose fv,elve, whom also he named ' son of Jona Black Negro seed stemmed
apostles; Simon, (whom he also named Peter,) and Andrew surnamed Cenhas. from. This has been proven by
his brother, James and John, Philip and Bartholomen, meaning "rotk" the D.N.A testing of a tribes
Matthett and Thomas, Junrcs rJte srtr o-f Alphaeus, and all over Africa. Similar test-
Simon called Zelotes, And JtLdas the brother of James, and ing confirmed the Lemba and
Jttdas Iscariot, whiclt also v,as the traitor. And he cante Malachite tribes in Africa
down w-ith them, and stood in the plain, and the compan-v of were the original Hebrews.
his disciples, and a great multitttde of people out of all Rightly called the Lost Sheep
Judaea and Jentsalem, and.from the sea coast of T.vre and Of The House Of Israel
Sidon, y,hich came to hear"him, ancl to be heakd'of their (Matthew 10:6, I5:24) Tribe
diseases; " of Judah called the Tents Of
Judah (Zechuriah I2:7).
Ali of these disciples walked. talked. laughed. cried and And the nei.r est discor ery is
supped with Jesus Christ, thus making them the true disci- that Mother Eve, is the first
ples of Jesus Christ. Unlike the self-Acclaimed disciples and \litochondrial D.\.A. in
ipostles; Paul, Luke and Mark. Judas declared himself a Africa, namely Uganda and
disciple when he was drawn like the others by the preaching lrom her daughter's D.N.A.
of the Baptist, or his own Messianic hopes, or the o'gracious all others on the Planet came
words'o (Luke 4:22) ofthe new teacher. Judas was a secret from her. That is, it is now
agent him and his friend Simon u ere Zealots who rvorked proven that Blacks \4.ere the
for the Romans and Sanhedrins, who only became a disciple first people on this planet and
to spy and to betray our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. And if the Bible is true then the
when Judas was dead and they took his body down from the Real Eve "Hawwah". was in
tree and threw it over a cliff. That's wlrv vou have two John (2 A.D.-99 A.D.) Africa and Negro. This is
places with different stories, Matthew 27:5," "And he cast the latest discovery found on
dotrn lhe pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and son of Zebedee and
The Discovery Channel on
went and hanged himself (on a tree).-' AndActs I:18, '-Vor,r' Salome April 21. 2002 A.D. shown
lhis man purchased a field with the reward of iniquiry, and at 9'o clock P.M.
falling headlong, he burst osunder in the midsf, aud all his
bowels gushed out. " And it states that Jesus was hung on a The position of Judas'name. in the lists,of the apostles in the
tree tn Acts 5:30, "The God of our.fathers raised up Jesus, synoptic gospels makes him the l2in disciple of Jesus
whom ye slew ancl hanged on a tree. " This proves that the Christ (Metthew 10:2-4) "Now the names of the fwelve dis-
tree is symbolic of a cross. When they ia,ent to take Judas' ciples are lhese; The first, Simon, w,ho is called Peter, and
body down from the tree, they saw two ol Jesus' disciples Andreu, his brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his
with Judas. Who did they see? They saw Peter, rvho went brother; 3 Philip, and Bartholontew; Thomas, and Mcrtilten'
after Judas because he too was an FBI agent working with lhe publican; James the son of Alphaetts, and Lebbaeus.
Paul and they also sau John son of Zlbedee. who rvas whose sttrnante wss Thaddaeus; 4 Simon the Canaanite,
being mointored by Peter because John was a true follower and Jude$ I;esdB|, who also betral'ed him. " The position of
olJesus. So when the Sanhedrin took Judas'body down off his name was due to the evil fame and reputation which
the tree and threw him orel the clillthat is uhy 1ou hare aflerwards resled on his name. However. prior to that. it
two stories. They accused John and Peter for the murder of would seem that he took his place in the group of four which
alr,vays came iast, as if possbssing neither the love, foith, or incite them against Jesus because ola rl,onan. Ther asked
devotion. He was a Negro spy a Black devil there to make why are you wasting the ointment? Because rhe olnLmenr
repods on Jesus' actions anil scheming to set him up to be could have been'iold for a high amount, and the money
killed. He rvas a Sanhedrin govemment agent and his fiiend given to the poor (I{atthew 26,'81. Remember who was the
rvas a Zealot. Because ofJudas'betrayalbfJesus, the earlv treasurer? That's right Judas, working lor wtrat today would
follou ers of Jesus in penitence lasted on Wednesday. be called the IRS. His techinque was to draw attention to Jesus
deating with x'omen. His puryose.il,?s to deter Jesus' follorvers
Judas' always waited:.:His goal was to keep the olher disci- and make sure that they doubted:Jesus. They hit.Jesus from all
ples questioning and doubting Jesus' actions to make his sides, the FBI, IRS, etc. When Jesus hear$what the clisciples
pain easy He created slander about Jesus and women. When were saying, he said, "Why are you all bothering this woman?
