Contoh Hirarc
Contoh Hirarc
Contoh Hirarc
Department: Area:
Risk Assessment
Process / Activity / Area R/ Hazard Current Severity of Likelihood
NR/ (Hazard Characteristic) Control Consequences (L)
E Measure
Health -Radiation (Eye Sore) Close the copier cover during photocopying
Office work: Photocopying, 1 2
binding, R
printing & faxing Physical( hit by Falling Objects) Proper use of equipment/handling
1 2
Ergonomic(Long hour of seating) Replace unsuitable chairs or rearrange the
position/partitions 1 2
Office work: Use of Computer Psychosocial (Stress) Relaxing, medical, check up, annual leave
R 1 3
Physical (Radiation) Change to LCD monitor screen, install screen filter
1 3
Physical (Hit by Falling object ) Replace unsuitable shelf, proper stacking of
Office work: Filing R files/documents 1 3
Electrical (Electrocution) To do isolation of switch, proper cabling
Office work: Pantry R 1 3
Physical (minor cut, bruise) Proper maintenance of glassware
1 2
Physical(Slippery, fall) Signage, ensure floor dry after cleaning
Office work: Wash room R 1 3
Physical (car collision, accident) Ensure proper maintenance of vehicle, sufficient rest
Office work: R/E/NR 4 3
Physical (car collision, accident) Ensure proper maintenance of vehicle, sufficient rest
Health (noise, dust) Use appropriate PPE 2 2
Concrete work: R Plant & machineries (Hit by moving Utilize signal man, wear appropriate PPE, signage, 4 3
machineries, object) barricade
Excavation Natural event/ activity (rain, flood) To do slope protection signage, barricade 2 2
Physical: (Hit by falling object/fall from Use appropriate PPE to utilize experience supervisor, 2 3
height) signage, continues monitoring of work/activity
Concrete work: R
Rebar & formwork
Plant & machineries (Hit by falling object, To utilize signal man, wear appropriate PPE, signage, 4 3
Fall from height, Cut/Protrude by sharp barricade
Workers behavior that reckless, ignorance To do safety briefing, to utilize experience supervisor, 2 3
& bad temper safety petrol, penalty, terminate
Workers behavior that reckless, ignorance To do safety briefing, to utilize experience supervisor, 2 3
& bad temper safety petrol, penalty.
Working at higher platform, scaffolding Workers behavior that reckless, ignorance To do safety briefing, to utilize experience supervisor, 2 3
& bad temper safety petrol, penalty, terminate
Bricks works: Lifting & hoisting R Plant & machineries (Hit by moving object) To wear PPE utilize signal man 2 3
Physical: (Hit by falling object) To wear PPE, clear debris, Tool Box Meeting 2 3
Bricks works: Plastering, brick works Health (mineral dust) To wear PPE to ensure ventilation is sufficient 2 3
Physical: (Fall from height, hit by falling To wear PPE to utilize supervisor, Tool Box Meeting 2 3
Workers behavior that reckless, ignorance To do safety briefing, to utilize experience supervisor, 2 3
& bad temper safety petrol, penalty, terminate
Earthworks: Excavation, backfilling Plant & machineries (Fall from height, hit To utilize signal man, wear appropriate PPE, signage, 4 3
by moving object, earth cave in) barricade
Steel structure work: Fabricating R Physical (Hit by falling/moving object) To utilize signal man, appropriate PPE 2 3
Steel structure work: Erecting Plant & machineries (Fall from height) Utilize signal man, wear PPE, signage 4 3
Electrical (electrocution) To do proper earthing maintenance, proper cabling 3 3
Plant & machineries (Fall from height, hit To utilize signal man, wear appropriate PPE, signage, 4 3
by falling) barricade
Steel structure work: Working at high R Workers behavior that reckless, ignorance To do safety briefing, to utilize experience supervisor, 2 3
platform, scaffolding & bad temper safety petrol, penalty, CPAR, terminate
Intake piping work: Welding & cutting Physical: (heat from welding oxy) To wear PPE utilize supervisor, signage 2 3
Electrical (electrocution) To do proper earthing maintenance, proper cabling 3 3
Health (fume) To wear appropriate PPE, utilize competence welder 3 3
Intake piping work: Erection R Physical (falling object, knock by object, ) To utilize signal man, wear PPE 2 3
Plant & machineries (Hit by moving object, Utilize signal man, wear PPE, signage 4 3
Fall from height)
Deep excavation & shoring work Plant & machineries (Hit by moving object, To utilize signal man, wear PPE, signage, barricade 4 3
(confine space): Excavation & fall from height)
R Natural event / activity To do slope protection, signage, barricade 2 3
(rain / flood)
Health (noise, dust) To wear PPE 2 3
Deep excavation & shoring work Plant & machineries (Hit by moving/falling To utilize signal man, wear PPE, signage, barricade 4 3
(confine space): Sheet piling & steel object)
R Natural event / activity To do slope protection, signage, barricade 2 3
(rain / flood)
Physical: (Fall from height, Hit by falling To wear PPE utilize supervisor, signage 2 3
R Plant & machineries (Hit by falling/moving To utilize signal man, wear PPE, signage, barricade 4 3
Deep excavation & shoring work Workers behavior that reckless, ignorance To do safety briefing, to utilize experience supervisor, 2 3
(confine space): Rebar & formwork & bad temper safety petrol, penalty, CPAR, terminate
Deep excavation & shoring work To wear PPE to ensure ventilation is sufficient 2 3
(confine space): Concreting Health (mineral dust)
Plant & machineries (Fall from height, hit To utilize signal man, wear PPE, signage, barricade 4 3
by falling object)
Workers behavior that reckless, ignorance To do safety briefing, to utilize experience supervisor, 2 3
& bad temper safety petrol, penalty, terminate
Storage yard: Loading & unloading, Plant & machineries (lifting, hoisting To wear PPE proper identification of vehicle 4 2
transporting of materials, equipment & material, moving vehicle) movement route & speed, perimeter barricade
R Physical (falling object, knock by object) To wear PPE 2 2
Prepared by:
Risk Assessment
Overall Risk Legal or other Refer to Applicable legal
(L/M/H) requirement requirement