Jesus promised in the upper room to manifest himseif to the She brought good work upon me. She poured this ointment on
one who loved him, Judas asked, 'Lord, how is it that you my body lor m1 burial." (Manhew 26:10-t2).
will rnanit'est yoursell to us. and not io the uorld? (John
t4:221. This showed that he did nol undersrand that Jesus" Alter this event one of the disciples namely Judas. went to rhe
kingdom was and is not of this world and therefore cannot chief priest, (a lalse Je*"), and asked what wrl1 you give nre if I
be manifested to this rvorld. Judas evidently still thought in betray Jesus to you'? (Matthew 26:15). They sealed an agree-
terms of a visible and material Messianic kingdom. ment with hirn lor thirry pieces of silver coins whiclr r: equir -
alent to fifty-tivo dollars and eighty cents, $52.80 roday. The
Little is known about Judas outside ofbeing a spy! a betray- weight of the silver pieces according to the rveight of the
er of Jesus Christ and his name being listed as one of the sanctuary was equal. to six hundred pieces. From then on
twelve disciples (Murk 3:19, 14:1A, I4:13-16, Matthew Judas lvas looking for an opporlunity to hand Jesus over to
I0:4, 26:14-25,47-49, 27:3-20, Luke 6:16, 22:3-6, 22:47- the soldiers.
48, John 6:70-71, I2:I-6, 13:2, 13:21-30, 14:22,Acts I:16-
20, 1:25). He was the only Judean disciple that was a person
of promising leadership. Though Judas seemed to be an
important member of the twelve as indicated by being treas-
urer of the group John 12:6, 13:29, "For some of them
thought, because Judas had the hag, that Jesus had said
unto him, Btqt those things thcn v'e have neecl o/ against the
.feast; or, that he should give sontething to tlrc poor' ', and the
possibility ofhis reclining by Jesus at the last srpper John
13:21-26, "When Je.yus had thus said, lrc :r.us troubled in
spirit, ancl testifi.ed, and said, Verily. veril, I sar un.to,,-ou,
thal one of yott shall betral' me... " Jesus knew long before
the night olhis betrayal that many people wanted him dead.
The chief priests, the scribes, and the elders of the people
assembled together to discuss how they were going to kill
Jesns as it rias prophesized (Mafthei 26,52"-54,"Psalms
2:21 at the palace of the high priest who was called The Last Supper
Caiaphas. Caiaphas was a high priest of the Judeans,
Revelation 2:9, "I know the blaspltent.v of lhem v,hich sa!
they are Jews, and are not", appoint"ed to that office by Norv it u.as the first day of the supper which is termed today
Vaierius Gratus, govemor of Jridaea, after the rernoval o1- as the Last Supper. At this supper. They u'ere bringing in the
Simon, son of Camith, 18 A.D. He was removed 36 A.D. Pesach, the passover, the feast of unleavened bread when
by Vitellius, govemor of Syria, who appointed Jonathan, Jesus sat down with his 12 disciples. You see, they lived by
son of Ananus (Annus, father-in-1ar,v of Caiaphas), who the Israelite laus of Moses (Join I:171 and nor lie ne*'or
was his successor. So the land of the tribe olJudah rvas broken lar,r olPaul. Tlrat er.ening as the) are Jesus rold rhem
ruled by loreigners. that one olthem would become"possessed by rhe deril and
betray hinr (Matthew 26:21, Mark I,l:18). His disciples
Allthose who gathered decided that they rvould take Jesus pleaded with him to disclose u'ho his traitor was so that they
subtly and kill him. Horvever, they said "t'tot on the feast could kill him, but he wouldn't. As they u'ere eating, Jesus
day" because there irould hare been an uproar among lhe took bread, blessed it, broke it. and then passed it around to
people. Jesus said my spirit is u'illing but my flesh is weak the disciple and said this is my body. He then took the cup.
(Matthew 26:41). ga\e thanks and gave it to them saying. "Drink all of it for
rhis is tnl blood ol the .\'ew Tesroment." Luke 22:19-20,
Nor'r' r'hen Jesus was in Bethany in the house of Simon the "And he took bread, ancl gave lhanks, and brake it, and gcve
Leper (the Canaanite, Judas'friend)t a worrran carrying an unto them, saying, This is wy body which is giten far you:
alabaster box olrery plecious ointment. came to Jcsus and this do in retnembyance of me. 20 Likewise alsa, the cup afrer
poured it on his head nhile he sat. When Jesus'disciples supper, saying, This cui is the new testamed in mv bloo(l.
saw u,hat was happening, they did not agree. Here Judas wltich is shed tbr vou."
ques: What-is meant by tlie btood of the New Testament? thought that he would'die (Matthe* 2A:221 right up until the
night in the gaiden of Gethsemane when he fel1 on his lbce
Ans: The red prini in the New Testament symbolizes, the and prayed.
Blood of Christ. This is whv Jesus' words are written in Red
n hiclr is where our pur. re.,l is Found. lt could have written Bitrle{ew Tesfament, Matthew 26:3&39'
in any other colour 6ut this is the true word of God
Then saith he unto them, My soul i,s exceecling sorrowful,
Ques: Was Jesus aware of his death being planned? even unto death: tarr -"v ye here,:and wafch:tvith me. And he
went a little firthea and fell on his face, andprayed, saying,
Ans: Yes. after many incidents, strife, conflicts and disagree- O my Father, i.f it be possible, let this cup pass from tne; nev-
ments that occured over a period of time, Jesus knew that his ertheless not as I will, bttt as tltott v,ilt.
death was being planned. He and his disciples went to a place
called Gethsemane where thev oftcn met. Gethsemane is a King James Version of the Bible
word stemming from the Galilean rvord Gath (OY.hq) *A
v[/ine press" and shemen l1qv"/yu)
,,ointment, olive" Bible- .r.-eu Testament, IIark l.l:3{-36
meaning "An Oil Press". The Garden Of Gethsemane is a
small farm situated across the brook of Kedron at the foot of And saith tmto them, My sotrl is exceeding sorrowJul unto
Mount Olive, to the northu'est and one half to three quarts of death: tan1, ye here, and u,alch. And he v'enl.forw,ard a lit-
a mile from the walls of Jerusalem, one hundred yards east ol rle, andfell on lhe Bround. and pt'a.ted that. if ir vere possi-
the bridge of Kedron. ble, the hour might pass from hin. And he said, Abba,
Father, all things are possible trnlo thee; take av'ay this cup
,fi'om me; nevertheless no, t U:, uihat thou v,ilt.
King James Vetsion of the Bible

Bible- New Testament, Luke 22;42-44

Saving, Father if thou be willing, remol)e this cttp ./ront me;

nevertheless nol m!- will, but thine, be done. And there
appeared an angel ttnlo him from heaven, strengthening
him. And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and
his sw,eat 14)as as it were greal drops of blood.falling down
to lhe groilild.
King James Version o.f the Bible
The Garden of Gethsemane
Ques: What cup was Jesus speaking about?
Ques: Why did the disciples meet in the Garden of
Gethsemane? Ans: Jesus was speaking about his death by crucifixion
which was in the year 33 A.D. He said. "Nor Of My Will. Btrr
Ans: They would meet at the Garden Of Gethsemane That Thy Wll Be Done"!!The reason w-hy he wanted the
becauseit was a regular communication area for Jesus. cup to pass was so that the will of the father could be done.
When Jesus and his disciples arrived at the Garden Of In others rvords, he u'anted the cup of crucifixion to pass
Gethsemane, Jesus instrucied his disciples to sit while he into the hands of The ones who would betray him. To the
went to pray. Jesus took with him Peter, James, and John Muslim world, in The Noble Korun 4:157,ihere is much
son of Zebedee into the garden that was there. Judas was confusion and conjecture about the crucihxion and death of
the only disciple missing. Only to find them asleep. Jesus Jesus who they call Isa (r-.,,rc- ). Only one verse in the whole
asked them, "And he cowelh unto the disciples, andfindeth Noble Koran speaks about the crucihxion and the Muslim
them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye rutt rvatch world can not understand that in this new Persian Arabic or
with me oie hour? " (Matthew 26:36-45). Jesus told his dis- in translation. So iet's see what it reaily says in The Noble
ciples that the son ol man will be crucified as it states in Koran 4:157 "ktd they (Judeans of"Mary Jesus''time) say; verily
Matthew 262 and i quote: "Ye know that after two days is we killecl the saviour iutt,t ton of @l Masih', Isa lbn
thefeast ofthe passover and the san ofman is betrayed to Maryam), messenger of God, and thel'' dki not kill hitn rtnd
be cnrcified,t' did not crucif"v him, but it was onl,v- made to loak that way
for them. Anrl verily, those v,ho dispute in this mattet are in
Jesus Christ was a willing sacriltce and was willing to die distrust abotrt it (not stre). They dou'r have any tnte knov'l-
for our sins. Jesus Christ, the body himsell thought that he, edge (facts) about it, they onlv follow conjecture and for
the spirit, was going to die on the cross. Many other times cet'tain. rltey rrhe Judeansl did not kill him. (Mat. l2;14.
in the New Testament you - wiil find where it says the son John I9:23, Mrk. 9:2, Mat. l7:2)" So it does not say that he
u ill be delivered up. killed and resunected again. He was not crucitred or that Judas'was his replacement. None
. orthit is ttrere. It says trtuttdali"rraid n"iifu"iry lesus and Caiaphas (JbhU 18:10). llsu'evet...our Lord Jesus Ch-risi
.r that the Jew did,not:kill him'and thaf's the truth-, Itwas the cured Malchusl-'right ear'nith a touch (Matthew 26:51,
:,: f{6112n soldiers who,*rucified lesus (Matthew'::27:22-35, Msrk I4:47, Lulie'22:51). This was the last miracle of bod-
:- 'John 19:23) under Pontius Pilaie (7-36 A.D.) ily cure broughl by our Lord. Aftei this rniracle, Maichus
was co[verled, Everyone in thergarden realized that he was
Jesus knew that in view of the'op.position that ho received the prophesized Messiah and bqqame his followers except
from the Sanhedrin the ZealsJE$e highest Judicial and reli- the Romans. The evil nature. ef''Judas gradually unfolded
gious council of the'Israelites of 70 to 73 mem- itself when "sfian entered into himu'John 13:27-"And Afrer
L'ers of Judeans and the RomaR government, that ho would The Sop Satan Entered Into Him. Then Said Jesus Uttto
be destined to die. Jesus did not want to die. This is why he Him, That Thou Doest, Do Quickly. " and he betrayed our
prayed unto the. heavenly father saying "My Spirit Is Lord (John l8:3) "Judas Then, Having Recei,.'ed A Band Of
'Willing, But My Flesh Is Weak" (Matthew 26:41). Men And Officers,From'The Chief Priests And Pharisees,
Cometh Thither Wth Lanterns And Torches And Weapons. "
Ques: What did Jesus mean when he made the statement
in Matthew 26:.41? Ques: Why did Judas betray Jesus?

Ans: Spiritually as the Son of God, he wanted to do the will Ans: Judas was a spy for the Sanhedrine and a very greedy
of his father but physically, as a man the Son of Man, his mat (Mutlhew 26:15, Zechariah 11:12). He betrayed Jesus
body was afraid. As a holy person, He overstood. However, to test his real Godliness. Judas thought that if Jesus ll,as the
as a human being who was going to be killed physically, Messiah, he would escape harm and if he was not the
abused, spat on, thorned and nailed, he was scared because Messiah, he would perish. Judas hoped that Jesus would use
he saw how the Romans abused the people. He told his dis- his forceful revolutionary means against Rome. In the latter
ciples to take their rest because the time rn'as almost near days in Jerusalem when Judas came to realize that Jesus
when the son of man would be betrayed into the hands ol would not use these means against Rome, and that Jesus
sinners. (Matthew 26:45). Later on, Jesus came back and even recommended paying taxes to Rome (Mark 12:17),
woke the disciples up and told them to come with him this prompted Judas to betray Jesus.
because the one who would betray him is drawing near.
Ques: Did Jesus know who would betray him?
Bible- \ew Testamen t. Hebrews 5:7
Ans: In the entire 18th chapter of the Book of John, you
oq €v ratE qlt€,pqtq rne odpKoq aurou Se4oetq r€ KCrt will find that Jesus Christ kneu that Judas was coming -
Kernprae ftpoe rov Suvapevov oco(etv aurov €K 1avarou with Roman soldiers to aruest him and to be crucified.
perd KpqDyqq rcXzpcrq rcat Sarpuav npol*eyKdq Kdt Bible- \eu Testament. Luke 22:22
ercarouo\etq afia rnE *LaBenq
Ancl truly the Son of man goeth, as it was determinecl: but
"Who in the days of his Jtesh. uhen he had offerecl up woe unto that man by whom he is betrayed!
-him and supplications with strong cry-ing and tears trnto
that was abTe to save him frorn death, and v,as heard in King James Version Af The Bible
that he feared;
Ques: rr{ hy did the Romans and the religious authorities
King James Version of the Bible want to arrest Jesus?

Ques: How did Judas betray Jesus? Ans: Because when Jesus was being questioned by the high
priest and the Roman soldiers (lo-ni *Sz-lSl, i.rur ru]d
Ans: While Jesus was speaking to his disciples, Judas, came that he \^as the son olGod and because he said this. they
-soldiers thought that he was blaspheming the name of God. Th-e
with a multitude of Roman whb were car-rying
swords and sticks. Judas told the soldiers that whoever I kiss Romans had a law that rvhoever should claim to be the son
is the one to grab (Matthew 26:48). Judas betrayed Jesus by of God should die (John 19:7). However, when Jesus said
tuming Jesus over to the Roman soldiers. When Judas gave he was the son of God he r,r,,as quoting ftom Psalm 82:6, "I
Jesus a kiss, he was letting the Roman soldiers know who have said, Ye are gods; and all ofyou are children ofthe
Jesus was. The Roman soldiers never saw jesus so they did- most High. " And said tn, John 10:34 u,hete it states: "...1s lt
n't know what he looked like, until then. They had only not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? " When Jesus is
heard nhors about him. So when Judas kissed Jesus. it was on the cross and is being mocked and doubted in Luke
a sign for the Roman soldiers to take him away and cruci$r 23:36 "And the soldiers also mocked him, coming ro hint.
him (Luke 22:?1-22, 22:47-48). and offering him vinegar, " Jesus then makes a plef to these
unknowing people who wanted to crucifu him in order to
They jumped ro their feet with the intentions of arresting crucifl' the God-of Isragl just ot say he ditid like their Gods,
him. In fear of,the,impending arrest and in defense of Jesus, Zeus, Herceles, Athena etc. They were trying to destroy the
his,disciple Sirneon Peter drew his sword and cut offthe ear God of Israel by destroying Jesus. However you caruot kill
of Malchus; the personal servant or slave of the high priest the spritual God. They were killing the man of ,Jesus" not

10 11
Jesus the son of,God io, ni6i.it had already ascended and Rev. Ilr. Mslachi Z.Ibrk-El
was with God. This is whaiJesus meant when,he said in Paslor and Founder of The
I uke 23:31 "Then'said Jesus, Father, forgive them;for they Esiotiun Church Of Kurost
knov' not what they do. An'd they parted his lsiment, and In"c.
cast lots. " In an atternpt to destroy and kill God, they only Author of over 360 books,
destroyed the flesh of a man,,for they knew not what they Translator and Commenlary of
n'ere doing. You cannot destroy God. Aftei the verdict of the Torah from Hebrew and the
the Sanhedrin condelnning Jesus to death, Judas brought Book of. Revelations from
again the thirly pieces of s'ilver to the chief priest and c-ast Galilean and Greek. And er.'en
the money he had rece.ived as the wages of his iniquity down
translated with Commentarl'
on the floor of the sanctuary. With "an exceeding bitter
The Notrle Koran for
Christians and Shriners u'ith
cry" Judas cried out, 'I have sinned in betraying innocent FJlbllcal reterence
blood' (Matthew 27:14). After Judas threw the pieces of sil- for each verse.
ver into the temple the chief priest took the thirty pieces of
silver and said "it is not lav,ful.for to put lhem inlo lhe fi'eas-
uty, because it is the ptjgs Jjfhleed." (Mutthew 27:6). After
this statement q'as made Judas then u,ent and killed himself.
Ques: IIow did Judas die?
As we proclaim Jesr,rs. the Christ, (The Anointed One and His
Ans: Judas the traitor's life came to an ultimate end when he Anointing), as head of the cl.u.rrch and the manifested Word and
threw the silver in the temple and then went and hung hrm-
Spirit of Cod, our soal is to teach the Word of God u,ith sim-
self, in Matthew 27:5 where it states "Ancl he cast dolvn the plicity and understanding u ith the proper translations, n hich is
pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and wenl and missing in our churches todal'. so that iI (The \lbrd) may be
hanged himseff " He perished in his guilt and "went unto his applied to our everldar'1rr-es rn a practical and effectire man-
own place" (Acts I:25). ner. And you knon that r ou are the children of God created as
the glory of God (lsaiah 13:7). \\'e are laborers together in the
The statement tn Acts 1.',18 states that Judas 'fell headlong Body of Christ of the Seed olChrisni'ith the Blood type "J" for
and burst asunder in the midst, And All his bo.*els gushed Judah, Jahovah. Jesus to bring hon-re all Christ came to save
out," He committed suicide first by hanging himself over (Matthews 15:24: \lattheus 10:5):.\11 he sent us lbr'(Matthew
the valley of Hinnom, in Calvary. Jerusalem. He R'as cut 10:5-6); not to the Gentiles "Canaanites". brit to his or.vn (John
down and his body was thrown to waste. This Judas the 1:11). We do not fbllou Paul (1 Trmothl'2:5) an Anti-Christ.
tretrayer is not to be mistaken for the many other Judas' We have one mediator. Paul s ent to his orr.n, the Gentiles but
mentioned in the Bible. Christ came lor his ou.n (Hebress 7:14). He is described by
race while in his tlesh as it states in Revelatron 1:14 and where
you see "feet the colour ofbrass". The original word for brass
Ques: How many Judas' are mentioned in the Bitrle?
there is copper' (Daniel I 0:6 ). because brass is an al1oy and they
Ans: There are four other men by the name of Judas in the wouldn't describe Jesr-is the colour of fake metal. And where
they say he had hair like lamb's rvool, that's nappy hair. It is
Bible. You have:
clear in the original language. in fact a Prophet who is his dis-
ciple and brother named Simon is called "Niger" "Nigget"
Ques: Was Judas ever forgiven for betraying Jesus? (Acts 13:1). uhich means in Greek, Black Skin.
Ans: Yes. Judas said I have sinned, I have betrayed innocent KEEP GOD'S LAW
blood. This meant that he repented and was forgiven by Cod
the Father. Mosl churches ne\ er inlbrm their congregations "Let no rnun not devil make you break the covenant of God
about this fact. Now read it for yourself. n'ith your Seed form .\loah to Abruham, A perpetual covenant
thut we keep the law of Israel until all is fu(illed. That is all
Matthew 27:3-4 is contplete (Mut. 5:18) rultich means till Yushua Ha
Maslriukh returns bitrds you tltrough Blood snd Spirit and
rore rSc,rv louDog o napc8rSoug o.utov on rcarercpt0q Heirs of God nnd we are caugltt up with ltim (1 Thess 4:16-
pe rape),r1Oerg qncorpt\yev ro tploKovro opytrpro. tolq I7), But until lhulfalfillntent we are to keep the laws of Moses
spx,wpsuolv Kol rolq npeoButepotg l.eyolv npoprov in order to ltave ilte grace afld tt'utlt of Jesus" (John 1:17)
nupu8oug flllio, oerDov 01 5r tlfiov 11 Tlpog tltlog ou oVfl
Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he sau'that he
was condetnnqd, repented himself, and brought again the
We are ca11ed to bring the family of God. the Tribe of Judah and
thir4, pieces: of sitver to the ciief priests and elders, 4
then the other tribes to make 144,000, being prepared as a bride
Saying, I have sinned in that I have betray^ed the innocent adorned for her husband (Rev. 2 1:1 -8), rvashedin the, blood of
Otbod. ,qnd they. said, what is thctt to us? See thou to that.
the Lamb. save through his suffering and dying, for our sins.
Tlre ninth hour (Matthew 27:45-46).

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